• Scientific work on the topic of IS construction company. Development of an information system for the construction company LvoffStroy. Where to start implementing an information system

    2/2009 NEWSLETTER


    E.G. Penkina

    In the modern construction business, information technologies and specialized software are actively used. These are computer-aided design (CAD) systems, design documentation management systems and estimating software. Estimating systems provide an assessment of the project in terms of the volume of work, cost, and total resource requirements for the project, but do not provide information that is important for the successful implementation of the project, such as a work schedule, a schedule of resource requirements, and a calendar cost profile.

    In organizations of the construction complex, there is a high demand for software specifically for planning and project management. Finding the time-optimal way to implement a project with the most efficient use of resources are key success factors, and with competition growing every year, a guarantor of the organization’s survival.

    The Construction Project Management Information System (CMIS) is an organizational and technological complex of methodological, technical, software and information tools aimed at supporting and increasing the efficiency of planning and project management processes, which is based on a complex of specialized software.

    The implementation of a planning and project management system can significantly improve the efficiency of construction projects. The main advantages of using a project management information system are:

    Possibility of regulating project management procedures;

    Determination and analysis of investment efficiency;

    Using mathematical methods for calculating time, resource, and cost parameters of projects;

    Centralized storage of information on work schedule, resources and costs;

    The ability to quickly analyze the impact of changes in schedule, resourcing and funding on the project plan;

    Ensuring control over the implementation of project work;

    Possibility of automated generation of reports and graphic diagrams, development of project documentation;

    Using the archive of projects and accumulating knowledge.

    Today there is a sufficient amount of software for managing construction projects. However, it is not always possible to choose exactly the one that sufficiently satisfies the needs of the construction enterprise. In addition, even after completing this task and choosing the right set of tools, in most cases it is difficult for an enterprise to preliminarily assess the effect of implementing the selected software.

    NEWSLETTER 2/2009

    Currently, the issue of organizational support for ISUSP is not well developed.

    Firstly, there is no corresponding system of criteria that would allow the selection of the optimal construction project management system (CPMS) for a given construction organization.

    It is necessary to understand that no software product will help if a project management system is not installed in the organization. If a standard and regulations are not developed. Therefore, the system is primary, the product must satisfy the requirements of the designed system. And this is where a problem may arise - if the software does not provide the necessary information, then its usefulness drops sharply. Therefore, the choice of system must be conscious. It is necessary to determine what product is needed for the project management system that a construction organization has.

    In this case, the selection algorithm looks like this:

    1. Formulate the requirements for the package, having previously determined the necessary functions. This is an important step because, without proper attention, very important product requirements can be missed.

    2. Create a table comparing the specifications of functions of various systems. One of the possible options is presented in table. 1.

    3. Evaluate the offers of software suppliers, their services, assistance with implementation, etc.

    Table 1. Comparisons of feature specifications of different systems

    Requirements when choosing software Functions implemented in the system

    User Interface Customizable interface

    Contextual help

    Ease of data access

    Graphics capabilities

    Interface division by roles

    Standard wizards, templates, and screen views

    Data management Ease of access and transfer of information

    Protection against unauthorized access

    Data integration with other applications

    Possibilities for differentiating access rights

    Availability of OLAP functions

    Scheduling mechanism Using a hierarchical resource structure

    Time analysis using the critical path method

    Cost and Earned Value Analysis

    Risk analysis

    Using Multiple Source Plans

    Using report templates

    Ensuring collaboration Availability of Web applications

    Client-server architecture

    Provide data access to remote users

    Alerts and reminders about work

    2/2009 NEWSLETTER

    The software product is not the core of the project management system, but its capabilities and shortcomings may well be a serious factor and limitation when choosing software. Not every company can afford to customize its software. Although, of course, customization of workplaces, depending on the functions performed by the employee, takes place.

    Secondly, methodological and software-information tools are required to support the process of assessing the effectiveness of the project management information system from the existing set.

    Evaluating effectiveness is based on defining, selecting criteria for reviewing and evaluating the system according to these qualities. Some differences in the set of criteria that have a direct impact on the effectiveness of the project exist and may depend on the characteristics of construction projects and the composition of the system, but in general they are the same for all (Fig. 1).

    Project Time Management

    Project Cost Management

    Project quality management

    Project Goal Management


    Integration (completion) management of a _project_

    Human and Resource Management

    Supply and contract management

    Information and Communications Management

    Project Risk Management


    Rice. 1. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the project

    Requirements when choosing software Functions implemented in the system User interface Customizable interface Contextual help Ease of access to data Graphical capabilities Separation of the interface by roles Standard wizards, templates and screen views Data management Ease of access and transfer of information Protection from unauthorized access Integration of data with other applications Possibility of delimiting access rights Availability of OLR functions Mechanism plani -ing Use of a hierarchical structure of resources Temporal analysis using the critical path method Cost and earned value analysis Risk analysis Use of multiple initial plans Use of report templates Ensuring collaboration Availability of Web applications Client-server architecture Providing access to data to remote users Alerts and reminders about work

    Quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the information system can be calculated according to the following main criteria:

    Time deviations are shifts in the project schedule caused by delays or advances in work;

    Project cost deviations are deviations of the project budget caused by its overspending or underspending;

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    Quality deviations - elimination of deficiencies found during quality inspection and assessment - assessment of the effectiveness of the project team in eliminating deficiencies identified during the project.

    For each specific project criterion, weight indicators (k1, k2, k3, etc.) are developed that correspond to the importance of this criterion.

    The main feature of the processes of construction organizations is their standard structure and standard restrictions. These standard restrictions on time, cost of project implementation and quality of results can be used to construct a generalized indicator characterizing the effectiveness of the system through the assessment of emerging deviations (1).

    (k1* AT + k 2* AC + k 3* AO) AE = --- (1)

    DE - deviations from the use of the management information system

    AT - time deviations

    AC - deviations in project cost

    AO - quality deviations

    The values ​​of the AE coefficients correspond to the divisions of a special compiled scale that allows classifying deviations from the use of a particular ISUSP.

    This is one of the possible methods for quantitatively assessing the effectiveness of information systems. You can also use high-quality ones. For example, based on an expert assessment of critical success factors (CSF), the implementation of which is necessary for the successful implementation of a construction project.

    The effectiveness of the PMIS depends on factors such as:

    On the part of senior management - understanding of the importance of the system, willingness to provide the necessary support through personal participation or delegation of appropriate authority to team members;

    Clear planning of work - understanding of ways to achieve goals (through what work the project goals will be achieved, in what time frame, what resources will be required for this);

    Taking into account user requirements - determines satisfaction with the system in practical work;

    Availability of necessary technological and financial means;

    Availability of trained personnel (preparedness of employees to implement a project of a specific profile, willingness to train employees or recruit relevant specialists, sometimes attracting consultants).

    Thus, using both a system of criteria and methods for assessing efficiency, it is possible to select the optimal management system for construction projects.

    Reviewer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. S.A. Sinenko, Department of CAD in Construction, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

    Magazine "Construction Equipment and Technologies", No. 4, 2008

    The main component. The role of information systems in the management processes of construction and development projects. Vadim Tsvetkov, commercial director of West Concept.

    The main component of the construction business (about 90% of investments) is the project management stage. First of all, this applies to construction and development companies, as well as companies specializing in the development of territories and the creation of construction infrastructure, that is, road construction companies and contract construction organizations. In many ways, capital construction projects of buildings and structures and the creation of related infrastructure depend on the general approach to the process. How well a company can manage projects, their risks, deadlines, budgets and many other components will influence the business as a whole. In addition to the human factor, one cannot ignore the auxiliary tools - information systems for business management.

    The investment component of development, and indeed any other aspect of the construction business, adds its own characteristics, related primarily to the search for financing and the structure of its sources. Loans from financial institutions, advances from buyers, own funds, loans from others, including government organizations, funds raised on a shareholder basis, foreign loans, etc. - all these sources are found in the practice of developers and builders. To work with them, the financial director must be highly qualified. He is often faced with the need to maneuver financial resources due to a temporary freeze in construction at one site and the high pace of work at another. In construction organizations, financial planning almost entirely depends on project planning.

    In the process of managing the finances of a developed construction and development structure, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of the developer’s use of funds from shareholders and/or investors. Chapter 25 of the Tax Code obliges to take into account the misuse of funds when determining the taxable base. It is quite likely that the transfer of the mentioned funds by the management company from one facility (where, for some reason, construction is temporarily frozen) to another (where construction is intensified), interpreted as misuse, may give rise to tax obligations. With such a maneuver, the problem would be partially solved by the correct classification of funds. The construction business has long been waiting for such a necessary step within the framework of tax reform as speeding up the VAT refund procedure for capital construction.

    This is one of the many problems that companies in the construction industry face that an enterprise information system can solve.

    Problems in project management
    During the period of creation and growth of the company, its project organization is organically woven into its life. The group of senior functional managers also constitutes the project/projects headquarters. However, the number of projects in the portfolio of, for example, a successful developer is growing rapidly. Accordingly, new employees appear - project managers. Senior executive management is increasingly withdrawing from the tasks of day-to-day project management. Following him, functional managers switch to performing only accounting and control functions.

    It is believed that the organization has a common centralized headquarters, and this allows it to save on costs associated with maintaining additional accountants, surveyors, lawyers, etc. Here it is useful to remember who such a headquarters physically consists of: these are, as a rule, the same people who 5-7 years ago started a development business together with the owners, solving exclusively operational management problems associated with the construction of a particular facility. On the one hand, they are accustomed to thinking in terms of a specific construction contract, prices for one or another type of construction work and materials, or, for example, a weekly request for spending money. On the other hand, they took courses in parallel with their work, received second and third diplomas, and their level of self-esteem grew. And now this headquarters is no longer inclined to serve projects (only control!), and the new project managers have no other headquarters.

    As a result, a dozen newly minted project managers stand in line for weeks to get an appointment with the company’s financial director.

