• Organization of control of a frequency converter using the CTSoft program. Controlling a frequency converter from a computer Computer programs for vlt frequency converters

    Turning on and creating a frequency converter program involves more steps than simply connecting cables according to instructions and diagrams. A special issue is the creation of programs for frequency inputs in 2017.

    A discrete input comes in two external forms: connected - disconnected. By connecting external disconnectors, a variety of options can be realized. Individual buttons are assigned a specific frequency value. It must be taken into account that engine speed depends on the output frequency of the frequency converter. If the electric motor has an engine speed of 1500 rpm 50 hertz, then when it reaches 25 hertz the rpm will become 750 rpm. The keys are programmable to set speed, reverse, start. Such procedures are performed with all key values.

    Simple settings are: from 0 to 10 volts, 4-20 milliamps. Entrances can be connected or separated. When the input potential changes, the converter output frequency changes. Input from 4 to 20 milliamps is used to connect many sensors in the process.

    Discrete output data is characterized by two positions. They are divided into two types: with a dry type contact and with an open type collector. Outputs are set to carry out a large number of options: work on part of the pumps, power switching, warning position.

    Setting: source of control commands

    These commands are considered:

    • Start (RUN).
    • Stop (STOP).
    • Forward (FWD).
    • Back (REV).

    Control data from sources (according to value settings 2.01):

    • 2.01= 0 – Control panel in the casing (keyboard) of the frequency driver (by default).
    • 2.01= 1 — External signals that have permission from the built-in “STOP” button.
    • 2.01= 2 — External signals prohibiting the built-in “STOP” button.
    • 2.01= 3 – Type of RS-485 transmitting program, allowing “STOP” buttons.
    • 2.01= 4 – Type of program for transmitting RS-485, disabling the “STOP” buttons.

    Many types of frequency generators have command sources that switch via a programmable discrete input. In the VFD-VE series, the source of control commands is changed with the PU key, in the VFD-C2000 series with the HAND key on the built-in control panel.

    For initial setup, you need to determine the main source of control command messages. If it is a built-in control panel, then the setup is complete.

    There are two options for connecting external message signals: active or inactive STOP key on the panel.

    How to connect control signals (keys, switches, terminals)?

    The operating signal position is Earth. When we turn on the Earth at the discrete input, the command is activated. These are contacts, we connect it to a switch, terminals of external relays, keys with latching in 2-wire control, or ordinary keys without latching in three-wire control.

    It may be necessary to have an activity level of the control signal, which is attached not to Earth, but to the positive terminal of the motor power supply; to activate the command, it is possible not with zero, but with the level of the logic command. This is achieved by rearranging the modes using a small switch message, which is built into the control board of the frequency converter. The location of the microswitch can be found in the documentation for the frequency converter. The Sink signal tells us that the activity signal is the Ground, and the Source signal is the positive terminal of the network. All types of frequency generators have built-in assignments of control commands via inputs and contacts.

    Any commutation can only occur when the motor is disconnected from the 220V power supply voltage of the frequency generator.

    Connecting external keys for control:

    Two wire SINK control.

    Three wire SINK control.

    For some types of converters, the names of the control contacts for commands have been changed since 2016. A more detailed connection diagram for options with two or three frequency frequency wires can be seen in the documentation for the equipment.

    It remains to make adjustments when determining the control commands of the message engine: indicate for control we will commute.

    In VFD-EL or VFD-E frequency drives, the values ​​04.04 are adjusted. — select a 2- or 3-wire control circuit for inputs MI1, MI2. Its parameters are as follows:

    • 04. 04 = 0 2-wire circuit: FWD/STOP, REV/STOP (factory setting modes).
    • 04. 04 = 1 2-wire circuit: FWD/REV, RUN/STOP.
    • 04. 04 = 2 3-wire circuit: (RUN and STOP buttons without locking).

    For VFD-G, VFD-F, VFD-B, the setting is determined by the value 2.05 at the end of the code with the same parameters.

