• Youth radio clubs, clubs, sections. Radio electronics and clubs for young radio amateurs Math clubs from the creative laboratory "2×2"

    In the second pavilion of VDNKh, the most unusual “Roboschool” in Russia has been opened: one of the teachers here is the android Thespian.

    In total, 4 courses are open at RoboSchool. There is “Robotics”, where they introduce the basics of design, modeling and programming, and teach how to create smart electronic machines. You can choose the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) program, which consists of engineering lessons and experiments. In the “Electromechanics” course, students will learn to distinguish resistors from transistors, assemble radios and other equipment.

    Industrial design is also provided in the “Roboschool”. During the classes, children will not only learn the history of modern design, but will also create art objects on their own. The best creations will be in the Robostation Hall of Fame.

    5200 rubles per month

    Museum of Entertaining Sciences "Experimentanium"

    An ideal platform for holding open lessons and interactive activities. We follow the latest trends
    in the field of additional education for children. Our educational courses allow you to broaden your child’s horizons, acquire useful skills and knowledge that open up new perspectives in the modern world. And most importantly, we know how to make the educational process fun and enjoyable for children!

    In the new school year, a “Laboratory” of entertaining sciences opens its doors in our museum, in which children will be able to get acquainted with natural science and technical laws in practice under the guidance of real scientists. We have also prepared an interesting program of popular science lectures from the already beloved “Scientists for Children” series. And for fans of design and programming, enrollment is already open for Robotics courses and drone piloting school!

    The minimum cost of 1 lesson in the course is 1000 rubles

    Open prototyping laboratory "Laba"

    The first techno-coworking space in Russia is also an educational platform. The Lab provides training in computer programs for drawing and 3D modeling, and organizes master classes on 3D printing, 3D scanning, and working with laser machines. By the way, in most cases, “Laba” is designed for adults - people come here to work on 3D printers, plotters, milling cutters and other sophisticated equipment.

    The center offers about 10 areas for children, the most interesting of which are shipbuilding, aircraft modeling and robotics. According to the co-founder of Laba, Maxim Pinigin, in a techno-coworking space you will be able to implement any idea, “from a stool to a satellite.” Regardless of the age of the inventor.

    From 5000 rubles per month

    Science Festival

    “Celebration of Science” is an interactive and educational program for children from 8 to 13 years old. You can arrange a scientific holiday, a master class, a birthday party or an entire scientific festival. The goal is to popularize science and show children that all this can not be abstruse and boring, but exciting and interesting. Secrets of film special effects technologies, physical and chemical experiments, entertaining mathematics - children are usually delighted.

    In addition to major events and holidays, you can sign up for classes and courses. Now there is an intensive course “Engineering Creativity” (for children 9-12 years old), “Electricity for Inventors” (for children 9-12 years old) and “Chemistry in the lives of children and adolescents” (for children 8-12 years old). The “Engineering Creativity” course will teach children prototyping and modeling, develop spatial thinking and fine motor skills. In the course on electricity, children will learn how to assemble electrical circuits and even make a real lightsaber. Chemistry is pure joy, reactions and experiments.

    From 6900 rubles for 7 lessons

    Math clubs from the creative laboratory "2×2"

    The main value of the creative laboratory “Twice Two” is its teachers. The center's math circles are staffed by people who are in love with numbers and formulas. They manage to infect children with a passion for exact sciences: the average score of students in mathematics at school is 4.58, they often take prizes at city and Russian Olympiads.

    In order to study in a circle for free, you need to go through several interviews. Only the most mathematically capable are accepted here.

    House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth (DNTTM)

    The branch of the Palace of Children's Creativity on Sparrow Hills boasts a rich range of scientific fields - from robotics and paleontology to astronomy and robotics. There are 11 chemistry clubs here alone.

    The House of Creativity pays special attention to children interested in technology. For example, the center offers several radio electronics courses. The beginners' class involves soldering electronic circuits and creating simple electronic devices. In the course “Radio Engineering” they study radio-electronic designs, and in the lessons “Entertaining Electronics” they learn to read and make simple circuits.

    There are classes for free

    Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics

    Why does a plane or a rocket fly? How does the Universe work, who can go into space and what is a spacesuit for? At the Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics, you can get answers to thousands of questions. This year, the “Space Squad” club was opened here, where, in addition to theoretical knowledge, you can take psychological tests (almost like astronauts!), work out on the SOYUZ-TMA docking simulator and receive a “Test Cosmonaut” certificate.

    And for those who prefer to work on Earth, there is a three-year program of the Vostok design bureau. Future engineers will become familiar with the basics of electrical engineering, computer programming and 3D modeling, learn how to work on a breadboard, read and draw electrical diagrams, and write code.

    From 200 rubles per lesson

    Center for Design Creativity
    "Start Pro"

    The center is called “children’s Skolkovo”: “Start Pro” contains one of the best scientific bases in the country. There are 6 laboratories open here, in which about 60 programs are presented. Thus, in “Entertaining Mathematics” they teach how to solve complex puzzles, in the “Graphical environment LabVIEW” - to create robots and develop simple applications, and in “Stroymaster” - to work with tools, natural materials and metal.

    Yes, and no boring lectures: the center’s teachers know how to talk simply about complex things, turn science into a game, and boring school subjects into exciting quests.

    For free

    Center for additional education "Young motorist"


    This is the most provocative children's center in Moscow: for example, they are allowed to ride motorcycles here from the age of 8! Young riders are taught the basics of motorcycling, how to repair equipment and provide first aid in case of accidents. Both equipment and motorcycles are provided by the center.

    In addition, here you have the opportunity to learn everything about the structure of the car, learn the rules of the road and even pass a traffic rules exam.

