• How to choose the right binoculars. How to choose binoculars for hunting and traveling with high magnification

    The modern choice of binoculars is very wide - online stores offer a wide variety of models from the world's leading manufacturers, but the “best binoculars” will be the one that best suits your needs and best suits you in terms of its technical characteristics and at the same time suits you at the price.

    For example, at what approximation do you want to see the objects being observed, are you planning to use the binoculars in bright light and at dusk, would you prefer a lightweight version adapted for long-term observations?

    Obviously, theatrical binoculars and military binoculars, night vision binoculars or marine binoculars, binoculars for astronomical observations or compact binoculars for watching sports competitions have significant differences in characteristics. Therefore, in order to buy binoculars that will serve you as a good companion for many years, you need to at least superficially delve into the subject.


    One of the most important qualities of binoculars is its magnification – the ability to magnify the surroundings. If the binoculars' magnification is 8, this means that at maximum zoom you can see the observed object 8 times closer than you can see without binoculars.

    There is no need to strive to buy binoculars with the highest possible magnification - this is not always an advantage. The magnification should be selected in accordance with the location and circumstances in which the binoculars are planned to be used.

    As a rule, for field observations, devices with a magnification of 6-8 are used, and 8-10-fold magnification is practically the limit at which observation from the hand is possible - at higher magnifications, observation is hampered by jitter proportional to the gain of the optics.

    In binoculars with strong magnification - 15-20x, this problem is solved with the help of a tripod, on which special adapters, or adapters, are produced to strengthen the device. Due to their significant weight and dimensions, powerful binoculars are not suitable for long-term wearing; in addition, too high a magnification is of no use, for example, in forest conditions, when there are a lot of visual obstacles on the ground.

    There are binoculars with variable magnification, or pancratic ones, in which the degree of magnification can be smoothly changed, as in photographic lenses with zoom. Their design is more complex than “regular” binoculars, and the price is correspondingly higher.

    Diameter lenses

    The diameter of the front lens of the lens is indicated in the marking immediately after the magnification. For example, 20x60 is deciphered as follows: 20x is the magnification, and 60 is the diameter of the lens in millimeters.

    The lens diameter determines the image quality of the binoculars. It also determines the amount of light entering the binoculars - the larger the diameter of the lens, the better it collects light. Therefore, the size of the entrance pupil must also be selected depending on the time of day, that is, the level of illumination at which the binoculars are supposed to be used.

    The most versatile binoculars for use in field conditions are those with parameters like 6x30, or 7x35, or even 8x42. If you need binoculars, for example, to observe nature, that is, to observe quite distant objects in the daytime, then binoculars with 8-10x magnification and a lens within 30-50 mm are suitable. But you need to take into account that due to the small diameter of the lenses, they collect less light and at twilight visibility is relatively weaker.

    If you need binoculars to occasionally watch sporting events, pocket binoculars with parameters like 8x24 will be enough, since these purposes require general plans, not detailed viewing.

    To observe in low light conditions, for example, at dawn or dusk, you will have to choose binoculars with a larger lens diameter, or, alternatively, sacrifice the magnification, then with the same lens size you can observe in lower light conditions. For these purposes, the optimal ratios are 7x42, 7x50.

    Night binoculars are a separate group of devices, in which two subgroups are distinguished - active and passive night vision binoculars. For observations in minimal light (for example, moonlight), passive binocular lenses must have a multi-layer coating that eliminates glare and increases the lens's ability to transmit light.

    Active binoculars can also be used in conditions of complete darkness, since they use infrared radiation, and, accordingly, their operating time is limited by the power source. These binoculars are equipped with a system of protection against accidental activation, since activation in bright light conditions can damage the sensitive device.

    If you want to observe planets or, for example, the relief of the surface of the Moon through binoculars, then you will need powerful binoculars with a magnification of more than 20x. For a general introduction to the night sky, binoculars with around 10x50 performance are a great option. To observe distant planets or study lunar craters in detail, a telescope is needed.

    These two devices complement each other perfectly, since binoculars, thanks to their stereoscopic properties, have some advantages over a telescope that is undoubtedly more powerful in magnification.

    Angle of view

    The field of view (or angle) is another important characteristic of binoculars. As a rule, it is specified in degrees, and means the width of coverage. This parameter is inversely related to magnification - that is, the more powerful the binoculars, the smaller its angle of “vision”.

    Binoculars with a large viewing angle are called wide-field, or wide-angle. In the mountains, it is more convenient to use binoculars with a wide field of view, since the large viewing angle makes it possible to orientate well in the observation area.

    Often this indicator is not indicated by the angle in degrees, but by the width of the viewed segment at a distance of 1000 meters. So, if in the binocular parameters the field of view width is set to 110, this means that, being at a distance of 1000 meters from the observed area, you will be able to see an area 110 meters wide.

    Exit pupil diameter

    Exit pupil diameter can be defined as the ratio of the entrance pupil diameter to the magnification. For example, for 6x30 binoculars it is 5. The best indicator is considered to be close to the size of the pupil of a person - approximately 7 mm.

