• The best CPA affiliate programs. Best CPA affiliate programs Popular cpa networks

    # Company Active companies Commission Dedicated managers Year
    1 AGIMA Partners" Club 200 25% 6,5 2015
    2 MST Hub 45 20% 2,5 2018
    3 Spike community 50 0 1,5 2018
    4 Affiliate program
    Artemy Lebedev Studios
    10 20% NDA 2009
    5 Notamedia 7 25% 2 2014
    6 CreativePeople 20 10% 1,5 2016
    7 Red Collar 8 90,000 R 2 2017
    8 Oleg Chulakov Studio NDA Yes NDA 2016
    9 Globus 20 15% 1 2017
    10 AIC 5 NDA NDA 2015
    11 Redmadrobot NDA NDA NDA NDA
    12 Article 25 10–15% No 2010
    14 Aero 10 NDA 3 2016
    15 Asterisk* by RTA 106 20% 2 2012
    16 Live Typing 30 10% 1 2018

    About the rating

    The rating of affiliate programs is carried out by Tagline for the first time. This is the leading project search tool for young teams and the opportunity to learn from more experienced colleagues. As well as the selection of experienced contractors for customers.


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    Rating of affiliate programs 2018 Tagline. Find out everything about affiliate programs, how young companies work under the brand of the affiliate program operator and other formats of work and earnings within affiliate programs.

    If you “wander” on the Internet, you can find many new and not always clear words. Among them is the English abbreviation of CPA network or affiliate program. Everyone who makes money online or is just starting out on this path knows it for sure. CPA networks - what is it and how to work with it?

    What are CPA networks?

    In short, this is a kind of exchange, system, or, more simply, an intermediary between an advertiser and a person who can bring clients. Most often this is an online store and the owner of a website with a large number of visitors.

    • goods;
    • promotional offers;
    • “fresh” discount coupons;
    • information about a big sale.

    CPA affiliate networks contain information about a huge number of products in various fields that need to be sold. Thanks to such an exchange, there is no need to look for the store owner, try to contact him and build relationships. Everything is open access and as automated as possible.

    How does this work?

    And yet, CPA networks - what are they and how to work with them? In the vast majority of cases, the system pays for certain actions on the part of the client. These could be:

    • registration on the site;
    • ordering goods;
    • its payment;
    • call to a specific number;
    • installing a program or application;
    • following a specific link.

    The task of a person who wants to earn money is to “force” the visitor to do the specified action. If this happens, the system will pay a percentage of the cost or a set commission. The list of CPA networks is quite large, and each has its own percentages and established rules.

    For example, in some you pay 30% of the cost of the product, in others a fixed amount for registration or installation of a product. Before starting your activity in this direction, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the conditions and nuances of each exchange separately.

    Basic Concepts

    The first thing a beginner will encounter is simply a huge number of terms and concepts. All professionals communicate in a certain language. To ask a question and understand the answer to it, you need to understand what we are talking about.

    Traffic. A certain number of visitors or flow, or mass. There is also the concept of “driving traffic,” which means directing visitors and potential clients to some address, mainly to another site.

    Arbitration. This concept was introduced by CPA networks, what is it? The process of "acquiring" a certain number of visitors to one site and redirecting them to another for the purpose of making a profit.

    Lead. This is the name given to a person who followed a link and performed a certain action.

    Hold time. Due to the “cheating” of leads by some dishonest comrades, a verification time has been introduced into the system. Violation of the rules of the exchange may lead to the fact that the payment will not be made, and those who have distinguished themselves will be blacklisted and will no longer be able to cooperate at all.

    Profit. Translated from English it means earnings, profit.

    Offer. Affiliate program or offer to earn money.

    CPA as a type of business

    The best CPA networks provide the opportunity to earn money for all participants. On the one hand, the customer receives a profit from the sale of a product or service, on the other, the contractor receives his percentage for attracting, and on the third, the exchange, which takes its “modest” commission.

    Many people, having tried this type of income, left offline work and completely switched to CPA affiliates. To be successful you need to have at least one of two things:

    • Own website with a large number of visitors.
    • Ability to create high-converting advertisements.

    The first method is more popular. It requires less time and effort, but the results may not be obtained immediately. The second allows you to get almost instant results. But you need to have creativity and strong marketing skills.

