• How to access the electronic diary through government services. How can parents log into the electronic diary - virtual school. How to find out what and when a grade was given

    Student's electronic diary is an online service of the State Services website that displays data on the progress of each individual student. Here you can view not only grades, but also missed lessons, as well as teachers’ comments on grades. To more accurately formulate an idea of ​​the situation at school, data on the child’s behavior for each past week is provided. Parents have access to only their child’s diary, and can also sign it using an electronic signature.

    An electronic journal is created for each class separately, to which not only parents and students, but also all teachers, subject teachers, class teacher and director of the educational institution have access. In the electronic journal, teachers can do the following:

    • give grades for lessons and comment on them;
    • mark absenteeism by children;
    • submit homework;
    • make announcements to parents and students;
    • conduct correspondence with certain parents of the student.

    For each subject, the average score and the number of absences are calculated, which allows you to quickly view the data of interest.

    Who can apply for the service

    Parents of students (legal representatives), students, proxies.
    Important! Each student must have their own registration on the mos.ru portal to enter their personal electronic diary.

    Documents required to receive the service

    • Request (statement)
    • Birth certificate of a minor student (if a parent applies for the service)
    • A document confirming the right of a legal representative who is not a parent (document issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities)
    • Identity document

    Service cost

    You can apply for access to the electronic diary by contacting the educational institution in person or through an official representative. The service time is 15 minutes.

    Important! The student’s electronic diary through State Services displays complete information about the student’s progress completely free of charge. You should not turn to other sites and pay money for it. Services on the school portal are provided without charging money, because an agreement is previously concluded with each parent defining the procedure and conditions for the free provision of the service.

    Terms of service provision

    Constantly throughout the school year.

    Terms of service provision

    • Service completion time: 3 working days. days
    • Period during which the application for the provision of services must be registered: 15 minutes.
    • Maximum waiting time in line when applying for services in person: 15 minutes.

    How to log into an electronic diary through State Services

    To log into the electronic diary, you need to go to the city services portal using the link and log in with your username and password.

    Or on the State Services website itself

    Next, you will see a form to create an account. You can request your login and password from your school's class teacher. It is enough to enter this data only once, after which the portal will automatically remember and save it in the Unified Personal Account. Then click on the green “Go to diary” button.

    This video clearly shows how to access a student’s electronic diary:

    Additional services

    In addition to the services described above, the following opportunities can be obtained on the State Services portal:

    • report card. A table is created for each student, which is formed from the grades he received for the quarter. Absences and final grades for each period of study are also noted here. Recently, an additional function for calculating average scores was added, which allows high school students to focus on passing scores for universities. Here you can see which teacher gave a grade, as well as a remark or comment on the score. The function is available not only to teachers, but also to parents and students. It became possible to track progress throughout the entire quarter;
    • progress chart. You can track your progress not only by grades, but also in graphical form. The graph makes it possible to vary comparisons across different criteria and categories;
    • lesson schedule not only for students, but also for teachers;
    • call schedule;
    • personal data of each registered user of the school portal;
    • chat communication within school.

    Refusal to provide service

    The reason for refusal to receive the electronic diary service may be an incorrectly completed application form. If you inaccurately indicated your first name, last name or patronymic, then you should fill out a new form again, because otherwise you will not be able to open the electronic diary on the State Services portal.

    If a teacher comes to the department, he must provide the journal of the class to which he wants to access electronically. Only if this requirement is met will the teacher be able to open an electronic journal through State Services.

    An applicant may be denied access to the Electronic Diary on the following grounds:

    1. the request was submitted by a person not related to the circle of applicants;
    2. the person about whom the applicant requests information about current academic performance and attendance is not a student of this educational organization;
    3. the documents submitted by the applicant do not meet the established requirements;
    4. the documents submitted by the applicant contain contradictory information;
    5. the applicant's statement about refusal to receive the service.

    How can a parent log into the electronic diary?

    1. Register on the mos.ru website by entering your credentials (login and password), mobile phone, email address, SNILS (if available).
    2. Select the section “Services” - “Education” - “Secondary general” - “Electronic student diary”.
    3. Log in to the “Electronic student diary”.
    4. If you were unable to enter the diary, it is possible that your data in your personal account does not match the data available at the school. Contact your class teacher and provide current information.
    5. After entering the correct data at school, you will have access to the diary.

