• General solutions

    What does a blue screen with Stop error 0x000000ED mean?

    A blue screen of death or BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) appears in cases where a critical system error has occurred. When this error occurs, absolutely all processes in RAM are stopped so as not to cause further harm. Therefore, the appearance of a blue screen is equivalent to a computer freezing, with the only difference being that a message is displayed with an error number, which is indicated after the word STOP. This is very good, because it is important to know what led to such a fatal collapse of the system.

    This article will look at the error 0x000000ED Unmountable boot volume and how to fix it. Error 0x000000ED means that the operating system was unable to mount the boot disk. What could this be connected with? Most often, the cause of this error and the appearance of the blue screen 0x000000ED when loading Windows is a damaged file system of the boot disk. This may be a consequence of an incorrect shutdown of the computer, a virus, or damage to the surface of the hard drive (bad sectors on the disk).

    How to fix error 0 x000000ED Unmountable boot volume

    Since the Stop 0x000000ED error means that the boot disk is damaged, the simplest solution to the problem in most cases is to check the hard drive for logical errors. Since Windows won't boot, you'll have to do a little preparation here, but it's still nothing complicated.

    However, I recommend that before checking the disk for errors using the chkdsk utility, check the hard disk with Victoria for bads (bad sectors). Why? Yes, because in a large number of cases, damage to the file system of the boot disk, leading to a blue screen with error 0x000000ED when loading Windows, is caused precisely by the appearance of unreadable sectors on the disk. The reasons for their appearance are the same: incorrect power shutdown while recording information, a shock to the hard drive, overheating or manufacturing defects, and physical wear of the plates.

    1. View the SMART disk, if there are suspicious sectors (item Current pending sector count) perform a surface check and erase bad sectors or repair them.

    2. Check the partition with the utility chkdsk .

    In the vast majority of cases, after performing these manipulations, Windows boots perfectly and the blue screen with error 0x000000ED is a thing of the past.

    The reason why Windows error 0x000000ED may occur may be due to frequent system reboots. If automatic reboot on system failure is disabled, a BSOD will appear.

    Ways to solve the problem

    To fix error 0x000000ED in Windows XP, you must have an installation disk with the same OS version and bit depth. In the BIOS settings, we set the boot priority from CD/DVD-Rom and boot from the disk.

    On the start screen we see a message: “Press R to enter the Windows Recovery Console.” Let's carry out this action.

    In the next window, select your operating system, if there is more than one.

    After selecting the operating system, enter the following command: “C:\Windows\chkdsk /p”.

    The utility will begin scanning the system for errors. Then it will report a “breakdown” or lack thereof. However, we recommend running the scan 2-3 times.

    After scanning and correcting errors, reboot the PC. We go into the BIOS and set the boot priority from the hard drive. If this method does not work, we check the hard drive for bad sectors using special programs that can be downloaded from

    Although Expishka is considered obsolete, it is still very popular among users due to its unpretentiousness to system resources. However, quite often you can notice the appearance of failure 0x000000ED (Windows XP). Read below to find out how to fix it using the simplest methods.

    Description in Windows XP

    The saddest symptom of such a failure is the appearance of a “blue screen”, which plunges many users into shock. However, there is nothing particularly scary here. The failure is not critical (Windows XP). How to fix this situation? First, let's look at the essence of the problem.

    Most specialists in the field of Windows operating system prevention explain the occurrence of such a failure by damage to the file system due to a sudden power outage or power surges. Because of this, so-called BAD sectors appear on the hard drive, and the information contained in them needs to be restored. It is not difficult to guess that Windows XP (how to fix it will be discussed in detail a little later) in this case can refer exclusively to software failures.

    Sometimes a similar situation occurs due to damage to the hard drive itself or loose cable connections, and software methods for eliminating the problem do not help. Here you will have to change the hard drive or cables. If the damage is too severe, the drive probably won't even be able to be formatted.

    Error 0x000000ED in Windows XP: how to fix it using the standard method?

    In the simplest case, you will need an installation disk with the system distribution or any other bootable media from which you need to boot, setting the appropriate drive as priority in the BIOS settings.