    Traffic for CPA

    The main task of the artist is to attract as much traffic as possible, and even better, so that these are people interested in the product offered. There are quite a lot of paid and free methods, but they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

    1) Own site. This could be a group on a social network or a personal website. On the one hand, creating such a platform requires certain knowledge and a lot of time at the beginning. On the other hand, after creation and promotion, it begins to generate passive income with minimal participation from the creator.

    2) Announcements on free resources. There are a lot of sites, forums and news portals on the Internet that are ready to post an advertisement for free or almost free of charge. The advantage is that there are really a lot of such resources. The downside is a lot of manual work with no guarantee of results.

    3)Banner. If you place an attractive or intriguing banner where there are a lot of potential customers, it can have an amazing effect. You can, of course, directly contact the owners of Internet resources, but it is better to register with special exchanges. This will significantly save time and nerves.

    4) Teasers. The obvious advantage is the large amount of traffic. Disadvantage - it is not suitable for all offers. It is better to use for “feminine” products. You also need to know many subtleties and rules of teaser advertising.

    6) Social media. Considering the popularity of social media, it would be extremely unwise to miss out on this place. The main thing is to interest users and offer a truly worthwhile product. They will do the rest themselves. There are special organizations that offer services to promote a group or a specific product at once.

    Rating of the best CPA networks

    Beginners often ask the question: “CPA networks - what are they, and which affiliate programs are better?” If you read the descriptions of each system, they all praise themselves and tell you what kind of wealth you can earn with them. But in reality it turns out that this is not always true. To learn more about CPA networks, the ranking of the best is presented below.

    Admitad- a fairly large affiliate program in which you can find products from many online stores, online games, services of some banks and travel organizations. Offers great functionality and detailed instructions for both beginners and experienced users.

    "Where is the elephant?" - this affiliate network can easily be considered one of the best and largest. It can offer a large number of tools for working with the system, including CSV and XML uploads. It also boasts its own plugin for Wordpress (an engine for blogging on the Internet).

    ActionPay- the main difference between this CPA network, whose rating does not lag behind those already presented, is the presence of its own banking system. Otherwise, this is a good affiliate program that offers a huge number of offers.

    ActionAds- offers a very large range of offers from various fields. Quite often in this affiliate program you can find very profitable offers that are not available anywhere else.

    Foreign CPA networks

    On the domestic Internet, this type of cooperation is actively gaining momentum. But foreign CPA networks, whose ratings are simply enormous, have been allowing you to earn very good profits for a long time. Among the best and most reliable are:

    Affiliatecube. Most webmasters work with this platform. The range of offers is almost impossible to list in full. There are topics for all countries. Despite the English-speaking administration, there is support for Russian-speaking users.

    Clickbank. The affiliate program, which operates in the CIS, offers foreign goods at “delicious” prices. The only caveat is the payment of earned funds. This can be done either by check to an address or to a card that will meet certain requirements.

    PaydayMansion. The main and only niche of this network is the conversion of financial traffic. The system specializes in small loans that are very easy to obtain. Today it is a fairly profitable niche and a promising direction.

    Features of working for foreign CPAs

    In addition to well-established work and proven mechanisms, foreign affiliates work with English, which has long become international. Almost all affiliate programs that operate today have an impeccable reputation and reliability.

    Some advantages of working with foreign CPAs:

    • the audience is several times larger than the domestic one;
    • the system offers thousands of truly profitable offers;
    • profit figures are approximately equal to Russian ones, only the currency is dollars;
    • hundreds of offers to earn money.

    The future of CPA networks

    Existing CPA networks offer a very promising opportunity to make money on goods and services that you don’t even need to produce. If you look at the latest statistics, the growth rate is increasing every year.

    This allows us to say that affiliate programs of this kind will only grow and develop, which means that you can make very good money by cooperating with them. If you start now, you can still occupy a free niche, but after that it will be extremely problematic.

    CPA networks(Cost Per Action) are affiliate programs that specialize only in payment for a targeted action on the part of the user. This has been one of the largest areas of advertising on the Internet for a long time. CPA combines favorable terms of cooperation for both the advertiser and the webmaster. Advertisers receive targeted traffic that is ready to buy, and the webmaster receives a significant percentage of the reward (see what CPA is).

