• Which wristwatch is better - mechanical or quartz? Let's compare the mechanisms. The structure and principles of operation of clock mechanisms

    Choosing a watch can be a daunting task. Today there are a huge number of models on the market. How not to get lost among this diversity? Which is better - quartz or mechanical watches?

    Types of watch movements

    First, let's figure out what types of watch mechanisms there are.

    Mechanical watches use a weight or spring mechanism to generate energy (depending on the type of watch), and a balancer or pendulum is used as an oscillating system. The trigger mechanism is responsible for converting rotational energy into reciprocating or oscillatory energy. It is connected to the spring using a gear system.

    A quartz watch is a device that in many ways resembles a mechanical watch, but with several fundamental differences in the oscillating system and power source. There are hybrid models that combine elements of both devices.

    Electronic devices contain quartz elements, as well as a display instead of a dial and a microcircuit. They often have an expanded set of functions. Almost all are equipped with a stopwatch and calendar, and may have a built-in alarm clock, thermometer, barometer, and calculator.

    How quartz movements came to be

    Quartz watches are not something that was invented overnight. Their invention was preceded by long work, numerous scientific studies and achievements.

    The design of mechanical watches was constantly being improved; they were complex and expensive. In an effort to make watches a simpler and more accessible item, W. A. ​​Marrison proposed a fundamentally new watch mechanism in 1927 - quartz. The first instruments built according to the new principle were bulky and were used in scientific laboratories as more accurate than mechanical ones.

    Scientists from three countries - the USA, Switzerland and Japan - worked independently on improving and reducing quartz watches. The Japanese company Seiko provided the most accurate quartz stopwatch for the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 1964, and launched its first wristwatch on the market in 1969 - they became the first in the world. The first Swiss quartz wristwatches were developed in 1967 and went on sale in 1970. It was a real breakthrough, and discoveries started pouring in. In 1972, quartz watches, that is, electronic ones, were released, in 1978 they were equipped with a calculator, in 1979 - super-flat ones, in 1988, hybrids appeared with a battery charged from kinetic energy - from hand movements.

    How do quartz watches work?

    An electronic unit located in a quartz watch sends impulses to a stepper motor that turns the hands. Quartz provides a constant pulse frequency. The motor and unit are powered by a battery. There is no need to wind this watch, because the battery provides a long service life.

    A quartz watch is a universal mechanism that can become a multifunctional device. An alarm clock, chronometer, stopwatch can be designed on this basis, and this will minimally increase the cost of the finished product.

    The quartz movement can be equipped with both a dial and a digital display. We call watches with a liquid crystal display electronic.

    Why does a watch need a crystal?

    Why is quartz crystal used in watches? It has unique properties: when exposed to electric current, it contracts and at the same time generates electrical impulses. With the help of current, quartz can be forced to compress and unclench at a constant frequency. These vibrations should have a resonance frequency of 32768 hertz, which is controlled by the size of the crystal. The quartz crystal stabilizes the electrical oscillations of the generator at its resonant frequency.

    How long can a quartz watch last?

    When buying a quartz wristwatch, we often wonder how long it will last. What happens if the battery starts to run out or the quartz crystal starts to deteriorate? By the way, those who buy men's quartz wristwatches are more concerned about the service life of the product. Women are more likely to care about their appearance.

    In terms of longevity, quartz devices are not inferior to mechanical ones. There is an opinion that mechanics are more reliable - after all, there are watches that have been working for centuries. But the quartz movement was invented relatively recently, and many simply throw away their boring watches before they break, preferring to periodically change models.

    If a quartz watch's battery runs out, it may lag. If quartz begins to collapse, they will begin to rush. Both the battery and the crystal can be replaced.

    Watches and fashion

    Today, watches are valued not only for accuracy and reliability, but also of great importance. Watches are produced in a variety of styles - casual for every day, classic models that are ideal for a business suit, large sports watches with many additional functions, bright, trendy watches of unusual shape, pilot's watches in aviation style and elite luxury mechanisms that can become a real family heirloom.

    A quartz watch is not necessarily an affordable and inexpensive thing. Models from well-known brands can be very expensive. Men's quartz watches, as a rule, are made in a classic style, elegant, and do not have flashy details. Models for young people may be more vibrant.

    Women's quartz watches are elegant, their purpose is not only to show the exact time, but also to complement the image of the hostess. Many fashion brands produce watches with unusual designs. Women's watches can be made in both classic and modern styles. They can be decorated with semiprecious and precious stones, resemble bracelets, or stand out with an unusual strap, for example, in the form of a bright satin scarf.

