• New email address. How to create an email address

    Don't want to share your real email address? Tired of endless spam in your inbox? Temporary mail for 10 minutes will be the solution to these problems.

    Our reliable and free service allows you to create a quick temporary email anonymously and without registration. Temporary mailboxes have a short lifespan - from 10 minutes to 10 days. Use them when registering on websites, create several accounts on social networks and don’t worry about security and anonymity.

    Who needs a service for creating temporary mail and why?

    There are many advantages of the service. You yourself know about them or can guess, since you are on our website.

    But it would not be superfluous to clarify that temporary mail is extremely necessary:

      If you work in the field of SMM (social media marketing), to create several accounts on social networks.

      If you don’t want to “shine” your real Email address on various Internet resources.

      If you want to remain anonymous on the Internet, but access to some sites and services requires registration.

      If you do not want to receive spam and annoying mailings to your main mailbox.

      If there is a need to correspond with the respondent while remaining anonymous.


    Thanks to temporary mail, you can remain anonymous always and everywhere. For example, you want to register on some forum or portal, but you don’t want to reveal your real Email address. Then Crazymailing is perfect for you.

    Spam protection

    When creating accounts on various sites, there is a potential risk of becoming a victim of an attack by hackers who can instantly steal your personal data and use it to your detriment without your knowledge. There is nothing easier than introducing a virus through a letter to your computer or mobile phone, even if you have a good antivirus. A temporary mailbox minimizes the risk of losing personal data and ensures the security of your computer and mobile device. Temporary mail will be the best solution to this problem, which will protect you as much as possible from unwanted spam while maintaining complete anonymity.

    Forwarding emails to a real email address

    We have provided the ability to send a letter from a temporary address to your real mailbox. This option is useful for users who want to receive letters from different sites without showing their real email address.

    Chrome browser app

    Install the application in your browser and use temporary email addresses without going to the site itself. Just click on the Crazymailing icon in the upper right corner of the browser, and in a second a window will appear with a new temporary Email address. In the same window you will receive notifications about received letters.


    Temporary mail can not only receive letters, but also send them! No one except you can view the contents of letters! Your safety is under control.

    1 account and 10 email addresses!

    Log in to the website through a social network convenient for you (Facebook, Vkontakte, Google+, Twitter, etc.) and get access to manage up to 10 temporary email addresses. Delete old ones and add new ones, extend the period of activity of mailboxes, redirect letters to your main mailbox - customization exclusively for your needs!

    By the way, the service is absolutely free! Use it!

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The first question (or rather problem) that a novice Internet user faces is creating his first mailbox. Without Email, it will not be possible to register on most Internet services: social networks, forums, online stores...

    Yes, the easiest way to send a document or photos to a friend is via email. There are, of course, (and even ), as well as other messengers and communicators, but regular mail is a classic, and it definitely needs to be created for a comfortable online and offline life.

    In addition, in most cases, register an email it will be absolutely free and without any associated restrictions (the sizes of the boxes offered are more than sufficient, the number of Emails is not limited, the time of use is not regulated). All that remains is to choose the most convenient service and register on it. In fact, there are even options for obtaining a mailbox for temporary use without registering at all, and we will also talk about this in this article.

    What is email and how to create one?

    Well, what can I say? Let me surprise you first. Email began to be used even earlier (1965) than in the form in which we know it now (). Actually, the first use of the Internet was precisely the sending of messages from one computer to another.

    And it was then (at the dawn of the Internet) that the notorious . The address of the recipient of such messages looked like: “user_name@domain_name” (computer). The reason why they use @ (dog) as a separator, why this icon is called that and where it came from in email addresses is described in a separate article at the link above, and we will not be distracted by this so as not to lose the thread.

    What is email? In fact, this is a special protocol (software) and a bunch of mail servers (hardware) between which electronic messages move. If you go into details, everything is quite confusing and you will close this page without even reading a couple of paragraphs. But the point is that there are Email servers through which messages are sent, and you only need to know the address of the person to whom you are sending the message (his “soap”, i.e..

    Email allows you to exchange messages with other people (in the manner of regular mail and letters), which are temporarily stored on mail servers (in mailboxes) and become available to you after connecting to them. The latter can be done either through the online interface of the service you have chosen (such as Gmail, Yandex mail, mail.ru, etc.), or through a client program installed on your computer.

