• Write creatively about yourself in contact. What to write on VKontakte about yourself? Tips and tricks. Setting up the “life position” menu item on VKontakte

    If you are active on social networks, then your posts and comments begin to be read. You become interesting. People want to know more about you. They go to your profile to see “Who is this”? Don't make them guess. Write and place a post “About yourself” in a prominent place.

    The purpose of the “About Me” post is to help those who are visiting your page for the first time to get to know you better. This should be a kind of mini-presentation that gives answers to the questions: who are you and what do you do. On VKontakte you can put this post in “pinned” so that it is always at the top. Write a greeting in it in a few sentences. It is better to place the main information in the form of a longread and attach a link to this post. Why? You can format your longread as an article with beautiful headings, pictures and links. Changes and additions to the text can be made at any time. You will not be able to edit the text in a pinned post. Over time, it will become outdated and will have to be replaced with a new one entirely. Agree that this is not so convenient.

    Look how it was done on my VKontakte page. The body of the post contains a couple of welcome phrases and an introduction. The main text goes longread and there is a link to it at the bottom of the post:

    Your “About Me” story should be clear, meaningful and useful. Write about things that might be of interest to your potential clients, not just you. You can talk about yourself in free form. But it’s much easier to write if you have a plan with a clear structure in front of you.

    Post plan “About myself”

    • Who am I?
    • What do I do/My specialization.
    • My key achievements and experience.
    • How can I help you? What questions can you contact me about?
    • How to start working with me. What rules do I work by?
    • How much do my services cost?
    • Links to key resources (personal blog/website, examples of work/portfolio, etc.).
    • Personal qualities, mission and position (optional).

    Write briefly and to the point. Your text should ideally answer 3 main questions: “What do I do?”, “Why am I good at this?”, “How can I help you?”. Don't bore the reader with unnecessary details of your biography. There is no need to overload the text with dates. Give 2-3 key dates: how many years have you been in the profession, how many speeches/publications have you had in the media, how many significant projects, etc. By and large, people are only interested in how you can be useful to them. Well, how comfortable is it to work with you?

    Avoid abstract formulations such as “fairy of magical texts” or “doctor of human souls.” Better indicate what you specialize in. If you are doing something complex and high-tech, try to describe it in a way that even a child can understand. Explain complex terms in simple words: “I am engaged in..., I do so that..., I help in....”. When writing about your key achievements, use examples and evidence (numbers, photos, links to projects and portfolios).

    Form and style of post

    It seems like you’ve listed everything and haven’t forgotten anything, but it turns out somehow boring and indistinct? Review the text again. Give it to your husband and mother to read. And even better for someone who doesn’t know you well. Ask how clear it is from the text - who you are and what you offer? What image of a person and professional is created after reading? The results may surprise you: from “this looks like some kind of resume” to “sorry, I couldn’t read to the end.” What to do? Simplify the form and reduce the content. But not at the expense of common sense, of course. Break the text into convenient semantic blocks and paragraphs. Try not to list everything separated by commas. Make headings and highlights in the text.

    Pay attention to the style. It should not be “heavy” - too formal, clerical and businesslike. It is better to write an “About Me” post for social networks in a good, friendly manner. At the end, do not forget to indicate your contact information: email, telephone.

    “Do-it-yourself personal brand”

    Want to know how to market yourself? Then receive useful materials by email. “Do-it-yourself personal brand” is a newsletter without chatter. Only specifics: cases, tips and proven mechanics.

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    How to get to Wikipedia

    Wikipedia is a universal online encyclopedia with open access. The main feature is that absolutely any user can post articles. At the moment, Wikipedia contains more than 32 million articles in all languages ​​of the world, of which 1.5 million are in Russian. While any user can post an article, there is a possibility of deletion...

    What to write about yourself on VKontakte, today let’s look at examples of what you can write in the column about yourself on VK. In my opinion, this is the most difficult part of filling out a page, since not everyone can and wants to share information about themselves and post it for everyone to see

    What to write about yourself on VKontakte

    Sharing information is very difficult, and coming up with something cool to fill out your VK page beautifully is sometimes very difficult. I will give several examples below and divide them into information for girls and boys.

    About yourself VKontakte what to write to a girl

    Here are a few examples of what a girl can write in the column about herself:

    • I’m a Miracle girl, I’m Sunshine!!!... And sweet, sweet Sweetheart, but if you push me, I’ll fuck you with a pink slipper!
    • I don’t know my worth - I’ve never mentioned it!
    • I love good words when they are all about me!
    • I'm not a bitch - I'm just intolerant
    • If an ordinary girl is a mystery, then I am a super secret state secret!
    • I'm not lying, I'm just good at writing
    • I'm so blonde! Even when I disguise myself as a brunette!
    • I am an angel, just a halo on charge and wings in the wash...
    • The mood is excellent, to the point of indecency.