    The size of the exit pupil with characteristics of 20x60 will be 3. The larger this indicator, the longer you can observe in low light conditions. Size 2-3 is suitable for short observation in good light. Then the eyes will begin to get tired and overstrained. Five to seven is a suitable exit pupil for working eyes in low light conditions or for long periods of time. The ideal binoculars from this point of view would be 7x50, where the diameter of the exit pupil is greater than 7 mm.


    This parameter depends on the magnification of the optical device and the viewing angle, and determines the brightness of the image when observed through binoculars. Aperture is defined as the ratio of the brightness of the image when observed through an optical device to the brightness of the same device when observed with the naked eye, and is directly proportional to the diameter of the exit pupil.

    Obviously, the aperture ratio is quite difficult to determine in this way, so in practice it is denoted by an abstract number - namely, the square of the diameter of the exit pupil. That is, for example, in 20x60 binoculars, as mentioned above, the diameter of the exit pupil is three, and the aperture ratio, accordingly, is nine. For 6x30 binoculars, the aperture ratio will be equal to five squared, that is, 25. For observation in low light conditions, the aperture ratio should be equal to or higher than 25.

    The aperture ratio, field of view and magnification of binoculars are closely interrelated - a change in one of these parameters entails a change in the other two. Thus, as the magnification increases, the field of view of the device decreases, and an increase in the exit pupil will increase the aperture of the binoculars, but reduce the magnification.


    Central focusing is a universal way to quickly achieve sharpness, for example, when observing a moving object. With this focusing method, the control knob, common to both eyepieces, is located near the swivel joint of the tubes. If you wear glasses, it is highly desirable to have a diopter adjustment on your binoculars to correct nearsightedness or farsightedness.

    If there is visual impairment in only one eye or there is a strong difference in visual impairment between the right and left eye, then it is better to purchase binoculars with a separate diopter correction for each eye. In these binoculars, adjustment is made by rotating the diopter ring of each eyepiece individually. Sometimes such binoculars have divisions corresponding to the level of vision - using them, a person who knows the diopter of his eyes can immediately adjust the eyepieces of the binoculars to it.

    There are also binoculars with a fixed focus, or focus free, which, although they provide fairly mediocre image quality, are very convenient in situations where there is no time for adjustments - for example, for firefighters or rescuers. Keep in mind that some mid-price fixed-focus binoculars only provide clear images of objects over 20 meters away. It is almost impossible to use them to view closer objects.

    Depth of field

    This characteristic, as a rule, is not indicated in the parameters of binoculars, but it is worth keeping in mind that the depth of field (the range of distances to the observed target that does not require changing the adjusted focus) decreases as the magnification of binoculars increases. In the forest, a large depth of field is preferable - that is, objects located at a distance of both 20 and 200 meters are visible equally clearly.

    Stereoscopic image

    The advantage of binoculars over a telescope or monocular is that, by bringing an object closer, binoculars retain such a property of human vision as binocularity, or stereoscopicity, which allows you to see objects in volume and distinguish the location of objects in perspective and their mutual distance. It is this property, also called plasticity, that creates a sense of the depth of space, as well as the terrain.

    The three-dimensionality of the image is ensured by moving the lenses (exit holes) wider than the eyepieces (input holes). In a device such as a stereo tube, the distance between the lenses exceeds the distance between the eyepieces by 10 times, due to which the plasticity of vision is further increased.

    Stereoscopicity is a plus in field conditions, but at the same time, for example, in a theater this property, on the contrary, would interfere with perception. That is why in the design of theater binoculars the distance between the lenses and eyepieces is equal.

    Specific ductility is defined as the ratio of the distance between the lenses to the distance between the eyepieces, and in the case of binoculars, where this distance is approximately twice as large, it is equal to two. Total plasticity is defined as the specific plasticity multiplied by the factor. For example, if the binoculars described have a magnification of 6x, its total plasticity will be equal to 12.

    Optical system

    Based on the optical systems used, binoculars are divided into lens (Galilean, theater) and prism (field) binoculars. The former have good aperture, give a direct rather than stereoscopic image, and are characterized by low magnification and a narrow field of view.

    The second type of binoculars, as the name suggests, uses prisms that serve to turn the inverted image produced by the lens into a familiar one, which allows you to significantly reduce the length of the binoculars and increase their viewing angle. Prisms, turning the images over, “fold” the light rays, forcing them to pass through the body of the binocular tube along a broken line.

    Prism type

    Prism binoculars today use one of two types of wraparound systems - using Porro or Roof prisms, also called roof-shaped.

    The wraparound system by the French optician Porro is classic; binoculars with it have an easily recognizable curved design, in which the lens and eyepiece are located not on the same straight line, but in steps, as a result of which the perspective and, accordingly, plasticity, that is, the realism of the picture, increases.