    Although most of all children respect the practical part of the lessons: they start driving here at the age of 12. Students race go-karts, participate in rallies and win prizes in Russian automobile competitions.

    For free

    Young Railwaymen's Club at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

    If your child loves trains, you should take a closer look at the courses at MIIT. During the classes, children learn the history and structure of railways, study the composition of electric locomotives and carriages, and get acquainted with the rules of “railway traffic” and railway professions. Every summer in Kratovo, near Moscow, the club's pupils have an internship on the Small Moscow Railway. Children can try themselves as a controller and conductor of a passenger car, a track fitter, and even a driver.

    Bonus: successful completion of studies in the club gives the right to preferential admission to MIIT, all other things being equal.

    7-11 grades

    For free

    Children's Center for Scientific Discovery "Innopark"


    An ideal format for those who have not yet decided on their preferences. Innopark provides short courses that provide interesting information about the world of science and technology.

    In total, the center has developed 4 programs. Thus, the course “Everything on the Shelves” covers optics, mechanics, electricity and astronomy. During the classes, children will have to make a diffraction grating, create optical illusions, assemble a battery from vegetables and make a lunar rover. You can choose one of two courses, “Robotics” or “Science in the Palm of Your Hand,” where children will get acquainted with physics, biology, chemistry and geography, and also carry out experiments.

    From 2700 rubles for 4 lessons

    Digital home

    3D scanners, 3D printers, powerful computers, neurotechnical equipment - “Digital House” resembles an exhibition of the achievements of modern technology. True, in this “museum” you are allowed to touch any exhibits with your hands.

    At the center you can practice robotics - using Lego Mindstorm EV3, Lego WeDo and Arduino construction sets, children assemble both simple models and technically complex devices. Another popular direction of the “Digital Home” is 3D design. In practice, children learn to work with the latest machines and even create unique objects themselves.

    From 4,000 rubles per month

    Ministry of Social Development of the Saratov Region

    State budgetary institution of the Saratov region

    “Social rehabilitation center for minors” “Return”

    "I affirm"

    Branch Director

    GBU SO SRC "Return"

    Ershova V.M.

    from "____" _______ 2012



    Head of the association

    Labor instructor

    Appak B.G.



    Creative Association lesson program

    "Radio electronics"

    Labor instructor

    Social rehabilitation departments

    GBU SO SRCN "Return"

    Appak Boris Georgievich


    The 21st century has become the century of global information communications and the intensive introduction of electronics into our lives.

    The Radioelectronics association gives teenagers the opportunity not only to fill their leisure time, but also to develop basic knowledge and raise the level of motivation for learning. In the classroom, talented and capable students who find themselves in difficult life situations find something they love to do.

    In the future, many of today's students will not only operate, but also take an active part in the development and manufacture of automatic devices for various purposes. Therefore, along with psychological preparation, great attention should be paid to practical training that meets the requirements of today.

    One of the effective ways of career guidance and practical training for children is their studies in radio electronics clubs.

    The circle is made up of students from 7 to 17 years old who show interest in creating electronic devices.

    Working in our association will allow students to become familiar with the basics of electrical engineering, electronics, semiconductor circuitry, the design and use of electronic power supplies, the operation of electronic amplifiers for various purposes, and the use of analog integrated circuits.

    This program is compiled on the basis of many years of experience of the Radioelectronics association. It takes into account the positive aspects of all major programs.


    To occupy the leisure time of children interested in radio engineering and electronics, radio engineering design and automation. Help to consolidate in practice the knowledge gained in the classroom. Involve in socially useful work. Expand children's horizons.



    • Contribute to the development of the creative potential of students

    means of radio engineering modeling;

    • Acquaintance with modern electronic database.


    • Fostering professional interest in the profile of the association;
    • Education of modern constructive and technical thinking.


    • Expansion of the information field;
    • Formation of an active creative position;
    • Development of independence, accuracy and responsibility.


    Classes in the creative association “Radioelectronics” involve studying equipment and working with it. It is the composition of the equipment with which the workshop is equipped, its technical characteristics and capabilities that determine the general approach to building a training program.

    The methodological basis of radio electronics classes should be considered the optimal alternation of group classes with individual work. If it is rational to conduct theoretical classes with the whole group, then it is usually advisable to conduct practical classes individually. This is directly required by safety regulations and operating features of communication equipment.

    Priority principles of this program:

    • Personal orientation of the educational process;
    • Optimal combination of theoretical and practical classes;
    • Consolidating the learned material by repetition at a higher level;
    • Widespread use of technical teaching aids in conducting both theoretical and practical classes;
    • Involving parents, athletes, and specialists in the educational process;
    • Alternating group classes with individual ones;
    • Participation in activity days, competitions and other public events with competitive elements;
    • Participation in the daily life of radio electronics enthusiasts: establishing friendly connections with schoolchildren and adult radio amateurs in your city, region, Russia, near and far abroad.

    Features of the age group

    The type of children's group corresponds to the profile of the association.

    1st – 10th grades – 1 hour 4 times a week.

    Based on the experience of the Radioelectronics association, the program includes sections that satisfy the modern interests and hobbies of students.

    During the association's classes, special equipment made for radio electronics associations is used.
    When implementing the program, the conditions for preserving the mental and psychological health of children are observed. During the learning process, the child develops:

    Confidence in achieving the set goal;

    Positive emotions during work;

    The desire to succeed.

    Students are given feasible tasks, which give them the opportunity to believe in their abilities and relieve feelings of fear and fear.

    The psychological climate in the group allows each child to reveal their abilities, gain satisfaction from classes, and feel the support and help of their comrades.

    All this gives children the opportunity to feel successful and believe in themselves, experiencing pleasure from activities and receiving positive emotional experiences.


