• Search updates. Yandex and Google updates: TIC update, PR, link, text, search engine results. Types of updates: list of the most significant changes in search results

    Since I have time, I started writing almost every day. And in today’s article you will learn about what an update is, what types of updates there are and where you can view them. If you are a beginner and have just recently created your first website, then this article will be useful for you to read.

    Update– This is an update of the search engine database. An update is also called an up or in English update. There are several types of updates:

    • Text update;
    • Link update;
    • Update Titz;
    • PR update;
    • Yandex.Catalog update;
    • Update of behavioral factors;
    • Update of the image search database;
    • Mirrorer update;
    • Favicons update;
    • Search algorithm update.

    Text update- all internal changes that were found by a search robot on the Internet are taken into account.

    For example, you wrote a new article on your website for a specific search query. A robot can visit your resource at any time and index a new post, but the site’s position for this request will not immediately change. They can only change after a text update. That is, such an update takes into account all the changes that you made within the site. Text update exists only for Yandex. As for Google, updates happen there very often and no one even tracks them.

    Link update– it’s easy to guess that links are being updated: smile:. For example, you decide to buy several links to your resource. Don’t think that your site’s rankings will skyrocket the next day. No. They can only change after a link update. Many beginners do not understand this and check their positions every day. In order for the link to start working, at least a month must pass.

    Update Titz– when updating, the Yandex search system takes into account all external links. Based on their quantity and quality, the site is assigned a thematic citation index.

    Titz update occurs approximately every two months. I’ll write where to watch it a little later. By the way, you can read two articles that I wrote earlier: “?” And " ?" Today there was just an update from Titz and my blog received the first ten: smile:.

    PR update. Here, approximately everything is the same as in the previous cases, only Tits is assigned by Yandex and the entire site, and PR by Google and each page separately.

    In general, PR is a rather strange indicator and I don’t pay attention to it when buying links. Firstly, it is updated very rarely (about once every six months), and secondly, this indicator is somehow unfairly assigned. For young sites, after the first up, PR can shoot 4, but for authoritative resources with a decent link mass, it will remain 0.

    Yandex Catalog update. There is a Catalog where, according to Yandex, the highest quality Runet resources are present. You can get there either for free (but very difficult) or for a fee of 15,000 rubles.

    The catalog is updated very often, on average once every two days. It’s not hard to guess that during an update, some sites end up in this directory, while others drop out. I don’t understand why it needs to be updated so often? It would be better if Titz was updated at least once a week: smile:.

    Update of behavioral factors.– this is how the user behaves on the blog. These include in the search results, the number of pages viewed, time spent on the site, etc. If, for example, behavioral factors improve on your resource, then you can notice an increase in positions only after the update.

    Updating the image search database. The fact is that search engines have a special robot that is responsible for indexing images. Therefore, the results based on images change only after a special app. In order to find out which images of your resource have already been indexed by search engines, just enter the following address in the image search:
    It works for both Yandex and Google.

    Mirrorer update. Each resource must have a main site mirror with or without www. It can be specified in the robots.txt file, in webmaster panels and using 301 redirects. By the way, the last method is the most reliable. So, there is a special robot that is responsible for the main mirror. And even if you change the main mirror of your resource, gluing will occur only after update.

    So, even if you make a favicon for your resource, it will appear in Yandex results only after update.

    Search algorithm update. Sometimes it happens that search engines make changes to their algorithms. For example, they can add or remove some ranking factor, or they can simply weaken its influence on the search results. After updating the algorithms, as a rule, the output changes significantly. Thus, some resources sag to the bottom, while others, on the contrary, shoot up. If your site has seen a sharp drop or increase in traffic from any search engine, then it is quite possible that the algorithms have changed.

    I think it’s clear what an update is and what they are, let’s move on to the next question.

    Where to track update

    On seobudget.ru you can find out the main updates, namely:

    • Tits Yandex update;
    • Yandex search results update;
    • Yandex.Catalog update;
    • PR update.