    In binoculars with Roof prisms, which have two edges located at right angles to each other, like a gable roof, the lens and eyepiece of the telescope are located on the same axis. This allows binoculars with this wrapping system to be more compact and lighter than binoculars equipped with a Porro wrapping system. However, they tend to be more expensive due to the fact that the small prisms require perfect precision grinding and polishing to produce high quality images.


    Naturally, when light passes through the optical system, some losses of reflection and absorption occur, which reduces the brightness of the resulting image - when observing through binoculars, objects appear less illuminated than without them. Moreover, the more complex the optical device, the greater these losses.

    Transparency coefficient is the ability of binoculars to transmit light rays, indicated by a metric fraction. For example, if the loss is 40% of the light, then the transparency coefficient is 0.6. Therefore, the maximum value of the transparency coefficient is equal to one.

    Losses of this kind are in no way related to the magnification or field of view of the binoculars, and to reduce them, special measures are used, such as coating the optics - the use of a special transparent coating on the surface of the optical elements, which reduces light loss and optical distortion, thereby improving the quality of the image in question.


    First of all, the body of the binoculars must be strong enough not to break or be damaged if dropped. The shockproof performance of binoculars depends on the rubber coating of the body, thanks to which the binoculars are firmly held in the hands and do not suffer from shocks, and also become sufficiently moisture resistant in order to function correctly in rainy weather or splashing water.

    Another property of binoculars is water resistance. Modern binoculars can be so sealed that moisture will not penetrate them even if they are dropped into water to a depth of 5 meters and remain in it for some time.

    Anti-fog protection is achieved by filling the space between the lenses with nitrogen. This technique helps the lenses not to fog up even with sudden temperature changes.

    The presence of all these qualities is usually important for hunters, researchers, tourists and naturalists. For those who look at birds and animals through binoculars, it may be important for the surfaces and covers of the binoculars to be dull and dull in order to avoid the risk of spooking the observed animals.

    There are also binoculars with special features, such as a built-in compass, laser rangefinder or image stabilizer, which can be used for many non-standard tasks. The price of such binoculars, as a rule, is several times higher than the price of binoculars with similar characteristics, but without special options.

    Summing up

    Summarizing the above, we can say that binoculars with parameters 7x35 or 8x42 are the most versatile devices, suitable for most customer needs. However, there are often cases when among the characteristics the highest priority ones are highlighted.

    For example, if observation takes place during the day and it is necessary to examine fairly distant objects, then it would be more appropriate to choose binoculars with 8x42 or even 10x42 characteristics. If observation mainly occurs at dusk, then, on the contrary, you need binoculars in which the advantage is given to aperture - for example, 7x42 or 7x50.


    There are a number of easily identifiable shortcomings found in low-quality binoculars that can adversely affect vision with prolonged use of this type of technology. Firstly, this is a blurred or colored image, secondly, it is illuminated by white light, especially at the edge of the field of view, thirdly, difficulties in focusing or doubling of the object in question. If at least one of these problems occurs when using binoculars, it is better not to purchase it.

    In our store, all binoculars undergo mandatory testing to identify possible defects.

    Binoculars- This is an optical device that is used to observe distant objects. Binoculars consist of two telescopes connected together, resulting in a stereoscopic image. This makes observation more comfortable and allows you to more accurately estimate the size of an object and the distance to it, and since our brain is adapted to process information most efficiently when it comes from both eyes, you can see an object in more detail through binoculars than through a spotting scope the same frequency.

    Binoculars, as a rule, consists of an optical part, a housing and a mechanical system. Theater and the cheapest binoculars are made according to Galileo's design: their optical system is a combination of a convex light-collecting lens (eyepiece) and a concave diverging lens (objective). These binoculars are quite compact, but their noticeable drawback is their small field of view.

    The vast majority of modern binoculars are made according to Kepler's scheme. Such binoculars have converging lenses in both the objective and the eyepiece, and in order for the resulting image to have the correct orientation, wrapping prisms are placed between the binocular lenses.

    Lens- part of the optical system that forms the image - can be lens (that is, consist only of lenses), mirror (represent a mirror) or mirror-lens (consist of lenses and mirrors). Mirror and mirror-lens binoculars, as a rule, are cheaper and lighter than lens binoculars, but are noticeably inferior to them in image quality. How bright the image obtained with binoculars will be depends on the size of its objective lens, more precisely, its aperture, the entrance hole limited by the frame. The larger the aperture of the binoculars, the brighter they will be.

    Eyepiece– the output lens of the binoculars is facing the observer’s eye. In order for the image to have as little distortion as possible, binocular eyepieces are made of several elements, each of which is made of 1-3 lenses glued together.

    To produce the highest quality binocular eyepieces, special optical glasses with extra-low dispersion (ED glass) are used.

    Diagram of binoculars with Porro prisms

    Mid-priced binoculars are often equipped with eyepieces whose lenses contain aspherical elements. These eyepieces help correct some optical aberrations using just one lens. This makes the binoculars cheaper and lighter. Aspherics are not used in top-class binoculars.

