• Setting up an ODBC data source. ODBC Data Source Administrator

    To connect to an Informix database from ArcGIS clients, you can configure the ODBC data source name or use a connection string that contains host, server, port, and Informix database information.

    If you want to use an ODBC data source rather than a connection string, follow the data source configuration steps appropriate for the operating system your ArcGIS client is running on.

    Setting up an ODBC data source on Windows

    If your ArcGIS and Informix clients are installed on a Windows machine, follow these steps to create an ODBC data source.

    1. A dialog box will open. Windows window.
    2. Click the bookmark System DSN.
    3. Click Add.

      A dialog box will open Create New Data Source, which displays a list of ODBC drivers that are installed on your system.

    4. Select IBM INFORMIX ODBC DRIVER and click Finish.

      The Informix ODBC Driver Setup dialog box opens.

    5. Create an admin data source by typing the data source name on the line Data Source Name.
    6. Click the bookmark Connection Tab to configure connection connectivity.
    7. Select the server and database name from the drop-down lists Server Name And Database Name, respectively.
    8. Select olsoctcp from the Protocol drop-down list.
    9. Enter the hostname and service name in the appropriate test lines.
    10. Enter a valid username and password in the text lines and Password.
    11. Click Apply&Test Connection to make sure that the connection parameters are set correctly.
    12. If the connection is successful, remove the username and password from the text strings User Id and Password, click Apply, then proceed to the next step. If the connection fails, check that the information you entered is correct and try again.

    13. Click the bookmark Environment Tab to configure environment settings.
    14. Install local parameters by following these steps:
      • Enter necessary information to text strings Client Locale And Database Locale.
      • Enter the required location information in the text line Client Locale and check the option Use Server Database Locale.
    15. The Cursor Behavior parameter must be set to 1 – Preserve because ArcGIS requires Informix cursors to remain open and active during a database COMMIT operation.

      Setting the Cursor Behavior parameter to 0 – Close may have an undesirable effect during the process of loading and updating data.

    16. Click the Apply button.
    17. Click OK to close the Informix ODBC Driver Setup dialog box.

    The data source you created appears in the list System Data Sources on the bookmark System DSN dialog box ODBC Data Source Administrator. You can update your data sources by clicking the button Configure in this dialog box.

    Setting up an ODBC data source on Linux

    You can configure the ODBC data source name by creating a file called odbc.ini on the ArcGIS machine and writing the necessary connection information to the file.

    To work with ArcGIS for Server, place the file in a directory to which your ArcGIS Server administrator account has at least read access. Include a link to this file and its path in the init_user_param.sh script so that ArcGIS for Server can find it.

    The following values ​​must be specified in the file:

    []Database= Servername= CursorBehavior=1 UNICODE=UCS-2

    Keep the following in mind:

    • Specify instead the name you want to use. For each database or geodatabase that you want to connect to, you must create a data source name. Each data source name in the odbc.ini file must be unique.
    • Specify instead The name of the Informix database for which you are creating the data source name. The database name may differ from the data source name.
    • Specify instead The name of your Informix server, which matches the name in the INFORMIXSQLHOSTS file.
    • The value of CursorBehavior must be 1 for cursors to be persisted across transaction boundaries.
    • The ODBC section of the odbc.ini file should contain the line UNICODE=UCS-2.

    Below is an example odbc.ini file with ODBC data sources included for three geodatabases: sde_base, sde_dev, and sde_prod.

    Database=sde_base Servername=myhost_base CursorBehavior=1 Database=sde_dev Servername=myhost_dev CursorBehavior=1 Database=sde_prod Servername=myhost_prod CursorBehavior=1 UNICODE=UCS-2

    Administration Component Data sources (ODBC)(Data Sources (ODBC)) is designed to configure access modes various systems database management. ODBC is a standard that allows various programs and database management systems (DBMS) to work with databases that support the SQL language.

    The ODBC interface was designed to support maximum application interoperability, which allows any application that uses ODBC to have unified access to multiple data sources. So, if an application that complies with the ODBC and SQL standard was originally developed to work with a database Microsoft Access, and then the tables of this database were transferred to the database Microsoft data SQL Server or Oracle database, then the application can continue to process this data without making additional changes.

    The ODBC architecture consists of four components:

    § Client application that calls ODBC functions.

