• I can't set a password for wifi. Wi-Fi password: necessity, creation, installation. Secure Password Requirements

    Many users of wifi equipment do not ask this question at all. Not only do they not know how to do this, but they also have no idea why it is needed.

    If you are one of these frivolous users, then our article on how to password protect your Wi-Fi router is for you.

    Setting a password for a Wi-Fi router is the first concern of anyone who has just purchased and connected a router. There are many reasons for this, ranging from security issues to traffic savings. How many times users were warned about the need to set a password on their PC - this did not reduce the number of computer systems that could be entered completely freely, or by typing something like “123” on the keyboard. Cases of loss of classified information due to the fault of secretaries and office workers are counted in numbers with many zeros. Today, something similar is observed in the use of wireless Wi-Fi networks.

    It may be objected that the home network rarely contains any super-valuable information. But, firstly, this is not always the case. And, secondly, you need to be stupid or ignorant to share your traffic with strangers. Finally, we ourselves are not always able to assess the value of the digital information at our disposal. What seems unclassified today, tomorrow, if it ends up in the hands of criminals or just some humanoid bastards, it can ruin your entire career. When opening Wi-Fi to strangers, remember this. Our reader, of course, is smarter, and will not forget to password protect the router. And we will tell him the easiest way to do this.

    Why secure your wireless network and what should a truly strong password look like?

    Reasons why you need to set a password on your wifi router:

    • The password should not be too short. It also makes no sense to make it too long - about 7-8 characters are enough.
    • The password must contain mixed case letters, numbers, and special characters such as the dollar sign, ampersand, underscore, etc.
    • It is better to make the password for the WiFi router meaningless, so it will be more difficult to guess. Don't use dog or cat names, your last name, or anything like that. There are hacking programs that are aimed specifically at such unreliable protection.

    If you are too lazy to invent a router password yourself, you can use one of the millions of password generation programs that live on the Internet. But it’s better to come up with it yourself.

    Instructions for popular hub models

    How to set a password on a D-Link router:

    • For older models (that do not contain NRU in the name), you need to go to the “Setup” -> “Wireless Settings” menu and put the value in the “Pre-Shared Key” field, not forgetting to “save” after that.
    • For DIR-300 NRU and DIR-320 NRU you need to go to the section "Advanced settings"-> “Wi-Fi” -> "Security Settings" and put the value in the field "PSK encryption key".

    There may be other variations; in any case, you need to look for a field with a name that includes the word “PSK” and set our security key there.

    It's even easier to password-protect an ASUS wifi router. To do this, you need to set the value in the “WPA Pre-Shared Key” field at: “Settings” -> “Wireless” -> “General”. Or, in the Russian interface, set the password here: "Advanced settings" -> "Wireless network"-> “General” - put a value in the field "WPA Pre-Shared Key".

    Wireless Wi-Fi is very convenient, but less secure than a wired Internet connection. If you do not protect it with a password, not only its owners, but also any people within the router’s coverage area will be able to use the connection. Ensuring network security is quite simple: the settings of all routers are approximately the same, so the instructions, using the D-Link DIR-300 device as an example, will explain how to set a Wi-Fi password on any equipment.

    Where is the Wi-Fi password configured?

    Although the Windows operating system has configuration tools wireless connection, the password is not set here, but through the software built into the router. As a rule, a router is issued to the user by the provider when connecting to the Internet. In this case, the device is usually already configured, and the company employee configures only the Wi-Fi password. You should do this yourself if you purchased a new router or want to update the security code for better protection.

    Depending on the provider the subscriber can receive a router TP-Link, Asus, D-Link, Zyxel, ZTE or a device from a lesser-known manufacturer. For example, Rostelecom provides its customers with Sagemcom, QTech, and Startnet routers. One of the most common routers from this company is the mentioned D-Link DIR-300 WiFi router.