    There are two types of prism wrapping systems - Porro (porro) and Roof (roof, otherwise roof-shaped prisms).

    With binoculars Porro prisms Double Z-shaped prisms are used, as a result of which the optical axis of such binoculars “breaks” and its pipes have a protrusion. Due to the fact that the optical channels of binoculars with Porro prisms are quite widely spaced in space, such binoculars provide a bright image with a good transfer of the three-dimensionality of the object being observed.

    Binoculars with roof prisms more compact than binoculars with Porro prisms. There is practically no bending of the optical axis in them. Modern binoculars use two types of roof prisms: Abbe-König and Schmidt-Pehan. The most common binoculars are those with Abbe-König prisms. The advantages of binoculars with roof prisms include the fact that, due to the peculiarities of their design, such binoculars are easier to make airtight than binoculars with porro prisms. However, binoculars with roof prisms are usually more expensive than binoculars with porro prisms, since they are more difficult to manufacture. In addition, mid-priced roof prism binoculars tend to have less bright and less contrasting images than porro prism binoculars of the same size and magnification.

    Diagram of a light beam passing through a Schmidt-Pehan prism

    For the highest quality binoculars, prisms are made from VAK-4 optical glass. Binoculars in a lower price category may have prisms made of VK7 glass.

    Phase correction coating used only for binoculars with roof prisms (binoculars with porro prisms do not need them). As a result of multiple internal reflections of the light beam occurring inside roof prisms, the light is partially polarized. An angle called the phase shift angle occurs between the polarization vectors. Subsequently, when these two vectors are added, the resulting image is less bright and contrasty than that of binoculars with Porro prisms. Phase correction coating helps maintain image brightness and contrast and correct color reproduction.

    The amount of light brought to the eyes by binoculars depends on the features antireflective coating his optics. If the binocular optics did not have an anti-reflective coating, then about 10% of the light would be reflected from any glass/air surface.

    Single layer coating reduces light loss by up to 4%.

    Multilayer coating helps reduce them to 0.25% for each lens and even more. The best binoculars have light transmission of 95-97%.

    It is very important that the binoculars have a large enough exit pupil. Exit pupil is the diameter of the light beam entering the observer's eye. The size of the exit pupil is determined by the ratio of the binocular aperture, expressed in mm, to its magnification. If the exit pupil of the binoculars is small (3-4 mm), then observation using such binoculars will only be possible during the day. At dusk, the amount of light coming out of it will be insufficient, and the image will turn out very dark. If you intend to observe in low light conditions, it is better to choose binoculars with an exit pupil of 7-8 mm. If the binoculars have an exit pupil larger than this value, some of the light will be wasted.

    Binocular magnification- a value that shows how many times a given binocular magnifies the image of an object compared to how it would be visible to the naked eye. As a rule, a binocular magnification of 10-12x is enough to conduct full observations of the Moon. Moreover, for observations using such binoculars, the observer will not need a tripod, since the image will be stable. If the magnification of the binoculars exceeds this value, then its image will “jump”. Its stability is affected by a trembling in the hands of the observer, imperceptible at first glance. Therefore, binoculars with a magnification of 16x and higher are recommended to be used only with a tripod. You should also take into account the fact that as the magnification increases, the field of view of binoculars decreases, that is, only a narrow sector of space is visible through binoculars with high magnification. High magnification binoculars are usually designed for astronomical observations. They have a large aperture (60-120mm) and weigh over 3kg. Therefore, holding them in your hands for more or less long periods of time is often simply impossible.

    Astronomical binoculars Miyauchi 26x100 "Galaxy" Bj-iCE APO

    In addition to binoculars with constant magnification, there are binoculars with variable magnification (pancratic binoculars). Their magnification can vary from 7 to 35x and even from 10 to 60x. No matter how attractive the idea of ​​replacing several binoculars with one may seem, you should think carefully before buying such binoculars. Pancratic binoculars are quite difficult to manufacture. The image obtained with their help is always inferior in quality to the image obtained using binoculars with constant magnification. It can be difficult for a manufacturer to ensure that when changing the magnification ratio, the light beams in both binocular channels remain parallel, the image does not rotate around its axis, etc. And the large number of moving mechanical parts makes these binoculars less reliable than constant power binoculars.

    Source - http://www.profoptic.ru/articles/?id=53

    Nowadays, those who want to purchase high-quality modern binoculars have a lot of options. The choice of a wide variety of equipment from global manufacturers is unusually large, including in online stores. But it is best to choose the one that suits you in terms of technical parameters and at the same time suits you in terms of price.

    This device is quite technically complex, and it is sometimes difficult for the average consumer to understand its characteristics. For example, what does “30x60 binoculars” mean? Let's try to find out.

    What types of binoculars are there?

    When starting to make your choice, decide what kind of approximation is enough for you to observe, will you use the device not only in bright light, but also in the twilight, will you be satisfied with a lightweight option with which long-term observation is possible? For the same 30x60 binoculars, reviews can be very different depending on the needs of the owner.

