• Musical competition guess the melody. Ready script. Musical games and competitions for any occasion




    It flowed through the gorges of centuries.

    And a rainbow rising in the distance.

    Qualifying round “Shifters”


    Competition “Continue the Song”


    6 words:

    4 words:

    3 words:

    three words :

    Competition "Guess the word"


    M A R Sh
    Z A P E IN A L A
    B A L A L A Y TO A
    G AND M N
    P E WITH N I



    The game program is designed for middle school age.


    The solemn overture sounds and the presenter comes on stage.

    Leading. Music is an art that has accompanied man since ancient times. Music expresses people's thoughts and feelings.

    Oh, music of great inspiration,
    Isn't it from the heavenly rocky shores
    To the hearts of people living in the distance,
    It flowed through the gorges of centuries.
    Oh, music of sublime feeling!
    It contains the thunder of heaven and the rustling of the earth,
    And the measured sound of rain, simple and sad,
    And a rainbow rising in the distance.

    Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we invite you all to take part in our program “You are my melody”. I hope that you all love listening to music, know a lot of songs and sing them with pleasure. So here we go.

    Participants in the game are children from the audience who have passed the qualifying round, in the amount of 8 people.

    Qualifying round “Shifters”

    Leading. Translate these gobbledygook into normal language exactly the opposite.

    1. The pink truck flies and oscillates. (The blue carriage runs and sways.)
    2. The tornado screamed a hymn to him: get up, cactus, chew, chew. (The snowstorm sang a song to her: sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye.)
    3. Stranger wolf, you are my little wolf. (My bunny, I am your bunny.)
    4. Why should enemies sit in a dark dungeon... (Why should friends wander around the world...)
    5. The rested instruments of production do not sleep. (Tired toys are sleeping.)
    6. There were locusts lying on the tree. (A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.)
    7. Past the black peach of the sun. (Past white apple moon...)
    8. An elderly walker works across the Volga. (A young Cossack walks along the Don.)
    9. Grandfather hated the wolf a little. (Grandmother loved the goat very much.)
    10. Young, young, burst into tears. (Captain, captain, smile.)

    8 participants start. After each competition, one of the participants is eliminated.

    Competition “Continue the Song”

    Leading. Your task is to continue the line of the song. The number of words per line will gradually decrease.

    You can choose songs to suit your taste and the taste of the group in which the game is being played.

    6 words:

    1. He has a cap on his head, but he has been fooled... (there will be an enemy).
    2. Swords clink, like the clink of a glass, from... (childhood pleases my ears).
    3. I don't know failure because... (I'm a trickster once I cross the road...)
    4. Snow floats on an ice floe, as if on... (a brigantine, on gray, harsh seas).
    5. And the winged swing begins its run... (everything in the world is forgotten).
    6. Let mom come back, let mom come... (let mom definitely find me).
    7. I was once a strange, nameless toy... (which no one bought in the store).
    8. From a smile in the sky, a rainbow will wake up... (share your smile).

    4 words:

    1. Happiness is suddenly in silence... (knocked on the door).
    2. In the green spring under the old... (Vanyusha is asking for a pine tree with his beloved).
    3. The January blizzard is ringing, and... (the showers are lashing elastically).
    4. The bears rub their backs against...(the earth's axis).
    5. Wait, locomotive, don't knock... (wheels, conductor, press the brakes).
    6. In the dark blue forest...(where the aspen trees tremble).
    7. Unhappy people live there... (savages, terrible in appearance).
    8. If I were... (Sultan, I would have three wives).

    3 words:

    1. The locomotive will rush straight... (to the border, have fun, guys, we are soldiers now).
    2. How is life without... (spring, spring without a thunderstorm).
    3. There is a black pond in the count's park.
    4. Don't hang your nose... (midshipmen, is life bad or good).
    5. I hear a voice from... (beautiful distance).
    6. For four seas... (for four suns).
    7. I could... (play the guitar).
    8. Shaking the feathers on... (the hat, we whisper to fate more than once).

    After this competition, one participant is eliminated. If the score is tied, more songs are offered three words :

    1. Under the blue sky... (there is a golden city).
    2. It caught fire, sparkled itself... (a bright star, which means you were born again, you are still young).
    3. Where does childhood go... (to which cities).
    4. And I want... (and I want to run on the rooftops again).