    Obtaining a solid knowledge of the basics of electronic automation and radio engineering in children.

    Mastering the skills of using control and measuring instruments.

    Designing our first operating models of radio electronics and automation.

    Expected results:

    Upon completion of training, students should be able to:

    Handle tools;

    Complete radio circuits;

    Free to assemble a simple radio circuit;

    Learn to trace printed circuit boards of simple electronic circuits.

    Must know:

    All radioelements, their designations on the diagram;

    All physical quantities (current, voltage, resistance, etc.) and methods of measuring them;

    Analyze the results of experiments.

    Ways to test skills and abilities:

    Independent assembly of electrical circuits, soldering, tracing and demonstration of work results to a group of students;

    Defense of works at conferences and exhibitions, discussion of results.

    Methodological support for the program

    The main form of activities in the association is the lesson. Summing up the results for each topic is carried out in the form of a test.

    In organizing the educational process, it is recommended to use the following teaching methods:

    • observational method
    • design methods
    • exercise method
    • verbal method
    • display method
    • method of motivation and stimulation

    4. Conditions for the implementation of the program:

    The training room should be dry, warm and bright; the walls should be painted in light, warm colors, communication pipes and heating radiators should be covered with electrically insulating fences. To merge you must have:


    Locksmith tool kit:

    A hacksaw, a slotting machine, a chisel, a plumber's hammer, files and needle files of various shapes and notch numbers, a hand drill, a set of drills with a diameter of 1-10 mm, pliers, metal scissors, a center punch, a metal ruler, a metal square, a metal scriber, a hand vice , caliper, micrometer, plastic and sheet metal cutter, crosspiece, wrenches (No. 4-16).

    Carpentry kit consists of

    hacksaws for wood, a jigsaw with a set of files, a set of chisels and chisels, a plane, a jointer (half-jointer), a brace with a set of tools, a wooden square, a mallet, and clamps.

    In addition, it is necessary to have a sufficient number of small diameter drills (from 0.6 to 1.0 mm) used in the manufacture of printed circuit boards.


    • testers – 8-10 pcs.;
    • oscilloscope
    • power supplies
    • device for measuring transistor parameters
    • low frequency generator
    • high frequency generator
    • square wave generator
    • oscilloscope
    • dual beam oscilloscope
    • meter for inductance and capacitance parameters
    • bridge for measuring resistance values
    • frequency meter
    • digital voltmeter
    • universal power supply
    • power supply type VS-ZO
    • autotransformer type LATR, RNO
    • transformer with continuously adjustable output voltage


    In the association it is desirable to have:

    • fiberglass, textolite, getinax sheet thickness 0.5-2.5 mm;
    • fiberglass, (getinaks) foiled with a thickness of 1-2.5 mm;
    • polystyrene sheets of different colors with a thickness of 0.5-3 mm;
    • organic sheet glass 4 mm thick;
    • presspan 1-2 mm thick;
    • hard plasticine for model work;
    • aluminum sheet 1-2 mm thick;
    • duralumin sheet thickness 1.5-2.5mm;
    • duralumin profile (angle, tee, I-beam);
    • ebonite, polystyrene, textolite, aluminum, duralumin, brass, copper in rods and blanks with a diameter of up to 60 mm;
    • POS-60 solder in rods and wire;
    • light rosin, alcohol-rosin flux;
    • various adhesives (PVA, BF-2, Unicum, Moment, Phoenix, etc.);
    • varnished fabric, PVC and PE tubes of various sizes;
    • cotton and PVC insulating tape;
    • mounting and winding wires;
    • nitro putty, nitro paints, various solvents, hardware;
    • cores for power transformers with a power of 5-50 W,
    • resistor boxes with a power of 0.125-1 W, row E-24;
    • cash registers of low-frequency and high-frequency capacitors, series E-24;
    • electrolytic capacitors 1-4000 µF;
    • low-frequency matching and output transformers type TOT or similar;
    • indication elements (incandescent lamps, light-emitting diodes, digital and character indicators, etc.);
    • semiconductor diodes, triodes, integrated circuits, thyristors;
    • electrodynamic heads of direct radiation;
    • ear or head phones, capsules (TM-2, TM-4, VTM, TON, etc.);
    • electromagnetic relays with operating voltage up to 48 V;
    • measuring heads of the magnetoelectric system with a total deflection current of up to 1 mA;
    • switching products;
    • round and flat ferrite rods of grades 100 NN - 600 NN;
    • rings made of ferrite grades 600NN – 2000 NN;
    • fuse holders with fusible links;
    • electrical fittings, etc.



    to theoretical


    for practical classes

    1. Introductory lesson

    2. Electrical installation work

    3. Basics of electrical engineering

    5. Semiconductor devices

    9. Excursions

    10. Final lesson



    1.Introductory lesson

    Electronic automation: characteristics, purpose, areas of application. Brief overview of the development of electronic automation.

    Rules of conduct in the laboratory. Acquaintance with the material and technical base of the circle.

    Discussion of the circle's work plan.

    2. Electrical installation work

    Occupational safety during electrical installation work. Types and technology of installation of electronic circuits. Electrical and radio installation tools.

    Solders and fluxes: purpose, main characteristics and application. Technology for performing various types of installation using the soldering method.

    PRACTICAL WORK. Manufacturing of prototype boards, dismantling of electronic units.

    3.Fundamentals of electrical engineering

    Structure of matter. Conductors, semiconductors and dielectrics. Electric current. Current strength. Current measurement. Electrical voltage. Units of measurement of electrical voltage.

    Occupational safety when taking measurements in electrical circuits.

    Serial electrical circuit. Electrical resistance. Units of measurement of electrical resistance. Conventional graphic symbols of resistors. Resistors: main types, their characteristics and applications.

