• Is it possible to obtain dual citizenship? How to get double cashback on Aliexpress? How to get double

    Ecology of consumption. Estate: There is an effective method of growing an early harvest of cucumbers - on average 20-25 pcs. from every bush...

    There is an effective method for growing an early harvest of cucumbers - on average 20-25 pcs. from every bush. The yield using this method is several times higher than usual.

    To do this, dry cucumber seeds are sown in boxes, sand is poured on the bottom for filtration, and a soil mixture is added on top (50% garden soil and 50% humus).

    The boxes should be filled to half their height by 3-4 cm. The seeds are planted to a depth of 1-2 cm every 3-4 cm. Next, the boxes are covered with glass and placed in a warm place for 3-4 days.

    When shoots appear, the glass is removed and the boxes are placed in a sunny window.

    As the seedlings grow, be sure to add soil until the boxes are completely filled.

    This will be the first increase in the root system of cucumbers by adding soil.

    If you look closely at the stem of cucumbers, you can see a lot of pimples on it - these are future roots. They will germinate when soil is added and give additional roots, increasing the root system of the entire plant by almost 2 times, and therefore the power of the entire plant.

    Next operation - transplanting seedlings into pots(or milk cartons).This is done when the plants grow 1-2 leaves.

    You need to cut out the plant along with the soil and put it in a pot (bag). Pots, like boxes, are only partially filled with soil. As the plant grows, soil is added until the pot is completely filled.

    This will be the second increase in the root system.

    Then the seedlings are transplanted into the ground. First, dig a trench (one meter wide, arbitrary length) using a full bayonet of a shovel. 5-7 cm of humus is poured into the bottom of the trench. Before planting the seedlings, the soil in the trench must warm up for a week.

    Transplanting: the bag is cut, and a lump of earth with seedlings is dropped to the bottom of the trench (on humus). Looking at the lump, you can see that it is literally riddled with roots - this is the main thing in this method: a multiplying root system.

    When the plants are lowered into the trench, they are covered with earth.

    Planting Density: 18-20 plants per 4 square meters. meters of trench.

    After this, the trench, on the sides of the plants, is covered with straw, last year's weeds in a layer of 8-10 cm and sprinkled with earth on top and watered. This layer of straw will provide warmth and food to the plants during the period of decay and release carbon dioxide.

    This will be the third vertical increase in the root system.

    Further care - as usual.

    And if you install a trellis net along the entire length of the trench, then harvesting will be very easy. published

    Recently, people have become increasingly active in making online purchases. I think not everyone knows that you can get good discounts for your online shopping. From this article you will not only learn how to get double cashback and make your online shopping even more profitable, but at the same time you will get acquainted with all the aspects and delights of the bonus program called CASHBACK.

    What is cashback?

    Cashback is the return of part of the amount spent on a purchase. In other words, cashback is the same discount, but with a delay, that is, the money is returned not immediately, but after a predetermined period of time. The question arises: why on earth would someone return part of the money for purchases? The answer to this question is very simple.

    From the store’s point of view, cashback is the most effective alternative to classic advertising. Here's how it happens. An agreement is drawn up between the seller and the online service, according to which for each referred buyer who makes a purchase, the seller pays a certain percentage, and the cashback service, in turn, transfers part of this percentage to the buyer, that is, to you and me. In the end, everyone is happy!

    Pros and cons of cashback

    Cashback has several objective advantages over other ways to save money when purchasing. Cashback, although it is one of the types of deferred discounts, is always combined with traditional instant discounts and promotions, although only upon purchase.

    Unlike regular discounts, promotions, sales and promotional codes, cashback applies to absolutely the entire range of the store. It does not require the fulfillment of any additional conditions. For example, such as the quantity of purchased goods from one category, the minimum purchase amount, etc.