    VFD-C2000 – for option value 2.00 with the same parameters.

    VFD-VE – the value 2.00 is adjusted at the end of the code, its value is different, types with automatic start blocking have been added.

    During setup, first make the physical connections (with the 220V mains voltage turned off), then you can perform the value setup mode. You can perform these manipulations in reverse order. Don’t forget about safe practices and what actions will take place after launch.

    Setting the output frequency reference source

    The frequency determination command will come from many sources. Connection options are determined by Pr 02-00 (Output Frequency Determination Source), or Pr 00-20.

    The size of the parameter may vary in different types of series, since many series have a potentiometer that determines the pulse signals of the setting frequency. The parameters are described in the documentation. Frequency settings on the message panel are:

    • Keys from the control panel for all types.
    • From external terminals, keys.
    • From the potentiometer in the panel.
    • From external potentiometer or analog type signal for everyone.
    • Pulse signals with no direction or direction.
    • CAN open interface commands.

    Outdoor unit frequency setting

    When using the type of frequency determination with an external device, you must turn it on according to the diagram below.

    A potentiometer with a resistance of at least 5 kilo-ohms is recommended. The nominal value of the meter is set based on the requirement not to increase the load of the power source in the frequency generator +10 volts - the maximum value is 20 milliamps or less.

    The potentiometer is connected between the +10 volt and AFM contacts, the signal value from it is connected to AVI.

    The circuits of potentiometers and various parameters of the reference message are different for the converters.

    Programming frequency frequency parameters from the control panel

    Let us describe the operation scheme. After pressing PROG (ENTER), the size of the group parameters is displayed. Use the up and down keys to change the group to the required one. Press the PROG key – the value of the parameter number will appear. We make the change to the required one using the down-up keys or go back to a group of values ​​using the MODE key.

    We save the selection of the parameter value, the display shows the value of the parameter result. Change the parameter to the value required using the up and down keys and save.

    If the drive mechanism is set to its value, then the End entry will appear for a short time. If there is a malfunction, then it will be Err, you need to decide where the error is, the wrong value. Some parameter values ​​can only be programmed when the drive is braked.

    Procedure for turning on the frequency converter for the first time

    1. Monitoring the coincidence of the frequency generator with the values ​​of the voltage network and the motor.
    2. Control of connection to the network and motor.
    3. Starting the first power-up, resetting the parameter values ​​for 50 hertz.
    4. Configuring the source of control commands for the mechanism.
    5. Frequency setting programming.
    6. Different settings.

    You cannot neglect studying technical documentation. It has answers to many questions.

    Creation of programs for Mitsubishi & Danfoss, Siemens converters via RS485

    Record the parameter values ​​on the operator panel. Let's determine according to Siemens. We purchased a frequency converter with two USB port modes. We turned on the Drive Monitor and a connection appeared.

    Regarding Mitsubishi: I downloaded a lot of different information on the Internet. Launched the installation of programs. It is not clear which program is needed. It turned out to be too complicated.

    Not everything is easy for Siemens. There is a kind of adapter for creating programs. Connects to the remote control socket. Can be exchanged with external mechanisms. Without drivers it will not be detected and launched. You need to look at the connection poles. We connect immediately according to the records, it doesn’t work. They changed the polarity and it began to work.

    Configuration programs operate on the device, not on the COM port. If the program does not start working, then launch the device manager, whether there is an adapter or not, what type it is, its identification with drivers.

    Unidrive SP has two types of panels with good ergonomics. The panel has a navigation button. The panel has many properties and options that are enough for everyday work registration. When starting a new mechanism, you need to monitor and change the values ​​of parameters that are located in different menus.

    The CTSoft program makes the work easier for operators. This program has capabilities to create startup and commissioning traces for various converters. The program has the following features:

    • Save data to the frequency recorder.
    • Download parameters from the chastotnik.
    • Save settings to your computer.
    • Perform comparative data analysis.
    • Change parameter values.
    • Monitor parameters during operation.
    • Issue menu listings.
    • Stay connected to the network.

