• Mach 3 working with the program. Setting up Mach3 for your machine. Key Features and Functions

    Mach3 is a software package that runs on a PC and turns it into a cost-effective machine control station. To run Mach3 you need to have a PC running Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows 7 32bit. The program developers recommend using a computer with a processor of 1 GHz and at least 1 GB of RAM. A desktop computer gives better results than laptops and is much cheaper. In addition, you can use this computer for other tasks when it is not busy controlling your machine. When installing on a laptop, it is recommended to carry out.

    Mach3 and its parallel port driver connects to the machine hardware via a parallel port (printer port). If your computer is not equipped with a parallel port (more and more computers are being released without this port), you can purchase a special card - USB-LPT, which connects to the computer via a USB port, or purchase a PCI-LPT or PCI-E port expander card. LPT.

    1. After installing the Mach3 program, check the operation of the driver.

    After installing the program, run the DriverTest.exe file, and if the driver is working correctly, we see the picture, Figure 1.

    Figure 2. Viewing LPT port settings

    Mach3 only supports LPT1 or LPT2 ports; if, when installing an external board, the port number is LPT3, then it must be changed in the device manager to LPT1.

    The port address can be viewed in the properties (right mouse button on the highlighted text), tab - resources.

    For example, if the port address is CE00, then in Mach3 you need to change 0x378 (Figure 4) to 0xCE00.

    And also copy the file mach3usb.dll( You cannot download files from our server) to the folder c:\mach3\plugins.

    TB6560HQT controllers are designed to control bipolar stepper motors with a maximum winding current of up to 3.5 A. The vast majority of motors with frame sizes up to NEMA23 fall into this category, i.e. having a side size of up to 2.3 inches or 57 cm.

    Figure 3 Control controller for a CNC machine in a closed aluminum case (pictured with the cover removed, for operation in 1/2 step mode, switch 5 is in the ON position, switch 6 is in the OFF position, in the controllers included with the machine, the switches are already set, no changes are required )

    Switching modes is ensured by selecting the positions of DIP switches M1 and M2 for each of the controller channels (in the controllers included with the machine, the switches are already set, no changes are required!).

    The supply voltage for the motors and controller is from 12 volts to 36 volts.

    The controller and all motors are powered from the same source.

    The controller has a built-in system for stabilizing the current in the winding, the current value does not depend on the model of the stepper motor used and is determined by: the maximum current of the windings - by the value of the measuring resistors installed in the controller, the current - by the position of DIP switches S1-S4 in each of the controller channels.

    To improve the operation of the controller and increase its speed qualities, it is possible to set the decay rate of the current in the winding; this is ensured by changing the positions of DIP switches S7-S8 for each controller channel.










    50%->20% ON OFF



    Controllers purchased complete with the machine are already configured and do not require changing the position of the configuration jumpers. If the controller is purchased separately, then before turning it on for the first time, set the current to 25% (after all checks, the current can be increased, more details in point 4), leave the decay rate unchanged, and step crushing mode - 1/2 half-step.

    2. Port installation.

    In the "config" menu, select "Port and Pins" and check the desired port, Figure 4.

    Figure 5. Setting up stepper motor control pins in the Mach3 program.

    Select the adjacent tab "Input Signal" and make changes as in the picture, Figure 6.

    Figure 7 Setting the output signals of the Mach3 program.

    Note. If, after completing the setup, when you press the Reset button, the controller does not turn on (the controller is turned on by the hissing of the stepper motors, and when controlling movement with the keyboard arrows, the stepper motors do not rotate, then you need to invert the control signal to turn on the controller, this can be done by clicking the mouse in the Active field Low (Figure 7) to change the checkmark to a cross, and click the "apply" button).

    For cnc-2535al machines, the pin that controls turning on the controller is number 14, Figure 8

    Figure 8 Setting the output signals of the Mach3 program.

    5 Setting idle speeds and gear ratios.

    In the "config" menu, select "Motor Tuning"

    Gear ratios, speeds and accelerations are set separately for each axis, so select the desired axis, for example “X axis” (Axis X) and enter data for it, then save the data and move on to the next axis.

    Gear ratio(for installed CNC machine lead screw)

    In the Steps per mm box, data is entered in accordance with the table for helical gears connected directly to the motor having a single step angle of 1.8 degrees.

    Screw pitch mm

    Full step

    1/2 step

    1/8 step

    1/16 step

    1.5 (M10) 133,33333 266,66666 1066,66666
    1.75 (M12) 114,28571 228,57142 914,28571
    2.0 (TR10) 100 200 800
    3.0 (TR12) 66,66666 133,33333 533,33333
    4.0(TR14) 50 100 200
    5.0 (ShVP1605) 40 80 320
    10.0 (ShVP1610) 20 40 160

    We enter the gear ratio data into the program (steps per MM / Steps per).

