• Which browser is better for weak computers - modern Mozilla Firefox or a project based on its old Pale Moon engine. Which browser to choose for Windows

    When working with equipment, you want it to promptly carry out the instructions given by the user. But not everything and not always goes like clockwork. Thus, equipment that does not have significant operational capabilities does not meet this requirement. Such inconveniences are especially felt on inexpensive PCs and laptops. And within the framework of the article, we will look at which simple browser to choose for a weak computer and what are the features of its use.


    To fully understand what we need, we need to have an idea of ​​what we are dealing with. In our case, it is necessary not only to use a lightweight browser for a weak computer, but also to configure it for optimal performance. Because even the most advanced software may not function at its best due to inept user actions. Moreover, optimization applies not only to the operation of the computer, but also to the display of the site.

    What I want to say about popular browsers

    And more specifically about Opera, Mozilla and Google Chrome. You can often hear complaints about them that these versions have become much heavier for equipment. This is not entirely true. If we open any browser of any such complainant, we will almost always be able to see that there is a lot of “body kit” installed there, which makes it so heavy. Therefore, it is first necessary to understand it in order to be able to talk about the speed of action. A browser for weak computers, Opera, will receive special attention. It has a special “Turbo” mode, with which, without additional settings and fiddling with hardware, you can optimize work and get improved performance on the Internet. Separately, it is worth mentioning about Google Chrome. It is not known what kind of computers the developers have, but they probably have 32 GB of RAM. Therefore, this browser often suffers from the fact that it begins to frantically “eat up” RAM. To avoid this, it is recommended not to leave tabs open for a long time and to restart them.

    Customizing popular models

    Let's look at this using Mozilla as an example. First of all, you need to make sure that all plugins are disabled. Of course, they allow you to conveniently navigate the Internet and get acquainted with multimedia content, but along with these operations the machine loads. But our goal is a lightweight browser for a weak computer. An exception can be made only for one category of plugins - those that are engaged in “cutting” heavy (usually advertising) elements from pages. This is an example where they will only help save operational power. Also, as an alternative possible solution, you can consider installing outdated versions. Let's take Mozilla version 2 or Opera version 9 - and we have a browser for weak computers. They are both quite functional and at the same time low-cost in terms of the use of system resources. But let's return to setting up the program.

    The ideal browser for weak computers can be obtained by sacrificing some of the features. So, you can disable the loading of various videos, pictures and other optional elements - thanks to this you can get a machine that can perform the working functions of searching for information. But this all applies to ordinary Windows user operating systems. If you are looking for a lightweight browser for weak computers on which one of the versions of Linux is installed, then we suggest paying attention to Midori. It is easy to use and interacts correctly with various sites.

    Paying attention to unpopular browsers

    But what's popular doesn't appeal to everyone. Which browser should you choose for a weak computer if you want to try something new? There is a wide selection of different programs that are written in the open source Chromium engine. It should be noted that the merits of these browsers are that they take up little space and are quickly processed. But the other side of the coin is that they do not always have a user-friendly interface (although most are similar to Google Chrome) and errors often occur that make their comfortable use problematic. So, a little-used browser for weak computers:

    1. Browsar Winstyle.
    2. Comodo Dragon.

    There is no consensus about them, but, nevertheless, if you are satisfied with their functionality, then you can safely use it.


    In general, any computer with at least 256 MB of RAM can easily work with the modern segment of the Internet. Of course, in this case it will be necessary to carefully approach the programs that are installed on it, forget about autoloading various clients of social networks or other sites, but the end result will be pleasing - the browser will, albeit a little slowly, but confidently load any page of an arbitrary site. It is necessary to mention here that working with heavy flash player elements or 3D models will be unavailable (or very incorrect), but ordinary text documents will work without problems.

    Since the emergence of the World Wide Web, called the Internet, surfing tools have begun to develop at a breakneck pace. Web browsers are used as the main tool. But not all of them are equal in their capabilities and the load they can put on the system. Let's try to figure out which browser loads the system the least, taking into account the main technical characteristics and reviews of ordinary users.

    What is the load on the system?

    To understand the meaning of the load, you should directly examine the currently loading content contained on a specific web resource. It is clear that if the site is a resource that presents exclusively text, there is nothing to talk about. The system reads text in any encoding and does not strain too much.

    The question of which browser loads the system the least should be considered from the point of view of multimedia content or development tools provided by the browsers themselves.

