• Treatment of pixels on a laptop. What to do if dark or light dots appear on the monitor screen

    Have you noticed a black dot on the display of your favorite smartphone or tablet and don’t know what to do about it? Read this article and learn how to get rid of dead pixels that may appear after several years of use. Android gadget, and immediately after purchase.

    And so, you have discovered one or more dead pixels on your mobile screen, and another one has been added to the existing problems. This can happen both with a well-deserved gadget that has served you faithfully for several years, and with a new product that had a similar defect at the time of purchase.

    Reasons for dead pixels

    There are many reasons why dead pixels appear. The most common ones are overheating the device, high humidity, and playing a static image for a long period (for example, using the same wallpaper). Very often, damaged pixels appear on displays made using Amoled technologies, but a similar problem can also occur on LCD displays.

    Eliminate dead pixels

    There are two ways to fix this problem: mechanical and software. There are many applications for operating system Android, which are developed specifically to save the user from troubles that arise during use mobile devices. There are also applications for dealing with dead pixels. There is quite a lot of software of this kind in the catalog Google Play. One of them is Screen Burn in Tool. It will take several hours to fix the problem. To do this, simply install the program and select the “Star” option. The program works quite simply. After its activation, standard colors will appear sequentially on the screen. Due to their rapid change, during which a large amount of energy is supplied to the subpixels, due to which the restoration process occurs. Thus, from 55 to 80% of the pixels can be restored. This depends on both the running time of the program and the speed of color changing. You will be able to change them, trying to return the screen to its original state. Sometimes, even after restoration, the pixel may get stuck again. Most often this happens in hot weather.

    To prevent this from happening again, you can use the screensaver tool, which reduces wear on the display and static images.

    Monitors have become an integral part of our lives. Society observes their presence daily on various devices and gadgets: mobile phone, computer monitor, laptop screen, etc. Despite the abundance of models, all screens differ in two parameters: manufacturing technology and pixel density. The quality of the picture depends on them. But regardless of progress and latest technologies, a person is not immune from various breakdowns, one of which is a broken monitor pixel.

    A dead pixel is a part of the monitor (dot) that does not correspond to color scheme the displayed picture. As a rule, this is a dark pixel that is clearly visible against a light background. This type of malfunction does not require repair and, if the equipment is under warranty, it can be replaced.

    But the most unpleasant damage is brightly glowing dots of different colors: red, white, green, etc. Often such spots appear suddenly and disappear imperceptibly. Popularly this problem is called “stuck” pixels. Unlike the first option, this problem can be treated in two ways: programmatically or mechanically. To work, you do not need any special devices or laboratory conditions. All steps can be performed at home.

    How to find dead pixels on the screen?

    First you need to check what condition the monitor is in. Sometimes the indicators can surprise owners, forcing them to abandon the idea of ​​​​restoring dead pixels. You can often find “dead” pixels on the screen. Yes, we can say that such breakdowns can be corrected under warranty, but the law contains a clause that indicates the permissible number of dead pixels on monitors. Therefore, you have to correct the deficiency yourself.

    There are a huge number of tools to check this. They can be done like separate program with a set of functions and an online service that can be used via the Internet.

    A good example would be free service Onlinemonitortest. It invites its visitors to select monitor tests from the list:

    • checking for dead pixels;
    • checking the backlight;
    • color rendering;
    • text readability test and much more.

    This service is useful resource not only in identifying faulty pixels, but also in adjusting various parameters on the monitor.

    From useful programs Let's note the TFT test. This program has an intuitive interface and does not require installation on your computer. It will be enough to simply download it. Large quantity tests included in the program are able to identify all screen defects and configure it for comfortable operation.

    Recovery methods

    After you have been able to check and evaluate the condition of the monitor, you can determine the restoration method, which can be of two types: mechanical and software.

    Software method

    The result is achieved by quick change colors of neighboring pixels. As a result, the “stuck” pixel gets more energy and it is restored. This method is able to cure the problem in 80% of cases. This may require more time, experimentation with the duration of the program and the set of colors.