    For the average (ordinary) Internet user (like you and me) email is primarily a means of communication. Very convenient, I must say. Messages are delivered almost instantly in most cases. You can attach various files to them: documents, pictures, videos, archives, etc. Moreover, you don’t need to respond to these messages immediately (as in instant messengers), but you can finish your current affairs, and only then start sorting out your mail. That's why I adore her.

    But there is also a negative side to the mailbox - after registering a new Email, you will notice that more and more letters will begin to arrive at your address that you do not need at all, and from recipients you do not know. This is the same notorious spam (unsolicited correspondence, like advertising in your mailbox at the entrance of your house). Fortunately, all major services offering to create mailboxes (with varying degrees of success).

    How to create a mailbox? Easier than you think. There are a huge number of services on the Internet that will offer you to create for free in a few minutes the email address you need (if you’re lucky, but more on that below). The question is completely different - which service to choose? And this question is very important, because after registering in one of them and sending the received message to all your friends and acquaintances, then it will be difficult to switch to another service, because you won’t be able to save the address (but I know one trick and I’ll definitely tell you about it a little lower in the text ).

    For your information, the first free email service intended for public access appeared not so long ago - in 1996 (this was). The first mailboxes in RuNet could be created only a little later - in 1998, email from Mail.ru appeared and offered us the opportunity for the first time to have similar services in a Russian-language interface. At the moment, this technology has already been sufficiently refined and standardized (POP3, SMTP or IMAP protocols are used). Everything is in order, the only problem left is what to choose?

    Email registration - where to create a mailbox?

    Registering is not that difficult (it’s a little more difficult to find the email address you need), but the question is, where is the best place to do it? Here it’s up to you to decide, but I’ll just briefly describe the main free email services that are more or less popular among RuNet residents:

    1. - a creation of Google (quite successful in my opinion - follow the link you will find a detailed article on working with this service). To begin with, what is equivalent to creating a mailbox (you receive it as a load upon registration).
    2. - a good choice for those who want to “support domestic producers.” The service is not so sophisticated, but simple and very functional. Read more at the link provided. Registration again comes down to creating your account in Yandex, and in addition you receive a free mailbox.
    3. - the oldest mail service in RuNet, but trying to keep up with the times. You can safely create a mailbox on it without fear of anything.
    4. - it’s better to choose something else so as not to have to deal with a lot of problems later. The service is old, but poorly adapted to modern conditions. If you still want to register an email here, then follow this link (but I warned you!).
    5. - from the name it is clear that the service belongs to “small soft”. It’s quite a good product, but I didn’t like the design (as well as some sluggishness in the service). You can create an email account by following this link.
    6. - another veteran of the bourgeois postal front. So-so, I can’t say anything good or bad - solid average. You can register.
    7. — if you need to register somewhere that you are unlikely to visit later, then it makes sense to get a temporary mailbox without registration, which will simply disappear after one use. There will be no hassle with setting up a post office, and in some cases it is really convenient, but not always.

    Which service should you choose? It is difficult to advise, because it depends on the taste and color... Where can I create an email? What to choose? You can rely on the following parameters:

    1. Simplicity and clarity of the interface
    2. Functionality included in the service
    3. Amount of space for storing correspondence (size of email box)
    4. Security - protection against hacking, methods for restoring access, confidentiality, protection against interception of messages, etc.
    5. Spam protection - how well does spam cutting work?

    This article is for Internet newcomers, so it would not be amiss to warn that here, just as in life, there are good people, but there are also “radishes” who want to deceive you or steal something that is bad. Therefore, I will offer you some tips:

    1. Be Responsible to choosing a password for your mailbox, even if you are not going to store anything like that in it. Hackers break everything (and easy passwords won’t last even a second against their onslaught) and among your mail their “bots” (software robots) will find data from accounts on social networks, payment systems, etc.
      Yes, even an empty box can be sold to spammers, especially since they break them “on the fly” (hundreds or thousands at once). However, there are (I personally use them myself) that can save you from unnecessary problems and premature gray hair.
    2. If your Email is hacked or you inadvertently lose your password, then the easiest way is to restore access to it will be if you indicated your mobile phone number when registering your email. In this case, it will be possible to restore access very quickly, and in general, hacking a mailbox linked to a phone will be much more difficult.
    3. Always (fake emails from fake services) and be on your guard. Try not to follow links from emails, but rather access services from your browser bookmarks or through search engines. Read the article at the link provided for details.

