• The best TVs: rating, models, manufacturers, technical specifications and reviews. Which TV brand is the best in the world in terms of quality?

    Plyushkin Audio-Video

    As you know, modern technology, including television, is developing rapidly.

    Today, the concept of “high-definition television” has firmly entered into everyday life, and TV channels are planning a complete transition to “digital.”

    This method will allow you to completely eliminate interference and enjoy high image quality. Naturally, for all this there must be an appropriate screen capable of supporting a high-quality picture.

    In the current market, there are more than one hundred and twenty manufacturers and about ten thousand models, so it’s up to you to decide what brand of TV is better to buy? It is possible only by first understanding the nuances.

    Which brand of TV is better to buy - description of options

    Manufacturers invariably associated with high quality are the “Japanese”. These include companies such as Toshiba, Sharp, Sony, Panasonic.

    For example, Sharp TVs are manufactured entirely in-house down to the smallest detail.

    However, all these manufacturers are distinguished by high prices for their products, since in this case you are buying not only equipment, but also a brand. Toshiba products have the lowest price. However, the high price is fully justified, including by the durability of the equipment. By the way, it was the Japanese who began to introduce 3D TVs to the market.

    The most famous Korean manufacturer can be called Samsung. Models of this brand are not only distinguished by good image sharpness and high color rendering quality, but are also considered a bestseller.

    So, about a third of our compatriots prefer this particular brand. Korean companies devote a lot of time to advanced technical developments. The correctness of this statement can be seen using the example of LG. Thus, at the world's leading exhibitions, the company always demonstrates equipment that is stunning in capabilities and design.

    As for European companies, the majority of the market in this segment belongs to the Dutch company Phillips. Among the wide range you can find offers in different price ranges. However, when deciding which brand of TV is best to buy, in most cases it is not the brand that is chosen, but the appropriate price category or screen type.

    Which brand of TV is better to buy - basic rules for choosing

    In the assortment of almost all television equipment manufacturing companies you can see three basic models: LCD TVs, LED or plasma.

    Each of these types has both advantages and disadvantages.

    The most common today are liquid crystal screens, which are a matrix of many dot pixels. Inside these elements there are crystals that can change their spatial position under the influence of an electric field. To obtain a picture at a certain level of brightness, powerful lamps are required, since the light has to overcome opaque crystals.

    That is why energy consumption, as well as the price of such devices, are high. Among the disadvantages of this image technology, one should also note inaccurate color reproduction (in particular, black), a small viewing angle and a noticeable loss of contrast.

    However, today the developers have eliminated almost all of these shortcomings. The advantage of liquid crystal technology is its widespread use. That is why the price of such devices is affordable for most consumers.

    LED TVs differ from LCD TVs in the way they have matrix backlighting - instead of fluorescent lamps, LEDs are installed.

    Thanks to this, natural color rendering is achieved, and, accordingly, the image.

    In addition, such TVs have significantly improved contrast and brightness. Moreover, the use of other lighting sources allows not only to reduce the thickness of the panel, but also to reduce energy consumption by forty percent. However, this technology is still quite expensive.

    Plasma models also have a matrix screen. However, in this case, the matrix consists of small cells filled with gas and sealed. Electrical voltage applied to the cell using transparent electrodes converts the gas into a plasma state, thereby causing it to emit ultraviolet light.

    A layer of phosphor is applied to the cell wall, which emits light in the red, blue or green spectrum. Plasma panels are approximately three times brighter than the other two types. However, there are a number of design nuances here - since creating a small cell is problematic, almost all “plasmas” are wide-format.

    Regarding the question of Which brand of TV is better to buy?, then it all depends on personal preferences and a combination of factors such as design, technical features and price.

    Review of modern TV models

    Among the LED TVs, we can highlight the Supra STV-LC46S990FL model, which has a 46-inch diagonal.

    The image on this TV will be of very high quality (especially considering the low price) - there are whites without any extraneous shades, and the blacks are quite deep.

    The scan frequency is only 50 Hz, which may not be enough for modern dynamic scenes. But with the help of this device you can provide yourself with almost complete access to the Internet. Audio is played through two 8W speakers. As for the design, it is quite organic and elegant. By the way, we need to mention the wireless keyboard included in the kit, as well as a Wi-Fi module and a built-in media player.

