• How I spilled coffee on my MacBook. Cleaning and repairing a MacBook after a spill Spilled water on the macbook air

    The post comes up on Google for any query about corrosion and filling poppies. They even call me. So here it is:
    I do not repair computers for money, look for a competent specialist.

    To begin with, here are some brief instructions for those who are googling. Similar teachings are scattered all over the Internet, let them be here too.
    If an electrical appliance is flooded with ANYTHING:

    1. Shut it down immediately, as quickly as possible. The smartest way to do this is with the power button (press and hold - it works everywhere, from the oldest laptops to iPads). It is important not to confuse sleep mode with real shutdown.

    2. If there is a lot of liquid, turn the laptop over and let everything that flows down.

    3. Disconnect the battery from the circuit as soon as possible. If the battery is inside, we climb into the case, find the wire connector from the battery, and disconnect it from the motherboard. The catch is that on modern laptops, especially the so-called. Ultrabooks, you can find amazing screws, such as pentalobe, tri-wing, Torx T5, ​​or just a PH microcross, which is almost guaranteed not to be found in your home cabinet. What to do? Any way to get to the required screwdriver: to the store, to the service, to a random user from the same (as was the case in my case - late at night from Sunday to Monday). It’s better to take care of purchasing the right screwdriver in advance., and having bought it, throw it into the pocket of your laptop bag. This is not paranoia.

    4. Relax and, if necessary, wash the laptop (it’s better to do it as soon as possible, of course, but there’s no particular rush anymore) - either in the service center or by yourself.

    The most important - even if everything is dry, DO NOT turn on the device until flushing!

    Now - a long post with jokes.
    Attention, guys: I’m not saying that you can or should do this. I can only say that I did everything like this, and I am quite pleased with the result. The specialist will probably kill himself with facepalms before he reads to the end. Please excuse me if anything happens.

    At the beginning of August, I once slammed my backpack on the floor and broke two bottles of radler that were in it. A bunch of all sorts of rubbish that had accumulated at the bottom of the backpack was drowned, but he didn’t feel sorry for him. The only valuable item damaged was the iPad charger. It was far from the workshop, and such things need to be cleaned as quickly as possible. Luckily, I had an almost empty bottle of white spirit in my car, from which I decanted about half a glass. There, in the glass, I placed the damaged charge. White spirit, like kerosene, displaces moisture very well (it is no coincidence that its share in WD-40 is about half the volume). After shaking the charge back and forth, I saw several small droplets-bubbles emerge from the cracks in the lower part of its body, which immediately settled on the bottom. This, in fact, was the spilled radler :-) The charge dangled in the glass for a couple of hours, and then it dried for three days until the smell of white spirit finally disappeared. It still works smoothly.

    This was, so to speak, a demo version of the incident that will be discussed.

    A week later, our wonderful cat, out of great grief, peed on Katya’s laptop (and at the same time Katya herself, for what it’s worth). The blow fell on the left side of the air, right where the power connector, the screen axis mount and the Esc key are. There wasn't much piss in it, so there was nothing to drain, it all spread over the topcase and all sorts of cracks. The computer didn’t even sneeze and continued to work, but for some reason I didn’t think of turning it off with the power button (I was scared). I turned it off humanly, through the menu. However, in terms of speed it was not much worse than forced shutdown; it is an SSD after all.

    Next we needed to remove the battery. And on airs, instead of normal screws, they put a damn pentalobe. However, the heads of the screws are much smaller than a match head, so you can’t place anything good there. For my laptop, I keep a PH #00 screwdriver on hand (it’s relatively easy to buy), and I asked for a pentalob at “Profi” every time I went there - but it was never there, “it will be in a week.” In general, I didn’t have a screwdriver, and I desperately needed to remove the battery. At the same time, it’s night outside, like eleven in the evening. I'm writing a post on ru_mac , they say, save me, help me, give me a screwdriver, I’ll come anywhere in Moscow. After five minutes the user responds _bublik_ , thank him very much - he has a screwdriver, and he lives fifteen minutes away from me. I go to him, take a screwdriver, and at home in half a minute I disconnect the battery connector. Then you can live in peace.