    This is how an irreconcilable conflict arises and flares up between the process and the result of business activity. Managers of management companies of diversified industrial and construction holdings, together with consultants, rack their brains for a long time over compiling a comprehensive register of their own business processes, sometimes failing to realize that their main and, in essence, only business process is project management, and all other activities should be built exclusively around and for the high-quality and timely solution of this particular task.

    If we highlight the main difficulties of construction projects, they generally boil down to the following theses:

    • relatively long project duration;
    • projects develop in parallel, have different structures and start and end dates;
    • projects are geographically distant from each other, both within the same city and widely beyond its borders;
    • human factor: people leave, and the company loses their competence and knowledge.

    And below are some statistics from the consulting company Standish Group:

    • 31% of projects fail;
    • 53% of projects are completed with budget overruns by an average of 1.9 times;
    • only 16% of projects are on time and on budget.

    Below we will try to show how many problems are solved using information systems.

    Problem solving and tools
    When solving certain problems or problems, it is important to have a good tool. There are quite a lot of information systems that allow and help project managers and company leaders carrying out project activities to solve their production problems more effectively. What does the system allow you to do? What can it improve? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

    The introduction of a unified planning and project management system will help to significantly increase the efficiency of the company's projects. How is this achieved? As a rule, the implementation of an information system involves not only the automation of company processes. This is a fairly serious process that can “shake up” the organization, in the good sense of the word. The impact of the implementation project can be seen allegorically in the example of how industrial gymnastics affects a sedentary worker in the midst of his work. Blood flows through the veins with renewed vigor, work becomes easier, fatigue goes away, and we are ready for new exploits.

    The main advantages of using a project management information system are:

    • the ability to regulate project management procedures;
    • determination and analysis of investment efficiency;
    • use of mathematical methods for calculating time, resource, and cost parameters of projects;
    • centralized storage of information on work schedule, resources and costs;
    • the ability to quickly analyze the impact of changes in schedule, resourcing and financing on the project plan;
    • control of work performance on projects;
    • accounting and management of project risks;
    • ensuring quality control of work;
    • management and control of supplies and contracts in support of project activities;
    • determination of information flows of project activities;
    • the ability to automatically generate reports and graphic charts, develop project documentation;
    • support for the use of project archives and knowledge accumulation.

    In addition to the capabilities listed above, the system is able to discipline the company and its employees, and increase the level of staff responsibility.

    Each project necessarily goes through certain stages, such as work planning, actual tracking and control of their implementation, analysis of project results, etc.

    The planning stage is one of the most important. At this stage, project tasks, work, their technological dependencies, budget and project deadlines are determined. Quite often planning is understood only as scheduling work, losing sight of resource management, budgeting, etc.

    In many project management systems, schedules are obtained automatically if tasks and resources are defined:

    • project calendar and network diagrams;
    • tender schedule;
    • contract plan;
    • cash flow budget, payment and receipt plan.

    All of the above schedules are combined into a single project plan, from which a project income and expense budget and a cash flow budget can be derived.

    The cost of work is obtained automatically by connecting resources that perform the work or are simply involved in their implementation. Each resource, be it contractor services or building material, has its own cost. This allows you to automatically generate the cost of work depending on the duration of tasks and work.

    The resulting budget must be approved. As a rule, the information system provides the opportunity to create regulations for this process. The main persons or roles involved in the project form a sequence of actions:

    • approval by the project manager;
    • approval by the project curator;
    • approval by the financial department.

    Once a formal plan is approved, the manager is tasked with implementing it.

    Fact tracking
    As the project progresses, managers must continually monitor progress. Control consists of collecting actual data on the progress of work and comparing them with planned ones. Unfortunately, when managing projects, you can be absolutely sure that deviations between planned and actual indicators always happen. Therefore, the manager’s task is to analyze the possible impact of deviations in the scope of work performed on the progress of the project as a whole and when developing appropriate management decisions. For example, if the schedule slips beyond an acceptable deviation level, a decision may be made to speed up certain critical tasks by allocating more resources to them.

    Employees participating in the project receive a list of their tasks and indicate the fact of their completion:

    • the manager responsible for the project approves the completion of the task;
    • changes in the timing and cost of tasks are displayed in the plan.

    Analysis and regulation of project progress
    Permanently during project activities it is necessary to perform a number of functions, without which project activities would be impossible.

    At the end of the project, the project manager must carry out a number of final activities. The exact nature of these responsibilities depends on the nature of the project itself. If equipment was used in the project, it should be inventoried and possibly transferred to a new use. In the case of contract projects, it is necessary to determine whether the results satisfy the terms of the contract or contract. It may be necessary to produce final reports and organize interim project reports into an archive.

    Functional areas of management
    Project change management
    Critical to project success is the ability to control the inevitable changes that occur in the initially defined and agreed upon structures, scope, content and deliverables.

    A formal change management process should be launched in a project as early as possible, and certainly not later than the formal definition of its subject area has been completed.

    The main point of the change management process is that whenever decisions are made about changes in the subject area, the impact of these changes on the financial component of the project is taken into account. I note that the mentioned changes in the subject area of ​​the project do not necessarily increase the amount of work and the cost of the entire project. Quite often changes may be made that reduce the overall scope of work, although in real life changes that increase the scope of work are, of course, much more common.

    Project changes can be financed from the project's internal budget or externally. But regardless of this, there are several essential elements that must be included in the change management process.

    A project management system, as a rule, visually displays the overall project plan in the form of a diagram of interrelated tasks, and also shows in real time how a change, for example, in the duration of a particular task, can affect the progress of the entire project or even the project portfolio as a whole.

    Cost management
    Cost management in a project begins with planning its budget. Cost estimating is an estimate of the likely cost of the resources that will be required to complete the work. Cost estimates are calculated throughout the project.

    In previous articles we have already examined in detail the process of budgeting and drawing up financial plans, so we will not focus on this now.

    In the early stages of a project, the uncertainty in understanding the actual scope of the project is still too great and there is no point in expending the effort to calculate more accurate cost estimates for each stage of the project than is currently necessary.

    There are several generally accepted methods for calculating cost estimates. Everyone can choose a method that provides the required accuracy of assessment and corresponds to its capabilities in terms of money and labor costs for conducting the valuation itself.

    Top-down evaluation method
    The top down estimate method is used to estimate costs in the early stages of a project, when information about the project is still very limited. The meaning of such an integrated expert assessment is that it is carried out in a generalized manner and the project is assessed as a whole according to one indicator. The assessment is convenient because it does not require much effort and time. The disadvantage is that the accuracy is not as high as it could be with a more detailed assessment.

    Bottom-up assessment method
    The bottom-up estimating method is needed to arrive at an agreed base price for the project or a final cost estimate for the project. The name of the method reflects the way cost estimates are calculated - the method involves estimating costs at detailed levels of the project, and then summing the costs at higher levels of generalization to obtain a cost estimate (budget) for the entire project. To accomplish this “roll-up” of costs, you can use the work breakdown structure (WBS or WBS) of the project. The advantage of this method is the accuracy of the results obtained, which in turn depends on the level of detail in estimating costs at the initial stages of consideration. From mathematical statistics it is known that the more details are added to the consideration, the higher the accuracy of the estimate.

    The disadvantage of this method is that the cost and time required to perform a detailed assessment is much higher than using the top-down method.

    “By analogy” assessment method
    The “analogous” valuation method is one of the variations of the “top-down” valuation method. Its essence lies in the fact that to predict the cost of the project being evaluated, actual data on the cost of previously completed projects is used. This method is based on the idea that all projects are somewhat similar to each other.

    If the similarity between the peer project and the project being assessed is high, then the assessment results can be very accurate, otherwise the assessment will be incorrect.

    Parametric Estimation Methods
    Parametric estimation methods are similar to the analogue estimation method and are also a type of top-down method. Their inherent accuracy is no better or worse than the accuracy of the “by analogy” assessment method.

    The parameter estimation process consists of finding a project parameter whose change entails a proportional change in the project cost. Mathematically, a parametric model is built based on one or more parameters. After entering the parameter values ​​into the model, the calculations result in an estimate of the project cost.

    If the parametric models of different projects are similar and the costs and values ​​of the parameters themselves are easy to calculate, then the accuracy of the parametric estimate of the upcoming project can be increased. If, for example, there are two completed projects, and the cost of one of them is greater than the cost of the project being evaluated, and the cost of the other is less, and the parametric model is valid for both completed projects, then the accuracy of the parametric estimate of the cost of the upcoming project and the reliability of using the parameter will be quite high. Evaluation can also be done using a variety of parameters. In this case, each parameter, depending on its significance, is assigned a weighting coefficient, and the cost is assessed according to a multi-parameter model.

    Project risk management
    The risk management process is very important in project management. The information system allows you to visually and conveniently provide the ability to manage the following tasks:

    • Risk management planning - selecting approaches and planning project risk management activities.
    • Risk identification - identifying risks that could affect the project and documenting their characteristics.
    • Qualitative risk assessment is a qualitative analysis of risks and the conditions for their occurrence in order to determine their impact on the success of the project.
    • Quantitative assessment - quantitative analysis of the likelihood of occurrence and the impact of risk consequences on the project.
    • Risk response planning - identifying procedures and methods to mitigate the negative consequences of risk events and take advantage of possible benefits.
    • Risk Monitoring and Control - Monitoring risks, identifying remaining risks, executing the project's risk management plan, and assessing the effectiveness of risk mitigation actions.

    Project Document Management
    An important task in capital construction is the management of project documentation. It is necessary to ensure access to project documentation for project managers. Many information systems provide the ability to:

    • store project documentation “inside” the project;
    • link documents to tasks and project work;
    • approve and coordinate documents;
    • several users to work with one document;
    • discuss documents;
    • store their versions.

