• Beautiful visual design of the YouTube channel. Header design for a YouTube channel: sizes, templates and good examples Beautiful design for a YouTube channel

    Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about how to design a YouTube channel beautifully, correctly, and most importantly, quickly! Remember, just recently we published an article about how to create a YouTube channel, where we have already touched upon this topic in passing, but now we will pay closer attention to it.

    What will we work with? This is your YouTube channel, avatar or channel icon, cover art, calls to action, channel description and links. And before moving directly to the design of the channel, it is worth determining its purpose. Additional traffic to the site, views and earnings from advertising, lead generation or any other. In accordance with the goal that the channel faces, the design needs to be done.

    How to properly set up a YouTube channel yourself

    While working on the design, you do not need any special knowledge or sophisticated software. By following the instructions in our material, you can get your YouTube channel in proper shape in just 20 minutes. Also, throughout the article, we will use examples of successful channels with good design to make it easier for you to understand what you should strive for.

    As an icon, it is better to use the company logo or a stylized image of the channel author, but we do not recommend using a photograph, because due to the large number of halftones, when reduced, the image simply mixes into a color mess and becomes difficult to distinguish. Therefore, the simpler and more concise it is channel icon for youtube, the easier it will be remembered by the audience and due to this it will be more recognizable.

    You don’t have to look far for an example; the Marvel universe uses its classic logo as an icon.

    He's the channel cover. The scope for creativity increases from the size of a small square to a huge canvas that spans almost the entire width of the screen. It is at this step that you need to do the design in accordance with the purpose for which the channel was created. What can the background for the channel header tell?

    Uniqueness. A channel dedicated to travel and life.

    Scope of activity and call to action for SEO courses.

    Or, for example, about the release schedule on the channel, like DC.

    You can also place a phone number, website address and other information on the cover of the channel that will help bring new clients to the business or increase the number of subscribers. Simply put, tell us who you are, what you do and how to find you.

    You can quickly create a cover on Canva.com; they even have a cover format for YouTube channels.

    Let us remind you that in order to be able to add a channel description, you need to enable the “Overview” page view option in the settings (gear next to the subscribe button). After this, the channel menu will appear, in which we go to the “About the channel” section.

    Click on the “ ” button and write a short text, no more than two paragraphs on behalf of the author of the channel, about what viewers can see on the channel, as well as several good reasons (free, unique methodology, etc.) why you should choose to watch Your channel.

    You should also indicate your email address in this section if you want to sell advertising on the channel or collect leads. As a country, you need to indicate the one in which your target audience is located.

    In the same section “About the channel” you can indicate the links that you saw in the lower right above the “Subscribe” button.

    The links you create have one feature: the first link on the channel displays the full text. Therefore, here you can specify either the keyword by which the site is promoted, or a call to action (get a free cost estimate, download a presentation, etc.).

    YouTube channel main video

    The main video of a YouTube channel can be configured in such a way that regular subscribers will be shown one option, and those who do not subscribe to you will be shown the so-called channel trailer, which can be recorded separately. So, let's go to the "Video" section.

    To install a channel trailer, you need to click on the button in the middle in the “For new viewers” ​​tab and select any video uploaded to the channel as a trailer.

    After this, for any user who is not your subscriber, this trailer will be launched by autoplay when visiting the channel.

    To install a video for your regular viewers on the main page of the channel, you need to go to the tab for subscribers, click on the pencil in the upper right corner of the section and then on the “Recommend Content” button.

    Then, we also select the video that will automatically launch when our favorite subscribers come to the channel.

    You probably already noticed that all this time the “Add section” button loomed at the bottom. So, if you click on this button, a section with a video will be added according to a certain principle, which will be shown on the main page of the channel. You can select any type of content from the list in the figure as a section.

    The selected type of content can be shown on the channel in any of two ways: in a horizontal row or in a vertical list.

    In addition to all of the above, you can create playlists and add videos to them, both from your channel and from others.


    Well, friends, as you can see, we figured out how to design a YouTube channel on our own and did it quite quickly. See you soon!

