• Incoming outgoing traffic programs. How to track traffic on the network

    Traffic counter useful thing. Especially if you have limited access to the network by time or volume of megabytes used. Not everyone has unlimited, right? Many people have unlimited access at home, but use a 3G connection or mobile Internet outside the home for a laptop, like me, for example. And this type of communication is usually limited. You need to monitor your traffic consumption so as not to lose money if you overspend.

    I suggest you use NetWorx — a free program for recording Internet traffic and monitoring Internet connection speed. This small, necessary program will help you monitor the speed (traffic cops don’t sleep!) of movement on the network, and will also show how many kilograms of the Internet have been downloaded in a certain time.

    By using NetWorx You can set a time or megabyte limit. And when this threshold is reached, a notification will appear on the screen saying that your song has been sung and it’s time to wind down. Can you ask automatic shutdown from the network or start certain programs. Convenient, useful, easy.

    Download and install NetWorx: 1.7MB

    When you right-click on the tray icon, the following menu will appear...

    A program for tracking incoming and outgoing traffic on your computer. It will help you not to exceed the traffic limit and not end up without the Internet at all.

    ATTENTION: Starting from version 6, the program has become paid, so in order to avoid misunderstandings, do not update it. Here is the latest free version 5.5.5.

    Anyone who used the Internet five years ago probably remembers the most important problem for a user - constantly monitoring the amount of traffic. After all, there were no unlimited packages back then, and Dial-Up connections required money for every megabyte of information downloaded.

    As a result, if you don’t control traffic consumption, you could end up costing a pretty penny :). But the people are inventive and they came up with many programs for measuring and limiting the flow. Today, the need for such utilities has decreased a little, but they are still in use, because during their existence they have acquired many additional useful functions.

    Thanks to such programs, today you can measure the speed of your Internet connection, check all processes that have access to the Internet, measure traffic usage in corporate networks, and much more.

    A small program has all the above functions - NetWorx. In addition, it has a number of additional features, which will be useful both to the system administrator and to a simple user. Just as simple, but powerful tool can be called paid program- DU Meter.

    Comparison of the free traffic metering program NetWorx with the paid analogue DU Meter

    In addition, in NetWorx you can impose a quota on the amount of traffic, and also run various applications on schedule. The program itself comes in two versions: portable and installation. I think it's easiest to use the "portable" version, although if you're a fan of installers, you can easily install NetWorx using the standard installation wizard.

    Installing NetWorx

    I will assume that you downloaded the portable version. To get started, you need to unpack the archive with the program and run the executable exe file. Before direct launch NetWorx let's make a couple of settings. First, you will need to specify the program language, and second, you will need to enable or disable checking for new versions. That's all :).

    After this, a program icon will appear in the tray (a place next to the system clock), with which we will manage it.

    NetWorx will be managed through context menu, caused by right mouse click.

    Here in this menu all the functions of the program are listed, but before use you can make some settings. To do this, click on the menu section of the same name.

    NetWorx Settings

    “Settings” consists of several tabs. In “General” we can configure the speed units, information displayed in the tray, and also (most importantly!) which connection to monitor (by default, all traffic is counted).

    The “Graph” and “Graph Colors” sections allow us to customize appearance graphics of incoming/outgoing information packets. In “Notifications” you can enable and configure service messages from the program, and in “Additional” we have the opportunity to configure the collection of statistics.

    The most last tab— “Dial-up” — allows you to set the default connection and add applications that will run with NetWorx.

    After the settings are made, first click the “Apply” button for them to take effect, and then “Ok” to exit the settings.

    Traffic Monitor

    Now let's go directly through the NetWorx tools. The first and main one is a traffic monitor. It is presented in the form of a graph, which is called by the “Show graph” button.

    The graph can be presented in the form of a histogram (in my opinion, this is the most convenient), curved lines, or simply numbers. In this case, there will always be two numbers at the bottom. Number with index "D" (default blue) shows the amount of incoming traffic (from the English download), and “U” (green) respectively outgoing traffic (from the English upload).

    Velocity change curves are drawn in the corresponding colors on the graph, the numerical value of which can be correlated with the scale on the left.

    Speed ​​measurement

    The next button - “Speed ​​measurement” - unfortunately does not measure overall speed your Internet connection, but only the current speed background transmission packages. This may be needed to compare (saving is available) the results under full load on the channel (for example, downloading a file) and at rest.

