• Communication technologies computer networks. computer network - a system of computers connected by information transmission channels computer networksonal

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    Relevance The relevance of this problem is that information and communication technologies are characterized by high communicative capabilities and active involvement of students in educational activities, activate the potential of knowledge and skills of speaking and listening skills, and effectively develop communicative competence skills in schoolchildren. This promotes adaptation to modern social conditions, because society needs people who can quickly navigate modern world, independent and proactive, achieving success in their activities.

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    What is information technology? This is “a system of methods and methods for collecting, accumulating, storing, searching, transmitting, processing and issuing information using computers and computer lines connections."

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    What is Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)? is “a wide range of digital technologies used to create, transmit and disseminate information and provide services (computer hardware, software, telephone lines, cellular communications, e-mail, cellular and satellite technologies, wireless and cable networks, multimedia, and Internet)"

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    The main goals of using ICT in English lessons are: increasing motivation to learn the language; development of speech competence: the ability to understand authentic foreign language texts, as well as the ability to convey information in coherent, reasoned statements; increasing the volume of linguistic knowledge; expanding the volume of knowledge about the sociocultural specifics of the country of the language being studied; development of ability and readiness for self-study English language.

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    In English lessons, using a computer, you can solve a number of problems: develop reading skills and abilities by directly using online materials of varying degrees of complexity; improve listening skills based on authentic audio texts; improve writing skills, replenish your vocabulary, both active and passive, with vocabulary of a modern foreign language, reflecting a certain stage in the development of the culture of the people, the social and political structure of society; introduce cultural knowledge, including speech etiquette, features of speech behavior of various peoples in communication conditions, features of culture, traditions of the country of the language being studied; to form sustainable motivation for students’ foreign language activities in the classroom.

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    All ICT tools used in the education system can be divided into two types: hardware, software

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    Hardware: Computer - universal device information processing. The printer allows you to record on paper information found and created by students or a teacher for students. The projector increases the level of visibility in the teacher’s work, as well as the ability for students to present the results of their work to the whole class. The telecommunications unit provides access to Russian and global information resources, allows for distance learning and correspondence with other schools. Devices for entering text information and manipulating screen objects - keyboard and mouse. Devices for recording (inputting) visual and audio information - a scanner, a camera, a video camera, an audio and video recorder - make it possible to directly include information images of the surrounding world in the educational process.

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    Hardware: continued Data recording devices - sensors with interfaces significantly expand the class of physical, chemical, biological, environmental processes included in education while reducing educational time spent on routine data processing. Computer-controlled devices enable students different levels ability to master principles and technologies automatic control. Intra-class and intra-school networks allow more efficient use of available information, technical and time (human) resources, provide general access to global information network Audio-video tools provide an effective communication environment for educational work and public events.

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    Software: General purpose and associated with hardware (drivers, etc.) make it possible to work with all types of information. Sources of information - organized information arrays of encyclopedias on CDs, information sites and Internet search engines, including those specialized for educational applications. Virtual constructors allow you to create visual and symbolic models of mathematical and physical reality and conduct experiments with these models. Simulators allow you to practice automatic skills in working with information objects: entering text, operating with graphic objects on the screen, etc.

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    Software tools: (continued) Test environments allow you to design and use automated tests in which the student receives a task in whole or in part through a computer, and the result of the task is also fully or partially assessed by the computer. Complex educational packages (electronic textbooks) - combinations of software tools of the types listed above - most automate the educational process in its traditional forms, are the most labor-intensive to create, and most limit the independence of the teacher and student. Management information systems ensure the passage of information flows between all participants in the educational process: students, teachers, administration, parents, and the public. Expert systems are a software system that uses the knowledge of an expert to effectively solve problems in any subject area.

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    The most frequently used in educational process ICT tools include: electronic textbooks and manuals demonstrated using a computer and multimedia projector electronic encyclopedias and reference books, simulators and testing programs, educational resources on the Internet, DVDs and CDs with pictures and illustrations, video and audio equipment, multimedia presentations, scientific research works and projects.

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    Main types of linguodidactic tasks that can be solved with the help of ICT 1. When teaching phonetics: With the help of ICT, the technique of visualizing pronunciation is often used. Multimedia capabilities allow you to listen to speech in the target language, adapting it in accordance with your level of perception, and adjusting the sound speed allows you to break phrases into individual words, while simultaneously comparing the pronunciation and spelling of words. Using a microphone and automatic pronunciation control allows you to correct phonetic skills. The computer offers a list of words for translation and phonetic practice. It is possible to record the student’s spoken word or phrase for the purpose of control, self-control and correction.

