• The wheel on the wireless mouse does not work. Mouse roller not working. Other common problems

    One of the frequently encountered problems computer mice is the slippage of the scroll wheel. Often scrolling is not smooth or in the wrong direction. Fortunately, this is easy to fix.

    Here is our test subject:

    We open:

    We take out the board, remove the scroll wheel. We see an element that converts wheel rotations into electrical signals(can anyone tell me what it is exactly called? Valcoder?).

    This is exactly the element we need to carefully compress from all sides with pliers (just don't overdo it so as not to break it 🙂).

    We collect and check.

    Here are a couple more tips sent in by readers in the comments:
    Sergei :

    I want to add a little to this article. This procedure helps, but, alas, not for long and the result is not always satisfactory. When there was already a question about buying a new mouse, I decided to open the scrolling mechanism. We squeeze those four clamps that we crimped. Bend the plastic housing three contacts, remove the notched wheel. It has three double current collectors, they say they can break in the other direction (I didn’t break them), bend them into the right one, wipe them and the metal sectors on which they slide with alcohol. Reassemble in reverse order (you can rotate the notched wheel to a different position). Scrolling works like a new mouse! Good luck.

    Vladimir Molchun :

    I solved the problem this way: I opened the mouse case, removed the wheel, completely dipped the Valcoder, without disassembling it, into alcohol, until it was dry, put the wheel and turned it back and forth, .... and everything is fine!

    Having examined the rear part, I remembered how in the 00s I disassembled and cleaned my computer mouse. In those days, instead of an optical module, there was a rubber ball, on which dirt grew over time and it began to slide instead of scrolling. In some mice, it was possible to remove the plate from below, held on by latches, remove the ball and wipe it. But there were models without such an opportunity. (My first mouse didn't even have a scroll wheel—only two keys.) So I once had to disassemble such a mouse to clean the ball of dirt.

    To get to the screws, you need to remove the lining by picking them up with a needle or pin. IN this case I only have 3 screws holding the cover. The fourth sticker is made for symmetry, so that the mouse stands exactly on the table.

    Inside found around the wheel a large number of dirt: dust, sweat, hair. Well done in 5 years.

    After I cleaned the dirt, I collected the mouse back, turned it on and .... The wheel began to spin easily, but still did not work. I began to look at the Internet on the topic, but Yandex issued only articles where it was advised to check software part(mouse driver, etc.) Having connected the mouse to another computer, I made sure that the software had nothing to do with it, it was a matter of mechanics.

    Then I decided to look for information on YouTube. There were many videos on the topic. In one of the first videos found, the repairman showed how the hexagon at the end of the axis in the mouse wheel breaks, which causes the wheel in the encoder to stop spinning and the signal from your actions is not transmitted. In this case, it is useless to try to glue a broken piece, a screw is screwed to the axis. In another video, it was advised to order an encoder from China and replace the old one with it. But I did not want to wait for a parcel from China. As a result, I came across to see where it was proposed to open and clean the encoder.

    I disassembled the mouse again. On some mice, the microcircuit is easily pulled out of the case, but in my case it is held by a small screw. You can't take the wheel off the mouse until you unscrew it.

    The wheel no longer holds anything and I easily enough took it out of their groove. I found another layer of dirt under the chip.

    The front plastic part got stuck and when I tried to remove it, it began to bend the three legs on which the encoder is installed. I did not waste time and figure out what the problem is. And so it was possible to crawl to the contacts. He took out the gear and the plate.

    Wrapping cotton wool around a match and dipping it in the triple cologne found on the shelf (alcohol is also suitable), I first wiped the plate, then the iron contacts of the gear and the contacts of the receiving part. In appearance, they were not particularly dirty, but in the end the cotton wool turned already black.

    When collecting, one leg broke off, I bent it too much. But nothing, the rest hold the plastic part firmly. In the end, I put everything back together the way it was. It helped that I photographed the process, otherwise I could not remember which side to insert the iron plate into the encoder - towards me with the curved part or away from me.

    As they say, the moment of truth has arrived. I connected the mouse to the computer and the wheel worked, although it became unusually sensitive after cleaning. Periodically, it scrolled - the axis sat too freely in the encoder socket. I had to disassemble the mouse for the third time.