    Attention! The fractional separator is a dot, not a comma.

    Set the number of steps per mm for the X axis (similarly for Y)

    For Modelist 2030 with screw M12 Steps per equal to "228.57142"

    For aluminum machine cnc-2020al (200mm x 200mm) with screw TR10 Steps per equal to "200"

    For aluminum machine cnc-2535al (250mm x 350mm) with screw TR14 Steps per equal to "100"

    For Modelist 3030 with screw TR12 Steps per equal to "133.333333"

    For Modelist 3040, Modelist 4060, Modelist 4080 and aluminum machines (cnc-1522al2, cnc-2535al2, cnc-3040al, cnc-3040al2, cnc-6090al) with ball screw 1605 Steps per equal to "80".

    For Modelist4090, Modelist6090, Modelist60120 and aluminum machines Modelist (Modelist60120al, Modelist90120al, Modelist120120al) with ball screw 1610 in Y, Steps per for the Y axis equal to “40”, for the other axes “80”.

    Velocity speed of movement is set to no more than 3000 for machines with Ball Screw 1605, no more than 1000 for Modelist 2020 and 2030, Acceleration is set to “50”, step pulse duration of Step Pulse and Dir Pulse is set to “15”, that is, as in the picture, Figure 9 .

    Figure 9. Setting the gear ratio, idle speed and acceleration.

    then press the SAVE AXIS SETTING button to save

    Go to the Y Axis tab, set everything similarly to the X axis. Save.

    Go to the Z Axis tab. Set for the Z axis:

    For Modelist 2030 with Z axis screw M12 Steps per equal to "228.57142"

    For Modelist3030 and aluminum machine cnc-2020al (200mm x 200mm) with Z axis screw TR10 Steps per equal to "200"

    For a machine made of aluminum cnc-2535al (250mm x 350mm) with a Z axis screw TR14 Steps per equal to "100"

    For aluminum machines with Z axis screw ShVP1605 Steps per equal to "80"

    For Modelist 3040-4060-4090 with Z axis screw TR12 Steps per equal to "133.333333".

    We set the Velocity speed in the same way as described in the X-axis section.

    Automatic calculation of "steps per" values ​​(steps per mm), that is, calibration of the axes.

    Figure 10. Automatic calibration

    We move the calibrated axis to the starting point.
    1 - Go to the settings mode, in Figure 10 the action is indicated by number 1.
    2 - We start calibrating the axes, in Figure 10 the action is indicated by number 2.
    3 - Select the axis to be calibrated; in Figure 10, the action is indicated by number 3.
    4 - Click "OK".
    5 - Enter the distance for calibration, for example 100mm.
    6 - Click "OK". The machine will move the tool to the distance specified in step 5.
    7 - Measure the actual displacement and enter this value.
    8 - Click "OK". The MACH3 program will calculate the calibration value.
    9 - We agree with the program and save the new calibration value.
    10 - Exit calibration mode.
    11 - After completing all calibrations, we return to the main menu of the program.
    It is advisable to repeat this operation twice - the first time at a distance of 10 mm, and the second time at 90% of the working area of ​​the calibrated axis.

    6. Setting the driven axis (only for 4 motor machines Modelist 3030M and Modelist 60100 and Modelist 90120)

    For 4 motorized machines with two driving motors on one axis, it is necessary to make settings for the fourth driven motor. To do this, in the menu Config -> Slave Axis (Figure 11) in the “Slave Axis Selection” settings in the “Y Axis Slaved Axis” section, select “A Axis” (Figure 12)

    Figure 13. Starting order

    At this moment, the engines should fix their position and make a slight noise. If this does not happen, check step 1.

    If the controller is already configured from the machine kit, proceed to step 8.

    If it is necessary to adjust the controller current, then after waiting 15-20 minutes, we determine the heating of the motors and the radiator of the controller, and if their temperature has not increased, you can set the position of DIP switches T1-T2 to the position corresponding to the rated current for these motors. If you don't know the current rating, set the DIP switches to 50% current and wait another 15 to 20 minutes to check the heating again. If there is no heating, you can increase the current to 75% or 100%. The current is considered optimal when the engines, after half an hour of operation, do not heat up to a temperature above 50-60 degrees. The controller radiator should heat up no higher than 40 degrees during prolonged operation.

