• Contacts or classmates. What is better, a group or a public page? Comparison of social networks VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki

    Which is better: VK or Odnoklassniki

    No, the article is not about analyzing these popular networks. Just a good keyword

    But the idea to write it arose because I began to notice interesting dynamics on many sites: the number of sharing on Odnoklassniki has become greater than on VKontakte.

    Moreover, this trend has been noticed on websites of various topics. Although I believe that for entertainment websites vk.com will be the leader.

    It was surprising to me that, for example, the content of the site over the last week was “shared” in the following ratio:

    "Sharing" on Odnoklassniki and Twitter ()

    — not a single post was sent on VKontakte, but 1/3 of all clicks came from Odnoklassniki.

    Or another example:

    The number of reposts on Odnoklassniki exceeds the number of reposts on VKontakte

    — here you can see that people post on Odnoklassniki almost twice as much as on all other social networks, although it still brings very little traffic:

    I don’t even know what conclusions can be drawn from this. Perhaps it follows from this that Odnoklassniki users are more likely to post add various information from the Internet to your account, and the activity of these users gradually increases.

    It’s not for nothing that lately people have been talking about the importance of promotion on this social network: either because Contact has already been completely “tested” and there is nothing to say, or the effectiveness of advertising in Odnoklassniki is really higher. Although 1.5-2 years ago they were not looked at seriously (in terms of business).

    In general, a lot of interesting and unexpected things are happening on the Runet social networking market. For example, with the arrival of Facebook in Runet, there was talk that “Why do we need VKontakte now, let’s register in the original source” Many people have actually registered there, but they are active only in VK.

    In the article about I wrote about the distribution of this audience across social networks. There I noted that the popularity of Odnoklassniki is gradually declining - this is data from various statistics for 2012.

    Now there is evidence that “Odnoklassniki is catching up on VKontakte.” In my opinion, this is true.

    What is better for business - Odnoklassniki or VKontakte?

    It has long been known that the Odnoklassniki audience is older and, as a result, more solvent. So it’s easier to sell her something directly. Therefore, Odnoklassniki will be better than VK in terms of PR for some large online and offline stores.

    But you can also successfully monetize an insolvent audience. VKontakte is perfect for this. Especially for the sphere. Moreover, everything is done very simply: you can advertise online games with payment for registration in.

    The emergence of the social network VKontakte came as a big surprise to Russian Internet users. Not everyone was able to immediately understand the meaning of this “strange” site, communicating out of habit with friends through ICQ and Agent, popular at that time. But time passed, and VKontakte became one of the most popular resources on the Runet, and its founder, Pavel Durov, became a hero of youth. Old-timers of the Internet, in turn, began to reproach Durov for copying another social network - Facebook - which by that time had already gained worldwide fame.

    Since that very moment, there has been an ongoing discussion between users of social networks about which site deserves more attention - Facebook or VKontakte. Of course, there is no clear solution to this dispute. But it is still possible to compare both resources according to a number of characteristics.

    Pioneers and catchers

    Zuckerberg's brainchild appeared in 2004, Durov's brainchild - in 2006. And throughout all this time, the same “pioneer-catch-up” scheme has been working. First, “Litsoknig” undergoes dramatic changes, then his younger friend “Contact”. Applications on the website, applications for smartphones, chat - all this appeared on FB, and only then - in contact. The technologies used for the American social network arrive there much earlier, and this is already affecting the quality of services provided to users.

    Custom Audience

    You don’t need to be a professional analyst to understand how far Facebook is ahead of VK in terms of the number of users. If the first is used by 1.32 billion people around the world today, then the second is used by only 270 million. Many experts predicted a crisis for Facebook associated with a sharp drop in user interest, but by all indicators this forecast is still not true.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning the age gradation of users registered on the networks. In the first years of VKontakte's existence, the bulk of its audience were students. Over time, schoolchildren showed interest in the site, many of them under 10 years of age. With Facebook, things are completely different. Firstly, only persons over 13 years of age can register. Secondly, initially the social network attracted students and graduates, so today they represent the bulk of users.


    An important point when analyzing the quality of a particular Internet resource is the level of safety and security of information posted by the user. Here, without a doubt, Facebook wins again. Despite numerous complaints from users and accusations from FB management about the use of user data, this social network is considered the most secure. A good spam filter, extensive privacy settings, a sophisticated security system - all this is designed to protect accounts from hacking and other troubles that interfere with normal work on the social network.