    How can a student log into an electronic diary?

    1. Register on mos.ru, indicating your full name, e-mail, mobile phone, SNILS (if available).
    2. Select the “Electronic student diary” service.
    3. The data in your personal account and the data in the school must match. If you are unable to enter the diary, you need to contact your class teacher and provide the current data.
    4. After entering the correct data at school, you will have access to the diary.

    What do you need to enter the diary?

    To access the electronic diary, you need to check in your Personal Account whether the required fields to gain access to the electronic diary are filled in: E-mail, mobile phone number and SNILS (if available). To enter the diary, go to the mos.ru portal and click the “Login” button. Enter your username and password. Read more about entering the diary in the instructions.

    Contact your class teacher and provide him with the contact information indicated in your Personal Account (e-mail or mobile phone number).

    What should I do if I receive the error “Unfortunately, there is not enough data to access the electronic diary”?

    Contact your class teacher and provide him with the information specified in your Personal Account (e-mail or mobile phone number). If this error occurs in a child, then you need to transfer the data from the child’s Personal Account on mos.ru to the class teacher.

    What should I do if I receive the error “The application cannot be submitted”?

    To gain access to the diary, please fill in the missing information in your Personal Account: SNILS, phone number, email address (the parameter that needs to be filled in is displayed) and try to log in to the electronic diary again.

    Grades in the diary

    How can I find out what and when a grade was given?

    When you hover your mouse over a cell with a grade in the diary, a tooltip is displayed that contains the name of the control form and the time it was issued.

    What are the priorities for grades for different assignments when calculating the grade for the midterm assessment?

    Points earned for testing or control work are of great importance.
    Classwork grades and board responses are considered less important. The results of homework have little weight at all, since when completing them the child has the opportunity to use additional materials and outside help.

    What is a point in a diary?

    The dot means a debt to complete the work or the need for a retake. It can also serve as a reminder of work that is planned in the future. When marking a “dot,” the teacher independently sets the validity period, after which the dot either turns into a grade or disappears. At the end of the evaluation period, the point automatically turns into a grade, if it was marked, or disappears.

    What is the dot next to the score?

    Several grades can be given in the diary and next to them there can be a “dot” mark. When you hover your mouse over this mark, the name of the type of work for which it was assigned will be displayed - for example, an oral response. This means that the teacher has noted the debt for the answer on the topic and indicates the intention to ask the student again or to do the work again.

    How is the midterm assessment graded?

    Add up all homework grades and calculate your overall score. In the same way, calculate the average grade for class work. If the results of classwork and homework are the same, we can assume that this is an objective assessment of the student’s knowledge. If the score for classwork is higher or lower than for homework, it should be considered priority. Calculate and evaluate the overall result of the tests. If it coincides with the grade for homework and/or class work, it should be considered a quarter total. If test scores are higher or lower, test scores are given priority.

    Diary functions

    How to find out the child's stay schedule?

    The “Stay Mode” directory includes: a bell schedule, a schedule of extracurricular activities, a schedule of children's associations (additional education), a physical activity schedule, a diet schedule, and a walking schedule.
    In the list of indicated activities, breaks and dynamic pauses are separately identified, intended for students to rest and move from office to office. The changes may additionally indicate the name of the meal break - breakfast or lunch.

    How to control the weight of textbooks in a child’s briefcase?

    In order to familiarize yourself with the contents of a student’s backpack for each day of the school week, you need to go to the “Diary” section through the “Diary” main menu item. To the right of the week’s name is the “Student’s Briefcase” icon and the weight of the content planned for each subject teacher’s lesson is indicated.

    Using the special “Event Feed” service, parents and students have access to a general list of events planned in the Moscow education system. The block contains information such as the date of the event, a brief description, the location of the event, the type of event (competition, Olympiad, conference, seminar), and the academic subject with which the event is being held. You can also contact the organizers via chat or personal messaging service.

    How to contact technical support if you have questions?