    Last night I looked at iFixit and found an excellent guide on how to completely disassemble the air:
    This was so useful! Awesome site. It’s especially nice to immediately see the list of necessary tools. I had some, but I had to buy a couple of screwdrivers.

    I didn’t go to the service center to give up. Firstly, you have to go somewhere, wait and fill out paperwork, and I hate these three things more than anything in the world. Secondly, I believed that no serious work was required on the laptop (i.e., nothing burned there), and disassembling it and washing it seemed to be a simple matter. Thirdly, services want money, but usually they can’t work quickly (just like me, lol).

    In general, instead of service in the morning, I stopped at Chip and Dip (on the way to work), bought two liters of isopropyl there and, suddenly, a pentalobic screwdriver. And for some very reasonable money. Suddenly. From home I took a baking sheet about 1.5 cm deep (I simply didn’t have any more). Why do you think the air is so thin? Exactly. To fit into the pan.

    To be completely happy, I also needed a T8 Torx, but the chip didn’t have it. But near my workshop, in the next building, there live wonderful people from the website http://instrumentale.ru - an exceptionally good store, to my surprise. They have a lot of kraftula and bison, and both of them are the most decent Chinese products that exist (only serious brands are cooler). It’s where I buy small change when I’m missing something for work - some Forstner for 30 or something like that. There I also found a set of Kraftool micro-screwdrivers for 500 rubles, which seemed to have everything except the notorious pentalob and triwing. That's it, I was ready to go.

    He cleared the table and started picking at the computer. It can be understood like a Kalashnikov assault rifle. All connectors, all screws, all elements are easily accessible and can be dismantled in no time. The housings of the speakers and microphone are glued on with double-sided tape (this comes in very thin tapes, sold in the same place where spare parts for mobile phones are sold), but are additionally pressed against the housing elements, so there are no big requirements. Some screws are held in place by a blue detachable screw, that is, a thread locker. I never unscrewed one of the six screws holding the touchpad - I tore off the head, tried to somehow cling to it and stupidly bit it off with wire cutters. It also holds up well at five, especially considering that all normal people have tap to click. The only major fakap is laying cables from the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth antennas. The board with connectors for them is on the left, and they come out of the display loop on the right. The cables are supposed to be pulled through the entire laptop, tightened with special sticky ties under the ventilation holes (which are opposite the axis on poppies). Rare hemorrhoids! And take them out and put them back in. But the puffs retain their stickiness even after the halves are repeatedly pulled apart. Well, there is also a secret - the adhesive layer on many adhesive tapes and Velcro can be renewed if you lightly walk over them with white spirit or alcohol (it varies).

    Here is an almost completely disassembled laptop - everything has been removed except the touchpad, speakers and backlit keyboard (by the way, in my opinion, the keyboard cannot be removed without damage):

    Black paper is visible separating the computer components from the keyboard. There are tracks on the paper, like on a printed circuit board, leading to several LEDs (the actual keyboard backlight). Then these diodes cleverly illuminate a special transparent plate with holes, the light is distributed over it and shines into the holes. The holes are very steeply positioned: they correspond in density to the keys that are above them, and, most surprisingly, their density increases with distance from the LEDs. The beauty is indescribable. I know all this because I tore the paper (fortunately, without touching the tracks). I tore it when I was unsticking the speaker (I think), and aggravated the problem by blowing into it from the compressor after washing :) Well, to hell with it, on the other hand.

    Only the small board with the power and USB connectors was clearly damaged by the cat - corrosion on the surface was clearly visible. And it stank thoroughly, yes. I washed it in isopropyl with a toothbrush. I washed everything else too, but without any special effort and less intensively. I don't think that made sense. But a huge pile of all sorts of garbage was washed away: cat hair, dust, and some other specks. By the way, I did not remove the heatsink from the processor - it was securely fixed, and the washing was not so intense as to damage the thermal paste. Perhaps I’m wrong, people on the Internet scold the original thermal paste and say that by replacing it you can achieve a significant reduction in temperature. Probably another time.