    We looked at the main functions and processes that are very important in project management as a construction
    private, development and other companies. Project management is just as closely related to the activities of a construction company, as their main information systems must contain corresponding project management systems. This circumstance can guarantee the speed of obtaining information, as well as its relevance even when working with large portfolios of projects.

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    Table of contents

    • Introduction
    • 2.2 Normal forms
    • 2.5 Synthesis algorithm
    • 2.8 Creating a data schema
    • 2.9 Selecting development tools
    • 3. Information system development
    • 3.1 Custom operating mode
    • 3.2 Working hours as an investor
    • 3.3 Operating mode of the manager
    • 3.4 Working hours as a director
    • 4. Safety and sanitary and hygienic working conditions at the PC user’s workplace
    • 4.1 Characteristics of sanitary and hygienic working conditions
    • 4.2 Ventilation
    • 4.3 Calculation of lighting installation
    • 4.4 Working hours
    • 4.5 Requirements for organizing the workplace
    • 4.6 Electrical safety
    • Conclusions
    • 5. Calculation of the economic efficiency of the project
    • 5.1 Marketing plan
    • 5.2 Goals, objectives and methods of investment assessment
    • 5.3 Selection and description of the developed and alternative options
    • 5.4 Calculation of investments at the stage of development and debugging of the main version
    • 5.5 Calculation of investments at the stage of development and debugging of an alternative option
    • 5.6 Calculation of investments by year of the operation stage
    • 5.7 Final indicators of technical and economic efficiency
    • Conclusions
    • Conclusion
    • Appendix 1 Script for creating a database inMYSQL


    Market relations, having destroyed the existing planning and distribution order, led to the formation of new forms of relationships, changed some of the links in the construction complex, filling them with new content. The diversity of participants in the construction of the facility turned the production process into a complex economic mechanism, which, along with the duration of the investment cycle, contributed to the emergence and formation of new organizational forms of construction management. For example, investment and construction companies (firms) have been formed - integrated developers who carry out work in a closed production cycle: investment - design - construction - commissioning - sale of finished construction projects. Investment and construction companies are mainly engaged in housing and social construction and have a number of advantages over general construction companies. In such organizational structures, complex problems of investment, planning, design, management and direct construction of facilities arise, which require a systematic approach to solving them, which is possible with the use of modern software and information technologies. However, the use of computers in the construction industry is focused mainly on automating numerous labor-intensive calculations, while practically not solving management problems that require logical thinking.

    Computerization of construction in technical terms means the creation of automated workplaces equipped with computer technology. The complexity of the management problems being solved forces us to develop and use in investment and construction activities the processes of developing and implementing programs that implement specific computer technologies using currently available technical means. Computerization of construction increases the level of knowledge and skills among managers and performers, forces management personnel to effectively use the available computer technology with construction software in their daily activities.

    Investment and construction companies widely use construction engineering systems, namely: automated construction management systems (ACMS), computer-aided design systems (CAD), automated data processing and documentation systems (ADS) and others, which help improve the efficiency and quality of management.

    The implementation of software products for a unified information network requires the company to develop a management culture, large capital investments for implementation, staff training and maintaining it in working order.

    Computers used in information management technologies do not require special professional training from users. Therefore, it became possible to automate new management tasks such as managing office information, preparing documents, organizing teamwork and document flow via e-mail, planning and operational analysis of information, creating databases with online access from any workplace. Currently, a new generation of information systems is actively developing, created on the principle of maximum information availability, which enable the end user to take direct part in the formation and use of the information space of an investment and construction company. Thanks to the worldwide Internet, investment and construction companies have the opportunity to interact with partners virtually, use information channels to promote their construction products, and also make commercial transactions using a computer.

    Thus, in a competitive market economy, investment and construction companies constantly need management information systems. Creating such a system is the goal of this work.

    1. Information system design

    1.1 The essence of the information system

    The information system for managing an investment and construction company is a mechanism that ensures the movement of financial, material and information flows. Changes in the organizational structure and composition of tasks to be solved during the activities of an investment and construction company automatically necessitate changes in the information support of the management system. The importance of information support has increased sharply in a market economy and competition among similar companies and holdings in construction. The management information system for an investment and construction company involves the introduction of new information technologies, improvement of information management methods, modernization of outdated computer and telecommunications equipment, creation of information data warehouses, and installation of software.

    From the point of view of using a management information system, it is necessary to continuously change its software, consistent with the passage of time, the goals of the investment and construction company and changes in the market economy. In terms of the usefulness of an information system, it must be managed to provide the required return on the capital investment invested in acquiring it. Since any management information system requires constant investment in updating it, modern construction companies are forced to spend significant financial resources almost every year on maintaining and developing management systems, equipping employee workplaces with new software and increasingly powerful computer equipment.

    Information management of an investment and construction company requires a systematic approach to presenting the resources of an investment project and management processes. An integrated approach to information management of an investment and construction company ensures the creation of a single information space for all users and makes it possible to take into account a large number of diverse features of the company’s investment and construction activities, which change over time and depending on market economic relations.

    1.2 Functional specification

    The system must provide independent operation for the following categories of users: director, managers, investors and clients.

    The main screen of the application displays general information about the company, its history, details, built and under construction real estate. This screen is primarily intended for potential clients of the company. Also on this screen there is a button to log into applications for authorized users.

    The director can set information on objects, clients and managers. The director plans construction and attracts clients, agreeing on the amount of investment. Next, he appoints a construction manager from among the available ones. The manager is considered free when the construction of the facility under his control is completed. The decision to complete construction is made by the Director.

    Investors provide financing and monitor the progress of construction. Each property can have several Investors, and one Investor can finance several properties.

    automation information system custom

    Managers supervise construction. One Manager can be responsible for one property at a time. Managers also deal with the supply of building materials and the involvement of builders who are not currently employed at another site. A builder is considered free if the object he is building is ready.

    Builders are engaged in the construction of a facility under the guidance of Managers. Each Builder has his own specialty.

    The materials necessary for construction are supplied in the required quantities, and their cost is the main item of the Company's expenses.

    1.3 Approaches to IC design

    The problem of complexity is the main problem that has to be solved when creating large and complex ICs. No developer can understand the entire system as a whole. At the moment, there are two approaches to IS development, which are determined by different principles of system decomposition:

    · Functionally modular or structural - based on the principle of functional decomposition, in which the system is described in terms of the hierarchy of its functions and the transfer of information between individual functional elements

    · Object-oriented approach - uses object decomposition. The system is described in terms of objects and connections between them, and the behavior of the system in terms of the exchange between them.

    The appearance of the first computers marked a new stage in the development of computing technology. Special programming languages ​​have appeared that make it possible to convert individual computational operations into program code. Over time, developing large programs became a serious problem and required breaking into smaller pieces. The basis for this division was procedural decomposition, in which individual parts of programs or modules were a set of procedures for solving a certain set of problems.

    The methodology of structured programming appeared. The basis of this methodology is the procedural decomposition of the software system and the organization of individual modules in the form of a set of performed procedures.

    In the second half of the 80s, the methodology of object-oriented programming appeared

    The main disadvantage of the structured approach is that processes and data exist separately from each other, and the design is carried out from processes to data. Thus, in addition to the functional decomposition, there is also a data structure that is in the background.

    In the object-oriented approach, the main category of the object model - the class - combines both data and operations. Compared to processes, data is a more stable and relatively rarely changing part of the system. One of the founders of the object-oriented approach formulated the advantages as follows:

    “Object-oriented systems are more open and easier to change because their design is based on stable forms. This allows the system to develop gradually and does not lead to its complete redesign even in the event of significant changes in the original requirements.”

    This diploma project uses the methodology of an object-oriented approach to describe the business processes of an enterprise.

    1.4 Unified Modeling Language UML

    Today, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a visual modeling language that allows system architects to present their vision of a system in a standard and easy-to-understand form. In addition, UML provides an efficient mechanism for sharing design decisions and allowing developers to interact with each other.

    Forming a vision for the system is an extremely important point. Before the advent of UML, the development process was often based on guesswork. The systems analyst had to assess the needs of clients, formulate the problem in a form understandable to a specialist, convey the results of his analysis to the programmer and hope that the final software product would be exactly the system that the client needed.

    Since the system development process largely depends on human activity, errors can occur at any stage. The analyst may misunderstand the client and create a document that is incomprehensible to him. The results of the analyst's work may not be obvious to programmers, who will create a program that is difficult to use and does not allow the client to solve the original problem.

    A well-thought-out plan is now key to the development process. The client must understand what the development team is going to do, and must be able to make adjustments if their goals are not being fully addressed.

    The world around us is becoming more and more complex. Therefore, the computer systems that reflect it also become more complex. They often consist of a large number of software hardware components that communicate with each other over long distances and are linked to databases that contain vast amounts of information.

    A key aspect of the design process is its proper organization, when analysts, clients, programmers and other specialists involved in the development of the system are able to understand each other and come to a common opinion. The UML language provides this opportunity.

    Another distinctive feature of the development process of modern systems is the lack of time to complete the work. If subsystem deadlines pile up on top of each other, ensuring continuity of the development process becomes a vital necessity.

    The need for quality in the development process necessitates the creation of standard conventions. The UML language is just such a notation system.

    Preliminary versions of UML began to be used in the software development field, and significant improvements were made based on customer feedback. Many corporations have felt that UML can be useful in achieving their strategic goals. This led to the emergence of the UML consortium, which included companies such as DEC, Hewlett-Packard, Intellicorp, Microsoft, Oracle, Texas Instruments, Rational and others. In 1997, the consortium produced the first version of UML and submitted it to the OMG (Object Management Group) in response to its request for proposals for a standard modeling language.