    Earnings in CPA affiliate programs

    Let us describe the mechanism for making money on CPA networks. So there are three sides:

    • A webmaster who wants to earn as much as possible from his traffic
    • An advertiser who is willing to pay only for targeted actions
    • CPA network that unites the webmaster and the advertiser, and also moderates the entire process

    Webmasters receive advertising materials for the offer through the CPA network and then post them on their websites. An advertiser places an advertising proposal (offer) stating that he needs to attract targeted traffic that will take a specific action. For example, the most popular actions are

    • Purchase of goods
    • Registration
    • Filling out the form
    • Placing an order
    • etc.

    The advertiser is ready to pay money to the webmaster who attracted a user who took the desired action (lead). In the language of CPA affiliate programs, such an offer is called an offer (in other words, this is an advertising offer for a webmaster with a full list of payment terms). For example, this list will say what exactly the webmaster will receive a reward for, what type of traffic is accepted (geographical restrictions, restrictions on the traffic source may be indicated).

    Let's look at the complete list of reliable and verified CPA networks.

    The best affiliate programs of CPA networks for earning money

    Description: OFFERGATE is a relatively small CPA network, but it has unique offers. For example, there are options for push subscriptions (Web Push Notification), which is a common trend now. Subscribers will generate income in the future

    Payments: Upon request daily (WebMoney, Yandex, Qiwi, Bank).

    Additional information:
    . a small number of offers, but each is suitable for a wide audience

    Description: ACTIONPAY is one of the giants of CPA networks (there are more than 930 offers available). Focused mainly on Russian offers. All popular topics are available: cars, clothing, services, beauty, dating, finance, games, etc.

    Payouts: On request (Webmoney WMR, minimum amount 500)

    Additional information:
    . There are 5 wallets in your personal account: rubles, dollars, hryvnia, Brazilian real, tenge
    . The tools include: banner and link rotator, bank feed
    . The more traffic you have, the more favorable the conditions (there are different types of tariffs: “basic”, “advanced”, “super”)

    Description: CPASETI is a commodity affiliate program (a new project from affiliates, created in 2016). There are high deductions for offers. It is possible to park a domain.

    Payments: Upon request (WebMoney), minimum amount 1000 rubles

    Additional information:
    . Domain parking
    . For every 500 confirmed leads, get $100 as a gift
    . From promotional materials: landing pages and links
    . Split testing of creatives
    . Traffback and Postback URL

    Description: ADVERTISE is an affiliate program for working under the CPA model (operating since 2015). Minimum commissions, more than 190 offers of various topics (online stores, online games, services, finance, etc.), including exclusive ones. Wide selection of promotional materials

    Payments: to any system without commission and without a minimum payment threshold (once a month)

    Additional information:
    . There is a technical support phone number +7(800)...
    . postback and trafficback links
    . Domain parking
    . no restrictions on the number of visitors on the site (suitable for all sites)

    Description: 7OFFERS is an excellent CPA affiliate program. There are more than 350 offers of different topics. Most of all online stores, game and product offers. Operating since 2014.

    Payments: Upon request (more than 30 payment options), the application is processed within a day, the minimum amount is 5 rubles

    Description: LEAD-R - Own platform, which distinguishes Lead-R from many similar services. Availability of exclusive offers

    Payments: On request (WebMoney). Minimum amount 2000 rubles

    Additional information:
    . Have a legal address

    Pros and cons of CPA networks

    Let's list all the pros and cons of CPA networks. Let's consider advertisers and webmasters separately

    Pros for advertisers:
    • Guaranteed buyers and clients for a fixed price. This simplifies work and makes income much more predictable
    • Simplifying the work of promoting on the Internet. By placing an offer in the CPA network, you can get links to your product from hundreds of webmasters’ sites. There is no need to negotiate and communicate with each of them separately.
    • It is possible to customize traffic targeting
    • There is an official agreement with the CPA network
    Disadvantages for advertisers:
    • CPA is suitable for large companies. Small companies do not have such budgets, and in general they will not want to work with them.
    • It is necessary to monitor traffic increases. Any action is much more expensive than a click in contextual advertising.
    Pros for a webmaster:
    • Opportunity to earn good money through white-label monetization. You attract users who actually buy something.
    • You can optimize individual website pages for individual offers.
    • Wide selection of topics and directions.
    Disadvantages for a webmaster:
    • Difficulty attracting targeted traffic. Not every user who switches to an offer will actually buy something and order it.
    • Long wait for reward. Each offer usually has a “hold” (a period of checking all the rules).