    If we talk about multimedia, it’s immediately worth considering that the processing tools provided in the main versions of programs are often supplemented by a fairly large number of special plug-ins. Take, for example, the same Adobe Flash Player, which is responsible for high-quality reproduction of animation, graphics and sound.

    Thus, the relevant question will be not so much about which browser consumes the least resources, but about how resource-intensive the additional plugin is, because the browser itself in its pure form may not work with some elements of web pages.

    Basic performance parameters

    If we consider the main characteristics of the most famous and most often used tools, the first thing for any user or expert tester is the speed of launching the program itself from an executable file and the speed of opening pages.

    Unfortunately, many users who are trying to figure out which browser uses less CPU or RAM, often ignore the application startup options. So to speak, in their pure form after installation, they all start quite quickly. This is only due to the fact that they do not have plugins connected, the cache is not full, there is no browsing history, etc.

    Over time, any, even the most sophisticated browser with a bunch of bells and whistles turns into a clumsy hulk. The saddest thing is that even deleting temporary files does not help. And if you also take into account the initialization of plug-ins at program startup, in general, it’s worth thinking about the advisability of installing them.

    Some applications have their own set that cannot be deleted, but can be disabled. For example, Chrome comes with built-in components like Adobe Flash Player or AdBlock. If everything is clear with the first plugin, the second sometimes causes legitimate complaints. It is responsible for blocking ads, pop-ups and banners, and can also prevent some auto-executing scripts and applets embedded in web pages from running. And all this takes a lot of time.

    Opening pages with preliminary content analysis directly depends on the content. Any modern browser takes a fraction of a second to do this. Again, it all depends on the plugins - the more there are, the slower the program runs. And incorrectly installed or incompatible add-ons slow down the system even more.

    Which browsers use less memory?

    But let’s start checking the means of Internet access themselves. Here you should take into account the consumption of RAM, virtual and physical memory. If you understand the question of which browser loads the system the least, you should pay attention to the basic default settings and the size of the allocated cache.

    Cached data, although it allows you to open the most frequently visited pages by saving some elements on the hard drive, is nevertheless capable of clogging up the system too much and causing programs to freeze. This is due to the constant analysis of loaded structural elements of pages. If there is a sufficiently large number of them, more time is required for analysis and loading.

    In this regard, the best performance, judging by user and expert reviews, is shown by Internet Explorer 11, Edge from Windows 10, Mozilla and Google Chrome. Opera, although a very popular means of accessing the Internet, is much slower. In addition, today you can find so many versions of the program in unofficial sources that you don’t always know whether a given product is safe.

    and reviews

    If you look at it, you can make a list, which, as you would expect, contains only programs from the most famous developers:

    • Internet Explorer;
    • Edge;
    • Opera;
    • Mozilla Firefox;
    • Chrome.

    It would be possible to add here some programs like Amigo, Yandex Browser, 360 Safety Browser or something else. But they are specifically not included in the list, since they are built on the basis of Chrome and are not of interest as truncated or expanded derivatives of the main product. Often, due to unfinished technologies and algorithms, many more problems arise in them than in the parent product. This is evidenced by clearly unflattering statements from users.

    Now let’s look at the question of which browser loads the system the least in a little more detail.

    Internet Explorer

    Users have an extremely negative attitude towards IE, which is part of any Windows operating system, since the early versions of the program were so unfinished that it was not even possible to talk about any ease of working on the Internet.

    Over time, Microsoft developers revised the basic concept of the browser, resulting in the 11th version of the application. No matter what anyone says, Internet Explorer 11 in all respects surpasses Mozilla, Chrome, and even more so Opera. The load is minimal, startup is much faster than similar applications, clearing the cache and temporary files does not require user intervention, as it was before (you had to clean the Temporary Files folders manually).


    The same Internet Explorer became the progenitor of a new generation browser called Edge, which appeared only in Windows 10 (a version is not provided for systems of a lower rank).

    This application rightfully occupies the top positions in all ratings. Most of the background processes when starting the program are automated, the start takes place within a couple of seconds, opening pages even without installing the accompanying plugins is very fast. By the way, you don’t need to install add-ons - everything comes included here.

    Another thing is that this browser is somewhat inconvenient to configure, especially in terms of disabling extensions. And the default start page (news, weather, advertising, etc.) is a little annoying. But all this can be disabled if you set the dummy at startup, similar to how it is done in IE.