    After the consortium expanded, version 1.1 of the UML language was released, which the OMG group adopted at the end of 1997. OMG then began maintaining UML and released two new versions in 1998. UML has become the de facto standard in software development. Currently, this language continues to actively develop

    The UML language is designed to solve the following problems:

    o Provide the user with an easily understandable visual modeling language specifically designed for developing and documenting models of complex systems for a wide variety of purposes.

    o Provide the initial concepts of the UML language with the possibility of extension and specialization for a more accurate representation of system models in OOAP (object-oriented analysis and design) of a specific subject area.

    o None of the UML language constructs should depend on the features of its implementation in known programming languages.

    o Encourage the development of the object tools market.

    o Ability to improve.

    o Integrate the latest and best practices

    Within the UML language, all ideas about the model of a complex system are recorded in the form of special graphical structures called diagrams. The following types of diagrams are defined in terms of the UML language:

    Use case diagram

    · Class diagram

    Behavior diagrams

    o Statechart diagram

    o Activity diagram

    Interaction diagrams

    o Sequence diagram

    o Collaboration diagram

    · Implementation diagrams

    o Component diagram

    o Deployment diagram

    The list of these diagrams and their names are canonical in the sense that they represent an integral part of the graphical notation of the UML language. Each of these diagrams details and concretizes a different view of a complex system model in UML terms.

    It is also worth adding that it is not always necessary to build absolutely all the diagrams; the developer himself decides whether he is satisfied with this level of detail, whether it is necessary to consider the system or part of it from a “different view”, whether the most “complex and slippery moments” are considered in sufficient detail. Those. tools that support UML and are designed for software modeling make it possible to check architectural solutions, the completeness of the model, and its correctness at the development stage, in order, among other things, to reduce the risk of project failure. Let us describe some of the graphical diagrams constructed during the development of our system.

    1.5 Rational Rose CASE Tool

    Rational Rose is a powerful CASE tool for designing software systems of any complexity. One of the advantages of this software product will be the ability to use diagrams in UML. We can say that Rational Rose is a graphical UML diagram editor

    Since its inception, Rational Rose's CASE tool has undergone significant evolution to become a modern and powerful tool for analyzing, modeling and developing software systems. It was in Rational Rose 98/2000 that the UML language became the basic technology for visualization and program development, which determined the popularity and strategic prospects of this toolkit.

    Within Rational Rose, there are various software tools that differ in the range of implemented capabilities.

    The fact that the package allows you to create complex software systems from conception to the creation of source code attracts not only designers, but programmers - developers. Combined with documentation tools, it provides a complete overview of the project. We highlight the following advantages from using this package:

    · reduction of development time;

    · reduction of manual labor, increase in productivity;

    · improving the consumer qualities of created programs;

    · ability to manage large projects or a group of projects;

    · allows it to be a language of communication between different developers.

    In view of the fact that the system being developed is the creation of a database, there is no task of fully developing automation of the modeling process, i.e. writing program codes using Rational Rose. The solution to the set tasks allows us not to use this at this point in the design, but in turn it is a useful launching pad for possible further use of this developed project, for implementation into some other software product. The constructed models help to more accurately understand the tasks that the system must perform and are an understandable means of communication with the customer or in further work with other developers. Let us first consider the functional model of our system. Our system has a number of users united by certain tasks, which allows us to divide the system into several subsystems and describe them separately without creating a large volume and redundancy. Let's look at some of the diagrams that actively helped me in defining most of the things that a given information system will do.

    1.6 Use case diagram

    The development of this diagram has the following goals:

    · Determine the general boundaries and context of the modeled subject area at the initial stages of system design

    · Formulate general requirements for the functional behavior of the designed system.

    · Develop an initial conceptual model of the system for its subsequent detailing in the form of logical and physical models.

    · Prepare initial documentation for the interaction of system developers with its customers and users.

    The essence of this diagram is as follows: the designed system is represented as a set of entities or actors interacting with the system using so-called use cases. In this case, an actor or actor is any entity that interacts with the system from the outside. This can be a person, a technical device, a program or any other system that can serve as a source of influence on the simulated system as determined by the developer himself. In turn, the use case serves to describe the services that the system provides to the actor. However, nothing is said about how the interaction of actors with the system will be implemented.

    Rational Rose tools allow you to use a graphical editor to create Use Case diagrams (scenarios) to describe a functional system. Let us describe the main elements, see Table 1.1.

    Fig 1.1 Use case diagram

    Use case or use case diagrams are a necessary tool during the software requirements stage. Each use case is a potential system requirement, and until it is identified, it is impossible to plan its implementation.

    Fig.1.2 Manager diagram


    State diagrams define all possible states in which a specific object can be, as well as the process of changing the states of an object as a result of the occurrence of some event. There are many forms of state diagrams, with slightly different semantics.

    There can be one and only one initial state in a state diagram. At the same time, there can be as many final states as you need, or there may be none at all. When an object is in a particular state, various processes can be executed.

    The processes occurring at this moment, when the object is in a certain state, are called actions.

    The following data can be associated with a state: activity, input action, output action, and event.

    Activity is the behavior implemented by an object while it is in a given state. Activity is depicted within the state itself; its designation must be preceded by the word do (to do) and a colon.

    An entry action is the behavior that is executed when an object enters a given state. An entry action is also shown within a state, preceded by the word entry and a colon.

    The exit action is similar to the input action. However, it is carried out as an integral part of the process of exiting this state. The exit action is depicted inside a state; its description is preceded by the word exit and a colon.

    Transition is the movement of an object from one state to another. In the diagram, all transitions are depicted as an arrow starting at the initial state and ending with the next one.

    Transitions can be reflexive. An object can go to the same state it is currently in. Reflexive transitions are depicted as an arrow starting and ending at the same state.

    Fig. 1.3 State diagram of the “Construction object”


    An object has been selected whose data needs to be stored in the database.

    Activity diagrams are a special case of state diagrams. Each state is the completion of some operation and a transition to the next state. Activity diagrams are especially useful in describing behavior that involves a large number of parallel processes. The biggest advantage of activity diagrams is their support for concurrency. This makes them a powerful tool for modeling workflows and essentially parallel programming. Their biggest drawback is that the connections between actions and objects are not very clear.

    Rational Rose tools allow you to use a graphical editor to create Activity diagrams to describe a functional system.

    Activity diagrams are preferable to use in the following situations:

    · use case analysis. At this stage, we are not interested in the connection between actions and objects, but only need to understand what actions should take place and what are the dependencies in the behavior of the system. The linking of methods and objects is done later using interaction diagrams;

    · analysis of work flows in various use cases. When use cases interact with each other, activity diagrams are a powerful tool for representing and analyzing their behavior.

    Fig.1.4 Activity diagram "Creating an object"

    One of the important areas of application of activity diagrams is related to business process modeling. The activities of any company also represent a set of individual actions aimed at achieving a separate result. However, in relation to business processes, it is desirable to associate the execution of each action with a specific department. In this case, the division is responsible for the implementation of individual actions, and the business process itself is represented in the form of transitions of actions from one division to another.

    Interaction diagrams

    Interaction diagrams describe the behavior of interacting groups of objects. Each diagram describes the behavior of objects within only one use case. The diagram depicts objects and the messages they exchange with each other. Three types of messages are defined:

    · informational (informative) - messages that provide the recipient object with information to update its state;

    · messages - requests (interrogative) - messages requesting information about the recipient object;

    Imperative - messages that request the recipient object to perform an action.

    There are two types of interaction diagrams:

    · sequence diagrams;

    · collaboration diagrams.

    In a sequence diagram, an object is depicted as a rectangle on top of a dotted vertical line. This vertical line is called the object's lifeline. It represents a fragment of the life cycle of an object in the process of interaction.

    Each message is depicted as an arrow between the life lines of two objects. Messages appear in the order they appear on the page, from top to bottom. Each message is tagged with at least a message name; if desired, you can also add arguments and some control information and, in addition, show self-delegation - a message that an object sends to itself, with the message arrow pointing to the same life line.

    Fig. 1.5 Sequence diagram "Assigning a builder to a site"

    Conclusion from the diagram: entity objects (list of users, object, list of builders) and boundary objects - pages (password entry window, current object window) are highlighted.

    The second type of interaction diagram is the cooperative diagram. Similar to sequence diagrams, cooperative diagrams depict the flow of events through a specific use case scenario. Sequence diagrams are organized by time, while cooperative diagrams focus on the relationships between objects.

    Fig.1.6. Cooperative diagram "Assigning a builder to a site

    Algorithm for working with the system via the WEB interface

    The following diagram shows the sequence of transitions between screens through which the user interacts with the system. The availability of certain screens depends on the permissions of the currently working user.

    A class diagram is used to design the site.

    Rational Rose includes an Add In called Web Modeler for website design.

    Sequence of actions when creating a Web application:

    b Connect Web Modeler using the menu item Add In - Add In Manager - Web Modeler. A new Web Modeler item will appear in the Tools menu

    b Change default settings Tools - Options - Notation - Default Language - Web Notation

    A special stereotype is used to highlight HTML pages. Based on the created diagram, related HTML pages are automatically generated.

    Fig. 1.7 Algorithm for working with the program

    2. Database design

    2.1 Database requirements

    1) Minimal redundancy. Data stored in computer memory may contain both useful and harmful redundancy. Harmful redundancy always occurs when each user is forced to create a separate set of data for their applications. If multiple users required the same data, it would be repeated in each set. This redundancy is often called uncontrolled because individual users may not be aware of its existence. Useful redundancy includes periodic copies of data stored in the database. This redundancy is easily controlled. Moreover, it is necessary, for example, to restore data destroyed due to random computer failures. Thus, the requirement of minimal redundancy should be understood as eliminating harmful (uncontrollable) and minimizing useful (controllable) redundancy.

    2) Data integrity. Data integrity is about maintaining the correctness of the data. It provides data recovery after destruction as a result of random computer failures, as well as eliminating data inconsistency, which consists in the appearance of different copies for the same attributes. Inconsistency may occur when updating redundant data if the update is performed on only part of the data.

    3) Security and privacy. Provides data protection from hardware and software failures, from catastrophic and criminal situations, as well as from incompetent access to them.