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    2. When learning to write: Record your own statements and the statements of others, copy from what you read, transforming the material, write a letter, postcard, essay, fill out a form, etc. The use of a computer in teaching writing gives this process greater dynamism. Students type the texts of their essays themselves, learn to work with text editors, improve their computer skills, and master the use of electronic versions English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries. Students have a practical opportunity to use the knowledge and skills acquired in computer science lessons. They correspond with peers from other countries, send their essays and creative works to the teacher for checking, and take part in school and district projects.

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    3.When teaching grammar: The use of ICT in a grammar lesson is possible when studying almost any topic. At correct location, successful color design, use of diagrams and tables, voice accompaniment(pronunciation of examples in a foreign language) the material will be perceived easier and faster by schoolchildren, since most of the receptors will be involved. The time spent in class will also be reduced - the need to write down material on the board will disappear. When studying grammatical phenomena, each student can perform grammatical exercises, has the opportunity to solve crosswords, chainwords, search for words, and perform game exercises. And with the help of ICT, it is more interesting to monitor the level of formation of grammatical skills based on test programs and provide reference and information support (automated grammar reference books, systems for detecting grammatical errors at the morphological and syntactic levels).

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    4.When teaching vocabulary: based on test and game computer programs using visual clarity; expansion of passive and potential vocabularies of students; provision of reference and information support (automatic dictionaries, programs for selecting synonyms and antonyms). Exercises to master vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Possible types of work include: fill-in-the-blank exercises. In case of an incorrect answer, the following scenarios are possible: a) the student is prohibited from moving on to the next task or sentence; b) the student moves on to the next task or sentence with their subsequent correction, namely, highlighting the correct answer in a different color or putting a “cross” sign indicating an incorrect answer; exercises in the form of crossword puzzles, where when writing a word the wrong letter is highlighted in gray rather than black;

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    exercises in the form of a game for composing sentences, during which the student moves the cursor over the required word, which is then moved into the sentence being composed and becomes behind the last moved word. exercises in the form of the game “Hunter”, which can be in the following variants: a shot is fired after listening to the word according to the desired definition (picture); the shot is fired after the word is written. the student is asked to correlate two lists of foreign words and establish pairs of synonyms or antonyms; the student is offered a list of foreign words and a list of definitions of these words. The student is required to connect each word with its corresponding definition (picture); “Find the error” exercise, which asks you to correct a particular word in accordance with a given situation

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    5. When teaching reading: ICT allows improving reading technique skills through the use of techniques such as varying the field of perception and the pace of presentation, changing the location of the text, etc.; consolidation of receptive lexical and grammatical reading skills; mastering the skills of extracting various types of semantic information from a text (main, secondary, clarifying, etc.); training in various types of text analysis; developing the ability to independently overcome language difficulties; providing reference and information support by providing linguistic or extralinguistic information (through the use of automatic dictionaries, electronic encyclopedias); control of the correctness and depth of understanding of the text read.

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    6. When teaching listening: Formation of phonetic listening skills; monitoring the correct understanding of the listened text; ability to understand authentic speech. When learning listening, each student gets the opportunity to hear foreign speech. In our work, we also use the capabilities of ICT to solve complex problems, therefore, multimedia lessons and assignments are used to train listening skills. The sources of such tasks are multimedia lessons and the Internet. The Internet is a rich source of audio recordings. For example, there is a site where there are the necessary songs “for all occasions” - song lyrics and music.

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    7. When learning to speak: Formation of phonetic speaking skills; organizing communication in pairs and small groups using role-playing games based on simulation and modeling programs. The ability to inform, explain, approve, convince, congratulate, give a description, etc. When learning to speak, each student can pronounce phrases in English into a microphone. Students are offered websites on a specific topic related to the topic being studied. For example, in the London theme, students take a virtual tour of the city and talk about what they see. Pair work can be carried out, in which students act out a dialogue between a London resident or guide and a visitor.