    8 Operation check

    Go to the MDI Alt2 tab (you can press the "alt"+"2" keys), press the RESET button, the yellow squares to the left of the button should go out, and the flashing strip above the button should turn green. Now, by pressing the arrows on the keyboard (left, right, up, down), we observe movement along the axes on the machine, and on the screen, a change in coordinates in the X Y fields at the top left; to move along the Z axis, the PageUP, PageDown buttons. To check the correctness of the settings, you need to place a ruler on the table and, using the keyboard to control the movement with the arrows, check that the distance traveled on the ruler matches the readings in the MACH3 windows. If the distance is 10 times less, then check the installed unit system; on the Settings screen at the bottom right - mm/inch should be selected inch. Or Config - Select Native Units and select inch.

    If the direction of movement is not correct, you can change it in the config->port and pins->motor outputs menu and change the Dir Low Active value in the desired channel, Figure 14.

    Figure 15. Checking operation

    Go to the ToolPatch tab, load the prepared G-code (by selecting File -> Load G-code), observe the dimensions of the part and the position on the table as in the picture, Figure 16.

    Figure 17

    This completes the setup.

    If you wish, you can experiment with setting different speeds and accelerations, choosing those that suit you best and at which the motors rotate steadily without skipping steps or jerking.

    The maximum speed is approximately 500-600 mm/min for each millimeter of screw pitch. Those. if your screw has a pitch of 1.5 mm, you can achieve a speed of approximately 1000 mm/min, for a ball screw with a pitch of 5 mm this value is already 3000 mm/min, and for a ball screw 1610 as much as 6000 mm/min!

    Having achieved the maximum possible speed, keep in mind that for real stable operation it is advisable to reduce these values ​​by 20-40%.

    You can also experiment with the rate of decay of the current in the windings, but it is better to do this on a finished machine.

    For future work, use the MACH3.. program instructions.

    Mach3 is a software package that runs on a PC and turns it into a cost-effective machine control station. To run Mach3, you need to have a PC running Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista 32-bit. (A registry patch may be required to run Windows Vista, which can be downloaded from www.machsupport.com.) ArtSoft USA recommends a minimum 1GHz processor and a 1024 x 768 pixel monitor. A desktop computer gives better results compared to laptops and is much cheaper. In addition, you can use this computer for other tasks when it is not busy controlling your machine. When installing on a laptop, it is recommended to system optimization for Mach3.

    Mach3 and its parallel port driver connect to the machine hardware through one (sometimes two) parallel port (printer port). If your computer is not equipped with a parallel port (more and more computers are being released without this port), you can purchase a special card - USB-LPT, which connects to the computer via a USB port, or purchase a PCI-LPT or PCI-E port expander card. LPT.

    Mach3 generates step pulses and direction signals by sequentially executing G-code commands and sends them to the computer port(s) or external controller. The electric drive boards for your machine's axis motors must accept the step and direction signals (step and dir) issued by the Mach3 program. This is how all stepper motors and modern DC and AC servo systems equipped with digital encoders (position sensors) usually work.
    To configure your CNC system to use Mach3, you need to install the Mach3 software on your computer and properly connect your motor drives to the computer port.
    Mach3 is a very flexible program designed to control machines such as milling machines, lathes, plasma cutters and tracers. The characteristics of machines controlled by Mach3 are as follows:

    · Partial manual control. Emergency stop button ( EStop) must be present on any machine.

    · Two or three axes located at right angles to each other (denoted as X, Y, and Z)

    · A tool moving relative to the workpiece. The initial positions of the axes are fixed relative to the workpiece. The relativity of motion is that (1) the tool moves (for example, a milling cutter clamped in a spindle moves along the Z axis or a turning tool clamped in a clamp moves in the direction of the X and Z axes) or (2) the table and clamped there is a workpiece on it (for example, on a cantilever milling machine, the table moves in the directions of the X, Y and Z axes when the tool and spindle are stationary).

    And additionally:

    · Switches that indicate when the tool is in the "Base" position.

    · Switches that define restrictions on the permitted relative movement of the tool.

    · Controlled “spindle”. The spindle can rotate the tool (cutter) or the workpiece (turning).

    · Up to three additional axes. They can be defined as rotational (i.e. their movement is measured in degrees) or linear. Each of the additional linear axes can be assigned to an X, Y, or Z axis. They will move together, controlled by the NC or your manual moves, but are accessed separately (see paragraph 5.6.4 for a detailed description).

    · A switch or switches connected to form a machine safety circuit.

    · Control of the cooling supply method (liquid and/or gaseous)

    · Probe - a probe in the tool holder that allows you to digitize existing parts or models.

    · Encoders, position sensors with a glass scale that can show the position of machine components

    · Special functions.