    As for VK.com, everything is vague and uncertain. The security service is constantly working on measures against spammers and hackers, but not all of them are effective. Spam often causes users to close their pages as much as possible and feel uncomfortable.

    Mobile applications

    A comparison of VKontakte and Facebook will not be complete enough if we do not touch upon the possibility of using these resources on smartphones. Official applications in both cases are worthy of respect. Convenient controls, nice interface and maximum possibilities. At the same time, many additional applications have been developed for both social networks that expand their functionality.

    Communication with friends is just the minimum that social networks offer. To pass the time, the user can visit the Application Center, where numerous online games and various gadgets are presented, such as psychological tests, dating applications, etc. It is extremely difficult to determine which Center is better, because... they both offer a huge selection for users.

    But from the point of view of media content, VKontakte, without a doubt, is ahead of its older brother. The explanation for this is very simple - “Contact” was made for a Russian user, and he, as you know, loves freebies. Millions of audio recordings and video files, even despite copyright laws, are located on VK, which simply cannot help but attract new users.


    So, the comparative characteristics of VKontakte and Facebook are just dry facts that each user has the right to interpret in his own way. It is probably impossible to say exactly which of these two social networks is worthy of more attention. But based on the above data, Facebook is still ahead of its Russian comrade.

    Social networks are platforms, online services or Internet sites primarily designed to build social relationships between their participants. There are quite a few social networks in the world, but in this article we will compare the three most popular among Russian-speaking users - domestic giants VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, as well as the recognized market leader - Facebook.

    We will compare according to a number of parameters that are important for users: interface and ease of use, attendance and target audience, information content, entertainment potential, mobile capabilities and earning opportunities. The forum also publishes interesting articles comparing the best search engines, browsers and email services.

    Let's meet the participants of our review

    Facebook is an American social network originally developed for students in educational institutions. Its creator, Mark Zuckerberg, saw great potential in it in time (thanks to which he became the youngest billionaire on the planet) and gradually the project reached the international level. The company's annual revenue, according to some experts, is more than $5 billion.

    Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular social networks in Russia. The project was launched in March 2006 by the famous web developer Albert Popkov, who is also responsible for the creation of a number of similar sites in other countries. Odnoklassniki is now owned by the Internet company Digital Sky Technologies, better known as Mail.ru Group.

    VKontakte is a Russian-language copy of Facebook, created by Pavel Durov. In almost all aspects it copies the American social network, but thanks to its greater adaptability to the realities of the Runet, it has gained much more popularity here than the original. The turnover of funds within this social network is almost 4 billion rubles per year.

    Which social network is better: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook

    Attendance and audience

    • Facebook is the largest social network in the world. According to official data, more than 850 million people are registered in it, and 750 million visit their page at least once a day. More than 50% of large international companies have accounts in this social network. The number of Russian users, although still at a modest level of 5 million, is rapidly increasing every year. It is believed that Facebook is preferred by the most intelligent audience on the RuNet.
    • Odnoklassniki now has almost 250 million registered accounts, and last year this social network managed to break the records of all others, showing the highest percentage of growth in new users. It is worth noting that this project is aimed mainly at people over 30-35, who have graduated from school a long time ago and want to renew their old acquaintances. Odnoklassniki is not in demand among young people.
    • VKontakte is the largest social project on the Russian-language Internet. In Ukraine, for example, the site ranks second in terms of traffic, and worldwide it ranks 22nd. The main audience of VK is young people of student and school age, looking for new acquaintances (unlike Odnoklassniki, where people often look for people they already know), communication and entertainment, which is why it is often called a “sandbox”.

    Interface and control

    People spend a lot of time on social networks - some sit there for 5-6 hours a day. Therefore, it is very important that this stay is convenient and comfortable, and that navigation around the site does not cause difficulties for users. Which social network is the best in this component? Let's figure it out:

    Information content

    There is more to social media than posting questionable photos and commenting on them. Many people use them to exchange interesting information, organize some kind of activity, and share their personal experiences with others.

    Social media is the true food processor of the entertainment industry. They incorporate the functionality of many entertainment portals, music sites, online cinemas and other resources. The user now does not need to leave the social network to gain access to all this.