    How to create mail with a beautiful address

    When you start creating your first (or not the first) mailbox on one of the free services described above, you may be unpleasantly surprised that the desired name (Email) cannot be obtained, because he was already busy with someone. Yes, there is such sadness. All email addresses on the Internet must be unique, and if, for example, someone has already registered a “soap” on Gmail [email protected], then you will not be able to repeat this feat.

    You can, of course, with a little thought, add something at the end of the address (like [email protected], where XXXX are numbers, acceptable characters or additional letters) or look for a suitable option on another popular free service, but everything more or less euphonious and short has long been dismantled by those tens of millions of lucky people who registered mail before you (whoever got up first, and slippers). You will either have to show remarkable imagination, or choose something that is not very memorable.

    There is, of course, an option use little-known free services to create email(where the logins are not all occupied yet), but I’ll tell you this is very sad, because you can get a lot of problems in the load: low reliability, lack of spam cutting, poor interface and lack of guarantees that this service will not close tomorrow. Therefore, it’s a damn thing, registering a beautiful Email at such a price.

    But not everyone is happy with an ugly email address (some people are morbidly ambitious or simply a perfectionist in life). The majority are satisfied, but for those who are not satisfied there is still a way out. What needs to be done? Not to say that it’s something super complicated, but still more complicated than traditional email creation, and besides, it will no longer be free, although it will not be too expensive. But at the end you will get “soap”, which, when you see it, will show that you are not “khukhry-murkhy”. Interesting? Do you want to talk about it?

    In this clever way you can, for example, create an email address like [email protected]. Cool? Otherwise! But you will have to tinker and fork out a little for this. Are you ready? Well, then go ahead. First you need to choose the ending for your future mailbox (this is what will come after the dog @). Need to .

    For example, my last name is Ivanecku and something like ivanecku.ru would suit me, or at worst - ivanecku.com, ivanecku.net or ivanecku.guru. How to check a name for employment, read the article given in the previous paragraph (or go here right away). In my case it turned out like this:

    The ivanecku domain is free in any zone including the RU zone (i.e. ivanecku.ru). Don't look at 600 rubles - it's too expensive. There is an option to register domains in the RU zone for 90 rubles per year and without any additional risks. At this ridiculous price I... As a result, for less than one hundred rubles per year (the domain will have to be renewed annually) you will have the opportunity create the email address you want.

    After receiving the ivanecku.ru domain at my disposal, I will be able to create at least ten, at least a hundred, at least a thousand email addresses (electronic boxes) on its basis. For example, these: [email protected], [email protected] etc. (as far as your imagination goes). However, the question remains: how to work with them (send, receive messages). It would be best to link this family mailbox to some popular free email services (from those listed above).

    By the way, in Yandex "" is free(at this link you will learn how everything needs to be configured there), but in my opinion it has become paid..ru), but you can work with correspondence from the Gmail or Yandex Mail interface, which is very convenient and reliable:

    How to set up forwarding from old mail to newly created one?

    It’s not always possible to guess with the service where you created your first mailbox for free. You could have done this a long time ago (without reading this publication), or you didn’t like one of the services so much that you decided to leave it. How to deal with old Email in this case?? After all, you have already distributed it to all your colleagues and friends, social networks, payment systems, forums and other Internet activities are tied to it. But you no longer have any desire to work with the service to which this email address is linked.

    Of course, there is a way out. Firstly, almost all email services have the ability to set up forwarding, i.e. forwarding all correspondence from this mailbox (old) to another (new) that you created in another free service. And even if this is not possible, you can always set up the reverse process - automatically transferring mail from the old mailbox to the new one. Not to say that all this is very difficult to set up, but you still have to tinker with the settings.

    Just above you will find my detailed descriptions of all major email services. Just search there for information. about setting up forwarding. For example, this is how it looks in Mail.ru:

    Or look for a description settings for collecting mail from other mailboxes you have. This is what it looks like in Gmail:

    In general, something like this. Create mailboxes with confidence - if something happens, you can always move to a new one painlessly. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments - I will try to answer them to the best of my ability.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

    You can watch more videos by going to

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    Temporary mail and disposable email addresses without registration, as well as free anonymous mailboxes
    What is Email (E-mail) and why is it called email

    Hi all! Nowadays, the Internet has swept the entire space around it, with the help of the Internet any purchases are made, from the simplest and cheapest to the very expensive, orders for services are made, from flower delivery to weddings, with the help of the Internet you can even find new friends, but on all sites Registration is required and usually an e-mail address is required. Step-by-step instructions on how to create an e-mail will help you find your haven in the ocean of the Internet. After reading the instructions you you can create an e-mail on Yandex and Google for free.