    Which ones are more accurate?

    Accuracy is another important factor when choosing a watch. After all, no one likes it when they are constantly in a hurry or behind.

    The accuracy of a mechanical watch may depend on temperature, adjustment, degree of gear wear, position in space, and spring winding.

    The quartz watch mechanism is more accurate. The generator produces constant impulses, on which the movement of the hands depends.

    For mechanical watches, a deviation of 20 seconds per day in one direction or another is considered normal; for the best branded watches - 5 seconds. The best quartz watches can provide accuracy of up to 5 seconds per year, ordinary representatives - 20 seconds per month. Thus, even the highest quality mechanical watches cannot surpass quartz watches in accuracy.

    Pros and cons of mechanical watches

    Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of mechanical watches. Experts have been working on their improvement for hundreds of years; they are quite reliable and have not lost popularity to this day.

    The watch mechanism may be fragile. You should not take them with you on an extreme hike or intense sports training. An exception may be special impact-resistant models.

    Mechanical watches can be repaired. The master can make any part to order and restore your great-grandfather’s inherited watch.

    The mechanics do not depend on batteries. The disadvantage is that they need to be constantly wound, but this problem can be solved with the help of automatic winding. Autonomy can be up to 20 days.

    Modern mechanical devices are accurate, but still significantly inferior to quartz ones.

    Mechanical watches are assembled personally by the master, which increases their cost, especially given the fact that handmade work is highly valued today.

    The mechanism of the watch is interesting, it’s nice to watch the gears moving. Many manufacturers use this - models with transparent bodies have recently gained popularity, allowing one to observe the movement of parts - “skeletons”.

    Mechanical watches are usually housed in a metal case and can be heavy.

    A watch may have a large range of functions, but this significantly increases its cost.

    When the temperature changes, they lose accuracy.

    Service life more than 10 years with good care.

    Pros and cons of quartz watches

    What important qualities do quartz wristwatches for men and women have?

    Quartz watches are shock-resistant and can be used by active people, fans of extreme sports and tourism.

    They have a large number of functions thanks to the electronic chip.

    The body is made of plastic, which makes the product lightweight and durable. Even children can wear them.

    Thanks to the built-in battery, the watch does not need to be wound. A high-quality battery will ensure continuous operation for 10 years.

    Quartz devices can only be repaired if spare parts are available, which are produced in-house. If the model is outdated and parts are not produced, it will be difficult to repair the watch.

    Quartz watches are characterized by high accuracy of +/- 5 seconds per year. This factor is independent of temperature changes.

    Which ones to choose

    It is impossible to say for sure which watch is better - quartz or mechanical. Indeed, despite the wide popularity of modern electronic products, traditional mechanics have found their faithful fans, especially recently, when the abundance of new materials, including transparent durable plastic, allows you to enjoy the sight of a well-coordinated watch mechanism.

    Quartz watches are considered more accurate and practical to use, while mechanical watches are a timeless classic of watchmaking. If we consider the issue of price, then hand-made mechanics are more expensive than mass-produced quartz, although in both categories you can find both high-cost luxury models and budget ones.

    Of course, quartz watches are suitable for an active life and sports, and a “mechanical” watch can complement the classic look.

    A wristwatch is the most important attribute of a modern person, allowing one to coordinate time and keep up with the dynamic rhythm of life. In addition, they are a wonderful addition to the owner’s style, indicating his status and impeccable taste.

    As a rule, when buying a watch, they first look at the design and price, and only then at the type of power supply and overall functionality. That's when a lot of questions arise. How do quartz devices differ from mechanical ones? Which ones are better to buy? To make a choice, it is worth considering in more detail the characteristics of each type.

    Pros and cons of quartz watches

    In such watches, the power source is a regular battery. In combination with quartz crystals, it generates signals to an electric motor, which drives the hands at specific intervals. Thanks to this operating principle, the device has the following advantages:

    • high accuracy (average error is +/- 20 seconds per month, in premium models - up to 5 seconds per year);
    • lack of daily winding (average battery life from 2 to 10 years);
    • reliability (the mechanism contains a minimum number of parts);
    • lightness (some of the mechanism components are made of high-quality plastic);
    • the presence of additional functions (alarm clock, calendar, barometer, altimeter, compass, etc.);
    • affordable price (automated assembly reduces the cost of the product).

    The main disadvantages of quartz products include:

    Small cash costs for purchasing a new battery;

    Low maintainability (in the event of a breakdown, the entire mechanism is often replaced, since the range of spare parts is small).

