• The computer does not see the Redmi Note 3. How to Connect the Phone to the Computer - Xiaomi Redmi Does not See the USB Driver. How to connect Xiaomi to a computer: standard method

    Quite often, most users need to transfer important information from their phone to a personal computer or vice versa. The procedure is simple at first glance, but many people still have a question about how to connect a Xiaomi smartphone to a computer via USB without the slightest problem and what is needed for this.

    Popular reasons why the computer does not see the connected phone

    Let's start with the basics: for example, you know all the stages of connection well, but the computer simply does not recognize the device. There may be several reasons:

    1. Lack of necessary drivers on PC;
    2. The cable is of poor quality, dirty, broken;
    3. Problems in the operating system (virus or simple glitch);
    4. The connectors on the system unit are clogged, meaning that something got into them (or they are simply not working).

    The first and most basic thing is to check if crumbs, dirt, or dust have gotten into the connectors. Very often foreign bodies accumulate there, and because of this, electrical contact does not occur. Carefully clean everything with a wooden toothpick, and then use special plugs. Now let's discuss the rest of the steps.

    The standard way to connect a Xiaomi smartphone to a computer

    As mentioned above, there may be several reasons for problems, so I will try to explain to you in as much detail as possible what to do and how to do it. You need to follow our points consistently to avoid problems in the future. I give several steps for correctly connecting your phone to a computer, but if you are absolutely sure that you have already completed one of the steps before, you can skip it.

    Step 1: Install drivers on PC

    As noted above, in many cases problems arise from drivers. Sometimes when connected they install themselves and update at the right time, but if this does not happen - we carry out the procedure ourselves.

    We search on the Internet on trusted sites (preferably on w3bsit3-dns.com, based on the model of your Xiaomi phone) two archives " Program for MediaTek" And " Program for Qualcomm" The names may differ slightly from those indicated. Typically the file size is small, within 15-20 megabytes. After downloading, we begin standard unzipping. Now we transfer the files from the “Downloads” folder so as not to accidentally delete them. The best place is the “root” of the system, that is, the system drive (in most cases this is drive C). Usually, but if there is no such notification, we restart the computer ourselves. That's it, ready.

    Please pay attention! If you are the owner of Windows 8 or Windows 10, be sure to disable the digital signature of the program before installing drivers.

    Step 2: Enable USB Debugging

    This is also a good method, which often helps if the computer does not recognize the phone, but on the smartphone, on the contrary, a successful connection is displayed. Let's go to " Settings", scroll to the very bottom of the screen and find " Additionally" The item “ For developers" We find the corresponding inscription “ USB Debugging" and put a tick.

    Don't forget that this is only possible if you have developer rights. Want to get them? The procedure is extremely simple.

    1. Go back to “Settings” – “About device”. Next “Current version of MIUI”.
    2. We begin to click on this inscription about 7 times. When the notification appears " You became a developer- we stop. Ready.
    3. After that, go to settings again (click back), and scroll down. This item should be there.

    For reference! On my Xiaomi Mi5 it was in the “Advanced Settings” subcategory, somewhere in the middle of the settings.

    If you don’t find the “For Developer” option, it means the antivirus is at fault. Return the device to its original factory settings, remembering to first save all important information on additional media (a memory card is not suitable; materials may be automatically deleted from it during a reset).

    Step 3: Switch Camera Mode

    Sometimes it happens that the computer sees the smartphone, but only works in camera mode. That is, you can transfer photos and pictures, but copying documents, music, and files is not available. Of course, many people are not happy with this. We hasten to please you: the problem that has arisen is solved, and quite simply.

    As soon as the connection occurs, in the first seconds we receive a corresponding notification in the notification shade. Quickly click on it. A small window appears asking you to select:

    • Charging only;
    • File transfer;
    • Photo transfer.

    Accordingly, we need the second option, it is also called MTR. If you did everything correctly, the device will now be recognized as a drive.

    Step 4: Use the computer settings

    Sometimes it happens that the connection icon simply does not appear in notifications and cannot be found even on the main “My Computer” screen. The problem here is with the PC itself. We find the “Start” menu, look for “ Device and Printers" The phone model should appear, right-click on the label and the standard settings menu will open. Now “Troubleshoot” and “Update driver”, it’s worth resorting to the first step.

    Reboot your computer and preferably your smartphone. It should help.