    The program also allows you to view the mechanism menu in a table. The program for controlling the frequency generator is downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. Installing the program is simple.

    On the panel in front of the frequency converter there is a port for data transfer. Through it, a two-wire connection is created with a PC via an interface. Frequency operators' instructions do not recommend connecting a load resistor to the channel. We will communicate through the USB registration port of a personal PC, so an RS 485 interface is needed.

    An example of a RS 485 / USB frequency converter model TM 7561

    First you need to make a connection. You will need a wire with a plug for the RJ45 port. In the plug, pins 2, 7 must be connected. The wires from the other edge are connected: 2 – Data+, Data-. If you mix up the wires, you will need to reconnect.

    After installation, check if the COM1 port is open. Right-click Computer - Properties - Device Manager. Open – Ports, enable the interface. In the new window – Port parameters – Additionally, in the “COM port number” window, define COM1. This installation registration procedure is suitable for the Windows 7 system. For another system, the installation of the COM port (PLC) may be slightly different, but the principle is the same.

    Let's configure the parameter values ​​for communication:

    • The value 0.37 of the “communication port address” parameter sets address 1. The address is set with any value 1-247.
    • We check the value of parameter 0.35 “communication mode”, it should be “rtu”.
    • “baud rate”, 0.36 set default to 19200.

    We connect to the converter from a PC. Open the CTSoft program, in the “launch” window click on the frequency driver model, then OK. In other windows we also click “Ok”. We connect to the frequency generator. In the “characteristics” window we configure the frequency driver.

    • Model of the mechanism drive.
    • Drive operating mode.
    • Region.
    • Functional modules.
    • Nodeaddress = 1.

    After setting the frequency frequency values, click “Ok”. In the “mismatch detected” window, the program will give an example of a proposal to change the registration of mismatches; you must agree and always click “Ok”. At the bottom of the window the square will turn green - “online”.

    Now you can easily and simply monitor and change the parameters of the frequency generator via a computer.

    Software for creating control of the PM frequency converter – S5540

    Almost many drives are equipped with ModBus-RTU communication boards. They make it possible, through a transmission standard over a communication channel using an interface convector, to transfer data in large quantities to a computer. An example of such data is service information. This simplifies the operation of the equipment.

    To receive data from the frequency converter, you need a switching program (PLC) that connects to the parameter registers.

    Program action:

    1. Setting up communication, selecting an address, setting it with the “connect” button.
    2. Select an action: write or read a register, select a register, click “execute”.
    3. The reading result (PLC) appears in the ListBox.

    Message generation option:

    1. private void BuildMessage(byte address, byte type, ushort start, ushort registers, ref byte message)
    2. //Array to receive CRC bytes:
    3. byte CRC = new byte;
    4. message = address;
    5. message = type;
    6. message = (byte)(start >> 8);
    7. message = (byte)start;
    8. message = (byte)(registers >> 8);
    9. message = (byte)registers;
    10. GetCRC(message, ref CRC);
    11. message = CRC;
    12. message = CRC;

    Register reading options:

    1. public bool SendFc3(byte address, ushort start, ushort registers, ref short values)
    2. if (sp.IsOpen)
    3. //Clear the input and output buffers:
    4. DiscardOutBuffer();
    5. DiscardInBuffer();
    6. //Function 3 request is always 8 bytes:
    7. byte message = new byte;
    8. //Function 3 response buffer:
    9. byte response = new byte;
    10. //Build outgoing modbus message:
    11. BuildMessage(address, (byte)3, start, registers, ref message);
    12. //Send modbus message to Serial Port:
    13. GetResponse(ref response);
    14. catch (Exception err)
    15. modbusStatus = "Error reading: " + err.Message;
    16. return false;
    17. //Evaluate message:
    18. if (CheckResponse(response))
    19. //Return requested register values:
    20. for (int i = 0; i< (response.Length — 5) / 2; i++)
    21. values[i] = response;
    22. values[i]<<= 8;
    23. values[i] += response;
    24. modbusStatus = "Reading completed!";
    25. return true;
    26. modbusStatus = "CRC Error";
    27. return false;
    28. return false;
    29. #endregion