    Also on this site you can see what the average update period is and approximately when the next update will be. Many newcomers ask: “When is the Yandex update?”, “When is the Titz update?” etc. The exact date of the apk is known only to the creators of search engines: smile:. The seobudget.ru service only makes a forecast:

    Using pr-cy.ru you can also find out the PageRank update, the Titz update and the Yandex search update.

    The term “update” comes from the English word “update”, which means “update”. When this word is applied to a search engine, it means updating the content of the results.

    In this article we will talk about the types of Yandex updates. You will learn what updates occur periodically in this search engine and will be able to better understand how Yandex indexes the site. In addition, we will tell you how often this happens, which will allow us to predict changes in search results.

    This is the most frequent update of Yandex, which is performed on average once a week. It updates the text content of search results.

    Thus, if any changes were made to the text of the page, for example, meta tags were added to the snippet, then it is the text update of the search engine that will enter these innovations into the Yandex database. Also, after a text update, you can wait for the appearance of new pages in search results that were published recently.

    Beginners are often disappointed when making changes to the text of pages and not seeing these innovations in search results. However, as has already become clear, you just need to wait for the text update.

    Link update

    Link updates occur less frequently than text updates. On average, practice shows that this happens 1-2 times a month.

    With this recalculation, Yandex updates the anchor lists. Thus, if an external link was placed on the site, then you can see it in the webmaster’s account only after the link update. Of course, the link update may also change.

    Practice also shows that updates for external and internal links can occur at different times. But their frequency is approximately the same.

    Behavioral factors update

    The types of Yandex updates continue to be those that recalculate . In total, the search engine has two PF updates – micro and macro:

    • Micro – Occurs frequently and recalculates small statistics.
    • Macro - occurs approximately once every six months, and recalculates all static data that relates to behavioral factors. After this recalculation, the ranking may change significantly.

    Recalculation of behavioral factors will allow you to understand how much it was improved if it was optimized. It is the macro update that will give the maximum understanding of this.

    Statistical data update

    First of all, this is a change in the TIC, which everyone is waiting for (or rather, waiting for). Yandex has not changed the TIC for a long time, and, probably, this indicator will soon be removed from the search engine and will no longer be taken into account.

    In addition to the TIC, other data is updated with this recalculation, such as HostRank, BrowseRank and TIC. To recalculate all this data, Yandex requires significant resources and time, since it takes into account a large number of statistics. Therefore, statistical updates occur rarely - on average, once every six months.

    Classification update

    Yandex classifies sites according to various parameters. And this data is updated during the classification update.

    So, the search engine takes into account the following classification parameters:

    • Geography.
    • Language affiliation.
    • Topics – news, information, commercial, adult, etc.
    • And much more.

    Updates occur on average once every 1-2 months.

    Thus, if the site’s region has changed (or another indicator that is classified by Yandex), then it will take 1-2 months to wait for changes in the search.

    Filter updates

    They are waiting for millions of webmasters who, with their sites, fell under certain filters. The frequency is different for each filter and can vary significantly, up to six months.

    Thus, if Yandex imposed automatic sanctions for something, then updating the filters will remove them (if, of course, the reasons for imposing the filter are eliminated). However, sometimes you may not expect this, and it makes sense to write to Yandex Webmaster support with a request to manually remove the sanctions. In some situations this helps.

    Other updates

    Yandex is a huge machine, and its updates are not limited to those described above. However, they are the most important for traffic and long-awaited by webmasters.

    There are other updates that are one way or another expected:

    • Search by images.
    • Icon (favicon).
    • Unsticking and gluing mirrors.
    • Indexing video content.
    • Indexing comments to articles.
    • Validity of page code.
    • Mobile services.
    • Yandex Direct, if advertising is used.
    • And many others.

    So, now you know what types of Yandex updates there are. It should be noted that all changes on the site are taken into account by the search engine, but this takes some time.