    Sometimes, restoring dead pixels in this way brings only temporary results, and after some time, multi-colored dots may appear on the monitor again. If this happens, the procedure should be repeated. Some pixels cannot be permanently cured.

    Mechanical method

    If treatment with the software method fails, you should use the mechanical one. The process of such restoration looks like a normal wiping of the monitor. You can use a cotton swab and rub it with sufficient force on the part of the monitor where the dead pixel is located. The pressure should be such that streaks appear on the screen. This process may take up to 30 minutes.

    The same procedure can be repeated with the monitor turned off. Another way is to lightly click your fingernail on the area where the dead pixel appears.

    If mechanical method does not help, you can combine it with software. To do this, you need to run the program on your computer and simultaneously “massage” the dead pixel for about 15 minutes, then leave the program running for long term 5–10 hours.

    Description of programs that restore pixels

    It is worth saying in more detail about the programs that are used for software method. Most popular programs that perform dead pixel repairs are Bad Crystal, JScreenFixDead and DeadPixelTester.


    This program is used most often. It is widely available on the Internet and can be downloaded or purchased. The free version only works for 30 days and has restrictions on a number of services. You can find a previously released version of BadCrystal 2.6. It is also free and works without limitations, but lasts only one minute. In order to eliminate this nuance, you can use a kind of “crack”: hold left button mouse and move the program window, without releasing the button, press it down with some object (book, glass, keyboard). In this situation, the program will run indefinitely.

    To start working with the software, you need to decide on which device the dead pixels will be repaired: a monitor, a mobile phone screen, a game console or a plasma panel.

    For repair mobile phones And game consoles a video file is used, which must be pre-generated, then it is played on the equipment in multiple repetition mode.

    For a plasma panel, the same video can be recorded to disk or you can use the FullScreen mode and run the program on your computer.

    So what should you do? Opening additional menu programs by moving the mouse to top part windows. This displays the four modes that are available: Common Clearing (CCM), System Modified (SMF), Complex Force (CFV), Personal Protection (PPM). If you use free version, you can only use CCM and PPM. SMF and CFV modes provide a higher percentage of pixel restoration.

    The default mode is CCM. Launch it by clicking Launch. Move the program window to the area where the luminous dots appear, let the program run for 5–10 minutes, after which you need to check the result. If no changes occur, repeat the procedure with increased speed, for which you need to use the active SpeedUp button. Leave the program to run for 10–15 minutes.

    Therefore, you can repeat attempts, using an increase in speed to the maximum. You can also experiment with the duration of the program. So, in the most difficult cases repairs may take up to 10 hours.

    To avoid recurrence of such problems with pixels, it is recommended to run the automatic prevention mode. In PPM mode, the colors on the monitor change. This procedure should be repeated several times a month to completely remove all problem areas.


    This is a Java application that can be used without installation on your computer. IN free access You won’t be able to download it; only the paid version is available on the Internet.

    Getting started with the program involves finding an area that needs repairs. To do this, select the Locale button in the menu and the program window turns black, move the window in search of luminous points. There is also a FullScreen mode that allows you to check the entire monitor. It's available for free.

    Next you can go to paid service– this is the repair of dead pixels. The principle of operation here is the same as in BadCrystal. Also on the site you can download ready-made video files demonstrating the algorithm of the program. This feature is provided free of charge. Such tracks can be played using a player convenient for you on any device, but the effect of this treatment will be less due to the difference in picture resolution.


    This is an application that allows you to find and repair dead pixels. The program can be downloaded on the Internet. To start working with the service, select the Solid option in the Pattern menu. Here you need to check the box next to Autocolourcycle and set the time interval to 2500 milliseconds. Then we leave the program running for several hours. This program allows you to remove false pixels on your laptop or computer monitor. It is NOT always possible to cure all stains; they either remain or may appear again some time after they disappear.

    Repairing this problem, like dead pixels, can be done at home, without resorting to complex technologies and specific methods. Which of the proposed methods to choose is your decision.

    Here is the promised continuation of the material on the treatment of dead pixels on LCD monitors.

    What are “dead pixels”, what are they, how are they diagnosed and how are they treated, and why, in fact, you can’t just exchange a defective monitor under warranty - we talked about all this in the first part of our article. Those who have just joined us can get to know her.