    In most cases, the machine is connected to the computer on which Mach3 is installed via the computer's parallel (printer) port(s). A simple machine uses one port, a complex one sometimes requires two. Special functions such as LCD display, tool change, axis locking or chip conveyor are controlled by connecting a special ModBus device (for example, PLC or Homan Design ModIO controller). Alternatively, the connection can occur through a "keyboard emulator", which generates pseudo keystrokes in response to input signals. Mach3 controls six axes at once, coordinating their simultaneous movement using linear interpolation, or performing circular interpolation on two axes (of X, Y and Z), while linearly interpolating the remaining four using the angle covered by circular interpolation. Thus, if necessary, the tool can move along a tapering helical path. The feed rate during these movements is maintained at the value specified in your control program (CP), subject to the acceleration limits and maximum speed of the axes. You can manually move along the axes using various manual movement methods. If your machine's mechanism is a robot arm or hexapod, then Mach3 will not be able to control it because it will require kinematic calculations to relate the position of the "tool" at X, Y and Z to the length and rotation of the machine's "arm". Mach3 can start the spindle, rotate it in any direction, and turn it off. It is also possible to control the rotation speed (in rpm) and monitor the angle of its inclination for tasks such as thread cutting. Mach3 can switch two types of cooling supply on and off. Mach3 monitors Estop switches and controls the use of Base switches, safety equipment and limit switches. Mach3 stores a parameter database of up to 256 units of different tools. However, if your machine has an automatic tool or magazine changer, you will have to operate it yourself. Mach3 has the ability to set macros, but to work with this
    function, the user needs to know programming.

    Options for axis motion drives
    Stepper and servo motors
    There are two possible types of driving force for axle drives
    1 Stepper motor
    2 Servomotor (DC or AC)
    Each of them can move the axis of motion through lead screws (straight or ball screws), belts, chains, gears or worm gears. The method of transmitting motion determines the speed and torque received from the engine, depending on the gear ratio and the characteristics of the mechanical drive. Properties of bipolar stepper motor:

    Low cost

    · Simple 4-wire connection to the motor

    · Almost maintenance-free

    · Engine speed is limited to approximately 1000 rpm and torque is limited to approximately 3000 oz/in (21 Nm). The maximum speed is determined by operating the motor or drive electronics at their maximum permissible voltage. Maximum torque is determined by running the engine at its maximum current capacity (in amperes).

    · For production needs, machine steppers must be controlled by a microstepping controller with step division, ensuring smooth operation at any speed with appropriate efficiency.

    · Steppers typically provide only open loop control. This means that there is a possibility of steps being lost under heavy loads and this may not be immediately noticeable to the user of the machine. In practice, stepper motors provide quite sufficient performance on standard machines

    On the other hand, a servo motor is:

    · Relatively high price (especially for DC motors)

    · Cables required for both motor and encoder

    Brush maintenance required (on AC motors)

    · Motor speed can reach 4000 rpm and torque is virtually unlimited (as your budget allows!)

    · Closed loop control is used so that the actuator position must always be correct (otherwise a fault will be signaled)

    Milling machine with cross carriage
    Let's start by checking the minimum possible driving distance. This will be the absolute limit on the accuracy of the work performed on the machine. Afterwards we will check the acceleration and torque. For example, let's say you have created a milling machine with a cross carriage (Y axis) and the cross carriage travel is 12 inches. You are going to use a single thread, 0.1 inch pitch screw with a ball nut. Your goal is to achieve a minimum movement of 0.0001
    inches. One full turn of the screw in 0.1" increments produces 0.1" of movement, so 0.0001" of movement is 1/1000th of that. This is 1/1000th of a revolution of the motor shaft if it is directly connected to the propeller. Using a stepper motor. The minimum step of a stepper motor depends on how it is driven. Typically, common stepper motors have 200 full steps per revolution, but controllers also provide micro-stepping modes. Microstepping modes help achieve smooth movement at higher feed rates, and many controllers allow 10 microsteps per full step. 200 step motor with 10 micro steps per full step
    provides 1/2000 of a revolution as the minimum step. As shown in the example above, two micro steps will give the desired minimum movement of 0.0001 inches. This, however, must be viewed with some caveats. While the number of microsteps per step increases, the torque decreases rapidly. Depending on the load placed on the motor, there may not be enough torque to actually move the motor one microstep. It may be necessary to do
    several microsteps before sufficient torque is available. In general, for accurate results, use a non-microstepping mode. The main benefits of microstepping are reduced mechanical noise, smoother startup, and reduced resonance problems. Now let's turn our attention to the possible speed of accelerated travel. Assume, at a minimum, that the maximum engine speed is 500 rpm. In our example with
    0.1 inch lead screw, 500 rpm will give an accelerated travel speed of 50 inches per minute, or about 15 seconds to cover 12 inches of guide length. This result is satisfactory but not impressive. At this speed, the microstepping motor drive electronics require 16,667 (500 rpm * 200 steps per revolution * 10 microsteps per step / 60 seconds per minute) pulses per second. On a 1 GHz computer, Mach3 can generate 35,000 pulses per second simultaneously for each of the 6 possible axes. So, she will cope with such a task without problems. Now you need to determine the torque required for the machine, which will determine the parameters of the required motor. One way to measure this is to set the machine to the heaviest cut you think you'll ever make, apply the highest amount of torque (say 12") on the hand wheel used on the guides, tighten the balance spring all the way down (or adjust a spring from a kitchen scale for these purposes). The torque for this cut (in ounces-inches) is the balance reading (in ounces) x 12. Another way is to use information about the gauge and parameters of a motor that you know is on the same machine with the same guides and screw . Since a stepper motor can “lose steps” as errors accumulate, it is better to use a larger caliber motor with a torque reserve. You can also increase the torque using a gearbox. If the calculated acceleration speed is within reasonable limits, you might consider reducing the gear ratio to 2:1 (using, say, a toothed belt drive), which should double the torque on the propeller. This will allow the use of a smaller caliber (and therefore cheaper) engine.