    Ohm's law for a section of a circuit. Electromotive force. Chemical current sources. Ohm's law for a complete circuit.

    Serial and parallel connection of conductors. Rheostat. Voltage divider. Calculation of parameters of DC electrical circuit elements.

    Magnetic field. Conductor in a magnetic field. Magnetic field of the coil. Electromagnet. Electromagnetic induction.

    Alternating electric current and its main characteristics: amplitude, frequency, period, phase.

    Inductance. Inductor. Conventional graphic symbols of an inductor. Units of measurement of inductance. Calculation of inductors. Inductive reactance. Series and parallel connection of inductors.

    Electrical capacity. Units of measurement. Conventional graphic symbols. Capacitance. Serial and parallel connection of containers.

    Capacitors: main types, their characteristics and applications.

    Active and reactance in an alternating current circuit.

    LABORATORY WORK. Ohm's law for a section of a circuit. Serial and parallel connection of conductors. Inductance and capacitance in an alternating current circuit.

    PRACTICAL WORK. Production of electrified educational visual aids. The simplest light and music console.

    4. Electrical devices

    Buttons and switches. Symbols and graphic symbols. Types, purpose, characteristics and application. Electromagnetic relays and step finders. Conventional graphic symbols. Types, main characteristics and applications.

    Indication and signaling elements: incandescent lamps, gas-discharge indicators, semiconductor emitting devices, character and digital indicators, acoustic signaling devices. Conventional graphic symbols. Purpose, main characteristics and methods of inclusion in electronic devices.

    Electrical machines. Conventional graphic symbol. Operating principle. DC micromotors: main types and their characteristics.

    Transformers. Conventional graphic symbol. Operating principle. Calculation of transformers.

    LABORATORY WORK. Electromagnetic relay. Microelectric motor.

    PRACTICAL WORK. Fuse blown alarm, combination lock on the relay, slot machine on the relay, protection device on the relay, speed control device for the armature of the electric motor, etc.

    5. Semiconductor devices

    Semiconductor materials. Conductivity p- and n-type, p-n-junction.

    Semiconductor diode. Conventional graphic symbol. Volt-ampere characteristics of the diode. Basic types, parameters and applications of semiconductor diodes.

    Bipolar transistor. Operating principle. Conventional graphic symbols. Transistors structuresр – n – p and n – p – n. Main characteristics of biopolar transistors.

    Transistor – electrical signal amplifier. Transistor connection circuits and their main characteristics. Classification of biopolar transistors.

    Field effect transistors. Conventional graphic symbols. Principle of operation and characteristic features of application.

    Rules for installing semiconductor devices.

    Multilayer semiconductor devices: dinistor, thyristor, semistor. Conventional graphic symbols. Operating principle. Main types and applications.

    Integrated circuits. Manufacturing technology. Hybrid ICs.

    LABORATORY WORK. Semiconductor diode. Bipolar transistor. Dinistor and thyristor.

    PRACTICAL WORK. Manufacturing of simple electronic devices using semiconductor devices: combination lock, security device, humidity controller, liquid level controller, temperature controller for heating devices, time relay, etc.

    6. Electronic measuring instruments

    Purpose and brief description of devices for monitoring parameters and setting up electronic devices.

    Low frequency signal generator. High frequency signal generator. Generator of special shape signals. Oscilloscope. Frequency meter. Electronic instruments for measuring voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance.

    Occupational safety during measurements. Rules for operating instruments and measurement techniques.

    LABORATORY WORK. Studying the parameters of generator signals using an oscilloscope.

    7. Secondary power sources

    AC voltage rectification. Operating principle of single- and full-wave rectifiers. Rectifier circuits. Rectified voltage ripple. Anti-aliasing filters: main types, their characteristics and application.

    Classification of DC voltage stabilizers. The principle of electronic voltage stabilization. Parametric stabilizer. Operating principle, main characteristics and application. Calculation of parametric voltage stabilizers.

    Continuous voltage stabilizer of compensation type. Structure and principle of operation. Voltage stabilizers with serial and parallel connection of the control element. Operating principle, characteristics and scope of application.

    Switching voltage stabilizer. Operating principle. Prospects for the development of secondary power sources.

    LABORATORY WORK. AC voltage rectifier. Parametric voltage stabilizer. Voltage stabilizer of compensation type.

    PRACTICAL WORK. Production of secondary power supplies for the needs of a circle, social rehabilitation center.

    8. Processing and generation of analog signals

    Amplifiers of analog signals in automation devices. Transistor based amplification stage. Setting the transistor operating mode for direct current. The simplest calculation of the parameters of the elements of the amplifier stage on a transistor. Input and output characteristics of the cascade.

    Voltage amplifier. Types of communication between amplifier stages. Feedback in the amplifier. DC amplifier. Selective amplifier. Power amplifier.

    Generation of harmonic oscillations. L.C. - and RC oscillators.

    Analog integrated circuits. Classification of analog ICs. Differential amplifier IC. Conventional graphic symbol. Operating principle and application of differential amplifier IC.

    Operational amplifier IC. Conventional graphic symbol. Operating principle and purpose. Basic schemes for using an operational amplifier IC.

    LABORATORY WORK. Voltage amplifier based on bipolar transistors RC-oscillator. Operational amplifier.

    PRACTICAL WORK. Audio amplifier, intercom, sound simulators, electronic siren, probes for testing amplifier paths, electric music bell, electronic lock with sound, ultrasonic or optical key, selective control devices.

    9. Excursions

    Possible objects: exhibitions of children's technical creativity and radio amateurs.

    10. Final lesson

    Summing up the work of the circle for the year. Encouraging the most active circle members. Discussion of the circle's work plan for the next year.