    Update– This is an update of search engine databases. During the update process, the search results and ranking of pages in the index are updated. SEO specialists abbreviate the update as AP.

    Let's say you run a blog. We have written several new articles, but they are not yet in the search. In order for new pages to appear and be displayed in search results for Internet users, they must first get into the PS database, that is, into the index.

    In fact, until this moment the search engine knows nothing about the existence of your new publications. And to be included in the index, they must be crawled by search bots. To be more precise, the results include not pages, but their saved copies, which the search robot downloads to its website.

    The bot, scanning the Internet, gets to your blog and begins to collect information on it. And when he collects a sufficient amount of new materials, he places them in the database, having previously reconstructed new and old resources. This is necessary so that the search engine can correctly rank sites based on a complex algorithm that uses many factors.

    And when the page finally gets into the index, it occupies one position or another in the search results, which is influenced by the same algorithms that only search engine employees know about. All we know is that they take into account the following page quality indicators:

    • document to user requests;
    • behavioral factors;
    • usefulness, quality, content design, spam;
    • age of the site and page;
    • link weight and so on.

    By analyzing all the above factors, the algorithm evaluates the web page and, based on this, places it in a certain position. Accordingly, the better it is rated, the higher it will be listed in the search results.

    Not only new, but also old pages that have been in the index for a long time are evaluated. And if six months ago the document was in first place, today it can even fly off the first page of the search if competitors offer users more interesting, high-quality and relevant content during this period.

    The robot collects information from indexed pages quite often. Therefore, it makes sense to supplement old articles after a while, update information if it becomes irrelevant, and they will soon be re-evaluated.

    After re-evaluating the quality factors of the pages, an update occurs. In this regard, the positions of web resource pages change regularly.

    Just a note. Having analyzed all of the above, we can say that APs are aimed at improving search and updating indexed information so that people always find what they need on the Internet and receive comprehensive answers to their questions. Which site, in the opinion of search engines, best answers the user’s request, is higher in the results.

    Yandex updates

    But with updates, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. There are a lot of them and every webmaster, and especially an SEO specialist, must be able to distinguish one update from another and divide them into types. In Yandex, updates are divided into two types:

    1. Based on changes in search results for a specific pool of search queries.
    2. Based on updates to the search engine database: links, texts, etc.

    Let's consider the second classification concerning the fixation of APs of a certain database directly in the search engine. Here are the following updates.

    Text update

    The base of texts and pages participating in ranking changes. During the AP process, new pages are included in the index, and previously indexed content is also updated.

    Text APs are recorded by Yandex more often than others - approximately once every 3-7 days. This is the most anticipated update for all optimizers working with texts and . If new pages enter the main index that were not there before, then a text update has occurred.

    Link update

    It concerns updating the anchor lists of pages. During this update, information regarding the texts of incoming links is updated and the factors responsible for taking them into account are recalculated.

    The link AP is recorded after new pages that can be found through incoming links are included in the results. Such results are also called SNSS. Numerous studies have found that external and internal anchors are often updated at different times, indicating that they are located in different search engine databases.

    Behavioral factors update

    Information about how users behave on resources and search results pages changes. You can track such an AP by comparing the degree of change in behavioral factors for two or more groups of requests. This update is also divided into two subtypes:

    1. Micro. A small share of information about the behavior of Internet users is taken into account.
    2. Slow (global). They are observed no more often than once every 3 or more months.

    Update of static factors

    Informs about the recalculation of ranking factors that are considered to be slowly changing or “heavy”: , BrowseRank, HostRank and others.

    To update factors, it is necessary to resort to complex calculations, which is confirmed by the frequency of their updating - only once every 2-6 months.

    Classifier update

    This is an event associated with a change in the classification of certain types of sites/pages/queries and their redistribution. This AP is divided into:

    1. Redistribution of web resources by type or binding: language, georeferencing, etc.
    2. Redistribution of pages into: news/commercial/information and other areas, GEO and type.
    3. Reclassification of requests into types: the expression of the request is one of the components - GEO, commerce, information, and so on.