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    8. When teaching translation: Formation of lexical and grammatical translation skills; control of translation accuracy; mastering the ability to edit translation texts using text editors and machine translation systems; provision of reference and information support (use of automatic dictionaries, glossaries, systems for selecting antonyms and synonyms).

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    As you can see, the scope of application of ICT in teaching foreign languages ​​is unusually wide. ICT can be effectively used to familiarize with new language material, new patterns of statements, as well as communication activities in a foreign language. At the training stage and at the stage of applying the formed knowledge, skills, abilities, all types of ICT can be used in a wide variety of communicative tasks and situations, taking into account the personal characteristics of the trainees. With their help, you can create optimal conditions for successful development program material: this ensures a flexible, sufficient and feasible exercise load for all students in the class. In addition, it is difficult to overestimate the role of the computer as a means of exercising control over the activities of students on the part of the teacher, as well as as a means of forming and improving self-control.

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    There are a number of programs that help in various communicative tasks and situations, taking into account the personal characteristics of students. Here are the most popular ones:

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    Second Life(Second Life) - a world that you create yourself or your students, fill with seas, forests, cities and villages, with real people (and contact them via Skype or email) or fictitious ones. There you have houses and libraries, video rooms and restaurants, the opportunity to work and travel. Tempting, isn't it? Find out how to create it and use it in teaching English. Skype - With this program you can talk to millions of people around the world absolutely free! First download latest version Skype, then install it by selecting the Russian version in the settings. And that’s it, learn English by talking to native speakers. Blogs are an online diary of one or more authors, consisting of entries in reverse chronological order, or in other words, it is a site in the form of a magazine, sorted by date. The word comes from the English weblog - “web journal”. Wiki (Wiki) is a collection of interconnected entries. (Ward Cunningham, the creator of the technology, called the application an environment for fast hypertext interaction.) Wiki implements a radical model of collective hypertext, when the ability to create and edit any entry is presented to each member of the online community...

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    Hot Potatoes is a universal shell program that allows teachers to create interactive training and control exercises in HTML format on their own, without the help of programmers. The program is widely used all over the world to create assignments in various languages ​​for various disciplines. Exercises are created using 5 program blocks (each block can be considered as independent program): Quiz – Quiz – multiple choice questions (4 types of tasks). The teacher has the opportunity to include comments in the exercise for all answer options. Cloze - Filling in the blanks. Students can ask for a clue and see the first letters of the missing word. There is also automatic scoring. You can “skip” certain words, or you can, for example, every fifth. Match – Establishing correspondences (3 types of tasks). Cross – Crossword. Mix – Resequence

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    One of the ICT tools is multimedia presentation. Multimedia presentation of foreign language material is a way of presenting language information creatively processed by the teacher and adapted for a certain age of students in the form of a logically completed selection of slides on a certain lexical, grammatical, regional topic. Multimedia presentation is based on the use of audiovisual capabilities of computer technologies. With the appropriate equipment, multimedia programs have almost unlimited graphic and color capabilities, which allows you to present any type of activity in the form of pictures and animation. This is especially important: a) when familiarizing yourself with new vocabulary, since images on the monitor/screen allow you to associate a phrase in a foreign language directly with an object or action; b) when studying grammatical material, when children 7-8 years old have not yet developed abstract thinking, and the colorful pictures, diagrams, and animated images seen on the screen contribute to better perception and assimilation of new material.

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    The use of MMP in the learning process is ensured by certain conditions created both at the school level as a whole and at the lesson level. Working with a computer not only helps to increase interest in learning, but also makes it possible to regulate the presentation of educational tasks according to the degree of difficulty, encouraging correct solutions. In addition, the computer allows you to completely eliminate one of the most important reasons for a negative attitude towards learning - failure due to a lack of understanding of the material or a problem in knowledge. It is this aspect that is provided by the authors of many computer training programs. The student is given the opportunity to use various reference guides and dictionaries, which can be called up on the screen with just a click on the mouse. Working on a computer, the student has the opportunity to complete the solution of the problem, relying on the necessary help. The joy of learning is what the use of computers in the classroom brings. And this, in turn, together with the development of thinking leads to the development of initiative speech. Every child has an internal motive aimed at cognitive activity. The teacher’s task is to promote the development of this motive in every possible way and not let it fade away.

