• Connection error net err timed out. What does the Connection Timed Out error mean and how to fix it

    Several readers have asked us to post solutions for another similar problem. So today we will talk about how to fix - page is unavailable" error in Google Chrome. We have all encountered this error while browsing the Internet. You must have been wondering what happened to the web page and why it is not accessible. Let's find out more about this problem and its solutions.


    Well, first of all let us tell you that in most cases the problem is not what is reading the error message in this case. Message that the web page is unavailable - But most likely the site you want to visit is still there. However, it is most likely your own Internet connection that is giving the problem. This error may occur if:

    • Your internet connection is not working properly
    • The web page is really not accessible
    • The web page is available, but its server is too busy to respond

    Error "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT: This web - page is unavailable" usually means that the Internet connection is not responding. Once the connection is established, Google Chrome attempts to reload the web page and the content is loaded normally. So, first of all, you should make sure that you are connected to the Internet. The easiest way to ensure this is to go to some other website (eg www.google.com) and see if it works fine. If google.com loads, your Internet connection is fine.

    Now we have to find out why this specific web- the page throws an error ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.

    Check your Windows Hosts file

    The Windows operating system allows you to block specific websites using a file called hosts. You should check if this file is blocking the URL you are trying to visit. To view the hosts file, follow these steps:

    After recalculating your computer, try going to the website and see if the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT problem is resolved. If the problem persists, try the next option.

    Flush DNS to update its contents

    You can clear/update your computer's DNS by issuing the simple commands given below:

    DNS flushing entries may also resolve the "Web page is unavailable" problem. However, if it still does not resolve, let you try one more thing.

    Change LAN settings

    If your computer accesses the Internet through a local area network (LAN), then you can try adjusting your proxy settings in order to resolve this issue.

    If none of these methods work - then in all likelihood, either the website you are trying to open is down or the problem is on your Internet Service Provider (ISP) side. You can try opening the same website on another device (for example, mobile phone) using a different Internet connection. If the site doesn't open there, the answer is obviously that the website is down.

    In case the website opens on another device, then you should contact your ISP and tell them about this problem. The website may be blocked by your ISP.

    We hope this article will help you in solving this problem "Web - page is not available." Let us know your experience/questions regarding this. Thank you for using TechWelkin.

    Minecraft is one of the most popular game series across all platforms. It is its simplicity and low system requirements allow you to play almost anywhere and on any device. However, being constantly connected to the network creates a lot of problems for many users. One of the errors becomes "Java.net.ConnectException Connection timed out: no further information".

    Causes of connection errors in Minecraft

    This error occurs when trying to start gaming session on the server. The Java plugin may also crash or simply require an update. Other sources of conflict are: technical repairs on the server, ending paid account, system failures with regular installed updates, interruptions in Internet provision from the provider, blocked or gray IP address.

    How to fix the "Connection timed out" error

    All suggested tips are described taking into account the fact that your operating system has current updates, Java plugin latest version.

    Server side problem

    Technical work on servers is carried out systematically. Because of this, a similar error appears very often. Just head over to the official forum and see if anyone else has similar errors. You can also contact server technical support.

    • Most often, you just need to wait a little and it will connect after a while.


    Very often, incorrect system security settings can create this kind of problem. Disable the antivirus screen and system protection options for a while. Make sure that the game is in the firewall exceptions list. Then try to connect.

    Paid subscriptions

    Many servers require a paid subscription for online connections. If you have activated it, then you need to constantly check your balance. After the expiration date, the servers will, of course, shut down and will no longer be available. Instead of the usual warning, “Java.net.ConnectException Connection timed out: no further information” may be displayed, which indicates that the connection is impossible.

    IP address problem

    The relevance of IP addresses is constantly changing, which makes it impossible to log into the server. Ask your provider's technical support if there have been any lately changes. In general, it is recommended to establish better connection use a static IP address. Otherwise, it will be created anew every time you reboot.

    Relevance of the version

    Minecraft is constantly releasing different versions. If one version is installed on the server, and another is installed on your computer, then it will be impossible to avoid the error. This is true for all games with multiplayer modes.

    • Download and install Minecraft of the version required for your server.