    Since all these devices are designed for a wide range of users, setting up a password will be an easy task even for an inexperienced person. You can always get into the router’s firmware interface through a web browser, and you can go there either from a computer, tablet or phone. All you need to do is know the web interface address.

    Login to router settings

    It is recommended to connect to the router not via Wi-Fi, but using an Ethernet cable. To do this, the blue wire that comes with the router must be connected to one of the numbered ports on the back of the device and to the computer’s network card. After this, it will automatically appear new local connection, which will connect the PC with the router. This method is good because the computer will not disconnect from the Internet. In addition, this is the only way to change the router settings if the password has already been set but has been forgotten.

    Regardless of the connection method, you should then open any web browser and write the router address in the search bar. It can be either an IP address or a regular domain name, like any website on the Internet. The most common addresses are:

    • - this is what is used on D-Link routers and most routers from Rostelecom;
    • tplinkwifi.net - on TP-Link devices;

    You can find out the address of a specific router model by looking at the sticker on the bottom of the device - usually all the necessary information is indicated there. It can also be found in the instructions for the router or on the Internet.

    In the web interface that opens, you need to log in using the network administrator login and password. By default, most devices, including the D-Link Wi-Fi router, use the word admin on both lines. Clarify information You can do this on the same sticker or by calling your provider’s technical support if you received the router from them. If the standard login and password are not suitable, you can reset the settings to the initial ones by pressing the Reset button on the back panel of the device.

    Setting a password: step-by-step instructions

    After entering the interface the tab will automatically open with information about the status of the router and wireless network. Here you can see the router software version, connection parameters, traffic statistics and other data. Before setting a password for a Wi-Fi router, you need to find the desired menu among a number of settings categories.

    The router has D-Link DIR-300 security settings menu located on the Wi-Fi tab. On other devices it may be called “Wireless Mode” or “Wireless Network”. In it you need to select “Security Settings” or “Wireless Security”.

    The interface of some models has a separate “Security” tab, but it is needed for something else - in this menu you can configure the firewall, virtual private network and other special operating modes of the router.

    If the Wi-Fi settings tab is not divided into separate items, all possible wireless network settings may be in one list - in this case it will be a little more complicated. In any case, pay You need to pay attention to three parameters:

    • network authentication;
    • PSK encryption key, or just the wireless network password;
    • WPA encryption mode.

    The easiest way is to decide which type of network authentication to choose: it is recommended to install WPA2-PSK technology, as it is more reliable. By default, routers are set to automatic mode selection - this option can be left if increased security is not required.

    Enter the password in the “PSK encryption key” field. It can consist of 8−63 characters; It’s worth making it more complicated by using numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet in different cases.

    There are two encryption modes: TKIP and AES. It is usually recommended to choose the second one, since setting a password on the WiFi router in this case will provide a more reliable level of protection against hacking. However, there is one caveat: on a Windows 10 system, there may be problems with reconnecting to the network. When the WPA key is updated, the computer will lose connection due to the encryption algorithm. The problem is rare, and in this case you can change the mode to TKIP. Please note that it does not work in 802.11n wireless networks.

    The WPA key update is configured here. The only parameter is the update period, specified in seconds. The default is 3600 s, the minimum is 30 s. You can also disable this function by entering 0 in the field. This will reduce the likelihood of system failures, but will weaken the security of the encryption.

    Features of connecting to a secure network

    After all the settings have been set, you should save the changes and reboot the router. You can then disconnect the Ethernet cable and try connecting to the wireless network. If you are using a mobile device to connect, the Wi-Fi adapter in it will need to be turned off and on so that the parameters of the available networks are updated.

    Occasionally, after updating security settings, problems occur with the network connection on the computer. When trying to connect to a previously saved network, Windows reports an error. The problem is that the connection parameters saved by the system do not match the router settings. It can be fixed very simply: you need to right-click on the wireless connection and remove it from the list of available ones. Then you should start a new search for networks, find the one you need and enter the previously set password.

