• Skype connection failed. Failed to establish connection to Skype server

    Sometimes Skype users encounter such a problem that when starting the program, an error appears about there being no connection or the connection goes on forever. And at the same time, the Internet works on the computer, sites open in the browser, and so on.

    Causes of the problem

    Understanding the cause of this problem when Skype does not connect is extremely difficult. Most often, restarting the computer solves the problem. But in some cases it remains. The issue may be with Skype itself. For example, its data is damaged, or an old version is used. The failure may also be due to incorrect system configuration or blocking of the program by a firewall. Sometimes the essence of the error lies in the operation of the antivirus, which interrupts the connection.

    We must also not forget that authentication in Skype occurs with the participation of the Internet Explorer browser. And if its settings are messed up, then various problems may arise.

    The result of any of the described reasons is that the program cannot send login information to the server. Then an endless Skype connection occurs or connection errors appear.

    Solving the problem

    There are 3 simple ways to fix this problem: reinstalling, deleting Skype files and resetting Internet Explorer settings. One of them will definitely help restore communication.

    But before you start trying to fix the problem, you should make sure that the problem is related to your computer. Sometimes, when there is no connection on Skype, it's all about the developer's servers. They can be disabled as a result of a failure or during maintenance work.

    Use the resource Down right now. There, information about the servers is presented in the form of a graph. The current status is displayed on the right. Up - everything is fine. Down - servers are not working.

    Also try disabling your antivirus and logging in to your account again. It can block communication with servers. In this case, you should add the program to the antivirus exceptions.

    Method 1: Reinstallation

    The most obvious reason for such a failure is an outdated version of Skype. It is initially set to auto-update, but the feature can be disabled. It can, of course, be reactivated. But the best solution would be a complete reinstallation.

    Method 2: Reset Internet Explorer settings

    You can also try reverting the Internet Explorer browser settings to their original state. To do this, open it and press the Alt key. A toolbar will open, click on “Service”. From the context menu, call the “Browser Options” element.

    There you need to go to the “Advanced” section and activate the “Reset” option. A confirmation window will appear, click the “Reset” button again. All that remains is to restart the computer.

    Method 3: Deleting program files

    In a number of situations, the problem, although related to Skype itself, cannot be solved by a simple reinstallation. This happens because when you uninstall the program, some files are not erased, and the failure occurs precisely because of them. Accordingly, if the previous methods did not give the desired result, try the following:

    When launching Skype, at the stage of entering your username and password, the error “The connection could not be established” may appear. This error is caused by the fact that the program for some reason was unable to establish a connection to the Skype servers.

    The root of the problem, as a rule, lies in the use of an old version or problems with the Internet on the computer.

    Today we will tell you what to do if Skype failed to establish a connection and look at all the ways to get rid of this error.

    Reasons for the error

    The moment you start the program, when you enter your username and password, Skype connects and sends a request to its servers to verify the accuracy of the data. The server, in turn, must send a response request that your data is correct.

    If a connection cannot be established between your computer and the Skype servers, the program cannot check your data and the error “Connection could not be established” appears.

    The error occurs due to several reasons:

    1. You have an old version or your system files are damaged

    2. Problems with the Internet on the computer or a problem with the provider

    3. Blocking by antivirus or firewall

    4. Failures on the company’s servers

    Outdated version

    This reason is the most common and easiest to correct. Skype developers are constantly releasing updates.

    When you send your data to the official servers, not only information about your account and password is sent, but also information about your version of the program. If you are using an older version, you will see the Skype connection failed error.


    The solution is suitable not only for cases when the problem is caused by an outdated version, but also when your critical files are damaged.

    Go to the official website and download the latest version of Skype. Run the installation of the downloaded file and try to establish the connection again.

    If you can't install Skype, try uninstalling the old version first. To do this, go to Control Panel - Programs - Uninstall Programs. Click on the program and click the “Delete” button.

    After deleting, press the Win+R key combination and copy there %appdata%\Skype and click the OK button.

    A folder with temporary files will open. Select and delete all folders and files in the window that opens.

    Try installing Skype again. In 90 percent of cases, the problem with establishing a connection is solved.