    Register writing options:

    1. public bool SendFc16(byte address, ushort start, ushort registers, short values)
    2. if (sp.IsOpen)
    3. //Clear in/out buffers:
    4. DiscardOutBuffer();
    5. DiscardInBuffer();
    6. //Message is 1 addr + 1 fcn + 2 start + 2 reg + 1 count + 2 * reg vals + 2 CRC
    7. byte message = new byte;
    8. //Function 16 response is fixed at 8 bytes
    9. byte response = new byte;
    10. //Add bytecount to message:
    11. message = (byte)(registers * 2);
    12. //Put write values ​​into message prior to sending:
    13. for (int i = 0; i< registers; i++)
    14. message = (byte)(values[i] >> 8);
    15. message = (byte)(values[i]);
    16. //Build outgoing message:
    17. BuildMessage(address, (byte)16, start, registers, ref message);
    18. //Send Modbus message to Serial Port:
    19. Write(message, 0, message.Length);
    20. GetResponse(ref response);
    21. catch (Exception err)
    22. modbusStatus = "Error writing: " + err.Message;
    23. return false;
    24. //Evaluate message:
    25. if (CheckResponse(response))
    26. modbusStatus = “Recording completed!”;
    27. return true;
    28. modbusStatus = "CRC Error";
    29. return false;
    30. modbusStatus = "Communication port is closed!";
    31. return false;
    32. #endregion

    The test revealed that the date sheet register is mixed with the address. The size of this mixing was tested in an experiment and depends on the edition of the program for registering the frequency generator.

    Controlling a remote frequency converter from a PC

    Most frequency converters have an RS 485 transmission interface with the Modbus software protocol. Some frequency converters can have cards installed. Two types of Modbus can be used in the network.

    The RTU protocol creates higher speed parameters and is more often used for connecting with drives. The network is created on a client-server model. The presenter transmits requests. The devices read the data and send a response to the network. The number of slaves can be up to 31. Each slave has an address (PLC). The host has no address. The speed of sending parameters ranges from 62 kbit/s – 10 Mbit/s.

    A frequency converter can be a slave device. The master is a logical controller (PLC) or a computer. Many frequency converters can allow device commands to be sent to slave devices.

    For many devices, these settings are provided by default. When the drive is controlled by a PLC, it is better to use bus transmission. Creating a connection between frequency drivers and a PLC provides an example of the possibility of saving on wiring and cables.

    Normal drive settings – changing values ​​on interface, creating address, data speed, registering frame value. The PLC gives commands for frequency, reverse start, braking. PLC output, messages.

    Software for configuring frequency converters - the “Inverter Tools” application is designed to configure the operating modes of INNOVERT frequency converters via the RS485 serial interface using the ModBus RTU protocol.

    The software is installed on a computer and can run under Windows XP/7 operating systems.

    Purpose of software and preparatory operations

    * To work with the program, you need a USB-RS485 interface converter, for example SCM-US48I.

    Purpose of the application:

    • setting up the operating modes of the converter by setting the values ​​of the mode parameters;
    • control of starting, reversing, braking, regulation of output voltage frequency directly from the computer;
    • copying settings to other converters or simultaneous configuration of several frequency converters.

    Before you start using the software, you must first set a number of parameters to ensure interaction between the computer and the converter. This is done from the inverter control panel according to the description in the application manual:

    • set the data transfer rate over the communication channel (parameter PrH.00), in accordance with the settings of the computer port;
    • set the message format (parameter PrH.01) for RTU mode, in accordance with the computer port settings;
    • set the addresses of the frequency converters that must be taken into account when transmitting messages via the communication channel (parameter PrH.02).

    For example:

    In the working window of the program, go to the config tab, select the connected com port.