    Even for an inexperienced user, setting up a WiFi password on a D-Link DIR-300 or another model router will not be a difficult task. It is recommended to do this immediately after purchasing a new router or receiving the device from the provider - this will protect against many problems: from reduced Internet speed to security threats. It is important to remember that if you do not password protect your network, attackers will be able to easily steal personal data from your computer.

    It is unlikely that you will now meet a person who does not have a Wi-Fi router at home or in the office. Using a router allows you to combine several devices into one network and provide access to the Internet through one common channel. But when simultaneously connecting to the network, the question arises about the security of the connection and the safety of information on phones, tablets and laptops. How to set a password, which one will be strong enough, is it possible to set it yourself, and what does the setup process depend on? Let's look at examples.

    Why set a password on Wi-Fi

    There are two main reasons why it is recommended to protect your Wi-Fi network with a password:

    1. The password protects the network from unauthorized connections. And this often directly affects the speed of data exchange. Waiting five minutes for a page to load and delays when watching a movie annoys everyone, but the more devices connected to the router at the same time, the slower the download speed on each of them.
    2. Setting a password protects your personal information on mobile and desktop devices: photos, videos, work documentation, etc.

    A strong password will prevent loss of information and prohibit unauthorized access to the network by third parties

    Which security standard to choose

    Setting a password for a wireless connection involves choosing an encryption standard. The following options are possible:

    1. WEP. Outdated technology with 64-bit information encoding. During operation, a vulnerability was discovered in it. It is present in the parameters of some modern routers to provide the ability to connect older devices that do not support more advanced types of encryption.
    2. WPA. Involves 128-bit encoding and identification procedure using a generated key. When connecting, the user's device presents a certificate password. If it matches the one in the router database, the device connects.
    3. WPA2. A modified version of WPA. It is distinguished by the highest level of security to date, which implies not only the generation of a personal password up to 256 bits long, but also the presence of an authentication server, where the device sends a code to confirm authenticity.

    In the router admin panel menu, feel free to select the WPA2-PSK standard. Almost all devices released over the past 15 years use this encryption method, which provides the maximum degree of security.

    What type of encryption to use

    The type of encryption is determined by the selected security method and is regulated by the terms of the EEE 802.11i standard. Thus, WPA technology involves the use of the TKIP algorithm, which guarantees the creation of keys up to 128 bits long. WPA2, as the most advanced method, works in tandem with the AES type, and in this case the maximum key length is 256 bits.

    An 8-character password will provide sufficient security for a home network. Even with such a length limitation, you can come up with a difficult combination to select.

    You can generate a password either independently or using third-party services.

    A strong password should not contain:

    • names (pets, children, relatives);
    • dates of birth, wedding, etc.;
    • simple “classic” combinations: sequences of numbers from 1 to 9 and from 9 to 1, symbols of the first letter row on the keyboard (such as 1234qwer in various combinations);
    • repeating characters (11111111, q1q1q1q1, etc.);
    • template combinations (password, iloveyou, sweethome, etc.).

    For example, in four hotels in India I came across passwords such as 11223344 or 00001111. Changing floors meant changing the Wi-Fi password. The Indians' imagination was rather meager: for the first floor - the code was 00001111, for the second - 00002222, for the third - 00003333. Passwords were changed approximately once a year. Do I need to explain why visitors complained about low speeds with such security codes and replacement intervals?

    Characteristics of strong passwords:

    • using combinations of large and small letters, as well as numbers (Qip7812z, 74SloN47);
    • the password looks like a random set of characters;
    • Despite the apparent complexity, the password should be easy for you and your loved ones to remember in some simple way.

    Perhaps the best password I have ever encountered in my practice is the one set on office Wi-Fi. Will it be easy to guess a password like this: rfifbpcfkf? And this is just the phrase “porridge from lard” without spaces and in the English layout. Be creative and use this method. However, keep in mind that often the keys in different layouts on a computer keyboard and a mobile device are not the same. Can you enter such a password correctly from your smartphone screen?