    Well, for now we will continue to get acquainted with other treatment methods.

    Sifting through mountains of information in the vastness world wide web, we came to the conclusion that all methods of treating dead pixels available at home LCD monitors ultimately can be divided into two main methods: software - a method of aligning pixels using high-speed color changes in the defective area, and mechanical - a method of direct physical impact on a stuck pixel. But there are several ways to implement them, some of which you met in our first article. Now it's time to explore other options.

    Software methods for treating dead pixels

    With utility ScreenFix Deluxe you met in our . We can only add that there are 20 declared by the manufacturer free minutes The work is often not enough for full treatment, and a license must be purchased. But there is another option. On the page http://www.jscreenfix.com/video.php developer ScreenFix Deluxe Ready-made video files recording the therapeutic effect of the program have been posted for free download. Files available various formats and for different monitor resolutions. There are even files for mobile phones and PDAs. Also on this page there are disk images that can be burned onto a blank disc and played on a home DVD player - you can try to cure, for example, an LCD TV.

    Another program of this kind is completely free. You can download it from our website. The utility is very easy to use. On the left side of its working window there are buttons that allow you to fill the monitor screen with any uniform color - this will help to accurately determine the location defective pixels. On the right side are the main settings. You can select the number of dead pixels that you want to treat simultaneously, the size of the treatment areas - 1x1 or 5x5 pixels, and the flicker frequency - the developers recommend setting it equal to the response time of your monitor. If you don’t know him or are not sure of the accuracy of the information, leave everything as is. After launch, a small flickering area appears on the screen, which you need to drag with the mouse directly onto the dead pixel. When you right-click on it, you can select the colors with which it will flicker.

    The program also has a small drawback - the developers say that in order to receive desired effect The utility will have to be run for several hours. But there is a big plus, in addition to being free - UDPixel can work in the background and does not interfere with other programs at all. Those. During treatment you will be able to fully use your computer. (If you accidentally minimize the main program window, UDPixel will completely disappear from the panel - the healing areas will remain - in this case, you can close the program only through the Task Manager, killing the UDPixel process)

    Another similar program. Her brief description and the download link are also available on our website.

    Mechanical methods for treating dead pixels

    To the options for massaging defective areas described in the first part of the article, you can add the use of pressure from the back of a regular pencil with an eraser at the end.

    Sometimes a fingertip massage helps. You need to place your finger on the dead pixel, press lightly and move it 3-5 mm. You can move it both horizontally and vertically, or try drilling movements. The degree of pressure can be controlled by whitish streaks radiating from the massaged area.

    Several ways to treat dead pixels from foreign users

    1 .Cover the screen with a clean rag or paper napkin folded in half to prevent scratching the monitor. Take some object with a thin but not sharp end - a stylus from a PDA is ideal. Place the tip of the stylus exactly on the dead pixel - try to place it as accurately as possible, without affecting healthy areas. Without removing your hand, turn off the monitor. Press lightly with the stylus and, without interrupting the pressure, turn on the monitor again. Stop pressing, the dead pixel should disappear. If necessary, the operation can be repeated several times, changing the pressing force and the accuracy of the stylus positioning.

    2 .Turn on the monitor and put on some dark image to see the dead pixel more accurately. Take a pen with a rounded end or something similar. Place the rounded tip exactly on the defective area and press lightly so that a small whitish area forms around the pressure point. Let go. Can be repeated 5-10 times, gradually increasing the pressure.

    3 .Extreme method - high temperature method. Useful in cases where there are quite a lot of defective areas. Works best with laptops, but can also be used on standalone monitors.

    ATTENTION . This method is dangerous, as it can lead to overheating of the computer and its complete failure, or burnout of its individual components.

    You use it at your own risk. Editorial for possible consequences does not bear any responsibility. Be sure to back up all important data before using it.