    1. Program. Students' creativity. M.: “Enlightenment”, 1995.
    2. B.E. Alginin Electronic Automation Circle, 1991.
    3. B.S. Ivanov Electronics in homemade products, 1995.


    electronics mug


    Currently, the problem of developing technical knowledge, skills and abilities in adolescents is of particular importance and relevance.

    Due to the lack of funding, the number of technical clubs also decreased due to their expensive material base.

    The number of students in vocational schools has decreased, as the prestige of blue-collar professions has fallen due to lack of demand.

    But with the gradual strengthening of economic relations in the country, the growth of construction, and the resumption of work at a number of industrial enterprises, many working specialties are again becoming in demand, in which knowledge of the basics of electrical and radio engineering is required.

    The program for studying the fundamentals of electrical and radio engineering complements and expands the scope of additional educational services.

    Electrical energy is the most versatile and convenient to use. It can be obtained from any other type of energy, easily transmitted over long distances, and easily “split” to provide individual consumers. Energy, electrical and radio engineering, electronics are among the leading sectors of the economy. They are growing at a faster rate than other industries. Modern life is unthinkable without radio electronics. The creation of new materials and products, high technology, communications, information processing and control - all this is based on electricity and electronics, and, above all, on their technological use.


    Learning Objective: helping students in obtaining basic knowledge about electricity, electrical and radio engineering, preparing them to understand topics on these issues from the school physics course. Professional guidance so that the student chooses a further path to obtaining an education in electrical engineering, radio engineering, and electronics.


    Formation of interest in electrical and radio engineering and activities related to them;

    Teaching children to use correct technical terminology, technical concepts and information in speech, reading and the ability to use technical and reference literature;

    Preparation for a conscious, practical application-oriented perception of the topics of the school physics course;

    Motivation for treating learning as an important and necessary matter for the individual and society.

    Developmental goal: development of children's labor and creative abilities through initial modeling and design.


    Development of mental work skills (memorize, analyze, evaluate, etc.);

    Development of work organization skills;

    Development of creative thinking, motivation for creative search.

    Educational goal: education of an independent, self-confident individual.


    Cultivating perseverance in overcoming difficulties and achieving goals;

    Developing accuracy, discipline, responsibility for the assigned work;

    Creating a situation of success;

    Introducing to the norms of social life.


    The program is implemented through the activities of an association (circle) on the basis of a secondary school.

    The group is formed on the principle of students’ personal interest in learning the basics of electrical and radio engineering.

    The age of the participants is 13 – 15 years.

    The duration of the program is 1 year, but if the appropriate material base is available, the program can be easily reworked by adding theoretical topics and practical classes for up to 2-3 years.

    Group classes are held twice a week. The duration of the lesson is three lessons of 40 minutes each with a break of 10 minutes.

    During the classes, there is a closer acquaintance between the teacher and students, identification of group leaders, interest, and motivation for classes.

    Practical exercises are carried out using electrical constructors and available materials.

    The program includes excursions to the local history museum; to the technical library.

    The group form of classes contributes to the creation of a trusting, warm, friendly atmosphere, the teacher’s individual approach to each student, and helps students quickly get comfortable and express themselves.


    A number of methods are used to organize the educational process.

    · Verbal: story, explanation, conversation, discussion.

    · Visual: demonstration material, posters, devices, diagrams.

    · Practical: reading drawings and diagrams, assembling models and instruments, making visual aids.


    The main forms of training include the following.

    · Frontal; makes it possible to work with the entire group of children in class.

    · Group; creating microgroups (2-3 people) to complete a specific task.

    · Collective; children can cooperate with each other, working in small groups.

    · Individual; a very effective form of training based on a differentiated approach.

    · Games and trainings.

    · Excursions.

    · Participation in exhibitions and competitions.


    The program is based on the following training principles:

    The principle of voluntariness, humanism, the priority of universal human values, the free development of personality, the self-worth of the child, the creation of the most favorable atmosphere for the personal and professional development of the student (“a situation of success”; “developmental education”);

    The principle of accessibility of training and affordability of work;

    The principle of conformity to nature: taking into account the age capabilities and inclinations of children when including them in various types of activities;

    The principle of individual-personal orientation in the development of children's creative initiative;

    The principle of differentiation and consistency: alternation of different types and forms of classes, gradual complication of work techniques, reasonable increase in load;

    The principle of cultural conformity: focus on the needs of children, adaptation to modern living conditions of society;

    The principle of creativity: development of students’ creative abilities, application of methods for developing the ability to apply knowledge in changed conditions;

    The principle of scientificity;

    The principle of the connection between theory and practice, the connection between learning and life;

    The principle of systematic and consistent teaching;

    The principle of consciousness and activity of students.


    Learning Objective

    At the end of the course, the child should know:

    Requirements for workplace organization;

    Drawing tools and special stencils;

    Symbols on diagrams;

    be able to:

    Correctly handle drawing tools and special stencils, draw simple electrical circuits;

    Create simple models and visual aids;

    Make changes to the design of models;

    Accuracy (the ability to keep the workplace in order, treats materials and tools with care).

    Working with parents.

    Educational tasks can be effectively solved only in close cooperation with parents.

    In this regard, it is necessary:

    At the beginning of the school year, get to know not only the children who have enrolled in the association, but also their parents, discuss the curriculum and the material conditions for its implementation;

    To get acquainted with the parents’ opinions about the child’s interests, hobbies, physical and intellectual capabilities, and state of health;

    Establish respectful and trusting relationships with parents, mutual understanding on the upbringing, development and education of children;

    Involve parents in the preparation and conduct of both group and Children's Art House events (holidays, excursions, hikes, exhibitions and festivals);

    Provide individual consultations to explain specific measures to help the child develop, taking into account his capabilities, as well as discuss the results of the child’s progress during the program;

    Interest the family in joint activities with the child (for example, making New Year's decorations, costumes, toys and gifts for the holiday, a toy library or visual aids, etc.).