    How to register a channel on YouTube? No more difficult than a personal page on any other social network. However, if you plan to become a professional in this matter, it won’t hurt you to know a few important design nuances. the site shares useful information regarding the rules for designing YouTube channels this year.

    YouTube contains not only millions of videos, but also a huge number of accounts and channels. If you decide to use this video hosting for personal or professional promotion, you will need to not only create such a channel, but also learn how to make it attractive.

    After all, the competition on this service is simply fantastic. And some YouTubers from among ordinary people have more subscribers than world celebrities.
    How to design your account to make it popular?

    First, you should know that YouTube channels consist of several pages or sections. And you should work hard on each of them. And, of course, you need to start with the design of the main page, because it is the face of your account.

    Size: 2560x1440 pixels
    Working with the main page is the most interesting, because... It has more design options than other sections. The first step is to make a channel header. To do this, take a high-resolution image.

    You can place text and other pictures, as well as various logos on the header. These elements will be displayed to users not only on computers, but also on mobile devices.

    The rest of the background may not be visible in most cases, except when watching a channel from a TV with an Internet connection.

    Having created the header, you can start working with the content of the main page. It consists of blocks that can be constructed in various layouts. These blocks can be placed in any order convenient for you.

    The channel content will be grouped as follows:

    • Most popular videos of the account
    • Latest posted videos
    • Liked videos
    • Playlists.

    Layouts are offered in two types: horizontal and vertical lists.

    How to properly format the “Information” section

    On this page you place text telling about your channel. This should be a competent and, if possible, concise description of the account (no more than 1000 SIM cards). You can insert keywords into the text, thanks to which your channel can be promoted on the Internet.

    In this section you can enter your email address. Please direct all questions regarding business cooperation, including proposals for advertising on the channel, to the specified address.

    You cannot place more than four links to social networks that will be visible in the background of the channel. This applies to all account pages. “Details” displays the number of subscribers and views of your channel, as well as the date it was created. If you wish, you can hide this data in your account settings.

    How to make a video beautifully

    A lot depends on how the videos themselves are designed. They should look so that people want to open them and look at them.

    • First, each video needs to come up with a suitable title. It should be short, but succinct, accurately reflecting the essence of the video, and, most importantly, beautiful and catchy.
    • Secondly, choose an attractive picture - a video icon. You do all this while the video is being uploaded to your account. Select icons or, as they are also called, personalized images for videos in high resolution. In addition to the image itself, there may be text and personal symbols of your account.

    Keep in mind that YouTube policy prohibits posting images of certain subjects (for example, photographs of a pornographic nature). Read more about this in the site rules.

    Some unscrupulous users try to mislead people by making video titles and images that do not correspond to the actual content of the videos. Doing this is highly not recommended - it will only push people away from your channel. If you post videos related to prohibited topics, even if you choose misleading titles and images, you may receive complaints and sooner or later your account will be blocked.

    Working with playlists

    YouTube promotion specialists pay great attention to organizing playlists. Over time, this section will acquire new useful features that allow users to navigate their accounts more conveniently. Don't be lazy to do a thorough job with your playlists. The channel content needs to be organized - this is what playlists serve.

    Each playlist should have its own clear name, by which people will immediately understand what videos are contained there. Don't forget to write proper playlist descriptions. If necessary, add keywords to your descriptions. Under video clips, you can indicate links to certain playlists to make it easier for users to navigate the space of your channel.

    If you run a personal video blog on YouTube, at the end of the video you can tell people that they can find other videos on this topic in such and such a playlist, and they will see a link to it in the description of this video.

    Good day, dear subscribers and guests of the blog. Today we will talk to you about how to create a channel on YouTube. Today, YouTube is the most popular video hosting service, which allows you to learn not only about anything and everything, but also make decent money for the most active, interesting and popular channels.

    Therefore, I will help you get one step closer to increasing traffic to your channel and tell you how to tastefully, beautifully and even correctly design your profile. We will talk about the design of the main page of the video channel, I will pay special attention to the header and the main profile icon. Next, we'll discuss how to organize your main content and how to create a great video. Let's start in order!

    Let's start designing the main page

    As they say, you meet someone by their clothes. This rule of life applies in all areas. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the design of the main profile page. It should give a clear idea of ​​the content of the channel, its direction and maybe specifics. It should also have a neat appearance and conveniently placed content.