    Problem due to mods

    Everyone tries to install as many different add-ons as possible - mods, patches and extensions. However, such mods are very often filled with various bugs, which ultimately lead to system errors. Always keep track of the developers of a particular add-on. It is advisable to install popular mods that have been used by other players for months.

    • Remove latest fashion. As a last resort, reinstall the entire game again.

    Similar "Connection refused" error in Minecraft

    1. Servers can at the moment don't answer - just wait a little.
    2. Check that the information you entered to connect to the network is correct.
    3. Check your firewall to see if it is blocking access. Disable antivirus software.
    4. Contact your provider for advice.


    These tips should tell you what to do to fix the “Java.net.ConnectException Connection timed out” error in Minecraft. Pay special attention to your IP address and how it changes. If you have your own solutions, please post them in the comments below.

    Quite often, many PC users who are somehow connected to the Internet, as well as gamers connecting to game portals, observe server connection errors. Now we will look at the question of what an operation timeout means. Moreover, several basic ways to solve this problem will be proposed.

    Operation timeout - what is it?

    So, an error appears on the monitor screen informing the user that the connection has been interrupted, or rather, the connection timeout has expired.

    In principle, a timeout can be interpreted as a certain time period during which the system waits for the server to respond to its own sent request. IN Windows systems this parameter is set by default, and its value is written in the grid system registry settings of the current computer terminal in the SYSTEM subsection, where the Parameters subfolder is located in the subdirectories, where the time is indicated in seconds. As a rule, it is not recommended to change it.

    Reasons for the error

    There can be quite a few reasons why an operation timeout occurs. Let's highlight the most common situations. First of all, the main factor is unstable connection to the Internet, when communication is constantly interrupted and the system cannot receive a complete response from the server to which it is currently connecting.

    In some cases, an operation timeout may be triggered when the antivirus programs or if the Windows Firewall settings are incorrect. As you know, a firewall with default settings is capable of blocking quite a lot of web resources, considering them dangerous or containing potentially unwanted data. This is very common when connecting to servers of multiplayer online games.

    Among other things, the operation timeout ends the connection timeout when using or incorrect setting proxy servers. IN in this case we are talking about proxy settings in the system and the use anonymous proxy servers, when the user for some reason wants to remain unrecognized, or, more simply put, to hide the true IP address of his computer terminal. Let's look at several basic methods for correcting the situation without interfering with the system registry to set more high value waiting period.

    Operation timeout: what to do? The simplest way to fix the situation

    It is believed that the most in a simple way The way to get rid of it is to simply close the unresponsive page and reopen it after ten minutes. Sometimes you may need to close and restart the Internet browser itself (for some reason, such situations are often observed in Google Chrome and other browsers based on it).

    If this option does not help, and the message “Error: Operation timed out...” appears again, you can simply reboot your computer or laptop (or better yet, all routers such as routers or ADSL modems).

    A solution to the problem that involves adding, say, a gaming site to the list of permissions (exceptions) of the antivirus and firewall may be quite effective, especially since in both cases it is not so difficult to do this in the settings.

    Changing proxy settings

    The situation with the proxy settings in the system is somewhat more complicated. Let's take as an example the standard Internet Explorer. In your browser, you need to use the “Internet Options” section and the “Connections” tab.

    At the bottom there is a “Network Settings” button, after clicking on it you will enter the settings window local network. Here you just need to uncheck the “Use proxy server” line and save the changes (sometimes you can disable proxies for local addresses).

    But if the connection is made using a proxy, to install correct settings It's better to contact your provider.

    Fixing the system Hosts file

    Now let's move on to a more complex method when an operation timeout can be triggered.

    First, in the menu for displaying files and folders (in standard Explorer this is the “Tools” menu with the line “Folder Options”) on the view tab, you need to set the display of files.

    After the above operation, you need to open the “Run” menu and enter the command “notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts” (of course, without quotes), the field of which will be opened in Notepad Hosts file. Please note: at the bottom there is a line “::1 localhost”. In theory, it should be the last one, so everything that is below it needs to be deleted, and then save the file with original name and location. Now all that remains is to restart the computer terminal. Then, as a rule, the error disappears.


    That's all about the triggered timeout. Of course, you can also use editing the system registry and setting a larger value for the server response waiting period, but no one can guarantee that all other resources will load without problems. In addition, as is already clear, the pages themselves, if they load, will take much longer. And no user needs this.

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