    As for LCD screens, the 32-inch Toshiba 32HL833R is the leader here. As for color reproduction, we can note deep blacks and the absence of oversaturation.

    You can adjust the image at your discretion - fortunately, the extensive settings allow this. The sound transmission system includes two five-watt speakers.

    The design is made in a laconic Japanese style. Separately, it should be noted the small thickness of the device - only forty-five mm. As for additional functions, they include support for Full HD, as well as the ability to play data from USB drives. The menu is simplified as much as possible, which allows you to understand the settings even without reading the instructions.

    It is clear that you can decide which TV is best to buy from a company only after a thorough analysis of offers with the same diagonal or in the same price segment.

    Separately, it should be noted plasma panels, among which the Panasonic TH-42PV500R stands out. This is an eighth-generation plasma that consumes a minimal amount of energy and practically does not heat up during operation.

    By using a special filter, color saturation and contrast are created, including black. The model's screen size is 42 inches. The sound system design is also unique - ultra-flat speakers and round buffers are used. Additional features include image magnification and picture-in-picture functionality.

    How to choose the right TV

    When choosing a TV by brand, you need to decide, first of all, on your budget - do you want to overpay for a Japanese brand or will a Korean equivalent be enough for you.

    In addition, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​​​use of television equipment - for example, in the kitchen it is enough to get by with a minimum of functions, since the TV most often serves only as a background. But in the living room and bedroom you may need a more “solid” device.

    Before you buy something, you need to clearly answer the question: “How much money can I spend on this?”

    Televisions belong to the category of equipment where the price is practically unlimited from above. There are more than worthy models for 20 thousand rubles, and there are also for six and a half million.

    How do you like a TV that costs more than the new 420-horsepower Porsche Cayenne S? The best thing about such models is the comments and feedback from the “buyers”.

    I sold my apartment in Moscow and bought a TV! I live in the box from under it, enjoying the 4K format! Everything is great, I recommend it!

    I bought four TVs for the room instead of wallpaper. Everything is beautiful, you can choose the terrain. The only downside is that you can’t leave the room, since there are no doors on the TV. Help me leave the room.

    It’s a shame that the kit doesn’t come with a person who will praise your choice during the warranty period.

    But seriously, the combination of the uncertainty of acceptable spending, lack of knowledge on the topic and some of the sellers’ techniques that provoke a person to buy and dull his sanity is a very real risk of losing a large sum or getting put on credit.

    Determine the dimensions

    “I’ll buy it now, and then I’ll figure out something about placement” is a very bad way to think before purchasing any large product.

    Most likely, you will want to place your newly purchased TV in an existing environment. This can be a separate bedside table, a set or a wall mount.

    1. If the TV turns out to be noticeably narrower or wider than the bedside table, then such a design will look very poor.
    2. A TV that is too large will simply not fit into the wall set, and this will become a big problem.

    Mounting it on a wall gives you more freedom, but it also has its limiting factors.

    There is such a thing as the optimal viewing distance. It is generally accepted that these are 3–4 diagonals of the TV.

    Let's say the diagonal is 40 inches. An inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters. 40 inches is 106.2 centimeters, that is, you are supposed to watch TV from at least three meters. Will it be possible to apply this rule in your house or apartment? No? It’s okay, because the optimal distance is a rather arbitrary parameter.

    It is much better to first measure the distance from which you will watch your future TV and evaluate candidates for purchase at exactly that distance. You yourself will understand which screen diagonal will be optimal for you.

    A screen that is too large will not allow you to capture the entire picture; your eyes will begin to run around the image, trying to see details in the periphery, and will quickly get tired.

    A screen that is too small will not work either. You realize that you do not see small details, and in general there will be no cinematic presence effect that a person expects to receive from a modern widescreen TV.

    Coming for a TV with a tape measure is normal.

    Optimal resolution

    Resolution is the number of pixels that make up the screen.

    Now the de facto industry standard is Full HD displays, in which the image consists of 1,920 pixels horizontally and 1,080 pixels vertically, but advertising is actively promoting 4K TVs, beautifully talking about the delights and advantages of this technology over “outdated” ones. Full HD.

    A 4K screen typically consists of 3,840 horizontal pixels and 2,160 vertical pixels.

    It turns out that such a display has four times more pixels.

    The more pixels, the clearer the image the screen can produce. Logical? Logical.

    This means that 4K TVs provide four times clearer images. Logical? No.