    How to correctly create an e-mail on Yandex

    Where to find registration

    We go to the Yandex website using the link. In the upper right corner of the page that opens, select the command “ Create an email«.

    Entering data and password for the future mailbox

    On the next page, enter your personal data, the login of your future mail - this could be your name and date of birth, surname and phone number or a set of characters.

    If such a login already exists, then a red inscription appears on the right side of the line - “invalid login”, in this case, add any numbers or letters that will be easy for you to remember, or better yet, write it down.

    In the “Create a password” line, enter the password for the future email box - this is the key with which you will open your mailbox. The password should be kept secret from strangers, since by using your email account, an ill-wisher could deprive you of your registered account.

    Assigning an email to a phone

    Enter your mobile phone number in the “Mobile phone” window in this format - + (country code) (phone number with operator code). Creatione-mail on Yandex for free, so don’t worry about any funds being withdrawn from your phone, your phone is needed to recover your password in case you forget it.

    After entering your phone number, click on the yellow “Get code” box. In a few seconds you will receive an SMS with an activation code on your phone. After confirming your phone number, click on the big yellow button “ Register».

    Step-by-step instructions - how to create an e-mail on Google

    We go to the Google website using the link. In the upper right corner of the window that opens we find a button called “ Mail».

    Fields will appear to request your information. Fill out this form with your details. I recommend coming up with a good password to make the mailbox more difficult to hack. Field "Reserve email address" mail" is optional. After you enter all the necessary data, do not forget to check the box indicating that you agree to Google's terms of use. Then click " Next"and if you did everything correctly, a message will appear indicating that your Google account was created successfully.

    If you followed the instructions exactly, then the question of how to correctly create an e-mail is no longer relevant for you. Register your email account for free on Yandex and Google and use all their amenities! Good luck to everyone and see you soon!

    Best regards, Evgeniy Kuzmenko.

    Email is an analogue of a real mailbox, existing on the Internet in electronic form. To create your own mail on the Internet, it is first advisable to decide which service you want to use. You can register an email with various global companies, ranging from Yandex, Google and Mail.ru, to services from private websites and hosting.

    How to create an Email from Google?

    The world-famous company Google provides users with a lot of tools for working on the Internet. One of them is an electronic mailbox that combines free file storage, a lightweight dialer and a host of other services. To sign up for Gmail from Google:

    • follow the link to the account creation page;
    • fill in all the fields provided: first and last name, desired mailbox address, password, date of birth and phone number;
    • Click “Next Step” and go to the page with the rules;
    • read them, agree with the information by clicking on the button below the list;
    • a new page opens with congratulations and a notification about the creation of a new mailbox;
    • It is not necessary to enter your phone number when registering. However, in emergency cases, it will allow you to recover your password or confirm your affiliation with a specific user;
    • if during registration the browser offers to save your login and password, you can agree if you do not want to enter them every time you log in (the login form will be filled in automatically);
    • after that, you can immediately proceed to use all the Google services listed at the top of the page, or study useful articles on account management.

    How to create an Email from Yandex?

    To use mail from the largest Russian Internet resource, you need to create an account in the Yandex system. To do this:

    • indicate the required personal data;
    • come up with a login and password (the login cannot be changed after registration is completed, the password cannot be changed at any time);
    • enter the phone number (if you do not want to do this, click “No phone”);
    • if you choose to enter without a phone, you will need to come up with a security question and an answer to it (only you should know this information);
    • accept the user agreement by checking the box next to it;
    • Click on the “Register” button;
    • the system redirects us to a page notifying us of successful account creation;
    • Yandex mail is ready, you can use it.

    Create an Email on Mail.Ru

    In almost the same way, an electronic mailbox is created on the Russian entertainment and mail portal Mail.ru. Here the user selects the domain part for his login. How it looks – see the picture below:

    • register using the link, fill out the same lines (last name, first name, login-password);
    • It is not necessary to indicate the city and gender;
    • the phone will be used to receive a verification code;
    • replacing this data, like Yandex, is allowed with a security question;
    • We press the green registration button, we get another email box.

    Why do you need to have multiple email accounts? It's simple - they may be needed for different purposes. For example, it is convenient to create a separate email for purchases or interesting subscriptions from sites, and another for work or personal correspondence. This will allow you to receive less spam, sort information, and have access to it when you want it. Among other things, several different emails with different passwords will reliably protect your personal data.