    Then the question arose of what to do with the keyboard. It was necessary to wash it, the flooded clava dies over time. But it cannot be separated from the body (it is an island type, moreover), and the multilayer design, which ensures the actual operation of the keyboard and backlight, does not require disassembly. The paper with the diodes is glued along the perimeter of the case; tearing it off entirely and accurately gluing it back so that the diodes shine where they should does not seem easy.

    In general, I drowned the entire topcase in isopropyl.

    This is where tearing the bottom paper layer came in handy, because alcohol flowed merrily out of the laptop through it, taking all the crap with it. Of course, in the future, the same gap can allow any spilled liquid to pass directly to the guts of the computer. We'll try not to blurt out what you say here. And now I have a screwdriver :)

    Yes, as for the display, I didn’t risk drowning it all, and it wasn’t necessary. But specifically, I poured alcohol over the entire axle and the cables coming out of there, and for a long time rubbed all the rubber bands and corners with a brush in alcohol. Then I dried it for a very long time until the smell of alcohol completely disappeared.

    I bathed the topcase for about an hour, regularly chatting it back and forth. The amount of garbage washed from the inside is beyond description. The laptop is already a year and a half or two years old, I don’t remember, there was a lot of rubbish poured into the keyboard.

    At first I dried it with a compressor, but quickly realized that there would be nothing left of the paper at all. Switched to a technical hair dryer. Everything dries quickly. However, when I assembled it, drops of alcohol were still visible between the layers of backlight. I wouldn't be surprised if they are still there...

    I used a compressor to blow through all the microcircuits - a lot of alcohol accumulated under the chips, and when blowing through it came out instantly.

    Assembly is more difficult than disassembly, I had to renew the tape in several places, and the notorious antenna cables were very annoying. But it came together. And it worked. And there wasn’t even a stink of piss anywhere.

    It's deep night outside. I'm happy, sitting in the workshop and figuring duckface with Apple technology for the amusement of friends on VKontakte, as any makodrocher should.

    Such things are here. It still works. Although, of course, three weeks is not a long time, all the characteristic sores due to corrosion can come out even after six months. Let's see.

    The most pleasant thing in this whole story is that now I finally know where the computer is hidden in this small fry and how everything works there. The question has bothered me for years. It became easier.

    No user wants to spill tea, coffee or water on an expensive MacBook. But, unfortunately, this happens quite often. Therefore, you need to know the rules of first aid in such an unpleasant situation. It is important to understand that any liquid poses a serious threat to your laptop. For this reason, you cannot hesitate.

    The first thing to do is disconnect the device from the network. This is a basic safety rule, because water has excellent electrical conductivity. It is also necessary to disconnect all cables, flash drives and other peripheral devices connected to the device. Next, you should turn off the gadget by pressing the power button on the panel and holding it for a few seconds until the screen turns off completely. It is advisable to remove the battery from the laptop, if possible.

    Now, without delay, so that the liquid does not have time to seep deep inside the case, we turn the device with the keyboard down at a right angle to the floor and go for a terry towel. You will need it to wipe off all visible moisture from the keyboard and ports. It is better to use a terry towel, as it has higher absorbency. A good alternative is microfiber cloths, but in emergency cases you can arm yourself with any other cloth and even toilet paper. After this, you should place the laptop upside down on a towel.

    To achieve a greater effect in restoring the functionality of a laptop at home, experts recommend building a simple drying device. You will need a fan or hairdryer with a cold setting, a cotton towel and a box with grids. All you need to do is install a fan so that the air flow is directed upward, place a drawer on top, place a towel on it, and then open the laptop with the keyboard down. It is important to understand that this procedure must be carried out over a long period of time. On average, it is recommended to dry the device for at least 48 hours.

    After these manipulations, you can try to turn on the MacBook without connecting it to the network. If it turns on and works, we can consider that the user is very lucky. However, you can only count on this if the spilled liquid was small. Also, do not forget that a working laptop is not a 100% guarantee of solving the problem. There is always a possibility of corrosion forming on the internal circuit boards of the device. The Notex service center recommends seeking help from professionals. We have repeatedly encountered flooded Apple devices and fixed problems of any complexity.