    Connect Xiaomi phone to PC using Terminal Emulator

    This more complicated way, which is already produced using a third-party application. It directly affects the operation of the operating system, so we strongly recommend that you proceed with this operation only if you are confident in your knowledge and skills!

    1. Download the application from Google Play and install it in the standard way.
    2. Open the program, write “su” in the terminal and click “Confirm”.
    3. Next, enter the phrase "setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb." It is necessary to type strictly without errors, without using capital letters and placing punctuation marks correctly, otherwise the command will not be executed correctly.
    4. Click " Enter" Next " reboot» – « Enter" The reboot starts automatically. Ready. This method is only relevant for connecting to media device mode.

    If you need USB storage mode, do the following: all steps are similar, except for the second. In place of the long entry we type "setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb." Unfortunately, this option may seem complicated and confusing, but for many Xiaomi users it instantly helped solve the problem.

    Connection on different Xiaomi models

    Usually all operations on Xiaomi:, etc. are similar, but not here. Each device model has, accordingly, different firmware versions, different settings and even different operating systems. All this directly affects the connection and the occurrence of possible problems.

    Therefore, in future articles we will talk in detail about the actions on popular models. Detailed instructions for each Xiaomi model, explanations and tips will be included. And you will receive an answer to any question you are interested in in a special section; if you do not find the information you need, feel free to contact us in the comments. Don't forget about official supportXiaomi, where you can write at any time!

    Video instructions

    Popular questions and answers to them

    When connected, it displays the format of a disk rather than a drive; as a result, many materials cannot be read by the device. What to do?

    First of all, update your drivers. If it doesn’t help, on your computer in the “Devices and Printers” section, add your phone model and try again.

    The connection is not displayed either on the phone or on the computer, and there is no characteristic sound either. No programs help. Tell me what should I do?

    Check if the cable is working properly. To do this, temporarily use another USB cable. If it still doesn’t work, check the connectors on the system unit/laptop by connecting the device to another computer. Does it recognize the phone? This means that the connectors may be clogged with dust, foreign bodies, or there may be problems with the operating system itself. Then the only benefit will be from the help of a master.

    It might be quite many and some are not resolved quickly and easily. But if you still want to troubleshoot problems yourself, strictly follow our instructions, be attentive, careful and carefully think through each point. This is especially true when working with Terminal Emulator.

    Finally, let us remind you about the ability to transfer data without using a cord. An interesting solution is the application. Copying happens in seconds, without annoying wires.

    Perhaps a separate article on this topic will be created in the near future, but for now you can learn a little more about Xender by clicking on the link above (from the article on how to make a backup). We wish you to become a successful Xiaomi user.

    Expanding the functionality and model range of mobile devices automatically means an increase in the number of possible problems and malfunctions with them. People have more and more questions about how to implement this or that gadget function in practice.

    In particular, one of the common problems is that the smartphone does not connect to the computer via USB. Such a connection can help in the exchange of data between a mobile device and a PC, which is sometimes simply necessary. Of course, you can ignore the problem and connect to another storage medium in an alternative way (for example, via Bluetooth), but it is much more effective to resolve the issue once and for all and not limit the functionality of the phone.

    Surely you know that the phone may not connect to the computer or may not be recognized by it for two main reasons - mechanical and software. In the first case, most often the problem is the USB cable or mechanical damage to the computer or phone. In the second case, the reason must be sought in the device software. Perhaps something went wrong and the system requires user intervention.

    The second option causes great difficulties, if only because it is more difficult to define in practice and identify a specific problem. And since a lot depends on the quality of the smartphone’s firmware, most often such problems occur with Chinese gadgets. Today we will tell you what to do if Xiaomi Redmi 3s does not see the computer. The recommendations below can also be applied to other Xiaomi phone models, since they are similar in firmware, but when working with alternative gadgets, some changes are possible, and here you will have to navigate yourself and as you go.

    Solution #1: Check the USB cable

    Before you go into your phone settings and make radical decisions like changing the firmware, you need to exclude the most banal options. These include, in particular, a malfunction of the USB cord, which is used to connect the smartphone to the computer. The check is extremely simple: you just need to try connecting the phone using another cable of the same type. If the problem is not solved, then its cause lies in another plane and you need to continue searching.

