• What nickname can you come up with for VK. Beautiful names for VK: cool Russian options for girls, as well as top nicknames in English. We come up with a nickname for girls by last name

    There are many reasons why people choose to use a nickname instead of their birth name. A new name is an act of rethinking oneself, a kind of calling card. And before choosing it, you need to think carefully. The Internet is replete with name generators that help you create a new nickname very quickly and easily according to several criteria. Their lists are huge.

    We offer you examples of pseudonyms for various cases, which will not only be of interest to you, but may also help you choose your own (individual and original pseudonym).

    In English with translation into Russian

    For inspiration in your creativity, we offer English versions of pseudonyms:

    • TearPrincess (princess of tears);
    • Freedom;
    • Lovely (beautiful);
    • ◄Only god can judge me (only God will judge me);
    • Funny girl (cheerful girl);
    • Sweetest (the sweetest);
    • Simply Girl;
    • Angel on duty (Angel on duty);
    • Flying Star (Flying_Star);
    • Cherry Pie (Cherry pie);
    • Amazing (Amazing);
    • Baby Angel, Baby Love - do not require translation;
    • Better Half;
    • Flower Child;
    • Honey Bun.

    For YouTube

    How to choose a nickname for YouTube? You can take as a basis keywords, symbols of your niche, or use universal ones, such as picture - Pictures, program - Programme, channel - Channel, TV, Zoom, Films, Show, Stories, Productions, Exclusive and add them to your abbreviated nickname.

    Then we get:

    • VirginiaTV;
    • TainaShow;
    • Yolonda Program;
    • Delfina:
    • NinaChannel;
    • StudiosSabrina – StudSab;
    • Portia;
    • SabraFocus;
    • Zula;
    • TeodoraProductions;

    Remember, for Youtube names can only be up to 50 characters in length. Some girls choose nicknames that don’t mean anything, but that sound good and are easy to remember.

    Nicknames for social networks, for example, for VKontakte

    When communicating on the Internet, not everyone wants to tell everything about themselves (which is absolutely correct). In the first stages of acquaintance, the name is hidden in most cases, some abstract nickname is taken that says nothing about the person or only slightly lifts the veil of uncertainty.

    Girls prefer something light, sometimes funny or cool, they decorate the name with all sorts of symbols, like here:

    We come up with a nickname for girls by last name

    Sometimes circumstances force you to change your real last name (due to its dissonance or unpleasant memories). And young ladies are looking for a pseudonym for their creative sites, dating, only partially reminiscent of their former surname. Then their friends will easily recognize them, and the previous discontent will disappear. Choose an option that is easy to remember, concise, and looks beautiful in Latin. The name, as a rule, is preserved more often in its short form.

    For example, for Svetlana Prus, you can offer the following options: Pruss Lana, Lana Pruss, Svetlana Locust (translated as locust, cicada) or Lana Tarakanova.

    • Irina Naumenko - Iren Naumenko, Naum Irina, Naira$;
    • Solar - Sun, Sun;
    • Kuznetsova - Blacksmith, Smith, Farrier (blacksmith in English).

    You can fantasize endlessly

    For example, taking my childhood nickname as a basis, most of them were very accurate. And your friends will recognize you easily. Another option is to swap your last name and first name.

    • Ivanova Nastya - Ivanna Nastina;
    • Alexandrova Tatyana - Alex Tannin, Alex Tannin;
    • Marinina Ekaterina - Marianna Katina.

    Or completely move away from the old surname: Tatyana Petrushkina can become Tanya Fortuna, Cool, Beautiful or Smart.

    Names are pseudonyms. Examples

    A nickname can be formed simply from a name, shortening it, writing it in Latin, or slightly altering it.

    • Caterina;
    • Kira;
    • Kati;
    • Sonya;
    • Stacy;
    • Clar;
    • Marian;
    • Kitty;
    • Irene;
    • Lana.