    Naturally, this applies to cases with failure 0x000000ED Windows XP. How can I fix this particular problem or a similar error? To begin with, you can select recovery in the start menu, however, if the file system temporarily fails, this may not work.

    Therefore, you should act differently and select from the window with a list of possible actions to use the command line or press Shift + F10 at the boot stage. In the console you need to enter the command to run a disk check with the attribute of automatic error correction chkdsk c: /r (the drive letter may not be used). Once the scanning and troubleshooting process is complete, you can close the console or enter the exit command, and then reboot the system.

    Is it possible to fix the crash without an installation disk?

    But some users have another question related to the Windows XP error 0x000000ED: how to fix such a failure without a disk? After all, not all users care about creating bootable media in case of unforeseen situations.

    It is believed that this cannot be done. But as a last resort, if the system does not hang right away, but still works somehow, a similar check can be carried out in the properties of the system partition, and in some situations, rolling back to the previous state, the parameters of which can be accessed in the standard “Control Panel”, can help " You can try to forcefully turn off your computer or laptop several times by long pressing the power button, so that when you start again, the system itself initiates the recovery process. But if the hard drive starts to crumble, no software methods will help.

    Error 0x000000ED indicates that there are file system errors on the hard drive or that the hard drive is faulty. It is displayed as a STOP error - the so-called “blue screen of death”. The error appears when the system starts.

    Possible causes of the error:

    • Damage to the file system due to a power outage.
    • Damage to interface cables (loops), and as a result, damage to the file system.
    • Hard drive failure.

    Resolving error 0x000000ED:

    1. Replace the interface cable going from the motherboard to the hard drive with a new one (it is highly advisable to do this).

    Check the file system for errors by entering the recovery console.

    For Windows XP

    Boot from the Windows installation disc and wait until the following screen appears: Press the button on your keyboard. Select your OS and enter your password. If you haven't set a password, just click . Then, enter

    chkdsk c: /r

    and press

    For Windows 7

    Boot from the Windows 7 installation disc and in the welcome window, click the “System Restore” link.

    The system will try to resolve the startup error itself, but it most likely will not succeed.

    After its activity, you will have the opportunity to choose recovery options at your discretion.

    Select Command Prompt. There, as in the case of Windows XP, enter:

    chkdsk c: /r

    and press . The system will check and resolve file system errors.

    For both systems

    If you have a disk ERD Commander or it is possible to download and burn the image, then you can very well use the console present in it to resolve the error.

    If all else fails.

    If the tips given above did not help you, or the verification process stopped at any stage, then most likely the cause of error 0x000000ED is a faulty hard drive, due to which the file system is suffering. Most likely, you will not even be able to format such a hard drive. For the purity of the experiment, you can try to reformat it on another machine.

    If this is the case, take the disk to a service center for diagnostics or buy a new one.

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    Among the numerous system failures that cause BSOD (Blue Screen of Death), there are problems that cause a lot of trouble for the user. This is exactly the problem that stop 0x000000ed or unmountable boot volume failure is considered to be. Its trouble lies in the fact that the user is able to carry out a minimum of actions, since he is hampered by the “death screen”. In addition, error code 0x000000ed often indicates a breakdown in the computer hardware, the replacement of which may cost a certain amount of money. However, there are many reasons for this problem, most of which can be eliminated quickly and without special financial costs.

    Reason for the unmountable boot volume error

    Error 0x000000ed occurs immediately when you turn on the computer. This means that Windows of any version cannot create a volume for the OS to start operating because it simply does not receive a response from the hard drive. After this, you can perform almost no actions from the usual interface.

    The reasons for PC malfunction may be as follows:

    • Damage to the boot volume.
    • Windows system files are damaged.
    • Hard drive file system error.
    • Incorrect hard drive connection.
    • Cable fault.
    • Hard drive malfunction.

    The most unpleasant moment lies in the last point, because if the hard drive is faulty, it must be replaced, and this costs a lot of money. You should check all possible options before giving up on a storage device; there may be a way to do it without significant costs.