    Section 1. Electricity, electrical engineering.

    Topic 1. Introductory lesson. Conversation about electricity.

    How children imagine electricity, what knowledge they have.

    Natural and artificial electricity.

    A short excursion into history. Ancient Greece, Thales, Aristotle.

    Topic 2. At the origins of knowledge about electricity.

    How people learned about electricity, who stood at the origins of knowledge. Ancient centuries, modern times. William Gilbert, Otto von Guericke, Benjamin Franklin, Coulomb, Galvani, Volta and others.

    Topic 3. How the atom is structured. How scientists discovered the structure of the atom. Structure and properties of the atom. Atoms of simple substances (hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon).

    How molecules are formed.

    Practical lesson on atomic modeling.

    Topic 4. Electrization, electric forces. The concept of electrification and electrical forces.

    Practical observation of electrification and interaction of electrified bodies.

    Topic 5. “In the Void” Behavior of an electric charge in a physical vacuum.

    Topic 6. “Soap bubbles” Properties of the electric field.

    Topic 7. “Portrait” How the electron was measured.

    About how the electron charge was measured. What does an electron look like?

    Topic 8. “Tourist hike” How an electric charge behaves in an electric field.

    Topic 9. Magnetism. Natural and artificial magnets. Magnetic lines, how can you see them?

    Practical study of magnetic fields created by flat, round, ring, horseshoe magnets. Production of metal filings. Displaying magnetic lines using metal filings.

    Experiments with magnets. Attracting various objects with magnets.

    Sorting magnetic and non-magnetic items using

    Determination of the attractive force of a horseshoe magnet.

    The influence of the gap between the armature and the magnet on the force of attraction.

    Topic 10. Magnetic interaction. Interaction of magnets, magnetic compass needle.

    Practical study of magnetic interaction, making magnetic needles from sewing needles, visual experiments with them.

    Assembling a compass model. Handling a compass.

    The structure of a magnet. Magnetizing steel wire.

    Residual magnetism and demagnetization of iron.

    Interaction of magnetic needles. Interaction of magnets with

    arrow poles, etc.

    Topic 11. Electromagnetism. Electromagnets. Magnetic field created by electric current.

    Practical experiments with electromagnets. Making an electromagnet on a frame from a spool of thread. Study of its magnetic field. Displaying magnetic lines using metal filings.

    Assembling models using electromagnets.

    Topic 12. Electromagnetic relay. Types, device, application.

    Introducing samples of relays used in electrical products.

    Practical lesson. Assembling models using relays.

    Topic 13. Electrical measuring instruments. Types, device, application.

    Introduction to the tester and multimeter.

    Assembling models of measuring instruments.

    Topic 14. Electromagnetic induction. "Convert magnetism into electricity." The occurrence of induction current. Practical lesson: "Faraday's Experiments."

    Topic 15. Electric current. What is electric current, how does it arise (conditions for its occurrence), how is it measured. Industrial production of electricity, types of power plants. Electricity consumers, household electrical appliances.

    Practical current measurement (for visual representation).

    Assembling a model of a dynamo and studying its operation.

    What is electrical voltage, how is it created, how is it measured.

    Practical lesson. Chemical current sources: galvanic cell, battery of galvanic cells, accumulator. AC power supply (rectifier). Capacitors, their storage of electricity.

    Dismantling used batteries, accumulators of different types, studying their structure. Manufacturing of the simplest current sources, experiments with them.

    Serial and parallel connection of current sources.

    Topic 17. Electric current in metals, liquids, gases.

    Features of current flow in various environments.

    Practical lesson. Making electrolytes and experiments with them. Study of the structure of neon and fluorescent lamps.

    Topic 18. Conductors and dielectrics. Why do some bodies pass current while others do not?

    Practical lesson.

    Topic 19. Thermal effect of current. The ability of current to heat conductors. Useful and harmful.

    Practical lesson. Making a model of an electric heater.

    Topic 20. Magnetic effect of current. The effect of a magnet on current. (For fastening).

    Topic 21. Chemical effect of current. Electrolysis. Coating metals with a protective layer.

    Practical lesson. Decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen. Copper plating of the nail.

    Topic 22. Basics of electrical safety. What is the danger of electric current to humans? How does electric current affect a living organism? How to protect yourself from electric current.

    Practical lesson on measuring body resistance and calculating current.

    Topic 23. Electric circuits.

    Composition of the electrical circuit. Schematic representation of the circuit elements. Electrical diagrams.

    Preparatory work. Assembly of chain elements and units.

    Practical introduction to electrical circuits.

    Topic 24. Electrical resistance. Dependence of conductor resistance on its material; on its length and cross-section. Variable resistance wire, resistance change, rheostats.

    Practical lesson. Assembling various models of rheostats, experiments on changing resistance. Types of industrial resistances (resistors), differences in power, markings. Measuring (checking) resistors.

    Topic 25. Ohm's law. Dependence of current on the resistance of the electrical circuit. Constant current strength in all parts of the circuit, dependence of current strength on voltage. Practical lesson. Current regulation by rheostat. Changing the voltage supplied to the light bulb using a potentiometer.

    Topic 26. Series connection of circuit elements. Practical research.

    Topic 27. Parallel connection. Practical research.

    Topic 28. Mixed connection. Practical research.

    Topic 29. Converters of electrical energy into mechanical energy. Classification of electric motors. A brief history of electric motors. The design of a DC electric motor, the rules for turning it on, reversing switching. The concept of electric transport.