    An electronic mailbox today is almost a mandatory attribute of a modern city dweller. This is a very convenient tool for both business life and leisure. You can send or receive documents, photographs, audio and video clips of small sizes by email. Without it, you will not be able to register on the social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook or other website, or receive services on government portals or services. Registering an email usually does not raise any special issues, but nevertheless, there are still users for whom this is a difficulty. As a rule, these are pensioners and older people. Especially for them, I will tell you in detail how to create an email on mail.ru, Yandex Rambler or Google.

    So, the e-mail registration procedure itself consists of the following steps:

    1. enter personal data

    This means entering your last name and first name. Age and gender. Also, I would strongly recommend indicating your contact mobile phone number. This will allow you to quickly restore access if attackers somehow steal your credentials.

    2. come up with an email name

    The full email address consists of two parts:
    Everything up to the dog sign is the name of the box that you come up with. Everything after is the name of the mail service on which your email is registered.

    The mailbox name must be unique within one mail service (read server). If the name you came up with is already taken, the system will offer you other available options.

    3. create a password

    Many users do not pay due attention to this point. But in vain. It is a simple password that causes email hacking in 90% of cases. The email password must be a random set of characters no shorter than 8 (preferably 10) characters and consist of numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet. In this case, it is better to use both lowercase and capital letters. By the way, never store your email password in text files on your desktop.
    After the mailbox registration is completed, the browser will automatically redirect you to it. Now you can safely use the created email for personal or business correspondence.

    4. confirm your details

    A dozen years ago, in order to create an email, you just had to fill out the required fields with your first and last name. And not necessarily your own, but also invented ones. Now everything is gradually changing towards mandatory personalization. Today, in most cases, confirmation is already required using an SMS code that will be sent to the phone number you specified. On the other hand, it is a convenient tool for restoring access to email if you accidentally forgot your password or it was hacked. If you are a law-abiding citizen, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

    Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make a mail using the example of the three most popular postal services in Russia.

    Google Mail Registration

    Let's go to the world's most popular email service from Google - Gmail.com (gmail or jimail).

    Click on the “Create account” button. A window for entering registration data will open:

    Here you need to indicate your first and last name.
    Below you will need to come up with a “Username” (email address) and a password that will be used in the future to log into Google mail.
    Next, you will need to indicate your date of birth, gender, mobile phone number and alternate email address (if you have one). The last two points are needed to help restore access to the mailbox if it is hacked or you forget the password.
    All that remains is to enter the verification text from the picture and agree to the terms.

    Click on the “Go to Gmail service” button to open the service interface.

    That's all, the Google mailbox has been successfully created and you can work with it - send and receive letters.

    By the way, the created email, or rather the mailbox name, will be used as a single login on all Google services - YouTube, Google Drive, Maps, Blogger, Play Market.

    Creating a Mail.ru email account

    This is perhaps the oldest email service in Russia. To get a Mail.ru email address, go to the website of the same name and click on the “Registration” button in the left corner of the screen:

    Then the following page will open:

    Enter information about yourself - First name, Last name, date of birth, place of residence and gender.
    Then, you will need to come up with a mailbox name and password for it. By the way, the service allows you to select one of the server domains - in addition to @mail.ru, @list.r u, @bk.ru and @inbox.ru are also available.
    To quickly restore access to Mail.ru mail, it is advisable to indicate your mobile phone number.

    After this, you will receive an SMS on your phone with a confirmation code, which you must enter in the window that appears:

    Enter the number from the SMS and click on the “Done” button. If the code is correct, you will be transferred to the successfully created mail.ru mailbox

    From here you can send and receive emails. Here you will also have access to the [email protected] IM client.

    Yandex email

    The largest Russian search engine Yandex.ru also has an excellent mail service. To register your email account with Yandex mail, you need to click on the “Create mail” link on the main page of the search engine, in the upper right corner.

    The registration form will open:

    Here everything is the same as in previous services - we enter the First and Last Name, come up with the name of the Yandex mailbox and indicate the mobile phone number.
    Click on the “Get code” button. An SMS will be sent to your phone, the code from which will need to be entered in the field below, after which a check mark will appear indicating that the phone has been successfully verified.
    Click on the “Register” button.

    After this, you will be redirected to the main page of Yandex Mail, from where you can manage your correspondence.
    As is the case with Google, the created account will be the same for other search engine services - Maps, Market, Pictures, Videos, Music, etc.