• Do-it-yourself local network: Configuring the basic parameters of the router (router). Local Wi-Fi network. Setting up a local network via a router

    Wi-Fi is rapidly bursting into our lives. Laptops, tablets, smartphones, and even equipment that is obviously not designed for this are equipped with a wireless communication module: refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, irons, washing machines, stoves, air conditioners. You may not have such an abundance of smart technology, but if you have several PCs at home, the question may arise of how to create a home network.

    A home network will allow you to easily exchange data between devices

    Previously, this would have required laying meters of wires, getting confused in them, and stumbling. Now that many people have a Wi-Fi router at home, you can organize and configure a local network using it very quickly. Let's take a closer look at this process.

    Why is this necessary?

    When working with several PCs, sometimes you will need to transfer files between them, print a document on a remote printer, watch a video or listen to music from another device. In order not to run around the house with a flash drive, it is recommended to deploy a local network through a router.

    Setting up the router

    If you already use a wireless connection at home, you can skip this step. If you are still going to configure the router, enter the settings using a browser (,, add a login and password (initially in most cases it is admin/admin, admin/parol).

    In the “Wireless Network” tab, change the connection name, password, and encryption protocol. We recommend choosing WPA2-PSK, it is the most secure. Save the settings, reboot the router.

    Changing the network type

    In Windows 7, the network types are “Home”, “Enterprise network” and “Public”, and in Windows 8, 8.1, 10 - “Private” and “Guest or public”. It is possible to create a home group only if the type is “Home” or “Private”. When you connect for the first time, the OS makes a discovery request, agree to it.

    • In the tray, right-click the connection icon - Network and Sharing Center.
    • In the line “View active networks” you will notice the name of the connection and its type.
    • To configure the required type:
    • Windows 7
    • Click on the Internet icon - “Home Network”.
    • Windows 8, 8.1
    • Open the side menu by pressing Win+I or moving the mouse cursor to the right edge of the screen.
    • Changing computer settings - Network - Connections - connection name.
    • Activate "Search for devices and content."
    • Windows 10
    • Start - Settings - Network and Internet - Ethernet (Wi-Fi is the name of your connection).
    • If connecting via cable, click on the name of the connection and activate the “Make this computer discoverable” slider.
    • When communicating via Wi-Fi, under the list of connections, click “Advanced settings” and make the computer discoverable.

    From now on, it is possible to set up a local group through a router at home.

    Changing the PC name

    This item is optional, but it is better to replace the PC name, since it is automatically assigned in the form of an alphanumeric code, then it will be difficult for you to navigate the names. To configure the laptop name, follow these steps:

    • Right-click on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop (Windows 7) or launch Explorer - My Computer (on Windows 8–10).
    • System properties - Additional system settings - Computer name - Edit.
    • Come up with a convenient name - OK - Apply, and then restart Windows.
    • Repeat the procedure on each device.
    • Create a HomeGroup
    • Go to Network Sharing Center.
    • In the “Home Group” line, select “Ready to Create”.
    • Create a homegroup - Next - Select files and devices to share - Next.
    • Write down the password and click "Done".

    The group with access via the router is ready. You can connect other devices.

    Connecting to a home group

    To add other devices to the newly created group via Wi-Fi, on the connected PC in the Network Control Center in the lower left corner, click on “Home Group” - Join. Enter the password and specify the shared folders. Restart all connected devices.

    To make sure that the connection between laptops at home is working, go to Explorer and all available devices will be presented in the “Network” tab. If you have a printer at home, you can even print documents from any connected device.

    Create a shared folder

    In addition, if you do not need network printing at home, you don’t have to create a group at all. Simply use File Explorer to share the required folders on each laptop.

    Login from other devices

    You can access your home network from any Android or iOS device. It is enough to use a file manager with a remote access function. Scan available devices, connect to familiarize yourself with shared folders.


    Please also note that various errors may occur from time to time. Try turning off your antivirus with Windows Firewall and try again.

    Do you use a local group through a router at home? Did our guide help you? We are glad to receive your comments.