    Let's start with the avatar

    The first thing the service will immediately offer you is to put a profile photo. Don't ignore this step. The avatar must be square, with a resolution of more than 250 by 250 pixels. Try to choose a picture that matches the theme of your channel.

    If the platform is used to publish your videos, then it is advisable to put your photo or company logo. If you are creating a vlog for a company or company, then the answer is obvious - put the company logo.

    Let's decorate the hat

    Now let's take care of the hat. To the right of the profile photo there is a button “Add channel design”, which you should click. The service offers a free catalog of images. However, I encourage you to upload your own screensaver.

    Be sure to include a themed image. If this is a beauty blog, then it would be relevant to put a screensaver with cosmetics, a beautifully made-up girl or a modern manicure design.

    If this is a channel about fishing, then fishing gear, types of fish in a certain area, etc. are best suited.

    Again, if you already have your own corporate logo, then it will perfectly decorate the main page.

    Please note that it is better to select photos in a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels. They will ensure a clear display of the screensaver both when viewed via a phone (via a special application for Android, iOS), and on a laptop and plasma TV.

    Let’s overcome the “letter bullshit” once and for all

    For each channel, YouTube generates its own name, which looks something like this:

    Apart from the perception factor, this name does not affect anything, but it is still better to change it to something more attractive (the name of your profile, for example). So the name of the channel will constantly appear before users’ eyes, and the link will become readable.

    The URL changes without any additional programs. In the YouTube channel settings, click on the “Advanced” link and then select “Create a custom URL.” I would like to note that such actions can only be performed once. After changing the default name, this function will become unavailable.

    Trailer recording time

    What’s very interesting is that on the right side there should be a standard checklist with a list of all the things you need to do to complete your profile. And after you set up the link and connect social networks (if you see the need for it), the next step is to add a trailer.

    I think everyone knows that this is such a short video that introduces viewers to the main essence, the main concept of the channel and captivates them so much (at least it should) that they certainly want to subscribe to vlog updates.

    So, in the review settings you need to enable the display of this kind of video and then on the main page click on the “Channel Trailer” button to download the video.

    And that's not all

    Yes, yes, that's right! YouTube also suggests that you organize your videos from different categories and groups according to a specific template. On the main page you can place only objects from previous subchapters or add a block with a specific heading(s) there, placing them as you wish.

    What about the information?

    It is more common to call this section “About the channel”. This tab will contain a brief description of your profile. Why short? And all because the text is limited to 1000 characters. To improve the promotion of your channel, I advise you to add keywords that are usually used to search for information in your chosen industry.

    It is also worth adding your email address or other contacts where you can be contacted in the event of an advertising agreement, ordering a video, or discussing other partnership activities.

    Please note that anchors inserted into the text will be inactive.

    By looking at the “Details” tab, you can find out the date the channel was created, the number of subscribers and views. By the way, if desired, the second parameter can be hidden.

    Secrets to Creating Videos That Get Attention

    To create a video that many YouTube users will want to watch, you just need to do 3 things:

    1. Select a hot topic for an audience of listeners that fits the specifics of your channel;
    2. Come up with an intriguing title that conveys the main theme of the video. For example, “Monetization on YouTube: who pays how much”, “Are animals bored while we’re not at home?”, “Is Apple that big?” etc.;
    3. Create a unique opening screensaver on a video that would catch your attention with its staged plot or a question of interest to the viewer.

    That's all the secrets. And believe me, most of the random videos that you watch on the described video hosting site are selected precisely according to these criteria. You saw the request you needed in the title of the video, then you assessed the quality of the screensaver, its plot, and only then did you decide to turn on the video. This way, by your standards, low-quality content is filtered out from carefully produced videos.

    After passing the first test, it is important for you not to lose the viewer after a few seconds of watching the video. To do this, pay attention to the sound of the recording. If it hisses, is filled with noise, or your voice is practically inaudible, then no one will watch such a video. Therefore, during recording, create the most quiet and comfortable place for shooting, and also prepare everything you need for work.