    Therefore, it is so important to decide why exactly you are buying this device and under what conditions you are going to use it.

    Binoculars can be theatrical and military, naval or night vision, as well as small compact ones - for those present at the stadium during competitions. Or, on the contrary, large ones, intended for observations by astronomers. Each variety has its own characteristics. Sometimes they differ quite significantly. To make a good choice, let’s get acquainted with the main ones.

    What is multiplicity?

    This is one of the most important characteristics of such a device as binoculars. Multiplicity tells us about the ability to increase the environment. If, for example, its indicator is 8, then at the maximum approximation you will view the observed object at a distance that is 8 times less than the one at which it actually is.

    Trying to buy a device with the highest possible magnification ratio is unreasonable. This indicator should be related to the circumstances and place of use of the binoculars. For observations in the field, it is customary to use equipment with magnification numbers from 6 to 8. Magnification of binoculars of 8-10 times is the maximum at which you can observe handheld. If it is higher, jitter, which is also amplified by optics, will interfere.

    Binoculars with significant magnification (from 15-20x) are used in conjunction with a tripod, on which they are mounted using a special adapter or adapter. The large weight and dimensions are not suitable for long-term wearing and in most cases are not needed, especially when the view is obstructed by many obstacles.

    Models with variable magnification (pancratic) are produced. The degree of magnification in them is changed manually, like photographic lenses. But due to the increased complexity of the device, they are more expensive.

    What does “30x60 binoculars” mean, or Let’s talk about lens diameter

    The marking of any binocular contains the size of the diameter of the front lens of its objective, which is given immediately after the magnification index. For example, what does “30x60 binoculars” mean? These numbers are deciphered as follows: 30x is the magnification factor, 60 is the size of the lens diameter in mm.

    The quality of the resulting image depends on the diameter of the lens. In addition, it determines the flow of light from binoculars - the wider the diameter, the wider it is. Binoculars marked 6x30, 7x35 or, in extreme cases, 8x42 are considered universal for hiking conditions. If you plan to conduct observations in nature during the day, and you will be looking at fairly distant objects, take a device with a magnification of 8 or 10 times and a lens with a diameter of 30 to 50 mm. But at dusk they are not very effective due to less light entering the lenses.

    The best binoculars for spectators at sporting events are small ones (pocket size) with parameters around 8x24, they are good for general shots.

    If there is not enough light

    In poor lighting conditions (at dusk or dawn), you should either choose a device with a large lens diameter, or sacrifice magnification. The optimal ratio may be 7x50 or 7x42.

    A separate group is the so-called night binoculars - active and passive. Passive lenses are equipped with a multi-layer coating that eliminates glare. They are used in the presence of minimal lighting (for example, moonlight). Active devices also work in complete darkness, as they use infrared radiation. Their disadvantage is their dependence on the power source.

    Those who like to study space objects (for example, look at the topography of the lunar surface) need binoculars that are powerful enough, with a magnification of at least 20x. For a more detailed acquaintance with the night sky, it is better for an amateur astronomer to take a telescope, which in this case cannot be replaced even by the best binoculars.

    What is viewing angle?

    The viewing angle (or its field) is another important characteristic. This value in degrees indicates the width of coverage. This parameter is inversely dependent on magnification - powerful binoculars have a small “angle of view”.

    Binoculars with a wide viewing angle are called wide-angle (or wide-field). They are convenient to take to the mountains to better navigate in space.

    Often this indicator is expressed not as a graduated angle, but as the width of a segment or space that can be viewed at a standard range of 1000 m.

    Other binocular characteristics

    The exit pupil diameter is the quotient of the entrance pupil diameter divided by the magnification value. That is, for binoculars marked 6x30 this figure is 5. The optimal number in this case is about 7 mm (the size of the human pupil).

    What does "30x60 binoculars" mean in this case? The fact that the size of the exit pupil with this marking is equal to 2. Such binoculars are suitable for not too long observation in good lighting, then the eyes are at risk of fatigue and overstrain. If the illumination leaves much to be desired, or long-term observation is required, this indicator should be at least 5, and preferably 7 or more.

    Another parameter - aperture "controls" the brightness of the image. It is directly dependent on the diameter of the exit pupil. The abstract number that characterizes it is equal to the square of its diameter. In low light conditions, it is advisable to have this indicator at least 25.

    The next concept is focus. Being central, it is a universal means of quickly focusing. Its regulator is located near the hinge connecting the pipes. For glasses wearers, it is advisable to have binoculars with diopter adjustment.

    What else is important

    Other, not so global characteristics of binoculars, nevertheless play a significant role in their choice. Depth of field is the length of the segment to the object of observation, on which it is not necessary to change the adjusted focus. The higher the magnification of the device, the lower it is.

    Binoculars have the property of stereoscopicity (binocularity) characteristic of the human eye, which makes it possible to observe objects in volume and perspective. This is its advantage over a monocular or telescope. But this quality, useful in the field, interferes in other cases. Therefore, for example, in it is reduced to a minimum.