    Problem with the Internet on the computer or on the ISP side

    Skype requires Internet access to work, so if the Internet is unstable, a connection cannot be established.

    Problems with the Internet are usually difficult to miss, since most often they affect the operation of all programs running on the Internet - the browser, instant messengers, and online games do not work.


    Resetting Internet Explorer browser settings

    The Internet Explorer browser is an important component of Windows and its incorrect configuration can affect the functionality of the Internet on the computer, and as a result, Skype cannot establish a connection.

    Open the folder C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer, right-click on the iexplore.exe file and run as administrator.

    Go to the browser properties by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the browser and go to “Browser Options”.

    In the browser properties, go to the “Advanced” tab and click “Reset”.

    After this, Internet Explorer browser settings will be reset.

    Also, it makes sense to update your Internet Explorer browser to the latest version; this may also help solve the problem with the Internet.

    The problem is on the provider's side

    If your computer does not have an Internet connection or is unstable, then obviously the problem is not with your settings, but with the provider.

    First of all, check whether the Internet is paid for. Perhaps your provider has disconnected you for non-payment. If the Internet is paid for, you should call your provider and tell them about the problems with the network to find out the recovery time. Providers have accidents on the line as a result of which customers suffer. You are not required to do anything other than wait for the problem to be fixed.

    Blocking Skype by antivirus or firewall

    Another reason why Skype refuses to connect may be antivirus software. Antivirus products are designed to protect your computer from threats, but they must be configured correctly. If the settings are incorrect, Skype cannot connect to its servers because it is blocked by antiviruses and firewalls.

    This is very easy to check. Disable the antivirus (in my case it is Kaspersky antivirus) by right-clicking on the icon and clicking “Exit”.

    In the window that opens, check the boxes next to “Turn off Windows Firewall” and click OK.

    Now that the antivirus and firewall are disabled, try launching Skype. If the connection was successful, then the problem is related to the settings of the firewall or your antivirus. Turn your firewall and antivirus back on and read on.


    Setting up Windows Firewall

    Go to Control PanelSystem and securityWindows Firewall.

    Click on the item in the left vertical menu "Allow interaction with applications".

    In the list of allowed programs and components, find Skype and check two boxes.

    If nothing is found in the list, click on the “Allow another application” button.

    In the window that opens, specify the path to the Skype.exe file by clicking the “Browse” button. By default, Skype is installed in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone folder.

    After specifying the file location, click the "Add" button.

    Kaspersky Internet Security settings

    I'm looking at setting it up using Kaspersky Internet Security as an example. It is possible that you have another antivirus or firewall installed, for example ESET, or Dr.WEB. The setup in these antivirus solutions will be approximately the same.

    Open Kaspersky Internet Security and go to settings by clicking on the gear icon in the lower left corner. After that, go to the “Protection” - “Firewall” menu.

    In the KIS firewall settings, click “Configure application rules”.

    In the network rules window, find Skype in the list using search. Click the “Allow” button. The rule will take effect immediately.

    Failures on the company's servers

    Skype is a powerful company owned by Microsoft. It is extremely rare, but even such companies have failures and problems with servers. The problem with the Skype connection may be due to such a rare case when the company's servers are temporarily unavailable.


    You cannot influence the situation in any way. Follow the news and wait for the service to restore its operation. Usually such failures last no more than an hour.

    We have described all the most common reasons why Skype may write that the connection could not be established. Write your questions in the comments, we will try to help everyone.

    Even such well-functioning programs as Skype, which have existed for several years, can fail. Today we will look at the error “Skype cannot connect, the connection could not be established.” Causes of this annoying problem and ways to solve it.

    There may be several reasons - problems with the Internet or computer hardware, problems with third-party programs. Skype itself and its servers may also be to blame. Let's take a closer look at each source of trouble connecting to Skype.

    A common cause of problems connecting to Skype is the lack of Internet or its poor quality.

    To check the connection, look at the lower right side of the desktop (tray). There should be an Internet connection icon displayed. With a normal connection it looks like this.

    If the icon shows a cross, then the problem may be due to a broken Internet cable or a faulty computer network card. If a yellow triangle is displayed, the problem is most likely on the provider’s side.