    § Driver manager, which loads and releases ODBC drivers that are required by client applications. The driver manager processes ODBC function calls or passes them to the driver.

    § An ODBC driver that processes calls to SQL functions, passing the executable SQL statement to the SQL server, and the result of executing the called function to the client application.

    § Data source, defined as a specific local or remote database.

    Figure 31 ODBC Architecture

    The main purpose of the driver manager is to load the driver corresponding to the data source being connected, and to encapsulate interaction with different types of data sources through the use of various ODBC drivers. A client application can simultaneously establish connections to several different data sources using different ODBC drivers, as well as multiple connections to the same data source using the same ODBC driver.

    To open the ODBC DataSources Administrator window, execute the sequence of commands Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC).

    Figure 32 ODBC Data Source Administrator

    The DSN data source used by the ODBC API functions must initially be created.

    The first of them, entitled User DSN(User DSN), allows you to add, remove, and edit data source drivers and map them to custom data source names. These data sources can only be used on this computer by the current user. When you click the Add button, the screen will display a list of all available data source drivers that the user can install on his computer. To open a dialog box for setting up one of the list elements, double-click on this list element and enter the required values ​​in the corresponding fields of the window that opens. To add a data source driver to the list of used drivers, select it in the list and click the Finish button. After adding the driver, a dialog box for setting up this driver will open on the screen. By selecting a driver in the list and clicking the Remove button, you can remove this driver from the User Data Sources list. When you click the Configure button, the configuration window for the corresponding data source will open. At various types data appearance of this window is different, but in general the settings window allows you to specify the type of data source, method of accessing it, version software, which is used to manage the database and process data.

    Tab System DSN(System DSN) ODBC Data Sources Administrator window allows you to manage data sources that are available to everyone Windows users XP, as well as system services. This tab also contains Add, Remove, and Configure buttons that allow you to edit the list of available data source drivers in the same way as shown earlier.

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    Organization of external memory on magnetic disks
    For organization external memory It is advisable to use relatively inexpensive, but sufficiently fast and capacious devices with direct access to data. Such devices primarily include

    Goals and Objectives of the File System
    A file is a named area of ​​external memory that can be written to and read from. File system file system) define

    File system FAT
    Logical partition, formatted for file FAT system(File Allocation Table), consists of the following areas. 1. The boot sector contains the program bootstrap ope

    File system NTFS
    Unlike FAT partitions, the entire space of an NTFS volume is either a file or part of a file. The main structure of a volume is the Master File Table.

    NTFS 5.0 features
    This section discusses the features of the standard Windows 2000/XP and Windows Server 2003 file system- NTFS version 5.0. NTFS 5.0 allows you to implement the following features:

    Disk management
    Before use any hard disk, it must first be initialized, divided into partitions, each of which must be formatted. You can perform any operations by control

    Basic structure
    The traditional industry standard calls for partitioning hard drive into sections. A partition is a part of a disk that functions as an independent data storage. There are about

    Volume types
    Primary disks can be converted to dynamic disks, and volumes can be created on them. Before creating a volume, you must determine which volume type will achieve the optimal combination of efficient use

    Setting file system permissions
    By setting specific permissions for users to access files and directories (folders), system administrators can protect confidential information from unauthorized

    Setting up shared folders
    Windows systems traditionally use a program to manage shared folders. Windows Explorer and the folder properties window. On Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 systems, for these purposes m

    Connecting to shared folders
    By connecting to a shared resource using the Map Network Drive command, you will establish a connection that works as long as the destination network drive there won't be

    MMC Management Console
    Windows Server 2003 uses a single technology of administration tools, already traditional for Windows 2000/XP systems, called Microsoft Management Con, to manage the operating system.

    Windows Services
    Windows Services(English) Windows Service, services) - applications that are automatically launched by the system when Windows startup and executed regardless of the user's status.

    Monitoring tools
    The following three tools are available to monitor and optimize computer performance in Windows 2000: § Performance - an updated tool in the system

    Task Manager
    Windows 2000 retains the performance monitoring tool known from Windows NT 4.0 - Task Manager, which provides information about programs and processes.