    Gantry router drive
    The gantry tracer may require movement of at least 60 inches along the gantry axis. A ball screw for this length is too expensive and complex because, among other things, it is difficult to protect it from dust. Many developers come to use gears through chains or gears. Let's choose a minimum step of 0.0005 inches. The 20-tooth, ¼-inch pitch drive gear gives the gantry 5 inches of movement per revolution of the gear. A stepper motor (ten microsteps) gives 2000 steps per revolution, so a 5:1 reduction is required between the motor and the gear shaft (using a belt or gearbox) and with a 5:1 gear ratio one
    a revolution of the stepper motor will result in 1 inch of movement. With this design, if we get 500 RPM from the stepper, the movement will be 500 inches per minute or 8.33 inches per second. An accelerated move of 60 inches, not taking into account acceleration and deceleration, will take 7.2 seconds. Calculating torque on this machine is more difficult than on a milling cutter with a transverse carriage, taking into account the mass of the moving portal, inertia, the duration of acceleration and deceleration, which is probably more important than the cutting force. Someone else's experience or independent experiments will be the best solution for many.

    Limit switches and Home switches
    Limit switches are used to prevent axes from moving too far and thus avoid possible damage to the machine. You can use the machine without them, but a small error in calculations can lead to a lot of damage, the repair of which will be quite expensive.

    Mach3 program for CNC machine control is a program designed for autonomous control of machine tools with numerical control. The program is equally effective for all types of machines, regardless of what purpose the device is used for: milling, engraving or turning. This program is one of the most popular developments of this type.


    The full name of the program is ArtSoft Mach3. It is used on computer devices connected to machine tools. To run the program, a Microsoft operating system must be installed on your computer. The application and software were created by an American manufacturer. Its popularity is due to its ease of use, which allows it to be used both in production and at home.

    Having given preference to the control program, you can start the devices:

    • gear cutting;
    • engraving.

    In order for Mach3 to run on a computer, it must meet minimum requirements. The Windows operating system is no older than two thousand. The processor clock frequency is at least 1 gigahertz. The minimum amount of RAM is 512 megabytes. Video card memory – at least 64 megabytes. The amount of free memory on the hard drive is at least 1 gigabyte. Availability of an LPT port and at least two USB connectors.

    Almost every modern device is compatible with Mach3, making it suitable for use in both large enterprises and home workshops.

    The application is controlled in the same way on different machine designs. The difference in operation can be associated solely with differences in the characteristics and dimensions of the devices.


    Mach3 interacts with any machine tools that have a numerical control system. The program can be run not only on desktop computers, but also on laptops. To do this, just connect the unit to the machine. The Mach3 system is more of a driver than a complex application. After installing it, you will be able to independently create control programs on your computer.

    Once their creation is completed, they are loaded into the modular memory to which the numerical control is associated. The main task of the computer is to configure parameters for working with machine tools.

    Via PC you can:

    • automate the working tool;
    • control its movement;
    • control movement along a given trajectory.

    The program runs as a regular window application and does not overload the operating system. Before using it, it is recommended to read the instructions. It won't take much time to learn.

    The main advantages of Mach3 are:

    • wide functionality;
    • intuitive interface;
    • competent management principle.

    The instructions are available in various languages, including Russian. Thanks to this, there will be no difficulties with learning.


    The application is capable of controlling six coordinates simultaneously. The software is equipped with built-in software that allows you to download files directly. Files can be uploaded in four formats:

    If necessary, the application interface can be changed. With its help, the device controls the spindle speed. Relay control is carried out at several levels. The processing is recorded by a video surveillance system, which transmits the recording to a special software window. For convenience, windowed mode can be switched to full screen. The created program is also compatible with modern sensor devices.

