• Setting up and using the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser. Setting up and using web browsers Setting up and using the Apple Safari web browser

    Here you can find detailed information on setting up and configuring the Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Google Chrome web browsers for working with the 1C: Managing Our Firm (UNF) program.

    Setting up and using the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser

    Features of use

    To work with the web client in the Windows XP SP 2 operating system, a system library is required jscript.dll versions or higher.

    The library is in the catalog system32 operating system. If an earlier version of the library is installed on your computer, the web client may significantly slow down. To update the version, you must download the update package located at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942840/en-us.

    When using Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 with bookmarks enabled, in the window where there are bookmarks, to switch using the keyboard from the main (window with bookmarks) to the child form (separate window), use the keyboard shortcuts +Ctrl+F6 . If bookmarks are disabled, you can also use the Ctrl+Tab keyboard shortcut to switch.

    For this

    • On the menu Tools select item Internet Options and make settings:
      • on the tab Security for the Internet zone, click the button Other (Custom level);
      • in section Scripting for parameter Active scripting install Enable and press the button "OK".
    • Allow pop-ups:
      • go to the tab Privacy;
      • in section Pop-up Blocker uncheck the box Block Pop-ups.
      • on the tab Privacy use the slider to select the level of use of cookies - no higher Medium High.

    If you intend to work together with a barcode scanner, electronic scales or other external components, you must configure the web browser as follows:

    • on the tab Security click the button Other (Custom level);
    • in the window that opens you need to install Enable for the following parameters:
      • Automatic promting for ActiveX controls;
      • Download signed ActiveX controls;
      • Working with ActiveX objects and plug-ins (Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins);
      • Working with objects marked as safe (Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting).

    Each time you open auxiliary windows, the keyboard layout is selected from the operating system settings. If it does not match the data input language, then in order to avoid switching the language, it is recommended to specify the desired input language in the settings.

    To set the default input language, follow these steps:

    • open operating system settings "Regional and Languages ​​Options";
    • on the bookmark "Languages" in section "Text services and input languages" click the button "Details...";
    • in the window that opens on the tab "Settings" in section "Default input language" select the desired language;
    • click the button "OK".

    When working in Internet Explorer 8, in some situations, when moving to an already open window from another window, a dialog will appear with the text “Click OK to go to the window” and an OK button. After pressing the button, you will be taken to the window.

    Features of using advanced tools for working with files

    Implementation for Internet Explorer requires installation of a special ActiveX component 1C:Enterprise 8.2. File extension for Internet Explorer (x86), or its 64-bit version for 64-bit Internet Explorer. The component is included in the platform, but its installation must be provided for in the configuration (a call to the InstallFileWorkingExtension method must be implemented).

    To work with the component, the browser must have rights to install and use signed ActiveX components for the zone in which the website is located.

    The Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) library is used to work with files. Recommended versions are MSXML 6.0 and MSXML 4.0. If you use MSXML 3.0, there may be problems with transferring large files from the client to the server.

    A list of MSXML module versions, restrictions and installation recommendations can be found on this page.

    Setting up and using the Mozilla Firefox web browser

    Features of use

    All operations with the file system (receiving a file from the server, transferring a file to the server, deleting a file, etc.) are performed strictly interactively. If the action does not require user interaction (for example, selecting a file), then a warning dialog is displayed, requiring the user to confirm.

    Web Browser Usage Settings

    To connect to 1C:Enterprise 8 infobases using Mozilla Firefox, you need to make the following settings:

    • Open your browser, in the menu Tools select item Settings;
    • Content
      • Uncheck ;
      • Check the box Enable JavaScript.
    • Go to section Privacy set the following settings:
      • Check the box Accept cookies from sites;
      • For detailed settings for accepting or rejecting cookies, click the button Exceptions and follow the explanations in the setup dialog.

    If the English version of Mozilla Firefox is used as a browser, then for the web client to work correctly, you need to perform the following settings (the location of the settings is given for version 3.5):

    • Open your browser, in the menu Tools select item Options;
    • On the bookmark Contents in the group Fonts & Colors click the button Advanced;
    • In the parameter Default Character Encoding select Unicode.

    Modification of other parameters that may be required to work with the 1C:Enterprise web client can be done using the command "Service - Web browser settings". The window makes settings that can also be made in the settings of the web browser itself in the privilege request dialog.

    The window allows you to configure the following browser settings (similar web browser settings are indicated in parentheses):

    • Allow work with the clipboard, file extension, external components(signed.applets.codebase_principal_support) - for working with the clipboard, external components and advanced work with files (true);
    • Allow non-Latin characters to be used in launch string parameters(network.standard-url.encode-query-utf8) - to use non-Latin characters in the address bar (true);
    • Allow using the keyboard to switch between application windows(dom.popup_allowed_events) - to allow navigation through application windows using the keyboard (adds the keydown event to the parameter value);
    • Use operating system authentication(network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris) - if set, operating system authentication will be performed. This setting only changes the value of the network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris key. To authenticate the operating system in a specific network and web server configuration, you may need to set values ​​for the network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris and network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris keys. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Integrated_Authentication for more information.