    To create a password, you can also use the method of generating random characters. Suitable for this:

    How to set a password on routers from popular manufacturers

    On devices from different manufacturers, password settings are performed according to the same principle. The password is set in the wireless network settings section. The whole process takes approximately 5 minutes.

    D-Link routers: DIR-300, DIR-320, DIR-615, DIR-620, DIR-651, DIR-815 and DIR-825

    The appearance of the admin panel may vary slightly depending on the specific model and firmware number.

    If you connect to a Wi-Fi network through D-Link routers models DIR-300, DIR-320, DIR-615 and the first versions of DIR-651, then the password setting process will require the following steps:

    1. Enter into the search bar of your web browser.
    2. In the identification window, in the User Name and Password fields, write admin.

      At this stage, the router page opens and the username and password are entered

    3. From the main menu, select Wireless Settings.
    4. The top line lists sections for setting Wi-Fi network parameters. To set a password, go to the Setup tab.

      In the menu on the left we look for the Wireless Settings item, in the top menu we select Setup

    5. In the open settings window, find the Pre-Shared Key line. In the field to the right of it, enter the password characters, observing the layout and case.

      The password is entered taking into account the layout and case

    6. To apply the changes, click the Save button. After this, be sure to reboot your router!

    Models D-Link DIR-300 NRU, DIR-320 NRU, DIR-620, DIR-651, DIR-815 and DIR-825 have a Russified menu. The procedure is practically no different from that described above. Logging into the control panel is done in the same way. The only differences are in the names of the items:

    1. Wireless network settings are set in the “Advanced Settings” menu.
    2. In this menu, find the Wi-Fi section.
    3. To set a password, go to the “Security Settings” section.
    4. To activate the changes, press the “System”, “Save” and “Reboot” buttons in sequence.

    If you come across a device labeled DIR-300 NRU, DIR-320 NRU or DIR-620 and with firmware 1.3.xx, then setting up the wireless network parameters and setting a password begins by going to the “Manual Settings” menu. The rest of the sequence of actions is the same.

    Owners of DIR-815 A/C1A and DIR-825 A/D1A routers should remember that these models support two frequency ranges: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Each of them is configured in separate tabs in the “Security Settings” section, which can be accessed through the Wi-Fi menu.

    ASUS routers

    Asus is more consistent and almost all of its models have the same user interface. Unlike D-Link routers, the default IP address for logging into ASUS routers is Otherwise, the logic of actions is similar.

    The following screenshot of the settings utility window will help you quickly find your way around.

    The WPA Pre-Shared Key field is used to enter the password.

    Zyxel Routers

    The procedure for setting a password on Zyxel routers looks similar. The router control panel interface is shown in the following photo.

    The password combination is entered in the Pre-Shared Key field

    Routers TP-Link

    The interface of this manufacturer's administration panel remains virtually unchanged with the release of new device modifications. To set a password, you need to perform a sequence of actions similar to those performed when setting up ASUS and Zyxel routers.

    The main points in setting up the three router models can be summarized in one table, which clearly shows the existing non-fundamental differences.

    Table: distinctive points in setting up routers of ASUS, Zyxel and TP-Link models

    Router models
    Action to be performedASUSZyxelTP-Link
    Login to Control Panel192.168.1.1
    Go to router settings
    (main menu on the left side of the screen)
    Wireless section (1) in group
    Advanced Settings
    Network item, subitem
    Wireless LAN
    category Wireless
    Set general Wi-Fi settingsGeneralGeneralWireless Security
    Field where the password is setWPA Pre-Shared Key (4)Pre-Shared Keysection WPA/WPA2-Personal,
    Wireless Password string
    Saving settingsApplyApplySave

    How to change your Wi-Fi password

    Those users who have opened personal folders on their computer to other users connected to a shared network may doubt the safety of information. Therefore, it is better to change the password periodically, following the recommendations for generating a safe and reliable combination of characters.