    • If you visit the Facebook App Center, you'll see a bunch of different categories, including entertainment. Users can watch videos, listen to music, play online games, and generally have fun. Of course, due to the meticulous compliance by the administration of this social network with laws and regulations related to the illegal distribution of licensed products, access will only be allowed to free media content. Sometimes you will have to connect third-party services to access some functions.
    • The leaders of VKontakte understand perfectly well why their social network is so attractive to its main audience - young people, therefore they do not in any way interfere with the distribution of unlicensed products (video, audio). Many people, even without using the main functionality of VK, turn it into a convenient online music player. Users also have access to many entertainment applications and browser games that can easily kill hours of free time.
    • Odnoklassniki, like its closest competitor VKontakte, is replete with legal and illegal media content. Music and videos are provided here in huge quantities. The range of mini-games and entertainment applications is increasing, for which developers are provided with all the necessary conditions.

    Earning Opportunities

    For most online money makers, it has long been no secret that social networks provide great opportunities for earning money, not only for the creators of the project itself and their investors, but also for ordinary users who can use the functionality of social networks for their own purposes. Let's determine the best social network based on the possibilities of making money on the Internet:

    • There are many different ways you can make money using Facebook. The simplest of them are special services that will pay you for “likes” on messages, reposts and other activity. More advanced users will be able to make money by creating and promoting communities, advertising their own brands, or even developing games and applications, the best of which can even be purchased by Facebook itself for very good money.
    • It’s not difficult to make money on the Odnoklassniki website - it’s enough to have a well-promoted page or a thematic community through which you can promote referral links, post advertising materials and stuff like that. A popular group will increase traffic to your sites, that is, it will indirectly affect your level of income. And if you consider that Odnoklassniki hosts the most solvent audience on the RuNet, then they become an ideal place to open your own online store.
    • VKontakte, due to its greatest popularity among Russian-speaking users, is ahead of two competing social networks in terms of earning opportunities. Work here also pays well for beginners: clicks, reposts, links, comments; and the activities of webmasters - groups are well monetized in many different ways; and web development - games and applications bring some of their creators 40-50 thousand dollars in the first couple of months. In general, there is room to expand.

    Mobile versions

    Every year more and more people use mobile devices to access the Internet. The creators of social networks understand this very well, so they try to “mobilize” their projects in order to reach as large a target audience as possible.


    Looking back at everything written above, I will say that you shouldn’t rack your brains over the question “which is better Odnoklassniki or VKontakte” or the like - you still won’t find the answer. Each social network has its own strengths and weaknesses, due to which it is popular with one or another target audience. Facebook provides excellent opportunities for communicating with people from all over the world, allows you to receive information directly from first hand, Odnoklassniki helps to renew connections lost many years ago, and on VKontakte communication fades into the background, because there is no such abundance of entertainment and opportunities for earning money anywhere else. another social network.

    Comments on advantages and disadvantages

    I like VKontakte the most because it has a very user-friendly interface and everything is clear. I used Facebook and didn’t like it, somehow it’s not for people. Classmates are also somehow not comfortable.
    Only given that Durov left VK and the FSB, the authorities will now read users’ correspondence, there is a signal about a change in the social network or a complete stop to communicate there.

    In America, in general, the authorities have access to everything, and nothing, somehow they live. There is also no need to worry too much here. If someone is interested in you, they will dig up a lot without VK.

    Geronimo, I agree that they will dig up even without VK, but in VK there is still some kind of personal correspondence, which should remain personal. Well, you never know. Some mistakes of youth that will later be used against us.

    Siege, I wonder what you wrote in your personal correspondence on VKontakte, classmates and Facebook that you are so afraid of having them opened :) Did they organize riots?

    In general, there is no clear answer to the question - Which social network is better? The kids are mostly on VKontakte, pensioners are looking for classmates in classmates, and the advanced ones are mastering Facebook. And some are registered on all three social networks.

    In principle, I am on all these social networks. But I liked VKontakte more, it’s easy to use, the second majority of my friends are there, and not on Odnoklassniki and Facebook. One more thing, when I go to the dacha, I take a modem since there is no Internet at the dacha. The speed of my modem is not so hot, Odnoklassniki is very difficult to load, Facebook is easier, but also difficult, but VKontakte opens just fine. I also like VK because it is not as transparent as its classmates.