    Accordingly, when you make a purchase, you are not limited in your choice and do not adapt to certain conditions of the promotion, but choose only the goods you really need and in the quantity you need. Unlike promotions and sales, cashback is not limited in time. It does not provoke impulse purchases, but allows them to be made rationally and thoughtfully.

    Cashback is real money, which you can and will use at your own discretion.

    It is necessary to distinguish cashback from all kinds of bonus points and other inferior rewards. After all, bonuses are another marketing trick that makes us all make purchases more often and from the same seller.

    About cashback services

    With cashback services, everything is not so complicated, but there are some subtleties here. When choosing a particular cashback resource, be sure to make sure that it cooperates with your favorite online trading platforms and stores. For example, I use the LetyShops cashback service.

    To be honest, I wasn’t specifically looking for a specific service for myself, but somehow by accident, and now I don’t even remember how I came across this resource. But after my first purchase, I was never disappointed in it. Of course, I tried other services, but still decided to stay with LetiShops.

    In my opinion, the only disadvantage of this service is that withdrawal of money to a bank card or electronic wallets starts from 500 rubles. By the way, there is always a promotion for new users in the form of increased cashback.

    If you have at least 30 thousand rubles on your Tinkoff Black card, and the amount of monthly purchases is at least 3 thousand rubles, more is possible, then your monthly fee will be 0 rubles and you will be credited with 8% per annum on the balance and, accordingly, cashback for your chosen purchases.

    But when choosing a card for online purchases, always pay attention to the little things. Some banks offer inferior analogues of cashback, for example in the form of “thank you” points or other similar bonuses, the use of which may be severely limited, and transfer to real rubles will not be possible.

    So, if you took care in advance and chose the bank you need and a card tailored for online purchases, then you will always have an additional or double cashback, that is, the first from the web service, the second from the bank!


    The integrated use of a cashback service and a bank card focused on web shopping gives on average about 7.5% savings, and under particularly favorable circumstances, 35% or more. Accordingly, if you use the combination that I told you about when making purchases, you will get decent savings. I wish you all good luck and happy shopping!

    A secret life hack on how to double your cashback on Aliexpress. The secret is that you first need to buy an Aliexpress gift certificate (gift card) and get cashback, and then pay for any order using certificates and get cashback again! At the same time.

    Here's more information about Aliexpress gift certificates and you can buy them there: http://sale.aliexpress.com/ru/__pc/pocket.htm

    And you can find and choose the best and most profitable cashback service in the top rating of cashback services on (do not forget to register and activate cashback in your cashback service before purchasing an Aliexpress gift certificate)

    How to get double cashback using Aliexpress certificates:

    At the same time, you can buy 1 or several Aliexpress gift certificates of the same denomination (there are 10$, 20$, 50$, 100$, 150$). The purchase of certificates occurs and is recorded as a regular purchase on Aliexpress and after the purchase they are displayed in the “My Orders” section, and the “Aliexpress Wallet” (certificate balance) is automatically replenished with the amount of purchased certificates.

    You can pay for absolutely any goods on Aliexpress using the balance of the purchased certificates (the total balance and the purchased certificates are summed up). If the product costs less than you bought the certificates, then the amount spent will simply be deducted from the balance, but if the product costs more than what is on your Aliexpress Wallet balance, then you will be automatically asked to pay extra in any convenient way.

    To view your "Aliexpress Wallet" (certificate balance) or buy gift certificates from Aliexpress, go to the My Coupons section:

    Here are the denominations of Aliexpress gift certificates currently available: 10$, 20$, 50$, 100$, 150$ (there are no additional commissions when purchasing or using them)

    When placing any order on Aliexpress (after clicking the "Buy" button), you will be able to pay for purchases through the "Aliexpress Wallet" (using Aliexpress gift certificates)

    Problems and errors when purchasing and paying using Aliexpress gift certificates

    Sometimes problems may arise when purchasing Aliexpress certificates, especially if you pay using Visa/Mastercard or if you buy a denomination of more than $10. Therefore, we recommend buying Aliexpress gift certificates using WebMoney, Yandex.Money or Qiwi. Also, if you need to buy certificates worth more than $10, then it is better to choose a certificate for $10 and indicate the required quantity (for example, 3 pieces or 15 pieces), since with denominations of $20, $50, $100, $150 there are sometimes problems and errors can appear .