    Cool - (cool), cool and interesting nicknames

    Some girls want to show wit. They come up with cute, cute names that convey their mood, or use nicknames that cause surprise, laughter, and even dissatisfaction from the public. And thereby making the owner herself happy.

    How do you like these pseudonyms collected on the Internet:

    • ★Malenkaya pakost★●;
    • Girl Shock Therapy;
    • Stealing_Souls_Expensive;
    • PrIkoL`nAyA_GeRLa;
    • DREAMS_WILL COME TRUE (nickname of the optimist);
    • Will your dreams come true? (nickname of a pessimist);
    • What came to mind =) (funny);
    • Awesome_me;
    • ॐYour_personal_NightMareॐ (your personal nightmare:);
    • Harmful. ;
    • Bubble;
    • Sweet candy.

    Names associated with color also sound interesting:

    • Pink;
    • Aqua;
    • Phlox.

    It is possible to create a nickname by combining your nickname and color or using verbs.

    It will turn out incredibly cute:

    • Pink candy;
    • BlueLemon;
    • Flying Kitty.

    You can take the syllables that sound nice to you and create the perfect name. It will take time to come up with something decent.

    • Prekacho;
    • Kachoray;
    • Psikatoni;

    Yes! They sound Chinese, but you may be able to come up with something more euphonious.

    How can a girl choose (come up with) a suitable nickname?

    Your nickname should set you apart from others. Therefore, take his choice responsibly. Although... humor will not be superfluous.

    • Try to make the name look good. For example, TainaShow looks better than tainashow.
    • Do not use special characters such as ★~](](, this is not always appropriate.
    • If you create a nickname based on your last name or first name, use their short form, then the final version will be concise.
    • The nickname should be easy to pronounce.
    • When choosing, remember your talents and hobbies. Such applications (Act, Dancer, Speaker, Coach, Violin) to the name - in combination they will give a good nickname: AnnaViolin, LanaDancer, AlexCoach.
    • You can associate a nickname with your place of birth or residence. Lesya Ukrainka is a great example.
    • After reading our recommendations, come up with a few names, write them down on paper and read them out loud. Are you pleased to hear them? Choose the most euphonious one, ask your friend to address you this way for several days. Do you manage to get used to the new nickname, isn’t it annoying? Something is wrong, look for an alternative.
    • Remember, overly loud nicknames (Mistress, Goddess, Demon) are unlikely to take root and will cause rejection among friends. But too funny ones (Malenkaya pakost), on the contrary, can stick very tightly and cause laughter in others, and of course - dissatisfaction in you.

    Continuation. . .

    Funny and cool -

    Millions of people register daily on social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and others, as well as on forums. Some choose original nicknames for themselves, while most simply write a set of letters. You can come up with a nickname for yourself for all occasions and register under it everywhere, but then you should take this seriously so that both friends and business negotiations will not be ashamed to appear with such a nickname. So what should you call yourself on social networks?

    Although it is customary to use real first and last names on social networks, some people, for some reason, are not eager to show their real data. Therefore, we will devote this article specifically to nicknames. So, it depends for what purpose you will use your account. If it’s just for communication, then you can leave the first name and come up with a nickname instead of the last name, if this is not necessary, then the choice can be very varied.

    How to name yourself on VKontakte

    This network is most often used for entertainment, so a funny, memorable nickname is quite suitable here.

    How to name yourself on Twitter

    Here we are not adding friends, but readers, so your nickname on this network must be original and positive so that people want to read you.

    How to name yourself on Odnoklassniki

    Since people on this social network are mainly looking for their childhood friends and classmates, you can use your old nicknames, which will evoke nostalgia and positive emotions among your old friends. As for the rest, fantasy has no limits.