    You can notice some of the above updates by observing the search results and the number of pages found using some search engine operators. It is especially easy to record a GEO update.

    Filter update

    Antispam factors are being reviewed, after which certain resources and documents can either fall under filters or escape them. Let's highlight the most common search engine sanctions:

    1. Removing, using and updating filter thresholds applied to texts, as well as “Over-optimization” sanctions.
    2. Minusinsk - spam with external links. Yandex representatives announce filter updates on their social networks.
    3. For cheating PF. As soon as a text update takes place, during which this filter is removed, the flow of visitors from Yandex increases significantly.
    4. AGS and others.

    To record filter updates, you need to monitor the results of test requests for web resources and pages that fall under the filters.

    More updates

    A search engine is a complex mechanism. In addition to bots and databases that support the main search, there are also other crawlers responsible for vertical search (videos, images, etc.), additional elements, for example.

    All these databases also have their own APs that are independent from each other. Yandex has more than 20 robots, each of which performs a specific function: one indexes pictures, another indexes comments, and so on.

    In addition to the listed updates, we note a few more important ones for optimizers:

    • update of snippets in search results and the favicon.ico file in resources;
    • changing the main mirror, combining/separating mirrors;
    • AP vertical search by address.

    Google updates

    The Google search engine deals with two types of updates, but it is possible that it has many more:

    1. Issue.
    2. PageRank.


    The search results of the global giant are significantly different from those of the Russian Yandex. Any updates in search results occur continuously. As Google themselves like to say, our results change in real time.

    As soon as a new page appears on the Internet, bots immediately collect information and send it to the database, and the results are updated. Everything is much simpler here; the system does not deal with complex calculations and placement of saved copies. This all happens later, over time, when the resource begins to accumulate ranking factors.

    PageRank (PR)

    There have been rumors for a long time that PageRank is going to be abolished, but to this day it is updated and affects the ranking of pages. But if earlier the change could be seen, now Google has canceled the toolbar PageRank, which was visible to everyone. Therefore, PR recalculation now occurs in invisible mode.

    However, for Runet the Google parameter is not particularly significant. Because Yandex gives greater preference to text factors.

    What is the difference between Yandex and Google search results updates?

    As mentioned above, the search principles of Yandex and Google are very different. While Yandex updates no more than 3 times a week, the search giant experiences APs several times a day.

    How to check updates in Yandex and Google?

    Let's look at the main ways to check for updates in search results and other parameters in the two most popular search engines.

    Via Yandex.Webmaster

    Anyone can receive notifications about search database updates directly from Yandex. To do this you need to go to Notification settings via this link. Here you can specify your email to receive notifications, choose where exactly to receive notifications (by email or directly to the service), and what specific notifications about the site/pages will be sent.

    But keep in mind that information about APs in the Yandex.Webmaster interface comes at the very end, while the discussion of updates begins from the very beginning. But the plus is that this notification will tell you the final and accurate update, displaying the real position of the resource in the search results.

    Through services

    The procedure for tracking updates is simplified by special services. They take into account updates based on the database. And if there is a change in the percentage of keywords that have risen or fallen in positions, then the AP has passed.

    Let's say there is a database of 1000 words. For example, the key phrase “buy a phone” moved from 10th place to 2nd, which means that 1 percent of a thousand has changed. This is how services calculate changes in search results and with other keywords, that is, what percentage of them has risen or fallen in search engines.


    RDS bar

    In the settings of the RDS bar plugin, it is possible to set a panel for displaying AP dates. You just need to click on the bar button and go to “Options”, and then check the box next to “Update date”.


    An equally popular service is Tools.Promosite for analyzing updates in Yandex. Here you can find out more detailed information regarding the update, issuance storms and continuous monitoring of it. From here you can add a widget or toolbar to your resource to monitor changes without having to visit the site. You can track new pages via XML.

