• Download the program to automatically connect to wifi. The best programs for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop

    You can distribute Wifi from a computer using standard using Windows, but it’s more convenient, of course, if these are full-fledged programs for distributing Wifi from a laptop.

    It is logical that it will be much more functional and convenient.

    In addition, most likely, the network will be distributed much better, because the program will be able to take all the available resources of the computer, and not just a small part of them, as standard tools will do.

    In fact, there are a lot of programs that have the ability to distribute Wifi from a laptop.

    Most of them can even be downloaded for free, and they work both on the familiar Windows 7 and on the newer Windows 8 and Windows 10.

    In general, let's look at which programs are the best for distributing Wifi from a laptop, according to users.

    To do this, let's take reviews and just posts in social networks and forums on this topic.

    No. 1. WIFI Hotspot Creator

    IN in this case The criterion for which programs are the best is how easy they are to use and effective.

    Again, here we are not just taking popular programs that are in the first place in the search.

    Therefore, we will start with the one that really has the simplest interface and which, accordingly, is the easiest to understand and configure.

    You can download it completely free of charge. In general, the entire process of downloading and creating an access point is as follows:

    • We go to the official website - http://www.wifihotspotcreator.com.
    • We see the “Download now” button there. Click on it.
    • The download starts immediately, without any advertisements or requirements. Open the downloaded file.

    • The installation begins. In the first window, click the “Next” button, that is, “Next”. This is a welcome window, where it is briefly written what the program is.

    • In the next window we are invited to use free games, which will appear on the desktop, in the browser and in general will greatly annoy us. In general, it is better to get rid of them.
      To do this, uncheck the box next to “Free Daily Games!” (highlighted in green in Figure 3). Click “Install”, that is, “Install”.

    • After this we see several more windows with advertising. They should also remove all checkboxes (also highlighted green) and click the “Next” button.

    • The installation appears to be complete. Click the only button available in this case, “Finish”.

    • But that's not all. Now the installation begins not of advertising, but of the program itself. In the first window, click “Next”, that is, further, then agree with license agreement by selecting the “I accept the terms...” option (highlighted in green) and clicking “Next” again.

    • Now select the folder where the program will be installed. This is done by clicking the “Browse...” button and selecting desired folder(highlighted in green). After that, click the “Next” button again.

    • Click “Next” and “Install” again. Begins real installation. Click the real “Finish” button again.

    • The program starts. Its interface, as we see, is as simple as possible. The “WiFi Name” field is responsible for the name of the access point, and “Password” is the password. All this is easy to ask. The main thing here is to select “Network Card”.
      This field actually determines where we will get the Internet from for our connection point. If the Internet is connected via cable, then select “Connect via local network"or another name for your connection.
      Finally, "Max Guests" defines the maximum number of people who can connect to the network. When all parameters are determined, click “Start” and distribution begins.

    To stop the distribution, you need to click the “Stop” button in the same window. That's it. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.

    No. 11. Download site screenshot Virtual programs Router

    In general, after the user downloads and installs Virtual Router, all he has to do is set the values ​​of the “Network Name” fields, that is, the connection name and “Password” - the same password.

    The "Shared Connection" field performs exactly the same functions as the "Network Card" in WIFI Hotspot Creator. This is the connection from where we will get the Internet itself.

    Once configured, all you have to do is press one big button Start Virtual Router.

    Figure 12 shows a program that is already running, so there is already a button to stop the program – “Stop Virtual Router”, but “Start...” will be located in the same place.

    As we see in the same figure, this program more functional.

    For example, there is a whole “Peers Connected” field that shows who is on at the moment connected to the network - its MAC, IP address and network name. Really convenient!

    The right side of Figure 12 shows that the connection has already been created, recorded in the list of networks and is working successfully.

    Unfortunately, none of the above programs are distributed in Russian.

    However, this is not critical, because the meanings of all fields are already intuitive. In addition, these programs are absolutely free.

    There are buttons on the official websites that allow you to send small financial support to the creators’ account.

    MyPublicWiFifree utility, with which you can turn your laptop or computer into a WiFi hotspot.

    According to the developers themselves, the MyPublicWiFi program is ideal for organizing network access in an apartment, hotel room, office or conference room. The creation of a Wi-Fi hotspot is fully automated.

