• Who is the Helper Spirit? How to create it yourself? How to call upon helper spirits: expert advice Virtual spirit assistant

    If you have long wanted to somehow influence life situations and turn them to your advantage, you definitely need a Helper Spirit. This is an almost omnipotent being who will not only be your guardian, but also your friend.

    Who is the Helper Spirit?

    The Helper Spirit is a very useful entity¹. Firstly, this is the best security guard who is capable of not only scaring, but also physically neutralizing someone who threatens your well-being.

    It costs him nothing to get the necessary information for you, including at a sufficient distance from you. He can serve as the guardian of the circle during magical rituals. Maybe even be your “secretary”, accumulating information and magical knowledge.

    The method that will help you create a Helper Spirit is not the safest and not the cheapest, but you can use the results for the rest of your life and leave your helper as an inheritance for your descendants.

    What stones can serve as a home for the Helper Spirit?

    The first and most important thing you need to acquire is a transparent gemstone of good quality and sufficient size (preferably three to four times larger than a mustard seed), belonging to the same element as the future Helper Spirit.

    In this case, we are talking about the fiery Spirit, so rubies (optimally, but as expensive as possible), red tourmalines, noble red spinel or any other fiery red stone, except garnets, are suitable.

    The stone must certainly be natural. The cut doesn't matter. This stone will be the “house” where the Helper Spirit will live, his body in the material world.

    How to design the selected stone?

    You must immediately decide how you will wear the stone - in an earring, ring, bracelet, pendant, etc., and choose the metal from which the frame will be made. Traditionally, three metals are used: copper, gold and silver, or their alloys.

    In addition, you need to find a jeweler who agrees to make an item according to your design and you must be sure that he will make the jewelry from your metal. It happens that a jeweler agrees to work with the customer’s metal, but uses his own.

    Of course, it’s optimal if you own jewelry and can do everything yourself, but this is a rare case.

    What will your Spirit Helper look like?

    While you are looking for stone and metal, you can start recognizing the image of your future creation. To do this, you can use dreams, mantics²... Any method, and any combination of methods, is welcome.

    Try to draw the images that come to you. This exercise will help you not only more clearly imagine and retain in memory the outlines of your future creation, but also choose the form of decoration in which the Helper Spirit will live.

    Features of the preparatory cleansing ritual

    Having found a suitable stone and metal, and already having a clear idea of ​​how your Helper Spirit will “look”, you need to carry out the initial processing of the material. Choose a suitable day.

    For the fiery Spirit: Sunday, if you are a woman (the Sun carries male energy, and your future Helper Spirit should be of the opposite sex - for better contact in the initial stages), Thursday, if you are a man (Jupiter is traditionally considered to carry female energy).

    Prepare everything necessary for the rituals of purification and consecration, and for creating a magic circle. Build a circle with full magical protection and calling upon the testimony of the Rulers of the Elements (Archangels). Prepare the ritual carefully, try not to forget anything.

    ***Remember that you will have to work alone, and in such a situation, opening the circle before the end of the ritual (if you forgot something) is DEADLY!!!

    All ingredients you use must be pre-sanctified and must be of good quality (so if you use incense, it must be real incense, and not the synthetic imitation that is now abundantly used by the church).

    Clean the stone and metal first. Having completed the cleansing ritual, immediately consecrate the objects with the power of the four elements. During the process of sanctification, you must clearly imagine the image of the Spirit that will be created in the decoration.

    Inform the Rulers of the Elements about your intention and demonstrate in your imagination the image of your future assistant (each in turn, not all together). Ask for their support and blessings for your intention. Complete the ritual as expected. Now you can give the materials to the jeweler.

    What is needed for the Creation ritual?

    When the decoration is ready, again choose a suitable day and perform the Creation ritual. The requirements are the same - loneliness, complete magical protection, calling on the Rulers of the Elements. In a circle, clean the finished decoration from everything that other people have brought in.

    Then, turning to the Managers one by one, tell about your creation, show it (keep its image in your mind) and ask each of the Managers to endow your creation with the properties of each element.