    Practical lesson. Assembly of a model of an electric motor, a model of an electric fan, a model of a device for the synthesis of white color. Moving winch model, electric crane model. Stepper motor model.

    Topic 30. Electrical communication and signaling. Telegraph, telegraph line, telephone. About radiotelegraphy. Acoustic and optical alarm.

    Practical lesson. Studying the structure of the direct-printing start-stop telegraph apparatus type STA, telephone apparatus TA - 57. Assembling models of telegraph apparatus; fire and security alarm models.

    Topic 31. Brief information about alternating current. Receiving, transforming, rectifying. Practical lesson. Experiments with a step-down transformer, assembling a model of a soda rectifier.

    Topic 32. Electrical toy library. Assembling game models “Hardness of hand”, “Who is faster?” and other competitions.

    Topic 33. Reference literature. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books. How to use them.


    Section 1. Electricity. Electrical engineering.

    Hours are theoretical

    Practical hours

    Total hours

    Introductory lesson. Conversation about electricity.

    At the origins of knowledge about electricity.

    About how the atom is structured. How molecules are formed.

    Electrification. Electric forces.

    "In the void."

    "Soap Bubbles".

    “Portrait” How the electron was measured.

    "Tourist trip".


    Magnetic interaction.

    Electromagnetism. Electromagnets.

    Electromagnetic relay.

    Electrical measuring instruments.

    Electromagnetic induction.

    Electric current.

    Voltage. Current sources.

    Electric current in metals, liquids, gases.

    Conductors and dielectrics.

    Thermal effect of current.

    Magnetic effect of current.

    Chemical effect of current.

    Basics of electrical safety.

    Electrical circuits.

    Electrical resistance.

    Ohm's law.

    Serial connection.

    Parallel connection.

    Mixed connection.

    Converters of electrical energy into mechanical energy.

    Electrical communication and signaling.


    Electrical toy library


    Section 2. Basic information on electronics.

    Total number of hours - 244

    A little over 70 years have passed since the invention of the world's first radio receiver. For technology this is a relatively short period of time. But during this time, radio engineering and electronics became firmly entrenched in the culture and life of people. Radio electronics allows you to see movies and plays on TV screens, detect objects at long distances, melt metal, treat serious illnesses, control spaceships and much more. It was radio electronics that made it possible to photograph the side of the Moon invisible from Earth and to see a person going into outer space. Radio electronics helped scientists split the atom, create powerful particle accelerators, and look deeper into the microworld. Nowadays there is no branch of science or industry in which radio electronics are not used to one degree or another.

    Radio amateurs made a significant contribution to the development of radio engineering and radio electronics in our country. Their skillful hands have designed many different devices for the national economy, medicine, science, technology, and culture. They are also propagandists of radio engineering knowledge among the general public.

    There are many young radio amateurs. They do what they love in the circles of the Houses and Palaces of Pioneers, stations and clubs of young technicians, schools, DOSAAF radio clubs, and independently at home. Studying the basics of radio electronics, they design receivers, amplifiers, and various devices.

    The creativity of young people is often of a socially useful nature. Radio amateurs of the Novosibirsk Regional Station for Young Technicians, for example, over the past five years have equipped more than 100 field teams and camps of collective and state farms with homemade transistor receivers, and have created several electronic devices for agriculture and medicine. In clinics in Novosibirsk, they have found the use of “White Noise” - a device that reduces pain when treating a diseased tooth with a drill, a potential meter - a device that allows you to measure the potential difference between a denture and the human body, a device for UHF therapy that irradiates only one patient with high-frequency currents tooth. The local history museum of the city has an electronic guide designed by the children. Young radio amateurs of the Station are regular participants in local and All-Union radio exhibitions.

    Young radio amateurs of the House of Pioneers in the city of Cherepanovo, Novosibirsk Region, also designed several devices for medicine and the national economy, and members of the club of young technicians of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences developed and donated a number of devices for scientific purposes to research institutes.

    There are many examples of the creativity of young radio amateurs and their socially useful deeds. They are in every region, in many schools.

    Where to start? How to teach children to design amplifiers, receivers, radio devices and instruments? Such questions always worry the organizers and leaders of circles, young radio amateurs, and especially those of them who are taking up this business for the first time. The task of the author of this book is to try to answer these and some other questions.

    The radio circle should be considered as an amateur association of schoolchildren who want, in their leisure time, to learn how to build radio receivers and other radio structures themselves, and to study the basics of radio electronics. The task of the circle leader is to satisfy and develop the interests of the circle members in radio engineering.

    In every eight-year and high school there are, of course, children interested in radio engineering. Many of them practice amateur radio at home, often alone. However, it is better to study the basics of radio electronics and master radio design, of course, in clubs at schools and out-of-school institutions, where there are appropriate conditions for this - there are tools, materials, parts, devices. Clubs for young radio amateurs can also be created at the place of residence - at house management offices, housing offices.

    The amateur radio activities of pioneers and schoolchildren are of a polytechnic nature. After all, in order to build a radio receiver or any other radio engineering device, knowledge of physics and mathematics is required. By studying in circles, they arm themselves with theory and practice in electrical and radio engineering, acquire skills in handling tools and measuring equipment, learn to read and draw electrical circuits, become familiar with simple technological processes, and design.

    The composition of the circle should be approximately homogeneous in age, general development and interests of the children. One circle should include students from no more than two related classes. The work of a circle can be organized most effectively if it is staffed by students of the same class.

    As practice has shown, students are successfully involved in amateur radio starting from grades 6-7. They already have the necessary knowledge to understand the physical foundations of radio engineering.