    To contact the OEJD technical support service, click on the “Ask us” link in the lower left corner of the page. A request form will appear in front of you. Select the type of request from the drop-down list. Enter your email address, phone number, subject and message text in the appropriate fields and click the “Submit message” button. In the near future you will receive an email with the number and status of your request. After your issue is resolved, you will receive a notification about the change in the status of the request and a response text from technical support.

    Child's attendance at lessons

    How to create a notification about a child's absence from school?

    Select the “Notice of Absence” section located in the “Diary” item of the main menu of the Electronic Diary. To add a period of absence for a child, you need to click on the date in the calendar and select the period of absence. The parent himself indicates the reason for the absence and, if necessary, can add a comment to the notification. After filling in all the required fields, do not forget to click on the “Create on selected range” button.

    How can I get information about attendance at lessons and classes?

    A parent can obtain information about attendance at lessons and classes through the “Notification of Absence” item in the “Diary” section of the main menu of the system. Also, non-attendance marks are displayed in the “Diary” section on the diary pages in the “Grades” column. If a student misses a class, the student will receive a “n” mark instead of a grade. When you hover over a date in the calendar, a window appears with detailed information about which lessons were missed.

    Learning process

    What is a training profile?

    Direction (profile) of education - the orientation of the educational program towards specific areas of knowledge and (or) types of activity, which determines its subject-thematic content, the predominant types of educational activity of the student and the requirements for the results of mastering the educational program. Profile training is introduced from the 10th grade.

    How to find out what profile a child is studying in?

    You can find out the profile on which the training course is taking place by selecting the “Curriculum” section in the “Diary” tab. A new window will display information about the student's academic plans. When you select a curriculum, a description opens in which the name will be indicated in the “profile” section.

    How do I view homework and independent work assignments?

    Parents can view homework and assignments for independent work through the “Homework” item in the “Diary” section of the main menu of the system. Select a subject for which you need to familiarize yourself with homework and assignments for independent work. Next, you need to determine the period for which all homework will be displayed. If necessary, you can select mandatory and/or voluntary tasks to display.

    How can I check when a self-study assignment was posted?

    In the electronic diary, when you select the menu item “Diary” - “Homework”, a description of all assignments opens, indicating the time and date of the last revision.

    Save it or you’ll forget:

    To monitor a child’s progress at school, previously it was necessary to regularly review a paper diary and number the pages in it so that he could not tear out pages with bad grades. The Moscow State Services portal decided to make this task easier for parents and created an electronic version of the diary. Now you can view the information in it in any place where there is Internet, and the child himself will not even know how often you look into it. In this article we will look at detailed instructions for using a student’s electronic diary.

    To use this service, you will need to fill out information about yourself. We have already considered these instructions in more detail, so we immediately go to the Moscow government services website. We are taken to the page of the most popular services, among which there is an electronic diary, but do not rush to click on the desired service. We need to enter your login and password for your personal account. To do this, in the upper right corner, find the “login” button and click on it.

    On the page that opens, go down a little and find the option to log into the site using a government services account. (underlined in red in the image).

    If, after entering your login and password, you receive an authentication error message (but you definitely entered the correct data), then simply open the main page of the site with the most popular services. In the upper right corner, instead of the “log in” button, there should be the inscription “personal account”. If you see the “login” button again, check the correctness of the data entered and the keyboard layout (perhaps you are simply entering your login and password in a different language). In popular services, find the item “Electronic student diary” and click on it.

    In addition, you can find this service in the section "Education - secondary general"

    We are taken to a page with a detailed description of the service. Here we will learn about who can use the student’s electronic diary, the cost of the service and what data is required for this. The service can be used by parents or legal representatives of the child; it is absolutely free, and to view the diary you will need a login and password, which can be obtained from the class teacher. If you have already received them, then click on the red “receive service” button.

    If this is the first time you want to view your child’s diary, then select “new account”, come up with a name for it and enter your username and password.

    Now click on the “go to diary” button and you will see a form in front of you that is very similar to the old paper version of a school student’s diary.

    You can now view your child's grades for a specific subject, all grades for a specific date, or final grades for the quarter. As you can see, there is nothing complicated and you just need to spend a few minutes to initially enter the diary. If you still have any difficulties, ask questions in the comments and we will try to answer your questions.