    The notorious "Opera", although revered by many, has recently lost ground. Despite the convenient and fairly simple interface, performance leaves much to be desired.

    Even at startup, you may notice that it takes too long to access the hard drive, as well as when completely clearing the cache and deleting temporary files. True, one of the advantages is the ability to quickly configure, disable or remove extensions. But this in no way can affect the overall rating.

    Mozilla Firefox

    The search for an answer to the question of which browser loads the system the least cannot do without this browser.

    Light and fast - that's what you can say about it. However, not all users appreciate it fully. The fact is that “Fire Fox” cannot be considered as the most primitive means of accessing the Internet. This browser is more suitable for web developers and can be used as a complete platform for creating web applications. The tools here are much wider than what other favorites on the list offer.

    Chrome and browsers based on it

    Chrome is considered the fastest of all existing browsers. Developments based on it are fast only after the first installation, but over time they begin to slow down incredibly.

    The speed of launch, the speed of opening pages, and the ease of setup or management are excellent. Plus - the largest number of developed plugins and extensions. The question is different. Is it worth installing them? This is something everyone decides for themselves. Nevertheless, in all the main indicators in the popularity lists, this browser is not inferior to Edge.

    What to choose?

    So, we choose Of course, preference (based on user reviews) could be given to Microsoft products, however, it is believed that the best option would be to install Chrome.

    And here the choice is supported not only by technical characteristics or performance parameters with minimal load on the system. If you look more broadly, you will notice that the latest version of the application supports RDP (remote desktop) technologies and can be used as the main client for connecting to computers and laptops, even from mobile devices.

    Thus, the balance in the question of which browser loads the system the least, is the easiest to manage and configure, clearly tips in favor of Chrome, although this assessment is based solely on ratings, nothing more.


    Long page loading times always irritate users, who subsequently begin to suffer from Internet speed problems. Although the reason may be a weak computer on which a heavy browser with many extensions is installed. Install the Pale Moon browser and reduce page loading time by a quarter.

    The Pale Moon browser works quickly on weak computers

    Initially, the popular Mozilla browser was developed for the Linux platform and was later edited for use in the Windows environment. In this regard, many users claim that it can slow down and take a long time to open pages. Enthusiasts approached this issue with complete seriousness and decided to develop a completely new Pale Moon browser for Windows OS users (there are also distributions for Linux OS), developed based on Firefox, the source code of which is publicly available.

    “Pale Moon” is distributed absolutely free of charge and without built-in extensions. The lack of extensions has a positive effect on the speed of the browser, but creates certain difficulties for the user: for example, in order to watch any video using this program, you must install Flash Player yourself.

    The original version of the Pale Moon distribution does not provide installation in Russian and the entire interface is in English. Although, using the downloaded archive and language modules of the program, you can perform Russification.

    To summarize, we can note both the positive aspects of Pale Moon and the negative ones.

    The positive aspects include:

    • Free to use.
    • A significant increase in the speed of opening pages (this is especially noticeable on low-power computers).
    • Open source code (allows programmers to independently make modifications for themselves).
    • If you have an account in Firefox, all bookmarks and saved passwords can be transferred to this program for viewing web pages.

    The negative aspects include:

    • Lack of Russian-language interface in the official version.
    • Plugins that 99% of 100% are needed by the user to one degree or another (for example, Flash Player) are not installed.
    • Many complain about the rather complex architecture and difficulties in personal settings.

    The user’s decision to use “Pale Moon” must be made independently, taking into account all the listed capabilities and disadvantages.

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    Greetings! Agree, today it is no longer possible to imagine your life without the Internet. It is important for every user to use a truly decent Internet browser, because the better and faster it is, the more comfortable it is to surf the vastness of the global network. This is especially important when the computer is not modern and installing any browser is not a solution. Today we will look at the best and fastest browsers for PC as of 2016, which over the years have gained the trust of many users in all countries.

    Browser is a program through which you can view various web resources. All this is done using special http requests to the server, after which data is transferred back from it. All this data is processed according to established web programming standards, and in this way an electronic page with all the objects is generated.

    In other words, the browser is the same conductor between the user and the global Internet. So, we figured out what a browser is, now we can actually move on to the rating of the best browsers of 2016.

    TOP best internet browsers 2016

    Google Chrome
    Let's start with the most popular browser today - Google Chrome. It is used by the majority of all users in the world, and this is not surprising, since a global corporation invests enormous resources in the development and support of its product. This browser is used both on personal computers and on mobile gadgets (phones, tablets, etc.).