    Marketers are silent about two very important things:

    1. A 4K TV requires 4K content.
    2. The human eye is quite limited in perceiving clarity at a distance.

    The first feature can be easily demonstrated using any picture.

    Here is the Lifehacker logo in a resolution of 150 by 150 pixels. Let's assume this icon is designed to be viewed in Full HD.

    And here is the Lifehacker logo in a resolution of 300 by 300 pixels. Let's say it's made to be viewed in 4K.

    The difference in detail is noticeable, isn't it?

    Question: what happens if you don’t have an icon in 4K resolution, but only for Full HD? That's right, the TV will try to stretch the image to fill the screen. Look closely at what a 150 by 150 pixel icon looks like if you stretch it to 300 by 300 pixels.

    Do you see? The image has clearly gotten worse.

    For comparison, look at a normal 300 by 300 pixel logo, to the right of which is a logo with its original size of 150 by 150, stretched to 300 by 300 pixels.

    The difference in quality is obvious.

    Almost the same thing happens on the screen of a 4K TV when you run Full HD and even lower quality content on it.

    In a real situation, the difference will be less noticeable due to the so-called upscaling - image stretching, in which special algorithms try to neutralize accompanying defects. It turns out better, but it still can’t compare with the quality of real 4K content.

    Even in 2017, there is very little 4K content. The vast majority of films and programs are provided in Full HD or HD format.

    The second factor, due to the limitations of the human eye, is even easier to demonstrate.

    Take another look at the normal and stretched logos.

    Now slowly move away from the monitor.

    When Steve Jobs showed the world the iPhone 4, the world's first smartphone with a Retina screen, he meant that the pixels on the display of this device are so small that the eye cannot see them from a typical distance for working with a mobile phone.

    Human vision is actually not that sharp. For every screen, there is a distance from which the pixels that make up it are no longer visible. The larger the pixel, the greater this distance.

    You can use Lifehacker’s Retina calculator to independently calculate the pixel indistinguishability distance for any of your gadgets.

    The paradox is that on a Full-HD TV with a diagonal of 40 inches (106 centimeters), pixels cease to be visible from a distance of 160 centimeters, and the recommended minimum distance for comfortable viewing for it is 300 centimeters. The advantage of 4K will only appear when you sit in front of the same screen 80–150 centimeters away, but who will do that and why?

    Full HD already provides excessive clarity.

    Why then is 4K advertised so actively? In fact, this technology is needed, but only by designers and other specialists for whom it is important to correctly see the smallest details at close range on the monitor, but everything else is a marketing necessity that exists and works solely due to the lack of education of consumers.

    Think for yourself, what else should a TV manufacturer do when there are dozens of the same companies with the same products around? Of course, invent something new, something that will set him apart from the swamp of carbon-copy teleclones. Such innovation does not necessarily have to be beneficial to the user. The main thing is the very fact of the presence of something special, and the PR people will come up with everything right.

    Competitors, in order to keep up in the eyes of consumers, have to repeat such essentially useless innovations, but as a bonus, manufacturers get the opportunity to significantly raise prices. New technologies!


    Frequency is the number of times the image on the screen is updated in one second, measured in Hertz. 60 Hz means that in one second the image can be updated 60 times.

    It is believed that image refresh rates above 60 Hz are not detectable by humans. But to view three-dimensional content at 60 fps, when you need to alternately show frames for the left and right eyes, you need a 120 Hz TV.

    Higher frequencies, be it 240 Hz or 100,500 Hz, are just another marketing noodle.

    Matrix type

    In fact, the matrix market is now dominated by a single technology called LED, on the basis of which the vast majority of displays are created. That is, the screens of all TVs are approximately the same.

    Only the type of matrix is ​​important, and it will be either LED or the now actively promoted AMOLED.

    AMOLED is otherwise called organic matrices. It is very easy to distinguish an LED TV from an AMOLED TV based on price. The second one, with the same diagonal and other parameters, will cost much more.

    At the level of perception, an AMOLED screen beats an LED in only one, but very important, property: it is able to show you true black color.

    The main problem with LED is the accuracy of black display. The entire screen area is illuminated, regardless of the color of individual pixels, and black, as we know from the initial physics course, is not light, but the absence of light. As a result, black turns into some kind of gray, which is especially annoying in dark films and scenes.

