• The image on the computer monitor is blurry. Blurred image on the monitor: what to do? The main reasons why the computer monitor has a blurry image


    While many errors and problems on the computer can be tolerated, defects on the screen (the same stripes as in the picture on the left) cannot be tolerated! Not only do they interfere with your view, but they can also damage your eyesight if you work on such an image on the screen for a long time.

    Stripes on the screen can appear for various reasons, but most often they are associated with problems with the video card (many people say that artifacts have appeared on the video card...).

    Artifacts mean any distortion of the image on a PC monitor. Most often, they appear as ripples, color distortion, stripes with squares across the entire area of ​​the monitor. So what to do with them?

    Right away I want to make a small disclaimer. Many people confuse artifacts on the video card with dead pixels on the monitor (a clear difference is demonstrated in Fig. 1).

    A dead pixel is a white dot on the screen that does not change color when the picture on the screen changes. Therefore, it is quite easy to detect by filling the screen with different colors one by one.

    Artifacts are distortions on the monitor screen that are not related to problems with the monitor itself. It’s just that the video card sends such a distorted signal to it (this happens for many reasons).

    There are software artifacts (related to drivers, for example) and hardware artifacts (related to the hardware itself).

    Software artifacts

    As a rule, they appear when launching some 3D games or applications. If you experience artifacts when loading Windows (also in), most likely you are dealing with hardware artifacts (about them later in the article).

    There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of artifacts in the game, but I will analyze the most popular ones.

    1) Firstly, I recommend checking video card temperature at work. The thing is that if the temperature has reached critical values, then everything is possible, from distortion of the picture on the screen to failure of the device.

    You can read about how to find out the temperature of a video card in my previous article:

    If the temperature of the video card exceeds the norm, I recommend cleaning the computer from dust (and paying special attention to the video card when cleaning). Also pay attention to the operation of the coolers; perhaps one of them is not working (or is clogged with dust and does not spin).

    Overheating most often occurs in hot summer months. To reduce the temperature of the system unit components, it is even recommended to open the unit cover and place a regular fan opposite it. This primitive method will help to significantly reduce the temperature inside the system unit.

    How to clean your computer from dust:

    2) The second reason (and quite common) is drivers for video card. I would like to note that neither new nor old drivers provide a guarantee of good performance. Therefore, I recommend updating the driver first, and then (if the picture is just as bad) rolling back the driver or installing an even older one.

    Sometimes using “old” drivers is more justified, and for example, they more than once helped me enjoy a game that refused to work normally with new versions of drivers.

    How to update drivers with just 1 click:

    3) Update DirectX and .NetFrameWork. There is nothing special to comment here, I will give a couple of links to my previous articles:

    4) Lack of shader support will almost certainly result in artifacts on the screen ( shaders- these are a kind of scripts for a video card that allow you to implement various special functions. effects in games: dust, ripples on the water, particles of dirt, etc., everything that makes the game so realistic).

    Usually, if you try to run a new game on an old video card, you get an error saying that it is not supported. But sometimes this does not happen, and the game runs on a video card that does not support the required shaders (there are also special shader emulators that help run new games on old PCs).

    In this case, you just need to carefully study the system requirements of the game, and if your video card is too old (and weak), then, as a rule, you won’t be able to do anything (except overclocking...).

    5) At overclocking a video card Artifacts may appear. In this case, reset the frequencies and return everything to its original state. In general, overclocking is a rather complex topic, and if handled inappropriately, you can easily damage the device.

    6) A glitchy game can also cause image distortion on the screen. You can usually find out about this by looking at various player communities (forums, blogs, etc.). If there is such a problem, then you are not the only one who will encounter it. Surely, they will also suggest a solution to this problem (if there is one...).

    And hardware artifacts

    In addition to software artifacts, there may also be hardware artifacts, the cause of which is poorly functioning hardware. As a rule, you will have to observe them absolutely everywhere you are: in the BIOS, on the desktop, when loading Windows, in games, any 2D and 3D applications, etc. The reason for this, most often, is the detachment of the graphics chip; less often, there are problems with overheating of the memory chips.