    The screen contains:

    • program control buttons;
    • display of the control program;
    • axis controls;
    • "Wizard" buttons;
    • screen control buttons.

    “Masters” is one of the main advantages of the application. They are represented by miniprograms to expand the capabilities of Mach3. They are designed to perform simple tasks that will save the user time. You can create miniprograms yourself.

    They are used for:

    • cutting teeth;
    • drilling;
    • digitization;
    • text engraving;
    • selection of grooves;
    • surface treatment;
    • processing ordinary contours.

    All information about the working tool is displayed on the screen. To adjust the spindle speed, just use the “+” and “-” buttons. The buttons and modes are labeled in English, but their designation is written in the instructions.


    Not only the accuracy and quality of processing, but also the safety of the equipment depends on the correct settings of the program. If setup is not performed correctly, the result may be a broken guided tool, CNC module, or other components.

    Preparation is carried out in several steps:

    • it is necessary to fully connect the machines and check their functionality (the check can be performed using standard diagnostics or using various programs);
    • then Mach3 is installed (before installation, make sure that the computer device meets the minimum requirements of the program);
    • It is recommended to use licensed versions of the application (due to the high cost of a licensed application and English software, pirated Russified assemblies are often used - however, they can be damaged and can harm machine equipment);
    • the operation of the operating system should be optimized (for this it is recommended to disable third-party applications, including those that run in the background);
    • It is not recommended to run other applications while the program is running (this is especially true for games, since they can load the computer).

    If you plan to use the computer for more than just Mach3, the hard drive should be divided into subpartitions. This step is necessary if the PC will be used to create control programs or for other purposes. You must install a separate operating system on which the application will run. There is no need to install other applications on this system.


    Before setting up the program, you should carefully study the instructions, buttons and their meaning. Mach3 interacts with different machines, so each type should have its own tab with parameters. When purchasing a licensed version, instructions are included. If a pirated version is used, or the instructions have been lost, they can be freely downloaded on the Internet for training.

    Before processing parts, you need to turn on the machine and make sure it is working properly. This will be indicated by the absence of jerks and interruptions in operation. Then the unit is run. The application allows you to run in automatic mode by clicking on a special button. With its help, the trial mode can be turned on or off. You can control the working mechanism of the device using the mouse.

    There are two types of management:

    • step by step;
    • continuous.

    When using the first type, the machine is brought into working condition by pressing a key, and performs processing along a given segment. The second type is characterized by the operation of the machine while the operator holds down the key. If the key is released, processing will stop.

    It is necessary to indicate to the program which equipment will generate STEP/DIR signals.
    This can be either a classic LPT port on your PC, or an external device, such as PLCM.
    In the first case, you need to go to the Config->Ports and Pins menu and on the Port setup and Axis Selection tab, check that the Port Enabled checkbox is checked for the first port and its address is specified correctly (the address can be found in the LPT port properties in the Windows OS device manager ).

    Here you also need to select the operating frequency of the STEP/DIR pulse shaper core. The higher it is, the higher movement speeds you can get, but the more powerful a computer you will need.

    Setting up pins

    Now you need to indicate which port pins are used for what.

    In the Config->Ports and Pins menu on the Motor Outputs tab, you must check the Enabled checkbox for each axis used, specify the pin numbers of your port for the corresponding signals in the Step Pin# and Dir Pin# columns, and specify the port numbers in the Step Port and Dir Port columns LPT (usually always 1).

    If spindle control will be used (using PWM or via STEP/DIR), then it must also be configured on the Motor Outputs tab.

    To generate PWM, the STEP signal from the Spindle line will be used

    Configuring sensors.

    On the Input Signals tab of the Config->Ports and Pins menu, you should specify which pins of which ports your sensors are connected to.

    By analogy with the previous setting, Enable allows the program to use this sensor, Port# and Pin Number specify the port number and its pin, respectively, and Active Low specifies whether the input will be triggered when a low level (check mark) or high level (cross) appears on the contact. Emergency sensors for extreme positions of axes are written in lines<ОСЬ>++ and<ОСЬ>--. Zero sensor -<ОСЬ>Home.

    The Probe input is used for a sensor for determining the tool height and workpiece dimensions, EStop is an emergency stop button.

    On the Output Signals tab of the Config->Ports and Pins menu, control signals are configured. Of these, the Enable group should be noted - permission to enable the driver of the corresponding axis. Note that if you want to use only one output to enable all drivers, for example, through a switching board, it is enough to configure only the Enable1 output.

    Setting axis parameters

    Speed ​​and acceleration settings

    The Config->Motor tuning window is designed to configure the parameters of the movement of the machine axes.