    To start the test, just click the “Start” button and mark a certain period of time. The result can then be saved in text file, and then compare with new data obtained when “loading” the channel.


    What you will like most about this feature is system administrators, since it is possible to keep both a general count of traffic and display detailed statistics for each of the network users. Results can be exported to xls format(electronic Excel tables) and save it on your computer.

    There are also tools for backup statistics and their further restoration (for example, if you need to save all the data after reinstalling the system).

    Traffic quota

    Moving on, we move on to the “Quota” section. This function is most suitable for users with a Dial-up connection or limited traffic (for example mobile Internet). It allows you to set the maximum amount of information received or sent and will always warn the user if the specified limit is exceeded.

    By default, the quota is set to 0.00 KB, so if you want to use this function, you will need to “Configure” it first :).

    In the settings, we specify the type of quota (daily, weekly, monthly, last 24 hours) and the type of traffic (incoming, outgoing or all). You can leave the clock as is, and then specify the units of measurement and the quota itself.

    To save the settings, click “Ok”, and in the quota monitoring window, do not forget to check the box “Notify when the quota is used by %” in order to receive timely information about overexpenditure.

    Route tracing

    We have already looked at the “Settings” item, so let’s move on to the next one – “Route tracing”. If you suddenly lost access to any Internet resource or you need to find out what path you take before you get to this or that site, try tracing this path. This can also be done by regular Windows capabilities, however, with NetWorx it turns out much easier and more visually.

    To start tracing, enter the site name ( remote computer) or its IP address. Now you can set the response time (although often the standard value is more than enough) and you can click “Start”. IN in this case we traced the site yandex.ru and saw that to access it you need to go through 11 intermediate servers, and total time the passage of this path is 31 ms.


    The next option is “Ping”. The window interface of this function is very similar to the previous one, but its purpose is somewhat different. Ping, simply put, is the speed at which a remote computer responds to a request you send. The built-in NetWorx ping is inferior in capabilities to the standard one (it is not possible to set your own keys to change parameters), but it copes with the main task.

    Another disadvantage of the function is that you cannot enter the website’s Internet address directly - you need to know its exact IP (you can find out from the previous utility). Now specifically about use: enter the address of the remote PC, select the waiting time and the number of echo requests and click “Start”.

    In our example, the site was pinged vkontakte.ru. The average response time is not calculated automatically, but it can be calculated in your head by adding all the obtained values ​​and dividing by three :).

    It turned out to be about 45 ms, which in principle is good (ping up to 50 ms ± 10 ms is considered good). The TTL value is the “lifetime” of the echo packet. The number 64 means that the sent packet of information can pass through 64 intermediate servers.


    The last tool is Connections. It allows you to monitor all applications that require an Internet connection.

    I immediately advise you to enable the “Convert addresses to names” option. This way you can see where this or that application is going and stop its attempt to connect to a suspicious resource. Pay special attention to “established” connections (ESTABLISHED) and listening ports (LISTENING), as they can pose a hidden threat.

    If a suspicious connection is detected, you can immediately terminate the application that installs it by right-clicking on it and selecting “End Application”.


    Thus, we can summarize all of the above. NetWorx is not just a program for monitoring your Internet connection, but also a complex for ensuring security and comprehensive network diagnostics.

    Therefore, if you suspect that some application is using traffic irrationally or even transmitting confidential information, try monitoring your network with the NetWorx program and you can easily identify the “spy” :).

    P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article provided that open credit is given. active link to the source and preservation of the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny.

    Traffic accounting programs monitor connections across all interfaces. They count the amount of data received and sent.

    Some of them allow you to limit the speed of each individual connection.

    Thus, you can distribute Internet traffic depending on the priority of the task.

    One more useful feature similar utilities - the ability to maintain statistics.


    Such software is necessary for corporate structures in which every financial aspect is important. Using a traffic monitor also benefits home networks.

    Among all such programs, there are five most common, functional and convenient.


    A free traffic accounting program that combines a simple interface and good functionality.

    The program's capabilities allow you to monitor multiple connections, which is very useful for monitoring traffic on corporate networks.

    Detailed connection monitoring allows you to identify and defeat unauthorized access attempts.

    A flexible notification system will allow you not to miss an important event, be it connection problems, suspicious actions or a decrease in connection speed.