    Let's figure out how to set up a local network through a router and what it is, because many people in their apartment have several computers connected via Wi-Fi, and even more so, everyone has a gadget: a tablet, a smartphone, a desktop, with which it is convenient to lie on the couch. But how inconvenient it is when you want to transfer a photo or song from one computer to another, or from a phone to a tablet, for example, or to a desktop computer, because you can’t do it that easily over Wi-Fi. In this case, you have to struggle with wiring or flash drives, look for bluetooth, but the fact is that your WiFi router is essentially a single node, a server that connects these devices into one single local home Wi-Fi network! In this article I will tell you how to create a local network connection through a router, and you will no longer need to go for a flash drive and wires from your phone, you can do this while lying on your favorite sofa, transfer files from device to device via Wi-Fi File using shared network storage without making unnecessary movements.

    Scheme of connecting various devices to the Local Network via a WiFi router.

    Let's say a few more words about the local network and why we might need it. A wireless local network is essentially a kind of networked data storage, which is formed as a result of connecting several computer devices via Wi-Fi, a wifi router in this case as a server. Its purpose is not only to transfer files, but also to communicate with each other of all devices connected to it, you can communicate using it from neighboring rooms, play online games, for example Counter-Strike, and also connect other digital devices, for example create a connection to a network printer, scanner, camera and other devices that can connect to the router via Wi-Fi.


    And so, we’ve figured out what, what, and why, let’s start setting up the local network. This setup is carried out in the same way on any Windows operating system, including the new Windows 10. It’s easy for us to make a local network connection, the fact is that if you use a WiFi Router, then you already have it and configured it, you just didn’t know about it! We only need to create shared access to all the necessary folders on computers, and they will automatically go to the network storage via Wi-Fi.

    Open the Network and Sharing Connection Center.

    Click on the network icon in the taskbar LMB or RMB (Right or left mouse button) to open the “Local Area Network or Sharing Connection Center”.

    In the “Network and Sharing Management Connection Center”, we check that our active network is the “Home Network”, a house must be built:

    The name of our WiFi network is indicated in bold at the top.

    Another type of network may be specified: “Enterprise Network” or “Public Network”, in this case, click on the link with the name and change the network type:

    Save the Home Group password for yourself and click Finish.

    Now our home local network has been created and we can connect to it via Wi-Fi.

    Changing the LAN password

    If you don't like remembering these scribbles, you can set your own password.

    Sharing files

    Our network storage is already configured, but we need to do an important thing, the fact is that by default access to all files and folders on computers is not granted and this must be done manually. There are two options, with and without password protection. For the home, of course, it’s convenient not to bother with passwords, so we’ll consider this option.

    Disable password for files

    Open changing homegroup settings, as described above.

    Click “Change advanced sharing settings.”

    Let's expand on both groups.

    We filled out the parameters of the first group, in the “General” group, fill everything in the same way, this group is intended when you have several accounts on your PC.

    Sharing folders

    Now everything is ready, all that remains is to open public access to those folders on the disk that we want to use and will automatically be visible to all devices connected to the router via cable or Wi-Fi. I'll show you using my local drive as an example; you can do this with any folder on your computer.

    We can see that there are no files available on our local network yet, to do this, open “My Computer” and select the “Network” tab on the left in the menu.

    Click on the folder and select Properties.

    In the "Properties" window, open the "Access" tab, click on the "Advanced settings..." button

    Check the “Share this folder” checkbox and click OK.

    Connecting devices to the network


    After a local network has been created on one of the computers, on other computers in the “Network and Sharing Connection Center”, in the view of active networks, the opportunity to join it will appear “Home group: Can join”. Click the link provided. If there is none, then in order to be able to join a home group, you must set the network location to “Home network”.

    To change the network to Home, click on the “Public Network” link and select “Home Network”, after which the network type will change.

    We mark the necessary elements that will be publicly accessible from this computer. Click the Next button.

    Enter the password for our home group. Click the Next button.

    We check whether the files that we expanded on the main computer are available on the laptop.

    Similarly, you can allow sharing of all files and folders on any computer that is connected to the homegroup.