    And I, as a future pensioner, love Odnoklassniki most of all. Here I found my classmates who had scattered around the world and live in Germany, America, Canada, Israel. It was nice to renew contacts with them. We look at each other's photos and exchange personal news. Now Odnoklassniki, like other sites, is overwhelmed by an information war, and it’s unpleasant to visit. VKontakte also has more than 200 friends, it’s more fun there, there are interesting groups there, for example, the group “You Won’t Believe It.”
    For me this is an entertainment site. And I have Facebook for business conversations, I also have many friends, many offers to collaborate.

    Which social network is better? It’s difficult to answer unequivocally. It depends on who uses the network and why. From the point of view of ease of use, the first place is of course VKontakte. In second place is Odnoklassniki, and the most difficult is Facebook, although it used to be much more convenient, and there were a lot of viruses on Odnoklassniki. Judging by entertainment, then, again, VKontakte is the leader in applications. There are also some on Face and Odnoklassniki, but not so many and difficult to play. Except for very simple toys.
    And if someone is just looking for communication and acquaintance, then here it is based on age. As someone has already said, Contact is more of a youth environment, Odnoklassniki is for older people, and Facebook is for both, but not for everyone.

    It’s better when there are fewer of them in your life, because soon there will be so many of them that you will spend all your free time on them. I like VKontakte because everything is clear there, but in others it’s somehow not everything, and I’m too lazy to figure it out. As everyone writes above, to each his own, depending on age.

    For me, VKontakte remains optimal for now, although Durov’s departure, I agree, for me means increased government intervention on the Internet, and therefore a certain increase in supervision. In the post-Soviet space, VKontakte still remains the leader, at least you cannot completely go to Facebook, where only a third of your acquaintances and friends are located. VKontakte pleases with the opportunity to make money on groups, a pleasant interface, constant improvements, mobile applications, a large number of games and applications. Therefore, for now it’s definitely Vk.

    I’ve never used Odnoklassniki, so I immediately dismiss them. I use VKontakte most often. Chatting with friends at school or university, VKontakte is great. I use FB to communicate with friends who live abroad. I’ll probably choose VK, since I use it most often.

    Yes, no social network is better, I always log into VKontakte or Odnoklassniki and don’t understand why I logged in, it’s already a habit - a drug. Of course, you can make money there, sell, and look for clients. But this is all 1%, otherwise social networks are made for slackers. VKontakte and Odnoklassniki are the best in this regard; the most sloths live there; Facebook is inferior in this regard.

    Well, I don’t know, I think that Vkontakte simply contains a lot of what a person needs for relaxation, so it’s difficult for him to control himself. In general, VK is the most monetized social network. network at the moment, so the commercial nature is partly what makes it most effective.

    I use all these social networks, and I consider VKontakte to be the best. In general, lately I’ve been wanting to delete my classmates, everyone comes to you, looks at your photos, and then discusses them behind your back like grandmothers on a bench, and all of them are adults. And I don’t want to post photos lately, everyone immediately knows where you were, when and what you did. I use Facebook very rarely. VKontakte is the best.

    In general, I rarely communicate with friends and relatives through social networks, usually through Skype or live communication.

    Better is the one with more friends and a person who is more interested in spending time there. For me, VKontakte, and I sincerely did not understand why some people spend so much time with classmates.

    In general, I like Contact better, but it’s a matter of habit and the number of acquaintances on the social network.

    microdistrict Chernaya Rechka, 15 Russia, St. Petersburg 8 812 497 19 87

    What is better, a group or a public page?


    Hello, dear readers!

    Did you know that all your efforts to gain popularity on social networks may be in vain? It is quite possible that you are the one wasting time and money trying to find new clients for your business!

    And why all?

    Yes, because they chose an unsuitable habitat for themselves. This is exactly what I would like to tell you about: about the habitats of organizations, companies, musical groups, interest groups, etc. in a world called the Internet.

    Let's figure it out together, which is better, a group or a public page?


    It is not surprising that first we will talk about the most popular social network in Russia. The VKontakte social network is an excellent platform for advertising and finding new potential clients, as well as for meeting interesting people.