    CPA networks are the future of monetization

    It is beneficial for a webmaster to attract only thematic traffic for which he receives good money. The turnover of money in CPA affiliate programs is comparable in scale to contextual advertising and has even begun to bypass it. There are huge budgets here and this is currently the most promising direction.

    In addition, CPA networks allow you to engage in traffic arbitrage, i.e. buy traffic in one place and resell it in another place (convert traffic). Most often, they buy visitors through advertising on social networks. Arbitration has become a very common topic on the Internet. Many webmasters and bloggers are engaged and make decent money (tens of thousands of rubles per day).

    There are a very large number of CPA affiliate programs on the market. Choosing the best of them is problematic - there are some advantages everywhere. For example, one may have excellent conditions for one offer, and another may have different conditions. In one there is a large hold on withdrawal of funds, in the other there is a small lifetime of cookies, etc. Here you just need to choose the best working conditions for specific offers (proposals).

    Many people know and understand that on affiliate programs you can earn hundreds of thousands, and for some, millions of net rubles per month.

    But how can you find the best affiliate program among such a mass of offers, with which you can work for more than one year and be 100% sure that you will not be scammed and will not disappear with your money?

    In my many years of practice, hundreds of such affiliate programs have disappeared. Let's look at what is available in this market today and who we can work with for the future.

    Affiliate program evaluation criteria

    Before choosing an affiliate program, I always first look at the reviews, the age and the products or services themselves that are available online to promote. Most affiliate programs work according to a model and we will look at them.

    For example, you heard about an affiliate program and decided to start working with it. Don’t be lazy, go to large forums and look at other people’s reviews. Do they pay money on time? How long have they been on the market? Do they have user-friendly tools? Is the support responsive?

    And so, No. 1 among all affiliate programs in the Russian-speaking market is admitad.

    1. admitad

    Just look at the daily earnings of a webmaster or one team. This is more than 5,000,000 rubles per day! I took this screenshot in December 2019.

    Daily earnings in an affiliate program.

    Admitad.com has all the necessary tools for work. This includes detailed statistics and a deeplink generator, integration with Yandex Direct and Google Adwords and much more to make routine tasks easier for webmasters.

    How to start working with admitad

    First, register as a webmaster. Then you will need to create a site. The platform can be your thematic website, VKontakte group, or YouTube channel.

    After this, wait until the site is verified and you can start connecting offers that interest you for earning money.

    How can you earn money with admitad

    Let's give some examples of how you can make money with this affiliate program. Now there is a boom in goods from China from stores such as AliExpress.com, GearBest.com, etc.

    So, webmasters create traffic platforms specifically for such stores. This could be a simple group on VKontakte, where inexpensive and interesting products are posted.

    Pay attention to the number of subscribers. If these groups are , then it is profitable. Although, as far as I know, this method has begun to bring in less money.

    The next method is YouTube channels with so-called unboxings. This method is not suitable for everyone, since not everyone wants to film themselves and post the video online.

    Another way, which I consider the most interesting and promising, is the creation of sites with reviews and reviews.

    The trick of such sites is not to make reviews yourself, but to encourage people to write these same reviews. That is, suppose a person ordered something from China and made a detailed review of it with photographs and posted it on your website for a small amount of money.

    You can motivate them with small money and bonuses. Attracting such people will not be easy, but content can be produced on an industrial scale.

    Accordingly, it will amount to millions of visitors per month. These reviews contain an affiliate link. I won’t burn down the site, but I will give statistics from one such resource.

    Reviews can be done not only on Chinese goods, but also on equipment, furniture, etc. I think you understand the idea, if not, then ask questions below in the comments.

    2. Actionpay

    This affiliate program is the undisputed leader in affiliate marketing. actionpay.net has been successfully operating in this market for more than 8 years. After registration, you will have access to more than 1,000 offers for advertising with a very wide GEO. Look at the TOP of the best webmasters in this affiliate program.