    Of course, such disadvantages are relative. Changing the battery today is not a problem, and the affordable price allows you to buy similar watch models relatively often.

    Advantages and disadvantages of mechanical watches

    Unlike quartz, mechanical devices operate on the basis of a spring. Each time the crown is turned, the spring begins to rotate gently and sets the wheels of the device in motion, which, in turn, ensure the movement of the hands.

    The main advantages of “mechanics” are:

    • long service life (all elements are made of metal);
    • high maintainability (any part of the “filling” can be made in a workshop without changing the original mechanism).

    These models have significantly more disadvantages. Among them are:

    • high travel error (-30/+40 sec. per day);
    • the need for daily plant;
    • weightiness as a result of the presence of many parts made of metal (including the case and strap);
    • high sensitivity to shock, temperature changes and humidity;
    • high price (assembly involves manual labor).

    Despite such disadvantages, mechanical watches remain in demand for a long time. In addition, today you can find models with reasonable prices.

    Which model is better to choose?

    Based on the above, it is impossible to confidently answer the question of which watch is better - quartz or mechanical. When choosing the type of mechanism, you should focus primarily on individual preferences.

    If you want to emphasize your status as a business and wealthy person, then you should bet on a fashionable mechanical watch. They are more aesthetically pleasing than quartz and reflect the traditions of watchmaking. But keep in mind that most of these accessories are in an expensive price range and are often inaccessible to the average person.

    If practicality and convenience are important to you, choose a watch with a quartz movement. They are affordable for everyone, and the variety of shapes, functions and color variations will allow you to choose an accessory for any occasion.

    Speaking about shortcomings, you need to remember that they are all conditional. Today, manufacturers present improved models, minimizing shortcomings. For example, there are high-quality mechanical devices from leading brands - models marked CHRONOMETR (COSC), where the error is reduced to -4/+6 sec. per day. Some models of quartz watches have additional protection against moisture and shock (CASIO G-SHOCK).

    To summarize, it is worth noting that all quality watches are good in their own way. But only your personal preferences and the size of your wallet play a decisive role.

    Useful information from the world of jewelry

    Which watch is better, mechanical or quartz?

    Which watch is better to buy - quartz or mechanical? What are their main differences, advantages and disadvantages? Owners of watch products are concerned not only with the appearance, but also with internal characteristics, including accuracy, service life, and reliability.

    If 40 years ago, when the quartz movement had not yet been invented, everyone used mechanical watches, now there are more and more supporters of quartz watches every year. And this is no coincidence. The most important advantages of quartz watches are:

    • uninterrupted operation. The energy source is a battery with a service life of about 2-3 years. Unlike mechanical watches, they do not need to be wound every day; it is enough to replace the battery once every 2-3 years.
    • high precision. A quartz crystal (hence the name of the watch) as a generator produces an electrical pulse with a high degree of frequency stabilization. This impulse starts a stepper motor, which drives the hour hand. The result of this electronic unit is the maximum accuracy of the watch. It is considered normal to deviate from the exact time by 15-25 seconds per month, for the most reliable quartz watches - 5 seconds per year; for comparison, mechanical watches diverge from the exact time by -20/+60 seconds per day. The accuracy of the latter depends on many factors: uneven speed of unwinding of the spring, ambient temperature, position of the watch, wear of parts, etc. In this regard, quartz watches are quite unpretentious. The only downside is that they are highly dependent on exposure to strong magnetic fields.
    • impact resistance. All quartz watches are not afraid of small shocks and shocks due to the absence of fragile parts and complex mechanical components. However, if the watch stops working (even if the battery is replaced), this means that its service life has expired and you need to buy a new watch. Quartz watches are difficult to repair. The same cannot be said about mechanical watches, in which you can replace one of the damaged parts and extend the service life of the product. Both require preventive cleaning, lubrication and adjustment of the mechanism every 3-4 years.
    • reasonable price. The production of parts and assembly of quartz watches is put on a conveyor belt, thereby minimizing the expensive manual labor of rare craftsmen used in production e mechanical watches.

    When talking about mechanical watches, one cannot fail to mention the more than 400-year history, rich traditions of Swiss watch houses, and mechanisms developed over centuries. “Alive”, “endowed with a soul”, and not “dead” electronics, watches will always be in great demand among those who value prestige and have good, refined taste.

    The main advantage of mechanical watches is that they are classics of watchmaking art. Owners are pleased to watch the movements of the rotor and feel the heaviness on their hands. Only quartz watches can be light and thin; complex mechanisms require more space.

