• Leaf in a narrow line. How to line a page in Word

    You don’t have a squared, lined, or oblique notebook at hand, but you really need it? No problem. You can always download the required lined sheet and print it. This page contains a collection of A4 formats that have a certain layout. If for any reason this or that sheet is not suitable for you, we will teach you how to make the necessary ruler in a matter of minutes.

    Lined sheet of paper

    Download lined sheet A4 format

    The height of the ruler is 8 mm. If you need to set a different ruler size, just change the cell height in the table properties. This is a DOC file for Microsoft Office. As you already understood, the rulers on the sheet were obtained using a table in which a fixed cell height was specified, and the left and right borders were hidden.

    Leaf in a cage

    Download a sheet template in A4 format

    A lined checkered sheet may be needed in different cases:

    • I wanted to play dots or tic-tac-toe;
    • it is necessary to bend the sheet clearly according to the cells;
    • I would like to enjoy playing sea battle.

    It is clear that drawing the cells yourself takes a very long time, and as luck would have it, the notebooks were not at hand. No problem, just download and print a ready-made A4 sheet lined in a 5 x 5 mm square. Need a cage of other sizes? It's easy to fix. Download the DOC version of the template and change the height and width of the cells in the table properties.

    Music sheet A4 with and without treble clef

    Download blank sheet music

    Sheet music and treble clef

    You can always buy blank sheets of music, but you can also print them yourself. These templates, which you can download for free, are great for this purpose.

    Graph paper A4

    Download graph paper

    To write evenly on white sheets, just place a special stencil under the bottom - a zebra. This is a sheet of A4 paper with bold horizontal lines printed on it. You can buy a zebra in a store, or you can print it yourself. You can download this stencil for free at the end of the article.

    Why do we need a zebra?

    When an essay, term paper or dissertation is written on A4 sheets with or without frames, it is very difficult to maintain the same indentation, and even more so to write clearly horizontally by hand. At one time, pupils and students, when there was no time to draw the zebra themselves, measured out the same distance between the lines, laid an even stack of sheets, and punched each line with a needle. Then, a little faster than marking, barely visible lines were drawn under the ruler with a simple pencil. Then I also had to erase the pencil lines after writing the work.

    But the best thing was to draw, with a black pen or felt-tip pen, a special stencil called a zebra, and write under it. But a hand-drawn zebra is not always accurate; such a stencil is best printed on thick paper. This is exactly what we suggest you download.

    Download zebra stencil with fields

    Download zebra template in A4 format

    The distance between the lines of this zebra is 0.7 cm. The fields are as follows:

    • top - 2.9 cm;
    • lower - 2.3 cm;
    • left - 3 cm;
    • right - 1.8 cm;

    Line thickness - 1.3 mm

    Download borderless zebra stencil

    Download zebra A4 format

    For those who write on sheets with frames, which is most often the case, you need to print the zebra without margins, since it is only important for you to maintain the distance between the lines, and the frame itself on the sheet will tell you whether you need a margin on one side or another. The characteristics of this zebra are identical to the previous one.

    If you urgently need a lined sheet, then using special online services you can make it in a couple of minutes. The main thing is to know the “mushroom” places, and in time. Today, by the way, even ordinary Internet users cannot do without bookmarks - we immediately move all the most valuable and necessary things into a kind of treasury of information.

    If you wish, you can line the sheet yourself, but I am sure that after trying a couple of online services, you will want to entrust this work to professionals. Moreover, this can be done completely free of charge.

    What are lined sheets for?

    The first thing that comes to mind is to play tic-tac-toe, and on the entire lined sheet at the same time. But seriously, checkered or lined sheets are, for the most part, used in teaching and educational activities, so there are a great many cases in which a lined sheet may be needed:

    • Make a notebook with lined pages;
    • Work with your child in copybooks;
    • Improve your handwriting;
    • Write a dictation if you don’t have a lined notebook at hand;
    • Make a music album;
    • Write a statement or appeal on a lined sheet of paper, then your lines will not run apart;
    • Using the capabilities of services, create various stencils;
    • Play games with friends;
    • It may be more economical than ready-made notebooks and music albums if you use rough copies;
    • And so on and so forth...