    Pixel Plus

    Pixel Plus is a convenient analyzer for recording text APs in the Yandex database with a specified indexation date. There are a lot of interesting graphs for analyzing the TOP, for example, the share of pages with HTTPS, the share of main pages in the search results, the average age of documents, the average tag length

    Hello dear readers! Today I decided to take a break from the WordPress topic and talk about Yandex updates. Why Yandex? Yes, because, unlike Google, it does not make updates so often. It should also be said that Yasha is today the leading search engine on the Runet, so special attention is paid to him. Below I have provided a list of all updates (updates):

    • Search results update;
    • T&C update;
    • Yandex Catalog update;
    • Favicons update;
    • Updating the image database;
    • Search algorithm update;
    • Behavioral factor update.

    I think I’ve indicated all the updates, but now let’s look at each of them in more detail.

    I think the most attention is focused on updating the search results. Yandex makes these updates at different intervals. Now this period is approximately 9 days. Previously it was more often almost every two days.

    Once upon a time I didn’t pay much attention to this update, but now for 4 months in a row, I’ve been watching it and hoping that some kind of HF request will “shoot” for me. Plus, as you remember, I conducted an experiment to increase site traffic, which did not succeed. You can track this update by following this link: https://seobudget.ru/updates/

    As you can see here you can monitor 4 types of updates simultaneously. At the moment, many people have begun to confuse the usual Yandex random with search results. In detail, there are such concepts as text and link updates. What is this?

    A text update is the appearance in the search results of site documents with a later date that were indexed after the last crawl by the robot.

    Link update - changing the number of external links that point to your site.

    Usually a link up follows a text up, but not vice versa. Lately, Yasha has started making link updates less and less often, but text updates always happen differently (you have to wait 1-2 weeks). It is better to track the appearance of these APs through http://tools.promosite.ru/

    T&C update

    The second most important update (at least it was for me) is the T&C update. Previously, when I was just starting to be interested in making money on the site, this app was in the first place for me, I dreamed that my site would earn the top ten. After they gave me TiC 10, I practically stopped being interested in this update. Although for many webmasters it is very significant since the profit from the sale of links directly depends on the T&C. I gave up Sape 1-1.5 years ago. It brought in income, but not as much as I wanted, and I don’t have enough pages on my website to trade in it.

    Yandex Catalog update

    This update occurs more often than all others, on average every 2 days. I don’t follow this Yandex update at all, because my site has not yet been included in this directory. Yes, in principle, I think even those who have sites in the Yandex Catalog do not particularly monitor it as much as the traffic from this directory is very small and that is, not everyone who is in the directory.

    Favicons update

    In principle, it doesn’t affect anything, I followed it when I first created my site. For those who don’t know, a “favicon” is a mini-logo of a site that is displayed in searches and is also visible in browsers at the top.

    And I watched this up because I didn’t have any favicon in Yandex search.

    Updating the image database

    I think this type of change is followed only by those webmasters whose main traffic comes from image searches. For example, you may have a website dedicated to paintings from a certain era, and it will be presented in the form of a gallery of pictures. Here I think you will follow this app.

    This update is followed by many, especially young sites and those that have moved to a new domain. And the essence of this app is that it involves gluing together the site’s mirrors. A simple example of a mirror: website And www.site. That is, an address with and without www. It is very important to indicate the same address both in the webmaster panel and in the file .htaccess via redirect and in the file robots.txt and wait for the mirrorer's update. After the update, the following message will appear in the Yandex Webmaster panel:

    Search algorithm update

    Perhaps for some it is a very unpleasant update, for others it is excellent. The thing is that search engines are improving and it happens that they change their algorithms. So Yandex, without exception, sometimes makes itself felt. Now this update is called Minusinsk. Yandex lowers the position of the site that had purchased links. Today, too, another update of the search algorithm took place, how this affected the site’s results is too early to tell, you never know what else could happen during this week.