    Features of the MyPublicWiFi program:

    • Distributing access to the Internet via a wireless channel Wi-Fi connection. Anyone who knows the password will be able to connect to such a point: your loved ones, colleagues, friends.
    • WPA2 encryption support. When creating an access point, it is recommended to come up with complex password so that only trusted people can use your hotspot.
    • Built-in (firewall) . Is a powerful yet easy to use tracking tool outgoing traffic. It also allows you to restrict access to specific servers. For example, you can use it to block downloading files from certain sites.
    • Accounting of all actions of users connecting to the access point during a work session. Thanks to this feature, the administrator or owner of the hotspot can view the URLs of all pages visited from a portable device.
    • Logging. All program actions are recorded in a text file.
    • Small size. Installation file MyPublicWiFi application takes up a little more than 1 MB.

    Just download MyPublicWiFi and activate the access point in the account "Settings", specifying the network name and type, as well as the password. In another contribution Client Tab the user will see a list of all devices connected to the created hotspot.

    Screenshots of the program

    Constant access to the Internet has long become commonplace even for ordinary network users and modern society You can't go anywhere without this. We connect to the network not only when communicating with friends and searching necessary information, but also for solving numerous work issues, not to mention entertainment (cinema, music) and online games.

    Of course, even the most avid Internet user is not able to stay near his work or home PC around the clock, waiting for incoming message or email. But what prevents your laptop or mobile phone from always being online?
    Nothing, you say, because mobile internet And network cable no one canceled.
    All this is true, but what should we do in cases where we need high-speed Wi-fi connection to the network on all devices?

    In this case, a wonderful tool called Magic WiFi comes to our aid - a program for distributing wifi from a laptop on Windows OS.

    From now on, all users of this wonderful program will be able to organize their own access point and distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop almost anywhere, wherever they are. Magic WiFi can be stored on any removable media , the program can be started double click mouse and get to work right away. As you may have guessed, the software does not require installation; it is distributed as “portable” software.

    You can download Magic WiFi for Windows in Russian directly from our website. All links are provided at the bottom of the publication.

    A significant advantage of this program is that it works perfectly on any Windows laptop or a desktop PC (if you have an appropriate network card). The software forces the network card to temporarily perform the functions of a router, creating its own Internet access point, managing all client connections like a regular router.

    How to distribute wifi from a laptop

    MagicWiFi will be indispensable not only at home, when the whole family wants to go online at the same time, but also when organizing work conferences, where it is necessary to quickly establish an uninterrupted connection to the network.

    In order to start distributing wi-fi from a laptop to us you need to download Magic WiFi for Windows and double-click on the software icon to launch the program. Next, we act on the basis of intuition - click on the “Start” button and wait for the network card to switch to access point mode.

    After this, at any mobile device We look for our access point and connect. We enter the password that you specified yourself, or the one suggested to us by default.

    If everything went well, the program itself will display a list of all devices connected to it.
    Note: if you were unable to connect the first time, simply restart the application and check whether the program is blocked by your antivirus or firewall.

    MagicWiFi will be a real salvation for those users whose router suddenly burned out, restrictions came into force mobile operator, payment for the next month of Internet operation did not go through on time, who urgently needs to access the network outside their home or workplace, and much more.

    Subject to availability unlimited tariff Even a very large family can access the network simultaneously from their own device and save money, but the network speed may decrease.

    Please note that when distributing wi-fi to large number devices, you can cancel the password for connecting to your improvised network for greater convenience for all its users. Therefore, if you are faced with a task that involves installing a program for distributing wifi from a laptop to a Windows OS, then Magic WiFi is ideal solution, which launches quickly and is instantly configured.

    Wi-Fi distribution from a PC can be done in two ways: using programs preinstalled in operating system, and those that need to be downloaded from the Internet. In this article we will look at the second method. Turn your laptop into Wi-Fi router It’s better to use specialized utilities, since they have more functionality compared to Windows tools.
    Also in favor of the second option is the fact that the program, when distributing the Internet, takes most of the available PC resources, while standard remedy The OS is only a small part. And from this follows the conclusion: third party software will distribute the network from the computer to other devices much better.

    A huge number of programs distribute the Internet from laptops. Many of them are free and support all versions and editions of Microsoft software. Our task, focusing on the opinions of users that we found on specialized forums and on social networks, is to choose among this huge variety the best programs for distributing the Internet from personal computers to peripherals.

    No. 1. WIFI Hotspot Creator

    Choosing the best third party programs, we evaluated them on efficiency, ease of use and simplicity of interface. There are no expensive and popular software in our rating; we chose more simple applications, which are suitable for untrained users.

    Wi-Fi HotSpot Creator is free and easy to use. A small application will allow you to turn your computer into a Wi-Fi router or “hot spot” (access point) and distribute the Internet from it to other devices.

