• How to enable google android synchronization. How to synchronize your mobile device on Android and Google account

    A lot can happen to your phone: you can drown it, lose it, break it, or just buy a new one. In any of these situations, you will need to restore all phone numbers. That's what it's needed for. What it is and how to work with it, read on.

    What is synchronization and how does it work? The simplest definition would be to back up numbers with all their attributes for safekeeping in one place. It may be needed in the following cases:

    1. Problems with the old device.
    2. Purchasing a new one.
    3. Simultaneous use of multiple Android devices.

    To copy, you must use one of the possible methods, and then view the data through a computer or transfer it to any media.

    How to set it up?

    Using a Gmail account

    Where is the data synchronized in this case? The storage location will be the cloud, for which you need:

    • On the phone itself, you need to log in to your account and enable synchronization in the settings;
    • go to the same email on your computer;
    • On the left side of the screen, find the inscription “Gmail” and click on it;
    • Select Contacts from the drop-down list;
    • after that, the Google service will open in a new tab, where all names with numbers and photographs set by the subscribers themselves as an avatar will be displayed.

    Using this method makes it possible, if there is a network connection, to verify and change data at selected intervals. To do this, you also need to install Google Drive on your PC, which will be useful for transferring numbers, as well as various files.

    Using programs

    In this case, special utilities that are installed on the PC will be useful. This can be a universal program (for example, My Phone Explorer) or software supplied by smartphone developers. In any case, the user will need:

    • enable USB debugging on the gadget (in developer options);
    • connect it using a cable to a PC;
    • through the notification panel, open the connection type menu and click on the corresponding item;
    • launch the selected program and transfer the information to your computer.

    The difference between this method is that it is a one-time copy and if changes are made, the procedure will have to be repeated.

    Via Outlook

    This method is the most difficult because it is impossible to sync Android contacts directly with Windows. But this does not mean that you cannot synchronize with Outlook. This will result in a csv file, which can later be opened with almost any utility.

    • go to the Google Contacts service;
    • mark the required numbers;
    • select export mode;
    • determine the format of the future file.

    This method does not synchronize the data on its own, but requires further updating of information in case of any changes.

    How to disable?

    If the numbers are no longer needed, you need to find out how to disable synchronization. To do this you will need to do the following:

    • go to the device settings, General tab;
    • find the Accounts item;
    • next - Google;
    • within a few seconds click on the email name;
    • in the window that appears, uncheck the Contacts item.

    After this, any changes in the phone book will not be reflected on the computer.

    One of the most useful and accessible features of the Google Chrome browser today is synchronization. It allows you to use your tabs and settings anywhere, and also restore them in case. But one day, everything can go sideways - evil colleagues are not asleep.

    What you need

    1. Google Chrome account.


    What to do if the computer at work is not yours, many people have access to it, and you absolutely do not want to store your personal information there, especially your browsing history and the like. it is possible and necessary in this case, just remember that the operation should be performed before starting work in an unsafe place.

    1. If you want to turn off syncing, you'll need to sign in to your Google Account first. You probably have it, since without it synchronization is impossible. To do this, click on your avatar in the upper right corner, then find the “Account” button and click on it.

    2. You will enter your account settings menu. It is logical that you would be interested in the tab "Safety". Confidently click on it and go down to the very bottom of the list. Here you are interested in a certain line called "Configure apps and websites to access your Google Account".

    3. Now you need to find the line with the name "Linked Sites, Applications and Services", just below which you will inevitably see the “Disable access” button. Press it firmly. Synchronization is now disabled for all devices. But remember: the information that has already been saved will not go anywhere - you just cut off the connection.

    4. It's time to delete the data. To do this, go to the standard settings of your browser, and then go to your personal account. The picture below shows where to click.

    5. After this, at the bottom you will inevitably find a button "Stop and Delete". Now all your data that was stored on the server has been deleted. Synchronization is disabled.