    If you know how to work with traffic, then be sure to join the most expensive competition in the history of the Russian CPA market. Contact your manager and ask to connect you to the “pirate marathon”.

    Among dozens of different prizes, you can get the main prize - a Mercedes-Maybach.

    Of course, you can argue that it is useless to fight for the main prize, since the competition for it is fierce. But the main difference between this competition and others is that Maybach is not alone.

    There is no winner as such. I accumulated points and bought, for example, a Sony PS4 or MacBook Pro game console. If you are a cool webmaster, you can buy a car with these points; the number of prizes is unlimited. You can find the prizes and conditions here pirates.pub.

    How can you make money with actionpay

    Mostly webmasters specializing in . And, as a rule, they arbitrate with Facebook. This social network is good for advertising because it is very easy to scale to different countries.

    But there are some peculiarities here. If the offer is “gray”, then a ban is inevitable. To understand how everything works here, it is better to start with “white” goods, which will not have any questions.

    “Grey” products include, for example, various weight loss products, “healing” creams, etc. If you want to work with mobile traffic, then here you will find a large selection of mobile offers.

    3. M1-Shop

    This affiliate program is positioned more as a “commodity” program. There are also various products for beauty and youth here, but the main emphasis is on goods.

    Of course, there are many questions about the quality of the goods themselves. As a rule, these are ordinary Chinese goods that are sold at a markup of hundreds of percent.

    The Internet is full of negative reviews of all this “trash.” Many people receive something completely different from what they ordered. In general, as I said above, there are big questions about the products.

    The affiliate program m1-shop.ru itself is reliable and there are no complaints about it. Whether or not to sell such goods is up to you to decide.

    How can you make money with m1-shop

    Watches, binoculars, corsets, everything, you probably caught your eye on various social networks, mainly on VKontakte.

    So, go to the affiliate program, select from the “best products” section the offer you want to sell, and start buying traffic for it from thematic public pages. For this purpose, VK has an excellent tool called “Market Platform”.

    Also, if you have your own group or public page, you can post such products directly. Earnings will depend entirely on the number of subscribers and the topic of the community.

    Watches sell well on Instagram, but you need to be careful there. Facebook doesn't like different remarks and bans people for it.

    4. CTR

    This affiliate program specializes in its own production of wow - beauty and health products. These guys know a lot about packaging. All of their original offers have a unique and colorful design.

    As you know, proper packaging is 50% of success! Many affiliate programs stupidly copy their promotional materials. There has been a lot of fuss about this more than once.

    Beauty and health products are in very high demand. A lot of money is made from such products. If you know how to work with such traffic, then you can safely choose ctr.ru as a reliable partner.

    How can you make money with ctr

    Traffic from Facebook and Instagram is good for these products. There are no secrets; you need to test a lot to achieve a positive result.

    A little creative humor from the guys from ctr.


    Now I want to introduce you to another interesting affiliate program ad-x. It has not been on the market for long, but there are people with a good reputation behind it.

    This affiliate program pays for actions for subscribers mainly for information business. Now there is a boom in various training courses, especially on the topic of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general.

    Accordingly, a whole bunch of courses on these topics have appeared. Many people no longer need to explain in detail what it is. All you have to do is invite them to a free webinar. And for each such simple registration you will be paid from 50 to 80 rubles.

    I believe that beginners should start learning to work with such affiliate programs. Because here money is made on volumes. You can make more than one thousand such registrations per day.

    How can you make money with ad-x

    You can still make money from the same traffic arbitrage in VK. You choose an information product, find suitable communities for it and buy advertising there in bulk. Such offers come through well through various email campaigns.

    Alternatively, you can fill it with thematic content, for example, about the news of the cryptocurrency market and place your advertising in it.

    6. LetyShops

    Another trend of the last two to three years is cashback services. People are used to buying online and they like to receive not only discounts from the stores themselves, but also a small refund on these purchases. It turns out to be a double discount.

    This is very beneficial for people, which means it will be much easier to make money from it.

    Firstly, you yourself can buy any goods through this service and get some of the money back. Secondly, you can earn money through an affiliate program. Complete a simple registration and you can start using the service.

    How can you make money with LetyShops

    The easiest way is to convince everyone you know to buy through this service. I have already said that any person will be pleased to receive money from purchases. The more purchases, the higher the return rate.