    For hardware artifacts, you can do the following:

    1) Replace chip on video card. Expensive (relative to the cost of the video card), it’s tedious to look for an office that will carry out repairs, it takes a long time to search for the right chip, and other problems. It is still unknown how this repair will be carried out for you...

    2) Trying on your own warm up the video card. This topic is quite extensive. But I will say right away that such a repair, even if it helps, will not help for long: the video card will work from a week to six months (sometimes up to a year). You can read about warming up the video card from this author: http://my-mods.net/archives/1387

    3) Replacing the video card with a new one. The fastest and simplest option, which sooner or later everyone comes to when artifacts appear...

    That's all for me. Good PC work to everyone and fewer errors :)

    If your computer has problems with the image - it has become distorted, blurred and blurred, compressed or, on the contrary, stretched, this may indicate a number of problems. Let's take a closer look at the causes of the breakdown and how to determine them.

    Two components are responsible for image quality - the video adapter and the monitor. The display adapter (video adapter) is located under the computer case, and the monitor displays everything that should be visible to the user. For these devices to operate correctly, the appropriate drivers must be installed on your computer.

    Problems with the video adapter driver cause image distortion

    The vast majority of image problems encountered are the image on the monitor blurs, blurred or compressed - this is a problem with the video drivers. They may be incorrectly installed, damaged, or even missing. Especially often, image problems appear after reinstalling the operating system or video adapter. It must be remembered that not every video adapter is capable of supporting one or another version of the operating system. If you need to update the driver, you can do this yourself on the web page indicated in the accompanying documents for the video adapter.

    If you checked the drivers and made sure that they are in order, then distortions may appear due to hardware problems or mechanical damage.

    So what to do what if the image on the monitor is distorted?

    • The first thing you can do to determine the cause of the problem is to connect an additional monitor. Do you see that the image on the external monitor is not distorted? Most likely, the problem should be looked for in the matrix of your laptop, because if the video card was faulty, the same distorted image would be transmitted to the external monitor.
    • Try to lightly press on the matrix - mechanical stress can localize the problem. The image began to become distorted - perhaps the matrix cable was damaged.
    • Try opening and closing the laptop several times while watching the image on the screen. If it changes when you move the lid, then the motherboard cable is most likely faulty.
    • If suddenly the image on the monitor blurs text appears blurry, you may need to enable or adjust ClearType, a technology for Windows operating systems used to produce clearer images.
    • If you encounter a problem where the image on the monitor is compressed and black bars appear on the sides, this may indicate a defect in the monitor if the latest drivers are installed. As a rule, in modern monitors this problem occurs extremely rarely. If it appears, contact the service center.

    Repairing a laptop whose image on the monitor is distorted in a service center

    When calling for repairs with image problems, especially those that arise infrequently, but periodically, the main task of the technician is to diagnose and identify the damaged module. The overwhelming majority of laptop repairs are modular, i.e. a failed spare part is not repaired, but replaced, sometimes together with other components of the module. This is exactly what laptop manufacturers recommend, who produce spare parts for all laptop models and supply them to authorized service centers upon request.

    In order for the repairman to identify the damage quickly and correctly, the help of the laptop user will most likely be needed. You will be asked how often the fault occurs and under what circumstances. That is why try to understand the relationship between your actions and the appearance of distortions on the monitor. You can even write down in what cases distortion occurs, how it appears and disappears, and whether it affects the operation of the system.

    After the technician tests the laptop and localizes the problem, the laptop requires replacement of one or more faulty parts. Warehouse stocks of service centers are limited, and if your laptop model is not the most popular, and the breakdown is not very common, then it will take time to order a new spare part from the manufacturer.

    Delivery takes little time if the required part is in a nearby warehouse and can be quickly delivered to Minsk for repair.

    Warranty repair of a laptop can only be carried out by an authorized service center and only if all warranty conditions are met. The absence of mechanical damage and traces of flooding, the integrity of the seals and the current period in the warranty card are the main ones.