    Now, in accordance with the parameters of the selected com port, you need to set the communication parameters in the frequency converter. Let's make changes to the inverter parameters via the control panel: PrH.00=1 (9600) ; PrH.01=3 (8N1 RTU); PrH.02=1 (inverter address).

    Launching the executable file of the “Inverter Tools” package opens a window for selecting a programmable frequency converter series (ISD, IBD, IPD or IDD).

    Brief description of working with the software

    In the future, the entire process occurs within one working program window with pop-up help windows or messages.

    The top row of virtual buttons allows you to select a frequency converter by ID and perform operations with settings in the file structure: read, upload, load and save data.

    The main part of the working window is occupied by a tree for selecting a group of parameters of a converter active in the network and a table with a list of group parameters and their specified values. The following areas are grouped into parameter groups:

    • range of parameters displayed on the converter display;
    • main functions of the converter: method of setting frequency, method of control when starting, reversing, braking, acceleration, deceleration, button locking, etc.;
    • input/output functions: limiting currents and voltages of inputs/outputs, filter time constants, assignment of control terminals, etc.;
    • auxiliary functions: acceleration and deceleration times, current limitation, movement time intervals, etc.;
    • PLC operating modes;
    • parameters of the PID controller and the nature of feedback when the system is closed;
    • parameters of the serial communication channel;
    • advanced application parameters: protection response settings and converter adaptation.

    On the right side of the working window there is information displayed by the inverter monitor and the current state of the inverter. At the bottom of the window, under the headings “Frequency setting” and “Operation”, there are virtual buttons in two rows for setting the frequency and controlling the start, reverse and stop of the inverter. These buttons become available only if the values ​​of parameters PrB.01=5 and PrB.02=2 or corresponding to them from group P7 (see the operating window picture) are set from the converter control panel, allowing control via a serial communication channel. The serial port is configured and opened/closed in the same way in the working window.

    Frequency converters for asynchronous motors, inverters for asynchronous motors, variable-frequency drives (VFDs) are all names of devices designed to smoothly control the rotation speed of an asynchronous electric motor by converting the input voltage (220 or 380 Volts) into a pulsed output voltage with a given frequency ( from 0 to 300…600 Hz).

    Frequency converters provide smooth starting and braking of the electric motor and allow you to change the direction of rotation. Important advantages of using a VFD are energy savings in the case of variable motor load, the use of a built-in VFD PID controller and possibility of remote diagnostics and control via an industrial network , which will be discussed below.

    Most frequency converters have a built-in RS485 data interface with the Modbus protocol; on other VFDs it is possible to install an expansion card with the specified interface. When working with VFDs over an industrial network, it is possible to use two implementations of the Modbus protocol - ASCII and RTU.

    The RTU option provides higher data rates and is more commonly used for connecting to VFDs. The network is built on the basis of a client-server or master-slave model. The master sends requests and there can only be one on the network, slaves process their requests and send a response to the request to the network. The number of slave devices in the network can reach 31. Each slave has its own unique address, but the master is not addressable. Data transfer rates range from 62.5 Kbps to 10 Mbps, and network segment lengths can be up to 1200 meters.

    Fig.1. Control of an electric motor frequency converter via an industrial network RS485 Modbus RTU

    A frequency converter can only be a slave device, while the master device is most often a programmable logic controller (PLC) or a personal computer (PC). Some VFDs support broadcast command capability, allowing the master to communicate with all slaves on the network. Often the data transmission rate in a particular VFD is fixed at 9600 bps, the number of data bits is 8, without parity. These settings are standard for most devices.

    The master request frame is a set of data that includes the CPR address, Modbus function code, addresses of the registers being accessed, data and at the end 2 bytes of a checksum calculated using the CRC-16 algorithm (for Modbus RTU). The frequency converter with the specified address receives and processes the request, generates a response frame and sends it back to the network master device. The response frame contains the address of the responding device, the Modbus function number, the data set and the frame checksum.

