• Do not create a group on Steam. Creating and deleting groups on Steam. How to change these settings

    Or Facebook. Steam also has this option. The gaming service has long become the most popular network for gamers, so the appearance of groups in it is quite justified. By the way, there are a huge number of them there, since anyone can create them. How to do it yourself?

    How to create or delete groups on Steam.

    This is a fairly easy process, however, many actions and parameters will differ from those familiar to the user. Therefore, we will describe step by step how to create a group on Steam.

    That's it. Now you have your own group. Let's see what can be done there.


    Main group

    You can make the group the main one. However, it will be like that only for you. You can make not only your community the main one, but also any other one you are a member of.

    1. Click on your name at the top of the Steam window.
    2. Select the “Profile” section.
    3. Click “Edit Profile”.
    4. Scroll down and find the “Main Group” item.
    5. We choose a community there that will become your main one.
    6. Save the changes.

    If you set one of the groups as the main one, the abbreviation will not automatically fit into your nickname. You will still need to do this yourself through the same profile editing window.


    Naturally, you can also delete a group if you don’t need it or are not popular. However, this is not done by pressing one button.

    After a certain period of time, the community will disappear on its own.

    Why create a group?

    We figured out how to create a group on Steam and how to remove it. It remains to understand what all this is for.

    • Your own community can be the first step towards creating a clan. Or, on the contrary: the creation of a clan’s own group strengthens its position in the gaming service.
    • Monetization. Naturally, you can earn money this way if you have a large number of participants.
    • Simple benefits. Community members can arrange matches, exchange items, games and experiences with each other, and receive the latest information. All of this is much easier to do when there is a place to gather on Steam.
    • Finally, you can repeat the fate of thousands of VKontakte public pages by filling your group with fun entertaining content.

    P.S. The most successful Steam communities combine all of this.

    Any active Steam user can create their own group, where they will post a variety of content: create news and events on a specific topic, conveniently communicate with clan mates, game servers, and write reviews. Initially, you just need to create it, and it’s not that difficult to do.

    Creating your own group on Steam

    It’s important to note right away that your account should not have the status "Limited". This rule applies to those profiles that have not fulfilled one of the main conditions for verifying themselves as a user - they have not deposited into a Steam wallet or have not spent an amount equivalent to $5 on games. We discussed the solution to this problem in more detail in our other article regarding the impossibility of adding friends - this ban also appears on limited accounts. Read Method 1 in it to find out all the features of confirming your account.

    All other users can begin following the following instructions.

    1. Through any Steam window, go to the subsection "Groups" by hovering over your nickname at the top of the window.
    2. On the left panel, find the button "Create a group...".
    3. First of all, you will need to come up with its name, then an abbreviation (it will appear in small font to the right of the name), and a personal link. Immediately decide whether this group will be open by leaving the corresponding box empty or checking it. The type of closed group can be selected after its creation.
    4. At this stage, check that the entered data is correct and click again "Create".
    5. Done - now you have become the creator of a full-fledged group, which, however, needs to be configured and filled with content. But first you are asked to fill in additional fields, such as "Title", "About myself", "Language" etc. You can always change the given abbreviation and personal link here if they no longer suit you. Please note that you can also get to this menu through the “Edit group profile” item in the menu "Control". Below we will tell you how to enter the menu itself.
    6. The main tasks will be performed through the block "Control", which is located at the bottom right. However, if you click on any of its items, you will find yourself in a menu with settings, where on the right there will be a more advanced menu for managing the group. Next we will look at it.
    • "Make an Announcement". Using formatting (don't forget to click on the button "Format Help", if you want to create beautiful ads), you can publish any news.
    • Often the first announcement is a greeting and an introduction to the topic of the group, but you can immediately get down to business, for example, writing internal rules.

      To publish, click the appropriate button. The announcement will immediately appear on the main page, and any user will be able to read it and leave a comment.

    • "View hidden ads". If you check the box next to the item at the ad registration stage “Save hidden draft ad”, none of the users will see it.
    • You have the opportunity to view, change and publish at any time by going to the view hidden ads tab.

    • "Schedule an event". Events are typically created to notify community members about a broadcast, an upcoming game, or other news where notification time plays a role.
    • After that, on the tab "Events" what you planned will appear.

    • "Pick Player of the Week". An informal award ceremony for a group member who has stood out and distinguished himself in some way over the past week, a kind of honor board. Click on the gray cup icon next to the player or players who you think deserve an award. In a small pop-up window, confirm your intention.
    • It will appear in the section with the best players of the week on the main page, just above the list of all members of your community.