    These settings can also be configured manually. To do this, you need to type in the address bar of your web browser about:config, then in the filter line type any word from the parameter name (for example, principal) and change its value in the list.

    • Open your browser, in the menu Tools select item Settings;
    • In the window that opens, go to the section Basic;
    • Check the box Always prompt to save the file.

    To manually configure authentication:

    • type in the address bar of your browser about:config.
    • then on the settings page in the filter line, enter the name of the parameter.
      This setting is carried out for three parameters:
      • network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris,
      • network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris,
      • network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris.
    • Next, specify a list of web servers through which work with the 1C:Enterprise database will be carried out.
    • Web server supports NTLM-authentication.
      If the name of the web server that you are trying to access is listed in the list of names contained in the parameter network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris, then automatic authentication will be attempted. If the web server name is not there, the browser will display a dialog in which you must specify the user's login and password to access the web server.
    • Web server supports Kerberos-authentication.
      In order to gain access to a web server with this type of authentication, you need to add the name of this web server to the parameter. When working with a file infobase, this will be sufficient. If you need to ensure automatic authentication of web client users when using the client-server version of 1C:Enterprise, you need to add the DNS name of this web server to the parameter network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris.
      In case the name of the web server being accessed is not found in the parameter network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris, authentication will not occur and the user will see a 401 Unauthorized error message. To inform the user of the actions they need to take, the administrator can modify the 401 error message page (see the documentation for the web server you are using).

    Features of using advanced tools for working with files

    All operations with the file system (receiving a file from the server, transferring a file to the server, deleting a file, etc.) are performed strictly interactively. If the action does not require user interaction (for example, selecting a file), then a warning dialog is displayed, requiring the user to confirm.

    The extension for working with files requires granting the privilege UniversalXPConnect. The Mozilla FireFox web browser makes the privilege request interactively, but the user can remember the decision for a given website.

    If the Mozilla FireFox web browser remembers the user's decision to grant a privilege, and the user wants to change this decision, he will have to edit the file himself prefs.js, which is stored in his Mozilla Firefox web browser profile folder.

    A description of how to find the profile folder is here:
    http://wiki.mozilla.ru/index.php/About Mozilla Firefox profiles (Russian-language article)
    http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Profiles (English article).

    Next you need:
    1. Quit Mozilla FireFox.
    2. Open prefs.js any text editor
    3. Find a line in the text UniversalXPConnect. The following text fragment will be found:
    user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p.granted", "UniversalXPConnect");

    user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p.denied", "UniversalXPConnect");
    user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p.id", "");
    user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p.subjectName", "");
    where is any number, and is the address of the desired website. If it’s different, then you need to continue searching for “UniversalXPConnect” in the text.
    4. Remove found lines from the text.

    Setting up and using the Apple Safari web browser

    To use a web browser, you must configure your Internet properties.

    To do this, open the menu and select Preferences and make settings:

    • Allow execution of JavaScript scripts:
      on the bookmark Security select Enable JavaScript
    • Allow the use of cookies:
      on the bookmark Security in the group Accept cookies select Only from sites I visit;
    • Allow pop-ups:
      on the bookmark Security uncheck the box Block pop-up windows.
    • On the menu Safari Settings select item Preferences;
    • On the bookmark General check the box Always prompt before downloading.

    Setting up and using the Google Chrome web browser

    To use a web browser, you must configure your Internet properties.

    To do this, open the menu Tools, select item Options, on the bookmark Extended (Under the Hood) click the button Content settings and make settings:

    • Allow the use of cookies:
      on the bookmark Cookies select Allow local data to be set (recommended) or configure exceptions;
    • Allow execution of JavaScript scripts:
      on the bookmark JavaScript select Allow all sites to run JavaScript (recommended) or configure exceptions;
    • Allow pop-ups:
      on the bookmark Pop-ups select Allow all sites to show pop-ups or configure exceptions.
    • Open menu Tools, select Options;
    • On the bookmark Extended (Under the Hood) in section Downloads check the box Ask where to save each file before download.

    To configure the Internet Explorer web browser, you must complete the following steps:
    1. In the menu Tools select item Internet Options
    2. Go to the tab Security and for the Internet zone, click the Custom level button: in the section Scripting for parameter Active scripting set to Enable and click OK.