    The engine in a mechanical watch is a spiral spring, which, when unwinding, drives a drum with teeth. He, in turn, starts the entire clock mechanism. Due to the uneven speed of unwinding of the spring, the discrepancy with the exact time is -20/+60 seconds per day. The most accurate mechanical watches are chronometers with an error of only a few seconds per day.

    The power source can be a classic manual or automatic winding. Manually wound watches must be wound regularly every 2-3 days using the crown.

    Automatic winding was developed in the 70s of the last century, when quartz watch products began to actively enter the market. Automatic winding is present on almost all Swiss mechanical watches over $300; ​​it has a higher accuracy. Due to the inertial weight built into the spiral spring, which can rotate with any movement of the hand, it does not need to be wound manually, only if the watch is on the hand for at least 8 hours a day. Otherwise, they will begin to lag behind or stop completely. Everyday movements will feed the mechanism with energy. This watch is definitely not suitable for people with a sedentary lifestyle. The rarely used crown ensures a highly sealed mechanical watch case, protecting it from unwanted moisture and dust.

    The disadvantage of self-winding watches is their high sensitivity to shock, as well as their limited ability to be used in miniature women's models due to the massiveness of the mechanism.

    There is a common belief that mechanical watches last longer than quartz watches. In fact, quartz products are difficult to damage (only if the mechanism is heavily worn and dirty); their parts have no less service life. A stepper motor produces much less power than the mainspring in a mechanical watch. The parts are made of plastic for less friction and lightweight construction. The parts of mechanical watches experience heavy loads created by the mainspring, so they are made of steel, brass, and ruby.

    Everyone has their own ideas, preferences, tastes, what a watch should be. From the above it is clear that mechanics are sometimes inferior in their properties to precision quartz watches that came off the assembly line, but will this stop true connoisseurs of “living” watches with a soul, having their own special character and the imprint of the master’s hands. If accuracy and convenience are important to the client, Swiss manufacturers recommend only quartz watches.

    A wristwatch is a must-have accessory for most people these days. The modern bustling world requires an appropriate attitude. True, nowadays the functional component of wristwatches has given way to design, style, and prestige.

    Undoubtedly, every person, when choosing a watch, has ever wondered which mechanism is better and more durable - quartz or mechanical? After all, the mechanism is the first thing you need to pay special attention to when choosing a watch. The mechanism is the heart of the watch, in which all elements must work harmoniously, with the most minimal errors.

    What is the difference between quartz and mechanics?

    All wristwatches can be divided into two main groups: mechanical and quartz.

    Some people use quartz movements all their lives, others prefer mechanics, but, of course, each mechanism has its own advantages and disadvantages. So what is the difference between quartz and mechanics?

    The main difference between a quartz watch and a mechanical one is that it is used as an energy source to power the clock mechanism.

    In a quartz watch, the energy source is a battery, which powers the electronic unit of the quartz watch and the stepper motor. The electronic unit sends a signal to the engine once per second, which in turn turns the arrows. Very high stability of the frequency of the generated pulses and, therefore, high accuracy is ensured by the quartz crystal (on average, the discrepancy with the exact time is 15-25 seconds per month, and the best quartz watches show a deviation of 5 seconds per year) due to which the watch got its Name. In addition, the battery is designed to last for several years, so there is no need to rewind a quartz watch.

    Mechanical watches use a coil spring located in a barrel with a serrated edge. When winding the watch, the spring is twisted, and when unwinding, the spring sets the drum in motion, the rotation of which sets the entire watch mechanism in motion. The main disadvantage of a spring motor is the uneven speed of unwinding of the spring, which leads to inaccuracy of the watch.

    Which watch is more accurate?

    For mechanical watches, the accuracy of movement depends on many factors, such as ambient temperature, position of the watch, wear of parts, and adjustments. In quartz watches everything is simpler: the frequency of the pulses generated by the quartz oscillator is almost constant. And the engine and arrows are just an additional device; their job is to rotate on command.

    Therefore, for mechanical watches, it is considered normal to deviate from the exact time by 15-30 seconds per day, and the best result is 4-5 seconds per day. And if for a mechanical watch a deviation of +-20 seconds per day is considered a good result, of which +-5 seconds is almost the maximum, then the bulk of quartz watches provide an accuracy of about +-20 seconds per month, and the best - up to +-5 seconds per month. year.

    Even cheap quartz watches are more accurate than a mechanical chronometer.