    The process of changing a password is not much different from setting it initially. The step-by-step sequence remains the same. Required:

    1. Log in to the router's admin panel.
    2. Open the Wi-Fi network settings section.
    3. Enter a new combination of password characters in the appropriate field.
    4. Save settings.
    5. Reboot the router.
    6. Reconnect the device and enter a new password.

    Video: what to do if you have difficulty setting a password

    What to do if you forgot your Wi-FI password

    In this case, you have three options: try to remember the password, look it up on another device (the easiest and fastest way), or set a new password.

    The step-by-step sequence of actions is as follows:

    1. Right-click on the network icon in the system tray to open the context menu and select the line “Network and Sharing Center”.

      We are interested in the second item of the context menu

    2. In the “View active networks” section, find the “Connections” line.

      Click on the network name opposite the “Connections” line

    3. In the window that opens, click the “Wireless Network Properties” button.

      We are interested in the menu that opens when you click the “Wireless Network Properties” button

    4. Go to the “Security” tab and check the box next to the line “display entered characters”. You will see the password in the Network Security Key field. If desired, enter a new password instead.

      The “network security key” field stores a password that you have forgotten

    As you can see, just 6 mouse clicks separate you from the password that is set for your home or office router.

    How to remove Wi-Fi password

    You can cancel the password you set for your wireless network at any time. The sequence of actions practically repeats the installation process. Let's look at how to open Wi-Fi using the example of a D-link router. Do the following:

    1. Log in to your control panel via your browser.

      The settings will be applied after clicking on the “Edit” button at the bottom right

    You can also make your network secure again at any time. Simply select from the drop-down list the authentication option that was set before canceling the password.

    By setting a password to connect to the home network, the owner eliminates the possibility of slow speeds and receives a guarantee of the safety of personal information located on connected devices. The process for setting a password depends on the hardware you are using. However, having set the password yourself at least once and understood the logic of the actions performed, any user will be able to set a new password, change it, or disable it completely the next time without any problems.

    What could be more important in our time than protecting your home Wi-Fi network :) This is a very popular topic, on which more than one article has been written on this site alone. I decided to collect all the necessary information on this topic on one page. Now we will look in detail at the issue of protecting a Wi-Fi network. I’ll tell you and show you how to protect Wi-Fi with a password, how to do it correctly on routers from different manufacturers, which encryption method to choose, how to choose a password, and what you need to know if you are planning to change your wireless network password.

    In this article we will talk exactly about protecting your home wireless network. And about password protection only. If we consider the security of some large networks in offices, then it is better to approach security there a little differently (at least a different authentication mode). If you think that one password is not enough to protect your Wi-Fi network, then I would advise you not to bother. Set a good, complex password using these instructions and don't worry. It is unlikely that anyone will spend time and effort to hack your network. Yes, you can, for example, hide the network name (SSID) and set filtering by MAC addresses, but these are unnecessary hassles that in reality will only cause inconvenience when connecting and using a wireless network.

    If you are thinking about protecting your Wi-Fi, or leaving the network open, then there can only be one solution - protect it. Yes, the Internet is unlimited, and almost everyone at home has their own router, but eventually someone will connect to your network. Why do we need this, because extra clients are an extra load on the router. And if it’s not expensive, then it simply won’t withstand this load. Also, if someone connects to your network, they will be able to access your files (if local network is configured), and access to your router settings (after all, you most likely did not change the standard admin password that protects the control panel).

    Be sure to protect your Wi-Fi network with a good password with the correct (modern) encryption method. I recommend installing protection immediately when setting up the router. Also, it would be a good idea to change your password from time to time.

    If you are worried that someone will hack your network, or have already done so, then simply change your password and live in peace. By the way, since you will still be logging into the control panel of your router, I would also recommend , which is used to enter the router settings.

    Proper protection of your home Wi-Fi network: which encryption method to choose?