    Behavioral factor update

    The last type of update that we will consider is an update of the behavioral factor. In fact, this update was a very long time ago - November 26, 2014, so it’s too early to talk about it. Although behavioral factors greatly influence the site’s position. I'm really looking forward to this update, as behavioral indicators on my site have improved.

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Any novice webmaster is faced almost immediately with such a concept as Yandex search engine update. Why webmaster of RuNet? Well, because Google, which dominates in a very large number of countries in the rest of the world, does not have such a thing as an update, except that you can only talk about an update, but again it’s a toolbar update, because the real value of the static weight of all pages indexed by this search engine system, changes constantly (in real time).

    Yandex, in addition to updating the search results (changing the positions of sites for the overwhelming number of search queries), also has ap Tietz, i.e. updating the value, which you can read about at the link provided. In fact, Titz is a kind of indicator of the trustworthiness of a site, and the larger it is, the more trust it will have on the part of search engines (most likely). Titz is also important for those who sell links from their sites, because their price significantly depends on the value of Titz.

    What is an update to the Yandex search database?

    Well, webmasters in RuNet also have something to look forward to. For example, there are such concepts as updating favicons, Ya.Catalog, mirror and pictures. These ups are not of interest to everyone, and certainly not all the time, but sometimes it is relevant, for example, when you move to a new domain, change the favicon, pay to be added to YAK, or get a significant share of traffic from image search.

    Let's start, perhaps, with Yandex search database updates. How often does this phenomenon occur? How do you know if an incident has already happened? And why, in fact, monitor these same updates? Similar questions arise for novice RuNet webmasters who are beginning to get acquainted with the harsh reality of website promotion for the Yandex search engine. I had them too and it’s normal.

    The essence of the updates is as follows. Unlike Google, Yandex does not have such impressive hardware and physical power to update search results several times a day, taking into account all newly indexed pages and found backlinks to sites. Therefore, he is forced to make some tricks that will reduce the rather high load on his servers.

    But here you will need to have at least a general idea (if you have it, then continue reading, and if not, then follow the link to see the overall picture). What does Yandex do? Of course, like Google, it constantly indexes new pages on the Internet and re-indexes updated ones, and also finds more and more backlinks for different sites.

    But... He does not immediately take all this wealth into account, but puts it in a not very long box, so that once every few days (sometimes the period between ups can exceed ten days, but not often) he pleases you and me with another update. Here are the dates of the official ups of the RuNet mirror search database for several months, so that you can estimate their frequency:

    What then do we have the opportunity to observe in the search results between the ups? In general, banal cache.

    To exaggerate, the first user who sets a search query after the next update activates an algorithm that, after calculations, produces the resulting results (a list of pages relevant to a given query), which is immediately cached and when the same query is entered again, the search engine algorithm is not involved, and the list of sites stored in the cache is retrieved (output). This reduces the load on Yandex servers and allows you to match your older brother Google with less hardware power.

    At the time of the next update, all the new information accumulated since the last update (page texts and links to them) will be taken into account when ranking (read more about it in search engine results) and the list of relevant pages for each search query will be saved again in the Yandex cache in order to be promptly shown to users until the next update of the search database. Convenient, simple and economical.

    But this is all, of course, very much exaggerated and simplified. Yandex probably worked on this principle ten years ago or even more. In addition, since the end of 2012, Yandex switched to personalized results, when different users with different, but quite large, search histories are shown a different list of sites for the same request. Now it is gaining more and more power and updates are becoming blurry.

    However, when the percentage of search queries for which the results change exceeds several tens of percent, we can assume that the incident has taken place. How to recognize this very moment? Well, read about it below.

    And we will also dwell on the fact that what is Titz update? Everything is much simpler here. It is believed that the overall value of Tits of all sites indexed by Yandex does not change, but is only redistributed between them. Moreover, this redistribution does not occur permanently, but again at certain, not particularly regulated intervals (from twice a month to once every two months).

    You can see the dates of the latest ups, which do not have a stable periodicity:

    Titz is influenced by the number and quality of backlinks leading to your site from other resources that, in the opinion of the search engine, are similar in topic to it.