    From the set of standard functions of the Modbus protocol, the VFD often provides the ability to use the following functions: 8(08H) - communication control, 3(03H) - reading the values ​​of several storage registers, 6(06H) - writing a value to one storage register or 16(10H) - writing values ​​to multiple storage registers. The maximum reading or writing of register values ​​at a time using functions 3(03H) and 16(10H) is 16 storage registers.

    In the case of control and diagnostics of a variable frequency drive from a PLC, it is more profitable to use signal transmission via the RS485 bus rather than discrete and analog signals. Building a connection between several VFDs and a PLC allows you to significantly save on both wires and cables, because twisted pair is used to transmit data over an industrial network, and on PLC hardware resources - there is no need for additional analog and discrete inputs/outputs.

    The standard VFD settings in this case are changing the parameters of the frequency and trigger sources on the serial interface, setting the network address, data transfer rate and frame parameters. The PLC sends commands to set frequency, start, reverse, stop. The settings for acceleration and deceleration parameters, etc. can be changed. The PLC monitors output frequency and error messages. When using a controller in systems where it is necessary to maintain a given rotation speed of an asynchronous electric motor, PID control is usually carried out by the controller, which sends a VFD request over the network to change the frequency.

    When working with a variable frequency drive over an RS485 network from a PC, the task often comes down to diagnosing the VFD, monitoring output parameters, reading and changing the settings of the frequency converter. Convenience lies in remotely changing PID control parameters, settings responsible for motor parameters, reading the latest errors, monitoring power consumption, output frequency, voltage, current, number of engine hours, etc.

    To connect the VFD to a PC via an RS485 network, an RS485/USB or RS485/RS232 interface converter is required (if you have a COM port with an RS232 interface on your PC). When using an interface converter connected to a USB port, you must install a virtual COM port driver in the operating system.

    Control and diagnostics of VFDs from a personal computer requires special software. OPC servers are often used to poll the frequency converter from a PC. When working with an OPC server, you must specify the register addresses for polling from a PC, the polling period, and you need to know the dimension of the received parameter values.

    Engineers of one trading company created software products for the convenience of users to manage, monitor, configure and read parameters of HYUNDAI and ESQ variable frequency drives. The programs run under the Windows operating system with the platform installed. NET Framework 4. The programs do not require installation, have a Russian-language interface, and the size of the executable file is several hundred KB.

    The purpose of the MB series software (for example, for the HYUNDAI N700E frequency converter, the software product MB-n700E.exe) is to configure the basic settings of the VFD, control the drive in various operating modes, monitor the main parameters of the operating VFD, read all parameters, write them to a file and change necessary settings.

    Rice. 2. MB Elcom software

    The ElcTestMBrtu.exe software product is designed to automatically search for a connected frequency converter to a PC. The program goes through all possible connection settings automatically; in addition, it allows the user to manually configure communication parameters and send VFD requests. Supported Modbus functions are 3, 6, 8, 16. Data input format is decimal.

    Control and diagnostic programs for HYUNDAI and ESQ variable-frequency drives with instructions for use are available for free download on the company’s website.

    If necessary, programs can be modified to meet the specific needs of the customer. Programs are uploaded to the site as they are developed, supplemented and improved.

    Changing a frequency drive parameter - what could be easier. Moreover, the frequency converter of the Unidrive SP series is equipped with two types of informative multi-line control panels with thoughtful ergonomics: the SM panel with a light-emitting diode (LED) display and the SM Plus with a liquid crystal display (LCD). In addition to the display, the control panel has a large, convenient navigation key and several buttons.

    The panel's capabilities are sufficient during everyday operation, but when putting a new drive into operation, it is necessary to monitor and change the values ​​of a large number of parameters located in different menus. The work of maintenance personnel in such conditions will be greatly facilitated by the CTSoft program. This article will discuss the procedure for connecting the Unidrive SP frequency converter to a personal computer with the CTSoft program.

    First, let's take a closer look at the capabilities of the CTSoft program. Using this program, you can commission and monitor parameters not only of the Unidrive SP series drives, but also of other Control Techniques products.