    • Raphael endows creation with intelligence and power over the element of air,
    • Michael gives him the strength and insight of the Protector,
    • Gabriel - speed and power over people's feelings,
    • Ariel - power over matter and loyalty to her creator.

    Having received from the Rulers of the Elements the necessary qualities for your Helper Spirit, say: “May the One give him Life with heavenly fire when the time comes!” Complete the ritual as expected, thanking the Elemental Rulers for their Gifts and dismissing them.

    How to revive the Helper Spirit?

    Your Assistant has already been created, but is not yet alive. Keep it for now, carefully wrapped in silk, but take it out daily, unwrap it and interact with it. He is now an unborn baby. You need to wait for summer thunderstorms for the fiery Helper to be born.

    When you see a strong thunderstorm approaching, take your Assistant and go towards the storm. Of course, not in the city. The closer you are to a thunderstorm, the shorter the time intervals between lightning flashes and thunder will become, until they become simultaneous.

    Place your Assistant in an open place on a silk mat and hide.

    Call the Rulers of the Elements, your Gods, anyone - ask to send lightning to the Helper and give him life. If the time has come, lightning will strike the place where you left the Assistant, or very close to it.

    If this happens, you will see a flash of red light, or the lightning will take on a reddish hue. Wait a little (so as not to get caught by lightning yourself, although this is not excluded in any case), then take your, already alive, Assistant. Now all you have to do is teach him the essentials.

    How to communicate with the Assistant?

    The most interesting thing is that to communicate with the Helper you will not need any rituals or meditations - you will feel and hear him in your thoughts.

    Creation of a Helper Spirit belonging to another element

    To create the Air Element Helper Spirit, you will need to revive it in a tornado or hurricane (tie it firmly to something with a long ribbon so that this metal toy dangles in the wind like a piece of paper).

    To Revive the Spirit of the Earth Element, you will need to catch an earthquake (by tying it to a ribbon or rope, catch a crack in the ground during an earthquake and “drop” the object there - then dig it up).

    For the element of water - wait for a strong flood, or flood. Moreover, the more powerful the elemental power is, the stronger your Assistant will be. Try to survive yourself by reviving this entity.

    The procedure is, indeed, mortally dangerous not only at the last stage (only an experienced magician or a daredevil would risk calling on the Rulers alone - the article was written for the latter), although the result is worth the risk.

    What is the Helper Spirit?

    This entity is completely intelligent and trainable. It is initially as strong as the element that gave it life, but over time it can still gain strength. Loyal to her creator, or to whomever the creator obliges her to be faithful, i.e. “poaching” and “reprogramming” your Assistant is excluded.

    And most importantly, this essence is practically eternal, because... feeds on the original power of the element that gave birth to it in any manifestation. Those. theoretically can exist as long as the manifested Universe exists.

    She is able to find her creator (if he did not transfer her loyalty to someone) in his new incarnations, if the creator lived long enough for the entity to accumulate sufficient memory (it turns out something like a guardian angel for future lives).

    It can only be destroyed by either the creator himself, repeating the entire sequence of rituals in reverse order with the opposite intention (i.e., “disassembling” his creation), or the Elemental Manager.

    Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

    ¹ Essence is the meaning of a given thing, what it is in itself, in contrast to all other things and in contrast to the changeable, under the influence of certain circumstances, states of a thing (Wikipedia).

    ² Mantika - fortune telling in Ancient Greece and Rome, which was carried out with the aim of establishing the will of the gods on the basis of various omens sent by them (

    Brian Kane/Facebook

    Brian Kane, an engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, paired a singing toy fish with Amazon's Alexa voice assistant. According to the portal The Verge, T Now she can answer the questions asked - for example, talk about the weather forecast for tomorrow.

    The Big Mouth Billy Bass toy is a rubber fish lying on a wooden board. When you press a special button, she begins to move her head and wag her tail, while performing a song at the same time. The souvenir was popular in the United States in the early 2000s, but now Kane has given it a second life.