    About yourself on VKontakte what to write to a guy

    Here are some examples of what a guy can write in the column about himself:

    • Do not believe the oath of a drug addict, the tears of a whore and the smile of a prosecutor.
    • The girls who show off by drinking and smoking are annoying. Take up sports, sheep, and be proud of it.
    • I am who I am. All I have left are my fists, conscience and honor.
    • The birch tree cried, the aspen cried, only the hemp neighed like a beast...)
    • Two girls fought because of me yesterday. One shouted - take him for yourself, and the other - why the hell do I need him)))
    • Don't love anyone and everyone will like you. Tell the whole world to hell, and they will admire you...
    • To be liked by girls, you have to be smart, handsome, rich... or a cat.
    • Where there is no risk, there is no pleasure.

    If you have your own suggestions about what you can write about yourself in the VK column, share in the comments

    Information is one of the main tools that must be handled correctly in the modern world. With a word you can support or offend, make a person an enemy or your best friend, interest or turn away from you.

    There are many rules for using words - spelling, orthography, philology, but we learn to speak and write the necessary things only in the process of life.

    What should you pay attention to when talking about yourself, what should you focus on, and what should you leave out? What can you write about yourself in order to interest a real or potential interlocutor?

    Everything you say says about you, and especially what you say about others (Paul Valéry)

    Writing a biography essay

    The main goal of an autobiography is to tell about yourself in an accessible and easy way, about significant events in your life in such a way as to interest the reader.

    In addition, compiling your own biography will help you easily talk about yourself during job interviews, certifications, when writing a resume, when traveling abroad, and will also leave a memory for your loved ones.

    When writing a biography, real facts (in chronological order), events and names are used. An autobiography is written in the first person in the singular.

    Plan/Style Selection

    The classic biography outline looks like this:

    • introduction;
    • brief description;
    • main part (main events and achievements);
    • conclusion.

    You can choose a formal, business style (when writing a biography for work or school) or use all your creativity for an interesting and meaningful narrative.

    What to write about

    In the introduction, you should briefly describe the purpose and objectives of your essay. In the description, indicate information about yourself, place of birth and place of residence, as well as other significant facts.

    Depending on your age and status, the events described will vary. For example, a student can talk about his family, preschool, school studies, achievements in sports and extracurricular activities.

    And an adult should focus on his work, education received, additional courses, as well as events in his personal life, participation in social work, interests and hobbies.

    In conclusion, it is necessary to summarize all the materials, repeating the main ideas of the essay and draw conclusions.

    Details/artistic techniques

    If you want to attract attention to your essay from the first lines, use an interesting epigraph. This could be a poem, a famous expression, or even an anecdote that matches the topic of the essay.

    Comparison techniques are acceptable and encouraged in biography, but use allegories, metaphors, and irony with caution.

    Use a presentation to attract attention to your person. For greater clarity, you can use photographs, drawings and diagrams in your presentation. Such a biography will definitely make you want to read it to the end.


    If you are a creative person, know how to work with words and do not want to write a classically constructed biography, you can write an essay in the form of a fictional story with a twisted plot.

    But you shouldn’t turn your biography into a confession or a philosophical treatise - write only the necessary things, putting them in interesting forms.

    Use fresh idease classical genres:

    • novel;
    • detective;
    • novellas;
    • fiction, etc.

    What can you write about yourself?

    In your resume

    The task of a resume is to tell as fully as possible about yourself in such a way as to interest a potential employer and give him confidence that you are exactly the person he needs.

    A good resume is a small novel that, from the very beginning to the last point, makes the reader enthusiastically read your masterpiece and admire your knowledge, skills and abilities.

    And most importantly, the resume should attract the employer’s attention so much that he will definitely invite you for an interview.

    The resume consists of three parts:

    1. Mandatory(full name, age, marital status, education, etc.). The description should be clear and concise, without unnecessary words.
    2. Professional. First of all, you need to describe in as much detail as possible the functions you performed in your previous job, as well as your achievements and acquired skills.
    3. Additional. In your job application, list your hobbies and your personal qualities (stress resistance, responsibility, determination, etc.). Indicate your driver's license, willingness to travel, hobbies and personal interests.