    If there is a lot of moisture, the steps to save an expensive device should be somewhat different. It also needs to be turned off, turned over with the keyboard down, placed on a towel, and then immediately go to the service center. It is important to know that the sooner you turn to specialists, the higher the chance of saving your device.

    Prices for restoring a MacBook Pro/Air after a flood:

    In this case, it is very difficult to determine the price without diagnostics.

    If the MacBook comes into contact with liquid, in one case it will be enough to simply dry and clean the contacts. The cost of this service will be 2,990 rubles.

    In another case, it may be necessary to replace one or more components (keyboard, battery, etc.) In this case, the price of the service may differ. We advise you to call our manager at the phone number listed on the website and describe the situation in more detail. The manager, with the help of leading questions, will be able to estimate the approximate cost of restoring your MacBook.

    Our service center also offers the following service: Free courier departure, who will be able to pick up your device as soon as possible and return it to your home after repair.

    11 questions for “ I flooded my Macbook - what should I do?

    1. Diamond

      Take care of your dear Macs. Repairs usually cost half the cost...

    2. Ivan

      How much does it cost to make a touchpad on a retina 15 A1398? I filled it with something, sometimes it clicks, sometimes it doesn’t. or replacement?
      that is, the point itself works, it’s the pressing of the plate that doesn’t work

    3. Yuri

      MacBook Pro 13, 2010 Bay and half of the keyboard does not work, everything else works. I'm interested in the repair price

    Liquid spillage - no matter whether it is coffee, tea, lemonade or just water - on the surface of a MacBook is probably one of the most common reasons for Customers to contact a service center. In most cases, repairing such a MacBook in a service center is possible, but ultimately it depends on the user’s actions after the problem has occurred.

    Note that in most cases, liquid getting into a MacBook occurs due to careless handling and spilling of this very liquid either on the laptop keyboard (if MacBook flooded in the open state), or on its body and connectors for connecting charging and peripheral devices. Of course, there are cases when a MacBook was literally bathed in water (that is, the computer was completely submerged in water), but, as a rule, in such situations the likelihood of successful recovery is extremely low.

    Filled up MacBook. What to do?

    If you spill coffee, tea or any other liquid on your MacBook, first of all You should definitely turn off your MacBook if it was turned on and disconnect it from the power adapter (if at that moment the computer was connected to the charger). Also disconnect all peripheral accessories if any are connected to the laptop.

    If there is a lot of liquid on the surface of the computer, carefully remove it with a dry cloth or towel. Then, if you flooded your MacBook while it was open and liquid got on the keyboard or trackpad, spread a towel on a flat surface, open the laptop and place it with the keyboard down on the towel for 7-10 minutes. In this state, some of the liquid that has gotten inside can be removed.

    Do not completely “wrap” your MacBook in a towel and leave it like that for a long time! Also, do not use drying with a hair dryer or other heating devices. This can only aggravate the situation and make it much worse - the condensate formed as a result of such actions will make the area of ​​oxidation of internal components even larger.

    For older MacBooks with a removable battery, you must remove the battery. For a MacBook with a non-removable battery, to disconnect it, you will need to unscrew the bottom cover of the case and disconnect the battery cable from the connector on the motherboard. If you have the necessary tools and are confident in your abilities, be sure to do this. Turning off the power will stop the oxidation processes of the internal components of the laptop that began after the liquid entered.

    This concludes the list of mandatory recommendations on what to do if your MacBook is flooded with liquid. Next, you need to contact a service center, where they can eliminate the consequences of moisture ingress. Please note that there is no point in postponing this - the faster quality service is provided, the greater the chance that your MacBook will work stably for a long time.

    If you have spilled any liquid on your MacBook, you should not succumb to the misconception that if the computer continues to work after it has been spilled, then there will be no consequences in the future. As a rule, such cases end sadly, and the cost of repairs increases significantly compared to if a call to the service center after the MacBook was filled was done in a timely manner.