    The developer hacked the Amazon Alexa assistant and made the toy speak in his voice. Exactly how he did this is unknown, but The Verge suggests that Kane used the Alexa API, which allows the voice assistant to be built into third-party equipment. However, the resulting hybrid will now be able to answer questions, play music, provide traffic information, read audiobooks and set alarms and timers.

    In order for the fish to “wake up”, it is enough to clearly say “Alexa!” After this word, the toy will turn its head towards the user, thereby showing its readiness to carry out commands. In the video above, Kane asks "Big Mouth Billy" about the weather, to which he replies: "It's 7 degrees in Cambridge right now and it's pouring rain. Rain is expected in the evening, the temperature will drop to 6 degrees.” Interestingly, the fish’s mouth moves synchronously with the speech of the voice assistant.

    The original Amazon Echo assistant is a black cylindrical speaker with a built-in microphone that is controlled solely by your voice. Like a fish, Echo responds to the command “Alexa!” After pronouncing this word, the user’s speech begins to be recorded and sent to the “cloud” for analysis and reaction.

    Amazon recently developed a browser-based interface for using the Alexa voice assistant. To use the service, you must have an Amazon.com online store account and a Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Edge browser. Due to the use of a regular computer instead of the Echo, Alexa has limited functions - for example, the voice assistant cannot play music.

    Virtual assistants have only recently appeared on the market, but several large companies are already developing them. The most famous are Siri created by Apple, Cortana by Microsoft and Google Now developed by Google. Researchers are actively competing to make their virtual assistants as “natural” as possible, and are improving speech recognition and synthesis technologies. Thus, Google recently introduced a new algorithm for human speech synthesis called WaveNet, which allows for realistic voice simulation. The developers do not rule out that it will subsequently be used in the company's products.

    Kristina Ulasovich

    A virtual assistant is an Internet resource or software for mobile devices and PCs, which, in essence, performs all the functions of a personal secretary for the user. The assistant can solve problems of changing and planning a work schedule, help with organizing and performing everyday tasks and searching for the data a person needs on the Internet.

    One of the most important differences between the virtual assistant and the generations of schedulers that came before it is that the virtual assistant is contextual in its operation—that is, it takes into account the range of conditions in which the user finds himself. This may include its geolocation and other circumstances.

    A virtual assistant can create various reminders, select places to stay, help in finding and booking tables in establishments and various types of tickets, and order a taxi at an address. The assistant can learn independently, taking into account completed tasks, analyzing the behavior and all the user’s hobbies.

    History and development of digital assistants

    In 2005, thanks to an initiative from an independent non-profit research institute from California, SRI International, the efforts of a number of researchers were combined to bring to life a very ambitious and unusual idea - to create a virtual assistant that would have the ability to absorb knowledge, self-learn and systematize information . The project was originally called CALO and was part of the PAL program, which developed artificial intelligence to serve military purposes and needs.

    This means that the project was originally a defense project. The researchers came up with ideas and created prototypes of digital assistants that would be able to satisfy such a specific task - to create a connection between the user of such a service and the service itself. As a result, 2009 was a success for the researchers, and work on the project was completed. The state army received a virtual assistant who could sort emails, draw up reporting documents based on their contents, and create schedules for meetings.

    This defense project was the basis for Siri, a commercial project that is currently included in the iPhone software. Today, not only smartphones from Cupertino can boast of a virtual assistant - almost every mobile device supports the technology. Moreover, the user can choose which virtual assistant to use. And there are already a lot of them.

    Google Now Assistant

    This is a virtual assistant from the popular search giant. Can analyze your email and search engine query history. It is supported on Android, iOS, and can also be installed in the Google Chrome browser.

    • How is it different? High speed. Virtual assistant Has increased accuracy when creating routes. Has a lot of information about booking your tickets and tables, about flights and transfers. It can interact with a number of other applications, manage your notes and calendar, analyze messages and control music playback.
    • Disadvantages of an assistant. Sometimes the virtual assistant is overly proactive (for example, it can demonstrate the results of matches between teams that are not of interest to you, or provide directions to your home from familiar places). It is useless in the process of managing a smart home. All workflows for integrating the assistant with third-party applications appear to have been paused.
    • The humanity of the assistant. Located at zero. Not at all conducive to communication. Apart from the word “Google” it has no name. But the company is trying to constantly improve its own virtual assistant, which is not surprising, given its level. Recently, Google managed to use neural networks to make the assistant speak more humanely, but not yet in Russian.

