• What should be the password for steam. Recovering a forgotten password on Steam. We come up with a strong and simple password for Steam

    And then what you feared most happened, but you didn’t take any action in advance to minimize the consequences - you forgot your Steam password to log into your account. Internet traffic and time were spent downloading your favorite games, gaming hours that you spent having fun, and most importantly, money for buying games and various “nice things” for them. The question is - what to do next?

    Of course, using a password manager to store all your complex and hard-to-remember passwords is a great way to automate the registration process while ensuring excellent security and safety of secret character combinations. But if you don’t use it, you can easily lose access to your account and favorite games in the Steam gaming content delivery system at any time.

    We answer the question posed above! You will no longer be able to recover the same password you used before. But, you can log into your account by resetting it and entering a new one.

    This can be done either from the desktop application or on the client’s official website. The choice is up to the user.

    The steps are almost identical for a website as for a desktop application. We'll look at the example of a website. If you decide otherwise, click on the “I can’t sign in to my account...” button in the application’s login window under the fields for entering name and . Then proceed as follows.


    In the list of support questions, click on the button “I don’t remember my Steam account name or password.” On the next page, enter your choice (what you remember): login, email address or phone number, and then click on the “Search” button.

    If what you entered is correct, the next step is to “Send Verification Code to Email” and then wait until the email arrives. If you no longer have access to your email, select the “I no longer have access to this email address” button. mail".

    In this case, you will need to fill out a form with detailed information about your account. Some of these fields include the first email you received, any phone numbers attached to your account, and the method you used to purchase games. Once you submit this form, support will contact you with further details for account recovery.

    When you receive the email, copy the code from it, return to the website and paste the code into the field provided, then click on “Continue”. Next, click on the “Change my password” button. Enter a new one, duplicate it again to confirm, and then click on the change button.

    This will complete the process! You will successfully reset your Steam password, gain access to your account, and start playing your games again. Thank you for your attention!

    One of the troubles that computer users often encounter is that they have forgotten the password for their accounts on various social networks. Unfortunately, Steam is no exception, and users of this gaming platform also often forget their passwords. Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to see your Steam password if you have forgotten it? Read on to find out what to do if you forgot your Steam password and how to find it.

    In fact, there is no way to see the Steam password. This is done so that even Steam employees themselves cannot use other people’s passwords for this gaming platform. All passwords are stored in encrypted form. There is no way to decrypt encrypted records, so the only way to regain access to your account if you have forgotten your password is to reset your password. When you recover your password, you will need to come up with a new password for your account. The old password will be replaced with a new one.

    When restoring, you will not need to specify the old password that you forgot, which is logical. To recover your password, you will only need to have access to the email that is linked to your account, or to the phone number that is also linked to your account. In any case, a password recovery code will be sent to your email or phone. Enter this code and you will be prompted for a new account password. After you change the password, you need to log in, naturally using these changes. You can read about how to restore access to your Steam account.

    A similar protection system is often used in other applications. As already mentioned, it is impossible to view your current password. This is due to the high degree of protection of Steam accounts. If Steam had the ability to view the current password, this would mean that the passwords are stored unencrypted in the database. And if this database were hacked, attackers could gain access to all Steam user accounts, which is completely unacceptable. And so, all passwords are encrypted, so even if hackers hacked the Steam database, they still won’t be able to gain access to accounts.

    If you do not want to forget your password in the future, it is advisable to store it in a text file on your computer, or write it down in a notepad. Also, you can use special programs, for example a password manager, which allows you to store passwords on your computer, and in a protected form. This will protect your Steam account, even if your computer is hacked by a hacker and he gains access to files on your computer.

    Now you know how you can restore access to your account if you forgot your password, and why you can’t see your current Steam password. Tell your acquaintances and friends about this who also use it.

    With the increasing popularity of the Steam gaming platform, the number of problems faced by members of the Steam community is growing. One of the burning questions: how to find out your password in Steam? Having lost it, the user loses access to his favorite games. In this article we will look at how to regain lost access to the gaming platform.