    Laptop repair in Minsk is carried out by many technicians and service centers. We strongly recommend that you contact only serious representatives of the manufacturer for high-quality and quick repairs.

    In the case of a broken matrix, it is often more profitable to buy a new TV, so we do not do such work. We also do not accept control panels, TVs that have been flooded, or equipment with streaks or spots on the screen.

    1) The exact cost is determined after diagnostics.
    2) The cost of spare parts is paid separately.
    3) Diagnostics are paid in case of refusal of repair.

    Distortion of the image on the monitor is a typical failure, which often deprives users of the opportunity to have a pleasant time playing the game, disrupts their work schedule and brings a lot of trouble. A malfunction that disrupts the usual course of life can manifest itself as:

    • frozen, static picture;
    • a mysterious grid consisting of dots and stripes;
    • an image that jumps or trembles, as if in a draft (in some cases only the edges tremble);
    • squares-rectangles, cyclically lining up from chaos into vertical and horizontal stripes;
    • colored ripples and stains.

    These and other similar symptoms may indicate either hardware or software failure. The reason that causes distortion on the monitor screen may be:

    • overheating or failure of the video card;
    • problem caused by drivers;
    • matrix malfunction;
    • damaged matrix cable;
    • unsoldered video chip;
    • damage on the motherboard.

    Determining what exactly has gone wrong is not always easy - you need to carry out diagnostics and identify what caused the monitor to malfunction.

    How to replace a lamp in a monitor

    If the image on your monitor is distorted, then the best thing you can do is call a technician. Self-indulgence is fraught with consequences. Let's give an example: the video card refuses to work due to high temperature, but the computer does not turn off, because the user is trying to get to the bottom of it and find out what is broken. Overheating leads to the chip burning out, and if previously it was possible to fix the breakdown through simple actions ( replacing thermal paste, installing an additional cooler, etc.), then now, in addition to everything else, a new chip will be required.

    If you have a basic knowledge of the structure and operating principle of a computer, then it is possible that you will be able to understand the causes of annoying distortion or interference. We offer you a more reliable way - entrust diagnostics and restoration to specialists. In this case, you are guaranteed a positive result, while all potential risks are reduced to zero.

    Distorted and blurry image on the monitor - everything can be fixed

    Blurred image on the monitor screen- not a reason to panic, since it does not always indicate damage to the video card. Perhaps everything will work out by simply replacing the cable, rebowling, or another not so complicated procedure. Our employee will deliver the equipment free of charge to our service center, where experienced technicians will carry out a full diagnosis and

    Vertical stripes on the laptop screen or horizontal stripes, image output only on part of the screen, ripples on the monitor and other artifacts on the matrix can be caused by:

    • matrix malfunction (in this case, only replace the matrix);
    • damage to the matrix cable (it is possible to restore damaged contacts);
    • burnt video card (in some cases replacement is possible);
    • desoldering of the video chip (usually caused by overheating of the laptop);
    • damage on the motherboard. (for example, the occurrence of corrosion after flooding).

    Initial diagnosis when problems occur with the image:

    1. We connect an external monitor, if the image on it is normal, then most likely the video card is fine, but not a fact. Floating defects may appear on the motherboard;
    2. We check the response of the matrix to mechanical stress (bending or torsion). If the image changes when bending or pressing, then the problem is in the matrix itself or its cable;
    3. Let's see if the image changes when closing and opening the laptop lid, if so, then check the cable coming from the motherboard. There may be poor contact in the cable connector or damage to the tracks.

    Let's look at some examples of screen image problems and what causes them:

    1. Colored vertical lines on the LCD monitor.

    Many colored vertical lines chaotically changing colors. This image looks like the Northern Lights. The external monitor works great though.

    With a slight bend the image changed. Horizontal lines appeared in the middle of the display.

    In this case, the matrix cable is faulty.

    2. Vertical stripes on the LCD screen.

    Vertical stripes of different colors may appear on the monitor once when you turn on the computer.