    The collected data is not only displayed graphically in the program window, but is also saved in special file statistics.

    The statistical data is subsequently easily exported to a spreadsheet, HTML or MS Word document.


    Monitoring multiple connections;

    Flexible notification system;

    Maintaining detailed statistics;

    Free distribution model.


    True, in this mode you can only observe the dynamics, you will not be able to influence them.


    Free distribution;

    Opportunity remote monitoring;

    Good for home use.


    Significant consumption of resources RAM;

    Mandatory presence of the .NET Framework (conditional disadvantage).

    Internet Count

    The program is designed to account for the cost of an Internet connection. Accounting is possible both for time-based charging and for tariff plans with traffic limits.

    The program's universal capabilities allow you to calculate the cost of an Internet connection for users in any region.

    All collected data is stored in detailed statistics by day and month.

    The collected data can be exported to various formats documents for subsequent detailed analysis.


    Free distribution;

    Possibility of cost accounting regardless of region;

    Detailed statistics.


    Only cost accounting is carried out;

    Only Beta version is available.


    An excellent tool for traffic accounting. The utility collects maximum information on data exchange processes.

    TMeter provides traffic counting as well as the ability to manage multiple connections.

    Statistics are collected on many parameters with display in accordance with the current state of affairs and saving in graphical and text types.

    The powerful functionality of the program allows you to manage connections using own system authentication, based on IP addresses or other parameters.

    Data flow controls allow you to limit the connection speed for each user individually.


    Huge management tools corporate networks;

    A NAT mechanism that provides users with local network Internet access via a single IP;

    Built-in authentication service;

    Flexible filter system.


    Windows-oriented; work in other operating systems is impossible;

    Not suitable for home use;

    The difficult-to-learn interface is not suitable for ordinary users;

    Free version has a limitation on the filters used (up to 3x).

    Hello friends! Write about how to monitor traffic I was planning to right after I wrote the article ““, but somehow I forgot. Now I remember and will tell you how to track how much traffic you spend, and we will do this using free program NetWorx.

    Know when connected unlimited internet, then there is essentially no need to monitor traffic, except for the sake of interest. Yes, now all city networks are usually unlimited, which cannot yet be said about 3G Internet, the tariffs of which are usually off the charts.

    All this summer I have been using CDMA Internet from Intertelecom, and I know all these nuances with traffic and tariffs first-hand. I have already written about how to set up and improve the Internet from Intertelecom, read and. So, their “unlimited” tariff costs 150 hryvnia per month. As you can see, I put the word unlimited in quotes, why? Yes, because there is a speed limit there, though only during the day, but there is nothing to be happy about, the speed there is simply terrible, it’s better to use GPRS.

    The most normal tariff is 5 hryvnia per day upon connection, that is, if you don’t connect today, you don’t pay. But this is not unlimited, it is 1000 megabytes per day, until 12 o'clock at night. I have this tariff now, but at least the speed is decent, the real average speed is 200 Kbps. But 1000 MB per day is not very much at such a speed, so in this case it is simply necessary to control the traffic. Moreover, after using this 1000 MB, the cost of one megabyte is 10 kopecks, which is not small.

    As soon as I connected this Internet, I started looking for a good program that would control my Internet traffic and could set a warning when the limit was used up. And I found it, of course, not right away, after trying a couple of things I came across the NetWorx program. Which we will talk about further.

    NetWorx will monitor the traffic

    Now I will tell you where to get the program and how to set it up.

    1. Whatever program you are looking for, I have uploaded it to my hosting, so .

    2. Run the downloaded file and install the program, I will not describe the installation process, I wrote about this in.

    3. If after installation the program does not start on its own, then launch it with a shortcut on the desktop or in the start menu.

    4. That’s it, the program already counts your Internet traffic, it hides in the tray and quietly works there. Working window The program looks like this:

    As you can see, the program displays Internet traffic for the current day and for the entire time, starting from the time you installed the program, you can see how much I burned :). In fact, the program does not need any settings. I’ll just tell you how to set a quota in NetWorx, that is, traffic restrictions and how to make the tray icon display the activity of incoming and outgoing Internet traffic.

    5. Let's now make sure that Internet traffic activity is displayed in the tray.

    Right-click on the program icon in the tray and select “Settings”

    On the “Graph” tab, set it as in my screenshot, click “OK” and “Apply”. Now the NetWorx program tray icon will display the activity of the Internet connection.