    Competition "Guess the word"

    Leading. Melody is the soul of music. It is the melody in music that is closest to a person, because it is in tune with his voice, his soul. Solve the crossword puzzle, the clue is the word “Melody”.

    M A R Sh
    Z A P E IN A L A
    B A L A L A Y TO A
    G AND M N
    P E WITH N I
    1. One of the three pillars of music. (March)
    2. The person who starts the song. (Start the song)
    3. Russian folk musical instrument. (Balalaika)
    4. Author of the ballet "The Nutcracker". (Tchaikovsky)
    5. Leader of the choir and orchestra. (Conductor)
    6. A solemn song adopted as a symbol of the state. (Hymn)
    7. One of the three pillars of music. (Song)

    Six participants take envelopes containing plaques with the names of composers and the names of cartoons.
    Musical excerpts are played, you need to choose a composer, the author of the song and name the cartoon.

    1. “True Friend”, film “Timka and Dimka”, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by B. Savelyev.
    2. “Song of the Black Cat”, film “Blue Puppy”, lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by G. Gladkov.
    3. “Song of the Silk Tassel”, film “Silk Tassel”, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by Y. Chichkov.
    4. “Or maybe a crow”, film “Plasticine Crow”, S. Nikitina.
    5. “Lullaby of the Bear”, film “Umka”, lyrics by Y. Yakovlev, music by E. Krylatov.
    6. “Boat”, film “In the Port”, lyrics by S. Kozlov, music by M. Minkov.
    7. “Song of a Baby Mammoth”, film “Mother for a Baby Mammoth”, lyrics by D. Nepomnyashchy, music by V. Shainsky.
    8. “A Ray of Golden Sun”, film “In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians”, lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by G. Gladkov.
    9. “Smile”, film “Little Raccoon”, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky.

    5 people are participating.

    Leading. To begin with, let’s remember the name of a group of performers consisting of two people (duet), three (trio), four (quartet), five (quintet), six (sextet), seven (septet), eight (octet) , out of nine (nonet).

    Solve the equations:

    • Septet + duet = (nonet)
    • Octet - quartet = (quartet)
    • Quintet + trio = (octet)
    • Nonet - sextet = (trio)
    • Septet - quartet = (trio)
    • Duet + quartet + octet - septet = (septet)
    • Trio + nonet + duet - quintet = (nonet)
    • Quartet + trio + nonet - septet = (nonet)
    • Duet + octet + sextet - nonet = (septet)
    • Trio + quartet + duet - quintet = (quartet)

    Competition "Musical Instrument"

    4 children are already taking part in this competition task. Each participant is given 4 cards with a description and image of the tools.
    We need to correlate them and name the instrument.

    • A string instrument of ancient origin. The simplest types were known in Ancient Egypt and Assyro-Babylonia 3 thousand years BC. e. The instrument was a large triangular frame with a resonator body on which strings were pulled. It was played, as a rule, by women. The modern instrument has 47 strings. In opera, it imitates the sound of gusli. (Harp)
    • The Russian folk plucked instrument, a relative of the guitar, mandolin, and domra, has become widespread since the beginning of the 18th century. The instrument is used both orchestral and solo; triangular body, equipped with a neck, 3 strings. (Balalaika)
    • The largest in size and lowest sounding instrument from the string-bowed family. Its ancestors are ancient bass viols, similar in appearance to cellos, but larger size. The length is about 2 m. It is played while sitting on a high stool or standing. (Double bass)
    • A keyboard instrument characterized by its enormous size and richness of timbre and dynamic shades. Translated from Greek as “tool”. Invented in the 3rd century. BC e. in Alexandria. Since the 11th century it has been installed only in churches. (Organ)
    • A keyboard-wind musical instrument is a type of harmonica. Invented in Berlin in 1822. On one side of this instrument there are keys, like a piano. (Accordion)
    • The literal translation of the name of this brass instrument is forest horn. The ancestor of the instrument was a hunting horn, which was blown. In order for the sound to be heard over a long distance, they began to lengthen the horn, and to make it more convenient to play, they adapted to “twist” it. In 1664, the French composer Jean Baptiste Lully first introduced this instrument into the orchestra. (French horn)
    • This instrument originated in the 15th century from a pipe: it was greatly lengthened and a retractable slide tube was made. This instrument occupies one of the famous places in the group of brass instruments. This instrument is very good at producing heroic and tragic melodies. (Trombone)
    • The ancient musical instrument is widely known in Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It is a wooden tube with a socket and several holes on the side walls. This instrument is usually played outdoors, accompanying folk dances. (Zurna)