    Thinking about what to use as a sealant, I took a roll of tape and wound it around the axle. I assembled the mouse again and after that the wheel worked much better. Now the rodent is back in action.

    Of course, in the future it makes sense to look after yourself already new mouse, this repair rather a temporary measure. This mouse already had the winding on the cord burst, I had to wrap it with electrical tape. Before that, I had the same mouse, but a few years after the purchase, the axis broke and I, in my opinion, just threw it away, bought a new one or gave it away in addition to some computer junk when I was selling something. Now, of course, it would be possible to solder a wire from it and it would be like new, except for scuffs on the case. But we are all good in hindsight, you never know what thing you will need years later. Therefore, I limited myself after only cleaning the mouse cord-tail from dirt.

    In general, if you have a problem with a non-working mouse wheel, then one of the reasons may not be drivers or mechanical failure at all, but banal dirt that got inside. So you don't have to run to the store right away. computer technology for a new mouse.

    By the way, today, 11.11, is China's Singles' Day, also known as Shopping Day. I went to Aliexpress, I thought, maybe I’ll buy something cheaper out of small things, since there are discounts. I just need a holder for a tripod for the phone. But the discounted prices of the sellers have become even higher than they were a couple of days before without a discount! They just raised the price, crossed it out and put it higher than the previous one. Well, these Chinese are cunning! I thought such feints were a purely Russian invention. In Russia, as they began to promote the idea of ​​​​global discount days, stores often do exactly the same thing. All this is designed for those who do not follow the price of things.

    I took a screenshot of some items on Aliexpress during Singles Day on November 11th and the following day. Well, where is the giant discount, crossed out price? And a few days before the day of the sale, the prices were even lower! I remember exactly that the right tripod cost $ 13-15, and the holder for mobile phone in the middle around $8.

    I won’t be surprised if sellers in the USA on Black Friday also “cheat” with prices and also sell problematic items with defects. After all, when, as shown on TV, a crowd bursts into a store and grabs cheap things, people will no longer deal with their quality. The main thing is to have time to take it before others get ahead of you. In any case, sellers will not work at a loss.

    User question

    Hello. Please tell me what to do with the idle mouse wheel. We reinstalled Windows and now the mouse partially does not work: the arrow runs around the screen, the left and right buttons work, but scrolling through the wheel does not work (you have to drag it with the pointer, which is inconvenient). We tried to connect another mouse to our computer - the same story (our mouse works on another PC) ...

    What to do in this case, why the mouse does not work completely?

    PS: we went into the mouse settings in the Windows control panel - but there is no "Wheel wheel" section at all, in which you can adjust how many lines to scroll the page (although it used to be!).


    The problem described above is quite typical, and most likely it is due to the lack of drivers (probably for some USB port controller, or for the mouse itself (which is less likely, judging by the description)).

    In the article I will consider both the user's question and other reasons for this behavior of mice ...

    By the way, if your mouse does not work at all, I recommend that you read this instruction:

    Reasons why the wheel does not work

    (mouse twitches and slows down)

    1) Drivers were not installed (or "flew")

    Perhaps, checking drivers is the first thing to start with (especially if your problem matches the description of the issue, see above). To do this, open device Manager .

    Reference! To open the device manager: press the combination of buttons Win + R, and enter the command devmgmt.msc, click OK. An example is shown in the screenshot below.

    The screenshot below shows the "picture", which usually happens after reinstalling Windows (by the way, in newer Windows OS, drivers are installed automatically on many devices). Please note that all devices for which no drivers were found will be located in the "Other devices" tab, each will have a yellow exclamation mark next to it.

    There are no drivers for a dozen devices ... Device Manager in Windows 7

    Next, I recommend opening the "Mice and other pointing devices" tab. In it, your mouse should be indicated, as a rule, this is a HID-compatible mouse. If your tab is empty, or there is only the "ELAN ..." device (touchpad, relevant for laptops) in it, then you simply do not have a driver: either for a mouse (this often happens with gaming mice), or to a USB port controller.