    The more detailed and interesting the last two parts are described, the greater your chances of receiving an invitation to an interview.

    A well-written resume should make the employer feel that the right to choose the job rests with you, and it is he who should make every effort to interest you.

    On social media networks

    Our great mistake is that we do not know where to stop... (E. Burke)

    On Instagram

    The main purpose of the Instagram network is to share impressions of photos and videos. You can communicate online anonymously or under your own name, the main thing is to remember that other users also have this opportunity, and they can leave any comments under your stories.

    You should not post intimate or personal photos under your real name if you do not want others to know about them.

    On Twitter

    Easy communication with small (up to 140 characters) chat-style messages is the main feature of Twitter. This is a kind of chat designed for a simple, easy conversation, but unlike chat, it stores your messages for a long time.

    Since Twitter is one of the ten most popular social networks, it is also worth considering that it is just an entertainment resource, and your messages can be seen by millions of strangers.

    In Odnoklassniki

    Initially, the Odnoklassniki website served as a place to find loved ones, former classmates, classmates and new friends.

    If you correctly indicate your details (first name, surname, previous surname, place of birth and residence, places of study, service and work), post your photographs, and also indicate relatives and colleagues among your friends, you will have a great chance of meeting those with whom you have not seen each other for many years or those whose existence you did not even suspect (for example, close relatives).

    If you use the site only for games, it will be enough to indicate your nickname or fictitious name, and in the status - the game for which you are looking for neighbors. After all, the more neighbors, the greater the chances of getting a high status in the game.

    Odnoklassniki is also actively used to promote goods and services. Typically, such representatives indicate the name of the object of sale in their name.

    In addition, many employers are turning to social networks. networks to learn more about your employees, their loyalty, communication skills and internal qualities, so the information on such resources should be strictly controlled by you.

    On a dating site

    A detailed questionnaire on a dating site will allow you to achieve the goal for which you registered on this resource.

    If you are registering for simple communication, you can fill out a questionnaire for a fictional character, but if your goal is to meet a like-minded person or find a partner, we advise you not to make things up when filling out the basic characteristics.

    To fill out a simple form, you must at least provide the most important information:

    • age;
    • external data;
    • personal qualities;
    • requirements for the candidate.

    The more you tell about yourself (including attaching a photo), the more likely it is that your profile will be noticed.

    In a personal diary

    It’s not for nothing that such a diary is called personal - it is filled out only for yourself and you can write whatever you want in it. Usually the dates and events that occurred on that day are indicated.

    A personal diary is a good way to get to know yourself, understand your feelings and intentions, as well as evaluate your past mistakes and draw conclusions for the future.

    In portfolio/characteristics

    A portfolio is a kind of business card of a person’s work or creativity. In the about yourself section, it is enough to indicate only the basic characteristics - full name, date of birth, telephone number and other means of communication.

    The main emphasis should be on samples of work (photos, drawings, drawings, etc.). If you need a portfolio to find a job, be sure to include relevant education and experience.

    If your portfolio is more creative or compiled for a work competition, you can indicate which of your works have received significant approval (for example, “this painting was acquired by the Contemporary Museum of Art”).

    The characteristics are written in free form. This is a socio-psychological assessment of a person from the outside, his personal qualities and professional skills. This is a kind of mini-resume in any form.

    Girl, guy

    The main rule in communicating with the opposite sex is to be yourself. Be natural, behave as you would in real life.

    Of course, without seeing the interlocutor and using only the printed word, you can hide a lot and embellish a lot, but decide for yourself what kind of relationship you intend to maintain with this person. This will determine what you want to tell him about yourself.


    If you urgently need to come up with an original signature, status, or simply respond to someone’s joke, use the bank of cool and funny expressions that the Internet is replete with.

    Choose a few phrases that you think suit you best, write them down or learn them - sooner or later you will need them.

    • “Brief biography: born, married, until he died”;
    • “I am a quiet and modest girl. If you offend me, I’ll kill you quietly and modestly celebrate”;
    • “Everyone says that there are no ideal people. Does that mean I don’t exist?


    The funniest things happen to us in real life. Of course, you can use blanks from the Internet or special books, but there is a more interesting way.

    Get yourself a book where you will write down the funny phrases and actions you hear, your own mistakes and cool expressions - and you can always use something new and not worn out in your statuses, letters and essays.

    Any event in your life can be presented in an original way:
    “I bought my son some Legos and went to work. I come back in the evening - the child is in tears, and the angry dad is sitting and guarding the house he built - he wants to show me.”