    Competition “The song stays with the person”

    At the end of the program, 3 participants perform karaoke. Songs are drawn by lot. Artistry, manner of performance, character, and getting into the music are assessed.

    It is suggested to perform:

    Children's songs;
    - songs from the movie;
    - modern pop songs.

    Each group has 3 songs. The lyrics are given to the participants.
    These can be songs by such composers:

    1) Evgeny Krylatov, Mark Minkov, Alexander Zhurbin, Yuri Chichkov, Vladimir Shainsky, Gennady Gladkov, Sergey Nikitin, Boris Savelyev.

    Literally a couple of decades ago, choral drinking songs were an invariable attribute of any holiday and this did not require any special game “provocations” or lead-ins from the presenter; now the entertainment part of holiday programs has become very diverse, and often it doesn’t come to songs at all, which is a pity. A choral song makes you closer, brings you closer and lifts you above the hustle and bustle; it’s not without reason that they say about a happy person that his soul SINGS. Therefore, modern holidays are good because they give guests the opportunity to sing and remember beautiful popular songs from different times.

    We offer one of these games - musical quiz “Let's color the world with songs and flowers”

    Options for conducting a musical game. You can give each guest one question.You can divide the hall into teams and hold a team song relay. And at the second stage of the song relay, check whose team is more friendly and interesting in singing the “colored” song from beginning to end.

    Leading: Dear guests! We have prepared an interesting task for you. For each question, you must first guess the name of the song in question, and then perform a passage that mentions the color encrypted in the question: red, yellow, green, etc.

    Music Quiz Questions and Answers

    1. A song about fog of an unusual color ("Lilac Fog")

    2. What color did the child paint the sky, sea, greenery, camel and even mother? ("Orange Song")

    3. The color of the fragrant bird cherry blossoming generously in the heroine’s land? (“White bird cherry fragrant”)

    4. What color doomed the cat to a sad life in this cheerful song? ("Black Cat")

    5. In this song, the army designated by this color is strongest all the way to the British seas (“The Red Army is the strongest of all”)

    6. What color is the motor ship, combined with the cries of birds, does the author of this song admire? (“Oh, the white ship”)

    7. In this song, the leaf of a very curly tree is exactly this color, and the hero himself is in love and confused? (“Curly maple”)

    8. Against the background of viburnum of this color, the girl discovered the changeable and nasty character of her beloved... (“Red Viburnum”)

    9. And this song is about a cherry blossom tree with a wonderful color and about the moon that appeared, and then it turned out... ("Snow White Cherry")

    10. And in which song is everything very brightly painted in this color - frost, the sky, and the star? ("Blue Frost")

    11. A song about a bird that flies and thirsts for prey.. ("Black Maria")

    12. Remember the color of the dress of the heroine of the song about sweet dope, blooming gardens and betrayal.. (“Once a year”)

    13. In the famous children's song of Soviet times, the nights of this color were supposed to literally rise like fires... (“Raise your bonfires, blue nights!”)

    14. A song about tulips the color of a belated morning star, which did not bode well for the heroine ("Yellow Tulips")

    15. In which song does the sea, which is considered Black throughout the world, have this very color? (“The bluest Black Sea in the world is mine”)

    16. Leaves of this color are circling over the city and rustling quietly ("The leaves are yellow")

    17. It is the eyes of this color that the hero passionately dreams of and literally dies... ("Black Eyes")

    18. A song about roses that the hero brings to his classmate Svetka for her birthday ("Pink Roses")

    19. What color rare bird do fortune hunters chase after? ("Blue Bird")

    20. What color did Luna especially love the hero of this song? ("Blue Moon")

    Target: To foster in children a cognitive interest in musical activities. Develop communication and creative abilities. Evoke a positive emotional response.