    You are advising your people to benefit, which means it is stupid to refuse such an offer. Your referrals will start buying, and you will receive money for it. This benefits everyone!

    The second way is to attract people from your resources. Websites, YouTube channels, etc. For example, you have a review of some gadget. In this review, you insert a link where you can buy this very gadget, and say: if you buy through this service, then a 5% cashback will be returned to your account. You don’t even need to sell anything here, everyone loves discounts!


    Of course, there are other worthy affiliate programs, but they are all similar to each other. I still recommend working with trusted ones. The above list of affiliate programs guarantees you a stable income with reliable partners. This is very important in this business!

    We looked at affiliate programs in different niches:
    1. Online stores
    2. Mobile offers
    3. Chinese goods
    4. Products for beauty and health
    5. Information business
    6. Cashback

    Today, behind the scenes there are casinos, various options, etc. These niches are profitable, but very competitive and not entirely legal. Traffic to these affiliate programs cannot be bought from large advertising networks; you have to use every possible means to get sophisticated. Beginners should not “get in” here.

    What affiliate programs do you work with and why? Share in the comments please!

    Sincerely, Sergey.

    A reliable affiliate program is the key to long-term earnings for a webmaster! The ideal option is to find 2-3 best affiliate programs for yourself and work with them.

    There are a lot of new affiliate programs appearing on the market, but not all of them are worth working with. Since they have neither authority nor fame.

    As a rule, such newbie affiliates cannot cope with the competition and begin to cheat (deceive) their partners in completely different ways.

    In this article we will talk about market leaders. These are the affiliate programs that have been operating for many years and have won the trust of several tens of thousands of webmasters of various levels. They truly can be called the best!

    By working with them, you will not only earn a lot and consistently for a long time, but perhaps you will become the owner of an elite apartment in Moscow. And you will arrive there in your luxury car, for example, a Ferrari California or a charged Porsche Cayenne!

    TOP 4 best affiliate programs 2017 on the CPA market

    I distributed this TOP 4 in descending order only because of the value of the prizes that affiliate programs give away among their partners.

    1. Rocket Profit

    The Rocket Profit affiliate has been operating since 2015. At the moment, there are 47 offers available for promotion on the network. Almost all products from the “beauty and health” category.

    Why does a partner receive a fairly high reward for a confirmed order? For example, one unit of goods costs 990 rubles. The partner receives 800 rubles for a confirmed application.

    According to this CPA network, the approval rate is approximately 60-70%.

    These products can be sold throughout Russia and the CIS countries. It is much cheaper to buy in such countries.

    If you are a beginner and don’t know which offers to start with, then the affiliate program will share its TOP products every week.

    List of TOP offers in the Rocket Profit affiliate program

    From this information you can easily understand:

    1. What product is selling best right now?
    2. How much money will a partner receive for a confirmed application?
    3. What is the acceptance rate (confirmations) for this offer?
    4. Which GEO converts best?

    Pros of Rocket Profit:

    • Your own professional CC (call center)
    • No hold (delays in payment)
    • Advanced statistics in your personal account
    • 24/7 support for partners
    • Increased payments for volumes
    • Payments are made 2 times a day

    01/01/2017 Rocket Profit launched the largest competition for its partners. The main prize is a two-room apartment in Moscow in a business class residential complex! The total area is 60 square meters.

    As the organizers say, you can live in this apartment yourself, or you can rent it out for 150,000 rubles a month and receive real passive income.

    The main prize from Rocket Profit is a two-room apartment in Moscow

    I have seen many competitions with various prizes, but to give away an apartment, this is the first time I have seen this.

    In addition to the main prize, other equally valuable prizes will also be drawn, for example:

    1. Legendary Chevrolet Camaro 2017
    2. Travel to Las Vegas
    3. iPad PRO 2pcs
    4. IPhone 7 2pcs
    5. MacBook Pro
    6. Panoramic monitor
    7. Quadcopter
    8. Sony PS4

    This level of the affiliate program speaks for itself. Definitely, this is the best affiliate program in 2017!

    2. Everad

    The second affiliate program in terms of scale is Everad. The CPA network has existed since 2011 and positions itself as the best commodity CPA network in the CIS.