    In any case, try restarting your computer. If this does not help, call your provider's technical support. You should receive assistance and restore the connection.

    Your Internet connection may be of poor quality. This is reflected in long loading times for sites in the browser, the inability to smoothly view video broadcasts, etc. Skype in such a situation may give a connection error. This situation may be due to temporary network outages or poor quality of provider services. In the latter case, we recommend changing the company that provides you with Internet services.

    Closed ports

    Skype, like any other network program, uses certain ports to operate. When these ports are closed, a connection error occurs.

    Skype requires a random port with a number greater than 1024, or ports with numbers 80 or 443. You can check whether the port is open using special free services on the Internet. You just need to enter the port number.

    The reason for closed ports may be blocking on the part of the provider or blocking on your wi-fi router, if you use one. In the case of a provider, you need to call the company's hotline and ask a question about blocking ports. If the ports are blocked on your home router, then you need to open them by performing the configuration.

    Alternatively, you can tell Skype which ports to use for operation. To do this, open the settings (Tools>Settings).

    Here you can specify the port to use, and you can also enable the use of a proxy server if changing the port does not help.

    After changing the settings, click the save button.

    Blocked by antivirus or Windows firewall

    The reason may be an antivirus that prevents Skype from connecting, or a Windows firewall.

    In the case of an antivirus, you need to look at the list of applications blocked by it. If Skype is there, it needs to be removed from the list. Specific actions depend on the antivirus program interface.

    When the operating system firewall (aka firewall) is to blame, the entire procedure for unblocking Skype is more or less standardized. Let's describe how to remove Skype from the firewall block list in Windows 10.

    To open the firewall menu, enter the word “firewall” into the Windows search bar and select the suggested option.

    In the window that opens, select the menu item on the left that is responsible for blocking and unblocking network applications.

    Find Skype in the list. If there is no checkmark next to the program name, it means the firewall was the cause of the connection problem. Click the “Change settings” button, and then check all the boxes in the line with Skype. Accept the changes with the “Ok” button.

    Try connecting to Skype. Now everything should work.

    Old version of Skype

    A rare, but still relevant reason for problems with connecting to Skype is the use of an outdated version of the program. Developers occasionally drop support for certain legacy versions of Skype. Therefore, update Skype to the latest version. It will help you.

    Or you can simply download and install the latest version of the program from the Skype website.

    Connection Server Overload

    Several tens of millions of people use Skype simultaneously. Therefore, when a large number of requests to connect to the program arrive, the servers may not be able to cope with the load. This will result in a connection problem and a corresponding message.

    Try connecting a couple more times. If this does not work, wait a while and try to connect again.

    We hope that this list of known causes of Skype network connection problems and solutions to this problem will help you restore the functionality of the application and continue communicating in this popular program.

    Today we will deal with another error in the Skype program, namely, why a connection cannot be established in Skype. As it turned out, this error occurs to many people, yesterday it occurred to me too, so I decided to write how I got rid of it and what other methods there are besides the one I used.

    I couldn’t access Skype from a tablet, a phone, or a laptop, so the problem clearly did not lie in the settings of the Windows or Android operating system; I didn’t touch the settings of the router. In this regard, the thought arose in my head that there might be some problems with my Internet provider or directly on the Skype server. I could have waited a day or two, but I needed to get into the program quickly, so I decided to look for ways to solve it and found it.

    Fixing a connection error through the shortcut properties

    This method helped me, so that’s where I’ll start. The first thing we need to do is exit Skype. Right-click on the Skype icon in the startup panel and select “Exit Skype” from the drop-down menu:

    Find the location of the Skype folder called AppData. To do this, open the “Run” window using the Win + R command. In the window that opens, write the command %APPDATA%\Skype. And click on “OK”.

    We delete the file shared. There is another one there - Shared.lck, we do not touch it.

    Now let's start Skype again.

    After launching, exit Skype again and check that it is not in the running processes. To do this, right-click on the taskbar and select “Start task manager” from the drop-down menu:

    In the task manager, look through the running processes and see if Skype is among them. If there is, then complete it.