    AMOLED works differently. In an organic matrix, each pixel glows independently, and when black is needed, the diode simply turns off, becoming truly black.

    Left - LED, right - AMOLED

    AMOLED displays are also credited with high “juiciness,” but this often has the opposite effect. The colors seem unnatural and acidic. Not everyone likes looking at such a picture. But when sunlight enters the room, the contents of the organic screen are almost invisible at all.

    The unreasonably high price of AMOLED does not allow us to call this technology competitive. Buy a regular LED TV and you won't go wrong.

    Color gamut

    As mentioned above, screens are now made using the same technology. And this technology is sufficiently debugged to show a picture of acceptable quality, covering the entire color range. For aesthetes, there is fine manual color adjustment, while for everyone else, preset modes are enough.

    All sorts of powerful phrases like Super True Absolute Elite Pro Vision are again marketing, dust in the eyes, just additional pre-configured modes. No more.

    Color gamut is a parameter that you don’t need to pay attention to at all.

    Flat screen or curved

    The curved screen is another example of a forced race among manufacturers, one of the most senseless innovations that brings more inconvenience than benefit.

    A curved TV must be viewed from a strictly defined position, when the distance from any point on the screen to the eyes is the same, otherwise the picture will be distorted. Try looking at the screen a little from the side, and you will understand everything.

    Accordingly, watching such TV with the whole family or with friends will be extremely inconvenient. The curved screen significantly reduces comfortable viewing angles.

    To put it simply, curved screen TVs are bullshit marketing and a waste of money.

    Smart TV or regular

    Essentially, Smart TV is a set of applications built into the TV shell for broadcasting various content from the Internet. Recently, manufacturers have been offering full-fledged Android with Google Play and their own sets of applications as a platform.

    The weak point of such solutions is management. Entering queries and moving the cursor using the remote control is long and inconvenient. A solution could be to use a smartphone or tablet as a control element. Check the availability of this option when choosing a model.

    However, if you buy a TV without a Smart TV and an Internet connection, you can make it smart later using an external set-top box from Apple or based on Android. Or use an intermediary like Google Chromecast to stream content from your smartphone or computer.

    Which option is better? Choose according to your preferences and price. It is quite possible that a separate set-top box will cost much less than a built-in Smart TV in a TV.

    The disadvantage of an external set-top box is that it will take up one HDMI port, which could be adapted for something else.

    The advantage of external attachments is that they can be changed based on needs. You can also install third-party firmware on them. The speed and frequency of software updates depends on the specific model of the set-top box.

    The choice of external set-top box is also determined by your budget. The price of a device, as a rule, directly depends on its capabilities and set of functions.

    The only critical criterion is whether your TV supports the resolution. Very cheap set-top boxes may work poorly or may not support Full HD resolution at all. Pay attention to this.

    If you know little about Smart TV and are not sure whether you will use it, then buy a TV without this feature. If necessary, you can always purchase a separate set-top box to view content from the Internet.

    Number of HDMI ports

    In many families, the TV becomes a multifunctional media center, that is, a lot of different devices are connected to it.

    If you plan to use a lot of peripherals, consider the number of HDMI connectors based on one port per device.

    For example:

    • TV set-top box as a substitute for Smart TV - 1 port.
    • Game console like PlayStation 4 or Xbox One - 1 port.
    • Media player - 1 port.

    As you can see, even a minimal set of equipment requires three HDMI ports. Calculate in advance the number of connectors you will need.


    A good speaker system is, by definition, bulky, but modern TVs, on the contrary, try to make them as thin and light as possible. There is simply nowhere to place a sound system.

    If you have the money, connoisseurs can choose among top-end TV models that have really cool sound. Such devices are huge, cost as much as a car and weigh several tens of kilograms.

    If you want it to rumble and bomb, buy the sound separately, multi-channel, with a subwoofer and a good amplifier.

    No “ordinary” TV will give you the richest bass, balanced mids and crystal highs, and therefore you don’t need to pay attention to acoustics at all.

    Action Plan

    So, have you read everything and are ready to buy a new TV? Great. Well, so as not to forget anything, we offer you everything described above in the form of a short list.