    Solution No. 2. Download drivers

    Another common cause of the problem is the lack of drivers on the computer to recognize the phone. As you know, the PC itself will not begin to identify the phone as a storage device, camera or charging connection. He needs to explain exactly how to recognize the gadget. This function is performed by drivers.

    As a rule, most modern operating systems on PCs automatically “pull up” the necessary drivers when a new connection is made from the Internet. But what to do if at the time of connection you do not have access to the World Wide Web or, for some reason, the computer itself cannot find the necessary add-ons? You may also encounter the following problem: there are drivers on the computer, but they are not updated to the required version.

    All this together is easy to check yourself. First, through the settings, disable driver digital signature verification and reboot the PC. After that, download the required driver version as an archive. Please note: processors from different manufacturers require different drivers. Xiaomi has both Mediatek and Qualcomm gadgets, so you need to check which option is right for you. By doing this, you will make sure that the driver version on your computer or laptop is truly up-to-date.

    If even after these steps the PC categorically refuses to recognize the phone connection, then move on to the next options for solving the problem.

    Solution #3: Debug Mode

    Setting up drivers on your computer is not always enough. Sometimes you also need to delve into the settings of the phone itself. If the computer does not see your Redmi 4a, 3s or another model of the Redmi line, go to the smartphone settings and find the item "Device Information". You should click on it 7-10 times, and immediately after that you will receive developer rights, about which you will see a corresponding message.

    Now go back to settings. You will see that new options have appeared in the list of parameters. Need to follow the path "Advanced - For Developers - USB Debugging". This feature must be activated manually. If a list appears with connection type options, then you need to select MTP. This option involves connecting your phone to your computer as a multimedia device.

    An alternative way is to enter the following combination of characters into the dialing menu: *#*#13491#*#* . It calls up the connection mode selection menu. This method is relevant if you want to know how to connect Xiaomi Redmi 3 to a computer as a multimedia device, but the system does not automatically offer selection options.

    Solution No. 4. Use the terminal

    All the options described above are quite simple to use in practice. But if for some reason they did not work or did not solve the problem, then you can resort to alternative, more complex methods. For example, act through a third-party Android application Terminal E. Immediately after installing it on your smartphone, connect the device to your computer. This time the device should be recognized as a USB drive.

    Write the command in the application S.U.. This will give you superuser rights. Next you need to enter the following command: setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb. Press Enter, and at the end add the command to restart the smartphone - Reboot. As an alternative, we can offer the same long command listed above, but with a replacement mass_storage on mtp. This will allow you to connect immediately in MTP mode.

    After the reboot, the phone should be recognized by the computer, and you can start working with files on these media.

    Solution #5: Use your phone as a camera

    In some cases, the computer recognizes the mobile device only as a camera. If you want to completely correct the situation, then you cannot do without one of the methods suggested above. But if your plans do not include fighting the problem and you are ready to limit yourself to bypassing it, then this can really be done.

    For example, you can upload the files you need on your phone to the “Photos” folder from your PC. After this, by going to the file manager, you can easily send the file to any other section.

    We recommend using this method only as a backup option if you do not have time to diagnose the problem and fix it. Let us repeat: it does not solve the problem itself, and therefore it is simply impossible to recommend it as the main one.

    If the connection settings were set on your phone, but over time they disappeared and now you cannot figure out how to connect Xiaomi to a computer, then a special program will help with this.

    At a time when users of various gadgets have more and more options to choose from, the number of problems, accordingly, increases in direct proportion. Today we will try to understand this issue - and identify the main reasons why the computer does not see the phone. The fact is that users are often bothered by this problem, but the reasons for its occurrence may be different. To solve it, you may need third-party software or even a factory reset. So we advise you to first read this article to the end, and only after that decide what to do if the computer does not see Xiaomi.

    Below is the main list of reasons why your MIUI smartphone does not connect to the computer:

    • Drivers are not installed on the computer.
    • Non-original USB cable.
    • The phone was connected incorrectly.
    • System problems or other reasons.

    Of course, this is not a complete list of reasons, since they can be very diverse, and it will be difficult to fit them into one article.

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    How to fix connection problems

    Download drivers

    When you connect your Xiaomi Redmi or Mi to your PC, several processes run simultaneously, and they do not always work as they should. If, for example, your computer is not able to automatically find and install drivers for your smartphone, then the gadget on MIUI will not function normally. To begin with, it is important to know that you should only connect via an original USB cable (not a fake). If so, then the problem is not with him. After this, try connecting your Xiaomi phone to other USB ports (note that there are also such connectors on the back of the system unit).