    Mice and other devices

    How to update drivers:

    1. You can install the drivers that came with your computer (usually, they were either downloaded by the seller on your HDD, or recorded on a separate CD\DVD);
    2. take advantage special utilities to auto-search and update drivers. I have one big article on my blog about this:
    3. Find drivers by VID and PID (special identifiers by which you can find the manufacturer of your equipment, its brand, model, etc.) in a search engine such as Google. This universal way, I will consider it below. The only negative is that there must be access to the Internet (and without drivers for network card- it may not be ...).

    And so, in the device manager you see some device for which there is no driver. Right click on it and open its properties.

    In properties, open the tab "Intelligence", select an option "Hardware ID" and copy the first line, which will contain the values ​​of VID, PID, REX, SID (etc.).

    Next, paste the line into search engine(eg Google) and start searching. In my case, for example, dozens of sites were immediately found (and in the first place was the site of the laptop manufacturer), where the drivers were downloaded.

    After installing them and rebooting the laptop, the mouse was determined and began to work as expected (including the wheel ☺) ...

    2) Is the USB port working, is it disabled

    The second thing to pay attention to is whether the USB port works at all. True, in this case, the mouse will not work for you at all! That is, even the mouse pointer will not run.

    First, turn the mouse over and see if the LED on it is on? If it’s on, it’s not bad anymore, then there is power and everything is in order with the wire. If it is not lit, try connecting another mouse or USB flash drive to this USB port. By the way, USB ports can often not work due to lack of drivers, and not because physical breakdown(about which I wrote a little higher).

    By the way, it will also not be superfluous to connect the mouse to another computer (laptop) - does it work on it.

    Such simple permutations - very quickly help to determine the culprit ...

    3) Damage to the mouse (breakage). Physical deterioration

    With the active use of the mouse (especially in games, various shooters, where in a fit of passion - often users press hard and sharply, hit the buttons), it eventually becomes unusable (there is nothing eternal). As a rule, it all starts with: double-clicking the left / right buttons (although you do a single one), poor scrolling, the cursor starts to "nervously" twitch, etc.

    The most better diagnostics in this case - try connecting another mouse to your PC (or this mouse to another PC) and see how it behaves.

    In general, at wear and tear - best advice: buy new mouse(so it doesn't cost much). All these repairs, soldering, etc. for an unprepared user - end in 99% in wasted time ...

    4) Incorrect settings in mouse options in Windows

    And the last thing I wanted to dwell on: in the mouse settings that are set in the Windows control panel. To check the settings: open the section "Hardware and Sound" in the control panel, then click on the "Mouse" link in the "Devices and Printers" subsection (see screenshot below).

    Next, open the "Wheel" section and adjust the number of scrolled lines when the wheel moves (this is set for vertical and horizontal shifts separately). For each mouse - the parameter is individual (and it also depends on the user - it’s convenient for one when half the page is turned at once, for another - you need 1 line ...) .

    Also, it will not be superfluous to go to the tab and adjust the speed of the pointer. I recommend checking the box next to "Turn on increased accuracy pointer settings" . Thanks to this, your mouse will not twitch as if dumbfounded when you hover over some minor detail, with a small movement of the pointer.

    How to do without the mouse wheel:

    1. The keyboard has special keys: PgUp and PgDn. With the help of them, you can quickly scroll the page, it is convenient even if your mouse works;
    2. Key "Space"- if you press the button, the page will be scrolled down. To scroll up - press Shift+Space;
    3. You can also drag the slider up or down with the mouse pointer (not very convenient, but also works).

    I am finishing the article on this. All the best!

    For additions - a separate merci ...

    A person uses a computer almost every day, without it we are no longer able to imagine our life. However, for stable operation computer, all components must be in perfect or at least good condition.

    This may concern both the internal parts of the computer, such as the processor, motherboard, video card. And external components such as monitor, keyboard and mouse. And what to do when the mouse simply refuses to work stably? The wheel does not scroll the pages and everything seems to be over, the mouse is over.

    But actually it is not. Now we'll figure out what the problem is

    Why doesn't the mouse scroll pages?

    Let's proceed to the analysis of the problem and the solution. This problem is always very relevant, because some modern mice are not made in the best way and breakage can occur when it shouldn't be close.