    It is important to understand one more nuance: if you bought a gift certificate, you cannot cancel its purchase, even if for some reason you were not credited with cashback for purchasing the certificate (this sometimes happens). So it’s better to purchase them in small quantities and check whether the cashback for purchasing Aliexpress gift certificates is credited in your cashback service.

    What to do if you can’t get an Aliexpress certificate?

    If you cannot buy an Aliexpress certificate, and a message or windows like:
    "you're worth a better shopping experience.Download the APP":

    Try it buy Aliexpress certificate via direct link, denomination $10: direct link to the certificate
    (A page will open immediately with payment for the certificate, you can indicate your number of certificates of a given denomination for any amount and buy certificates without any problems)

    Which is the best cashback service to use to purchase Aliexpress gift certificates and double cashback?

    In principle, any cashback service () is suitable for receiving double cashback on Aliexpress. But we recommend using Letishops or EPN Cashback, where funds are credited quite quickly and there are no problems with these cashback services.

    IMPORTANT: Starting from March 9, 2017, Aliexpress suspended double cashback in all cashback services, but from February 21, 2019, it was again possible to receive double cashback on Aliexpress:
    Psst, would you like some cashback? AND DOUBLE CASHBACK? HA!

    Only in your favorite cashback service ePN you can get cashback on Aliexpress gift certificates. If you still don’t understand what this means, let’s explain:
    1. you buy a certificate on Ali
    2. you get cashback from it
    3. make a purchase using a certificate
    4. you get ANOTHER CASHBACK

    Well, how do you like this arrangement, huh?! If you still haven't realized how cool this proposal is, go here:

    Quite recently, an interesting life hack appeared. Here's the secret:

    1. Register in any cashback service where there is Aliexpress ()
    2. Go from the cashback service to the Aliexpress website
    3. First, buy an Aliexpress gift card (gift certificate) and get cashback
    4. And then, when placing a new order, use Aliexpress certificates to pay for purchases and get cashback again!

    Here's more information about Aliexpress gift certificates and you can also find them there buy: http://sale.aliexpress.com/ru/__pc/pocket.htm

    Well, you can choose the best and most profitable cashback service in the rating of cashback services on

    Here's how to view your certificates in your Aliexpress account: go to the "My Coupons" section

    On the left there will be a button “My gift certificates”, click on it and a page with your certificates and a button “Buy certificates” will appear.

    The following Aliexpress certificate denominations (amounts) are currently available:

    - 20$
    - 50$
    - 100$
    - 150$

    It is important to note that there are no additional commissions when purchasing or using Aliexpress gift certificates.

    After purchase, the certificate appears in the My Certificates section and in the “My Orders” section. When paying for any order, you will be asked to pay for the goods using a certificate (On the order payment page, check the “Use certificate” checkbox).
    It turns out to be a double cashback, the first time you can get cashback when purchasing a certificate and the second time when paying for any product using a certificate.

    When purchasing a certificate for Aliexpress through the cashback service Letishops and EPN Cashback, the cashback is credited instantly and can be withdrawn immediately, but when paying for goods using a certificate, you will need to wait for confirmation of receipt of the order.

    Errors and problems when purchasing certificates on Aliexpress

    Due to the fact that the functionality of certificates is quite new, some difficulties may arise when purchasing. Large certificates may expire and become unavailable for purchase. Usually the problem is resolved within 24 hours. Blocking the ability to pay for certificates (when it is not possible to buy an Aliexpress certificate), this problem may arise in the case of payment from a plastic card (Visa, MasterCard). In this case, the AliExpress system asks you to provide additional information about the card.