    6. Deleting local data (if required) is carried out only in a physical way - by deleting the user from Chrome. To do this, you need "Settings" and a "Delete user" button.

    Synchronization is a rather useful feature that every smartphone based on Android OS is equipped with. First of all, data exchange works in Google services – applications directly connected to the user’s account in the system. These include email messages, address book content, notes, calendar entries, games and much more. The active synchronization function allows you to access the same information simultaneously from different devices, be it a smartphone, tablet, computer or laptop. True, this consumes traffic and battery power, which is not suitable for everyone.

    Despite the many advantages and obvious benefits of data synchronization, sometimes users may need to disable it. For example, when there is a need to save battery power, because this function is very power-hungry. Deactivation of data sharing may apply to both your Google account and accounts in any other applications that support authorization. In all services and applications, this function works almost identically, and it can be turned on and off in the settings section.

    Option 1: Disable sync for apps

    Below we will look at how to disable the synchronization function using a Google account as an example. These instructions will also apply to any other account used on the smartphone.

    1. Open "Settings" by tapping on the corresponding icon (gear) on the main screen, in the application menu or in the expanded notification panel (curtain).
    2. Depending on the version of the operating system and/or the shell preinstalled by the device manufacturer, find the item containing the word "Accounts".

      It may be called "Accounts", "Other accounts", "Users and accounts". Open it.

    3. Note: On older versions of Android there is a general section directly in the settings "Accounts", which lists the connected accounts. In this case, there is no need to go anywhere.

    4. Select an item "Google".

      As mentioned above, on older versions of Android it is present directly in the general list of settings.

    5. The email address associated with it will be indicated next to the account name. If you use more than one Google account on your smartphone, select the one for which you want to disable synchronization.
    6. Next, based on the OS version, you must do one of the following:
    7. Note: On some versions of Android, you can disable synchronization for all items at once. To do this, tap on the icon in the form of two circular arrows. Other possible options are a toggle switch in the upper right corner, an ellipsis there, a tear-off menu with an item "Synchronize", or the button below "More", clicking which opens a similar menu section. All these switches can also be switched to the inactive position.

    8. Having completely or selectively deactivated the data synchronization function, exit the settings.

    You can do the same with the account of any other application used on your mobile device. Just find its name in the section "Accounts", open and deactivate all or some items.

    Note: On some smartphones, you can disable data synchronization (only completely) from the curtain. To do this, you just need to lower it and tap on the button "Synchronization", turning it into an inactive state.

    Option 2: Disable data backup to Google Drive

    Sometimes users, in addition to the synchronization function, also need to disable data backup (backup). Once activated, this feature allows you to save the following information in cloud storage ():

    • Application data;
    • Call log;
    • Device settings;
    • Photo and video;
    • SMS messages.

    This data saving is necessary so that after a factory reset or when purchasing a new mobile device, you can restore basic information and digital content sufficient for comfortable use of the Android OS. If you do not need to create such a useful backup, do the following:

    Solving some problems

    Many owners of Android devices can use them, but do not know their Google account information, email, or password. This is most typical for representatives of the older generation and inexperienced users who ordered service and first setup at the store where the device was purchased. The obvious disadvantage of this situation is the inability to use the same Google account on any other device. True, users who want to disable data synchronization are unlikely to be against it.

    Due to the instability of the Android operating system, especially on smartphones in the budget and mid-budget segments, failures in its operation can sometimes result in a complete shutdown or even a reset to factory settings. Sometimes, after turning on, such devices require entering the credentials of a synchronized Google account, but for one of the reasons described above, the user does not know either the login or password. In this case, you also need to disable synchronization, albeit at a deeper level. Let's briefly look at possible solutions to this problem:

    • Create and link a new Google account. Since the smartphone does not allow you to log in, you will have to create an account on a computer or any other properly working device.

      Once a new account is created, its data (email and password) will need to be entered when setting up the system for the first time. The old (synchronized) account can and should be deleted in the account settings.

