• What program is used to view web pages? Open Library - an open library of educational information. Web browsing applications

    Web pages are created using a programming language , which is called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language - hypertext markup language). To view such pages, special programs - browsers are used. The most popular browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Fire Fox, Opera, Google Chrome. Browsers can not only reproduce on the screen any information posted on a web page (text, image, animation, video), but also send sound to speakers or headphones. Once you learn how to use a browser, you will be able to find the information you need on the Internet. To work effectively on the Internet, the choice of browser is important. The main characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a browser: security, functionality, speed.

    The browser searches for a web page on a specific site , which you previously made a request for, and reproduces it on the screen. We can say that the site is like a book, where all the pages are organized thematically and stored together. Every website has a main page called the home page. It can be compared to the cover of a magazine or the front page of a newspaper. Typically, such a page has an original, specially designed design that embodies the idea of ​​the site. It is here that you can familiarize yourself with the contents of the site using the so-called map or navigation panel. The purpose of these elements is to help the visitor get to other web pages on the site. It's very easy to navigate from one web page to another in your browser. This process is often called Web surfing. When you launch the browser for the first time, a web page appears in its window, which was set as home in the computer settings (more precisely, in the browser properties). In this case, the term “home” is a web page designed to open automatically.

    Browser capabilities. Let's look at the main features of browsers using Internet Explorer as an example:

    Displays both text information and plays video, animation, and sound.

    Automatic creation of a list of nodes that have been visited previously.

    Go to previously viewed web pages (using the “Back” and “Forward” buttons).

    Search web sites using key phrases or words.

    Work with your favorite web pages by saving shortcuts to the system Favorites folder.

    Internet Explorer acts as a file manager (similar to Explorer in Windows).

    The Internet Explorer browser operates in two main modes: online and offline. In offline mode (i.e. without an Internet connection), you can perform operations with folders and files, as well as view web pages saved on your hard drive.

    Browser window. Note that the windows of all browsers contain similar elements, but they may look and be located slightly differently.
    Let's look at the Internet Explorer browser as an example:

    The Internet Explorer menu consists of the following items: File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, Help.

    The Common Buttons panel includes the following tools:

    Back - display the previously viewed web document;

    Forward - display the next page;

    Stop - stop loading the web page;

    Home - return to the home page;

    Search - activate the search bar;

    Favorites - displays a list of resources added to “favorites”;

    Log - displays a list of nodes that have been viewed previously;

    Mail - opens the email application window;

    Print - print the current web page.

    Below the “Regular Buttons” panel is the “Address” panel, which has a field for entering an address and a drop-down list with previously visited Internet resources. In the address bar you can enter a new resource that you are going to visit, or the name of a file on the disk that you want to view using a browser.

    The main (large) part of the browser window is occupied by the document zone, which reflects the current web page or document opened using Internet Explorer.

    At the bottom of the Internet Explorer window there is a status bar with information about current operations being performed by the program (for example, establishing a connection, loading a page, etc.).

    Differences between browsers

    So, before we go any further, let's take a look at browsers and see what they can and can't display. Indeed, everything that we write will be viewed by the user in browsers, and if we do not focus on specific browsers, the result may be the most unexpected.

    Of course, simple pages (like the one we wrote in the previous section) will most likely look the same in all browsers. However, the more complex the page, the greater the differences in its perception by different viewing programs. These differences can be in the layout of elements on the page, how they react to user input, how individual elements look, etc. When creating a web page, it can be helpful to view it in different browsers and adjust the code based on what you see. It can often happen that a page that looks very beautiful in one browser will simply be unreadable in another. Creating a complex page that looks almost the same in different browsers is not an easy task. Therefore, we would recommend focusing on one browser, and maintaining compatibility with others only at a minimum level. You can also create copies of pages for different browsers, but there is also a small problem here, which we will discuss below.

    And finally, the simplest solution: having created a page, write at the beginning of it something like: “Looks best in such and such a browser” and place a link next to it, by clicking on which the user could download the desired viewer program. However, we must keep in mind that not all users are likely to want to do this, and not only because not all browsers are free. Firstly, not everyone has the opportunity to download large amounts of data from the Internet, and secondly, many are already accustomed to using some kind of viewing program, and advice to urgently install another one will cause them, at best, bewilderment.

    Internet Explorer browser

    Today, the most popular web browsing program is Microsoft Internet Explorer, which is used by approximately half of all Internet users. MS Internet Explorer version 5 supports most requirements HTML 4.0, and it is this program that we will focus on in the examples given in this book. This program is free and can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie_intl/ru/download/. There you can update the browser version and download various add-ons for this program. Almost all of the cardinal innovations have appeared in MS Internet Explorer since version 4. However, some aspects, mainly related to the reaction to user actions and the interpretation of code written in JavaScript, have changed significantly in the fifth version. Therefore, do not be surprised if a page written for Internet Explorer version 5, when viewed in version 4, displays, for example, messages about a “script error.” By the way, the fifth version of Internet Explorer is capable of automatically correcting minor inaccuracies. Other browsers do not know how to do this, and for them these inaccuracies will result in error messages. Internet Explorer supports not only JavaScript as a scripting language, but also the VBScript language invented by Microsoft, which is derived from the Visual Basic language. Since web pages written using VBScript actually exist, only using the Internet Explorer browser today allows them to adequately display their content. VBScript introduced some interesting features that were missing in JavaScript 1.0, such as the ability to automatically ignore errors in a loop ( On Error Resume Next). We do not cover the VBScript language in this book, since JavaScript is still the universal scripting language today.

    As for earlier versions of MS Internet Explorer, their use gives rise to a number of problems. For example, the third version uses a rather unique implementation of JavaScript, and some functions written for later versions or for Netscape browsers do not work quite correctly in Internet Explorer 3. Moreover, since the project HTML 4.0 it was still just in its infancy, Internet Explorer 3 lacks functions for responding to user actions, the ability to arbitrarily arrange design elements, etc. There is also no support for cascading style sheets. In some cases, there are problems with navigation between frames. And in even earlier versions of this browser there was no support for scripting languages ​​at all and only the most basic tools were available.

    Netscape Navigator browser

    The second most popular browser in the world is Netscape Navigator. Unlike MS Internet Explorer, this program is implemented for many platforms, including OS/2 and UNIX with its clones. On non-Windows computers, Netscape Navigator continues to be the most popular web browser.

    At the time of this writing, the second preliminary release of the sixth version of Netscape Navigator has been released. This version also supports many requirements HTML 4.0, however, not to the same extent as in MS Internet Explorer 5. In particular, not all elements of a web page can still respond to user actions. Netscape Navigator is available free of charge from www.netscape.com. The previous version of this program (the fourth) did not support new tags proposed in the fourth version of Internet Explorer (for example