    Apple's Siri

    This is a virtual assistant from a company from Cupertino that can communicate with the user and provide him with various recommendations. You can activate it by holding down the Home key on iPad or iPhone devices.

    • Advantages. Easy to use on iOS devices. Easily recognizes human speech. Has a high level of awareness of current news, weather conditions, sporting events, new movies, routes and nearby businesses. He is capable of recommending something for television viewing. It can interact with a number of smart home elements.
    • Flaws. Low level of communication with many third-party programs and resources. The speed is slower than that of some other virtual assistants.
    • The humanity of the assistant. He is not able to conduct a full dialogue, but in some moments he can demonstrate a certain wisdom. The woman's voice sounds quite natural.

    This is a virtual assistant built into devices from Amazon, Fire TV set-top boxes. It is expected to appear in a number of other devices, for example, in alarm clocks or feeders for pets.

    • Advantages. Has the ability to play music and read news aloud from certain news sources. Provides data on weather conditions, traffic jams and some other parameters. It is possible to order goods from Amazon's Prime resource, as well as pizza delivered by voice. It has an open API, which allows it to easily work with all other applications.
    • Negative points. You can control the virtual assistant only while in your apartment. The assistant does not work with smartphones.
    • The humanity of the assistant. He has the ability to answer a complex question with humor, but immediately turns the dialogue into the category of some kind of acquisition.

    Microsoft Cortana

    It is a digital voice assistant that can be controlled by entering queries via text or voice. Available for use on iOS, Android or Windows. Able to answer and anticipate user questions.

    • Advantages. Can manage your calendar, notes and reminders. Tracks mail, can set alarms, and find news items in Bing. Monitors weather forecasts and other information. The virtual voice assistant easily interacts with a number of applications on Windows, and has also recently been able to conduct a dialogue with other bots using Skype.
    • Negative aspects. At the moment, it is not a finished, final product, and only a limited number of San Francisco residents can now use it.
    • The humanity of the assistant. Extremely high. It is achieved due to the fact that answers to various questions are formed, first of all, by people.

    • Advantages. The company promises that their product will be able to understand even quite complex issues. Work is underway to integrate the application with many other programs and resources.
    • Flaws. At the moment, there are no convincing facts that would confirm that the assistant will work in accordance with the stated capabilities. All that the public now has are a few presentations from the developers.
  • Advantages and opportunities. The digital assistant Alice can monitor changes in weather conditions, build the necessary routes, and find information that interests the user on the Internet. Controlled by voice or text. The assistant can count and convert currencies based on the exchange rate.
    • Flaws. At the moment, the assistant is not yet completely perfect in terms of searching for information. Questions may be misinterpreted. Reacts poorly to difficult questions. Can communicate what the weather is expected to be, but has difficulty understanding the phrase “Should I take an umbrella to work?”
    • The humanity of the assistant. The assistant knows how to improvise well, has a set of good jokes, which is replenished, and you can easily conduct a relaxed dialogue with the assistant. In addition, the virtual assistant has a pleasant and truly humane voice. In the future, it may well become the best solution for domestic users.

    Today's virtual assistants are constantly improving, have the ability to learn, and provide truly useful assistance in everyday and work matters. Work on updating and creating new assistants is ongoing, which suggests that the market will continue to develop steadily and rapidly.

    Summoning mystical beings into the realm of the physical world is a rather complex and dangerous magical process. However, it is necessary for the quick realization of your deepest desires.

    Since childhood, we have been familiar with scary tales and stories about summoning spirits, trolls, the Queen of Spades and other otherworldly entities. And, according to psychics, all these are not children’s imaginations at all, but very real things. In the life of every magician, sooner or later there comes a moment when a being of the astral plane awakens in the realm of the physical world. Almost always, the helping spirit turns into a patron of personal happiness, whom you begin to trust more than yourself. Experts agree that calling a mystical protector to help oneself is within the power of every person. The main thing is to know the basic rules of the ritual.