    Equipment: Phonograms of children's songs, a set of children's musical instruments, score cards for the jury, chairs for each team.

    Progress of the event:

    Presenter: Hello guys! I welcome you, boys and girls, to our fun, musical and entertaining quiz “Guess the Melody”. Melody is music, and it surrounds us everywhere. And probably each of you has a favorite song or favorite artist. Tell me what kind of music do you like? (children's answers). Today I invite you to take part in a quiz, which will consist of music competitions. To do this, we divided into teams “Merry Notes” and


    (Children must determine the names of the songs from the musical passage: backing track; 8 songs for each team)

    1. A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.

    2. A Christmas tree was born in the forest

    3. A true friend.

    4. Friends (gr. Barbariki)

    5. Two funny geese.

    7. From a smile.

    8. Watch (m/f Fixiki)

    9. Antoshka.

    10. Song of the lion cub and turtle

    11. Dance of the little ducklings.

    12. Chunga - changa.

    14. Three tankers

    15. Little Mammoth's song

    16. Cheburashka's song

    The jury evaluates the competition

    (Children must recognize the song by its verbal description; 4 songs for each team)

    1. A song about how a birthday present was brought by helicopter. ("Song of the crocodile Gena" (Let them run clumsily)

    2. A song about two poultry birds of different colors. ("Two cheerful geese")

    3. The song is about how good it is to walk with friends and sing songs. ("It's fun to walk together")

    4. Song of a girl who wore a bright headdress ("Song of Little Red Riding Hood")

    5. The song after cartoons that all the children go to bed to. ("Tired toys are sleeping")

    6. A song about a wooden boy who exchanged his ABC for a theater ticket. ("Pinocchio")

    7. A song about a coniferous tree that is cold. ("Little Christmas Tree")

    8. A song about an animal floating on an ice floe. ("Song of the Baby Mammoth")

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Whose team can remember more names of musical instruments?

    Children are shown pictures of musical instruments, they must name the ones they recognize.

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Flashmob-Dance break for participants and spectators:

    dance to the song "Pinocchio" (Teacher shows movements)

    Competition No. 4 "What is this?"

    Children must assemble a cut-out picture of a musical instrument. Who's faster?

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Competition No. 5 "Dancing"Captains competition?

    Each team (captain) is given a Whatman paper, on which they dance to the music; after the music changes, the Whatman paper is folded (3 times). The team that has the most dancers left on whatman paper and the one that can dance the longest on the remaining piece wins.

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Competition No. 6 "Music Connoisseur"

    1) What kind of instrument can be made from a reed if you make holes in it? (Pipe)

    2) What is the name of the profession of a person who performs songs? (Singer)

    3) What is the name of the song they sing before going to bed? (Lullaby)

    4) The profession of the person who writes music? (Composer)

    5) Name the main song of our country. (Hymn)

    6) What song did the mother goat sing so that the kids would open the door for her? (Hum a song)

    7) Name the musical instrument that Gena the crocodile plays? (Harmonic)

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Now you will hear the sound of a musical instrument. You need

    name him






    Game "Musical carousel"

    Participants run around the chairs to the music (there is 1 less of them than children; at the end of the music, the children take their places, those who did not have time leave the game, and so on until the winner. (First in each team, and then 1 child (winners in the team) in the general circle).

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Summing up.

    Presenter: So our music competitions, of which there were 7, as many as there are musical notes. You actively participated and earned the following points.

    The winners are awarded prizes and certificates.



    Music quiz “Guess the melody”

    Musical quiz "Guess the melody".

    Target : To foster in children a cognitive interest in musical activities. Develop communication and creative abilities. Evoke a positive emotional response.

    Equipment: Phonograms of children's songs, a set of children's musical instruments, score cards for the jury, chairs for each team.

    Progress of the event:

    Presenter : Hello guys! I welcome you, boys and girls, to our fun, musical and entertaining quiz “Guess the Melody”. Melody is music, and it surrounds us everywhere. And probably each of you has a favorite song or favorite artist. Tell me what kind of music do you like? (children's answers). Today I invite you to take part in a quiz, which will consist of music competitions. To do this, we divided into teams “Merry Notes” and


    Competition No. 1 "Guess the melody."