    Initially, you need to make sure that the mouse is really broken and the wheel does not work. To do this, go to the text word document and try to spin the wheel there. If it doesn't work, then there is a problem.

    So, first problem- Lost mouse settings. When we go to the Control Panel, we can find the "Mouse" section. When you go there, we see there two options - Vertical and horizontal scrolling. You must specify the number 3 in both the first and second cases. This is the standard data for the mouse.

    Second problem- Driver failure. It may happen that the mouse drivers are lost and it will work much worse than before. This is one of the reasons why the mouse refuses to work.

    Nothing works without drivers. To solve this problem, you need to uninstall the driver, then pull out the mouse, insert it back and the drivers will be installed by themselves.

    Reason three- malfunction USB connector A. This may not be the cause of the mouse itself, but of the computer. The USB connector may be damaged and not all mouse functions can be used. So you need to check the mouse on a different connector, or in extreme cases on another computer. This is much better than buying a new mouse without understanding the problem.

    Reason four- mouse wire failure. It may happen that the wire itself is damaged and if you put a good amount of pressure on it, it can make it work. This happens because the mouse is too long time is in production and unforeseen problems begin to arise.

    Reason five- Breakage or clogging of the wheel itself. It may also be that the wheel is heavily clogged, which is why it cannot work in any way. In this case, you need to look for a solution that will help deal with this problem. Namely, you need to disassemble the mouse, see what's wrong with the wheel and solve the problem by fixing it.

    If, even after opening and repairing, nothing works, then buying a new mouse can't be avoided. We've covered everything possible options breakdowns, but even if after all the actions the result remains the same, then there is no point in trying again.

    You can officially declare that the mouse is broken and it is already impossible to fix. Only a professionally versed person can solve the problem.

    What to do if the mouse is broken, but you need to use the computer

    But force majeure can happen suddenly and there may not be money for a new mouse, but you need to use a computer. What then? There is a solution, and it is to use the keyboard.

    Each keyboard of both a computer and a laptop has buttons - Page Up and Page Down. The first button helps to raise the page up, and the second, on the contrary, to lower it. They perform the same function as the mouse wheel, only the scroll wheel has the advantage of scrolling. It is smoother, but not sharp, as is the case with the mouse.

    Well, we have considered all the cases when the mouse wheel fails and figured out each of the reasons. That's all. Remember to always keep your computer in top condition to make work easy and carefree. You can also buy inexpensive mice, but the life will be shorter.

    The mouse must be held in a safe place from moisture, constantly clean it, often disassemble it and prevent such cases of breakdowns. Each mouse has its own sensitivity, and if one is able to withstand heavy loads, then the other cannot do this in any case.

    Take care of your mouse, it makes all the work easier for you. personal computer and helps not only at work, but sometimes even in games. Many gamers use the wheel, because it is responsible for a certain action.

    This is where our article ends, and we wish you not only a pleasant time, but also safe use of your computer so that nothing breaks and is in perfect condition for a long time. Extra costs money resources are useless, and you always need to use a computer. Best wishes to you!

    User Question

    Hello. Please tell me what to do with the idle mouse wheel. We reinstalled windows and now the mouse partially does not work: the arrow runs around the screen, the left and right buttons work, but scrolling through the wheel does not work (you have to drag it with the pointer, which is inconvenient). We tried to connect another mouse to our computer - the same story (our mouse works on another PC) ...

    What to do in this case, why the mouse does not work completely?

    PS: went to the mouse settings in the panel windows control- but there is no "Wheel" section at all, in which you can adjust how many lines to scroll the page (although it used to be!).


    The problem described above is quite typical, and most likely it is due to the lack of drivers (probably for some USB port controller, or for the mouse itself (which is less likely, judging by the description)).

    In the article I will consider both the user's question and other reasons for this behavior of mice ...

    By the way, if your mouse does not work at all, I recommend that you read this instruction: https://ocomp.info/ne-rabotaet-myish-chto-delat.html

    Reasons why the wheel does not work

    (mouse twitches and slows down)

    1) Drivers were not installed (or "flew")

    Perhaps, checking drivers is the first thing to start with (especially if your problem matches the description of the issue, see above). To do this, open Device Manager.