    Event Viewer snap-in
    In the Windows 2000 operating system, an event is any significant "incident" in the operation of a system or application. In the event of critical events such as

    Performance Equipment
    To launch the Performance snap-in, open the Administrative Tools folder in Control Panel and select the System Monitor icon.Another way to launch

    Setting up how information is presented
    The System Monitor component provides three views of system performance information: two graphical ones (Graph and Histogram) and

    Performance Logs and Alerts snap-in
    You can use the Performance Logs and Alerts snap-in to collect performance data from local or remote computers. Collected

    System Information
    The System Information utility provides comprehensive information about your computer's hardware, system components And software environment. System info

    User and Group Accounts
    The creation of accounts and groups plays an important role in ensuring Windows security, because by assigning access rights and privileges to them, the administrator gets the opportunity to limit users

    Creating a user account
    To create user accounts: 1. In the Local Users and Groups snap-in, position the mouse pointer over Users folder and press the right button. In Conte

    Create a local group
    To create a local group: 1. In the Local Users and Groups snap-in window, position the mouse pointer over the Groups folder and right-click. In the appeared

    User Profiles
    The user's work environment consists of desktop settings, such as screen color, mouse settings, window size and location, and settings for how information is exchanged over the network and with the device.

    Settings stored in the user profile
    A user profile stores configuration settings and options that are individually assigned to each user and completely define their work environment. Table 7 Setting

    User profile structure
    The user profile is created based on the default profile. It is stored on every computer that runs Windows. The NTUSER.DAT file, located in the Default User folder, contains the settings

    Security Policies
    Windows 2000 allows you to use enough large number security policies for centralized access control. A security policy is a set of standard rights

    Local policies
    Component Local policies(Local policies) allows you to configure the security policy for a given computer and has three nested components over low level: § Audit Policy (Aud

    Local system audit
    Auditing is a process that allows you to record events that occur in the operating system that are relevant to security: for example, logging into the system or attempts to create an

    Activating Audit
    The procedure for activating auditing is the same for all systems. On domain controllers, you need to use the Domain Controller Security Policy snap-in. To enable auditing on an isolated computer:

    Configure and view audit settings for folders and files
    To configure, view, or change audit settings for files and folders: 1. In the Windows programs Explorer, position the mouse pointer over the file or folder that you want to perform a

    Scope of audit settings
    The audit set for a parent folder is automatically inherited by all child folders and files. This behavior can be changed. If on the Auditing tab there is any

    Local area networks
    Computer network is the connection of two or more computers to exchange information, general use software and hardware (printers, modems, input devices

    Working groups
    A workgroup is a logical group of networked computers on a peer-to-peer network. Workgroup computers share shared resources, such as fa

    IP address structure
    An IP address is a 32-bit binary number divided into groups of 8 bits called octets, for example: 00010010 11011000 100100 1010110 I usually write IP addresses

    Using masks
    Subnet mask is a number that is used in conjunction with an IP address; binary notation mask contains units in those bits that should be in the IP address

    DHCP protocol
    One of the main tasks system administrator is setting up the TCP/IP protocol stack on all computers on the network. There are several necessary parameters that should be configured on each computer.

    ipconfig utility
    The utility is intended, firstly, to display information about the configuration of the TCP/IP stack, and secondly, to perform some actions to configure the stack. When you enter the name of the utility in command line b

    ping utility
    The main purpose of this popular utility is to determine whether a connection can be established with a remote host. In addition, the utility can access a remote computer via domain name to check

    Managing network connections
    All configuration operations network tools are carried out in the Network Connections folder ( Network connections) (Figure 36). All connections supported by the operating system are created in this folder.

    Active Directory directory service
    Directory is information resource, used to store information about an object. For example, a telephone directory (directory telephone numbers) contains information about the subscriber

    Purpose of a directory service
    The Active Directory directory service (abbreviated as AD) ensures the efficient operation of complex corporate environments by providing the following capabilities: § Single registration online; Floor

    Virtual private networks (VPN)
    Possibility of use remote users resources local network called remote access. There are two main types of remote access: § connected

    Working with the registry
    The registry is a centralized database of system settings and applications running on it. In this sense, the registry is similar to various INI files, as well as

    Registry structure
    The registry consists of five so-called root keys: § HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT § HKEY_CURRENT_USER § HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE § HKEY_USERS

    Registry location
    In Windows NT/2000/XP and Windows Server 2003, registry entries are stored in an atomic structure. The registry is divided into components, which the developers of this operating system called