    • "View group history". To learn more about the actions that you and other administrators (if you have designated them as such) of the group performed at a specific time, go to this section. Any activity performed by all users who have elevated permissions is listed here.
    • "Edit Group Profile". We already talked about this above, in the previous step.
    • "Chat blocking". You can block any user who does not comply with the rules established in your community. On this page you can unlock it by following the instructions at the top of the window.
    • "Participant Management". Each group member can be assigned a certain status, depending on which he will receive certain rights. Naturally, officers and moderators have a higher status compared to ordinary users.
    • "Edit Group Permissions". In this section, you can change the group type by opening or closing it in a specific way at any time. In addition, this is where the available actions for all types of group members are configured. This is very important, because the topic of the group and the users gathered in it require different levels of access to certain community functions.
    • "Application management". If the group wears "Limited" or "Closed" status, new members will be able to join only after your approval.
    • "Add/Edit Forums". Here you can create different forums, within which discussions will already be created. For example, this is how you can create a forum “Discussion of such and such a game.” And within this forum, users who join will be able to create separate topics regarding different areas related to it: collecting CW, bugs, exchanging in-game items, etc.
    • At the administration stage, the name and type of participants who will be able to view and comment on discussions are set.

      Having already left administration in the group itself and switched to the tab "Discussions", on the right side of the window you will see a block "Forums", where the forums you created are located (provided there is more than one forum).

      You can add discussions using the appropriate button, using formatting as necessary. Before adding, you can easily change the forum in which the topic will be published.

      There are also additional functions that we will not consider in this article.

    • "Manage locks". A section similar to the chat blocking described above, only it concerns bans on the forums.
    • "Curator Settings". Each group owner can eventually become a curator—a user guide to games on Steam. This role involves writing reviews with your opinion on different games, which will help ordinary users decide whether to buy a particular product or not. The difference between reviews and classic reviews from people who bought the game is fundamental. Such posts should be well-formed, objective and as unbiased as possible, as well as detailed and interesting, interspersed, for example, with little-known facts, references, and history.
    • More details about how to become a curator are written in the corresponding section.

  • Don’t forget to use the tabs, where many of the group’s functions are located and there is a block with their administration settings.
  • Now you know how to create and configure a group on Steam. After completing the steps, you will need to recruit an audience and try to interest them in the published content. We also recommend reading our other articles, which will be useful to all group creators.

    Computer games are one of the most popular forms of entertainment today. There are different genres and types of games, and everywhere there are fans who give preference to one or another project, as well as entire genres and series. Naturally, playing is very pleasant and exciting, but it is much more interesting to communicate with like-minded people, discuss your gaming progress, the advantages and disadvantages of the game, and so on. And it’s most convenient to do this in Steam, since there are a number of possibilities for this. You can correspond personally with each of your friends, you can create a conference for several people, you can communicate with fans of a particular game in a community dedicated to it, and you can also join thematic groups. Of course, you also need to know how to create a group on Steam to unite like-minded people there.

    Group creation function

    So, if you decide to figure out how to create a group on Steam, then you will first need to go to your page. This can be done either through a regular Internet browser or through a special platform browser; this does not play any role. After this, you will need to select the "Groups" tab, which will display all the communities in which you are currently a member. And on this page there will be a button that allows you to create your own group. This is what you need, feel free to click on it and move on to the next step, which will require a little more effort from you. But if you want to learn how to create a group on Steam, then you will have to study, otherwise you will not be able to succeed.

    Group information

    Now you need to fill out all the information about your group that Steam requires from you. There are not many fields here, so this step will take you a little time. First of all, you will need a name for your community - how to create a group on Steam without a name? Naturally, this is impossible. Therefore, select a name for the group, after which you will need to use a special button that will check the availability of this name, that is, whether there is already a community with that name in the system. After this, you need to come up with an abbreviation for your group, which will be used for brevity both in communication between participants and in various alerts and announcements. And, of course, you will need to choose an address for your community. All groups have approximately the same address: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/. You need to determine what will be written after this link. That's all, now you know how to add a group on Steam, all that remains is to solve a couple of small issues.

    Privacy or publicity?

    To complete the group creation, you will need to choose whether it will be public or private. If you decide in favor of the first option, then absolutely all users registered in Steam will be able to join your group. If you want privacy, then you need the second option. Then only active members will be able to view the content of your community, and you can only join the group by invitation.

    Further editing

    That's it - your group has been created, but that doesn't mean it ends there. You still have a lot to learn, learn how to delete a group in Steam, how to edit its contents, how to add various events, assign administrators, and so on. In fact, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, and once you become familiar with the functionality of Steam, it will be much easier for you to manage your group. And then thematic communication about games or other events will become incredibly convenient and comfortable.