    We've figured out Windows, let's figure out how we can see our shared files over Wi-Fi, for example, from a tablet or phone for Android OS. First we need a special program. I recommend that you download the ES Explorer program.

    Software launches.

    After the scan is completed, we have our files located on other computers that we have placed in our HomeGroup.

    Also not on the computer, we will see the files that are located on the Android device in the storage. The setup is complete.

    Useful to watch


    Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

    Hi all! Today we will look in detail at how to set up a local network via a wifi router. By starting to write this article, I mean that you have already configured your router and connected a couple of computers or laptops to it. If not, then be sure to read or, otherwise you will not understand anything.

    Actually, under the concept “ local network» it is understood that all computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, TV set-top boxes and other devices that are connected to one wifi router, will see each other and you can exchange data between them. This is the basis for the technologies for creating an FTP server, a DLNA media server, access to a shared printer, a video surveillance system, and so on.

    Now our task is to understand how exactly public access to these network resources opens after you have connected your computer to the router - via wifi or cable, it doesn’t matter.

    How to share folders on a Windows local network?

    In order to open shared access to a folder on the computer for the local network, right-click on it and go to “Properties > Access > Advanced settings”. Check the box “Share this folder” and save the setting with the “Apply” button.

    We do the same with all folders that need to be shared on all computers. After that, by going to the “Network” section, you will see the names of these PCs, and by going inside them you will see the shared Windows shared folders.

    If you can’t connect to them, try rebooting and connecting again, or disabling firewalls - built into Windows or from third-party antiviruses - they can block your attempts to connect.

    Homegroup on Windows 7

    After creating a local network through a router, you can also configure the so-called home group is a system in which shared folders, printers and other devices connected to different computers and laptops will be visible and open for work only on those devices that are included in this group, and not for all workstations on the network.

    To create this restriction, the home group is usually password protected.

    Go to “Start - Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center”.

    I’ll say right away that creating a home group on the cheapest version of Windows 7 - Home Basic - will not work. It will only be possible to connect to an existing one. Therefore, this can only be done on the version starting with the “Home Extended”.

    So, we connect to the router, find the subheading “Home Group” and click on the “Ready to Create” link, and then on the “Create Home Group” button.

    After this, we select those folders and devices that are connected to the computer and to which we want to allow access from the network.

    Then in the next window that opens we will find the link “Change additional sharing settings”. Click on it and look for all the items where it says that you need to “Enable sharing with password protection.” It must be disabled, otherwise you will not be able to create a local wifi network. Then save the settings.

    That's it on the first computer - the homegroup has been created. Just in case, you can restart your computer so that everything is saved and all settings are applied.

    Now you need to connect another computer or laptop to this group. We connect to our wireless network and go through the chain “Start - Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center - Home Group”. And click the “Join” button.

    If you cannot connect, then disable the third-party firewall that you installed. It may also be built into some antivirus.

    That's all. Now, when you log into the network, you will see all devices connected via wifi to the local network. By clicking on the icon of any computer, you will see all shared folders and devices, such as a printer.

    How to set up a homegroup on Windows 10?

    The algorithm for creating and connecting to a homegroup on Windows 10 is similar to 7, but there is a difference in navigation and how to get into its device. To do this, right-click on the “Start” icon and select “Network Connections”

    • Create a group or connect to an existing one
    • Choosing which resources to share
    • If necessary, enter a password to connect

    But you can also open access to other folders, not just those that we specified when creating a homegroup.

    To do this:

    1. Right-click on the folder, select “Properties”, “Access” tab.
    2. Next is the “Advanced setup” button
    3. and check the “Share this folder” checkbox.
    4. After that, click “apply”

    Now this folder has appeared among the shared folders and is visible to all participants in the local wifi network.

    Local network and Android

    But that's not all. You can create a local network not only between computers and laptops, but also include a tablet or smartphone based on Android into it, after which we can access files on the phone from the laptop and vice versa - from Android we can access Windows folders located on the computer .

    For the mobile platform there is such a cool program as ES Explorer. It can be downloaded through the Google Play application. We install it and connect from Android to wifi.