    How to choose a nickname anyway

    • According to real names. Remove something, add something, and it can turn out very well (for example, Nikolai Andreevich - Nikandr). Or just change the name a little, Anya - Anet. Also possible with last names.
    • According to your occupation. Try to translate this word in different languages, you will definitely find something beautiful. It can also be a hobby, profession, talent. Accordingly, you can choose in such a way that there is a bias towards the product that you are selling, if it is used for commercial purposes.
    • According to character traits. If you have some special character trait that everyone knows about, then it can turn out original.
    • By appearance. Elements of appearance can also be used in a nickname, thereby telling a little about yourself.
    • Foreign names. Each of them has some meaning, so you can choose the one that suits you.
    • Characters. These can be your favorite characters from books, films, TV series, games (for gamers). These can also be the names of birds, animals, plants.
    • Generator. If things are really bad for you, then an online generator will come to the rescue, and even if it gives out crazy ideas, it may give you a brilliant idea.

    There are different selection criteria depending on your goal, what kind of nickname you need, it can be: memorable, trustworthy, funny, serious.

    There are a lot of beautiful words in the world, from the names of cities to the chemical elements in the periodic table. So what to call yourself on social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki) is only a matter of your imagination.

    What can readers offer?

    On all social networks and on most websites I call myself by my name in Russian or English. And I put avatars with my photo. I don’t think it’s necessary to invent something and hide behind some screen of an invented name or a faceless avatar. I prefer openness.

    In my opinion, in social networks it is better to use your real name. Or its derivatives

    I called myself a remote control, because my parents gave me this nickname, nickname, back in childhood when our remote control was broken and we had to switch channels manually. So it has stuck with me to this day. VK I don’t call myself by my real name because I don’t take this social network seriously. On the forums it’s just a remote control because there can be a lot of jokes about the name, but I don’t need that. My email is also not by name, something like [email protected]

    What witty parents you have. I had the nickname “the foolish princess” because of my eternally gloomy face. But I don’t dare call myself that on social networks. By the way, despite my childhood nickname, I grew up to be a laughing, cheerful person. Sometimes I can laugh at every little thing. Sometimes it even becomes indecent.

    Well, yes, your childhood nickname is too long, but you can limit yourself to an abbreviation and add one letter hahaha! Only a decent ato can turn out to be very incompetent. But as it is, there was no nickname even at school, that is, a second name. Unless well-wishers called him a gopher, since the surname is similar.

    Hah. It’s a matter of imagination, how you want to look in front of people and introduce yourself that way. So, in general, we are used to registering ourselves on various resources, trying not to use our real last name or first name. And we are called some kind of masyans or vacuum cleaners. On the other hand, if all people on the network used only their first and last names, then there would not be a social network, for example, but some kind of database/

    I agree, in any case, you can come up with something interesting, derivatives of the name, it’s still social. networks.

    Well, it’s better to register on social networks under your own name - in general, they were created so that people could find each other by first and last name.

    Agree. What's the point in the left names?

    I also believe that there is no need to hide behind some fictitious names and pictures. For me, social life is communication with friends. This means I must be real there, and not fictional.

    Of course you need to provide real data

    Nicknames like “Mom’s Joy or One Like This” are annoying. I prefer on social media. Sign up on networks with your real name, and on forums with your name or your daughter’s name in English. And simple and clear, and easy for someone to find if they need me. I love everything simple and clear

    I think it will be universal to be called a pseudonym, as long as your sense of humor and imagination are sufficient. Rocksteady Bibovich Krenov - as an example, clumsy but more creative than a generator.

    Real data is for a questionnaire where you are asked to indicate real data. This is the Internet and Antoshi Chekhonte’s pseudonyms are welcome here.

    My kote carries the meaning of kote, which is understandable to many, plus it is written as coffee.

    I’m on social networks based on real data, but why should I hide? A common name, a bunch of acquaintances, there’s nothing special about it. In principle, I don’t hide anything about myself, both my face and my nickname or real last name, I can register under my maiden name, but this is not deception at all, as I think. I also have different nicknames on various other sites, I’m tired of people finding out from some site and then asking to be my friend. So we are friends at the same time - we are much more.