    Steam password recovery

    How can I see my password on Steam? This cannot be done in the program itself. If you cannot log into your account and the password you created earlier is not written down anywhere, you will have to recover it.

    If you remember your system login and email address, use the following algorithm to restore data:

    1. After the system informs you that the password you entered is incorrect, click “Recover account.”
    2. In the window that appears, enter all the requested data accurately and in detail.
    3. Enter a valid e-mail in the appropriate field.
    4. Confirm sending the ticket to support.
    5. Wait for a response from employees by periodically checking your email.

    Attention! Don't panic if support doesn't respond immediately. The application review process may take some time.

    A temporary password will be sent in an email with information about account recovery.

    Important! To avoid having to deal with the Steam account recovery procedure again in the near future, change the temporary password to a convenient one. This operation makes sense, since the combination of numbers and letters sent is quite difficult to remember.

    The change procedure is available in the "Change password and security question" section in "Settings". You need to enter the old and then the new password. A confirmation code will be sent to your email, which must be entered in your Steam account.

    How to find out your login on Steam

    How to find out your login on Steam? It happens that a user does not know his Steam login. In this case, you need to do the following:

    • when trying to log into your account, select “I don’t remember my account name”;
    • fill out all the account information that you remember, including your security question and answer;
    • send a request to the support service.

    Such a request is considered by the support service for several days.

    As you can see, everything is not so complicated. The account can be restored even with a lost login. The main thing is to be patient.

    Steam is a service that allows you to play many games, including Dota 2. A Steam account is of some value, especially if you have been playing for a long time. Games or various things and updates for them can be purchased on it. For example, in a year of playing Dota 2 you can accumulate a pretty good amount of things, even if you don’t buy them. Of course, this is not a lot of money, but it is of some interest to scammers. This is why the security of your account is important, for which you also need to come up with a strong password for Steam.

    In fact, the tips from this article can be used not only in Steam and Dota 2, but also on any other site. It seems that coming up with a login and password for Steam is very simple, but this task baffles some. Let's figure it out.

    What passwords are not needed for Steam

    • Login = password - this is the worst thing you can come up with. It will only be a matter of time before your account gets stolen;
    • Simple and well-known combinations like 123qwe;
    • Short combinations of numbers or letters only (especially repeating ones). Bad examples: 111222, 5555qqqq;
    • Use a password for email or other sites. Ideally, they should be different everywhere.

    We come up with a strong and simple password for Steam

    Above we wrote what passwords definitely should not be. It is especially worth noting the last point, which many neglect. Most people think that one password is more than enough, but this is not correct. Think about it, you register on many sites, but forget about some. Sooner or later your password will become known. What if it is suitable for your mail too? That's it, your Steam account and things for Dota 2 were crying.

    In reality, everything is very simple and you can come up with at least 1000 passwords and never forget them. How to do this? Let's explain step by step:

    • Come up with a base word, let it be Dota (conditionally, in fact it should be longer and ideally a combination of numbers and letters);
    • You come up with an algorithm that you use for each site. That's it, you only need to remember the basics and the algorithm itself.

    The algorithm can be anything, but it must be extremely clear and simple, and also be suitable for each site or service. For example, from the site name, you add 2 letters to the base word at the beginning and 3 letters at the end. Letters can be taken, for example, the first two and the last three. The Steam address is store.steampowered.com, so in our example the password will be st Dota red. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.

    Fairy tales about evil hackers who can hack any PC are true, they actually exist. But no one will purposefully hack your Steam account, simply because the game is not worth the candle. Here they usually either send Trojans en masse on the principle of “suddenly we find out something valuable”, or they guess the password using special programs. The first threat needs to be dealt with by having a good antivirus and firewall, and also following the simplest rules (do not download files from dubious sources, etc.).