    • Note: Some manufacturers (for example, Sony, Lenovo) recommend waiting 72 hours before linking a new account to your smartphone. According to them, this is necessary so that a complete reset and deletion of information about the old account is performed on Google servers. The explanation is dubious, but the anticipation itself sometimes really helps.

    • Reflashing the device. This is a radical method, which, moreover, cannot always be implemented (depending on the smartphone model and manufacturer). Its significant drawback lies in the loss of warranty, so if your mobile device is still covered by it, it is better to use the following recommendation.
    • Contacting the service center. Sometimes the cause of the problem described above lies in the device itself and is of a hardware nature. In this case, you won’t be able to disable synchronization and linking of a specific Google account yourself. The only possible solution is to contact an official service center. If your smartphone is still under warranty, it will be repaired or replaced free of charge. If the warranty period has already expired, you will have to pay to remove the so-called lock. In any case, this is more profitable than buying a new smartphone, and much safer than tormenting it yourself, trying to install unofficial firmware.


    As you can understand from this article, there is nothing difficult about disabling synchronization on an Android smartphone. This can be done for one or several accounts at once; in addition, there is the possibility of selectively setting parameters. In other cases, when the inability to disable synchronization appeared after a failure or reset of the smartphone, and the data from the Google account is unknown, the problem, although much more complex, can still be fixed independently or with the help of specialists.

    Recently, the cost of mobile devices has become so low, and their variety is so great, that many now have not one or two, but many devices of a wide variety of classes, ranging from simple smartphones and smartwatches for $50 to powerful tablets. This is all very cool, and this is the future that many have been waiting for, but synchronizing the work of so many gadgets can sometimes be difficult.


    Imagine that you have two Android smartphones, one Android tablet and an iPhone that you use from time to time. The first two smart phones are your workhorses: one of them is a large and powerful phablet that is convenient to use in the car, the second is a fairly simple smaller device that easily fits in your shorts pocket and accompanies you when you are on your own. The tablet is at home most of the time, and you use it to read books, surf the Internet, and move figures in the game Hitman Go.

    The real state of affairs, of course, may be different, but this is a fairly typical picture for a tech geek, and it is ideal for illustrating all the problems that the owner of many gadgets faces. What problems am I talking about? About the wild chime of all your gadgets every time an email message arrives; about missed calls when the call goes to the device you left at home; about the need to get up from a soft sofa when you receive an SMS while lying with a tablet on a soft sofa (come on, we’re all lazy); about the need to complete the game on the device on which you started playing it; about the exhausted battery of a gadget left at home (after all, it continues to wake up from every letter or message); about the problem of syncing Google contacts with iPhone.

    I could go on, but this should be enough to explain why I wrote this article in the first place. I don’t promise that after reading it you will be able to fix all these problems at once, but many of them will be solved.


    Google and Apple have done everything to save us from having to remember dozens of passwords and manually set up synchronization for each individual application. You just turn on the gadget, enter your account information once - and voila, everything works, letters arrive, messages are sent. the calendar reminds you of events. No matter how many devices you connect to your account, they will all be automatically synchronized with the cloud. It would seem, what else is needed?

    Well, first of all, not all devices need to be fully synchronized with cloud services from Google, Apple and other companies. For example, on a tablet I prefer to completely disable any type of synchronization. On Android this can be done in the menu Settings -> Accounts -> Service -> Account, in iOS - Settings -> General -> Content Update, and then disable the necessary applications (you can also completely disable synchronization with Apple services in Settings -> Mail, addresses, calendars -> Push). Of course, you can leave the synchronization of applications or Chrome, but things like Gmail or Contacts are not particularly needed on a tablet. In the end, you can check your mail manually when it is convenient.

    Secondly, not all your gadgets need to be synchronized always. This is the problem of the same ringing and battery consumption when synchronization occurs even if it is not needed (for example, when you are at home and, therefore, both of your smartphones too). In this case, you can either disable synchronization on one of the devices manually, or set up a clever scheme for automatically turning on/off synchronization and other necessary functions, which I will discuss in the next section.