    Reference! To open the device manager: press the Win + R key combination, and enter the command devmgmt.msc, click OK. An example is shown in the screenshot below.

    The screenshot below shows the "picture" that usually happens after reinstall windows(by the way, in newer windows OS - drivers are installed automatically on many devices). Please note that all devices for which no drivers were found will be located in the "Other devices" tab, each will have a yellow exclamation mark next to it.

    There are no drivers for a dozen devices ... Device Manager in windows 7

    Next, I recommend opening the "Mice and other pointing devices" tab. In it, your mouse should be indicated, as a rule, this is a HID-compatible mouse. If your tab is empty, or there is only the "ELAN..." device (touchpad, relevant for laptops) in it, then you simply do not have a driver: either for a mouse (this often happens with gaming mice), or for a USB port controller .

    Mice and other devices

    How to update drivers:

    1. You can install the drivers that came with your computer (usually, they were either downloaded by the seller to your hard drive or burned to a separate CD\DVD);
    2. Use special utilities to auto-search and update drivers. I have one big article on my blog about this: https://ocomp.info/update-drivers.html
    3. Find drivers by VID and PID (special identifiers by which you can find the manufacturer of your equipment, its brand, model, etc.) in a search engine such as Google. This is a universal method, I will consider it a little lower. The only negative is that there must be access to the Internet (and without drivers for a network card - it may not be ...).

    And so, in the device manager you see some device for which there is no driver. Right click on it and open its properties.

    In the properties, open the "Details" tab, select the "Hardware ID" option and copy the first line, which will contain the values ​​​​of VID, PID, REX, SID (etc.).

    Copy the line with VID and PID

    Next, paste the string into a search engine (for example, Google) and start searching. In my case, for example, dozens of sites were immediately found (and in the first place was the site of the laptop manufacturer), where the drivers were downloaded.

    Intel USB 3.0 Driver

    After installing them and rebooting the laptop, the mouse was determined and began to work as expected (including the wheel ☺) ...

    2) Is the USB port working, is it disabled

    The second thing to pay attention to is whether the USB port works at all. True, in this case, the mouse will not work for you at all! That is, even the mouse pointer will not run.

    First, turn the mouse over and see if the LED on it is on? If it’s on, it’s not bad anymore, then there is power and everything is in order with the wire. If it is not lit, try connecting another mouse or USB flash drive to this USB port. By the way, USB ports can often not work due to the lack of drivers, and not because of a physical breakdown (which I wrote about a little higher).

    By the way, it will also not be superfluous to connect the mouse to another computer (laptop) - does it work on it.

    Such simple permutations - very quickly help to determine the culprit ...

    3) Damage to the mouse (breakage). Physical deterioration

    With the active use of the mouse (especially in games, various shooters, where in a fit of passion - often users press hard and sharply, hit the buttons), it eventually becomes unusable (there is nothing eternal). As a rule, it all starts with: double-clicking the left / right buttons (although you do a single one), poor scrolling, the cursor starts to "nervously" twitch, etc.

    The best diagnosis in this case is to try connecting another mouse to your PC (or this mouse to another PC) and see how it behaves.

    In general, with physical wear and tear, the best advice is: buy a new mouse (so that it doesn’t cost much). All these repairs, soldering, etc. for an unprepared user - end in 99% in wasted time ...

    4) Incorrect settings in the mouse options in windows

    And the last thing I wanted to dwell on: in the mouse settings that are set in the windows control panel. To check the settings: open the "Hardware and Sound" section in the control panel, then click on the "Mouse" link in the "Devices and Printers" subsection (see screenshot below).

    Hardware and sound: mouse

    Next, open the "Wheel" section and adjust the number of scrolled lines when the wheel moves (this is set for vertical and horizontal shifts separately). For each mouse - the parameter is individual (and it also depends on the user - it is convenient for one when half the page is turned at once, for the other - 1 line is needed ...).

    Vertical and horizontal scrolling

    Also, it will not be superfluous to go to the "Pointer Options" tab and adjust the speed of the pointer. I recommend checking the box next to "Enable increased pointer precision". Thanks to this, your mouse will not twitch as if dumbfounded when you hover over some minor detail, with a small movement of the pointer.