    VKontakte is becoming more and more popular every day; it is no longer used only by Russian citizens. In addition to individuals, a huge number of online stores, beauty salons and training centers have special accounts on this network in addition to their own websites.

    And absolutely everyone is faced with a number of questions:

    • What is a group and public page?
    • What are the features of their creation and use?
    • What is better, a group or a public page on VKontakte?

    What's happened?

    First of all, it’s worth understanding what a VKontakte group is and what a public page is.

    Group is a place where people with specific interests can communicate with each other. This is a group of interests. Many people choose this particular form of existence for their store/salon/studio because they are simply accustomed to it. Groups have existed since the birth of VKontakte; for many they are already like family.

    Public page- this is a completely different matter. It was the public pages that were created to promote the brand. The information posted in them is official; all content is dedicated to a specific person or organization.

    Creation and use

    Already from the definition, the answer to the question: what is better for sales, a group or a public page, suggests itself. It becomes clear that a group and a public are two completely different things, they are created differently and the entire process of maintaining them is also different.

    Public page

    Before you create a public page, you need to decide what exactly you will promote. You can choose from four options:

    • place or small company;
    • company, organization or website;
    • an interesting person or team;
    • work or product.

    Once the choice is made, you can begin to design and directly create the public.

    Its important feature is that absolutely all public information is available to absolutely everyone. Even people who do not have a VKontakte account will be able to view the content of the page.

    Information on the public wall is posted only on behalf of the administration, on behalf of the organization itself, although subscribers can offer their own news.

    Even though you won’t be able to invite your friends to the public page, there are many effective ways to find an audience.

    You can “tell your friends” about a public page or pay for advertising of your public page on another public page.

    You can also take advantage of targeted advertising that will bring you real, interested potential customers.

    With this little explanation, it's easy to guess what's best for an online store, e.g. , a group or a public page, and what is more suitable for a club of aspiring poets.


    A group on VKontakte is created in one click. You don't have to choose between different types of groups; you can immediately start creating one.

    As in the case of a public page, information in the group can be seen by every user on the Internet, but only if you want it. Your group may be closed and only have a few members. In this case, only subscribers will see the information available in the group.

    Unlike a public page, all users can leave a message on the wall of such a community, under certain settings.

    In addition, moderation is carried out not on behalf of the group, but on behalf of each of the admins individually. That is, in this case we are seeing more personal communication.

    You can invite friends to the group, but it is not always appropriate to impose yourself on your community. In addition, each user of a contact can hide the list of groups in which he is a member, which makes promoting the community difficult.

    What to choose?

    What is the best way to create a VKontakte group or public page? To answer this question, you need to understand what you actually want?

    If your goal is to create a cozy place where people with similar interests will gather, then a group is what you need. But for finding clients, a public page is better suited (opinion).


    If you want to find clients or simply interesting people from other countries, you just need to use Facebook and decide for yourself the question of what is better: a group or a page on Facebook.

    What's happened?

    Facebook group- everything is simple here!

    Like VKontakte, they are created solely for communication. People with specific interests share their experiences, impressions and thoughts.

    Facebook page- This is a public open space. It contains information about a specific person, team or company. It is on the page that it is most convenient to post information about the brand.

    Creation and use


    The group has a number of additional functions that the page lacks.

    For example, with a Facebook group, you can send out letters and invitations to events en masse, but not more than 5,000 participants. This limitation makes it impossible for groups with large numbers of subscribers to use the feature.

    And if your goal is several tens of thousands of people, then this function is unlikely to seem tempting to you.

    The group cannot use applications, which is a significant disadvantage.

    However, as a group administrator, you will be able to control its members.

    A group can be: open, closed and secret. You yourself will decide who exactly will become a member of your community.


    The huge advantage of a page over a group is the ability to use applications. They will make a huge number of opportunities available to you. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to invite someone to participate in a specific event from the page.

    But, as the owner of the page, you will have the opportunity to use advertising widgets; groups cannot do this. All information presented on the page is available to absolutely all Internet users.

    What to choose?

    And again we return to the question of your goal. Do you want many, many clients? Then create a page. Otherwise, a group will suit you.


    Many people ask the question: what is better, a group or a page on Odnoklassniki?

    Unfortunately, this social network only allows you to create your own group. A page in Odnoklassniki is, first of all, a personal account. Like VKontakte, it is intended for personal use and for posting personal information.