    A modern school differs in its capabilities from those in which the mothers and fathers of today’s children studied. Interactive whiteboards, computers, the Internet, media resources, and electronic diaries have become part of the practice of most schools in Russia. The latter will be discussed here.

    There are several functional services operating in Russia that provide this service to schools and schoolchildren. In Moscow and the Moscow region, there is an electronic diary MRKO (Moscow Register of Quality of Education) on the portal pgu mos.ru; since 2015, all schools in Moscow and most of the region have been connected to it.

    In other regions of Russia they use the Dnevnik.ru service. and ElJur (eljur.ru.). There are some differences between these services in design and the number of functions available to users, but they all have common features:

    • They are free to use.
    • Does not require the provision of certificates or other documents.
    • Valid throughout the entire duration of school.
    • Belongs to one child, records his grades, class attendance, etc.
    • Access to it is provided only to the student and his parents (legal representatives of the child). No one else sees the teacher’s grades and entries in this diary. The child's personal data is protected.

    Access to the electronic diary is provided using an individual login and temporary password, which are given to parents by the class teacher. But in Moscow and the Moscow region, to use it, parents need to be registered on the PGU mos.ru portal, where they need to enter the “Education, Study” service and then into the desired service.

    Residents of the Tambov region can enter Dnevnik.ru through the government services portal. For all other schoolchildren in Russia, this service does not yet have a connection with the public service portal.

    For residents of Moscow, Moscow and Tambov regions you need:

    • When registering on the Public Services portal, enter your personal data, including passport data and SNILS number. You need to be especially careful when entering your SNILS number, as it will become your main identifier on this portal.
    • After registration, log in and find the desired service and log in to it. For Dnevnik.ru, you need your profile to be already activated there. For the MRKO diary, the system will automatically redirect it to the authorization page.

    After registering and creating your personal account on the portal, you will be able to access the electronic diary through it.

    How to enter an electronic diary, step-by-step instructions

    Here we will look at how parents can log into a student’s electronic diary, regardless of whether this happens through PGU Mos.ru, or directly in Dnevnik.ru. Although there are certain differences, the general principles of the steps are the same.

    • Enter the login and password given by the class teacher into the appropriate Login and Password fields.

    • We enter and/or check personal data. Click “Finish” (Next). For Moscow, this is where it all ends and you are taken to the parent’s personal account.

    • In Dnevnik.ru you will have to fill out “Security Parameters”, where you indicate your email and mobile phone number, which will allow you to recover your password in case of loss and provide better protection.

    • After the first login to the pages of Dnevnik.ru, you get the opportunity to change the password given at school to another of your personal choice.
    • Both in the MRKO diary and in Dnevnik.ru, it is possible for a parent in his parent account to link the accounts of several children to one profile in order to see information for each child, even if they study in different classes and schools.

    Possibilities of an electronic diary

    Why should parents and students master this electronic resource? Parents and students who already use electronic diaries are convinced that it is indeed much more convenient and has additional useful qualities that the traditional one does not have.

    • Today, a parent anywhere (at home, at work, on a business trip) and at any time of the day, with access to the Internet, can find out how his children are studying, their grades and attending classes.
    • Grades appear on electronic pages the same day the teacher submits them. In addition, you can track progress in subjects, for a quarter and for an academic year, and the constant calculation of average grades helps to assess weak points in a child’s studies that require special attention. This opportunity makes the child more aware of the effectiveness of his work in the classroom, giving an additional incentive to learning activity.
    • Sometimes a student forgets to write down or writes down homework inaccurately; an electronic diary, where the teacher enters them himself, allows the student and his parents to know exactly what needs to be done. This helps to keep abreast of the topics being studied even if the child misses school due to illness or other reasons.
    • Here we see information about changes in the schedule, the introduction of quarantine, competitions, comments from the teacher and other important news.

    If you can’t log into the electronic diary

    If you can’t log into your electronic diary, it’s usually because you’ve forgotten the correct login or password. In this case, you do not have the opportunity to register again, since the system stores your personal data in memory and does not allow you to create another profile with similar information. To recover a forgotten login or password, the parent of a Moscow school student must contact the class teacher to restore them.