    Magical assistants of the astral world

    According to medieval Western beliefs, a helping spirit is usually called a familiar. These are astral-type entities, mythical creatures that come into contact with sorcerers, witches and other people who practice magic. They can begin to serve you either of their own free will or under duress. Experts on the site can identify three main categories of astral helpers that a person can call to himself:

    1. Free familiar. These are spirits who want to help you out of their own free will. They often inhabit domestic animals: birds, cats, dogs, rabbits, arachnids, horses, amphibians, and so on. Their energy does not in any way affect the condition of animals and humans. Since the will of such helping spirits is free, they can leave the world after completing their work.

    2. Fake familiar. It differs from the free one in that a person forcibly calls him to himself. This is very dangerous. The spirit you have summoned may have greater power than you. There is a risk that he may completely subjugate you to his will.

    3. Mirror familiar. Such assistants are created by a person independently. The capabilities of this spirit are directly proportional to the capabilities of the calling person. The astral essence mirrors the powers, abilities and energy of its owner. Typically, such spirits are created to fulfill a specific purpose in a short period of time.

    Summoned voluntary spirit helpers help and protect a person. They may even become patrons and protectors, designating you as their master. However, using the services of an astral assistant has its price and must be paid. Therefore, you need to know in advance what the spirit will require of you and whether you can pay it off. Otherwise, you risk angering him, which can lead to terrible events.

    How to properly summon a helping spirit

    Summoning an astral entity into the world of the living is a complex and energy-consuming process that must be taken seriously. It is forbidden to summon a spirit for the sake of entertainment or curiosity, just as one must not neglect the basic rules of the ritual.

    You can voice the price for the work of a helping spirit yourself. To do this, you must immediately determine what exactly you want to ask him and how you will pay for it. Astral helpers feed on the energy of light, love and abundance, so any object with strong energy can act as payment for their help. How strongly a thing is charged, the faster and more effective your desire will come true.

    They resort to the help of the astral entity in hopeless situations, when there are no longer available opportunities to fulfill their desire. Short-sighted esotericists make a terrible mistake by turning to familiars for insignificant requests. Such human behavior can anger the spirit. What will cause rejection and attract destructive currents into your life, leading to misfortune.

    Preparing for the magical summoning ritual

    The first thing to do is to consecrate the room in which you plan to perform the ritual. Holy water will cleanse the house of the accumulation of negativity. Then get started on yourself. Meditation will help you mentally tune in, with the help of which you will be able to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on fulfilling your dreams.

    Think as much as possible about your dream, imagining how it has already come true. Many esotericists who performed a similar ritual advise abstaining from junk food, alcohol and tobacco for several days before magical actions.

    It is necessary to call upon a helping spirit in splendid isolation. At the time of the ritual, nothing should distract you. You must completely surrender to the process without reacting to external stimuli. You can call an astral assistant at home, in absolutely any room.

    Ritual for the fulfillment of innermost desires

    White things should be removed from the room in which you will perform the ritual. You should wear gray or black clothes. You will need two chairs with backs, which you will place in the center of the room, with their backs facing each other. Stretch a red rope between them. The most important thing is that the thread does not sag. Place candies (sweets) on a string, each of which will correspond to your dreams. Avoid fanaticism; for starters, it’s best to highlight the 10 most basic desires. Turn off the lights and draw the curtains on the windows. Having plunged the room into darkness, light three candles and say five times:

    “Spirit, of the astral world, visit the physical world, hear me. I appeal to your help and your presence."

    After reading, stand with your back to the chairs, do not look back until you feel the appearance of a spirit. His presence will be revealed by the rustling of candy wrappers. When the rustling stops, you can turn around. If the candies have moved, then the astral entity agrees to your conditions. If not, then perform a similar ritual three days later, offering something serious instead of sweets, for example, a personal item that you often use.