    Importing and Exporting Registry Settings
    Before editing the registry, it is strongly recommended that you export the part of the registry that you are going to edit, so that later if problems arise, you can import

    Ways to edit the registry
    In Regedit, provided the key and value permissions allow it, you can add, remove, and rename keys and values. To change the name or value of any parameter,

    Setting security settings for the registry
    In some cases, access to editing the registry can be obtained not only by the administrator or the direct owner of the computer, but also ordinary users. Situations like this are potentially dangerous

    Allow remote access
    To control the remote access mode (do not confuse it with remote access via a dial-up connection!) use the Remote tab of the properties window

    Starting and configuring a remote access session
    To initialize a remote access session, use the Remote Desktop Connection utility (it is launched from the submenu Start | All Programs | Accessories | Communications

    Executing tasks on a schedule (Task Scheduler)
    Using the task scheduler, you can schedule the launch of batch files, documents, common applications, or various utilities for system maintenance. Programs can be launched only once

    Windows Scripting Host
    Currently, Microsoft's Windows Scripting Host (WSH) scripting server is widely used as a tool for writing flexible and powerful scripts for Windows. Principle

    Standard WSH Objects
    WSH version 5.6 (standard on Windows XP) includes the following objects: § WScript. This is the main WSH object that is used to create or communicate with other objects, containing

    Often we don't think about it until it's too late. Backing up data has not become a habit among users. According to a study conducted by Iomega, almost half

    Backing up system files
    In addition to many new and extremely convenient functions Backup program allows you to perform the procedure backup everyone system files. To simplify the recovery process after a failure

    OS cloning
    The whole problem is that just copy the files to new disk– not enough. At Windows installation XP creates a boot sector, which also requires transfer to another disk, but by means of the

    1. Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Training course MCSA/MCSE/Trans. from English - 2nd ed., rev. - M.: Publishing and trading house “Russian Edition”, 2003 2.

    Creating an application that uses a database

    Abstract to the subsection

    The meaning of the subsection is to ensure compliance laboratory work on creating a database application·

    Aliases are often used to work with databases. A database alias is the name of a database, which is written in the settings in such a way that to access the tables of this database it is enough to specify alias. This convenience allows you to easily change the database type without changing the program text.

    Let's consider the principle of determining an alias for a Microsoft Access database stored in a file on a hard drive. Let's say we want the borey alias to correspond to a database in the borey.mdb file. We can do this programmatically using the SQLConfigDataSource ODBC API function.

    To set an alias in manual mode you need to run the ODBC Data Source Administrator (Start\Settings\Control Panel\Administrative Tools\Data Sources (ODBC)). The administrator window is shown in Figure 6.

    Figure 6 – ODBC Data Source Administrator

    Next, on the “User DSN” or “System DSN” tab (depending on whether the data source is being created for the current user or for all system users, respectively), click the “Add” button. ·

    A list appears installed drivers and their description (Figure 7).

    Figure 7 – ODBC Data Source Administrator. Dialog for creating a new data source

    ·After clicking on the “Finish” button in the window that opens (Figure 8), you must specify the source name “db” and the path to the file.

    Figure 8 – ODBC Data Source Administrator. Dialog for creating a new data source

    · By clicking the “Ok” button, the system will display the “borey” alias for the database, which can be used when accessing the borey.mdb file (Figure 9). It should be noted that in a similar way you can specify an alias for other DBMSs.

    Figure 9 – ODBC Data Source Administrator. Dialog for creating a new data source

    2.2 Basic information about the C++ language (wikipedia)

    ·C++ is a compiled, statically typed general-purpose programming language.

    Supports the following programming paradigms:

    Procedural programming,

    Object-oriented programming,

    Generalized programming.



    Separate compilation

    Exception handling

    Data abstraction

    Declaration of types (classes) of objects,

    Built-in functions

    Virtual functions. ·

    The standard library includes, among other things, commonly used containers and algorithms. C++ combines features from both high-level and low level languages. Compared to its predecessor, the C language, the greatest attention is paid to supporting object-oriented and generic programming. C++ syntax is inherited from the C language.

    The latest C++ language standard, called “C++11,” was adopted in 2011. It included significant additions to the core of the language and an expansion of the standard library. ·

    To properly display this page you need a browser with JavaScript support.