    1. Decide on the maximum amount you can spend on a TV.
    2. Decide on the permissible dimensions of the future TV.
    3. Measure the distance from which you will watch TV. When choosing, evaluate candidates for purchase from the same distance.
    4. Decide on resolution. Think about whether you will need 4K in the near future, or whether Full HD will suffice.
    5. Decide on frequency. Consider whether you need a TV with a frequency greater than 120 Hz.
    6. Decide on the type of matrix. Visit the store in advance and compare the images and prices of regular and AMOLED TVs in person.
    7. Decide on the shape of the screen. Visit the store in advance and compare the images and costs of regular and curved TVs in person.

    What could be better than relaxing in a comfortable chair with a cup of tea or coffee in front of the TV after a hard day? However, is it possible to achieve maximum effect without high-quality equipment? Many will answer this question in the negative. Color reproduction, stereo sound, screen size, the presence of a remote control - all this affects the sensations while watching your favorite television channels. Considering that this type of equipment costs a lot of money, everyone wants to purchase a device that will work for a long time without breakdowns. What acts as a guarantor? Of course, the brand. It's no secret that if you choose the right brand of TV, it will serve faithfully for many years.

    Some reputable publications annually compile brand popularity ratings. It takes into account the price-quality ratio, reliability level, service life, functionality and other criteria. It is worth noting that there are already firmly entrenched leaders. Among them are brands such as Samsung, Sony, Philips, Panasonic and others.

    Let's look at the best TV brands. The article will provide information about their advantages and disadvantages. In it you can get acquainted with the technologies used by the manufacturer, new products, and also find out which brands the domestic buyer trusts and why. The rating was compiled based on reviews and consumer demand.

    Which brand of TV should I choose?

    Currently in Russia the range of household appliances is truly huge. The stores sell goods from both foreign and domestic brands. However, such diversity is both an advantage and a disadvantage, since it is easy for an ignorant person to get confused. All modern TV models are designed for different consumers, among them there are both budget devices and those that belong to the premium class. The main difference between them is the price. It’s immediately worth noting that its range is quite large. But this is not the only difference. Service life, innovative technologies, reliability, signal quality, functionality - and this is only a small part of the criteria that are worth paying attention to. In order to simplify your choice, you can simply study the reputation of the brand (manufacturer). Thanks to this information, you will be able to see the real picture of the quality of the devices: the number of manufacturing defects, breakdowns, etc. It is also worth paying attention to the availability of service centers and spare parts, since many people have problems repairing equipment of certain brands. Let us note that world-famous companies try to take such nuances into account. That is why their products are in high demand.

    So, what brands of TVs are popular in Russia? These are Samsung, Sony, LG, Philips, Panasonic, Toshiba.


    The Korean manufacturer has long occupied a leading position in the global market. Six years ago, Samsung opened production in Russia. This solution made it possible to sell digital equipment for relatively little money. What does this brand offer the buyer? Thin LCD TV with a wide range of functions. For example, the It model is equipped with LED backlighting. Screen diagonal - 32".


    • beautiful design;
    • good level of brightness and contrast;
    • multifunctionality;
    • convenient Smart TV interface;
    • availability of service centers in almost every Russian city.

    As for the shortcomings, most buyers did not find any at all. The only thing that could overshadow the viewing of your favorite television channels was the too bright colors in some models. However, at the present moment such a defect has been practically eliminated.


    Japanese TV brands have always been famous for their quality. Sony is no exception. This company has been in high demand for a long time. Now the manufacturer offers two new products: the Bravia TV (its own development, equipped with the Sony Entertainment Network interface) and the NSZ-GS7 set-top boxes (the Google TV platform was used to create them). The devices demonstrate not only online broadcasting, but also pre-recorded programs. The network memory is quite large.

    Modern models have quick access to applications such as Skype, Youtube, VK, Facebook.


    • build quality;
    • original design;
    • wide range of functions.

    The only disadvantages include the high cost. It is this that largely influences consumer demand.


    The Korean TV brand LG is an excellent option for those who are not willing to pay a lot of money. Its products are sold at an affordable price, but are practically not inferior in equipment and quality to more expensive brands. In Russia, LG TVs are sold in a wide range and are popular. It was this South Korean company that introduced domestic buyers to all the possibilities of innovative Smart TV technology.


    • interesting design;
    • Direct LED backlight;
    • excellent image quality in 3D format;
    • affordable price;
    • modern content;
    • the ability to display images from different sources;
    • Smart Share app;
    • a large number of service centers.

    No defects were found, but there may be some manufacturing defects.