    4) Data independence. Provides the ability to change the database structure without changing user applications. It is understood in two aspects, namely, as logical and physical independence.

    Logical independence offers the ability to change the logical structure of databases without affecting application programs.

    Physical independence implies the same possibility of the physical structure of databases, including both methods of placing data on physical media and methods of accessing data (that is, search operations, reading and writing data into computer memory). Ensuring data independence is the main goal pursued when creating a database.

    5) Productivity. It is characterized by the response time of an information system using databases to user requests. In this case, requests for data must be satisfied at the speed required to use the data.

    6) Flexibility and expandability. It is understood as the ability of a database to grow data, as well as increase the number of possible applications and expand functions within each application.

    2.2 Normal forms

    A relational database designed in accordance with the conceptual schema may have a number of serious shortcomings, for example, it may contain information redundancy, and/or various anomalies may occur during data processing. To eliminate these shortcomings, i.e. To make a database “good”, you need to bring all the database relationships into “strong” normal forms.

    Currently, several normal forms are known. The first normal form (we will denote 1NF), then - as it gets stronger - 2NF, 3NF, Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF) and 4NF. Practice shows that bringing the database to at least 3NF allows you to avoid almost all the shortcomings in most cases.

    First normal form (1NF).

    A relationship with a schema R and a set of functional dependencies F is in 1NF if any instance of the schema R satisfies the following conditions:

    Each R schema attribute has a unique name;

    elements of tuples with the same name must be defined on the same domain;

    domain elements must be atomic, i.e. not, in turn, represent a certain set of meanings;

    each element of the tuple must have a single value; repeated groups of values ​​are not allowed;

    there should be no duplicate tuples in the relation.

    Second normal form (2 NF).

    A relation with a schema R and a set of functional dependencies F is in 2NF if it is in 1NF and each non-key attribute is functionally fully dependent on any possible primary key of the relation schema R.

    However, the relational scheme found in 2 NF also has disadvantages. In particular, the set of dependencies defined in this diagram may contain transitive dependencies, which can lead to undesirable consequences (deletion anomalies).

    Third normal form (3 NF).

    A relation schema R with a set of functional dependencies F is in 3NF if it is in 2NF and each non-key attribute depends directly, rather than transitively, on any possible key of the relation schema.

    However, 3NF may also have disadvantages related to key attributes. In the above example, the resulting 3 NF does not cause anomalies during data processing, since in the resulting decomposition subcircuits there are no dependencies of key attributes on other attributes. If this condition is violated, data processing anomalies are possible.

    Normal Boyce-Codd form (NFBF).

    Boyce-Codd normal form is "stronger" than third normal form. A relationship diagram R with a set of functional dependencies F is in BCNF if the left side of each dependency (XA) F, where A X, is a primary or possible primary key.

    If a relation is in BCNF, then it is in third normal form, but not vice versa.

    In the theory of relational databases, it has been proven that any relation can be replaced by a set of decomposition subcircuits, each of which will be in 3NF, and the decomposition will have both the property of connection without loss of information and the property of preserving the original set of functional dependencies. When reducing to BCNF, in the general case, only the feasibility of the connection property without loss of information is guaranteed.

    2.3 Normalization of relationship patterns

    To build a relational implementation of a conceptual database schema that was in at least 3 NF, you can use two methods:

    decomposition method, which consists in sequentially splitting the initial and intermediate relation schemes until the resulting relations satisfy the specified properties;

    a synthesis method consisting of constructing (synthesizing) a set of decomposition subschemes that satisfy certain properties from a given set of attributes of a selected subject area based on a given set of functional dependencies connecting these attributes.

    Both methods must ensure that the resulting decomposition preserves both the connection property without loss of information and the property of preserving functional dependencies.

    In practice, the synthesis method is more often used, since the decomposition method has a number of serious disadvantages. Let us note the main ones.

    The complexity of the algorithm is higher than polynomial.

    The number of generated decomposition subcircuits may be significantly greater than necessary, while information about them must be saved at each partitioning step, and the partitioning algorithm itself is quite complex.

    When decomposing a relation schema, partial dependencies may arise, which may also result in unnecessary decomposition subschemas.

    2.4 Integrating Custom Views

    Cross-reference custom views with the underlying data types used by the database application





    object (real estate object)

    investor (investor)


    employee (employee)


    delivery (delivery)

    building (construction)


    2.5 Synthesis algorithm

    The initial data for the synthesis algorithm are the set of attributes U and the set of functional dependencies F defined on U.

    The result of the algorithm is a diagram of an automated control system in the form of a set of decomposition subcircuits (R 1, R 2,., Rp), satisfying the following conditions.

    Each subcircuit Ri with a database must be located at least in the ZNF with respect to the set of functional dependencies F and, accordingly, G.

    The synthesized information system contains a minimum set of decomposition subcircuits Ri, I == 1,., P. This condition protects the information system from redundancy.

    For any instance r(DB) satisfying F, the relation holds. This condition guarantees the feasibility of the connection property without loss of information.

    A diagram of an automated control system that satisfies conditions 1, 2 and 3 is called a complete diagram of an automated control system.

    Let's look at the steps of the algorithm.

    Step1 . We build an extended set F of functional dependencies, which has the following dependency structure:

    F = ( (X I - > Y I) | (X I - > Y I) F, Y I = X I + \ X I ). This step is done with the goal of constructing a nonredundant or conditionally nonredundant covering F, which will make it possible to satisfy condition 3 to some extent. It will be possible to fully ensure condition 3 after introducing the concept of equivalence of functional dependencies into consideration at step 5.

    Step 2. We construct a non-redundant covering F, excluding unnecessary dependencies from F in any sequence.

    Obviously, this coverage is not canonical.

    Step3 . If among the functional dependencies from F" there is no dependency that includes all the attributes from U, then we add to F" the trivial dependency U-> Ш.

    Step4 . Let's transform the resulting nontrivial dependencies to an elementary form (without unnecessary attributes on the left sides).

    Dependency X I - > Y I is elementary if there are no sets of attributes X J X I such that (X j - > Y I ) . If - exists, then the dependence X I - >Y I is replaced by the dependence (X J - >Y I).

    Step 5. We divide the set of obtained dependencies into equivalence classes. This is done in order to leave one representative in each class at the next step, thereby minimizing the number of decomposition subcircuits in the resulting database and fully satisfying condition 3.

    Dependencies X I - >Y I and X J - > Y J will be called equivalent if

    , i.e. the minimum rank has a dependency containing all attributes from U, and if it does not exist, then the trivial dependency U - > Sh. We assign the same rank to all dependencies from the same equivalence class. We assign ranks arbitrarily to incomparable dependencies.

    Step6 . We leave one representative in each class of equivalent dependencies. We draw a ranked dependency diagram so that dependencies with a higher rank are depicted under dependencies with a lower rank and arcs indicate direct occurrences of the attributes of one dependency in another.

    Step7 . We perform a transitive reduction of dependencies with a higher rank onto dependencies with a lower rank. Moving along the diagram from bottom to top (from dependencies with a higher rank to dependencies with a lower rank), for each current dependency we exclude from the right sides of all dependencies located above the current one those attributes that are contained in the right side of the current dependency (for a trivial dependency we exclude attributes from its left side).

    Step8 . Using the resulting diagram, we construct a relational implementation of the conceptual diagram of an automated control system that satisfies the conditions of the algorithm, as a set of the following decomposition subschemes, consisting of the uncrossed out attributes of each.


    U = (mNo, mName, mCost, count, oNo, oAddress, oType, oStoreys, oState, eNo, eName, ePost, eState, eSalary, sum, iNo, iName, iPhone)


    F = (mNo®mName, mNo®mCost, mName®mNo, mName®mCost,

    (oNo, mNo) ®count,

    oNo®oAddress, oNo®oType, oNo®oStoreys, oNo®eNo, oNo®oState, oNo®oCost

    eNo®eName, eNo®ePost, eNo®eState, eSalary

    iNo®iName, iNo®iPhone,

    (iNo, oNo) ®sum)

    Step 1. Expanded set of functional dependencies:

    mNo + =mNo, mName, mCost =>mNo® (mName, mCost)

    mNo + =…=>mNo®…

    (oNo, mNo) + =oNo, mNo, count=> (oNo, mNo) ?®count

    oNo + =oNo, oAddress, oType, oStoreys, oState, oCost, eNo =>oNo® (oAddress, oType, oStoreys, eNo, oState, oCost)

    oNo + =…=>oNo®…

    eNo + =eNo, eName, ePost, eState, eSalary=>eNo® (eName, ePost, eState, eSalary)

    eNo + =…=>eNo®…

    iNo + =iNo, iName, iPhone=>iNo® (iName, iPhone)

    iNo + =…=>iNo®…

    (iNo, oNo) + =iNo, oNo, sum=> (iNo, oNo) ®sum

    (mNo, oNo, iNo, eNo) + =mNo, mName, mCost, count, sum, oNo, oAddress, oType, oStoreys, iNo, iName, iPhone, eNo, eName, ePost, eState, eSalary, oState, oCost

    => (mNo, oNo, iNo, eNo) ® (mName, mCost, count, sum, oAddress, oType, oStoreys, oState, iName, iPhone, eName, ePost, eState, eSalary, oCost)

    F= (mNo® (mName, mCost), mNo®…, (oNo, mNo) ?®count, oNo® (oAddress, oType, oStoreys, eNo, oState, oCost), oNo®…, eNo® (eName, ePost, eState, eSalary), eNo®…, iNo® (iName, iPhone), iNo®…, (iNo, oNo) ®sum, (mNo, oNo, iNo, eNo) ® (mName, mCost, count, sum, oAddress, oType, oStoreys, oState, iName, iPhone, eName, ePost, eState, eSalary) )

    Step 2: Non-redundant coverage

    F"= (mNo® (mName, mCost), (oNo, mNo) ?®count, oNo® (oAddress, oType, oStoreys, oState, oCost, eNo), eNo® (eName, ePost, eState, eSalary), iNo® (iName , iPhone), (iNo, oNo) ®sum, (mNo, oNo, iNo, eNo) ® (mName, mCost, count, sum, oAddress, oType, oStoreys, iName, iPhone, eName, ePost, eState, eSalary) )

    Step 3. Trivial dependency

    There is no need to add a trivial dependency, since there is a dependency containing a full set of attributes.