    Turn on your computer. If it is a laptop, provide it with power from the mains. Go to Control Panel and disable all sleep and standby modes - the monitor should be on all the time. Close the laptop lid, but do not let it close all the way - place something small and soft between it and the case. Place your laptop or monitor in a partially closed desk drawer or some other less well-ventilated area and leave it there for several hours or even days, checking the results occasionally. High temperature will allow the liquid in the crystals to flow more easily and get into areas that were not previously filled.

    There is one more trick. You need to disconnect absolutely all cables connecting it to the computer and the network from the monitor and wait a couple of days or, with the cables disconnected, press the power button several times - all capacitors in the monitor should be completely discharged. After this, perhaps the stuck pixel will begin to function normally again. Try it, sometimes it helps.

    And finally, another extreme way to treat dead pixels.

    The method is quite dangerous. Everything is at your own peril and risk!!! If you are not sure, use the methods above.

    We determine the exact location of the dead pixel. We add a contrasting background underneath it so that the defect is clearly visible - for example, black if the pixel is white or colored, or white if the defect is dark. Take a disc box/SD flash drive or something similar (it must be plastic, not very soft, but not hard either, as you can scratch the screen). Without turning off the monitor, we begin to massage the broken pixel with the prepared object. The movements in this case should resemble the movements of rolling out dough - you seem to be driving the “dough” from neighboring pixels (within a radius of 2-3 pixels) to the central one, which is not working, then back from the idle one to the neighboring ones (no need to do circular movements, you can scratch the screen ). You don’t need to press too hard, but you don’t need to press too lightly either. You need to press so that the marks in the massage area are visible.

    If after 30 seconds of hard work the broken pixel has not been restored, you can stop - there will be no point, you shouldn’t keep pushing for several hours. With all this, you need to be extremely careful not to damage neighboring pixels. If you have no idea about the structure of the crystal lattice of an LCD matrix, then it is better not to try to use this method.

    We can finish here. We hope that one of the methods we described will help you restore dead pixels on your LCD monitor.

    Happy treatment!

    There are several reasons why a dead pixel appears on the monitor. This includes leaving the LCD monitor outside the typical rooms for such devices for a long time, for example, in the kitchen, where in addition to constant temperature fluctuations, there is high humidity.

    We are no longer talking about the content of fatty vapors in the air, which penetrate into the devices and negatively affect their operation.

    Mechanical impact on the monitor is a common occurrence when a finger is pressed on the matrix with excessive force. And many other reasons.

    But you need to understand that a dead pixel may be present on a new monitor or laptop matrix, and for many models of such devices this is considered normal.

    What are dead pixels?

    You can see dead pixels on the monitor various types, This:

    1. On a black background, white dots are the first type;
    2. On a white background, black dots are the second type;
    3. Multi-colored pixels, green, red, purple and blue are the third type.

    If we talk in simple language, then a dead pixel is a constantly glowing white or colored, as well as black dots that do not react in any way to changes in the color rendition of the monitor screen.

    All of the above types are legalized international standard ISO-13406, which also regulates the permissible number of dead pixels in different classes of monitors.

    Here, a lot depends on the model of the matrix used, so when buying an LCD monitor or laptop, be sure to turn it on and check for such problems.

    This is easy to do by inspecting the matrix visually or using special utility, taking it with you on a flash drive to the store. We will talk about such programs below.

    1. First-class monitors are considered the best and a priori should not have dead pixels.
    2. The second class allows for no more than 5 problematic pixels III– type 1, no more than two failed pixels of the first and second types.
    3. The third class assumes the presence of no more than 50 defective squeaks of the third type, up to 15 of the second type and up to 5 of the first type.
    4. The fourth class allows the presence of 500 defective pixels of type III, 150 of the second and, accordingly, 50 of the third type.

    Each pixel is based on a thin-film transistor, which controls the entire color rendering process at a specific point on the screen.

    If this transistor fails, then we can observe a black dot on the screen and we will no longer be able to change anything at the software level.

    Such a pixel can only be noticed on bright screens or where the picture is transmitted in white.

    Therefore, as a rule, despite the fact that the black pixel cannot be repaired at home, it is rarely paid attention to, since it is the least noticeable and does not irritate the eyes.

    Other types of dead pixels are called “stuck pixels”. They glow in different colors and are very annoying to the PC user, as they are clearly visible on the screen.