    Now after this we need to create a shortcut on the desktop for Skype. We go to the folder where you installed the program, usually this is:

    C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone

    Right-click on the Skype.exe file and send it to the desktop, thus creating a shortcut:

    Right-click on the shortcut and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu

    In the properties, go to the “Shortcut” tab and pay attention to the “Object” line. The path to the installed program is indicated there. We need to add /legacylogin at the end separated by a space.

    Apply the changes made to the shortcut.

    Now we try to log into Skype through this shortcut. Authorization should have been successful. I hope it worked for you, but I will still suggest a few more ways to solve the problem.

    Solving the problem of an unestablished connection through the router settings

    This method is for more advanced users. After all, there are a whole bunch of router models and I’m simply not able to describe this method for everyone. I’ll say it in a nutshell and show it in a couple of screenshots.

    I have Dlink Dir-650. I go to settings. To do this, I write the address in the browser. A window pops up in which you need to enter the login and password for the router.

    Now in the settings you need to find the item “Firewall - Virtual servers”:

    We write the values ​​of the external and internal port, as shown in the screenshot, and give the name to our virtual server, “skype”.

    Let's create a server.

    This is where we are done with the router settings. Let's go to the Skype program. Click “Tools – Connection Problems...”

    That's it, now let's try to connect.

    Other ways to solve the problem.

    Quite banal reasons for connection errors in Skype, but still I have to list them.

    1. You or your ISP have some problems with the Internet. Solved by “waiting until tomorrow.”

    2. Skype is blocked by firewall or antivirus. The solution to the problem is to disable both and try to log into Skype.

    3. Problems directly on the Skype servers. It can be solved in the same way by “waiting for it to get better on its own.”

    4. Problems with the program. It is better to delete it and reinstall the new version, after downloading the latest version from the official website. You also need to be sure to delete the AppData folder before installing the new version. We figured out how to look for it at the beginning of the article.

    Please write in the comments which method helped you or maybe you somehow solved the problem in your own way.

    P.S. The next day I was able to log in without any problems from both my phone and tablet. Apparently, it was not me who had the problems after all.

    While working with Skype, a message often appears stating that a connection cannot be established. Appearing at the wrong moment, the message breaks the connection, preventing you from finishing the conversation. Getting Skype back to work is easy. You need to understand the causes of the problem and perform a sequence of actions.

    Reasons for the error

    After entering your login and password, this data is sent to the server for verification. After confirming the data, the server informs the program on the computer that the data is reliable and authentication has been completed. If a connection error occurs, this means that the program cannot synchronize with the server and does not allow the user to access the network.

    Among the reasons for the lack of connection are the following:

    1. The version is outdated and no longer relevant.
    2. The program is blocked by the Windows Firewall.
    3. The computer is not connected to the network.
    4. The provider has blocked Skype.
    5. The program server is not responding.
    6. The program has crashed.


    I will analyze cases in which a malfunction occurs in Skype.

    Checking your Internet connection

    The first thing to do if Skype is unable to establish a connection is to check your network connections. Launch any browser and try to access any website. If there is no Internet, we see a corresponding message.

    Checking the program version

    Microsoft regularly releases updates for its product. The company is interested in ensuring that users use only new versions of the product. Therefore, older versions are unstable and often crash. Information about the current version is available in the “Help” section. In the pop-up window, click About Skype.

    In addition to the version, the manufacturer indicates the year the update was released. Versions released last year are considered out of date.

    The update is made through the official website. Go to Skype.com and click “Download”.

    Disabling the firewall

    Another reason why Skype says “The connection could not be established” is because Windows is blocked. Firewall is a standard protection that is present in all versions of Windows. It blocks suspicious activity from the network. A firewall is a useful application, but its operation also affects the stability of useful programs and applications. In particular, it can cause problems with Skype. To check the influence:

    Disabling antivirus

    It has a list of programs that it blocks or prohibits access to the Internet through them. Skype sometimes falls into their number. If this happens, add the program to the antivirus exclusion list, and network access will be restored.

    Router settings

    Skype malfunctions are caused by incorrect operation of the router. To eliminate this possibility, do the following.