    According to the optics systems, binoculars are lens (theater, Galilean) and prism (or field). The former have good aperture, direct image, low magnification and a narrow field of view. Secondly, prisms are used that turn the inverted image obtained from the lens into a familiar one. This reduces the length of the binoculars and increases the viewing angle.

    The ability of a device to transmit rays of light, expressed as a fraction, is called. For example, with a loss of 40% of light, this coefficient is 0.6. Its maximum value is one.

    What type of binocular body is there?

    Its main advantage is strength. Shockproof qualities are ensured by the rubber coating of the case, which also ensures reliability when held in the hands and moisture resistance in wet weather.

    Modern waterproof binoculars are so sealed that they can remain under water for some time at a depth of up to 5 meters without harm. The lenses protect against fogging by filling the space between them with nitrogen. These qualities are important for tourists, hunters, and naturalists. Binoculars with a rangefinder are useful for researchers, and a device with a dim matte surface is useful for those who like to watch animals.

    Certain non-standard functions of individual devices, such as image stabilizer or a built-in compass, significantly increase the cost of binoculars and are welcome only when necessary. Decide for yourself whether you really need, for example, binoculars with a rangefinder, and whether you are willing to overpay for this option.

    Binoculars are a portable optical device that consists of two spotting scopes with lenses connected together. It is used for remote monitoring of objects, animals, people or panoramas. The device magnifies the image, allowing you to clearly see details that are difficult to see with the naked eye.

    How to use binoculars

    It will take a few seconds to learn how to use such optics. In terms of use, this is a very simple technique. You need to take the body of the binoculars in your hands and put its eyepieces to your eyes. Due to the fact that the facial structure of each person is individual, the distance between the eyes is different. In this regard, the design of the device provides for the possibility of adjusting some parameters. The telescopes are not rigidly connected to each other, which allows you to change the angle between them, expanding or narrowing the distance between the eyes to suit the structural features of the face.

    After the device is adjusted to the distance between the eyes, you need to set the magnification factor. Not all binoculars have this feature. Adjustment is carried out by a special wheel or lever located behind the right eyepiece. Rotating the adjusting washer allows you to adjust the optimal degree of magnification. If we consider relatively close objects, the minimum magnification is set. When you need to survey the distant horizon, the magnification level is set to the maximum level.

    In addition to the individual characteristics of the facial structure, each person has a different quality of vision. Some suffer from myopia, others from farsightedness, and still others have almost perfect eyes. As a result, the eye crystal projects the image differently, transmitting it to the brain. In this regard, the location of the lenses inside the binoculars must be adapted to the characteristics of the person. This phenomenon is absolutely similar to what happens with vision glasses. Lenses with different diopters are suitable for some, and completely unsuitable for others. To solve this problem, binoculars focus by rotating the right eye or both eyes. If the settings are not suitable, the image appears blurry and almost white. After adjustment it becomes clear.

    Binoculars by purpose

    • Sports.
    • Tourist.
    • Hunting.
    • Astronomical.
    • Military.
    • Theatrical.

    Sports usually used by judges of various competitions to monitor athletes. They are also used by participants in military sports competitions such as paintball.

    Tourist used by travelers. These are relatively lightweight devices that can be used to scan the surrounding landscape in search of an easier route through rough terrain.

    Binoculars are also used hunters for watching game. The use of optical devices allows you to determine where a bird or other living creature is located in one place, without creating a frightening noise.

    Astronomical are quite massive because they have multiple degrees of magnification. They are used to observe the sky. Of course, their magnification is significantly inferior to that of a telescope, but such devices have a great advantage - the ability to observe an object with two eyes. Most amateur telescopes only have one eyepiece, so binoculars are superior in this regard. Their ability to magnify objects makes it possible to view the Moon, as well as nearby celestial bodies moving nearby. The technical capabilities of such equipment leave no chance of discovering new comets or planets, but for entertaining inspection the parameters are quite sufficient.

    Military are among the most trouble-free. They are characterized by increased resistance to mechanical stress. Such binoculars can differ significantly from each other depending on the direction of their use. For military purposes, binoculars are produced designed for reconnaissance activities, adjusting artillery fire, or for sentinels on towers and naval vessels.

    The most compact are theatrical. They have a small multiplicity and are often equipped with a special handle for comfortable hand holding for a long time. Such devices are purchased by those who like to attend theaters and concerts. Magnifying optics allow you to view the action on stage while being in the back rows.

    Binocular magnification

    Or the degree of magnification of binoculars is one of the main criteria for choosing this optics. The higher this indicator, the more distant the object can be viewed, while identifying small details. Often, each binocular has a digital designation in its name, for example: 20X50. The number 20 means that the device is capable of magnifying the image 20 times. Not indicating this indicator in the title is a rare exception. In this case, you can find out about the multiplicity by examining the body of the device. The inscription is written with indelible paint from the side of the eyepiece. Devices that have a multiplicity correction function also have a digital designation. For example: 8-24X50 means that the optics are capable of magnification ranging from 8 to 24 times.