    (Children must determine the names of the songs from the musical passage: backing track; 8 songs for each team)

    1. A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.

    2. A Christmas tree was born in the forest

    3. A true friend.

    4. Friends (gr. Barbariki)

    5. Two funny geese.

    7. From a smile.

    8. Watch (m/f Fixiki)

    9. Antoshka.

    10. Song of the lion cub and turtle

    11. Dance of the little ducklings.

    12. Chunga - changa.


    14. Three tankers

    15. Little Mammoth's song

    16. Cheburashka's song

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Competition No. 2 "Recognize the song by description."

    (Children must recognize the song by its verbal description; 4 songs for each team)

    1. A song about how a birthday present was brought by helicopter. ("Song of the crocodile Gena" (Let them run clumsily)

    2. A song about two poultry birds of different colors. ("Two cheerful geese")

    3. A song about howgood to walk with friends and singsongs. ("It's fun to walk together")

    4. Song of a girl who wore a bright headdress ("Song of Little Red Riding Hood")

    5. The song after cartoons that all the children go to bed to. ("Tired toys are sleeping")

    6. A song about a wooden boy who exchanged his ABC for a theater ticket. ("Pinocchio")

    7. A song about a coniferous tree that is cold. ("Little Christmas Tree")

    8. A song about an animal floating on an ice floe. ("Song of the Baby Mammoth")

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Competition No. 3 "Musical Instruments"

    Whose team can remember more names of musical instruments?

    Children are shown pictures of musical instruments, they must name the ones they recognize.

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Flashmob -Dance break for participants and spectators:

    dance to the song "Pinocchio" (Teacher shows movements)

    Competition No. 4 "What is this?"

    Children must assemble a cut-out picture of a musical instrument. Who's faster?

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Competition No. 5 "Dancing"Captains competition?

    Each team ( the captain) is given a Whatman paper, on which they dance to the music; after the music changes, the Whatman paper is folded (3 times). The team that has the most dancers left on whatman paper and the one that can dance the longest on the remaining piece wins.

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Competition No. 6 "Music Connoisseur"

    1) What kind of instrument can be made from a reed if you make holes in it? (Pipe)

    2) What is the name of the profession of a person who performs songs? (Singer)

    3) What is the name of the song they sing before going to bed? (Lullaby)

    4) The profession of the person who writes music? (Composer)

    5) Name the main song of our country. (Hymn)

    6) What song did the mother goat sing so that the kids would open the door for her? (Hum a song)

    7) Name the musical instrument that the crocodile Gena plays? (Harmonic)

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Song break “The deer has a big house”

    Competition No. 7 “Guess what it sounds like”

    Now you will hear the sound of a musical instrument. You need

    name him




    3. Spoons




    7. Guitar


    Game "Musical carousel"

    Participants run around the chairs to the music (there is 1 less of them than children; at the end of the music, the children take their places, those who did not have time leave the game, and so on until the winner. (First in each team, and then 1 child (winners in the team) in the general circle).

    The jury evaluates the competition

    Summing up.

    Presenter : Our music competitions have ended, of which there were 7, as many as there are musical notes. You actively participated and earned the following points.

    The winners are awarded prizes and certificates.




    It flowed through the gorges of centuries.

    And a rainbow rising in the distance.

    Qualifying round “Shifters”


    Competition “Continue the Song”


    6 words:

    4 words:

    3 words:

    three words :

    Competition "Guess the word"


    M A R Sh
    Z A P E IN A L A
    B A L A L A Y TO A
    G AND M N
    P E WITH N I



    The game program is designed for middle school age.


    The solemn overture sounds and the presenter comes on stage.

    Leading. Music is an art that has accompanied man since ancient times. Music expresses people's thoughts and feelings.

    Oh, music of great inspiration,
    Isn't it from the heavenly rocky shores
    To the hearts of people living in the distance,
    It flowed through the gorges of centuries.
    Oh, music of sublime feeling!
    It contains the thunder of heaven and the rustling of the earth,
    And the measured sound of rain, simple and sad,
    And a rainbow rising in the distance.

    Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we invite you all to take part in our program “You are my melody”. I hope that you all love listening to music, know a lot of songs and sing them with pleasure. So here we go.