    If we consider inexpensive brands of TVs, then we definitely need to talk about Philips products. It has been sold on the Russian market for a very long time. Thanks to good equipment, TVs of this brand sell out quickly. Interesting and useful services, for example, the Wi-Fi Miracast application, are especially popular. Using it, you can transmit images wirelessly.


    • high image quality;
    • a large number of useful functions;
    • low price;
    • direct data transfer (without downloading) from any media;
    • Ambilight lighting.

    If you study the reviews, you can see negative statements. They mainly concern the operation of the menu. Many have noticed that it slows down.


    An equally interesting brand of digital technology is Panasonic. The Japanese company is once again proving its high level of quality. The TVs have a unique feature called Viera Connect. Thanks to it, a grid of nine frames is displayed on the screen. The online broadcast mode is displayed in the center, and images from other sources are displayed along the edges. Setting up the application is very easy. You can also use the online store, which offers various videos, games and applications.


    • reliability;
    • modern design;
    • equipment;
    • average price;
    • excellent image quality.

    No obvious shortcomings were noticed by the consumer.


    Continuing to study the best brands of TVs, we will again return to Japanese quality. This time we propose to consider products sold under the Toshiba brand. The devices were distinguished by their modern equipment. The company develops the technologies used independently. The Toshiba Places smart system deserves special attention. It allows you to create multiple accounts, thanks to which you can limit access to certain functions. This application is ideal for monitoring children, as you can ban some content. The devices are also equipped with quick access to social networks. You can set the necessary settings in your account.

    Let's sum it up

    Which brand of TV is better, everyone can decide only individually. Of course, there are certain criteria that it is recommended to pay special attention to, but buyers will be able to indicate their importance on their own, based on personal preferences. After all, during a purchase, as a rule, a lot is decided by the ratio of price and quality, since not every domestic consumer is able to pay a fortune for a TV, even if it is equipped with the latest technologies. And, as you know, world-famous brands somewhat inflate the prices of their products.

    In this guide, we look at the largest and most famous TV manufacturers such as Samsung, LG, Philips, Panasonic and Sony, along with brands such as Toshiba, and Sharp.

    We'll also rate premium players Loewe and Bang & Olufsen and value products.

    Samsung: is it worth buying?

    Being the largest and most popular television brand in Russia and, perhaps, in the world, Samsung offers a wide range of LED LCD TVs with screens ranging from 19 inches to 105 inches (267 centimeters diagonally). Although Samsung has released several TVs with plasma screen technology, the manufacturer has announced that production of these products will soon be completed.

    Along with HD TVs, Samsung also produces 4K or Ultra-HD models. The company has advanced technologies in the field of Smart TV and has one of the most powerful and easy-to-use platforms.

    Samsung TVs performed well in our laboratory conditions; many models received the mark recommended by Technocontrol, including inexpensive models costing up to 30,000 rubles. Samsung often offers excellent picture quality and a wide range of different features, not all of which work flawlessly every time.

    Panasonic: Until 2013, Panasonic was criticized for failures in design and quality of its products, but since then the Japanese manufacturer has shown positive dynamics of change.

    While Panasonic's Smart TV functionality isn't one of the best TV brands out there right now, it's getting better. We believe Panasonic has the potential to create outstanding TVs, but the challenges and risks along the way cannot be underestimated.

    Premium TV brands

    If you're looking for stylish design, unusual functionality or just want to show off to your friends, then premium TV brands such as Bang & Olufsen and Loewe may be for you. However, keep in mind that these TVs are very expensive, and their quality does not always match their high price.

    Bang & Olufsen: Bang & Olufsen (B&O) has a reputation for attractive and stylish designs using premium materials. Its flagship BeoVision TVs looks amazing, but can cost upwards of RUB 600,000. B&O also offers mid-range BeoPlay models and a Smart TV that can be hung from the ceiling and connect to Apple TV. Although such models are cheaper than BeoVision, 120,000 rubles for the 32-inch version is not the price limit.

    Loewe: Crafted in their distinctive Danish style, Loewe TVs boast premium sound quality and premium features such as a built-in video player. Hence the price for the 32-inch model, which can exceed 80,000 rubles.

    Cheap TVs

    In addition to large well-known brands, a large share of sales comes from cheap TVs from lesser-known manufacturers and even products from electronics stores themselves. What all of these TVs have in common is their low price, but once in the hands of our experts, they usually turn out to be of insufficient quality upon closer inspection.