    As you can see, it turned out that lined leaves are a very necessary thing, practically necessary :)). If you have your own ideas for using them in practice and in everyday life, then you can always write your options in the comments, add them, there will be something to discuss.

    Online services for marking sheets into squares or lines

    First service will help you print out copybooks, a sheet in a cage, a line, a sheet of music, and even the alphabet. A very convenient tool for work that will appeal to children, schoolchildren, students, their parents and teachers.

    The authors of the site admitted that they themselves once tried to line an A4 sheet of paper in Word or Excel, but it took 10-15 minutes, and the result was not ideal. Thanks to wasted efforts, a service appeared that can line paper quickly and efficiently.

    Working with the service is very easy. You can use, in which you can select the desired settings, or you can print ready-made templates. The only inconvenience is that the necessary templates are located on different pages of the site, and not in one place. But, if you liked this online service, then you shouldn’t pay attention to such little things.


    Second service Ruled— also knows how to make templates for lined sheets. Moreover, working with this service is much more convenient - you don’t need to jump from one place to another. On the top control panel you select the view, option, and options. The resulting document can be downloaded to your computer or printed immediately. If you need a multiplication table or want to play popular games such as “Battleship”, “Sudoku”, “Tic Tac Toe”, then “Rilinovka” will easily fulfill your desire, it has everything for this already prepared for a long time.


    The third online service is Gridzzly.com. This is a very simple and convenient tool to work with. A blank sheet will open in front of you with a settings panel at the top. Select the desired type of marking, use a ruler to place dots, cells, rulers, honeycombs at the required distance, change the scale of the cells, and immediately see the result on the screen, which can be sent to print.

    Important addition! By default, the fields will display information about the service, which can be removed in the print settings. Uncheck the box " Headers and footers“, and your checkered or lined sheet in A4 format will be free of extraneous inscriptions.

    To better understand how to work with the Gridzzly service, watch the video

    So, we got acquainted with three online services that know better than anyone how to make a lined sheet of paper in a square or line in 2 minutes, how to help you learn the alphabet or multiplication tables, how to make your own music album or. We must not forget that the capabilities of services allow us to free up our time and effectively spend it on other, more priority matters, especially since the new academic year will begin very soon.

      Very rarely we now use a ballpoint pen to write text on an A4 sheet.

      But sometimes you have to write a long-awaited vacation application.

      For even writing of lines, a zebra stencil is suitable.

      If such a stencil is not at hand, then you can take a leaf from a notebook in a straight or oblique line.

      In order to write exactly on an A4 sheet, I suggest placing a kind of hint under the bottom in the form of the same A4 sheet with lines drawn. All these lines will shine through perfectly and you will be able to write smoothly. These lines can be drawn with a pen either manually or on a computer; the Excel program is very suitable for this.

      If there is no ready-made stencil, then:

      1. Open Word. Fill one page of the document with signs. Choose any sign or signs that, as they say, are looking at you. For example, the letter O, or even better - interspersed with hyphens and other symbols. And using a pressed and not released key, fill the entire space of the page with these hyphens, periodically pressing on other characters so that the line height is visible. You can do without letters at all, and make lines if the height does not interest you.
      2. Now, at your discretion, make a font of a size that suits you. Also format the margins, line spacing and other parameters.
      3. Now apply a bold style to all the text to make it more visible.
      4. Print this document. Place the blank sheet under a blank page and write, focusing on the visible lines. With this template you will write much smoother. After some time, the template may no longer be needed.

      If you need to write a letter by hand on A4 sheet so that everything turns out evenly and beautifully, or a note in a handwritten wall newspaper, then for this you can use a wide variety of stencils that can be easily found on the Internet and printed.

      Place the stencil under the sheet and write, following the translucent lines as a guide.

      For example, here is a stencil for first-graders, it will help them learn to write smoothly.

      Or you can use nicer options, like this:

      If you often practice writing handwritten texts on a smooth sheet of paper, then everything will work out well.