    As a rule, it is these dead pixels that users of laptops, LCD monitors and other devices that use similar screen technology struggle with.

    How to remove dead pixels?

    Remove a dead pixel on the monitor, meaning “ stuck pixels", at home, there are three main methods:

    1. Software;
    2. Mechanical;
    3. Software-mechanical.

    There are situations when defective pixels disappear on their own during long-term use of the monitor, but this is a very rare phenomenon and you should not count on it. Moreover, if the problem has arisen in the most visible place and interferes with work.

    Software method

    The method that is the most popular in solving our problem, as it helps in 80% of cases.

    The principle of its use is that during the operation of a special program at a fast frequency, the colors of the pixels located next to the broken one change.

    As a result, a larger amount of current is supplied to the problem area, as a result, the defective pixel is gradually reanimated.

    In each case, the recovery time for a dead pixel may be different, it all depends on the complexity of the situation and the program settings.

    In the utility settings you can change the frequency of color changes and the period of its operation. In some cases, it will take from 20 minutes to 5 – 6 hours to solve the problem.

    Programs for searching for dead pixels.

    If you want to test your monitor for dead pixels, you can use a simple free utility IsMyLcdOK.

    There are versions for both 32 and 64 bit systems.

    No program installation required.

    When you launch the utility, the following window will appear.

    By following the instructions, you can quickly check any monitor, including the one you want to buy, for broken squeaks. The program size is about 200 KB.

    Multifunctional utility for checking and testing monitors. It has many features, including checking for dead pixels.

    It is very easy to use, so there is no point in describing its operation.

    Programs for restoring dead pixels.

    The most famous and one of effective programs— Bad Crystal. It is developed in three versions: Ultimate, Mobile and Primary, and accordingly has different functionality. It is considered one of the best software in this category.

    On at the moment current version 6.1.9 BUILD 4061, official website of the program z-drex.com. Here you can also read how to use the program.

    You can also use previously released working versions, which are easy to download from torrents if you don't mind paying $14.99 for the rarely used Bad Crystal program.

    Let's look at how the program works using version 3.0 Ultimate as an example.

    After installing and launching the program, a window will appear with the ability to select operating modes.

    If you have a trial version, then in this case Only CCM mode will be available. The efficiency of this mode will not exceed 55%.

    The more efficient SMF and CFV modes only work in paid version and provide pixel recovery in 80% of cases.

    The PPM mode is used for preventive work, which should be carried out after restoration procedures, at least once a month.

    By selecting desired mode, click "Launch".

    A window will appear that needs to be placed on the dead pixel.

    By default, the program will run for 10 minutes. If the dead pixel does not disappear after this period of time, click Speed ​​Up and change the settings. It is necessary to increase the speed and running time of the program.

    It is essentially a free Java application. To use it, you need to go to the official website jscreenfix.com and click on the “Launch JScreenFix” button.

    You will be taken to a page like this with a square with moving pixels.

    Move this square to the problem area of ​​the screen. By default the program will run for 10 minutes.

    If the problem is not resolved, you can increase the running time of the Java application.

    The program is free and quite functional. After installing and launching it, the following window will appear.

    For example, 5 dead pixels were detected. Set the appropriate settings and click start.

    Five flashing dots will appear in the upper left part of the screen, each of which must be placed under a dead pixel.

    After 10 minutes, check the result. If necessary, increase the operating time and repeat again.

    The UDPixel program also has other useful functionality.

    Mechanical method

    The mechanical method of restoring dead pixels can be used either separately or together with the programs described above.

    The essence this method lies in the following:

    1. The location of the dead pixel on the screen is marked with any in a safe way, the monitor or laptop turns off;
    2. Take a toothpick and wrap cotton wool around it. Or you can use an ear stick or other object;
    3. Use this device to gently press the pressed pixel, scrolling it slightly. Don't overdo it with force.

    After a while, turn on the device and check the result, repeat these steps several times if necessary. Please be patient, this may take up to 30 minutes.

    If everything works, run one of the programs described above and enhance the effect.