    Participants in the game are children from the audience who have passed the qualifying round, in the amount of 8 people.

    Qualifying round “Shifters”

    Leading. Translate these gobbledygook into normal language exactly the opposite.

    1. The pink truck flies and oscillates. (The blue carriage runs and sways.)
    2. The tornado screamed a hymn to him: get up, cactus, chew, chew. (The snowstorm sang a song to her: sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye.)
    3. Stranger wolf, you are my little wolf. (My bunny, I am your bunny.)
    4. Why should enemies sit in a dark dungeon... (Why should friends wander around the world...)
    5. The rested instruments of production do not sleep. (Tired toys are sleeping.)
    6. There were locusts lying on the tree. (A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.)
    7. Past the black peach of the sun. (Past the white apple of the moon...)
    8. An elderly walker works across the Volga. (A young Cossack walks along the Don.)
    9. Grandfather hated the wolf a little. (Grandmother loved the goat very much.)
    10. Young, young, burst into tears. (Captain, captain, smile.)

    8 participants start. After each competition, one of the participants is eliminated.

    Competition “Continue the Song”

    Leading. Your task is to continue the line of the song. The number of words per line will gradually decrease.

    You can choose songs to suit your taste and the taste of the group in which the game is being played.

    6 words:

    1. He has a cap on his head, but he has been fooled... (there will be an enemy).
    2. Swords clink, like the clink of a glass, from... (childhood pleases my ears).
    3. I don't know failure because... (I'm a trickster once I cross the road...)
    4. Snow floats on an ice floe, as if on... (a brigantine, on gray, harsh seas).
    5. And the winged swing begins its run... (everything in the world is forgotten).
    6. Let mom come back, let mom come... (let mom definitely find me).
    7. I was once a strange, nameless toy... (which no one bought in the store).
    8. From a smile in the sky, a rainbow will wake up... (share your smile).

    4 words:

    1. Happiness is suddenly in silence... (knocked on the door).
    2. In the green spring under the old... (Vanyusha is asking for a pine tree with his beloved).
    3. The January blizzard is ringing, and... (the showers are lashing elastically).
    4. The bears rub their backs against...(the earth's axis).
    5. Wait, locomotive, don't knock... (wheels, conductor, press the brakes).
    6. In the dark blue forest...(where the aspen trees tremble).
    7. Unhappy people live there... (savages, terrible in appearance).
    8. If I were... (Sultan, I would have three wives).

    3 words:

    1. The locomotive will rush straight... (to the border, have fun, guys, we are soldiers now).
    2. How is life without... (spring, spring without a thunderstorm).
    3. There is a black pond in the count's park.
    4. Don't hang your nose... (midshipmen, is life bad or good).
    5. I hear a voice from... (beautiful distance).
    6. For four seas... (for four suns).
    7. I could... (play the guitar).
    8. Shaking the feathers on... (the hat, we whisper to fate more than once).

    After this competition, one participant is eliminated. If the score is tied, more songs are offered three words :

    1. Under the blue sky... (there is a golden city).
    2. It caught fire, sparkled itself... (a bright star, which means you were born again, you are still young).
    3. Where does childhood go... (to which cities).
    4. And I want... (and I want to run on the rooftops again).

    Competition "Guess the word"

    Leading. Melody is the soul of music. It is the melody in music that is closest to a person, because it is in tune with his voice, his soul. Solve the crossword puzzle, the clue is the word “Melody”.

    M A R Sh
    Z A P E IN A L A
    B A L A L A Y TO A
    G AND M N
    P E WITH N I
    1. One of the three pillars of music. (March)
    2. The person who starts the song. (Start the song)
    3. Russian folk musical instrument. (Balalaika)
    4. Author of the ballet "The Nutcracker". (Tchaikovsky)
    5. Leader of the choir and orchestra. (Conductor)
    6. A solemn song adopted as a symbol of the state. (Hymn)
    7. One of the three pillars of music. (Song)

    Six participants take envelopes containing plaques with the names of composers and the names of cartoons.
    Musical excerpts are played, you need to choose a composer, the author of the song and name the cartoon.