    Even beginners who have never dealt with such utilities will be able to configure and use the software. Download the program from official page author for free and follow the instructions:

    To stop distribution, you must press the button opposite in meaning, that is, “ Stop" That's all the settings. As you can see, the program took longer to install than it did to configure.

    No. 2. Virtual Router

    This free utility is also easy to set up. Download it to your computer from the author's official page by clicking the " Download».

    Downloaded and installed Virtual utility Router on a computer is exactly the same as the previous one, with the exception of some nuances.

    After installation, you need to configure the program correctly. And to do this you need to fill in the following fields: “ Network Name" - network name, " Password" - password, " Shared Connection» - selection of connection (for example, via cable). When all parameters are configured, click the " Start Virtual Router", she will start the distribution from the computer.

    To stop distribution, as in the case of the previous utility, you must press the button " Stop Virtual Router».

    If we compare Virtual Router with Wi-Fi HotSpot Creator, then the first program has more features, although it is installed and configured in the same way. This specialized utility, for example, has the “Peers Connected” option. Here you can see who is connecting to your network. In this case, you will have access to detailed information about the connected user: MAC, IP, network name.

    Both programs that we described do not have Russian-language support, but they do not need it either, since all the fields that need to be filled out are already intuitive. Each utility is free and configured almost identically, so it will not create any problems for untrained users. Internet distribution from a PC is easy to start and just as easy to stop.

    No. 3. WiFiCreator

    If you definitely need a Russian interface, download the third program - WiFiCreator. This specialized utility for configuring access points is also free and easy to learn. And unlike the first two programs, there is no advertising garbage and malicious applications.

    To download the utility to your laptop, use the link from the official developer page: .

    After downloading and installing the program, select your language user interface. The “Management” item is responsible for changing the language if the utility was launched on English. To turn your personal computer into a Wi-Fi router, you need the appropriate settings. They are practically no different from the first two programs, except for the names of the fields.

    Configure the following settings; " Network name" - connection name, " Network key" - the password for it, " Internet connection"- where the utility should get the Internet from. If all settings have been made, click “Start Hotspot” to start distribution from personal computer. To stop it, accordingly, click “ Stop Hotspot" That's all the subtleties of use.

    The three utilities we have described are in demand by users because of their efficiency, ease of parameter settings, and intuitive interface. But you can also try popular software, for example, MyPublicWiFi. This software will also turn your laptop into a router for portable devices by creating an access point. The program has many settings and as many possibilities.

    There is also Switch Virtual Router - a utility that manages hot-spots (creates, configures, starts, stops). After setting up the access point, the program can be closed, but the Internet distribution will not stop.

    There is also a Connectify utility. It's free, easy to learn, and functional, but there's a lot of ad clutter.

    Program for Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop may be needed to connect other devices (tablet, mobile phone or another laptop), in the absence of a Wi-Fi router.

    By downloading and setting up the Wi-Fi distribution program, you can use your laptop as a router for all devices within the signal range. Such a program creates virtual point Wi-Fi access. The signal quality and coverage distance depend on the quality of the built-in Wi-Fi adapter of your device.

    Programs for distributing Wi-Fi

    Let's look at popular free programs for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop.

    1. MyPublicwififree program for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop, with the ability to view browsing history. It is possible to restrict access to sites. The main advantage of the program is easy setup and an intuitive interface. It takes up very little space on your hard drive and installs in a couple of clicks.
    2. Maryfi– a program for Windows that uses WPA2 protocols for increased security connections. Supports almost all modern devices, including portable ones.
    3. Virtual Router Plusuniversal program for distributing Wi-Fi from various connections (3G, 4G, regular modem). Allows you to filter the list of allowed devices.
    4. Connectify– the first development for distributing Wi-Fi on OS Windows 7, OS Windows 8, OS Windows 1. Available in paid and free formats. Allows you to set a network password. The setup is a little more complicated than in previous programs (you must specify the SSID).

    These programs are easy to use and understandable even to those who are far from computers and settings wireless networks. They are configured once and do not require any further attention.

    Basic program settings

    For correct operation The program only needs to set a few parameters.

    • HotSpot Name – access point name. You can use any symbols and numbers, or you can come up with original title that will make your friends and neighbors laugh.
    • Password – network access point password. Create a strong but easy to remember password. Be sure to write it down so you don't forget.
    • Internet to Share network card. You need to select the one that works from the drop-down list.
    • Share Over – traffic distribution board. We also choose one that works (it’s easier to choose this method than to study all the subtleties and nuances of setting up networks).
    • Sharing Mode – type of network security. We recommend specifying WPA or WPA

    You can download a free program for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop for Windows on our website - just follow the link from the name of the program.