    Below are sample programs for clubs for young radio amateurs in the first and second years of classes. They are acceptable for both schools and non-school institutions. The first of them, designed for students in grades 6-8 who have not previously been involved in amateur radio, was developed by the Central Station of Young Technicians of the RSFSR, but it has undergone some changes: some topics have been expanded, new practical work has been proposed. An approximate program for the second year of classes, which is a logical continuation of the club program for the first year of classes, was developed by the team of the Novosibirsk Regional Station for Young Technicians and tested in schools and non-school institutions of Novosibirsk and the region. It is designed for students in grades 8-10. But this does not mean that a circle of students in grades 8-9 should study only according to this program. Here we need an individual approach to the circle members, it is necessary to take into account their knowledge in the field of electrical and radio engineering. If students in these classes have not previously studied radio engineering, then they need to create a club that will study according to the first program. The circle of the second year of classes must be staffed by students who have knowledge and experience within the scope of the program of the circle of the first year of classes.

    It is very important that members of the circle not only learn how to install amateur radio structures, but also know the physical processes occurring in them, understand the operation of this or that device, and be able to make simple calculations of blocks and components of equipment. But you shouldn’t overload the circle’s classes with the communication of theoretical information, turning them into unique lessons. Beginning radio amateurs—students in grades 6–7 during club classes—need to be given only some information from electrical engineering and radio engineering that is understandable, and only to the extent that is absolutely necessary to carry out the intended practical work. You should not give complete justifications and exhaustive formulations of the laws of physics. We just need to bring the circle members to these laws and point out their practical application.

    Theoretical information is presented in the form of popular conversations, accompanied by demonstrations of experiments, radio components, finished structures, with as many analogies, diagrams and drawings as possible.

    Posters on electrical and radio engineering can be obtained through the Book by Mail store.

    Diagrams and descriptions of amateur radio designs can be obtained through the radio technical consultation of the Central Radio Club of the USSR (Moscow). School radio clubs can always get the necessary advice from local Pioneer Houses and Palaces, clubs and stations for young technicians. Various diagrams and drawings needed by the circle can be found in the magazines “Radio”, “Young Technician”, “Model Designer”, in brochures and books of the mass radio library.

    Of course, we also need books on the basics of radio engineering. First of all, circle members should recommend the books “Young Radio Amateur” by V. G. Borisov and Yu. It's very simple! and “Transistor!... It's very simple!” If these books are not on sale, they may be in libraries.

    The work plan of the circle is drawn up by the head of the circle for the entire academic year based on the program. However, the club program is approximate. This means that, taking into account local conditions, the interests of circle members, a school or an out-of-school institution, it can be slightly changed, some topics expanded or shortened, and practical work replaced. We must strive to ensure that the study of the basics of radio electronics and design by members of the circle goes from the simplest to the complex. The transition from one topic to another should always be logical and justified.

    The practical work of the circle, which is the basis of its activities, should not be an end in itself. When assembling and installing certain structures, it is necessary to have an understanding of the principle of their operation, the purpose of individual parts and components of the structure, to be able to set up and adjust them, to find and fix problems. Only in this case will classes in the circle bring great benefit to all members of the circle. However, unfortunately, in the pursuit of effective designs, individual circle members, often with the permission of the leader himself, sometimes take on the production of complex receivers and instruments according to ready-made descriptions. This certainly leads to unconscious copying of an unfamiliar and incomprehensible design. To complete such constructions, the leader has to pay a lot of attention to these circle members, and sometimes he himself has to bring the construction to the end. Such “radio amateurism”, of course, only brings harm, and not only to the circle member who took on the backbreaking work, but also to the entire circle. For practical work, it is necessary to outline only those structures and devices that will be manufactured and adjusted from start to finish by the circle members themselves.

    Among the circle members there will undoubtedly be those who would like to make receivers or devices for personal use, for the home. This desire should be satisfied whenever possible, if, of course, these designs are close in theme to the content of the circle’s work.

    If specialized radio sports clubs, such as “fox hunters” or shortwave radio clubs, are organized at a school or non-school institution, training programs for such clubs can be obtained from the local DOSAAF radio club. It is recommended that such clubs be staffed by children familiar with the basics of radio engineering within the scope of the first year curriculum.

    No matter how extensive the knowledge and experience of the circle leader, systematic work with circle members requires advance preparation for each lesson. It is necessary to select fairly simple but effective experiments, analogies, examples, questions, tasks and other materials related to the circle’s lesson on this topic. Good preparation for knowledge of the circle contributes to the high-quality assimilation of theoretical material, has a beneficial effect on the performance of practical work, and increases the authority of the circle leader. Club members should be encouraged to read popular science books and magazines on radio engineering, especially the magazine "Radio", regularly write down in notebooks the information received in the circle's classes, draw diagrams of structures in them, thus creating a kind of reference book that will be useful to them in their practical activities .

    The circle must have constant contact with the local House or Palace of Pioneers, DOSAAF radio club, regional or republican station for young technicians. These institutions will help to properly plan the work of the circle, organize radio sports competitions, and an exhibition of works by young radio amateurs. The radio club, in addition, can provide some materials and radio components for the work of the circle.

    Sports radio games for schoolchildren have already become traditional, including competitions in “Fox Hunting”, high-speed assembly of generators or receivers, walking in azimuth and working in a radio network, transmitting and receiving radiograms on a key. City, regional and All-Union exhibitions of works by amateur radio designers are regularly held, to which young radio amateurs present their works. Every year, during the spring school holidays, competitions for young ultra-shortwave athletes are held.

    It is a matter of honor for the circle of young radio amateurs to actively participate in these and similar events. This activates the work of the circle and unites its team around new tasks.

    Boy radio amateurs are the future soldiers of the Soviet Army. Knowledge of the basics of radio engineering and electronics will help them in their service as signalmen of the USSR Armed Forces.