    If anyone doesn’t know, in the West they have already stopped setting up an email; instead they immediately create a FaceBook profile. This is me talking about the question of choosing “to present real data” or “fake” ones.

    On the one hand, it’s clearer who is who, but the variety of names is not so diverse... If everyone writes their full name, it will turn out “if not a mug, it’s Seryozha.” And it’s not known what’s worse: a clumsy nickname or Seryozha100500999. Well, it’s not possible for everyone to just call themselves real data! You will still have to use a nickname or digital ID.

    It depends on why you registered there, if for different links, then your imagination will tell you, if this is your real account, then it’s better to use your real first and last name so that your friends can find you for communication.
    Many create for games, here too you can invent a name for yourself.

    I am for real names and surnames in contact, classmates, Facebook, if you wish, you can indicate a nickname next to it in brackets. Change it at least every day. But they will look for you by your real name and surname, and not by nickname. This, of course, has nothing to do with fake pages.


    In VK there is a real name, when I registered, and that was a long time ago, I somehow didn’t think about the possibility of taking a pseudonym. And sometimes it’s more convenient to have a page under your real name.
    On Twitter, on forums, etc. I take as nicknames some random sets of words that come to my mind and seem to sound good as nicknames.

    With the total spread of virtual reality, such a concept as “nick” has come into our lives. A nickname is, in fact, a name that a person comes up with for himself in order to register in games, communicate on forums, on social networks, etc. If we talk about the latter, the most popular social network in Russia today is VKontakte. And the nicknames that are used there have some peculiarities.

    Why do you need a nickname for contact?

    This question is asked by many inexperienced users, and they can be understood. After all, this social network asks you to give your first and last name when registering. So why else come up with a nickname for contact?

    If in most other cases the nickname is intended to hide the real thing, then on VKontakte it serves as a kind of addition. After all, social networks are used by many for dating, communication, establishing relationships, etc. This means that the page should somehow characterize the person and signal about other things important for communication.

    Nickname choice

    The VKontakte administration, along with entering a first and last name, suggests creating a nickname. And many gladly accept Someone wants to be easily found by friends, classmates, classmates, co-workers and other acquaintances. In this case, the nickname for the contact is taken, for example, in the form of a well-known nickname that a given person has in his social circles. And someone else, on the contrary, strives to remain incognito on the Internet. And instead of a surname, he introduces a mysterious nickname. Everyone pursues their own goals.

    Based on these and other factors, nicknames are selected. And this issue should be approached responsibly, because the virtual name will be used for a long time... Some even believe that choosing a nickname is a more difficult matter than naming a child. The range of options is very large!

    About bad nicknames

    When choosing a nickname for a contact, you should remember that you cannot choose very long, difficult to pronounce virtual names. It is also a serious mistake to use characters that are not on the keyboard. If you make such an oversight, then instead of symbols in your nickname there will be empty squares.

    Definitely, a bad nickname is one “stolen” from someone or too common. For example: “Dasha the Sunshine” or “Igor the Superman”. A user with such a nickname will establish himself as an empty and unoriginal person.

    When choosing a name for online communication, you should not deliberately embellish it. For example, the situation when 14-year-old bespectacled Gena calls himself “The Invincible Monster” looks at least funny.

    And showing your problems is also not good. As, for example, do people who chose the words “Lonely”, “Selfish”, “Suicide”, etc. as nicknames. This approach will not add authority on social networks and will not even make a very good impression.

    About good nicknames

    In general, when choosing a nickname for a contact, you should not talk about yourself too openly. A good nickname is a hint, a riddle, a rebus for someone who will study the page. Its task is to intrigue, interest, attract attention...

    You can get beautiful nicknames for contact if you approach the issue creatively and use your imagination. You can, for example, remember the brand of a car, or your favorite character from a movie or computer game.

    An interesting result is achieved when, when choosing a nickname, the user opens a page of the English-Russian dictionary at random and blindly selects a word. If you like the meaning and sound, you can easily take the word for your nickname. No one will be able to guess such a riddle, and intrigue is guaranteed. Nicknames for contact - cool, original, with deep semantic meaning, easy to pronounce words and phrases - this is the ideal choice!