    During the password setting process, you will need to select a Wi-Fi network encryption method (authentication method). I recommend installing only WPA2 - Personal, with encryption algorithm AES. For a home network, this is the best solution, currently the newest and most reliable. This is the kind of protection that router manufacturers recommend installing.

    Only under one condition that you do not have old devices that you want to connect to Wi-Fi. If, after setting up, some of your old devices refuse to connect to the wireless network, you can install a protocol WPA (with TKIP encryption algorithm). I do not recommend installing the WEP protocol, as it is already outdated, not secure and can be easily hacked. Yes, and there may be problems connecting new devices.

    Protocol combination WPA2 - Personal with AES encryption, this is the best option for a home network. The key itself (password) must be at least 8 characters. The password must consist of English letters, numbers and symbols. The password is case sensitive. That is, “111AA111” and “111aa111” are different passwords.

    I don’t know what router you have, so I’ll prepare short instructions for the most popular manufacturers.

    If after changing or setting a password you have problems connecting devices to the wireless network, then see the recommendations at the end of this article.

    I advise you to immediately write down the password that you will set. If you forget it, you will have to install a new one, or .

    We protect Wi-Fi with a password on Tp-Link routers

    Connecting to the router (via cable or Wi-Fi), launch any browser and open the address, or (the address for your router, as well as the standard username and password are indicated on the sticker at the bottom of the device itself). Provide your username and password. By default, these are admin and admin. In , I described entering the settings in more detail.

    In settings go to the tab Wireless(Wireless mode) - Wireless Security(Wireless Security). Check the box next to the protection method WPA/WPA2 - Personal(Recommended). In the drop down menu Version(version) select WPA2-PSK. On the menu Encryption(encryption) install AES. In the field Wireless Password(PSK Password) Enter a password to protect your network.

    Setting a password on Asus routers

    In the settings we need to open the tab Wireless network, and make the following settings:

    • In the "Authentication Method" drop-down menu, select WPA2 - Personal.
    • "WPA encryption" - install AES.
    • In the "WPA Pre-Shared Key" field, write down the password for our network.

    To save the settings, click the button Apply.

    Connect your devices to the network with a new password.

    Protecting your D-Link router's wireless network

    Go to the settings of your D-Link router at You can see detailed instructions. In settings, open the tab WiFi - Security Settings. Set the security type and password as in the screenshot below.

    Setting a password on other routers

    We also have detailed instructions for ZyXEL and Tenda routers. See the links:

    If you haven’t found instructions for your router, then you can set up Wi-Fi network protection in the control panel of your router, in the settings section called: security settings, wireless network, Wi-Fi, Wireless, etc. I think I can find it it won't be difficult. And I think you already know what settings to set: WPA2 - Personal and AES encryption. Well, that's the key.

    If you can't figure it out, ask in the comments.

    What to do if devices do not connect after installation or password change?

    Very often, after installation, and especially after changing the password, devices that were previously connected to your network do not want to connect to it. On computers, these are usually errors “The network settings saved on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network” and “Windows could not connect to...”. On tablets and smartphones (Android, iOS), errors such as “Could not connect to the network”, “Connected, protected”, etc. may also appear.

    These problems can be solved by simply deleting the wireless network and reconnecting with a new password. I wrote how to delete a network in Windows 7. If you have Windows 10, then you need to “forget the network” using . On mobile devices, press and hold your network and select "Delete".

    If connection problems occur on older devices, then set the WPA security protocol and TKIP encryption in the router settings.

    Wi-fi is a system for wirelessly transmitting content from the Internet to end devices, be it a computer, laptop or smartphone. It distributes the signal over approximately 20-60 meters, so your closest neighbor can use it. At the same time, your traffic will decrease several times, depending on how many devices will be “powered” by your router.

    It's good if the password was set during the router setup. If not, you can enter it at any time. Let's take a closer look at how you can set or change your wifi password.

    Secure Password Requirements

    It should be sophisticated enough to protect your connection from being hacked. You can use English letters and numbers, auxiliary symbols (dashes, underscores). It is recommended to write at least 12-15 characters. All characters are entered without spaces. You can replace spaces with underscores (_). The same requirements apply to your computer password.