    It is in groups that people find important information for themselves, share ideas and thoughts, or choose goods/services.

    How to promote?


    You can promote your Odnoklassniki page in different ways. For example, you can increase the number of friends and classes manually. Add strangers as friends yourself and hope that they like your posts.

    Of course, you can cheat them, but in this case your “success” will be very shaky and empty. After all, “non-living” people who definitely won’t buy anything from you are being scammed.

    You can also use various applications for promotion. For example, assign many classes to different users and expect them to go to your page.

    By the way, one of the main advantages of Odnoklassniki is a class that combines the usual like and repost.


    Just like on VKontakte, you can simply invite your friends to the group. This is the easiest way to gain an audience, but you should understand that not everyone will want to join the group and the number of your friends is not infinite.

    In addition, you will not be able to invite more than 30 people per day. You will also be able to pay for your reposts in other groups, which will bring you a lot of new subscribers.

    What to choose?

    Group only!

    A page can be the initial stage of promoting your business. But it's not as convenient as a group. If you want to find like-minded people, you need a group. It’s just that at the very beginning of its creation it should be indicated that this group is for communication.

    I guess I'll finish here and say goodbye.

    I really hope that I was able to help you with your choice.

    I have a lot more interesting and useful information for you, but I’ll share it next time.

    So stay in touch! 😉

    From this article you will learn about all the pros and cons of popular social networks - Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.

    The instructions will be useful if you have not yet decided which social network you need and for what purposes.

    Odnoklassniki is initially monetized - it even has its own currency - “Oki”, which can be purchased for real money or earned in games and applications.

    On VKontakte, you can also earn so-called votes in games and applications; gifts can be purchased for them, for example.

    Before registering on the selected social network - Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte, we will determine the advantages and disadvantages of both.

    How to choose a social network – Odnoklassniki vs VKontakte

    Step #1

    Age range and number of users.

    Odnoklassniki is aimed at middle and older age, while the VKontakte audience is schoolchildren, teenagers, people under 30-35 years old.

    Accordingly, the content is designed for the target audience.

    Currently, more than 250 million people are registered in Odnoklassniki, the predominant age of which is from 30-35 years.

    VKontakte has an audience of over 380 million people, the predominant age of which is in the range of 15-25 years.

    Focus on age and target audience when choosing a social network for yourself.

    Step #2

    Interface. Appearance and ease of use of the site.

    Odnoklassniki has an interface that not everyone will find convenient and understandable, because only on the main page there are several main menus, united by a logic that is not always clear.

    For example, the top horizontal menu, including “Messages”, “Notifications”, “Discussions”, “Events”, “Guests”, “Friends” as well as “Music” and “Video”.

    Another menu under the user information, where there is “Feed”, “Photos”, again “Friends”, “Games” and other sections.

    There is also a menu under the title photo, one of the main items of which is “My Settings”.

    VKontakte has a simpler and more intuitive interface: the main menus are grouped logically and are easy to find.

    Despite the fact that VK is considered a clone of the famous social network Facebook, the network is developing every year, the design is updated, and new functions are added.

    Step #3

    Entertaining content.

    In Odnoklassniki, entertainment is designed for an older audience, so for a very young audience such content will not seem interesting enough.

    Step #4


    Odnoklassniki has many more paid functions than VKontakte.

    In Odnoklassniki you need to buy postcards, gifts, stickers, etc. For a person who does not want to spend money on a social network or spend all day playing games earning “okies,” this state of affairs may seem unacceptable.

    On VKontakte, gifts are also bought for votes, but applications with postcards or stickers there are completely free.

    Step #5

    It is believed that Odnoklassniki contains the most solvent users, so OK.RU is an ideal place to open an online business.

    Projects aimed at a youth audience are well promoted on VKontakte.

    Step #6

    Both networks have mobile versions.

    The Odnoklassniki version is somewhat heavy and its functionality is lower than in the full version.

    The mobile version of VK is well thought out, simplified for ease of use, lightweight and stylish.

    Step #7

    Security on both networks is at the highest level. There is always the opportunity to maintain anonymity and confidentiality.

    Which network to choose for yourself is up to you, both social networks are very popular, and you may want to register in both.

    In the next instructions we will talk about what types of groups and communities exist in Odnoklassniki.