    Nickname for contact is a particular headache for girls. After all, every representative of the fair half wants to be irresistible and attractive not only in real life, but also on a social network page.

    And it often leads to excesses. To emphasize their femininity and charm, girls choose for themselves something like “cats”, “babies”, “babies”... Thus, repelling normal guys and attracting various dubious types who roam the Internet in search of easy prey. And, by the way, the common Anyuta, Polyusya, Nastyushka look banal and speak of the lady’s frivolity. Such nicknames are usually chosen by young girls or users who do not have much experience communicating on social networks.

    An interesting nickname for contact for girls is the names of some mythical characters, heroines of legends, fairy tales, works of art, films that evoke pleasant associations and with which the lady associates herself. The names of various elements or elements will also look great as nicknames, somehow hinting at the character of the owner of the virtual name.

    The Internet today is a universal way to communicate with your friends and loved ones at a distance, as well as endless gigabytes of entertainment and opportunities. Often people “go online” to forget about reality and become someone else.

    And while social networks usually use your real name so that friends and family can easily find you, nicknames are often required for online games, dating chats and other cases. Choosing a nickname, of course, is not as difficult as choosing, for example, a stage name for an artist, but it is also important. Who knows how far your hobby will go and how long and where you will need to use this nickname.

    Therefore, it needs to be memorable, original and more or less neutral. Just imagine a respected man under 30 with the nickname Seigneur puppy (“Senior Puppy”), which he chose for fun about 15 years ago. To prevent this from happening to you, approach choosing a name for the Internet not only with a great deal of creativity, but also wisely.

    In this article you will find a variety of English nicknames for guys and girls with translation into Russian. So, if you are now looking for a cool, cute or original nickname, then these lines are for you.

    What is a nickname?

    The word nickname translates as “nickname, nickname, pseudonym” and comes from the Middle English expression an eke name, which over time transformed into the similar-sounding “a nick name”.

    In Russian, we more often use a shortened version of this word - “nik”, also known as “nickname”.

    How to choose a nickname in English?

    Secondly, understand for what purpose you are choosing a nickname. Most often, nicknames in English are used by guys for online games. Here the imagination is almost limitless. You can call yourself Rambo for a shooter or Badass for a survival race. Also, nicknames for guys may be needed for online dating chats or Tinder. In this case, it is better to choose a nickname that will not scare away the opposite sex.

    By the way, a nickname is not always a word that is not related to your real name. You can often find nicknames with variations of names, especially for girls. For example, Katrin can take the nickname Sweety Kate (Sweet Kate) or Creepy Kitty (Strange Kitty), but for a guy such a nickname in English would be at least a strange choice, so men often use shortened versions of their name. Like Joe The Runner or Just Matt.

    In general, guys usually look for cool nicknames in English, and girls look for cute nicknames. Nicknames are often based on real nicknames given to a person by friends. Some people use their date or year of birth in their nickname, but it’s better not to do this in order to protect your personal data from hackers.

    Show originality in choosing your future Internet name: this way, the likelihood that your nickname will be taken will be reduced to almost zero.

    English nicknames with translation

    Below you will find interesting nicknames consisting of one or two words. Most often, if a nickname consists of several words, it is written together or using punctuation marks.