    Some interfaces allow the use of uppercase (capital) letters, others accept only lowercase (small) letters. There is no need to use recognizable dates and names (birthdays, surnames, etc.) in the password; such passwords are calculated quite simply. A simple trick helps to accurately reproduce a password: first write down the sequence of letters and numbers on paper or in a text editor, and then copy it into the input field.

    Now let's try to complete our immediate task - set a password for Wi-Fi.

    Connecting to a computer

    Setting a password means changing the router settings. To do this, the device must be connected to the computer. An Ethernet cable is used to connect your computer to the router.

    On the back panel of the computer, connect it to a suitable connector (they are all different), on the router, as a rule, LAN 1. Plug the device into the network. Before connecting to the Internet, read the instructions for the device. Some manufacturers do not recommend setting it up with an active Internet connection. If nothing is said, connect the Internet cable to the connection socket. It is usually highlighted and labeled Internet or WAN.

    Opening Settings Pages

    Access to the configuration interface is opened in the browser. In the address bar, enter the router's address and press Enter. Most often this without spaces, numbers separated by dots). is a standard local network IP address, which is used in almost all routers in order to go to the router’s “home page”, where you can set all the necessary settings, including the password.

    If a device is assigned a different address, it can be found in the manual, on the device case, on the box, or from your provider.

    Login to the router panel

    Here you will need a login and password to log in.

    To do this, you need to know the login and password for entering the router’s configuration sheet. This is not the password that protects your Wi-Fi connection.

    Usually they put the pair admin - admin in earlier versions. In modern ones, where the number of characters in the password must be at least eight, they traditionally write admin – password. Sometimes words are written with a capital letter. Let's say you're unlucky and the password is set differently, and not by you. You have a choice of two options:

    • Find out the password from the person who set up your device
    • Reset all settings to factory settings.

    After logging in, you need to get to the Wi-fi password setting page.

    The interfaces of routers of different brands differ from each other, so then you need to either read the instructions, or use our tips below if you own a router from one of the brands listed below.

    D-Link DIR-300/A/C1

    • Click on the “Quick setup” button
    • Select “Wireless Network Setup Wizard” in the left column
    • Then, double-click on the “Next” button and go to the “Security Settings” tab.

    Here you set the necessary parameters:

    • Use the toggle buttons to the right of the field to select “WPA2-PSK”
    • Enter your password.
    • Don't check the box
    • Select "AES"
    • Leave unchanged
    • Once you have completed filling out all the fields, click the “Next” button to go to the next window.

    Check the entered data, if everything is ok, click “Save”.

    ZyXEL NBG334W EE

    The side menu includes a tree of tabs. By clicking on the cross, you expand the underlying level.

    • Wi-fi Network / Security will open the desired page.
    • “Authentication” line – select WPA2-PSK from the drop-down list
    • In the “Protection type” line you need to select AES
    • “Network key” is the password entry line

    Leave the rest as is.

    Clicking the "Apply" button will save the changes made.

    TP-Link TL-WR841N

    Setting a Wi-Fi password here is more difficult, since all the inscriptions are in English. True, it’s easier to get to the desired page thanks to the presence of a side menu.

    • Select "Wireless". You will immediately find yourself in the desired window. You need the "Wireless Security" section
    • Place a dot to the left of “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK”
    • “PSK Password” – password entry line.
    • “No Change” – leave the radio button inactive
    • Click Next

    Here, read the congratulations and click Reboot.

    Menu Feature:

    • Click on Wireless
    • A submenu opens, click the “Security” line
    • Use the drop-down button to call up the list, click “WPA2”
    • Activate PSK and AES radio buttons
    • Enter your password twice
    • Click Apply

    After changing the settings, you need to reboot the router and on all your existing devices that use the Internet, create a new connection or change the Wi-Fi password.