    Lens diameter

    A very important factor that you need to pay attention to when purchasing binoculars , is the diameter of the lens. This indicator determines the dimensional parameters of the lenses that provide magnification.

    You need to understand that the lens and eyepiece are different parts of the binoculars. The lens is represented by a tube of larger diameter. He turns to the object of study, and the peephole is the lens to which the eyes are applied.

    Lens diameter indicators are also indicated in the digital part of the model name. For example: the inscription 10x25 means that the device has a lens with a diameter of 25mm. The higher this indicator, the better the image. The fact is that a large lens receives a lot of light, so the enlarged image turns out to be contrasty and well-lit. So, if a device with a diameter of 25 mm can only work in good daylight, then with a 70 mm lens it is possible even at night.

    Exit pupil indicators

    This is also an important parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing binoculars. In other words, this concept hides the level of light flux that the eyepiece can transmit to the eye. It is calculated by a simple mathematical formula. It is necessary to divide the lens diameter by the magnification. For example: a device with 10x50 indicators has an exit pupil indicator of 5 mm (50/10 = 5 mm).

    It is necessary that this indicator corresponds to the capabilities of the human eye. So in the daytime the pupil narrows to a level of 2-4 mm. Thus, if the device also operates in this range, looking through it will be more than comfortable. At night, a person’s pupil dilates significantly to 6-8 mm, so binoculars with a 2 mm pupil output will not be comfortable for vision. It is considered optimal if the exit pupil characteristic ranges from 4 to 7 mm, which will make the optics universal for day and night.

    Presence of antireflective coating

    Binoculars consist of many lenses that are capable of transmitting not all light through them, since they have the property of reflection. Even relatively inexpensive binoculars can have 10 lenses. Ultimately, about 45% of the light will reach the eyes through them, so the image will be less contrasting and bright. To compensate for this shortcoming of the lenses, a special coating is applied to them.

    The anti-reflective layer makes production more expensive, so not all binoculars have it. In this regard, when choosing an optical device, you need to look for the following terms in its instructions:

    • Coated - one layer of polymer on the outer lens.
    • Fully coated – one layer on all lenses.
    • Multi coated – multi-layer coating only on the outer lens.
    • Fully multi coated – multi-layer coating on all installed lenses.

    The arrangement of lenses in telescopes

    If we look at the design of binoculars externally, it is easy to understand that often its lenses are not located in one row in relation to each other, like a spyglass, which was previously used by sailors and military generals. The eyepiece tubes are usually offset relative to the objective channel. If we consider the systems for arranging lenses in telescopes that are currently used, we can distinguish the following systems:

    • Galilee.
    • Porro.
    • Roof prisms.

    Prism system by method Galilee provides for their direct location. This method can only be found in theater binoculars, since it has a lot of disadvantages and is the most primitive. It was from this that the development of optics was carried out.

    Prisms Porro provide excellent light transmittance. The image they produce has increased contrast. This system produces a picture with high volume, but the design itself is quite massive. As a result, the device has increased dimensions, so it is not so easy to carry.

    Rufus-prisms are practically not inferior to the Porro system, but at the same time they have much smaller dimensions. Such binoculars are quite often found on sale. They are especially valued by tourists due to their light weight and dimensions, which is especially important when traveling on foot over rough terrain.

    Good afternoon, dear lovers of tourism and hunting. Today we will talk about tourist optics that allow you to observe a picturesque view in the distance, as well as increase your fishing catch or hunting catch.

    We will also look at the detailed characteristics of travel optics and the criteria for their selection. Knowing where to start when choosing to buy a really good device can help you make the right purchase, ideal for specific purposes, such as hunting or just observation.

    Selection criteria

    Before you buy powerful binoculars, you need to decide on its purpose.

    There are several varieties of this type of optics: for hunting, marine, tourist, etc.

    What is the difference between different types of binoculars and how to understand the wide variety of equipment offered?

    First of all, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the main technical characteristics that distinguish one type of product from another.

    The detailed difference between optical technology consists of several basic parameters.


    Magnification is a quantitative indicator of the magnification of the object at which the binoculars are pointed. For maximum magnification, it is necessary to use powerful high-power binoculars with a multi-lens design. However, you should be aware that the image quality suffers greatly. Also, multiple binoculars are heavy, so when using, to make it comfortable to stand while shooting, it is better to use a tripod.

    For regular hunting, it is good to use binoculars with three times magnification, which provide a good quality image and are light in weight, which is important for a tourist or traveler.

    The magnification of optical instruments can be constant or variable.

    Before choosing binoculars with high magnification, you should know that devices with constant magnification have the best quality indicators.

    Lens diameter

    This parameter determines the level of light flux penetrating through the lens.

    The highest parameters of the external lens provide the best picture.
    However, such devices are large in size. Such a big one is not always convenient when hiking or when climbing a high mountain.