    Step 4. Basic view of dependencies

    All dependencies are elementary.

    Step 5: Dependency Equivalence

    There are no equivalent dependencies.

    Step 6: Ranking Dependencies

    We divide the set of obtained dependencies into equivalence classes. This is done in order to leave one representative in each class at the next step, thereby minimizing the number of decomposition subcircuits in the resulting database and fully satisfying condition 3.

    Dependencies X I Y I and X J Y J will be called equivalent if (X I Y I) = (X J Y J).

    We rank the obtained dependencies according to the following rule rang (X I Y I) > rang (X J Y J), if (X I Y I) (X J Y J).

    We assign the same rank to all dependencies from the same equivalence class. We assign ranks arbitrarily to incomparable dependencies.

    Step 7. Ranked dependency diagram (2 NF):

    We leave one representative in each class of equivalent dependencies. The table shows that in this case there are no equivalent dependencies.

    We draw a ranked dependency diagram so that dependencies with a higher rank are depicted under dependencies with a lower rank and arcs indicate direct occurrences of the attributes of one dependency in another.

    We perform a transitive reduction of dependencies with a higher rank onto dependencies with a lower rank as follows.

    Moving along the diagram from bottom to top (from dependencies with a higher rank to dependencies with a lower rank), for each current dependency we exclude from the right sides of all dependencies located above the current one those attributes that are contained in the right side of the current dependency (for a trivial dependency we exclude attributes from its left side).

    Step 8. We obtain a set of decomposition subcircuits

    After passing the algorithm, 6 tables with corresponding primary keys were obtained:

    R1 = oNo, oAddress, oType, oStoreys, oState, oCost, eNo with key oNo

    R2 = eNo, eName, ePost, eState, eSalary with key eNo

    R3 = oNo, mNo, count with key (oNo, mNo)

    R4 = mNo, mName, mCost with key mNo

    R5 = iNo, iName, iPhone with iNo key

    R6 = iNo, oNo, sum with key (iNo, oNo)

    Rational Rose Data Modeler database design tool

    The authors of Data Modeler primarily focused on creating a tool for designing a physical data model. At the same time, there was no abandonment of UML as a means of data modeling, but in some way the emphasis was shifted: now UML is supposed to be used to build a logical model. In essence, a logical model is the same object model, consisting of objects - entities. The transition from a logical model to a physical model and vice versa in terms of data modeling is provided automatically by Rational Rose. For this purpose, correspondence of model elements has been introduced.

    Table 2.1 Correspondence of elements of the logical and physical model

    Logic model

    Physical model















    Thus, conceptually, the Data Modeler module is not a replacement for UML in some of its subsets, but only provides adherents of object technologies with a powerful tool for effectively constructing physical database schemas.

    The list of main features of Data Modeler includes:

    1. Data Modeler supports most of the capabilities of structural CASE tools in terms of physical data modeling;

    2. Data Modeler ensures the generation of an effective physical database structure that supports mechanisms for ensuring referential integrity;

    3. Data Modeler is closely integrated with Rational Rose, and the Data Model diagram naturally fits into the overall software development technology using the Rational Software Corporation product line;

    4. You can choose not to integrate Rational Rose with other physical model generation tools.

    5. Conceptual consistency between data modeling and object models is ensured, which allows for more efficient software design.

    Creating a Logical Model

    The main components of a Data Modeler diagram are entities, attributes, and relationships. Each entity is a set of similar individual objects called instances. Each copy is individual and must be different from all other copies. An attribute expresses a specific property of an object. At the physical level, an entity corresponds to a table, an instance of an entity corresponds to a row in the table, and an attribute corresponds to a table column.

    Data Modeler is based on the well-known mechanism for mapping an object model to a relational one. The result is the construction of an entity-relationship diagram and the subsequent generation of a database description in SQL.

    A class diagram is used to represent the static structure of a system model in the terminology of object-oriented programming classes. A class diagram can reflect, in particular, various relationships between individual domain entities, such as objects and subsystems, and also describes their internal structure and types of relationships. This diagram does not provide information about the timing aspects of system operation. From this point of view, the class diagram is a further development of the conceptual model of the designed system.

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    Introduction 3

    1. Automation of construction companies 5

    1.1. Need for automation 5

    1.2. Integrated automation of construction companies 10

    Disadvantages of complex automation 12

    Advantages of complex automation 12

    Disadvantages of complex automation 13

    Advantages of complex automation 13

    1.3. Automation solutions 13

    2. Brief analysis of the company’s activities 23

    3. Proposals for automating the management process of a construction company 30

    Conclusion 33

    Bibliography 34


    Market relations, having destroyed the existing planning and distribution order, led to the formation of new forms of relationships, changed some of the links in the construction complex, filling them with new content. The diversity of participants in the construction of the facility turned the production process into a complex economic mechanism, which, along with the duration of the investment cycle, contributed to the emergence and formation of new organizational forms of construction management. For example, investment and construction companies (firms) have been formed - integrated developers who carry out work in a closed production cycle: investment - design - construction - commissioning - sale of finished construction projects.

    Construction companies are mainly engaged in housing and social construction and have a number of advantages over general construction companies. In such organizational structures, complex problems of investment, planning, design, management and direct construction of facilities arise, which require a systematic approach to solving them, which is possible with the use of modern software and information technologies. However, the use of computers in the construction industry is focused mainly on automating numerous labor-intensive calculations, while practically not solving management problems that require logical thinking.

    Computerization of construction in technical terms means the creation of automated workplaces equipped with computer technology. The complexity of the management problems being solved forces us to develop and use in construction activities the processes of developing and implementing programs that implement specific computer technologies using currently available technical means. Computerization of construction increases the level of knowledge and skills among managers and performers, forces management personnel to effectively use the available computer technology with construction software in their daily activities.

    Construction companies widely use construction engineering systems, namely: automated construction management systems (ACMS), computer-aided design systems (CAD), automated data processing and documentation systems (ADS) and others, which help improve the efficiency and quality of management.

    The implementation of software products for a unified information network requires the company to develop a management culture, large capital investments for implementation, staff training and maintaining it in working order.

    Computers used in information management technologies do not require special professional training from users. Therefore, it became possible to automate new management tasks such as managing office information, preparing documents, organizing teamwork and document flow via e-mail, planning and operational analysis of information, creating databases with online access from any workplace. Currently, a new generation of information systems is actively developing, created on the principle of maximum information availability, which enable the end user to directly participate in the formation and use of the information space of a construction company. Thanks to the worldwide Internet, construction companies have the opportunity to interact with partners virtually, use information channels to promote their construction products, and also make commercial transactions using a computer.

    Thus, in a competitive market economy, construction companies constantly need management information systems.

    Analyzing systems of this class and proposing an implementation option is the purpose of this work.

    1. Automation of construction companies

    1.1. The need for automation

    The need to automate construction management was understood back in the period of using mainframe computers, in the 70s. In the USSR, this problem was of particular relevance due to the highly centralized management system and the large number of large construction projects. The problem was solved by forming a special service - an automated construction management system (ACMS). The essence of using an automated control system was that at all levels of management, a new link appeared between the manager and managed units - a computer center (CC). Computer centers were large organizations equipped with large computers (second generation - on semiconductors), with a large staff of task providers, programmers, operators, couriers with their own transport, and teletype communications. Various problems were solved, ranging from “routine” ones (accounting for consumption and inventories of various resources, payroll, etc.) to complex “optimization” problems, when the most suitable option for organizing any work was selected.

    At many construction sites (especially in Moscow), automated control systems functioned quite successfully, but in general such systems did not take root well. In conditions of a “scarcity” economy, the resulting solutions to optimized problems were not always realistic, and the large volume of printed documentation was usually poorly studied by builders. Construction managers were not prepared for such a dramatic change in the style of their work. Computer centers were well used only for solving accounting problems - compiling resource statements, calculating wages, etc.

    The rapid development of computer technology in the 90s made bulky computer centers unnecessary and automation took a different path. Instead of large computers, numerous personal computers appeared, located in construction organizations themselves on the desks of accountants, engineers of production and technical departments, suppliers, storekeepers, chief engineers, etc.

    Significant changes have occurred in the software itself. Small isolated programs that solve individual organizational problems have been replaced by large software systems that allow solving a very wide range of problems and creating much more favorable conditions for the user. A new type of software product has appeared - automated workstations (AWS). An automated workplace is the conventional name of a software package designed to automate a specific type of activity: an automated workplace for an accountant, an automated workplace for a supplier, a storekeeper, a financier, a personnel officer, etc.

    Compared to the programs of the “old” ASUS workstations, they had significantly greater capabilities, but from a programmer’s point of view they were much more complex, and in terms of memory occupied (in kilobytes) they were tens and even hundreds of times larger than the most typical ASUS programs 70....80 -s. As a rule, AWSs cover all the main tasks solved by the relevant specialist (accountant, storekeeper, etc.), however, they may require linking to the conditions of a specific organization or updating in relation to new legislation, new standards. Naturally, such modifications are incomparably less labor intensive than the creation of new programs.

    If we consider the “old” automated control systems and large computers to be the first stage in the development of control automation, then the transition to personal computers and automated workstations is the second step, corresponding to a higher level of information technology. In contrast to automated control systems, personal computers and automated control systems are very easy to put into practice, although they require special training of personnel, availability of highly qualified information technology consultants.

    By the end of the 90s, the automation of most construction organizations was at the described stage 2, i.e. at the stage of using individual computers and workstations.