    The CTSoft program allows the user to:

    • write parameters to the frequency converter;
    • download parameters from the frequency converter;
    • save parameters;
    • compare parameters;
    • change parameters;
    • monitor parameters online;
    • displays simple and special menu listings;
    • communicate with one drive or with a network, etc.

    In addition, CTSoft allows you to view drive menus in standard tabular or block diagram form.

    Secondly, an important motivating factor for buyers is that the CTSoft program is available for free download on the manufacturer’s website www.controltechniques.com. Unlike frequency converters from most other manufacturers, to program Unidrive SP you do not need to pay for software, the price of which in some cases can be close to the cost of the frequency converter itself.

    There should be no issues with installing the CTSoft program on your computer - everything is simple. Therefore, let’s now talk in more detail about the procedure for connecting a frequency converter to a personal computer. For someone who has worked with interfaces before, this procedure may seem simple, but for those who are doing it for the first time, we will describe the procedure step by step.

    On the front panel of all private Unidrive SP converters there is an RJ45 serial data port, through which you can carry out two-wire communication with a computer via the RS-485 interface. To communicate with a frequency converter, you cannot use an external hardware RS-232 communication interface; for this you need an interface converter (converter) RS-232/RS485 - this is if the computer has a COM port. By the way, be careful - in the operating instructions for the frequency converter, the manufacturer strongly recommends not connecting a load resistor to the transmission channel.

    In our case, we will communicate with the frequency converter via the USB port of the computer, so we will need an RS-485/USB interface converter model tM-7561.

    First you need to organize a physical connection - for this you will need a cable with a plug for the RJ45 port. The plug must use terminals 2 (orange) and 7 (white-brown). On the other side, the wires from the cable should be connected to the interface converter as follows: 2 - Data+, 7 - Data-. If you switched the wires when connecting, you need to reconnect them.

    Next, you will need to connect the interface converter to your computer (in our case via a USB port) and, if necessary, install additional software for the converter (it is usually included on a CD along with the converter).

    After successfully installing the software, make sure that the COM1 port is open on your computer. To do this, on the desktop, right-click on the “Computer” shortcut and in the window that appears, select “Properties” → “Device Manager”. In a new window, expand the “Ports (COM and LPT)” menu and click to display the interface converter, then in the new window, in the “Port Settings” → “Advanced” tab and in the “COM Port Number” window, select COM1.

    The procedure for changing the COM port on a computer with Windows 7 was described above; if you have a different operating system installed on your computer, the procedure may be slightly different.

    Now you will need to configure the serial communication parameters, for this:

    • In parameter 0.37 “Serial communication port address” you need to set address 1 (although the address can be anything from the range from 1 to 247, in this example the connection to address 1 is considered);
    • Make sure that parameter 0.35 “Serial communication mode” is rtu, otherwise change to rtu.;
    • “Baud rate” parameter 0.36 is left at the default 19200.

    That's it, you can now connect to the Unidrive SP frequency converter from your computer. To do this, open the CTSoft program and in the “Launch” window that appears, select the model of the frequency converter, in this case - Unidrive SP, then click the “Ok” button. In the next two windows that will appear, click “Ok”.

    In the “Electric drive characteristics” window that appears, you will need to configure the frequency converter:

    • Electric drive model (since we have a UnidriveSP 2401 frequency converter, we select SP24x1);
    • Electric drive mode;
    • Region;
    • Optional modules;
    • Nodeaddress (select address number 1).

    After you have entered the parameters of the frequency converter, click the “Ok” button, then the “Mismatch Detected” window will appear, in which the discrepancies will be indicated. The program itself will offer to eliminate the identified discrepancies in the data; to do this, click on the “Change the program to match the electric drive configuration” button and then click the “Ok” button in all subsequent windows. After this, the red square at the bottom of the CTSoft program window will turn green, and the word Online will appear next to it.

    That's it, now you can quickly and easily change and monitor a large number of parameters of Unidrive SP and Comander SK frequency converters without bothering yourself.