    Filled up MacBook. What could be the consequences?

    One of the most common consequences of liquid ingress is sticking of the keyboard buttons, or its incorrect operation or complete inoperability. The MacBook's trackpad also often suffers, as it may stop working, trigger spontaneously, or make a characteristic crunch when pressed. In both cases, all defects appear when the liquid gets on the computer when it is turned on in the open state.

    If you flooded your MacBook and after that the laptop keyboard does not work as it should or does not work at all, then in most cases it must be replaced. If there are any problems with the trackpad, then most likely, in addition to general cleaning and removal of oxidation, the trackpad controller will need to be repaired or replaced.

    If liquid has leaked inside the case onto the internal elements of the MacBook (motherboard components, cables and peripheral components), then the consequences can be very different: from computer freezes or random reboots to problems with charging and complete inoperability of the computer. In any case, it is unlikely that you will be able to do without contacting a service center.

    At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that it is worth choosing the right service center for repairing a MacBook after tea, coffee or any other liquid has been spilled on it. We have more than once had cases of Clients who tried to repair their laptops in other services, where the repairmen either did not have enough qualifications and experience, or did not have the necessary components or equipment.

    Who doesn't like to drink a glass of beer or a cup of coffee while looking at the screen of their favorite device? But having gotten carried away, we don’t have time to notice that the liquid is already on the keyboard... It’s a shame! But we can fix it if we act correctly. What is important to know? Why not hesitate?

    Signs of spilling tea or water on poppy seeds

    It is important not only how much liquid was spilled on the laptop, but also where it ended up and what the consequences were. If you notice at least one of the following symptoms, then it’s time to act:

    • The device turned itself off.
    • We noticed traces of oxidation (tea, coffee, beer, wine, soda, juice - accelerate this process).
    • Buttons stick.
    • Charging problems.
    • There is no image on the screen.
    • The touchpad doesn't work.
    • Getting stuck on simple actions.
    • We smelled something burning.
    • Smoke pours out of the laptop - quickly turn off the switch.

    What to do if you spill tea/beer/water on your MacBook?

    Here is a list of simple but important manipulations that will save your Mac:

    • Remove the plug from the socket and/or turn off the device. Disconnect all peripherals.
    • Do not allow the liquid to spread. Turn the Mac upside down with the keyboard open and shake out the water.
    • Remove the battery from the old laptop model.
    • To absorb moisture, place the MacBook on a towel, napkin or paper with the affected part facing down (5-10 minutes).
    • Take the affected laptop to a reliable service center within 3 hours.
    • Talk about flooding your MacBook with water, tea or beer... Apple has equipped its devices with sensors that change color when liquid enters. But it’s better not to waste time on diagnostics and get down to business right away.
    • If laptop repair is no longer practical, order downloading valuable information from the device.

    What NOT to do if you spill tea/beer/water on your MacBook?

    Do not grab peripheral devices or a wet laptop that is plugged in with your bare hands. Otherwise you will get an electric shock. Do you want to use your time profitably? Consider other people's mistakes. The following actions do not bring results:

    • Dry the “bathed” device with hot air from a hairdryer or near radiators. Even prolonged blowing with a fan will not make a flooded MacBook work.
    • Suck water out of the device with a vacuum cleaner.
    • Hope that the laptop will work on its own within 48 hours.
    • “Repair” a flooded MacBook yourself using methods from the Internet (put it in a bag of rice for a day or take it apart and wipe it with cotton wool). If you are a microprocessor technology specialist with extensive experience, then use your knowledge base.
    • Wrap the laptop in cloth for 2-3 hours. This way the entire device will be saturated with moisture.
    • Try to turn on the device. It’s better to spend time traveling to a service center, where they will give you qualified advice and/or quickly repair your laptop.

    MyAppleCare revives your MacBook

    MyAppleCare specialists

    • They will quickly and carefully disassemble your MacBook,
    • will perform dry cleaning of the motherboard and other components,
    • will professionally replace “choked” components,
    • reanimate the device.