    The disadvantage of automating this stage was the imperfection of communication between individual workstations and the associated need for duplication of information when it is “transferred” from one computer to another. For this reason, a further step in the development of automated systems was the creation, on the basis of disparate automated workstations, of a unified enterprise information system, covering all main areas of activity. To use such a system, the computers of the construction organization, and sometimes of third-party organizations associated with it, must be combined into a single computer network. At the same time, the software becomes significantly more complicated, as does the hardware itself, i.e. Many additional devices appear related to the storage and transmission of information through various communication channels. Emerging current problems in any field of activity can be solved using: data from the entire information (“corporate”) system. Management systems based on this are called corporate information systems (CIS). In other words, CIS is a unified information system that connects the management of an organization, its structural divisions, sometimes related enterprises, support services, and covers all main areas of activity - accounting, logistics, general technical policy, current organizational issues and etc. This is a man-machine system in which the production, economic and financial aspects of the enterprise’s activities become, as it were, completely “transparent”, i.e. you can continuously analyze all the results obtained, trends, and the situation in the construction market, thereby ensuring the greatest management efficiency. In foreign practice, approximately the same functions are performed by ERP “resource management systems”.

    Like CAD systems, such systems contain many standard and specialized modules, and each specific MOJKIST system includes, depending on customer requirements, its own additional modules and allows for their subsequent expansion. CIS systems have wide capabilities: they can interact with CAD programs, primarily with modules of CAM and CAE systems; methods of information processing in them include performing the functions of text editors, spreadsheets, databases, etc. Modules of CAD systems (graphics), characteristic of CAD, are of less importance in control systems; document management modules (PDM systems) play a larger role. To solve business problems, economic and mathematical models are used, primarily various models of business processes.

    Typically, a CIS contains several subsystems covering one or another area of ​​the organization’s activities. For example, these could be such subsystems as “administration management”, “accounting”, “operational management”, “production management”, etc. Subsystems contain modules associated with more advanced types of activities. For example, the administrative management subsystem can contain modules: construction companiesAbstract >> Construction

    ... CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES 2.1 Characteristics of the design construction companies"AK-Maral" 2.2 Quality system in accordance with ISO 9000 2.2.1MS ISO ... development, implementation and operation of management systems; - development... construction, - automation and new ones...

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    1. Apache Information System

    1.1 Description of Apache

    2. Information systems for a construction company

    2.1 Information system 1C: Trade and warehouse

    2.1.1 Description of the program

    2.1.2 Working with distributed information bases

    2.1.3 Reliability and safety

    2.1.4 Flexibility and customizability

    2.1.5 Interface

    2.1.6 Openness and accessibility

    2.1.7 Working with commercial equipment

    2.2 CRM information system

    2.2.1 Automation of business processes

    2.2.2 Customer information management

    2.2.3 Sales management

    2.2.4 Product portfolio management

    2.2.5 Working time management

    2.2.6 Automation of document flow

    1. Information systemApache

    There are a huge number of web servers in the world. They differ from each other in functionality and purpose. In this work, we will consider one of the most popular ones, installed on most servers of hosting providers. Apache server meets almost all the needs of modern web development, but at the same time it is simple enough for programmers to install it to debug their programs.

    In 1994, Rob McCool, an employee of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois (NCSA), released the first web server, which was called the NCSA HTTP daemon, for public use. The server gained popularity in narrow circles, but in mid-1994 McCool left the university and development stopped.

    A small group of interested webmasters began working together on the product. Communicating on a discussion list via email, they developed “patches” and innovations for the server. It was they who created the Apache Group, which developed the first version of the Apache server. This happened in April 1995, when all existing “patches” were applied to the base (NCSA Server 1.3). This is how the first official public release of Apache 0.6.2 appeared.

    Work on the server did not stop for a day, and very soon it became one of the most popular. After numerous tests, version 1.0 appeared on December 1, 1995, stable and reliable. Throughout all these years and to this day, Apache remains completely free. Perhaps this also determined the success of the server, because, according to NetCraft, Apache is currently installed on 67% of all servers in the world.

    1.1 DescriptionApache

    At the moment, two branches of Apache are being developed in parallel - versions 2.0 and 1.3. The second version has undergone a significant number of changes, which primarily affected the core of the program and some important modules. Since modules written by third party developers for version 1.3 will not work in version 2.0, "old" Apache is also supported. However, if you are installing Apache for the first time, you should take a closer look at the new version.

    Apache is a full-featured, extensible web server that fully supports the HTTP/1.1 protocol and is open source. The server can run on almost all common platforms. There are ready-made server executables for Windows NT, Windows 9x, OS/2, Netware 5.x and several UNIX systems. At the same time, it is very easy to install and configure. Apache is configured using text configuration files. The basic settings are already configured by default and will work in most cases. If there is a lack of functionality in standard Apache, then you should take a closer look at redistributable modules written by the Apache Group and third-party developers. An important advantage is that the creators actively communicate with users and respond to all error messages.

    The simplest function that Apache can perform is to stand on a server and serve a regular HTML website. When a request for a particular page is received, the server sends a response to the browser. When you type the address, a page opens - everything is simple.

    A more complex function, which is built into the HTTP/1.1 protocol, is user authentication. Using standard Apache server tools, it is possible to limit access to certain website pages for different users. This is necessary, for example, in order to create an administrative interface for the site. For this, the .htaccess and .htpasswd files are used, as well as the mod_auth and mod_access modules. Users can be divided into groups, and each of them can be assigned their own access rights.

    To separate the design and functional parts of the site, as well as to simplify changes to static objects, there is SSI* technology. It allows you to put all the repeating information into one file (for example, top.inc), and then insert a link to it into the pages. Then, if you need to change several lines in this information, you will only have to change them in one file. The Apache server supports this technology and allows you to use server-side inclusions to their full potential.

    If there are several users on one server with an installed Unix operating system and an Apache server, then you can create a separate directory for each of them. More precisely, it will be created automatically along with the alias. This is done using the mod_userdir module and the UserDir directive. So, for example, you can map the public_html folder in the user’s home folder to the address www.site.ru/~user. In general, this is what is done on the servers of most sites that provide free hosting. The server administrator can allow or disable certain users from creating home pages, using SSI, and other server features. Full-fledged hosting usually involves the creation of a separate virtual server for each user.

    Apache server was one of the first servers to support virtual servers (hosts). This feature allows you to host several full-fledged websites on one physical server. Each of them can have its own domain, administrator, IP address, and so on.

    If you need to place the domains domain.ru and domain.com on the server, then first you need to make sure that they are associated with an IP address in the DNS system. After this, create two directives in the Apache configuration file , where you describe each virtual host. Thus, the server will know which folder to “send” the incoming request to.

    Nowadays, most internet pages are dynamic. This means that their appearance and content are formed using a software script written in one of the “languages”; they cannot be fully called languages; the definition is rather arbitrary. At the moment, the most widely used technologies are CGI and PHP. Of course, Apache has support for both, plus the ability to connect other languages.

    The mod_cgi module allows you to place CGI scripts on the server. These are just executable files written in one of the valid programming languages. They can be contained both in compiled form, for example, this is done if they write CGI in C++, and in the form of source text, if Perl is installed on the server, then the programmer can place such files. Sometimes they have the extension .pl.

    Based on the Apache server, you can create not only simple amateur websites, but also resources that require serious cryptographic protection of transmitted data. The SSL/TLS protocol was developed specifically for this purpose, and its support was built into Apache 2.0. Using a special module, you can perform authentication based on personalized certificates, which makes it possible to almost certainly guarantee the authenticity of the user.

    The Apache server can keep a log of all actions performed on it. The administrator can choose the level of protocol detail. Logs are maintained separately for errors, for successful operations, and for each virtual host. .

    2 . Information systems for a construction company

    2.1 Information system 1C: Trade and warehouse

    2.1.1 Description of the program

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" is the "Operational Accounting" component of the "1C: Enterprise" system with a standard configuration for automating warehouse accounting and trade.

    The "Operational Accounting" component is designed to record the availability and movement of material and cash assets. It can be used both independently and in conjunction with other 1C:Enterprise components.

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" is intended for recording all types of trade transactions. Thanks to its flexibility and customizability, the system is capable of performing all accounting functions - from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to receiving various statements and analytical reports.

    Automation of any trade and warehouse operations

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" automates work at all stages of an enterprise's activities.

    A typical configuration allows:

    · maintain separate management and financial records;

    · keep records on behalf of several legal entities;

    · maintain batch accounting of inventory with the ability to select a cost write-off method (FIFO, LIFO, average);

    · keep separate records of your own goods and goods taken for sale;

    · register the purchase and sale of goods;

    · perform automatic initial filling of documents based on previously entered data;

    · keep records of mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers, detail mutual settlements under individual contracts;

    · generate the necessary primary documents;

    · issue invoices, automatically build a sales book and a purchase book, keep quantitative records in the context of customs declaration numbers;

    · Perform goods reservation and payment control;

    · keep records of funds in current accounts and in the cash register;

    · keep records of trade loans and control their repayment;

    · keep records of goods transferred for sale, their return and payment.

    In "1C: Trade and Warehouse" you can:

    Set the required number of prices of different types for each product, store supplier prices, automatically control and promptly change the price level;

    Work with interrelated documents;

    Perform automatic calculation of write-off prices for goods;

    Quickly make changes using group processing of directories and documents;

    Keep records of goods in various units of measurement, and funds in various currencies;

    Receive a wide variety of reporting and analytical information on the movement of goods and money;

    Automatically generate accounting entries for 1C: Accounting.

    apache information program automation

    2.1.2 Working with distributed information bases

    The main purpose of tools for working with distributed information bases is to organize a unified automated accounting system at enterprises that have geographically remote facilities: branches, warehouses, stores, order receiving points and other similar units not connected by a local network:

    · maintaining an unlimited number of autonomously working information databases;

    · full or selective data synchronization;

    · setting up the composition of synchronized data;

    · arbitrary order and method of transferring changes;

    The use of distributed information base management tools does not limit the actions of system users. The system automatically tracks all data changes and transmits them in accordance with the described synchronization rules.