    3. Go to the tab Privacy and uncheck Block Pop-ups in section Pop-up Blocker.
    4. On the tab Privacy use the slider to select the level of use of cookies - no higher Medium High.
    If you intend to work with external equipment: a barcode scanner, electronic scales or other external components, you need to perform additional web browser settings:
    1. on the tab Security click the button Other (Custom level);
    2. in the window that opens you need to install Enable for the following parameters:
    - permission request for ActiveX objects ( Automatic promting for ActiveX controls);
    - loading signed ActiveX objects with user permission ( Download signed ActiveX controls);
    - working with ActiveX objects and plugins ( Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins);
    - working with objects marked as safe ( Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting).

    Working with an alternative interface on managed 1C forms is available via HTML. An alternative interface may be needed if standard 1C controls are not enough, but you want something more. This article lists some secrets of working with the web interface on managed forms 8.2.

    Displaying an Html page on a managed 1C form

    To display an Html page, you need to insert the Document Html Field into the form and place the HTML code in the data source. You need to keep the following in mind: the thin client and the web client on Internet Explorer work in a special way. In these two cases, Internet Explorer is used in IE 7 compatibility mode.
    The first secret is that the thin client can be put into compatibility mode with an older version of IE. To do this you need to use meta X-UA-Compatible. So on Windows 7 after adding

    you can use SVG objects, for example:

    You can transfer the IE web client to a more modern version of compatibility by placing the 1C web client in an IFrame and setting a compatibility meta tag in the parent html. An example of how this can be done is shown here: habrahabr.ru/post/183016
    But this does not guarantee normal operation and display of the web client, since 1C initially designed the web client based on compatibility with IE6/7.
    The second secret is that the layout of html layouts in text mode without the 1C visual editor gets spoiled after closing the layout in the configurator. For example, if you insert svg definitions into an html layout, then after re-opening the configurator you will see corrupted html (pay attention to the header).

    Therefore, if your layout is more complex than showing a picture, then I advise you to save the html code in another place.

    Storing everything in general pictures

    A modern web page is not limited to just html. In addition, it comes with pictures and js/css files. The traditional approach allows storing and accessing images placed in common configuration images, but with js/css 1C developers have to get creative. Text files are either archived and unpacked before displaying the page, or placed entirely in html. This approach does not use the cache for get requests built into almost every browser.
    My experience was to put a java script into common pictures. This experiment was partially successful, i.e. all browsers and thin client ran jQuery except IE. If anyone knows the secret and can get this method to work on IE, please post. The following actions must be taken:
    1. Create a general picture and place any picture in it
    2. On the html layout in edit mode, select any text and use the Elements-Link menu to select a general image
    3. Paste the text from the link into the script block
    4. Replace the general image with JavaScript content

    Built-in 1C framework for the web client

    Few people know that the 1C web client includes a framework that simplifies working with form elements. The framework runs on JavaScript. It can be accessed through parent.WebUI. its functions require additional research, but the properties are as follows:

    In theory, this framework can be used to call 1C server procedures. In this case, there will be complete integration of the html field with other elements of the managed form, which will entail platform independence. Now the feedback is achieved through WebBrowser Control, which is tied to Windows.

    Keyword __STYLE__

    For a long time I puzzled over what the keyword __STYLE__ means, which 1C automatically inserts into the template of an empty html layout. But research of the requests showed that __STYLE__ is not replaced by anything, and the server returns a 500 error for this request: Internal Server Error.

    Integrating an information system with third-party applications is a very important and interesting task. The 1C platform did not stand aside and made a lot of efforts to ensure that solutions based on 1C could confidently work with other products.

    The most popular type of interaction is integration with MS Windows applications: Excel, Word, Acces, Outlook, SQL, and so on. Among these programs, the Internet browser Internet Explorer is an application that is installed on any Windows machine. Let's take an example of the interaction of the 1C platform with the Internet Explorer browser using.

    Logging into web page mail from 1C

    For our example, we will write a small processing that will connect to a web browser, enter the user’s login and password and press the “login” button, as well as have a logout button.

    The first action is connecting to the application, creating a COM object:

    IE = New COMObject("InternetExplorer.Application");

    Get 267 video lessons on 1C for free:

    Setting visibility:

    IE.Visible = True;

    After that, using the Navigate() method, we go to the required page of the site:


    While IE.readyState< 4 Цикл

    Those. an infinite loop will be started until the document is completely formed.

    After this, we will move on to filling out the form on the site, but first we need to find out the identifiers of the fields that we will fill out. To do this, you need to display the source code of the page in the browser. The field code contains id:

    Knowing the field ID, we can access it:

    IE.document.getElementByID("mailbox__login").value = Login;
    IE.document.getElementByID("mailbox__password").value = Password;

    And set the value we need.

    After filling out, you need to “click” on the login button. We also find out its identifier and use the “click()” method:


    Logging out of mail is even easier, just click on the logout button:


    Processing testing

    For the test, let's launch the system in 1C Enterprise mode and open