    Some people use the same method, but with the monitor on and in parallel they also use the program. But this method cannot be called safe, so we do not recommend it.

    There is another way, using a stylus from a PDA.

    To do this, you will need to very accurately position the stylus opposite the dead pixel, fix it in this position and turn off the monitor.

    Do not press the stylus too hard against the screen and, without reducing the pressure, turn on the monitor again. When the screen is completely in working mode, remove the stylus, thereby removing the force on the dead pixel.

    If the first time did not give an effect, repeat everything again by manipulating the force per pixel and the positioning of the stylus.

    In this way we are trying to move the “stuck” pixel and make it work correctly. In 80% of cases this can be done.

    Another way.

    This method can help in 20% of cases and this is a good chance to correct the situation in our favor.

    Disconnect the monitor from all power sources - network, video card, etc. Remove the battery from the laptop, completely disconnecting it from power. Don't forget about the Internet cable.

    Leave the device in this state for several days, for example, you went to the country for the weekend.

    During this time, all monitor capacitors will be discharged 100%, and the residual current will leave the thin-film transistors.

    When you turn on the device, there is a chance that a stuck pixel will work.

    This also applies to objects with a large contact area.

    Bottom line

    As we see, a dead pixel in a monitor in most cases, with the exception of black, can be repaired at home.

    Actions do not require much knowledge, the main thing is to learn how to use them correctly necessary software and do not overdo it with force during the mechanical procedure for correcting the problem.

    But do not forget that the presence of dead pixels is also possible in new devices, so carefully check them for such a malfunction when purchasing.

    Nowadays, any user of modern household and computer equipment the phrase “dead pixels” causes nothing but headaches and bad mood. But what is it really and how scary is it to be the “lucky” owner of equipment with these same dead pixels?

    First, let's figure out what principles they work on. modern televisions and monitors. They form an image using many dots, which are called pixels. When they change their color, the image on the screen also changes, and we see the picture formed from these dots. IN modern monitors a matrix called active is installed - in it a separate thin-film transistor is responsible for controlling each pixel (that is why such screens are called TFT, from English. If one of these transistors fails for some reason, we can observe a phenomenon called broken pixel on the monitor.

    Due to a technical malfunction of the transistor, such dots do not change their color when the image on the screen changes and appear as a black dot. Although it should be taken into account that dead pixels can be not only black - on a black background such a dot is usually white, and there are also red, blue and green faulty pixels. In our time, such a malfunction can be corrected in a specialized workshop. To do this, it is necessary to replace the corresponding failed transistor, and it will again be able to perform its functions.

    But it happens that dead pixels on the monitor are formed not due to the failure of the transistor, but due to the so-called stuck dots. Usually a jam is accompanied by the appearance of a light dot on the dark background, which does not change its color under any circumstances. Such a defect, unlike a “black spot,” can be tried to be corrected at home using some physical or software manipulations.

    It should also be noted that the world's leading manufacturers are currently establishing special standards that allow a certain number of faulty pixels per various standards. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the percentage of defects among matrices operating on liquid crystals is quite high. You should pay attention to this nuance if you are going to contact a repair shop under warranty. A table of acceptable defective pixels is included in the standard called "ISO-13406". It can be easily found on the Internet on the websites of many leading manufacturers of LCD monitors.

    Many users often have a question: how difficult is it to see dead pixels with the naked eye? It is unlikely that it will be possible to answer this unambiguously. This is due to the fact that when buying a monitor, sellers very often show us bright, changing images, thereby not allowing us to properly examine the display in different situations. For example, it happens that a defective red dot can only be seen on a green background, and even then a certain shade. Therefore, you should check your purchase very carefully. This can also be done using special programs. One of the best such utilities is Nokia Monitor Test", which allows you to test the monitor for various defects, readability, moire and damaged pixels.

    Don’t forget that you can try to “cure” the so-called stuck dead pixels (not black dots, but colored dots) at home. To do this you can use like special programs(one of the best such utilities is called “ScreenFix Deluxe”) or try massaging the defective area of ​​the display with a cotton swab. The main thing is not to overdo it during such a “massage”, since the chance of further damaging the display or its anti-glare coating is quite high.