    To install the drivers, just download, unzip and install the following 2 archives: and . If you have Windows 8 or higher, before doing this you need to disable driver digital signature verification and restart your PC. A little later we will describe another way to install the driver.

    Enable Debug Mode

    Installing drivers for MIUI is as easy as shelling pears, but it also happens that this method did not help solve the problem. In the second option, everything is also done very simply. To implement it, go to your smartphone in Settings – Advanced – For Developers – USB Debugging and enable this feature.

    It often happens that when the smartphone is connected to the PC, the user sees a menu on the monitor that provides the opportunity to select the type of connection. We need an MTP connection, which involves connecting a computer to a smartphone as a multimedia device. In addition, you can enter this combination in the phone number dialing menu: *#*#13491#*#* , which brings up the same menu. The menu itself looks almost the same on all devices, be it Xiaomi Redmi Note 3, Redmi 3 Pro or Xiaomi Redmi Note 2.

    What to do if your phone is connected in camera mode

    In addition to the two above, there is also a third option, which we have highlighted separately due to its non-standard nature. If your Mi connects to the PC only as a camera, and not as a drive, then you can try transferring the files you need to the “Photos” folder on the phone, and then using the file manager to distribute them into sections. But this method is suitable for the lazy - if there is no desire to delve into the problem and make any efforts to solve it.

    Also, pirated software installed on the phone or the “wrong” MIUI firmware may be an obstacle, but we won’t go into that now. We would like to offer you several more complex options if the PC still does not see any devices connected to it.

    More complex methods

    If simple ways to solve the problem did not help you, and your PC still does not see your smartphone, we suggest you use a couple of new tips.

    1. Via terminal. To do this, go to Play Market and download the application Android Terminal E. Install it, then connect your smartphone to your computer, thereby accessing the device in USB storage mode. After that, write “su” in the application (this will enable super-user rights) and confirm your choice. Then enter another command: setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb and press the Enter button. At the end we write Reboot, thereby rebooting the smartphone.
    2. Some users who want to log into the phone via MTP connect in the same way, changing only one phrase in the last command, replacing "mass_storage" on "mtp".

    If you remember smartphones such as Xiaomi Mi Max or Redmi Note 3 Pro, then such problems did not arise with them, which is why it is unusual that they appeared with the third Redmi smartphones. The Note 2 didn't have these problems either. But oh well, these are already problems for the developers, and we must solve the connection problem.

    How to return connection settings

    If for some reason your connection settings have disappeared and you want to restore access to them, no problem. There is a program for this called (it is not in the play market - download from this link). After downloading and installing the program, run it. There will be several fields here, in the second field (Package) select item com.android.settings, in the field Class – com.android.settings.UsbSettings. Click on the button Create Shortcut and enjoy the result.

    Now you get full access to all connection settings. By the way, if you go back to the same drivers, we also recommend installing the program - with it you will forever solve the issue of their absence. Connect a smartphone with the program already installed, right-click on the “My Computer” window and go to Task Manager. There, find unidentified devices - smartphone and cable - and then click on "Update" in section "Driver" and specify the path in the MiPhone Manager folder to main/Driver. Click "Next" and update the drivers on the cable and smartphone tabs. We hope this method helped you, and the computer will tell you “I see a new device.”

    Bottom line

    Most often, problems with connecting any smartphone, for example, Redmi Note 3 Pro to a PC, are hidden in small things, and they are not at all difficult to solve. If the reason lies in the phone itself, then now you have several reliable methods in your arsenal to solve this issue.

    And if you have a special case, and none of the methods suggested above helped, then most likely the roots of the problem lie much deeper than you think. You may have to reflash the phone, but that's a completely different story.

    Users complain that they cannot connect their smartphone to a PC or laptop. Sometimes this is simply necessary to transfer important information between 2 devices. What to do if such a problem also happened to you, where to go, what to press?

    Instructions on how to connect Xiaomi Redmi 3 to a computer

    There are many reasons why a computer does not accept a smartphone. Hardware malfunctions (data cable), activation of the wrong connection mode instead of a USB drive, lack of necessary drivers or their conflicts. To begin with, users and experts recommend using only the original cord, even if the accessory you are using fits perfectly in size and fits normally into the phone connector.