    For guys:

    Alpha - alpha
    Beast - beast
    Brave spirit - brave in spirit
    Casanova - Casanova
    Chieftain - leader, ataman
    Clearheaded - prudent
    Coolfire - cool light
    Commando - commando
    Cowboy - cowboy
    Crash test - crash test
    Detector - sensor
    Dilemma fixer - dilemma solver
    Dragon - dragon
    Flame host - flame carrier
    Football Onlooker - football lover
    Gutsy heart - fearless heart
    Help bringer - assistant
    Hawk - hawk
    Killer - killer
    Lucky Guy - lucky guy
    Mountain man
    Phantom - phantom
    Pugilist - fighter
    Rockstar - rock star
    Romeo - Romeo
    Secret player - secret player
    Shooter - shooter
    Warrior - warrior

    For girls:

    Banshee - witch
    Blueberry - blueberry
    Brown eyes - brown-eyed
    Brunette - brunette
    Charming hostess - charming hostess
    Crazy lady - crazy lady
    Crystal - crystal
    Cuddlies - cutie
    Eco prettiness - environmentally friendly beauty
    Fearless housewife - fearless housewife
    Feral berry - wild berry
    Flowers lover - flower lover
    Forever smile - always with a smile
    Free butterfly - free butterfly
    Funny Bunny - funny bunny
    Good cobra - good cobra
    Lady luck - lady luck
    Little monster - little monster
    Muffin - muffin, cupcake
    Raspberry - raspberry
    Real blonde - real blonde
    Runaway bride - runaway bride
    Snowflake - snowflake
    Sports beauty - sports beauty
    Strawberry - strawberry
    Sunshine - ray of sunshine
    Sweet cheeks - sweet cheeks
    Sweety pie - sweet pie
    Tender lioness - gentle lioness
    Tragedienne - tragic actress
    Your dream - your dream
    Wicked - villain

    Universal nicknames:

    Absolute zero - absolute zero
    Accident - disaster
    Aurora - northern lights
    Black pearl - black pearl
    Dark horse - dark horse
    Dumpling - dumplings
    Endless summer - endless summer
    Frank heart - honest heart
    Freak - freak
    Friendly guide - friendly mentor
    High tower - high tower
    Lava - lava
    Moonshine - moonlight
    Pizza lover - pizza lover
    Sandstorm - sand storm
    Shooting star - shooting star
    Spy - spy
    Stardust - star dust
    Tabasco - tabasco
    Temptation - temptation
    Thunder - storm, thunderstorm
    Tornado - tornado
    Trouble - problem
    Vital force - vitality

    Funny nicknames:

    Accidental genius - accidental genius
    Big head - big head
    Big Mac - Big Mac
    Chewbacca - Chewbacca
    Coffee zombie - coffee zombie
    Corpse breath - breath of a corpse
    Disco potato - disco potato
    Disco thunder - disco thunderstorm
    Dreamy devil - dreamy devil
    French fries - French fries
    Friday night - Friday night
    Gummy bear - jelly bear
    Mad Irishman - mad Irishman
    Monday morning - Monday morning
    Muffin lover - cupcake lover
    Odd duck - strange duck
    Poker face - poker face
    Rocket man
    Sarcasm Provider - sarcasm provider
    Tiger toes - tiger paws
    Toxic alien - poisonous alien

    As you can see, the choice of name for a nickname is almost limitless: we have presented in the article only a small part of what can be found on the Internet. Choose wisely and remember that the only limit is your imagination.

    Modern nicknames can be written in English and Russian letters, called by Japanese names, and also come up with funny options to bring a smile to your opponent’s face.

    Inscriptions in English letters in the transliteration style are becoming popular - when the English font copies the Russian pronunciation and vice versa.

    Cool names for VK, options for fakes, as well as other nicknames will help you choose the right one and make the correspondence unusual.

    Creating fake pages for girls is commonplace today. Such pages are often spare pages; they are needed in case the main account is blocked.

    Girls also use fake pages for secret acquaintances and correspondence with friends, for pranks and games.

    Often, behind a girl’s fake page is a guy who in this way wants to find female friends or simply play a prank on his acquaintances.

    Let's look at the options for nicknames for VK that can be used to call a fake page:

    • Alina Komarova.
    • Lizaveta Vorobyova.
    • Zinaida Kamerova.
    • Alice May.
    • Adeline Agnesi.
    • Violetta Fialkova.
    • Irene Naumenko.
    • Ivanna Nastina - this combination is formed from the surname Ivanov with the name Anastasia, replacing the surname with the name.
    • Marinina Ekaterina - Marianna Katina: a good option is to leave your name, slightly modifying it.
    • Dinara Gorshkova is an unusual option for a girl with an oriental photo.
    • Claudia Vorontsova - this combination is obtained due to the combination of the original Russian pronunciation with the original Russian surname.