    There are currently more than 60 offers available on the network. All products are creams, ointments, serums, teas and so on. As I said above, such products are wildly popular among buyers.

    The affiliate regularly shares its TOP 10 products, which makes it clear where traffic should be directed.

    TOP 10 offers in the Everad affiliate program

    Pros of Everad:

    • Everad develops products themselves, which gives them exclusivity in the market
    • The affiliate program creates at least 10 new and exclusive offers every month
    • CPA network provides the highest commissions
    • The affiliate program has 7 CCs and more than 700 operators
    • The average approval rate for the system is 69%
    • Payments are made 3-4 times a day without hold
    • Support for partners is available 24/7 + they will assign their own manager
    • Every month we give the best partners Apple equipment as a gift

    Apart from all this, this affiliate program also hosts competitions with crazy prizes.

    In 2016, the affiliate gave away a cool Porsche Panamera 4S among its partners!

    An even larger-scale competition started on January 10, 2017. This time the partners will receive as many as 4 cars!

    1. Tesla Model S
    2. BMW Z4
    3. Mini Cooper
    4. Smart Brabus

    The main prize from Everad is 4 cars!

    And as usual, there will be prizes from Apple.

    1. IPhone 7 5pcs
    2. iPad PRO 4pcs
    3. MacBook Pro 3pcs
    4. And the last prize is a cool Swiss watch

    See what kind of parties the guys from the Everad affiliate network throw for their partners.

    Working with this network is a must. You can always contact your personal manager and ask him what offers are currently relevant.

    They will also tell you where it is best to get traffic from and help you choose the right creatives for advertising.

    3. CTR

    Another cool product CPA network is CTR. I have already given a brief overview of it on my blog. Last time the guys played a brand new BMW Z4 among their partners.

    In 2017, the main prize will be a powerful Ferrari California!

    Ferrari California! Main prize from CTR

    In the affiliate program you will find a list of the best-selling products. The list consists of the TOP 13 offers.

    Pros of CTR:

    • 140 products from different categories are available in the affiliate program
    • Wide GEO. In addition to Russia and the CIS, you can also receive traffic from European countries
    • The affiliate program regularly writes useful articles for partners on the topic of traffic arbitrage
    • Individual conditions for large partners

    The affiliate program has already been tested by time. There are a lot of good reviews from top partners. It's definitely worth working with her.

    This affiliate program constantly pleases its partners with various competitions with “Apple” prizes. This year there will be another drawing for a super prize.

    The winner will receive a luxury 2017 Porsche Cayenne!

    The main advantages of this affiliate program are its wide GEO. To work with Europe, it is not necessary to know foreign languages. Such products are designed for all Russian-speaking citizens who do not live in Russia.

    Traffic to such an audience can be purchased in the myTarget system (Odnoklassniki) and in various teaser networks.

    Also in the admin panel you will have access to the most detailed statistics on the best connections.

    For example, choose an offer and see which is the most popular. What is the most popular pre-landing page, what is the best traffic source to use and what country is the top converter!

    This is a real competitive advantage over other affiliate programs. Essentially, you choose an offer and start testing ready-made bundles using various creative options.

    In addition to all these nice “goodies”, the guys from this network regularly write useful articles for affiliate marketers. They publish successful cases from which you can glean the necessary information.

    We also have our own TOP offers for the month. In principle, every product affiliate program already has such tops. This is no longer a new product, but it is still very convenient.


    The affiliate marketing market is developing by leaps and bounds. More recently, affiliates gave their partners iPhones as gifts.

    At the beginning of the CPA business, affiliates gave cars as gifts, but then everything somehow died down. Today, networks are literally competing with each other to see who can play the coolest car.

    Ferrari, Tesla, and now apartments are also in use! What are the next prizes? Planes, yachts? Why not?

    This is a great motivation for a webmaster. For an affiliate program, this means promoting the brand and attracting even more new partners.

    Naturally, there are other good affiliate programs, but in 2017 I wanted to highlight the brightest of all. I think these 4 networks deserve special attention.

    In fact, the products are approximately the same everywhere, only the packaging is different. Analytics and statistics are also similar everywhere. So affiliates have to come up with different ways to motivate partners. Competition is growing and this is very good.

    What affiliate programs do you think are the best? Share your opinion in the comments.