    Yandex constantly collects data on such links, but the TIC values ​​for almost all Runet sites do not change between updates (sometimes, however, as punishment the citation index can be reset to zero, but this is force majeure). Then suddenly the value of the thematic citation index is recalculated and it will be safely stored in the cache (after some shaking and shrinkage or adjustment), until the next update. Trite.

    Other types of Yandex updates and more

    You can judge the frequency of PR updates from this screenshot:

    In addition, there are the following types of updates, which some webmasters monitor to one degree or another:

    1. Yandex Catalog update— adding new sites and removing those that have lost trust from the most prestigious directory of the Runet. If you are expecting your resource to appear in the YAC or have reason to fear its exclusion, then it is worth monitoring the update of the database of this directory.
    2. Updating the image search database— a separate Yandex robot performs indexing of images on the Internet, but the results based on pictures, like the main results of this search engine, have pronounced updates. If your resource has every reason to promote itself and receive traffic from images, then it makes sense to track this app in order to evaluate exactly what results the actions you took brought.
    3. Up favicons— in Yandex search results, by tradition, a Favicon taken from this site is displayed to the left of the page title and description. In fact, it is precisely because of this feature that your humble servant is still on the Yandex needle, because it is very clearly visible those sites that I trust and to which I go to look for an answer in the first place.

      Before this, I already wrote a detailed article about where it should be stuffed. However, the number one search engine in RuNet will show the favicon of your new site (or the updated icon of the old one) in the search results not immediately after indexing it, but only after the next Favicon update, which does not happen often.

      Mirrorer update— Yandex has a special robot that is responsible for gluing so-called mirrors. The simplest example of mirrors is www..ru (they will need to be glued together, i.e. the main mirror must be determined - either, or, or).

      A situation may arise where a site moves to another domain due to falling under a filter or due to other force majeure circumstances. At the same time, you indicate the new main mirror in robots.txt of the old and new domains and do the same in the Ya.Webmaster panel. However, the mirrors will not stick together immediately, but only in the next step of the mirror operator.

    In addition, the update of the search engine database itself can be causal in nature, and therefore the following are distinguished:

    1. Text up- i.e. accounting of all texts of new and updated pages included in the index.
    2. Reference— taking into account all new backlinks to sites whose pages are included in the ranking.
    3. AP behavioral factors- a somewhat mythical type of ups, which is caused by updated user data on sites participating in the ranking.
    4. Search algorithm update- the most terrible one, in terms of possible consequences, because in this case new texts, links and behavioral factors are not only taken into account, but the very principle of calculating relevance changes. Yandex even began to call such global updates based on the principle of the game “Cities”.

      We started from afar - from Magadan (May 2008) and continued with Nakhodka, Arzamas, Snezhinsk, Konakovo, Obninsk, Krasnodar, Reykjavik. Now, since December 2012, Kaliningrad has ruled the roost, and then there will be something with a “D”. Kaliningrad is trying to create personal results for each user, focusing on his preferences, which the search engine has identified by following him for some time.

    During a regular search database update, a text update usually follows first, and after a while a link update. Behavioral ones are updated quite rarely or they cannot always be identified. It's pretty clearly visible on the website Yandex tracking enthusiast (Evgeniy Trofimenko is such a smart comrade that it is not always clear what he is talking about when speaking at conferences):

    True, it’s not worth going into this too much, because the very fact of the update is important, so that you can start and draw conclusions about the correctness of your chosen course of website promotion. However, of course, it’s not worth judging the dynamics of development by one up, because the search engine has enormous inertia and you should always wait a few ups to draw conclusions or start tearing your hair out.

    How and where to track Yandex updates

    The question arises, how track Yandex updates? It turns out that there are several options that will allow you to do this.

    Also, in my opinion, it is very convenient to learn and discuss updates on, the most convenient of which is probably Serch. There's a special one Yandex Apam section, where you can subscribe to receive materials:

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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