    If you give it a slight bend, the lines on the screen may disappear. And when displaying the image on an external display, everything is fine, no lines. Unfortunately, these stripes on the screen indicate a malfunction of the screen matrix itself and this is not connected with its cable. This fairly typical problem can be solved by replacing the matrix.

    3. Red and blue stripes on the display.

    Vertical stripes all over the LCD screen. Sometimes the stripes are red, sometimes they are blue, and may become wider and change color to white.

    A similar picture on the external monitor, the same vertical lines. Most likely there is a problem with the video card. On some laptops, the video adapter is integrated into the motherboard, while on other models it is a separate module.

    In this case, it is necessary to rebowl or replace the video chip. To do this, you need a special soldering station for soldering BGA components.

    4. Ripples on the monitor.

    Red ripples all over the computer screen. Everything on the external display is clean, the image is excellent. It can be assumed that the matrix or its cable is faulty.

    But after replacing the matrix and cable, the monitor began to glow red again. This was due to interruption of contact between the video adapter and the motherboard. It is necessary to rebowl the video chip or replace the motherboard.

    5. Image on half the screen.

    The left half of the screen works fine, but the right side is completely white.

    The recipe is simple - replacing the matrix.

    6. Poor image.

    Here is another laptop with a bad LCD screen. A stripe with ripples on the monitor.

    This is a candidate for matrix replacement.

    7. Vertical stripes on the laptop screen.

    Multi-colored stripes on the display. There are no problems with the image on the external monitor.

    If you rotate the screen a little, a distorted image appears with horizontal lines across the entire matrix.

    After a few seconds the image becomes blurry.

    No option - replacing the matrix.

    8. The monitor changes colors or has a negative image on the screen.

    All colors are displayed inverted - white instead of black, black instead of white, yellow instead of red, etc. This laptop shows color inversion right out of the box. As you can see, the Toshiba logo is light green instead of red. The background is light gray instead of black. The Intel logo should be blue on a white background, and this one should be red on black.

    If your laptop shows inverted colors, you will have to replace the matrix.

    9. White line on the monitor.

    A wide white stripe in the middle of the laptop screen means that the matrix is ​​faulty.

    You just need to replace the matrix and everything will be fine!

    10. Only part of the monitor works.

    When you turn on the laptop, an image appears only on the left half of the display, followed by a vertical red and black stripe, and a blue background between them. A similar manifestation of an image defect is also associated with a faulty matrix.

    Most often, the average user encounters the following causes and malfunctions:

    Hardware “inconsistency” between the monitor and the computer’s video card;

    Damaged cable;

    An unsuitable driver, and not necessarily a display driver - most often a video card.

    The main reasons why the computer monitor has a blurry image

    To diagnose and resolve such problems, you must do the following:

    1. Use a modern digital monitor connection

    Almost any modern monitor, when connected in this way, can automatically configure itself to the best parameters. This is usually done through a fairly simple and intuitive monitor menu - by selecting an item called “Auto Configuration”.

    2. Configuring image output parameters.

    Limit specific hardware capabilities. To begin with, set everything to default (brightness, color, temperature), and set the frequency to 60 Hz.

    Please note! This must be done both on the device itself and in the video card software. It must be remembered that the monitor driver is not that important - it is usually responsible only for accurate color reproduction, but not for various fine settings, such as anti-aliasing or frequency.

    3. Setting up and updating the video card driver

    A common problem occurs when the standard settings of the video card do not have a resolution supported by the display. This can be solved by reinstalling or updating the video card drivers, or changing the resolution on the monitor, if this is possible from its menu.

    Important: Modern video cards are very complex and functional devices. The number of settings items for them is in the hundreds. Ultimately, it may turn out that all the problems with the image arose due to one deeply hidden item, for example, “Stretched Scan” in the “Scaling Settings”.

    To avoid such problems, it is better to use standard default values ​​and not try to achieve the perfect picture through advanced options. This should be done only with a clear understanding of what a specific menu item is responsible for.