    In this case, you can try to pay through any electronic wallet available in AliExpress (Webmoney, Yandex.Money, etc.). The problem may also extend to the purchase of high-denomination certificates.

    IMPORTANT TIP: To avoid problems, we advise you to buy certificates with a face value of $10 and adjust the required amount by indicating the number of these certificates.

    Also, we draw your attention to the fact that the certificate is not actually a product, AliExpress can disable cashback for it at any time. Therefore, we advise you to stock up on certification in advance. Before purchasing a large batch of certificates, if possible, test the cashback credit on a cheap product or a certificate with a face value of $10. You cannot cancel the purchase of the certificate itself, that is, if you bought a certificate and for some reason the cashback was not credited, then you will not be able to cancel the “purchase of the certificate,” so do not forget to activate your cashback and disable all third-party plugins before purchasing!

    What to do if you don’t buy an Aliexpress certificate?

    Sometimes, when purchasing certificates, it offers to download a mobile application and a message appears, or rather a window:
    "you're worth a better shopping experience.Download the APP" and the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons, after clicking the "OK" button it simply redirects to the main page of the Aliexpress mobile version:

    Solving the problem with purchasing Aliexpress certificates: If for some reason you can’t buy a certificate, copy this link to a $10 certificate: direct link to the certificate
    (A page will open immediately with payment for the certificate, you can indicate your number of certificates of a given denomination for any amount and buy certificates without any problems)

    ATTENTION: from March 9, 2017, cashback for certificates was canceled, but from February 21, 2019, it became possible to receive double cashback on Aliexpress again:
    Only at ePN you can get cashback on Aliexpress gift certificates. If you still don’t understand what this means, let’s explain:
    1. you buy a certificate on Ali
    2. you get cashback from it
    3. make a purchase using a certificate
    4. you get ANOTHER CASHBACK

    Well, how do you like this arrangement, huh?! If you still haven't realized how cool this proposal is, go here:

    In some countries, dual citizenship is prohibited. But in Russia the right to have two passports is enshrined in the Constitution. According to Article 62 of the Basic Law, every citizen has the right to obtain citizenship of another country. The same article determines that people with dual citizenship have the same rights and obligations as compatriots with one passport. Persons who have received two passports are called bipatrids. We will discuss below how to obtain dual citizenship and what advantages it provides.

    Dual and second citizenship: differences

    The difference between “dual” and “second” citizenship may seem insignificant without delving into the law. Dual citizenship is the presence of both citizenship of Russia and a country with which Russia has special relations (Turkmenistan and Tajikistan). Second citizenship - obtaining a passport of a foreign state without renouncing the Russian one. Before describing how to obtain dual citizenship for a Russian, let’s look at the differences between these two terms in more detail.

    What is dual citizenship

    “Dual citizenship” is the presence of an additional passport of a state with which Russia has a special relationship. This term applies to Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Persons who have a double passport also receive a double set of documents for their children.

    Having a passport of Tajikistan or Turkmenistan (except for a Russian passport) also allows you to perform military service in these countries under the conditions determined by international treaties between the countries.

    Those. the holder of a dual passport can choose the country where he will perform military service. The fact of serving abroad does not relieve the owner of a “second passport” from the obligation to serve in Russia.

    What is second citizenship, its advantages

    Since the Constitution clearly answers the question “is it possible to obtain dual citizenship in Russia” and does not limit citizens from obtaining it without renouncing Russian citizenship, the only stumbling block remains the federal law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation.” It doesn’t matter which country you want to obtain citizenship of. It is important that this does not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation.

    If you became the owner of a second citizenship during the conscription period, you will have to serve in another country, even if you have experience of military service in the Russian Federation.

    However, second citizenship provides a number of advantages. Bipatrids have the right:

    • enjoy all the benefits of both states;
    • freely enter both countries without a visa, as well as countries with which both countries have a visa-free regime;
    • choose in which country to pay taxes and receive a pension;
    • participate in elections in both countries.