    Stop error 0x000000ed in Windows XP

    The Windows operating system crashes, causing bsod 0x000000ed due to problems with the hard drive. The XP version is no exception. But there is no need to bury the storage device prematurely, because failure can occur at the software level, while the hardware remains in order. Due to the fact that in this case it is not possible to check drivers for conflicts in normal mode, all procedures should be carried out using a bootable USB flash drive or through “Safe Mode”.

    Stop error 0x000000ed in Windows 7

    As with XP, error 0x000000ed in “seven” is directly related to the problem of accessing the hard drive or its incorrect operation. As a rule, the catalyst for such troubles can often be broken system files of the drive. Even though BSoD prevents you from logging into the system, you can check the health of the files using safe mode or the installation drive. As with any other version of Windows, troubleshooting this error should begin by checking the connection of the storage device, since often the reason lies in an incorrect connection of the hard drive or a cable fault. It is best to replace the cable immediately to immediately eliminate the cause of the breakdown. Secondly, you should make sure that the software is working properly. What is needed for this will be discussed further.

    Stop error 0x000000ed in Windows 10

    In addition to the main factors causing the unmountable_boot_volume failure, Windows 10 suffers from a damaged operating system bootloader. This is not the most popular factor that causes BSoD, but it also needs to be mentioned. In addition to problems with the hard drive, indirect reasons also lead to troubles, so if a BSoD appears when starting the Windows 10 system, first of all you should check the connections of the computer’s hardware devices. If the issue remains unresolved, then it is necessary to resort to the methods that will be discussed below.

    Solving the unmountable boot volume error in Windows XP

    Error 0x000000ed appears immediately when loading Windows XP. As a rule, the screen describes the characteristics of the problem, the coding and some ways to solve the problem. The developers advise rebooting the OS, which most likely will not lead to a positive result. Among the recommendations there are also steps: resetting the BIOS settings and restoring the system through “Safe Mode”. If the problem lies in specific software or driver, then it is quite possible to fix the error using the last method, since “Safe Mode” is available in this case.

    But before you start healing your computer at the software level, you should carry out the following manipulations:

    1. Check the serviceability of the hard drive cable.
    2. Make sure the data transmission loop is intact.
    3. Change the connector from the power supply.
    4. Check the serviceability of other hardware parts of the computer, clean all possible dirty contacts from dust.

    The problem can be corrected by using the system restore function in Safe Mode. To do this, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Restart your PC and while the OS is loading, press the F8 key.
    2. Go to “Safe Mode” (we perform all actions using the keyboard).
    3. The system will start using only the most necessary drivers.
    4. Right-click on the “My Computer” icon and call up “Properties”.
    5. In the “System Restore” tab, check whether this function is active.
    6. After checking, you need to run the utility. To do this, click “Start”, “Accessories”, “System Tools”, “System Restore”.
    7. Apply “Restore your computer to an earlier state.”
    8. Select a recovery point during the period of creation of which the PC was working normally (the recovery point must be created in advance).
    9. After this, the operating system parameters will be restored according to its state at the time the restore point was created.

    To create and save a restore point, you need to go to the “System Restore” tab during normal operation of the OS using the method described above and use the “Create a restore point” function. This operation is very useful, and it is advisable to use it before any system changes: be it connecting a new device and loading a driver for it, or updates, rollbacks and other manipulations. This will allow you to return those personal computer parameters that contributed to the adequate operation of the system.

    The second method of healing the system can be done using the console and the chkdsk.exe system utility, thanks to which it is possible to restore damaged disk sectors. To do this, you need to purchase a bootable USB flash drive with the appropriate OS.

    1. You must press R to load the recovery console.
    2. Select the OS (as a rule, it is the only one) and enter a password if necessary.
    3. Run the command chkdsk /r.
    4. After scanning the disk, enter the exit command to complete the procedure.

    If these above methods do not help, then you should worry about the computer hardware, in this case, the hard drive.

    Solving the unmountable boot volume error in Windows 7

    To run a utility that can repair damaged disk sectors, thereby eliminating the 0x000000ed unmountable boot volume error in Windows 7, you must do the following:

    1. Boot from the installation drive.
    2. In the window that appears, click “System Restore”.
    3. After the system tries to solve the problem, you can manually select recovery methods.
    4. You should open a command prompt and enter chkdsk c: /r.
    5. The operating system will find and eliminate file system errors.