    1. “True Friend”, film “Timka and Dimka”, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by B. Savelyev.
    2. “Song of the Black Cat”, film “Blue Puppy”, lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by G. Gladkov.
    3. “Song of the Silk Tassel”, film “Silk Tassel”, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by Y. Chichkov.
    4. “Or maybe a crow”, film “Plasticine Crow”, S. Nikitina.
    5. “Lullaby of the Bear”, film “Umka”, lyrics by Y. Yakovlev, music by E. Krylatov.
    6. “Boat”, film “In the Port”, lyrics by S. Kozlov, music by M. Minkov.
    7. “Song of a Baby Mammoth”, film “Mother for a Baby Mammoth”, lyrics by D. Nepomnyashchy, music by V. Shainsky.
    8. “A Ray of Golden Sun”, film “In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians”, lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by G. Gladkov.
    9. “Smile”, film “Little Raccoon”, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky.

    5 people are participating.

    Leading. To begin with, let’s remember the name of a group of performers consisting of two people (duet), three (trio), four (quartet), five (quintet), six (sextet), seven (septet), eight (octet) , out of nine (nonet).

    Solve the equations:

    • Septet + duet = (nonet)
    • Octet - quartet = (quartet)
    • Quintet + trio = (octet)
    • Nonet - sextet = (trio)
    • Septet - quartet = (trio)
    • Duet + quartet + octet - septet = (septet)
    • Trio + nonet + duet - quintet = (nonet)
    • Quartet + trio + nonet - septet = (nonet)
    • Duet + octet + sextet - nonet = (septet)
    • Trio + quartet + duet - quintet = (quartet)

    Competition "Musical Instrument"

    4 children are already taking part in this competition task. Each participant is given 4 cards with a description and image of the tools.
    We need to correlate them and name the instrument.

    • A string instrument of ancient origin. The simplest types were known in Ancient Egypt and Assyro-Babylonia 3 thousand years BC. e. The instrument was a large triangular frame with a resonator body on which strings were pulled. It was played, as a rule, by women. The modern instrument has 47 strings. In opera, it imitates the sound of gusli. (Harp)
    • The Russian folk plucked instrument, a relative of the guitar, mandolin, and domra, has become widespread since the beginning of the 18th century. The instrument is used both orchestral and solo; triangular body, equipped with a neck, 3 strings. (Balalaika)
    • The largest in size and lowest sounding instrument from the string-bowed family. Its ancestors are ancient bass viols, similar in appearance to a cello, but larger in size. The length is about 2 m. It is played while sitting on a high stool or standing. (Double bass)
    • A keyboard instrument characterized by its enormous size and richness of timbre and dynamic shades. Translated from Greek as “tool”. Invented in the 3rd century. BC e. in Alexandria. Since the 11th century it has been installed only in churches. (Organ)
    • A keyboard-wind musical instrument is a type of harmonica. Invented in Berlin in 1822. On one side of this instrument there are keys, like a piano. (Accordion)
    • The literal translation of the name of this brass instrument is forest horn. The ancestor of the instrument was a hunting horn, which was blown. In order for the sound to be heard over a long distance, they began to lengthen the horn, and to make it more convenient to play, they adapted to “twist” it. In 1664, the French composer Jean Baptiste Lully first introduced this instrument into the orchestra. (French horn)
    • This instrument originated in the 15th century from a pipe: it was greatly lengthened and a retractable slide tube was made. This instrument occupies one of the famous places in the group of brass instruments. This instrument is very good at producing heroic and tragic melodies. (Trombone)
    • The ancient musical instrument is widely known in Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It is a wooden tube with a socket and several holes on the side walls. This instrument is usually played outdoors, accompanying folk dances. (Zurna)

    Competition “The song stays with the person”

    At the end of the program, 3 participants perform karaoke. Songs are drawn by lot. Artistry, manner of performance, character, and getting into the music are assessed.

    It is suggested to perform:

    Children's songs;
    - songs from the movie;
    - modern pop songs.

    Each group has 3 songs. The lyrics are given to the participants.
    These can be songs by such composers:

    1) Evgeny Krylatov, Mark Minkov, Alexander Zhurbin, Yuri Chichkov, Vladimir Shainsky, Gennady Gladkov, Sergey Nikitin, Boris Savelyev.