    People often complain that when connected, the smartphone is charged from the PC, but it is not possible to synchronize both devices. If the PC does not detect the phone, the problem may be the presence of the necessary drivers installed on the computer.

    If the phone does not connect to the PC on its own, you will have to do this manually. In the “USB connection to a computer” menu there is a subsection media device (MTP) - you need to check it. You need to click “attach USB as a drive” if necessary. A dialog box will appear in which you need to click OK.

    To solve this problem, you can follow the following chain: “settings → advanced → for developers → USB debugging → enable.” It also happens that the “for developers” item disappears due to the actions of the antivirus. Then you should look for another way to correct such an error.

    The easiest way to correct errors in the operation of a smartphone is to restore the factory settings; perhaps some information installed by the user will be lost, but the device will work again with a bang.

    Here is another way to solve the problem of connecting a device: in the Google market you need to find and download the Android Terminal Emulator application. The smartphone is connected to the USB cable, after which the user enters ATE and types the following text: su to connect the gadget in USB storage device format (SuperUser will require superuser rights after entering the text, requiring confirmation). Enter setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb and press the enter key. We write reboot, press the start button, after which the gadget reboots. To connect a device in MTP format, write su with the need to confirm the competence of the superuser. We write setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb, click enter. We enter reboot, click enter again and reboot the gadget. Users write about the effectiveness of this method; computers and laptops again perceive a smartphone.

    Remember that you should download additional programs to your device only from trusted sources, even those found in Google-market, because the security of the device depends on it. By the way, about safety - a high-quality case for Xiaomi Redmi 3 will protect the device from cracks and abrasions, chips, scratches and dents.

    Accessories that will be useful to the owner of a mobile device

    Cases of different types for Xiaomi Redmi 3 effectively protect the phone from damage; the case will not interfere with operation if it is original in compatibility with the gadget. screen protector - film or glass also protects the device from defects. Good in quality case for Xiaomi Redmi 3 will not interfere with connecting the cable to the gadget, since it is equipped with all the necessary holes. Let working with the functionality of Redmi 3 bring only positive emotions, let it be easy and productive!

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    If you look through the forums dedicated to Xiaomi devices, you can
    There are a number of complaints that the computer does not see the phone. Working with information and transferring it from one device to another is an important part of the life of a modern person. If such a collapse has occurred with your smartphone, we will tell you what to do next. So, pay attention!

    Why doesn't the PC want to see the smartphone?

    There can be many reasons, and the point is not that these devices do not match in character! There may be problems with the drivers on one of the gadgets. It is worth reinstalling them and perhaps the connection problem will disappear.

    The problem may be with the data cable you are using. To avoid problems with synchronization, you should use only the original USB cable. Even if you ordered a high-quality cable from another company and not the one that came with the device, malfunctions may occur frequently or periodically.

    If the necessary drivers are not available on a laptop or PC, the phone may be charged from the PC, but not be identified as a storage medium. Downloading and installing these most unfortunate drivers can solve this problem.

    If you have done all the mentioned manipulations, but the device does not connect to the computer automatically, you will have to do it yourself and manually. The item “USB connection to a computer”, located in the menu, has a subsection media device (MTP) - a check mark is placed on it. Next, click “attach USB as a drive,” if necessary. In the window that appears, the user clicks OK.

    Connect Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 to computer You can follow the chain: “settings → advanced → for developers → USB debugging → enable.” Sometimes, due to the operation of the antivirus, the “for developers” column disappears; here you will have to work hard to solve the problem.

    Restoring the smartphone to its original factory settings is the simplest and most obvious way to eliminate this defect. Information installed on the smartphone may be erased. Before restoring, you should copy all important information to another medium, for example, to a MicroSD card. This way you will save all important files, programs, and the device will work smoothly again.

    You should also be careful when downloading programs for your device, only from the official market. If the question is how to connect Xiaomi Redmi 3 to computer still torments you, download the Android Terminal Emulator application. On the Internet you can find a chain of simple actions, after which the smartphone and PC work together again, like good old friends. The main thing to remember is that no matter what problem you have, you can find tips and tricks, other users and experts will tell you what and how to do to solve any difficulties. If we talk about smartphone security, then its guarantor will be the use of high-quality protective accessories. The Redmi Note 3 case and film, original in compatibility with the device, will protect it from cracks, abrasions and chips, dents, and scratches.