    ODBC Data Sources

    ODBC- it's open software interface access to various databases: Oracle, MS SQL, MS Access, MS Excel, etc.

    This technology allows you to import indicator values ​​from external data sources into the ELMA system.

    Requirements for working with ODBC data sources

    To successfully create and operate ODBC data sources, the following requirements must be met:

      the data source must be on the same machine as the ELMA server;

      the names of the indicators of the external data source must match the names of the indicators in the ELMA system;

      when importing valuespersonal indicators the user login in the ELMA system must be specified, which corresponds to the personal value of the indicator;

      When importing data from an external data source into the ELMA system, the file of this source must be closed.

    Importing data from an external source into the ELMA system consists of several steps:

    Let's look at data import using the following example: import data from the MS Excel file ("Shipment data.xlsx") (Fig. 1) into indicator values Revenue (products), Revenue (services).

    Rice. 1. Contents of the file "Shipment data.xlsx"

    Creating an ODBC Data Source on Windows Operating System

    To create a data source in the Windows operating system, you must perform the following steps:

    After that in the window ODBC Data Source Administrator The created data source will be displayed (Fig. 5).

    Rice. 5. "ODBC Data Source Administrator" window. Created data source

    Creating a data source in ELMA Designer

    To create a data source in ELMA Designer, you need to go to the tab Indicators in section Data sources in the subsection context menu ODBC Data Sources select item Create(Fig. 6).

    Rice. 6. ELMA designer. "Indicators" tab. Section "Data collection". Context menu subsection "ODBC Data Sources". Create button

    Rice. 7. "Create ODBC Data Source" window

    Settings tab

    Name * – name of the data source being created. This field is required.

    Data source * – external data source. This field is required.

    To select an external data source, you must click on the button to the right of the field and in the window that opens (Fig. 8) select the required data source. In the example under consideration - Shipping data.

    Rice. 8. "Select ODBC connection" dialog box

    Request– request for SQL language to select the required data from an external source.

    – checking the request syntax on the server. If errors are found, they will be displayed below in the table .

    – emulation of a request on the server. During emulation, the query is executed, but no changes are made to the database. At the same time, in the field

    – starting the process of importing data from into the values ​​of the corresponding indicators. At the same time, in the field will be displayed detailed information about imported indicator values.

    Errors– a table containing a list of errors detected during query verification and emulation.

    Console – field containing information about the import process.

    An example of this tab is shown in Fig. 9.

    Rice. 9. Window for creating an ODBC data source. Download tab

    This tab allows you to configure the correspondence between imported values ​​and indicator properties.

    Block "Indicator"

    In this block, from the drop-down list, you must select the number of indicators into which data from an external source will be loaded: or .

    Select column. In this field, from the drop-down list, you must select the data source column that contains the names of the required indicators.

    If the option is selected, a field will be displayed below in this block Select from list, in which you need to select the indicator into which data will be loaded from an external source.

    corresponding help page .

    Block "Data"

    In this block, it is necessary to establish the correspondence between the imported values ​​and the properties of the indicators.

      Plan – column of the data source that contains the planned values ​​of the indicator.

    We continue to analyze the functions of the operating room Windows systems 10. Today we will talk about the ODBC data source on the 32-bit version Windows computer 10. ODBS is a software interface that allows applications to access data in database management systems (DBMS) based on the SQL language. To open the ODBC Data Source Administrator window, click the Start button in the lower left corner of the screen. In the window that opens, click on the tab - All applications.

    Next, in the list of all applications, at the very bottom, click on the tab Administration Tools. In the list that opens, click on the tab – ODBC Data Sources (32-bit). Please note that there is ODBC for 64 bit as well Windows versions 10. .

    User DSN, a custom ODBC data source stores information about how to connect to a specified data provider. A custom data source is visible only to you and can only be used on the current computer.

    – ODBC tracing allows you to create logs of ODBC driver calls for use by helpdesk or to assist in debugging applications.

    – System DSN, an ODBC system data source stores information about how to connect to a specified data provider. The system data source is visible to all users on this computer, including NT services.

    – Connection pooling allows an application to reuse open connection handles, which reduces the number of communications with the server.

    – File DSN, an ODBC file data source allows you to communicate with that source. Users who have the same drivers installed can use them together.

    – ODBC drivers enable ODBC programs to obtain information from an ODBC data source. Drivers are installed using the installer.