    When choosing a nickname for a fake page, you shouldn’t be too original: social network administrators carefully monitor the presence of bots, so they can easily block a new page.

    It is better to choose beautiful Russian options, slightly modifying them in your own way.

    Popular Russian names

    The Russian language is rich and diverse, so the list of female names can be continued endlessly.

    There are the most popular types that you should not choose for your page, so as not to become the thousandth owner of a similar account.

    Let's look at the top Russian names:

    • Maria- the most common name today for newborn girls: all Mashas are a little capricious, but good-natured and calm as they grow older.
    • Victoria– another of the beautiful but common options: characterizes a balanced and calm person who takes care of himself and his appearance.
    • Julia– indecisive, slightly fearful girls who, as they grow older, discover their full potential and find purpose in life.
    • Daria– charming, quick-witted and persistent in achieving her goals.
    • Christina– an unpredictable person with an excellent memory, shy, outwardly reserved, but inside lies a stormy temperament.
    • Anastasia– a cool name for a trusting girl who shows care and love for others.
    • Anna– analytical, picky, often conflict-ridden girls who try to achieve everything in life on their own.

    Popular options also include Ksenia, Alina, Angelina, Alice, Natalia, Ekaterina, Elena and Polina.

    Important! You should not name your account with a name that is too popular - such a page will get lost among thousands of similar requests.

    Once you select the option you want, you can try to modify it to your liking to differentiate yourself from other accounts.

    Top unusual nicknames in English

    In addition to the usual female names for the page, you can come up with original versions of nicknames in English.

    Such names will be distinguished by creative writing, and also have a certain meaning that characterizes a correspondence or game partner.

    Pay attention! There are more than 1 million different words in the English language, yet Americans discover new words every day with unique pronunciation and spelling.

    Consider a list of cool nicknames for girls in English with a description of the meaning:

    Nick Meaning
    SkillFull Translated from a foreign language, such a nickname will mean power and full level of skills. That is why the nickname will be relevant for a girl who is seriously interested in online games
    Shaft –of- light A ray of light illuminates the opponent on the other side of the monitor when he reads this nickname. This option is suitable for a kind, gentle and affectionate female representative.
    Moonshine Nicknames with the name of the forces of nature always look unusual. For example, this option translates as “moonlight” and is suitable for a mysterious lady
    Soundmind Prudence and calmness are the main traits of the owner of this nickname. In a conversation, such a girl will not interrupt her interlocutor, but in a game she will build a clear strategy
    Tenderlioness The tenderness of a lioness is often deceptive, as can happen with the behavior of this girl: cunning and courage are two main character traits
    Sweetcheeks “Sweet cheeks” is an unusual option for a sweet, calm girl
    Belle -of –the- ball Being the queen of the ball is not at all easy - it’s important to keep your cool and always be ready to retaliate against your opponent’s blows in games

    What other cool name can you come up with?

    If none of the above options appeal to you, try to use your imagination and change your real name and surname yourself in a new way.

    To do this, you can use the Latin alphabet or add an adjective before the name.

    A few top options for coming up with cool names for a social network:

    • Her ★Majesty★ In contact.
    • ★PRINCESSA★.
    • Don't get sour, hang in contact.
    • ♣ Sinner♣.
    • ~Bitch~ .
    • I-B-L-O-C-C-O.
    • Lady_ChokoOlate.
    • Anaariel.

    The variety of options listed will help you choose which name to put on VKontakte.

    Original writing will brighten up the boring list of nicknames for different social networks.

    To create such a nickname yourself, just go to the keyboard layout with symbols and select the required option.

    Useful video