    After that, go to the “Menu” and open the “Network” subsection

    Open the “LAN” section - Explorer will detect all computers on the local network. Those of them that you can go into and view files from them are highlighted in dark color.

    If this PC is part of a password-protected homegroup, an additional authorization window will open

    After which we will see all open shared folders of the system

    But that’s not all - now you can also print documents directly from this gadget through a printer connected to one of the computers to which shared access is configured.

    I hope that after reading this article you have realized all the advantages of setting up a local network via a router and can now exchange documents between computers via wifi. If you have questions, ask in the comments!

    If the article helped, then in gratitude I ask you to do 3 simple things:
    1. Subscribe to our YouTube channel
    2. Send a link to the publication to your wall on a social network using the button above

    To unite several computer devices into a common network for data exchange, a router is used, which can also be connected to a modem to provide free access to the Internet for all participants in the local network. Creating and setting up a home network will not take much time.

    Before you start setting up your network, you must turn off your modem and firewall (network packet filter program). All devices are connected to each other by wire. We set up a wireless connection, for example, a laptop router via Wi-Fi, after turning on all devices. If there is more than one account on the computer, then you should log in with administrator rights. Through the “Start” button, go to the control panel, where we select the “Network and Internet” section. Open the item “View network status and tasks” and from the possible options for changing network parameters, select “Setting up a connection or network”, then “Setting up a new network”, click “OK”. We carry out subsequent actions in accordance with the prompts of the customizer program.

    When the automatic network settings are completed, go to the “Network and Sharing Center” item, where in the “Network Connection” column, select the newly installed home network and click “Connect”. The system will ask you for a security code or passphrase for your wireless connection. This is the final stage in connecting your computer to the network. All that remains is to specify the “Home Network” location and determine the type of files that will be accessible to other devices.

    Having selected the “Network and Internet” section in the control panel, click on “Select home group and sharing settings”. Next, you need to select and save the special network profile parameters of the created home network in the “Home Group Settings” column: network discovery, file and printer sharing, access to shared folders.

    To configure access settings for all members of the home network, right-click on the selected folder and go to the following path: “Sharing” - “Advanced sharing settings” - “Advanced settings”. Check the box next to “Share this folder” and click “Permissions” to select participants and the actions they can perform with data on this computer: full access, change or read. Such actions must be carried out on all computer devices connected to the created network.

    After testing the network (checking the list of participants, switching and performing configured actions on other computers, etc.), you can enable access to the Internet and the firewall. Creating and configuring your home network is complete.

    In addition to simplified data exchange, watching movies from another computer without copying, it is possible to connect several computers to one printer, scanner, game console, etc., and configure the TV’s access to the Internet. All this significantly expands the range of activities and opportunities for computer equipment users at home.

    How to create a network via wifi?

    Local wireless Wi-Fi network is an innovation that is certainly useful. Here you can exchange files (and quite voluminous ones - such as films, programs) and play games with your neighbor, especially since installing and setting up is not so difficult, now you will see for yourself! You just need a new working router, a modern computer and a network cable with working Internet. But before creating a network, remember that many antivirus software can significantly degrade communication quality by blocking some settings and processes.

    How to create a local network between two computers via Wi Fi?

    First, you need to go to the system properties of your computer and in the window that opens, enter the name of the new workgroup, and this action must be performed on all machines that plan to connect to the network.

    Next, go to the “Start” menu, through the “Control Panel” we look for the “Network and Sharing Management” menu, then we determine what type our current network is and click on “Ready to create”.

    Creating a working group

    In the window that appears, click “Create a home group”, then we begin to select elements that will be open to computers from the same network space, set a password if necessary, and click “Finish”.

    Create a home group

    If you suddenly want to disable the password request, you need to scroll through the previous window again, find the “Sharing with password protection” setting, select the desired disable tab, open the “General” settings tab and, finally, having found the previous item, finally disable password protection. When finished, be sure to click on “Save Changes”.

    Password protected sharing

    This completes the last stage of these network settings. Now all that remains is to restart all network computers, then go to “My Computer” and select the “Network” tab.