    The cost of mechanical watches is usually higher than quartz watches, since mechanical watches require fine manual adjustments during assembly. While most operations for the manufacture of parts and assembly of the quartz watch mechanism are entrusted to automation.

    Stones in the mechanism? Why and what are they needed for?

    All parts of a mechanical watch are under the load most of the time, which is created by the mainspring, and only at very small moments of time, when the balance and the escape fork allow the escape wheel to turn, does this tension drop. Large loads and high contact pressure require the use of hard materials such as steel, brass, ruby. In quartz watches, the opposite is true: most of the time the parts are free. And only when the stepper motor turns the wheels, the parts are loaded for a short time. This allows you to avoid installing stones in the mechanism. In addition, the power developed by the stepper motor is many times less than the power developed by the mainspring.

    In mechanical watches, stones are used only because ruby ​​is harder and better able to withstand contact pressure (rather than reducing friction, as some believe). If a stone is installed, it is usually the lower support of the stepper motor rotor.

    In quartz watches, the specific pressure is very low, and therefore, in some mechanisms, stones are not installed at all, or only 1 stone is installed in the lower support of the stepper motor rotor. The fact is that the engine stator “pulls” the rotor quite strongly, and this support is the only place in the clock where the contact pressure is relatively high. In more expensive large-caliber mechanisms, installing stones makes it possible to reduce friction in the stone supports and reduce current consumption, which results in increased autonomy of the mechanism.

    How long will “quartz” last?

    It is a common belief that mechanical watches are more durable than quartz watches. This is not entirely true. All moving parts of a quartz watch have the same service life as a mechanical watch. The service life of electronic components has not yet been fully studied, but is probably also large. Therefore, a good quartz watch is likely to last as long as a mechanical one.

    But, unfortunately, statistics on the “longevity” of quartz watches have not yet been collected, because they appeared only 30 years ago.

    Mechanical watches are classics of watchmaking art; accordingly, in terms of prestige, mechanical watches are higher than quartz watches. In addition, many people like the smooth movement of the watch’s second hand across the dial and the mesmerizing rotation of the automatic winding rotor.

    But, according to the forecasts of foreign experts, in the coming years the situation will change dramatically and in 4-5 years the share of quartz watches will be at least 80% of the market.

    Quartz watches are more convenient to use, there is no need to wind them or worry that they might stop after sitting on the shelf for a couple of days. The accuracy of quartz is much higher than that of mechanics.

    Even 100 years ago, watches were passed down from generation to generation because they were extremely rare and expensive. But today, more and more often, we buy a new thing not because the old one has deteriorated, but because it is outdated or simply out of fashion.

    So wear the watch you like. Wear your watch with pleasure, try to follow the operating rules, because it was invented for a reason and the watch will serve you for a very long time.

    Quartz and mechanics – which is better? This age-old question still occupies us, despite the emergence and popularization of electronic watches, as well as smart watches that perform many functions in addition to showing the time. As practice shows, no smart devices will ever completely displace the classics from our lives.

    What is the difference between mechanics and quartz?

    The main difference is in the source of energy that powers the clock mechanism. Mechanical watches are powered by a coil spring that is wound by hand when winding the watch. Quartz clocks are powered by a battery, which powers the electronic unit and the clock's stepper motor.

    How else do quartz watches differ from mechanical watches: accuracy, smooth movement of the hand, weight, method of maintenance, cost. And to understand what to choose between mechanics or quartz, you need to know a little more about them.

    Lower accuracy of time display is the main disadvantage of mechanical watches. Uneven unwinding of the spring, dependence on the ambient temperature, the position of the watch, the degree of wear of parts - all these factors lead to a discrepancy with the exact time by -20/+60 seconds per day.

    Quartz watches are more accurate, their discrepancy with the exact time is only 15-25 seconds per month. Such indicators are provided by a quartz crystal, which guarantees the highest stability of the pulse frequency and, accordingly, the accuracy of the hand and the operation of the entire mechanism.

    It would seem that quartz watches are superior to mechanical ones in everything - they are lighter, easier to maintain, more accurate and no less durable than mechanical ones, and at the same time they cost much less. Nevertheless, there is a demand for mechanics, and a considerable one. What is this connected with? Probably due to the fact that mechanical watches are almost entirely made by hand and keep a piece of the master’s soul.

    It is considered prestigious to wear a mechanical watch. The classics of watchmaking, the smooth movement of the hand, the pleasant heaviness on the hand - all this makes a mechanical watch desirable. And even when choosing, quartz or mechanics will always compete, leaving the future owner the right to choose depending on his personal preferences and taste.