    Who can find out that you have a second citizenship?

    A number of countries prohibit dual citizenship. In particular, to obtain German or Norwegian citizenship, you will have to go through the procedure of renouncing Russian citizenship.

    At the same time, Hungary does not distribute information about its citizens to third parties.

    Those. if you receive citizenship of this country, no one will know about it except you and government employees. However, even if Russia does not know about your Hungarian citizenship and vice versa, this does not relieve you of responsibilities to these states.

    Responsibility for concealing the fact of dual citizenship

    A Russian citizen who has dual citizenship is obliged to notify the Russian side about this. To do this, a written application is submitted to the Russian migration authorities at the place of actual residence. The citizen has 60 days to do this from the date of acquiring second citizenship.

    If a citizen does not submit such an application for objective reasons (he is constantly in another country and is not able to come to Russia), he must notify the responsible authorities that he has received a second citizenship within a month after he next enters Russia .

    Sanctions for untimely application are regulated by Article 19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For violating the deadlines for applying to the FMS, you will have to pay a fine of 500-1000 rubles.

    Important: The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has Article 330.2, which punishes violators for deliberately concealing the fact of having dual citizenship. Despite the criminal nature of the article, imprisonment is not expected due to it. Maximum - up to 200 thousand rubles. fine or up to 400 hours of correctional labor.

    330.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was applied only once in December 2014. This case was called a precedent, and the Investigative Committee for the Leningrad Region stated that in order to initiate a criminal charge, certain “special grounds” were required, the details of which were not disclosed in the press.

    Dual citizenship of which country can you get?

    The difficulty of obtaining citizenship of an EU country is proportional to the investment attractiveness of the specified state. If we are talking about the most prosperous countries that recognize dual citizenship (France, Denmark, etc.), then the process takes quite a long time. First, the candidate lives for several years with a residence permit, then receives the right to permanent residence, and only after that does he apply for citizenship.

    This process, which lasts for years, is a common practice and is called “naturalization.” Special programs help speed up the process of obtaining European citizenship. They operate in a number of European countries, the most common of which will be discussed below:

    • Cyprus. To become a citizen of Cyprus through a simplified procedure, you need to invest in the economy of the state. The investment is considerable - up to 5.5 million euros. However, residents are given a 5-year period for a guaranteed return of funds. Cypriot citizenship is issued to one investor, excluding his family members (family members receive citizenship for individual investments). The period for obtaining citizenship is one of the shortest and is 90-120 days.
    • Malta. Citizenship of this country will cost the least expensive compared to other countries. However, the conditions for gaining citizenship are the most difficult. The investment size is about 800 thousand euros. After this, the person receives the right to permanent residence within 3 months, and then, within a year, becomes a citizen. The requirement for residents is permanent residence in Malta for the first six months without leaving. Maltese citizenship gives you the right to visa-free entry into the United States and a number of other countries.
    • Austria. The state requires large investments from residents for a simplified procedure for acquiring citizenship. The deposit amount is 6 million euros or more. Along with a potential resident, relatives can also apply for citizenship. In case of a negative outcome, the state returns the investment.
    • Hungary. The state requires the least investment (about 300 thousand euros). The difficulty is that these funds can be used to obtain a residence permit and the right to permanent residence. The passport, in any case, is issued after 8 years of continuous residence as a resident.

    How to obtain a second citizenship in the USA

    The American Constitution treats dual citizenship in the same way as the Russian Constitution. Those. you are not required to renounce your previous citizenship in favor of American citizenship.

    However, it will not be possible to obtain citizenship through a simplified procedure, bypassing the naturalization process through contributions. There are no investment programs in the United States that allow you to move to the country on an investor basis.

    However, the United States has a Green Card program. This is a lottery aimed at improving migration processes in the United States. People from all countries with a profession and secondary education can participate in the lottery.

    If you have any questions, !