    - supports all popular operating systems;
    - searches directly from the address bar;
    - lightning-fast translation of any page (for example, from Ukrainian to Russian);
    - fast speed (pages open almost instantly);
    - synchronization of settings and bookmarks.

    - on weak computers, the Google Chrome browser may slow down, as more than one plugin will be installed over time.

    Yandex Browser
    A fairly fresh browser that is rapidly gaining momentum by combining all its services in one place. Yandex Browser can also be used on personal computers, tablets, phones, etc.

    - supports, as in Google Chrome, all popular OS;
    - search from the address bar with hints;
    - the presence of many beautiful themes that can change the browser visually beyond recognition;
    - synchronization of settings and bookmarks;
    - the browser has a turbo mode, which allows you to significantly speed up the loading of web content, as well as speed up online video playback when the picture slows down due to low Internet speed.

    Unfortunately, Yandex Browser is practically a clone of the popular Google Chrome browser, differing only in some of its own features. This is not surprising, because both browsers use the same engine. I would recommend that you use the Yandex Browser only if you often search for any information in the Yandex search engine or use its services. You can download this browser from the link

    Mozilla Firefox
    A very popular browser used by a huge number of users. Although it is not significantly faster than the Chrome browser, it has no equal in capabilities. Firefox contains a wide variety of plugins and add-ons that are aimed at solving a variety of tasks: password master, downloading videos and music, expanding browser capabilities, and much more.

    - ease of working with bookmarks, as well as their synchronization (especially useful when reinstalling the operating system);
    - contains a large number of various add-ons and plugins;
    - quite high speed of operation (unless, of course, a huge number of plugins are installed);
    - editing the toolbar to suit your “taste” (you can remove or add any desired button);

    I advise you to install this browser in any case, even if it is not the main one, but believe me, it definitely won’t hurt. You can download Firefox from this link

    This browser has been around for a long time, improving and developing. Of course, he lost quite a few fans after it was decided to switch from his own engine to a third-party one. However, today it is still capable of overtaking many competitors. To tell you a secret, I always have it installed and I use it, even though it is not the main browser.

    - good speed, even on weak PCs the browser shows good results;
    - an enormous degree of safety (these conclusions were drawn by more than one specialist around the world);
    - a huge number of various extensions that add interesting features to the browser;
    - turbo mode (Opera turbo) - a function that allows you to save traffic by compressing downloaded elements of web pages. A very useful feature that appeared for the first time in this browser.

    In principle, by and large, all browser options are the same as in the previous ones. I’ll tell you one more secret: if Opera is configured properly, then in speed it can easily overtake Chrome. If you don't believe me, you can do an experiment. You can download this browser from the link

    Microsoft Edge
    A completely new browser, which was included in the distribution of the new Windows 10 operating system. There is a possibility that in the future users will not have to download third-party browsers, since it will cope with the assigned tasks just as well, or even better. The developers set a goal - to create both a lightweight browser and at the same time functional.

    The browser shows excellent results in many tests, surpassing popular competitors. But, since Microsoft Edge sometimes displays some sites not quite correctly, this indicates its “dampness”. The prospect is great, but it is last on our list of the top best browsers of 2016.

    The best browsers for weak PCs (light browsers)

    Here is a modified version of the Firefox browser, which I described above. The highly optimized Palemoon browser is ready to boast fast operating speed. By the way, most of the plugins and add-ons for Mozilla Firefox can easily function in Palemoon.

    I recommend using this browser to those users who like the Firefox browser, but who do not like its speed on weak machines. You can download this browser from the link

    The next lightweight browser is QupZilla. This miracle consumes little RAM and uses the processor differently than other browsers.

    Some of the features include: the presence of a portable version, which eliminates the need to install the program; the ability to block various types of advertising; support for all versions of Windows OS, including top ten, etc.

    Just like the two previous browsers, K-Meleon is a fast and easy solution for surfing the World Wide Web. The source code is open, so every user can modify and customize it.

    The advantages of this browser are as follows: very fast operating speed (including weak PCs); the ability to disable the loading of web page images (this is done in one click); minimalism and super-lightness.

    Today we looked at top best browsers of 2016, and I think each of you made a certain conclusion by choosing a decent browser for surfing the Internet. Try, test and choose the best browser for your machine.

    That's all! See you again!