    Often, astral entities have no place in our world and they should not wander unattended. If you decide to call upon a helping spirit, then be courageous and answer for it. Remember that spirits do not know sensory variations, and working with them is far from a prank. You will pay for mistakes and the price for them is too high. We wish you all your wishes come true. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

    The origins of Vostrukha are unclear. One legend tells that she is the predecessor of Domovoy, whom some sources even call Vostrukhin’s grandson. According to another version. Vostrukha is the assistant of Domovoy, who does not have time to cope with his responsibilities. She has specific tasks to protect the house from thieves and swindlers. The fact is that she has incredibly acute hearing and hears any rustle. The robbers are only just approaching the house, but Vostrukha already senses it and knows about their intentions. Then she will either knock over a bottle of oil on the floor, the thieves will slip and make a noise, or she will start howling from under the stove so that the strangers will get a chill and they will retreat. Vostrukha is quick with such inventions. Where she lives, nothing bad can happen.

    Our ancestors honored Vostrukha and placed treats behind her stove - sugar, crackers and milk. They said:

    “Worry friend, we treat you with respect, and you treat us with savings. Protect our property, don’t let strangers into the house. Fulfill your duty zealously, patiently and shrewdly, and we will bow at your feet.”

    People said that as long as Vostrukha lived behind the stove, you didn’t have to lock the door and not worry about your property. And this is not surprising. The very name of the keeper of the house clearly correlates with the famous phrase “Keep your eyes open,” which means always being on the alert, constantly exercising caution and not trusting others too much.

    Considering Domovoy to be an old, stupid old man with a rough mental structure, Vostrukha decisively took under her wing the young maidens living in the house (this is also a kind of wealth). She guards their honor, purity and beauty. Her unique keen hearing finds a worthy use here too - Vostrukha zealously tracks and stops in time impudent guys who are ready to encroach on a girl’s honor before the wedding. The mothers of innocent girls asked:

    “Mother Vostrukha, don’t let anything go wrong, protect the girl from shame, let her be under your supervision. She is a child, protect her so that her future life will not be darkened. Amen".

    But one should not think that Vostrukha does nothing but care about the welfare of her owners. She is a rather capricious and obstinate spirit. And God forbid you make her angry or even just upset. In anger, Vostrukha will let Anchutka the heelless, a small demon, and Pererug, the demon of quarrels and dislike, into the house. They will provoke quarrels, squabbles and abuse. And it’s easy to piss Vostrukha off, just don’t sweep the stove, leave unwashed dishes on the table, walk in dirty shoes, and so on. The owners quarrel, are indignant and do not understand why this is happening. After all, everything was so good! And Vostrukha is amusing herself! Punishes for negligence. Quarrels can stop just as easily as they started. This means that Vostrukha thawed out, kicked out Anchutka and Pererug, and love and harmony reigned in the house again.

    How to check if Vostrukha lives in the house

    Today people can easily check whether Vostrukha lives in the house. From time to time, rustling and creaking noises are heard from behind the kitchen stove, steam radiator or fireplace? A clinking sound is heard from the sink with dirty dishes, and dirty shoes suddenly appear scattered along the corridor? Do quarrels break out out of nowhere in an apartment and quickly die out? This means that Vostrukha is in charge of your house. Don’t worry, because this is a guarantee that your home is guarded, burglars won’t break into it, and your property will be safe. You should respect this spirit and do not forget to place treats - sweets and sweet drinks - in a certain place. Once a week, change the offering, wrapping the old one in a napkin, saying:

    “Vostrushka ate and drank, and again the frolic keeps the house. All the gold and silver, since Vostrukha has a keen eye. We will reward you for your service; spirit is needed in the home. Amen".

    You can whisper a spell onto the portrait of Vostrukha, which you should either hold in your hands or place where you put the treat. She will be pleased with such a gesture. In order not to unnecessarily anger Vostrukha, it is important to maintain order. The dishes should be free of cracks, and the windows should sparkle. You can also ask Vostrukha to prevent quarrels in the house. Looking at her image, say:

    “Live and live happily, there will be no quarrels in the house. Amen".

    It’s good to put Vostrukha’s portrait on a shelf or hang it on the south wall and put a few juniper branches nearby. This will increase the power of your requests.