    Pointer Options

    How to do without the mouse wheel:

    1. There are special keys on the keyboard: PgUp and PgDn. With the help of them, you can quickly scroll the page, it is convenient even if your mouse works;
    2. "Space" key - if you press the key, the page will be scrolled down. To scroll up - press Shift+Space;
    3. You can also drag the slider up or down with the mouse pointer (not very convenient, but also works).

    I am finishing the article on this. All the best!

    For additions - a separate merci ...


    Mouse wheel glitching?

    Sometimes, the mouse wheel is buggy: it manifests itself in different ways: sometimes scrolling does not work (the page does not scroll stupidly), slips or the scale does not change. What is there to do?

    If your mouse wheel is buggy, I offer a couple of solutions.

    First, if the mouse is fancy or has a lot of buttons, make sure the correct drivers for your OS are installed.

    Secondly, the program for the mouse must also be running. (i.e. be next to the clock in the lower right corner of the screen)

    Thirdly, if the wheel is buggy in a certain browser/program: a) try running it as an administrator.

    b) if it's Firefox (for Opera and others like it, there should be something similar)

    In short, go to Settings, the item “advanced”, there we poke into “general” and put a checkmark in front of the item “use smooth scrolling”

    Fourth, dig into your mouse settings. Go to Start->Control Panel->Mouse. What can be done here (I am writing this article from under XP, I believe that it is about the same on windows 7), see the screenshot below.

    Finally, if none of the above helps, drop the name of the mouse here, I'll try to help)


    How to set up the mouse wheel in windows

    Sometimes there is a failure in scrolling pages with the mouse wheel. The mouse seems to be normal, but for some reason the pages suddenly, for no reason at all, began to scroll very slowly. And with this problem there are very big inconveniences when working on a computer:

    1. It becomes inconvenient to flip through photos.

    2. Flip music in music player.

    3. And over time, there are many such inconveniences due to such a malfunction.

    But someone is used to working without a wheel. After all, it’s true, why is it, if you can take and use a moving “stick”, it’s faster with it. But do not throw away the wheel, just because of the speed of action. Even if photos with music can be scrolled through from the keyboard, it’s better not to forget about the wheel. It doesn’t matter and will always be more convenient with it, and in the first case it’s to search for some folder, for example, you have a very large number of folders, but you need to find one, and with a wheel in this moment it will be more convenient here, because by scrolling slowly you will not miss anything and you will find your favorite folder without any problems. Well, the wheel is also important for those who like to play modern games, there it has a very great importance.

    So how do you solve this problem? How to return the previous mode of operation? If you are sure that the problem is not in the mouse, but in a configuration failure, then you can take this action:

    Click "Control Panel / Mouse / Wheel" and increase the number in "Number of lines"

    If nothing changes even with an increase in the number, then something has happened to your mouse wheel, and in this case only replacing it will help, and it would be best for you to buy a new mouse. After new purchase you will be sure of its correctness.

    Hope dies last or the computer mouse will live!

    It happens that the mouse wheel does not work at all. First of all, look further: My Computer - Properties - Hardware - Device Manager, then select Mice and other pointing devices. If there is a question mark there, then try installing the driver for the corresponding model of your mouse (after successful installation drivers, you can configure for any executing operation).

    If the mouse wheel still does not scroll, then disassemble it with your own hands and clean it (with a brush). And if that didn’t help, then really buy yourself a mouse (or you can make a mouse yourself, modding is called), maybe you will even find a more comfortable one for yourself under the palm of your hand, besides, they are not expensive. At the moment I have no wired mouse and which is very convenient and comfortable. You can control your computer without a mouse at all, but this will already be described in another article.

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    Mouse scroll not working

    In the windows 10 start menu, if you select the "All apps" section, you can access all installed programs, including the standard one. By scrolling the mouse wheel, the user can select the right software and run it. However, after another small windows updates 10 users began to complain about the "non-working" mouse wheel. In fact, it is physically correct. However, with a system update, changes were made that affected the functionality of the mouse scroll wheel. This problem can be corrected by editing the settings.