    Technocontrol team

    TV has long ceased to be a luxury, having become a familiar attribute of most apartments and houses, as well as a leisure center for the whole family. That is why many people, not intending to save on their own pleasure, are ready to spend a lot of money buying really high-quality equipment. Of course, they are interested in which TV manufacturer is considered the best. Alas, it is impossible to give a clear answer here - each of the large world-famous companies has certain strengths. Therefore, we will try to compile the TOP, including the best TV companies based on customer reviews and image quality. This will allow each buyer to choose the model that suits him.

    TOP 10 best TV companies 2018

    Progress does not stand still. Every year, large companies produce several, or even several dozen, television models. It is very easy to get confused in them, especially for a non-professional who is not very well versed in modern technologies and does not follow regular updates.

    But still, you can judge a lot by demand. So, which ten manufacturers' TVs are most actively purchased in 2018? Let's try to figure out this difficult issue.

    1. Samsung

    The first place in our TOP is rightfully occupied by the South Korean company Samsung - one of the best TV manufacturers on the modern market. It is its products that are most actively purchased both in our country and in many others. Which is not surprising - Samsung TVs are presented in a huge range. For example, the smallest of them have a diagonal of only 24 inches, and the largest - as much as 88! So, among them, each buyer will be able to choose a model that suits him in terms of cost, size and functionality. Experts are actively introducing the latest technologies, presenting an extensive line of 4K TVs with OLED screens that provide excellent color reproduction. Alas, it was not without its shortcomings either. Still, many Asian companies, trying to increase profits, habitually skimp on build quality.


    • Wide selection of models.
    • Introduction of modern technologies.
    • Low video latency (especially important for gamers).
    • Convenient and easy to learn SMART.


    • Poor build quality - there are often cracks and gaps in the case.


    Another very good brand of TV, practically keeping up with the leader, and sometimes even ahead of it. The main focus of the LJ company (also South Korean) is on the middle price segment. Which, however, does not mean that premium devices are not produced. It’s nice that the price always corresponds to the quality - you definitely don’t have to overpay for a loud and carefully promoted brand. Many models have LED backlighting, creating the illusion of a huge screen. And TVs with OLED matrix do not make you dream of the best.
    The functionality of most devices is enormous, but there are budget TVs (including quite large ones with excellent picture quality) that are as easy as possible to learn.


    • Large selection of relatively inexpensive models with 4K resolution.
    • Unique technologies HLG, HDR, Dolby Vision.
    • Huge viewing angle.
    • Excellent color rendition.
    • Wide model range.
    • A very convenient SMART platform – WebOS.


    • When watching high-definition videos, the image sometimes appears to stutter.


    Several years ago, this Japanese company was the undisputed leader in the LCD TV market. But today, in a constant struggle, competitors managed to bypass her, which, however, does not at all mean the end of her career.
    The company does not focus on any one price segment. Instead, she tries to cover all niches - from budget to premium. Well, it cannot be said that they are not succeeding - the stable demand for the company’s products speaks louder than words.

    Moreover, according to some experts, Sony is considered the best TV company in the 2018 ranking. One of the main advantages is the incredible realism of the image - there are no glitches in color rendering, the TV seems like just a window into another world. Of course, every TV has the best picture quality available today.

    However, not only engineers, but also designers work carefully on products. Each model boasts a magnificent, precisely calibrated design. So if you're looking for a sleek, thin TV, Sony won't let you down. Finally, unlike many other Asian brands, the build quality here is excellent.


    • Large selection of diagonals - from 30 to 100 inches.
    • Amazingly high quality picture.
    • Consistently high-quality assembly.
    • Lots of proprietary technologies that are well implemented.
    • Superbly crafted design.


    • Quite a high cost.
    • Infrequent software updates.

    4. Philips

    One of the reasons why Philips TVs are in such high demand is their loyalty to the budget segment. While flagships strive to improve expensive models as much as possible, this company is gradually but constantly improving cheap ones. The excellent image quality does its job - millions of people around the world prefer these inexpensive TVs. Thanks to the dynamic Ambilight backlighting available on most models, colors look amazingly rich and realistic.

    However, it cannot be said that while releasing affordable TVs, Philips forgot about expensive ones. No, there are also models with a huge diagonal and 4K resolution. But this is not the first year that the main income has been generated by inexpensive models.