    Thirdly, the synchronization mechanisms of Google and Apple do not overlap in any way. That is, for example, you will not receive automatic synchronization of contacts from your Google account on iOS, and Apple services will not be tied to your Android smartphone. On iPhone, this problem is quite easy to get around, either by installing Google applications (Gmail, Calendar, Google+), or simply adding a link to your Google account through the settings:

    1. “Settings -> Mail, addresses, calendars -> Add account”.
    2. Select Google and go through standard web authentication in the window that opens.
    3. We select the services that we want to synchronize: contacts, mail, calendars, notes.

    The method is simple and convenient, and most importantly, it works in both directions. Essentially, Google will be the central location for storing contacts, and iCIoud will become a secondary location.

    As for photos and files, the easiest way is to use Google+ or Carusel from Dropbox. They do an excellent job of synchronizing photos, and regular files can be moved, if necessary, using the same Dropbox or any other analogue.
    However, there is one very interesting detail here. The fact is that regular Dropbox for both platforms is very different from the desktop client and is simply a sophisticated web disk viewer without an automatic synchronization function. On Android, this problem is quite easily overcome with the help of the wonderful Dropsync application, which allows selective two-way synchronization of directories on a schedule or instantly - exactly the same as desktop Dropbox does. Such apps cannot exist on iOS due to technical restrictions imposed by the company on third-party apps. Therefore, you will have to either drag and drop the necessary files into Dropbox yourself, or jailbreak and perform two-way synchronization using iFile, but only manually, without the possibility of instant synchronization.

    Fourthly, synchronization does not work regarding application settings. In most cases, this does not matter, since mobile software for the most part is clients of various kinds of web services, and those that work separately usually do not require any settings. However, there is a whole class of programs that can be a pain to use on different devices without synchronizing settings. These are not only games, but also, for example, book readers. software for application development, applications linked to a phone number (hello, WhatsApp!), and simply complex software with many settings.

    Not a single mobile operating system from the Big Three can synchronize settings between multiple devices. And this is absolutely correct, since each device has its own characteristics and the settings that work on a tablet are unlikely to suit a smart watch. However, in the case of Android, we can bypass this problem by using third-party applications. There are at least three applications that allow you to organize this: Titanium Backup, Helium and DataSync. From my own experience, I can say that only the latter works correctly, and besides, it is free.
    So, we install DataSync on both (three, four, forty-five) devices, agree to give it root rights (and where would we be without them). Once on the main screen of one of the devices, click + and select those applications whose data should be synchronized, and click on the floppy disk icon at the bottom of the screen. This is how we get the so-called synchronization list. To send data from these applications to another device (or vice versa), click the two arrows at the top of the screen, select the device, synchronization direction and wait - everything is very simple. Synchronization is performed via a local network, but it is also possible to import/export settings to the Google Drive or Dropbox cloud. Of course, Android -> iOS synchronization is not possible.


    We seem to have sorted out the synchronization. Let's move on to more hardcore things, namely, adaptive adjustment of devices to each other. Let me remind you that our task is to get rid of the hellish ringing of devices when they are all at home, and also to set up call forwarding so as not to miss a call. The second task can be solved very simply either through the operator’s website (a good idea is to set up call forwarding according to the “If the subscriber does not pick up within ten seconds” scheme) or in the smartphone settings ( Phone -> Menu -> Settings -> Calls -> Call forwarding). At this stage, by the way, you should immediately select the “main device with the main SIM card”: firstly, redirection will be carried out from it, and secondly, it will be the working device at home, while all other devices will disable any types of synchronization in automatic mode.

    To set up this automatic shutdown, we need Tasker. It should be installed on all “auxiliary” devices. Next, launch Tasker, press +, then “ Status -> Network -> Connected to Wi-Fi network", enter the SSID and press the button "Back", then click in the drop-down menu "New challenge", indicate the name (let it be Sync Off), press +, continue “Network -> Auto-sync -> Installation -> Turn off”, press twice "Back".