    Another important action that you should definitely do is organizing your videos into playlists. Shiva Rajaraman himself, YouTube's chief product officer, said back in 2014 that organizing playlists is the most important thing you should work on. And after that, in 2015 and 2016, more and more new functionality was introduced into the application to optimize the operation of profiles.

    So, be sure to sort your videos into playlists by topic. Think about the name. There is no need to make complicated and long sentences here. It is enough to give the name after the fact so that users can immediately understand in which folder they should look for the necessary information.

    A few words about corporate identity

    If you want to promote your channel and be among the top interesting vloggers, then think about a personal corporate style, a highlight that would set you apart from all other profiles.

    A nice and properly designed YouTube channel is the key to your success. In this episode you will learn how to properly design your YouTube channel.

    The very first thing that catches your eye when entering the channel is the logo (avatar) and background design. Let's start with them.

    By the way, you can download ready-made psd layouts from us:

    So let's get started. First, let's do the avatar, and then the background.

    YouTube channel logo (avatar)
    Everything here is quite simple, after you have created your channel on Youtube, go to your Google+ account and update (upload) your logo there. After a small update, the changes will take effect and your picture will begin to appear on the channel.

    YouTube channel background design
    This stage is somewhat more difficult, since in order to display your background correctly, it must be large in size and adapted to all types of devices. But, this problem can be solved in 3 ways:

    1. Do it yourself;
    2. Download the finished layout;
    3. Order on freelance.

    In this article we will look at point 1 and learn how to do the design ourselves, which is always useful when working with YouTube. At the moment there are 2 sizes that fit the design of the background image.

    The minimum size is 2048 X 1152 pixels.
    The maximum size is 2560 x 1440 pixels.

    We have prepared a template for you, with marked boundaries of the so-called “safe zone” - within which your background will be displayed on all devices. And what is located abroad will adapt to different devices.

    This is a PSD template with fields inside which you can safely place your image or add a text description. Open it in Photoshop and start editing. After making the changes you need, save in jpg (jpeg) or png format so that the size does not exceed 4 MB.

    Examples of cool YouTube channel designs

    A selection of beautiful, cool, and most importantly properly designed YouTube channels.

    Masha and the Bear


    Lady Gaga

    If you are seriously working on your Youtube channel and planning to monetize it, then you should pay close attention to the design of your Youtube channel and organize your content in such a way that subscribers can stay longer on your videos and want to receive even more content!

    Find out how to create a channel on Youtube, organize content into playlists, post videos and fill out the “Channel Details” page in our article!

    How to create a channel on YouTube and design it beautifully

    1. How to create a header for a youtube channel. To make your channel visually attractive, you need to design your channel header.

    To do this, you will need an image measuring 2560 X 1440 pixels. Moreover, the most active part of the header, which will be visible on a variety of devices (computers, smartphones, tablets) is the area 1546 X 423. It is in this part that you can place the main image and inscriptions for the channel. This is the part that will not be hidden across devices.

    The full header image (2560 X 1440 pixels) is displayed only on modern high-definition TVs connected to Youtube.

    The header file size should be no more than 2 MB, jpg format is preferred.

    2. Video design.
    Agree, a video with a man with his mouth open is not very attractive. To create a channel design on YouTube, you should pay attention not only to the appearance of the channel itself, but also to the video content located on it.

    Give attractive previews to all your videos. You can configure this in the “Creative Studio” section. You need to upload the image you like to the screensaver by clicking on the “Set as default icon” and “Save” buttons.

    This way you can create previews from images with catchy titles for the video, and thus attract even more views!

    3. Channel information.
    Now you need to fill in your channel details in the “About Channel” section.

    Fill out your channel description using the keywords you are promoting with.

    4. Content organization. You can organize the content on your channel home page as you wish, select different blocks, and choose the content and layout for each block.

    5. Playlists. Divide all your videos into thematic playlists. Create playlists for each topic you cover on your channel. Organizing the content will have a good effect on the reputation of the channel not only in the eyes of users, but also in the eyes of Youtube, since the video hosting management pays special attention to playlists. And soon there will be new features in playlists.

    Now you understand how to design a channel on YouTube. Work with the above five elements and organize all your content.