    You will need a group on Steam if you want to create a clan or unite people interested in a specific topic: for example, or. To do this, do the following:

    Create a group

    1) Open the Steam client;

    2) Log in to your account;

    3) Click on your profile, and in the tab that appears, select the “Groups” section;

    4) Click on the “Create a new group” button;

    5) Fill in all fields (the group name must be unique)

      • Field " Group Name"may be unique. Here you enter the name that will be displayed as a clan tag for your clan. For example, I have Aztec_NOOBS. Then click the “Check Availability” button. If you see the message “Group name available”, then everything is ok and we move on to the next step. If the message “Group name is already in use” is displayed, then you should come up with a different name.

    • In the field " Abbreviation» enter the abbreviated name of the group, clan or site. For example, "NOOBS_". Then click “Check Availability”. If “Group abbreviation is approved,” then move on. Otherwise, come up with a unique abbreviation.
    • Paragraph " Link to group" must also be unique, because this will be the URL of our group on Steam. For example "aztec_noobs". Be sure to check the uniqueness of the URL! The result will be a link like this: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/aztec_noobs.
    • We choose whether the group will be open or not. If you want to create a private closed community, accessible only by invite, check the “Closed group” box. If you want anyone to be able to join and read the discussions, check the “Public Group” checkbox.

    6) Click on the “Create” button. Congratulations! Your group has been created.

    7) Now fill in the group information:

      • In the Title field, enter the desired title. For example, “Our clan group.” It may not be unique.
      • In the “Resume” field we write a description of the group. For example, “Our group is dedicated to the best clan in the world, where all players take ten headshots in one shot! It's Aztec Nubs, guys!
      • Fill in the Language, Country, Region and City. Not required field.
      • In the “Related Games” field, select the games that your community members play. Thanks to the link, you can then select a clan tag in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

    • We put an avatar - the main image of the group. Size no more than 184x184 pixels. Select an image on your computer and click “Upload”.
    • We place a link to your site. In the “Title” field we write the anchor of the link. This is how it will be displayed. And in the “URL” field we indicate the link itself. You can skip this step if you don’t have a website.

    8) And at the very bottom of the page, click on the green save button. The group has been completely created, information about it has been added.

    How to set up a group correctly

    To make the group as useful as possible for participants, fill out as many fields as possible. To do this, opposite your group, click the “Administration” button.

    Now click on “Edit Group Profile” which will take you to the settings menu. Be sure to fill out the “About yourself” field and write there information about what exactly your group is about and who will be interested in it. The text can be beautifully designed using formatting, help for which is provided in the settings.

    If your group is associated with a specific game, link it in the Associated Games menu. You can select several games at once using the search.

    Select an avatar. If you do not select an avatar, then the avatars of all group administrators will be placed on the main page of the group.

    If your group is associated with a site, be sure to indicate it with a link and name.

    What opportunities does the group provide?

    As a group administrator, you can make various announcements and events, create discussions, and select curators, but first things first.

    Announcements are suitable if you need to notify participants about something important. For example, in addition to your group, a website has opened - you can tell about it through announcements that are visible on the main page of the group. To create an ad, go to the “Ads” tab and click “Make an ad.” After you write the text, you can preview the result and then publish it.

    Events are required in order to plan some important event in advance. For example, in a week you will be playing some kind of game - using an event, you can notify all group members about this. They will receive a corresponding notification. To schedule an event, click on the appropriate button in the group administration and select the exact date and time of the event.

    Discussions take the place of forums and are great for allowing members to discuss new games or anything else. To create discussions, you just need to click on the “Start a new discussion” button on the group’s main page.

    You can add a curator only if your group contains at least 50 members. What are curators? These are people or groups of people who write game reviews and help users make purchasing decisions. Curators are a great way to increase the popularity of a group.

    In order for your group to be on the list of curators, you need to write at least 10 game reviews and come up with a slogan in the settings. You can enter information that describes as best as possible what you are going to convey to visitors - what games you review, what is important to you in gameplay, etc.

    You can also add new curators to your group. To do this, select any group member and promote him to an officer in the settings. After this, the user can leave his recommendations for games.

    Group permissions

    Be sure to edit your group's permissions. To do this, go to the group and select the “Edit group permissions” section. In the window that appears, place a dot opposite the items that you consider necessary for your group. You can make the group either open with real freedom of speech, or completely closed, in which you can only join with your approval.

    How to invite people to a group

    Go to your group and click the "Invite Friends" button. A window with all your friends will open in front of you. Check the box next to the users you want to invite, then click “Invite to group.” Invites will be instantly sent to users.

    You can also add people you've recently played a game with to your group. For example, you just played CS:GO with some pro, and you want him to join your group. Just go to the “Recently Played Together” menu and send an invitation to this user.

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