    X axis

    Y axis

    Z axis

    The Steps per parameter sets the number of STEP pulses that must be generated to move the tool by 1 mm. It depends not only on the mechanics, but also on the step division mode set on the driver. Velocity sets the maximum permissible speed of movement along the axis, expressed in mm/min. Acceleration - sets the maximum acceleration along the axis in mm/s^2. An example of calculating the Steps per parameter for a specific gear: suppose that we have a ball screw with a pitch of 5 mm/rev, a stepper motor of 200 steps/rev operating in microstep mode 1/16. We get

    Steps per = (200 * 16) / 5 = 640 steps/mm.

    Thus, the discrete movement per 1 step is 1 / 640 = 0.0015625 mm. If you are using a computer LPT port, do not forget to set the Step Pulse and Dir Pulse fields to 5us

    Features of the formation of control signals

    Formation of STEP/DIR by MACH3 program

    First, let's look at how STEP/DIR pulses are generated by the MACH3 program. Any stepper driver takes a step when the STEP signal level changes from low to high or from high to low. This depends on the driver design or settings. The pulse generator in MACH3 is designed in such a way that the DIR signal changes almost simultaneously with the output of the active edge of the STEP signal. Obviously, the driver cannot react instantly to a change in the DIR signal, so if the delay after the DIR change before the STEP edge is insufficient, the driver may take a step in the wrong direction. The delay between the DIR change and the STEP edge in MACH3 cannot be more than 5 µs and is set by the Dir pulse parameter in the Motor Tuning window. A small delay value can cause a “skipped step” when changing the direction of the motor. Moreover, for some cheap drivers with slow optocouplers, even 5 μs may not be enough, but it is impossible to increase the delay using MACH3.

    Sherline mode

    Another problem when using some drivers may be the fact that the STEP pulse width is relatively small - no more than 5 µs (Step pulse parameter in the Motor Tuning window). In this case, it is recommended to set the Sherline 1/2 Pulse mode parameter, which will lead to the formation of STEP pulses with a duty cycle close to 50%, but at the same time the effective frequency of the core will be halved, since now MACH3 will use two interrupts from timer.

    Axes directions

    Go to menu Config->Homing/Limits. Check the Reversed box if you need to change the direction of the corresponding axis. This setting is analogous to changing the polarity of the DIR signal in the Config->Ports and Pins->Motor Outputs settings.

    Finding zero on an axis

    In the same Homing/Limits window, you can configure the search for zero: the Home Neg field is responsible for the direction of movement when searching for zero, and Home off specifies the coordinate that must be assigned to this axis when finding the sensor. Speed ​​% - speed (in % of maximum) at which the “head” will move towards the sensor.

    Limitation of movement along an axis Software limitation of movements ("Soft Limits") is configured there, in Homing/Limits. To do this, in the Soft Max and Soft Min fields, you must set the maximum permissible coordinates along the axes. Using the Soft Limits button in the main program window, you can enable and disable Soft Limits mode.

    Now we move on to starting the stepper motors - “twisting the axes”. To do this, go to the main page of Mach and press the “Tab” key on the left side of the computer keyboard, after which the “MPG MODE” manual control panel will pop up on the screen on the right. We turn on the power of the controller, then press the “RESET” button, while the nearby running line stops and noise should appear from the supply of voltage to the stepper motors. Then with the left mouse button we press alternately on the buttons of the X (+ -), Y (+ -), Z (+ -) axes of the manual control panel, and the stepper motors of these axes should begin to rotate.

    Individual settings:

    Changing the direction of rotation of the axes (reverse)

    Go to the “Config” menu and click “Homing/Limits”. IN
    In the window that appears, opposite the desired axis in the “Reversed” column, change the sign to a bird or cross, then click “OK”.

    Loading a program with G-codes and starting/stopping it.
    Go to the “File” menu and click “Load G-Code”. In the window that appears, select the desired program and click “Open”.

    This program loads and the Mach window looks like this:

    Machine calibration.

    This is an important operation to adjust the accuracy of the machine. Due to varioustechnical reasons associated with possible inaccuracy of the mechanical movement of the machine axes, an error may occur, which the Mach program allows you to correct at the software level. To do this, on the main program window, in the control line, click “Settings Alt 6”, in the new window click the “Set Steps per Unit” button (see pictures below).

    Next, in the “Axis Selection” window that appears, select the axis needed for calibration as a point and click “OK”. The following window appears in which you need to set the specified distance, for example 150mm, and click “OK”. The machine will turn on and “move” along this axis to some distance, which will then need to be accurately measured. For example, it turned out to be 155mm. This means that when the machine is given a distance of 150mm, it actually “traveled” 155mm. We enter this value (155) into the open window and click “OK”. The program will automatically detect the error and begin to take it into account in the future. “Taking into account” the error is done by changing the number of pulses (steps) supplied to the stepper motor of a given axis; you can control the change in the “Steps per” window of the “Config” menu, then “Motor Tuning”.