    This setting will allow devices to automatically disable synchronization with Google and other services when they are connected to a network with the specified SSID (this should be our home network). As a result, the whole scheme will look like this:

    • the main device will always be synchronized with web services;
    • when you are at home, other devices will disable synchronization and not bother you with their notifications;
    • if you are away from home and not with the “main” device, it will enable synchronization and you will be able to receive calls to the main SIM card thanks to forwarding.

    It might be a good idea to enable airplane mode instead of disabling synchronization, but starting from version 4.2 Android does not allow third-party applications (in our case Tasker) to do this, so you will have to get root, install the Tasker plugin called Secure Settings, and activate it in it System+ module and then call it through Tasker ( “Plugin -> Secure Settings -> System+ Actions -> Airplane Mode”). In general, it’s not worth the candle.

    Working with multiple devices of different classes can be made convenient, and this is a great way to get the best of several worlds. Of course, Android once again turns out to be much more flexible than Apple technology, but in fairness it should be said that Apple does not impose only its services and the iPhone lives quite comfortably tied to Google. It’s better, of course, not to be attached to anyone, but that’s a completely different story.

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    The Android mobile operating system, like almost any modern platform, provides functionality that ensures the safety of the user’s personal data. One such tool is synchronization of contacts, passwords, applications, calendar entries, etc. But what if such an important element of the OS stops working properly?

    One of the common problems in this case is the lack of synchronization of the user's contact list. Such a failure may be short-term, in which case after a certain time the exchange of data with the Google cloud is restored.

    It's another matter when the termination of contact synchronization is permanent. We will talk further about how to correct such an error in the system.

    Before performing the steps described below, you should double-check whether the device is connected to the Internet. Just open any page in a mobile web browser or launch an application that requires mandatory network access.

    You should also be sure that you are logged into your Google account and there are no problems with its operation. To do this, open any application from the Good Corporation mobile application package, such as Gmail, Inbox, etc. Better yet, try installing any program from the Play Store.

    And the last point - auto-sync must be turned on. If this function is activated, the necessary data is synchronized with the cloud automatically without your direct participation.

    To find out if this option is enabled, you need to go to "Settings""Accounts""Google". Here in the additional menu (vertical ellipsis at the top right) the item should be checked "Auto-sync data".

    If all of the above points are in perfect order, feel free to move on to ways to fix the contact synchronization error.

    Method 1: Manually synchronize your Google account

    The simplest solution, which in some cases can be effective.

    If after performing these steps, synchronization begins and completes successfully, the problem is solved. Otherwise, we try other ways to resolve the error.

    Method 2: Removing and Re-Adding Google Account

    This option is even more likely to fix the problem with syncing contacts on your Android device. You just need to delete your authorized Google account and log in again.

    Our next step is to add the newly deleted Google account to the device again.

    By adding a Google account again, we start the data synchronization process from scratch.

    Method 3: Force Synchronization

    If the previous troubleshooting methods do not work, you will have to “cheat,” so to speak, and force the device to synchronize all data. There are two ways to do this.

    The first method is to change the date and time settings.

    As a result, your contacts and other data will be forcibly synchronized with the Google cloud.

    Another option for forcing synchronization is using a dialer. Accordingly, it is suitable only for Android smartphones.

    In this case, you need to open the Phone application or any other “dialer” and enter the following combination:

    As a result, you should see the following message in the notification bar indicating a successful connection.

    Method 4: Clear cache and delete data

    A very effective method of dealing with contact synchronization errors is to completely delete them and clear the associated data.

    Now let's start clearing the cache and contact list.

    Method 5: Third Party App

    It may happen that none of the methods described above will fix the problem with contact synchronization. In this case, we recommend using it from a third-party developer.

    The “Fix for contact synchronization” program is able to identify and correct a number of errors that lead to the inability to synchronize contacts.

    All you need to do to fix the problem is press a button "To correct" and follow further instructions of the application.