    We carry out a full range of work on repairing flooded MacBooks, Pros, and Airs. Repair work for flooded MacBooks:

    • Dry cleaning after flooding your MacBook. We dry clean MacBook components in an ultrasonic chamber. In 30% of cases, a flooded MacBook starts working correctly after cleaning.
    • BGA soldering on MacBook motherboard. We change BGA chips on all MacBook motherboards. Thanks to professional soldering stations, we perform soldering and replacement of factory-level BGA chips.
    • Z Replacing discrete elements on the MacBook motherboard. Service center specialists identify faulty discrete elements (transistors, capacitors) and replace them with new ones.
    • Replacing the MacBook Keyboard(). All keyboards are in stock and can be replaced within 1 hour.
    • Restoring power circuits on the MacBook motherboard. Service center specialists identify faulty power circuits and restore power circuits to factory levels. After the power circuits are restored, the conductive paths work correctly, and power is supplied to all components of the MacBook board.
    • Modular replacement of MacBook components. Also, after flooding, hard drives, boards, modules, touchpads, display modules and matrices fail (). The company’s specialists are ready to replace the necessary elements at a professional level.

    How does the process of repairing a flooded MacBook work?

    A service center specialist identifies faulty MacBook components, makes a complete fault map and transmits the information to managers. Managers convey complete information to the client and announce the full cost of repairs. After the client confirms the repair, specialists begin the repair. First of all, when the MacBook is filled with liquid, dry cleaning and drying of all components is carried out. After dry cleaning, specialists restore and replace all damaged elements, the device is checked by the quality control department (quality control department), and is sent for delivery. The client checks the device and pays the full cost of repairs.

    Guarantee for repair of liquid-filled MacBook, Pro, Air

    The warranty is provided for each replaced component and ranges from 3 months to 1 year depending on the component. All replacement services are also guaranteed. During the warranty period, if problems arise, we service your MacBook completely free of charge and restore its functionality.

    Mac Profi specialists restore 97% of flooded MacBooks. Contact us!

    More details on faults:

    Knowledge base. Ask a question about Apple repair to Mac Pros specialists.

    Answer: Good afternoon, Natalya. After moisture gets on the device, you must first turn off the power to the device and remove any remaining liquid to avoid the formation of oxides on the system board and connectors. For visible work, diagnostics of the device is necessary, since the range of the problem is quite wide, it can be either a short circuit or one of the controllers can be flooded, since the semiconductor elements that make up the MacBook are quite sensitive to moisture. Based on experience, chemical cleaning of the device will be required, in most cases it is sufficient, the cost is 3650 rubles. Thank you for contacting.

    Answer: Hello, Evgeniy. If your Macbook gets wet, you should turn off the power and remove the moisture to prevent oxides from forming on the system board and connectors. In most cases, dry cleaning is sufficient. Visible work requires diagnostics of the device, since the range of the problem is quite wide. Diagnostics are carried out free of charge; it will show whether intervention in the device is required or not. But in any case, no work is performed without your approval and agreement. Thank you for your request.

    28.10.2016, 11:58

    Answer: Good afternoon, Ulyana. Visible work requires diagnostics of the device, so diagnosing the device remotely is problematic. If your MacBook is flooded, we strongly recommend turning off the laptop from the power source and, if possible, disconnecting the battery, as a short circuit may occur. The keyboard assembly is replaced, we also recommend that you dry clean the elements of your MacBook, since after spilling, oxidation is possible, and as a result, failure of your MacBook.

    Answer: Good afternoon, Elena. In case of moisture penetration, it is recommended to carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the device to eliminate the consequences of the flood. The cost of cleaning is 1750 rubles. Next, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive unit diagnostics to identify various faults that lead to incorrect operation of the device. Bring your device for free hardware diagnostics to our service center, after which we can accurately guide you on the cost and repair time.

    06.05.2016, 16:38

    Answer: Hello, Love. The motherboard is mostly replaced by service centers that do not have specialized equipment for repairs, and as a rule, the replacement price is the lion's share of the price of the device itself. A problem with a hard drive can occur if it is mechanically damaged.