    On a T-shirt

    A huge number of stores offer to make any inscription on a T-shirt. Before choosing what you need, you should think about where you will wear this item, and for whom this inscription will be intended (for an indefinite circle of people or for specific people).

    The following inscriptions are suitable for loved ones:

    • “The best mother” (daughter, sister, friend, brother, dad, etc.);
    • “Mom is always right”;
    • “I’m not getting acquainted - I’m married,” etc.

    Just for a walk, you can choose an inscription with humorous content, for example:

    • “Anyone who gets up early is definitely not me”;
    • “Come over to the side of evil - we have cookies!”;
    • “Nothing adorns a man more than a well-chosen woman,” etc.

    A little more serious inscriptions would be suitable for the office:

    And if your colleagues and superiors perceive humor well, then you can choose a funny inscription:

    • “I work according to the Robinson Crusoe method - I’m waiting for Friday.”

    Well, if you seriously decide to meet a young man or girl, you can indicate your intentions and method of communication:

    • “I’m looking for a girl, tel. 8929520...";
    • “Smart, well-mannered, moderately well-fed, let me get to know you...”;
    • “It’s difficult with me, but impossible without me”;
    • “Guys, I’m free,” etc.

    In conclusion

    In any document that talks about you, you should put a bold and beautiful point. Make up or find a famous phrase that can describe you as a person. Perhaps it will even be several catchphrases (for different occasions). And, of course, develop a beautiful and bright signature.

    Speech is an amazingly powerful tool,
    but you need to have a lot of intelligence to use it (G. Hegel)

    Video: How to write about yourself

    The interests section of VKontakte has nine fields to fill out; by the way, it is not at all necessary to fill them all out.
    You can indicate your interests in the editor of your VKontakte page.

    Quick navigation:

    Edit interests on VKontakte from your computer.

    To configure the section, go to your page from your computer, under your avatar (your profile photo), click the “Edit” button, click on “Interests” in the menu that appears, in the upper right. Or just follow the link: vk.com/edit?act=interests

    Fill out from your phone.

    From your phone you can also edit interests; to do this, open the mobile version in your browser, follow the link m.vk.com, then in the menu, click on “Full version”.

    Edit interests from your phone, similar to the method for a computer, as described above.

    Do I need to fill out VK interests?

    As you may have seen from other users, if you open their page, there is a “Show detailed information” link. So, if we open it, we will see what a person breathes, detailed information.

    Some fill out very little information; you must agree that such a page looks less profitable than the pages of users who have something to read.

    It’s certainly worth filling out information about your interests on VKontakte, especially since you can leave some fields empty and write only in those where you really have something to talk about.

    Read more about how and with what to fill out the VKontakte interests page.

    There are nine fields available to fill in, these are: Activities, Interests, Favorite Music, Favorite Movies, Favorite TV Shows, Books, Games, Quotes and “About Me”.


    Here you indicate the direction of your activity, study or work. Belonging to communities, positions in public organizations, etc.

    If you do not set yourself the goal of creating a serious page, then you can fill out activities in your profile settings in a humorous form.

    More details with examples of how to fill out VKontakte activities (See).


    Here we write your hobbies, interests...

    Well, where in our time, without jokes...

    For example, you can use ready-made lists of hobbies and interests:

    Swimming, gym classes, fitness, running, football, volleyball, tennis, cycling.
    Gardening, pet care, dancing.
    Embroidery, origami, knitting things and toys, patchwork, clothing design, creating designer dolls.
    Working with wood, designing furniture and household items.
    Programming, Internet, website development.

    Favorite music:

    In music, one can describe both individual genres, for example, “Rock, Pop...”, and groups, for example, “Linkin Park, Scorpions...”. Often our preferences change, you can always change to what you currently like to listen to.

    10 most popular music groups in the world:

    The Beatles
    Led Zeppelin
    The Rolling Stones
    Boney M
    Guns N' Roses

    Favorite movies:

    Here you can find both films that have just been released, trends of the month, and classics that have sunk into your soul, for example, you can choose from the top of Kinopoisk, films with the highest ratings.

    Favorite TV Shows:

    Of course, for a person who wants to show his uniqueness, you shouldn’t write that his favorite TV shows are “Dom-2, Village of Fools...”. Write something that has received universal appreciation, for example “KVN, Comedy Club, What? Where? When?…".

    List of the most popular:

    Evening Urgant
    Ural dumplings
    Battle of psychics
    Let's get married!
    Let them talk

    Favorite books:

    Nowadays, it is rare to meet a person who is interested in reading books; if you are that same book lover, it will probably not be difficult for you to remember and write your most favorite books.