    A password that is quite long and complex will help you deal with the second threat. It will be almost impossible to decipher your Steam password, which is longer than 10-12 characters. In this sense, a complex combination guarantees security and makes life as difficult as possible for attackers.

    In general, do not forget about generally accepted Internet safety rules. No need to download files from dubious sources, no need to give your data even to friends. Most of the thefts of Dota 2 accounts and things from them do not occur as a result of some very smart actions, but quite the opposite, due to the stupidity of the account owner. Following the simplest rules will minimize the risk.

    It may also be useful to hide your username so that it is not visible in matches. This can be done in the Dota 2 settings, where you will need to specify a nickname. If we talk about hacking the service itself and subsequent data theft, then you can’t do anything at all. However, completely different people are responsible for the security of Steam, who take this very seriously. After all, there is data not only for game accounts, but also payment card data and other information that is of great value.

    To protect your Steam profile, and everyone playing and money with it, from hacking, you will need a strong password. When creating a password, you must follow several important rules:

      • The password must not match your login;
      • A strong password must contain letters and numbers. For example, sXSwQ8ukBus is a strong password;
      • Combinations like 123... or 987... are easy to hack;
      • Your name and date of birth are not the strongest passwords;
      • Create a unique password that is not used in your email and other services
      • The Steam password is case sensitive. Don't forget to turn off Caps Lock when entering your password;
      • After you come up with a password, write it down in your notepad;
      • If it’s hard for you to come up with a password yourself, use the OnlinePasswordGenerator service, after checking the required boxes;

    • If you accidentally revealed your password or went to a dubious resource, it is better to change your password in order to avoid hacking;
    • The longer your password, the more secure it is
    • Steam password cannot contain Cyrillic characters;
    • The password must include at least 8 characters;
    • You cannot use a space or complex characters like +-, etc. in the password.

    How to determine the strength of a password?

    To do this, use the site https://howsecureismypassword.net/. You will be surprised, but the average eight-digit password, consisting of numbers and letters of different case, can be cracked in 15 hours!

    How can I create an “unbreakable” password that I will remember?

    Above were the basic rules for creating a good password. Let's highlight the main ones:

    • The password must be long (at least 12 characters),
    • It must contain numbers and letters of different registers, as well as symbols
    • The password must be unique for each site,
    • You should remember it easily
    • The password can be easily entered both from a computer and from a phone.

    When I type in my 16-digit password, people ask: How do I remember all this? Well. The secret is simple!

    Step 1. Create a passphrase

    Come up with a passphrase you won't forget. It could be a favorite quote from a book, a line from a song, whatever. But this phrase should not be too short. For example, take this quatrain:

    Lukomorye has green oak;
    Golden chain on the oak tree:
    Day and night the cat is a scientist
    Everything goes around and around in a chain.

    Now we reduce all the words to one first letter. It turns out: uldz;ztsndt:idinkuvkhptsk.

    It turned out a little long. We reduce it to the first two lines: uldz;ztsndt:.

    Now we translate all the letters from Russian into English, simultaneously translating the letters into numbers. For example, “h” in “4”, etc.

    It turns out: yldz;3cndt

    Step 2. Password template

    We determine the template that will be used to create a password for each site just once. Everything is limited by your imagination, and I will just give an example:

    Website: etocsdetka
    Login: Admin

    We take the first two letters from the site “et” and the first two from the login “Ad”. Then we put the login part before the main password, and the site part after. It turns out: Adyldz;3cndtet.

    We can also separate the login, website and main part of the password with some symbols. For example, " / " or " * «.

    It turns out: Ad/yldz;3cndt*et.

    Now let's see how long it will take to crack such a password?

    41 trillion years? Not bad :)

    Step 3. How to remember it?

    Easier than that. Each time you enter a new password, say the key phrase in your mind. And then a combination of characters that is complex at first glance will be automatically typed in a couple of seconds after just a few days of using such passwords.

    Remember that your password is the security of your data, so take the time to spend a few minutes to increase the security of your profile.


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