    Dnevnik.ru users have the opportunity to cope with this problem themselves. When logging in, indicate your problem - “I don’t remember my login” / “I don’t remember my password” and then follow the instructions. Since you indicated your contacts during registration, you will receive links to them to restore what you have forgotten.

    If login is complicated for other reasons, then these services have a technical support service that will provide assistance. Also, the service administrator at the school can also help you.

    The school diary connects the school management with the student’s parents - marks are made in it based on the results of knowledge surveys, tests, teachers write comments about behavior or poor preparation, and this technique always continued until an analogue of the paper version came into use - an electronic diary. What is this, how can a parent log into an electronic diary and check how things are going with their student child?

    With the development of new Internet services, every parent registered on the State Services portal can promptly receive all information about studies and various comments, missed classes, made simultaneously in both paper and electronic diary form. That is, the student will no longer be able to hide from parents any information that the school wanted to bring to the attention of parents. And if previously a careless student could tear out a page or correct 2 by 3, then the new service for parents already eliminates this possibility.

    Any parent who is interested in their child’s success at school will be able to obtain all the information they are interested in through the State Services Internet portal using the “electronic student diary” option. To do this, you must be registered to enter the portal in a section specially created for this. You can gain access absolutely free.

    In order for each parent to have access only to their child’s page, a colossal amount of work was done - a list of students was compiled, correspondence by school institutions and classes was developed, and personal input data for parents was developed.

    At this point in time, not all regions have prepared the system in order, so this service is not yet available everywhere.

    Getting login information

    One of the parents must contact the secretariat of the educational institution with a statement indicating:

    • Information from the child's birth certificate.
    • Personal details of the applicant.
    • A request containing a request for access to the electronic diary of your child.
    • Give agreement to the processing of data on the Internet.

    The secretary will check the specified information with the available data and issue information and instructions for gaining access to the desired service on the State Services.

    Please note that you can get access not on the national website gosuslugi.ru, but only on the regional one. For example, for Moscow this page is located in the “Study and Education” section, for the Moscow Region.

    It should also be taken into account that not all regional educational institutions have switched to the new format for maintaining school records. Moscow is at the forefront here, and its experience will be transferred to other regions.

    1. To log in, you need authorization, and if you don’t have an account, you should create one.
    2. Contact the class teacher and request input data - each student has his own personal page, and you can only log in using this data.

    Registration procedure on the portal

    As an example, we will consider Moscow. Open the main page of State Services in Moscow, click on the banner - register:

    1. Enter your personal data, email address and mobile device number sequentially in the appropriate fields - confirmation codes will be sent to them.
    2. Click on the button - registration, and after checking the entered data, messages with confirmation codes will be sent to your email address and phone number - enter them in the appropriate fields;
    3. Create your login password and complete the process by clicking on the “Done” banner.

    Now you will be able to log into various electronic services, including the “Education” section, where the necessary functionality is located.

    Procedure for logging into the electronic diary

    Now let’s learn more about how parents can access the student’s electronic diary:

    1. Open the portal page and click on the button – log in (at the top of the page).
    2. Enter your login details and log in.
    3. From the general list, follow the link “Education”, to the section “Electronic student diary”.
    4. Now you should enter the data received from the class teacher - login and password, then a new page will open with records of your child’s progress. Data for the last school month will be displayed here, but parents do not need a longer period.

    You can also log into this service from the Gosuslugi mobile application; the authorization process is similar to the traditional login from your desktop computer.

    What information will be available to parents?

    Important! If you have an electronic signature, then you can put it through the service, thereby notifying the teacher that you are familiar with his comments and wishes.

    By opening a personal page, parents will be able to find out about all the important events of the educational institution and other important information:

    • Scheduled class and school-wide meetings, agendas;
    • Missing classes for an unexcused reason (truancy);
    • Homework for each subject;
    • Receive personal information from the class teacher or any subject teacher, if you have an electronic signature, and respond to them via the Internet.

    All information is provided by the Department of Education of the Moscow region.