    6. And the last point in setting up this program will be setting a quota. For example, Intertelecom only gives me 1000 MB per day, so in order not to spend more than this amount, I set up the program so that when I use up 80% of my traffic, it warns me.

    Right-click on the program icon in the tray and select “Quota”.

    You see, today I used up my limit by 53%, below there is a field where you can specify at what percentage to report that the traffic is running out. Let's click on the “Settings” button and configure the quota.

    Everything is very simple here, first we set what your quota is, for example, I have a daily quota, then we set the traffic; I selected all traffic, that is, incoming and outgoing. We set the “Clock” and “Units of measurement”, I have megabytes. And of course, don’t forget to indicate the quota size, I have 1000 megabytes. Click “Ok” and that’s it, our quota is configured.

    That's it, the program is fully configured and ready to count your traffic. It will launch along with the computer, and all you have to do is occasionally look in and see for fun how much traffic you have already burned. Good luck!

    Also on the site:

    NetWorx: how to monitor Internet traffic updated: August 17, 2012 by: admin

    Hello, blog site readers! Many users are thinking about having their own Internet traffic counter on their computer, or otherwise called Internet traffic monitoring, which could show how much traffic you spend. The Internet has long been available in all parts of the planet, but not everyone has unlimited access yet.

    Users who are content with the Internet with limited traffic, are always surprised at how quickly the existing limit goes away. In principle, nothing surprising: many users have it installed on their computer large number programs that are updated in.

    Users don’t even notice how they are watching the next video on youtube.com and exchanging files with their colleagues or friends.

    Don't be afraid: this problem can be easily solved. To record and control traffic there is specialized program- Networx. It is she who will “tell” you that it’s enough to surf the Internet and it’s time to remember your limit, which is not infinite.

    You can download it on the website installation file programs and Portable version. In this article we will look at installation version programs.

    To download the program, go to the bottom of the page and click on the “Download NetWorx installer” button. We are waiting for the program to download.

    Installation Networx

    Let's run the file we just downloaded. Click “Next”.

    We agree to the program license, check the “I accept the agreement” checkbox and click “Next”.

    In the next window, leave the default installation path. Click “Next”.

    Click “Next” again.

    In the next window, you can leave or remove “Desk Band” - an addition that clearly shows traffic in real time. For those who are bothered by unnecessary icons on the control panel, it is better to disable it.

    In my case, I uncheck the “Install an optional NetWorx Desk Band extensional (as show below)” checkbox. Click “Next”.

    Click “Install”.

    The installation of the program is complete. Click “Finish”.

    Immediately after installing the program, a settings window will open. Select the Russian language (Russian) and click “Next”.

    Selecting an Internet connection: you need to choose which one to use network adapter connection to the Internet occurs. Click "Forward".

    Click “Finish”.

    Now you will see a program icon in your tray that looks like a diagram.

    Double-click the left mouse button on the diagram. After this, the main window will open.

    As we can see, the program has a nice and intuitive Russian interface. And, importantly, the program counts traffic quite accurately. Using it, you can receive Internet traffic reports: daily, weekly, as well as monthly.

    The program makes it possible to open/save results in Excel, as well as in the form of visual graphs.

    NetWorx is not only a great program for seeing Internet traffic accounting, it also contains interesting point in the form of quota settings.

    This means that the program can be configured in such a way that when the traffic is exhausted, the program automatically notifies you about it.

    How to set a quota

    For clarity, it is worth analyzing the process of setting a quota. To do this, right-click on the icon and select “Quota...”.

    In my case, the quota is already configured: I set a limit of 50 megabytes, and when traffic is used within 85% of 50 megabytes, a message will appear on the screen indicating that the quota is coming to an end.

    With this message we will be notified when we should limit our Internet use to avoid financial losses!

    Did you think I wouldn't show the settings? Of course I’ll show you: click the “Configure...” button.

    The program has a speed measurement function with which you can measure incoming/outgoing traffic. To start measuring, click on the green triangle.

    I recommend this program to all users who have access to limited Internet. With it, you can control your traffic in any direction: both incoming and outgoing.

    For a number of reasons I installed the program on Windows XP. But those who have Windows 7 installed should not worry, since this program works stably and without failures on any system.

    See you soon, dear friends!