    21.04.2016, 07:21

    Answer: Good afternoon, Evgeniy. In the case of a flooded device, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive dry cleaning by placing the components in an ultrasonic chamber, since drying cannot eliminate corrosive formations. It is not recommended to turn on an uncleaned device, as there is a risk of a short circuit. As a rule, after cleaning, the problem is eliminated. The cost of cleaning is 3650 rubles. Bring your device and we will perform a comprehensive cleaning.

    20.10.2015, 13:40

    Answer: Good afternoon, Dima! In this case, a short circuit occurred. We will definitely be able to answer your question after conducting a free hardware diagnostic. Come, we will be glad to help you!

    10.06.2015, 13:27

    Answer: Sergey, hello! Without seeing the device we can only speculate. If the sound is mechanical, the problem is probably that the device is not assembled correctly, perhaps the lid hinges are clinging to the lid. We can tell you more accurately by visually inspecting the device, come and see us.


    24.05.2015, 00:56

    Answer: Good afternoon, Veronica! In this case, it is necessary to carry out free hardware diagnostics of the device, since the reasons may be different. There may be a problem with the I/O Board. If this is the problem, then repairs will cost about 4,500 thousand. Come and tell us after free testing what happened and how much the repair will cost.

    Answer: Hello. Most likely you have flooded one of the control chips. It is advisable not to turn on your device. At a minimum, your laptop needs to be dry cleaned. Unfortunately, there is no way to detect the problem remotely. It is possible to accurately identify the cause of the malfunction in our service center after conducting a free diagnosis of your MacBook.

    Answer: First of all, I recommend that you do not turn on the MacBook’s power supply, obviously you have a short circuit on the board, or one of the controllers on the motherboard has failed. First of all, it is necessary to dry clean your MacBook, this is done so that the motherboard and other elements do not oxidize and rot. The cost of dry cleaning is 3,700 rubles, after cleaning and free diagnostics, we will be able to tell you exactly what is faulty, as well as what requires replacement, the exact timing and cost of repairs. Contact us!

    12.12.2014, 03:17

    Answer: A standard problem after filling a MacBook with liquid. The problem is clearly in the motherboard; which components have failed can only be determined by conducting a free diagnostic at our service center. The problem may be in power circuits, discrete elements, controllers. In 90% of cases, the problem can be solved without replacing the motherboard with a new one. Contact us!


    10.12.2014, 15:34

    Answer: We perform a complete restoration of MacBooks that have been flooded with water and liquids. On average, repairs for your problem take about 2 business days. Contact us!

    Answer: Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine the fault remotely. The problem may be in controllers, power circuits, discrete elements. Bring your MacBook to the service center, we will carry out free diagnostics and accurately identify the fault.

    Answer: Good afternoon, Denis! In this case, hardware diagnostics and dry cleaning after pouring are necessary. come, testing is absolutely free. The cost of dry cleaning is 3200 rubles.

    30.08.2014, 23:19

    Answer: Good afternoon, Irina! In this case, it is necessary to carry out hardware diagnostics of the device. Testing is absolutely free, come!


    09.08.2014, 18:09

    Answer: Good afternoon Most likely, liquid got onto the motherboard and shorted something on it; diagnostics are required at a service center in order to determine which elements on the board are faulty; after identifying the elements, we can talk about the price. If you can, be sure to disconnect the battery from the laptop, since power increases the rate of corrosion of the system board, and the sooner you bring the computer to a service center, the less damage will be caused by corrosion. Diagnostics at the service center are completely free!

    08.06.2014, 13:02

    Answer: Peter, hello! It is possible to change the backlight on the day of treatment; the cost of the backlight will cost 2,650 rubles

    02.06.2014, 02:52

    Answer: Good afternoon It works slowly, most likely due to logical errors. Come and let us diagnose your device for free.

    24.05.2014, 08:55

    Answer: Good afternoon First of all, you need to check the motherboard for oxidation of the board and liquid residues; if you need to do dry cleaning, it will cost 3,650 rubles