    If you are not a fan of reading works, then you need to come up with something and write it, copy the name of great works on the Internet and paste VKontakte interests into this column. But is it necessary to lie? Having written in your favorite books, literature that you have never even held in your hands, you can find yourself in an awkward situation if you are asked to tell you what you think about what you have written.

    If you want to fill out “Favorite Books” at all costs, you can limit yourself to humor:

    Favorite games:

    Favorite VKontakte games what to write. Most likely, this refers to computer games; it is better to indicate sports games as interests on VKontakte.

    If you are not a fan, then there is no need to write about the fact that you have played dozens of modern games.

    You need to resist your impulse to show off your excellent command of games; if you are too passionate about them, then this is already an addiction, we give advice to men on how to make an attractive page on VK. And as they say, don’t make yourself look like a “nerd,” few people might like that.

    But it wouldn’t hurt to write a couple or three games.

    List of popular games:

    Grand Theft Auto VI / GTA VI / GTA 6
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 / Stalker 2
    Skull & Bones
    Metro: Exodus / Metro: Exodus
    A Way Out
    Metal Gear Survive
    Spider-Man 2018
    Death Stranding
    Counter Strike
    World of Warcraft
    God of War/God of War 4State of Decay 2
    The Last of Us 2 / The Last of Us: Part II
    Battlefield 5
    Darksiders 3 / Darksiders III
    Red Dead Redemption 2
    Beyond Good & Evil 2
    Far Cry 5
    Call of Duty: WWII
    Need for Speed: Payback
    Star Wars: Battlefront 2 / Star Wars: Battlefront II

    Favorite quotes:

    About yourself - What to write in the interests of VKontakte:

    « About me“is a phrase that can confuse what to write here? I am sure that if you are given an impetus on what to write, you will fill in the information about yourself perfectly.

    Sport and its variety as fitness will have a very positive impact on the reputation of either a girl or a guy. And if you say on your page “I visit a Fitness center”, it will be better than me “I go to a beer bar”))

    And so, just answer the questions and write down the answers in the box...

    What sports are you interested in and watch on TV?
    What are your hobbies? Maybe you like to cook?
    How do you spend your free time?
    Do you like to travel?
    What are you dreaming about?
    Favorite city?
    About flowers, children, nature...

    Don’t forget that at any time you can go back and edit what you filled out, add new interests to VKontakte and remove what is no longer interesting.

    After filling out the page, do not forget to press the button " Save"at the very bottom.

    Your life position, as one of the settings for your VKontakte profile, can tell a lot about you. In the same way, you can, based on the completed data of another person, create a psychological portrait for yourself.

    Quick navigation:

    In order to go to the settings for editing your VK life position, go to, in the upper right corner, click on the arrow next to your avatar, as shown in the image below.

    Click "Edit" in the drop-down menu.

    In the next menu, there will be exactly the same setting that we need.

    Setting up the “life position” menu item on VKontakte.

    Everything here is simple in terms of control, you move the cursor to the desired line and select from the list...

    The process of choosing the right options is not so simple, for example in the “Polit. preferences” you can choose those that you adhere to in life, but if you are not particularly interested in politics, it would be correct to choose “moderate” or leave the “not selected” line blank.

    Likewise, if you have doubts about the correctness of your choice, it is better to leave the field empty.

    After filling out the settings page, click the “Save” button.

    How to edit your life position on VKontakte from your phone.

    To change information in a custom section, you need to open the full version of VKontakte in your mobile browser, to do this, in the upper corner, on the left, click on the three horizontal bars, scroll down the settings and click on the “full version” link (link at the very bottom).

    What to write?

    Everyone has the right to write whatever they want, there is no mandatory rule here; out of everything proposed, you can fill out only 1 - 2 points. If you leave “Not selected” in all columns, then your life position will not be displayed.

    Position of famous people on VKontakte.

    Ramzan Kadyrov— The head of the Chechen Republic chose to limit himself to information only about his worldview, here he indicated “Islam”

    Vladimir Zhirinovsky— Head of the LDPR faction, state deputy. Duma He also preferred to limit himself to filling in only his political preferences; here he indicated “Liberal”.

    Filled out information about yourself as completely as possible Pavel Durov— Founder of social. networks VKontakte and gene. director until 2014, now heads the new Telegram project.

    Well, we won’t list all the famous people and their positions in life, you can see it all yourself, especially since all the most famous people are collected in one place,