    True, they have a weak point. In an effort to reduce costs, manufacturers use frankly outdated hardware, which competitors abandoned several years ago. So, you will have to put up with such a drawback.


    • Good value for money.
    • Surprisingly thin models.
    • High contrast and clarity.
    • Excellent color rendition.


    • Not too fast Smart.
    • The settings menu is often not very convenient.

    5. Panasonic

    Panasonic TVs have been in stable demand for several years. However, today manufacturers rely primarily on expensive models equipped with 4K LED screens or OLED analogues. But the budget and mid-range niches are practically forgotten - the choice is quite small. It is because of this that a huge company with a rich history is slowly losing ground, finding itself at the end of the famous manufacturers. And the available budget models cannot boast of high quality. Screens are usually small, in addition, many users of Panasonic TVs complain about a blurry picture - this is especially noticeable at dynamic prices.


    • Large selection of 3D models.
    • High reliability ensured by European assembly.
    • Well thought out design.
    • Convenient and simple Smart based on Firefox OS.


    • Expensive premium models.
    • Low quality budget devices.

    6. Thompson

    Once upon a time, the fame of this company (French-American, it should be noted) thundered throughout the world. But about twenty years ago it was sold to Chinese owners and since then its popularity has sharply declined. And yet Thompson TVs find their buyer. True, stars have been missing from the sky for a long time. The range is small and consists of small TVs - the diagonal ranges from 19 to 55 inches. But hotel models are quite good - inexpensive, easy to use and at the same time quite high quality. It's nice that almost any TV from this company can boast of a small thickness and surprisingly thin frames.


    • The simplest possible controls.
    • Very affordable price.
    • All models have a digital tuner.
    • Thin frames.


    • Not too wide viewing angle.
    • Quite slow Smart.

    7. Supra

    In terms of reliability, the TVs from this company are quite good - this is due to the fact that they are assembled by Russian-Chinese enterprises. And the price tag is very affordable - such a purchase will not put too much of a strain on your pocket, which attracts many buyers. Most TVs are not too large - from 19 to 50 inches. But there haven’t been any innovations for a long time - the company is trying to supply inexpensive and good TVs, and not turn the world upside down. The company is more focused on buyers with a small budget.


    • Low price.
    • Not a bad design.
    • There are TVs with and without SMART TV.


    • Blurred image in dynamic scenes.
    • The sound is often lame.


    The products of this Chinese company cannot be called ideal. But still, it receives positive reviews from many users. Manufacturers have not made any major breakthroughs, but small pleasant improvements have taken place. For example, some TVs come with two remote controls - one main, large one, and the other small, with only the most frequently used buttons. The solution is simple, but very elegant.

    Models with large screens are almost never produced, and the company clearly does not aim at the premium segment, being content with the budget niche.


    • Affordable price.
    • Small but pleasant innovations.
    • You can often find models running on Android OS.
    • Stable glass legs.


    • Not very high quality.

    9. HARPER

    This Taiwanese company was founded in 1990. It follows a proven, reliable path, producing inexpensive but high-quality televisions that do not set taste, but meet the requirements of the owners. Judging by the reviews, the color rendition is surprisingly good, which can be called an important plus. The functionality is also quite good - the developers took the most successful functions from more venerable competitors, instead of reinventing the wheel.


    • Rich, bright colors.
    • Not a high price.
    • Simple settings.


    • Lack of any innovations.
    • Mediocre quality of materials.

    10. Akai

    A Japanese company that focuses on mid-segment TVs. Models are very popular when installed in hotels and other public places, as well as in kitchens. Surprisingly simple settings, good color rendition and a wide viewing angle - what else do most people need? A lot of attention was paid to the design, making it surprisingly stylish and attractive. So, these may not be the best TVs, but you definitely won’t regret this purchase. Therefore, the company fully deserves the right to close the list of best brands.


    • Simple settings.
    • Good viewing angle.
    • Affordable price.


    • Small model line.
    • There are difficulties with translating instructions and software support.

    Which brand of TV is better to buy?

    This concludes our ranking of the best TV manufacturers. In it, we tried to list the companies whose products are most in demand in our country and around the world. You can rest assured that you will not regret choosing a TV from one of these manufacturers. First of all, decide on the cost and those functions that you really need.