    As with Windows XP, you need to check whether the hard drive is connected correctly. If the system recovery method does not work, then most likely the problem is in the drive itself, and it should be repaired or even replaced.

    Solving the unmountable boot volume error in Windows 10

    Blue Screen of Death with error code 0x000000ed or unmountable boot volume does not bypass Windows 10. The causes of the problem are exactly the same as in other versions of the operating system, but there are more options for solving the problem. As already described, the core of this problem is the incorrect operation of the hard drive. Iron wears out and over time causes serious operational failures. But it happens that the storage device is simply poorly connected, especially if the PC components were removed the day before. First of all, you need to check the cable, cables and connectors for integrity. It would be a good idea to clean the inside of the system unit, as contamination can interfere with the normal operation of the computer. If the audit does not bring results, it is worth looking for a solution to the problem at the software level. To resolve this error, you can try the treatment methods for your personal computer described below.

    1 solution: automatic error correction

    The Windows 10 operating system offers automatic correction of loading the operating system as one of the options for eliminating the “blue screen of death”. You must use a bootable USB flash drive or disk for this operation. After booting, in the second window you should select “System Restore” and do the following:

    1. Click "Advanced options" or "Troubleshooting".
    2. Next, click on the “Startup Recovery” section.
    3. Automatic troubleshooting should occur and if successful, the BSoD will disappear.

    Solution 2: Fix Master Boot Record

    If the previous method of curing your computer from an unmountable boot volume on Windows 10 was unsuccessful, you can try the following manipulations:

    1. Just as in the previous option, you should use the installation flash drive to enter the error correction environment.
    2. Enter the “Command Line” section.
    3. Type the command bootrec/fixboot and press enter.
    4. The boot entry will be fixed, and if that was the problem, the blue screen will disappear.

    Solution 3: Using the chkdsk command

    With error information 0x000000ed, Windows 10 is trying to convey to the user that the hard drive is unable to work correctly. It is advisable to try to fix the problem using all possible methods before deciding to replace the hard drive. When you call the command line using the method described above, you can try to get rid of the problem by running the command chkdsk /r. This procedure, as in cases with other versions of the OS, can restore bad sectors of the hard drive.

    Solution 4: checking RAM for errors

    The cause of the blue screen with error 0x000000ed, which appears due to incorrect operation of the hard drive, may, oddly enough, be a RAM problem.

    After the check is completed, a reboot will occur. Using the Event Viewer, you can find out the scan results and whether there is a faulty RAM module. If there is one, then by removing the rulers one by one from the system unit or the bottom compartment of the laptop, it is easy to determine which of the OP dies is faulty. If there is only one module, you can try cleaning the contacts or replacing the damaged ruler.

    Solution 5: Reinstall Windows 10

    In this situation, one of the optimal but radical methods would be to reinstall the operating system. Before using a bootable USB flash drive to reset Windows 10, you need to make sure that there is no important information on the system drive, which in most cases is named /C. When reinstalling the operating system, all non-system files will be deleted.

    Reinstalling the system virtually eliminates software problems as the cause of the blue screen. If after this radical measure the error continues to interfere with the operation of the computer, the reason is a hardware failure. Most likely, the hard drive is seriously damaged and needs to be replaced.

    In any case, if all methods have been tried, but doubts about the cause of the failure still remain, it is best to contact a specialist. He will help identify the problem faster and suggest the most optimal methods to eliminate it.


    Unfortunately, there is no recipe that would help avoid unpleasant blue screen errors. You can treat your personal computer with the utmost care, regularly carry out preventive procedures, scan the system for viruses, but it is impossible to guarantee constant correct operation. Computer components wear out over time, performance requirements become increasingly higher, so even constant updates of drivers and operating systems will not give a stable working result. But don’t despair if BSoD suddenly appears on your monitor. By and large, most system problems are not so scary and can be solved quite easily if you know the causes of errors and how to eliminate them.