      If you want to learn how to write more smoothly on an A4 sheet, you can use ready-made devices that are sold in stationery stores. These are factory stencils. They are the same A4 sheets, but they already have ready-made bold lines applied to them, which will be the basis of the lines. Place the stencil under the sheet and write. It couldn't be simpler.

      But the stencils may not be for sale. Make it yourself. Mark the sheet using a ruler and draw straight lines with a felt-tip pen. They will also be visible if the felt-tip pen is not dry. And then try placing the stencil, but paying less attention to it. Your hand will begin to get used to independent, smooth writing.

      There is a Zebra stencil that can be downloaded as a template in doc format and then printed.

      Very simple. Place a Zebra printed from Word under a white sheet of paper - these are stripes (lines) and write.

      If it is not possible to print on a computer, then the zebra can be made by hand. Just line a sheet of paper with a black felt-tip pen and place it under the white sheet in the same way. I did this at school.

      With time and experience, you will learn to write equally by eye and without a zebra.

      There are special stencils for this. You can buy them at stationery stores or draw them yourself, I remember doing this at school. If the sheet is not very dense, then you can also use a regular piece of paper from a notebook in a checkered or lined pattern.

      and the good old stencil was canceled? Thick lines on the sheet, taking into account indents and margins, you put under a clean one, they shine through and you write on them.

      I once bought a special stencil at a stationery store, on which bold stripes were drawn. I placed it under a piece of paper and wrote along the translucent lines.

      Then he became dirty and not very beautiful to look at. Therefore, I print such lines myself in Word with the interval I need, print them out and put them under an A4 sheet.

      Although you rarely have to do this, it is faster to type everything than to write it by hand.

      At work, when writing various documents that should be written by hand on an A4 sheet, I placed a piece of paper torn from a notebook in a square under the sheet. It turns out not only to write the text exactly, but also to carefully fill out the document header, title and paragraphs. If you write such documents constantly, then after a while you will end up without a backing. And if you need to write a couple of sheets a week, then it’s easier to put a sheet of paper in a square each time.

      Personally, I use another piece of paper with lines drawn on it. I place this line under the piece of paper on which I am writing and begin to write. The paper is not particularly thick, so it shines through quite normally and the text turns out smooth. You can buy such special sheets, or you can print them yourself.

    For the most part, documents are prepared using text editors, but there are rarely times when it is necessary to write, for example, a statement by hand. In this case, a lined A4 sheet will help. Previously, such a sheet was called a zebra, but everything was outlined using a pencil and an ordinary wooden ruler. Now you won't need a ruler or a pencil. To make a line you will only need to open the MS Word text editor. How to line a sheet of paper in Word will be shown step by step below.

    Thanks to a regular table, you can draw a ruler. You need to go to the “Insert” tab, find and click on “Table” and select “Insert table” in the drop-down menu.

    In the new dialog box you need to set the size of the table. In the row area you need to set the value: 60, and there will be one column. Click on “Ok”.

    Don't worry if the table goes onto the second page. Later, you can delete extra lines by highlighting them with the cursor and clicking on the “Backspace” button.

    So, now you need to configure the main parameters: line height and width. Select the table by clicking on the cross in the upper left corner.

    You need to set the required values ​​for the row in the “Cell Size” area.

    To ensure that the lines on the page begin and end as close to the edges of the sheet as possible, you need to use a ruler. Enable the ruler by checking the box.

    Or click on the "Ruler" button. Select the entire table.

    Now, holding the slider on the horizontal ruler, drag to the desired value, in our case it is 1 cm on both the left and right.

    The same must be done on the vertical ruler. Double-click to reach the desired value.

    So, all that remains is to remove the extra borders.

    Select the table and go to the “Working with Tables” tab in the “Design” sub-item. Click on the “Borders” button and first click on the “Left border” line. The left border will disappear. Next, click on “Borders” again and select “Right Border” and it will disappear.

    This is the result.

    If you need thicker lines, this can be done through the “Working with Tables” and “Design” tabs. Next you need to go to “Borders” and “Borders and Shading”.

    In the new window, set the desired line width value in the “Border” section.

    Now the final result of the line drawn. You can line a page in Word in a few minutes by setting all the parameters, from the color of the lines to their thickness.