    Pupil diameter

    There are binoculars of weak (3-3.5), medium (4-5) and large (6-7) diameters.

    This parameter plays an important role, since the choice must be made depending on its upcoming use at a certain time of the day. For night observation, you should buy a heavy-duty one with a large pupil diameter. For use at dusk, medium level is best. But for daytime use, you can purchase a device that is weak in pupil diameter.


    This parameter is divided into central and separate focusing:

    • central focusing; Occurs most often. With center focusing, you first adjust the right eyepiece, then the center drum, which adjusts the left lens.
    • separate focusing. With this method, both eyepieces focus separately, independently of each other. This function is convenient to use for people with different eyesight.

    Angle of view

    When we choose binoculars, we should also take into account factors such as the angle of view or field of view of space. This parameter directly affects the magnification of the device. You should know that the smaller the viewing angle, the higher the magnification of the binoculars.


    Multilayer coating on the lenses of all binocular models significantly increases the light sensitivity of the devices, which is a decisive factor for picture quality.

    According to the level of enlightenment there are:

    • unenlightened;
    • single-layer;
    • multilayer lenses.

    It is very easy to distinguish a multilayer type of coating by greenish-violet tone lenses. With a single-layer coating, the lens color shimmers blue.


    To obtain a straight rather than rotated image, optical devices use a prism system. To reduce light loss, models such as Roof prisms have built-in compact optical glass with a special correction layer.

    To buy good binoculars, you need to understand the leading manufacturers of optical equipment.

    TOP 10 Leading Manufacturers

    A Japanese company whose products are distinguished by good quality and advanced technical characteristics. There are devices of medium and high categories, the price of which depends on their contents.

    Buyers are also offered a series of elites, which has the abbreviation EDG and has wide functionality.
    The binoculars of this company are distinguished by proprietary antireflection technologies and an unusual design.

    Russian models are distinguished by high picture quality when zooming in. They have functions of protection against bad weather, as well as a choice of level for increase. The optical stabilizer guarantees clear viewing.

    The compact version of binoculars from this company is portable.
    The range includes binoculars for stargazing and for boat trips, for watching sporting events and observing during hikes.

    Widely known An American company that produces high quality optical instruments. The range offers lightweight and compact models with 8x, 12x and even 15x magnification.

    The products are distinguished by excellent coating, strong body, water protection, etc. There are models with wear-resistant rubber coating and nitrogen-filled. Binoculars from this company are perfect for hunting or fishing, as well as for tourist trips.

    Binoculars Comz

    Products from the Russian manufacturer are small in size and have a large viewing angle. Binoculars from this company are best used during the day and evening. The low weight is convenient for using the device on hikes and patrols, and the powerful metal body will withstand significant temperature changes.

    The binoculars of this company are distinguished by the use of high quality optical glasses. The products have a central focusing type and the function of adjusting the eyepieces to a person’s level of vision.


    A monocular is essentially a binocular with one eyepiece. In terms of technical and optical indicators, these devices are not inferior to full-fledged binoculars. However, they are distinguished by their low cost and compactness. The body of the product fits well in one hand and has shockproof qualities.

    Compact prisms and high-quality glass provide excellent visibility over long distances, and the compact size ensures comfortable viewing of the area while moving on land or water.
    Compact binoculars 70 x 70 are the best option for hunters and travelers, since they have a good viewing angle despite their small size.

    As before, in wartime, German binoculars remain at the peak of popularity. These devices today have modern functionality and are of high quality. German devices use a binocular design that ensures beam rotation and a high level of clarity.

    In this case, the image is magnified 10 times. Multilayer coating protects eyepieces from scratches and chips. Water resistance and shock resistance guarantee long-term use of the product.

    If a hunter uses powerful binoculars, the hunt will be much more successful.
    High-quality and powerful optics are good for spotting game running in the distance.

    Additional equipment for hunting devices includes not only a convenient bag and a napkin for cleaning eyepieces, but also eyecups for lenses that protect lenses from damage during transportation.

    Astro binoculars

    Astronomical binoculars provide functions for viewing the night starry sky.

    A better image is provided by prisms and their design features. A light beam passing through a prism is refracted several times. This guarantees a better image of the night sky.

    Modern binoculars are changing more and more. Today, new laser digital models have appeared - rangefinders.
    Such a digital device with a rangefinder is equipped with an electronic system that allows you to measure the distance to the object being viewed. Modern laser binoculars determine the distance by simply pressing a button.

    A unique ballistic calculator indicates the amount of scope correction. For hunters, this is an ideal option, helping to make the most accurate shot. The device has advanced functionality that helps in work, and is compact in size. Built-in retractable eyecups, removable type, are fixed in any of 4 positions.

    Buying binoculars and listening to advice sales consultant, you need to choose a device that will help on a camping trip or when patrolling the territory.

    Each type of activity has its own models that have optimal parameters, such as size, good visibility and high-quality image. When purchasing binoculars, the price will correspond to the functionality of the device and the quality of the derivative materials.

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