    Not long ago, a system of electronic tracking of student progress was introduced in the Russian education sector, which has become widespread among parents and students. The PSU electronic journal and school diary, available on the State Services portal, allow you to timely find out students’ grades online and check student attendance. It is worth examining in more detail the features of using an electronic diary on the State Services website.

    What is an electronic diary on the State Services portal?

    The student’s electronic diary is an online service of the State Services website, which displays data on the progress of each individual student. Here you can view not only grades, but also missed lessons, as well as teachers’ comments on grades. To more accurately form an idea of ​​the situation in the country, data on the child’s behavior for each past week is provided. Parents have access to only their child’s diary, and can also sign it using an electronic signature.

    What is an electronic journal on the State Services portal?

    An electronic journal is created for each class separately, to which not only parents and students, but also all teachers, subject leaders, the class teacher and the director of the educational institution have access. In the electronic journal, teachers can do the following:

    • give grades for lessons and comment on them;
    • mark absenteeism by children;
    • submit homework;
    • make announcements to parents and students;
    • conduct correspondence with certain parents of the student.

    For each subject, the average score and the number of absences are calculated, which allows you to quickly view the data of interest.

    Documents required to provide the Electronic Diary service

    To gain access to the electronic diary, the secretary of the educational institution must provide a set of the following documents:

    • identification of the parent or guardian;
    • child's birth certificate;
    • application for the provision of services;
    • consent to the processing of personal data.

    The application must be filled out carefully and according to the sample, because if there is the slightest inaccuracy it will be rejected:

    Service cost

    You can apply for access to the electronic diary by contacting the educational institution in person or through an official representative. The service time is 15 minutes.

    Important! The student’s electronic diary through State Services displays complete information about the student’s progress completely free of charge. You should not turn to other sites and pay money for it. Services on the school portal are provided without charging money, because an agreement is previously concluded with each parent defining the procedure and conditions for the free provision of the service.

    How to access the electronic diary through State Services?

    To log into the electronic diary, you need to go to the city services portal via the link pgu.mos.ru and log in with your username and password using the gosuslugi.ru website.

    Next, you will see a form to create an account. You can request your login and password from your school's class teacher. It is enough to enter this data only once, after which the portal will automatically remember and save it in the Unified Personal Account. Then click on the green “Go to diary” button.

    This video clearly shows how to access a student’s electronic diary:

    What additional services can be obtained on the school portal?

    In addition to the services described above, the following opportunities can be obtained on the State Services portal:

    • progress table. A table is created for each student, which is formed from the grades he received for the quarter. Absences and final grades for each period of study are also noted here. Recently, an additional function for calculating average scores was added, which allows high school students to focus on passing scores for universities. Here you can see which teacher gave a grade, as well as a remark or comment on the score. The function is available not only to teachers, but also to parents and students. It became possible to track progress throughout the entire quarter;
    • progress chart. You can track your progress not only by grades, but also in graphical form. The graph makes it possible to vary comparisons across different criteria and categories;
    • lesson schedules not only for students, but also for teachers;
    • call schedule;
    • personal data of each registered user of the school portal;
    • chat communication within the school.

    Why did I receive a refusal to provide the service?

    The reason for refusal to receive the electronic diary service may be an incorrectly completed application form. If you inaccurately indicated your first name, last name or patronymic, then you should fill out a new form again, because otherwise you will not be able to open the electronic diary on the State Services portal.

    If a teacher comes to the department, he must provide the journal of the class to which he wants to access electronically. Only if this requirement is met will the teacher be able to open an electronic journal through State Services.

    Benefits of using the school portal

    The main advantages of the school portal on the State Services website are the following:

    • functionality. The portal system can be completely customized from the start. Some tabs are easy to remove if you don't need them at the moment;
    • full control over the child. Children do not always tell the truth about their grades and behavior at school, which can then result in unpredictable circumstances;
    • the appearance of the program corresponds to the usual paper analogue of a school diary and magazine;
    • high speed of response to requests when using the portal;
    • constant updating of the database. Each teacher must record changes in an electronic journal immediately after class;
    • The notification system for changes on the school portal is designed in such a way that there is no need to constantly check for updates. The electronic journal on the State Services portal allows you to instantly find out about the student’s progress.