    This operation must be carried out in relation to each axis.

    Selection of stepper motor speed and cutting modes.

    The speed of stepper motors is selected individually toeach machine, based on the following principle, determines the maximum speed at which it begins to “lock” (stop) during operation, then it decreases by 30-40%. If necessary, lower speeds can be used, for example when cutting durable materials (metals).
    The selection of cutting modes is also selected from minimum values ​​to their gradual increase (cutter speed and depth). The appearance of excessive “straining” noise (jerking) during machine operation usually indicates the onset of a limiting mode.
    Approximate cutting conditions:
    - when working with wood – the speed of movement of the cutter is 3-5mm per second, the depth is 2-3mm;
    - with aluminum – the speed of movement of the cutter is 3-4mm per second, the depth is 0.1-0.3mm.
    In general, this is all you need to know for the initial launch of the machine with Mach; the rest is recommended to be studied according to the official Manual of this program.

    Mach3 is a program that provides control of CNC machines. This software is suitable for devices of different profiles.


    Mach3 is a highly specialized program that is needed by specialists in a specific field. The software is used to work with CNC machines. In this software you can control machines of different types of specialization.

    By installing Mach3, you will create a “control point” from your computer, which will make it easier to work with the machine and automate the process of setting up certain functions.

    Technical features

    Mach3 has several features. This program does not require much space on your computer's hard drive. To install the software, you need only 1 GB of unallocated space on the computer partition, as well as a little more than 500 MB of RAM.

    We must not forget that the software does not work on Windows OS, which were created after the “seven”. In addition, the program is designed for commercial use. After purchasing a license and activating the software, you will be able to take advantage of additional functions.
    If you do not want to buy the official version of the software, you can test Mach3 in demo mode, evaluating all the features and functions.

    Graphic shell

    The graphical shell of the program is not simple and contains many buttons. If you are an inexperienced user, and especially not familiar with the technical software, then you will have to spend time studying the interface. Mach3 does not have a Russian language, so knowledge of a foreign language will be useful to learn the tools.

    It doesn't matter if you understand these types of programs, you will still have to spend time understanding Mach3. Knowing English will not help you learn this highly specialized software faster.

    Full operation of the program will be available only after careful study of the functions. To run the software, it is advisable to turn off background programs, optimizing the computer for work.

    The Mach3 program can only be launched in full screen mode. The software has a user-friendly interface that allows you to rearrange panels with different options. Use Mach and generate macros as well as M codes from VB scripts.

    The program can make “adjustments” using several levels. If necessary, you will adjust the frequency at which the spindle will rotate. In the software, you can create a tool that manages G-codes.

    This program can import files in JPG, DFX and BMP format. If necessary, you can activate a window that “displays” the image from the CCTV camera.


    • there is no Russian localization in the program;
    • software tools are complex and not designed for novice users;
    • flexible shell for the user;
    • you can view the workflow using a video camera;
    • the program runs in full screen mode;
    • installation is only available on OS Windows from XP to 7.

    Mach3 is a program designed to control CNC machines. Most often it is used to work with milling and turning equipment, laser machine systems, plasma cutters and plotters. In fact, with its help you can turn your computer into a full-fledged control station for 6-axis machines. For convenient use in production, the developers have included touch screen support in the program.

    The interface of Mach3 is a bit archaic and can only be launched in full screen mode. But the arrangement of the elements of the graphical shell can be changed at will. The unprepossessing appearance of the program is compensated by its rich functionality. Mach3 makes it possible to create macros and custom M codes from VB scripts, implement multi-level relay control, and even monitor the progress of the machine using a remote camera. It also supports direct import of files in DXF, JPG, HPGL and BMP formats (implemented through the built-in LazyCam program). This feature is useful for loading layouts when creating laser engravings. There is also a function for generating NC files for G-codes.

    Since Mach3 is a professional solution, it requires the purchase of an expensive license. But before purchasing, you can use the demo version of the program, in which the user is not subject to the most severe restrictions.

    Key Features and Functions

    • the ability to use a computer as a control station for CNC machines;
    • creating your own macros to automate the production process based on VB scripts;
    • video surveillance of production progress;
    • use of manual pulse generators;
    • touch screen support;
    • the ability to change the location of interface elements;
    • work exclusively in full screen mode;
    • Import files in HPGL, DXF, BMP and JPG formats.

    Limitations of the free version

    • the number of gcode lines (Mill/Plasm) is limited to 500;
    • number of gcode (Turn) lines is limited to 50;
    • Kernel frequency is limited to 25 kHz;
    • the "Assign function to next line" function is disabled;
    • the "Run from here" function is disabled;
    • THC function is disabled.