    The "Distributed Information Base Management" component is supplied separately

    2.1.3 Reliability and safety

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" contains tools to ensure the safety and consistency of information:

    · the ability to prohibit users from “directly” deleting information;

    · special data deletion mode with cross-reference control;

    · the ability to prohibit users from editing data for previous reporting periods;

    · setting a ban on editing printed forms of documents;

    · "locking" of the system by the user during temporary cessation of operation.

    2.1.4 Flexibility and customizability

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" can be adapted to any accounting features at a particular enterprise.

    The system includes a Configurator, which allows you to configure all the main elements of the system if necessary:

    · edit existing and create new necessary documents of any structure

    · change screen and printed forms of documents

    · create journals for working with documents and arbitrarily redistribute documents among journals for effective work with them

    · edit existing and create new directories of arbitrary structure

    · edit directory properties:

    · change the composition of details, the number of levels, code type, code uniqueness verification range and create registers to account for funds in any necessary sections; create any additional reports and information processing procedures; describe the behavior of system elements in the built-in language.

    2.1.5 ANDinterface

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" follows modern user interface standards:

    - “tip of the day” will tell you effective working methods and convenient system capabilities

    Service windows can be “attached” to the borders of the main program window

    The main menu of the system contains “images” of commands - the same images are placed on the toolbar buttons

    Toolbar buttons can be labeled not only with pictures, but also with text.

    2.1.6 Openness and accessibility

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" contains a variety of tools for connecting with other programs.

    The ability to import and export information via text files will allow you to exchange data with almost any program.

    In addition, the built-in language contains tools for working with DBF files.

    Also, "1C: Trade and Warehouse" supports modern application integration tools: OLE, OLE Automation and DDE. Using these tools allows you to:

    · manage the operation of other programs using the built-in language "1C: Trade and Warehouse" - for example, generate reports and graphs in Microsoft Excel

    · gain access to "1C: Trade and Warehouse" data from other programs

    insert into documents and reports "1C: Trade and Warehouse" objects created by other programs - for example, place a company logo in primary documents

    · place pictures and graphs in documents and reports.

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" implements support for open standards: exchange of commercial information (CommerceML) and exchange of payment documents (1C: Enterprise - Bank Client).

    This makes it possible to: generate and upload commercial offers to Web storefronts that support the standard; organize electronic exchange of catalogues, price lists and documents with your counterparties; exchange payment documents (payment orders and statements) with the Client - Bank 1C: Trade and Warehouse systems integrated with database of the UNISCAN/EAN Russia Association.

    2.1.7 Working with commercial equipment

    "1C: Trade and Warehouse" provides work with commercial equipment: cash registers, receipt printers, scanners and barcode printers, electronic scales, data collection terminals, customer displays and other types of equipment.

    “Intelligent” interaction with retail equipment allows, for example, filling out documents by reading barcodes of goods with a scanner.

    Additional components and methods for working with commercial equipment are supplied separately.

    The cost of installing and implementing this software varies depending on the number of jobs. Installation will require additional costs to purchase a database management system.

    This paper considers a construction company in which 40 workplaces are organized; the average cost of one workplace for 2016 with installation, implementation and acquisition of keys to the workplace is ~ 17.5 thousand rubles

    2.2 Information systemCRM

    There are different interpretations of the concept of CRM (Customer Relationship Management): some see this letter combination as a business methodology, while others see it as software for automating work with clients. Both are right. But let's put the right emphasis.

    CRM is a strategy. The term Customer Relationship Management can be translated into Russian as “customer relationship management.”

    This literal translation is quite true, but does not paint an obvious picture.

    In essence, CRM is a specific approach to doing business, in which the client is placed at the forefront of the company's activities.

    That is, the CRM strategy involves the creation in the company of such mechanisms for interaction with customers in which their needs have the highest priority for the enterprise.

    Such customer focus affects not only the company’s overall business strategy, but also corporate culture, structure, business processes, and operations.

    The main goal of implementing a CRM strategy is to create a pipeline for attracting new clients and developing existing clients.

    Managing relationships means attracting new customers, turning neutral customers into loyal customers, and forming business partners from regular customers.

    A CRM system is the embodiment of automation of a CRM strategy. Information technology plays a very important role in bringing CRM strategy to life.

    CRM software tools are specialized systems designed to automate the very business processes, procedures and operations that are implemented in the form of a company’s CRM strategy.

    As a key tool for winning and retaining customers, CRM applications minimize the human element when working with customers and increase transparency in sales, marketing and customer service.

    At the same time, it is important to realize that automating the customer relationship process is important, but not the only and not the primary step in building a customer-centric company.

    A software product is a convenient tool that will support existing regulations and processes and will develop along with the company.

    2.2.1 Automation of business processes

    Breaking down all work processes and formalizing them is a non-trivial task solved by business analysts.

    If all employees act in accordance with regulated processes, the number of errors decreases, the company's work speeds up, and work results become more predictable.

    If the execution of processes is transparent to managers, it is much easier for them to identify weak points in the work and direct the efforts of employees in the right direction.

    These tasks can be solved by automating processes using a CRM system.

    To formalize, automate the execution and control of processes, Terrasoft CRM offers special tools. A business analyst will appreciate a convenient visual editor that allows you to build a description of algorithmic processes of any complexity in the CRM system.

    Managers will be able to indicate the performers and participants of tasks in the process, record the time spent on completing a particular task, and managers will have the opportunity to analyze the effectiveness of both the business processes themselves and the work of employees.

    By providing automation and operational control of the progress of a company’s business processes, a CRM system increases the likelihood of their timely and high-quality execution.

    New employees get up to speed faster, and communication between departments improves. And tools for assessing the effectiveness of business processes help optimize the company’s activities as a whole.

    2.2.2 Customer Information Management

    The “heart” of any CRM system is a database of both individuals and legal entities that interact with your company as part of the enterprise’s activities. These are not only customers, but also company branches, partners, suppliers, competitors.

    The customer database is a valuable asset in itself, and proper data management in a CRM system allows you to use information in your work with maximum efficiency.

    The client base is consolidated, the organization receives complete information about its clients and their preferences and, based on this information, builds an interaction strategy.

    A unified database of clients and a complete history of relationships with them, combined with powerful analytical CRM tools, allows you to retain and develop existing clients, identifying the most valuable ones, and also attract new clients.

    2.2.3 Sales management

    The main function of a CRM system is to help managers plan sales, organize transparent transaction management and optimize sales channels.

    The system stores a complete history of communication with customers, which helps sales departments analyze customer behavior, create offers that suit them, and win loyalty.

    Sales planning in the CRM system is organized in various sections (by region, manager, direction, etc.). The manager draws up a plan based on data on his clients, taking into account probability, and the manager, after analyzing the volume of confirmed payments, can draw up an incentive plan for the manager.

    Managers have special requirements for CRM. Using CRM system tools, managers can monitor the quality performance of managers (sales funnel), implementation of sales plans, compliance with payment and delivery deadlines.

    The system allows you to assess the volume and probability of transactions, manage sales business processes, monitor the status of the transaction and analyze the actions of competitors.

    One of the most important tasks that a CRM system helps solve is the organization of cross-sales and up-sales.

    The system allows you to create a cross-sales matrix and a product-segment matrix, group customers according to various parameters and identify their potential interests.

    By offering forecasting and analysis tools, automating the interaction of employees with clients and among themselves, the CRM system creates the prerequisites for optimizing existing sales channels and increasing company profits.

    2.2.4 Product Portfolio Management

    It is important for any commercial organization to provide high quality products and services at competitive prices and to constantly improve product lines.

    The CRM system allows you to structure the product range and manage the company’s full catalog of goods and services. CRM capabilities provide recording of special prices and discounts, analysis of data and relationships to offer customers the optimal package of services and identify popular products.

    2.2.5 Working time management

    Effective management and recording of working hours have a positive impact on all business processes of the company. A CRM system allows employees of an organization not only to record the use of current working time, but also to plan workload for future periods.

    CRM system tools offer convenient access to a schedule, in which an employee can plan his own working time, mark the results of completing planned tasks, and view the schedule of colleagues. In turn, management has tools at its disposal to monitor the workload and performance of subordinates.

    Thanks to the ability to link all tasks with relevant counterparties, contacts, transactions, a history of work with each client is formed and accumulated.

    Generating 80% of tasks automatically according to a business process allows you to free employees from routine operations, distribute working time most rationally, and not forget about a single important task.

    2.2.6 Automation of document flow

    The CRM system provides all the necessary tools for managing both external and internal document flow of the company. These tools provide tools for automatically generating documents using templates, preparing printed forms of documents, supporting document versioning, quickly searching for documents in the system, creating an electronic document storage, and much more.

    When maintaining documentation in CRM, you can organize collective work with documents with flexible delimitation of access rights, electronic approval, as well as taking into account the relationships between documents.

    2.2.7 Analytical capabilities of the programCRM

    It is impossible to increase the profitability of an enterprise without a deep analysis of information about customers, their value and profitability, identifying bottlenecks in the company’s business processes, and analyzing the sales system. A CRM system allows a company to obtain statistical information and conduct complex data analysis, which is necessary for making strategically important business decisions.

    More than 100 standard reports of the system make it possible to analyze and control all typical business tasks. Using the built-in report builder, you can create analytical forms that meet the specific tasks of each enterprise.

    In addition, on the results panel of the CRM system you can track KPIs (key performance indicators), the analysis of which will allow management to evaluate the performance of each employee.

    This software was installed in a construction company together with 1C software. To develop configurations, write a program, install it, integrate it into 1C and implement it per workstation, ~ 10 thousand rubles will be spent.

    Posted on Allbest.r


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