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    Educational technology must meet the following methodological requirements: conceptuality: a scientific concept, including psychological and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals, systematicity: the presence of all features of the system (the logic of constructing the process, the relationship of all its parts, integrity), efficiency: guarantee of results that correspond to educational standards, flexibility: the ability to vary the content to ensure comfort and freedom of interaction between the teacher and students, taking into account the specific conditions of teaching activity, dynamism: the possibility of developing or transforming the technology used, reproducibility: the possible use of technology by other teachers in a given educational institution or in others. Having analyzed the experience of using ICT in foreign language lessons and during extracurricular hours, we can conclude: multimedia technologies accelerate the learning process: they contribute to a sharp increase in students’ interest in the subject; improve the quality of material absorption; allow you to individualize the learning process; make it possible to avoid subjectivity of assessment.

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    Observations and comparative analysis of learning outcomes in classes where ICT is used in the system showed the following: students demonstrate a higher degree of involvement in the learning process, motivation and joy of learning; the use of ICT helps to increase the efficiency of mastering a foreign language; This organization of work is a means of increasing the effectiveness of schoolchildren’s educational work, especially at the middle and senior stages, when students lose some degree of interest in the subject and faith in success.

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    Thus, the use of new information technology expands the scope of the educational process, increases its practical orientation. The motivation of students increases, which contributes to the activation of their cognitive activity in the process of working with information. As a result, students’ key competencies, mainly information, are effectively developed. increase the speed and reliability of knowledge. So, the use of ICT helps students: develop systems thinking, learn to analyze, compare and summarize facts, independently study, consolidate and repeat the material they have learned, acquire computer skills, and thoroughly prepare for the Unified State Exam.

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    ICT helps the teacher: improve the efficiency and quality of education, focus on modern learning goals, increase students’ motivation to learn, use interconnected training in various types of speech activities, take into account the regional aspect, make classes memorable and emotional, implement an individual approach, strengthen the independence of students, improve the quality visibility, to facilitate the teacher’s work. present the material more clearly, in less time, with greater understanding on the part of students, find basic and additional materials for lessons or an elective course, save time for speech practice, organize individual, group and frontal work with the class, simplify monitoring the educational activities of students, interest students, increase their motivation, involve them in the creative learning process.

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    Conclusions The use of ICT in English lessons is, in my opinion, one of the most important results of innovative work in school. The use of information technology allows us to implement our plans and make the lesson modern. The use of ICT in the English language lesson makes it possible to more fully implement a whole range of methodological, didactic, pedagogical and psychological principles. It should be noted that the use of multimedia technologies cannot provide a significant pedagogical effect without a teacher, since these technologies are only ways of teaching. The computer in the educational process is not a mechanical teacher, not a substitute or analogue of the teacher, but a means that enhances and expands the capabilities of his teaching activities. Based on the above, it can be argued that the use of ICT is a promising direction in teaching English language and needs further research.

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    Information transmission Channel capacity (information transmission rate) is the amount of information transmitted per unit of time. Units of measurement bandwidth channel Bit / sKbit / sMbit / sGbit / s Byte / sKbyte / sMByte / sGByte / s Sender of information Receiver of information Information transmission channel

    Local networks A local network unites computers (within one building) and allows users to share the resources of computers and peripheral devices connected to the network (printers, modems, etc.) Types of local networks: Peer-to-peer network - all connected computers have equal rights. Network using a server that stores the most important information. Access to this information is determined by the network administrator.

    Global computer network Internet The Internet unites local, regional and corporate networks throughout the world. The Internet is a network of networks. The user's computer can connect to the Internet using Internet service providers. The provider provides access to the Internet via telephone channel to hundreds and thousands of users simultaneously. The provider is the owner of servers that have a permanent connection to the Internet.

    Internet connection Telephone communication channels Radio channels (within line of sight) Satellite channels A modem is used to connect a computer to a telephone line. The modem provides modulation and demodulation of the signal as it is transmitted over telephone lines. Modulation – analog signal, characteristic of telephone lines, is converted into digital (computer), demodulation is the inverse conversion.

    Internet Addressing Every computer connected to the Internet has its own unique 32-bit IP address. Using the formula N = 2 I, you can calculate the total number of different IP addresses. N = 2 32 = A 32-bit IP address connects more than 4 billion computers to the Internet.

    Addressing on the Internet For ease of perception, the binary 32-bit IP address is divided into four parts of 8 bits and each part is represented in decimal form. A decimal IP address consists of four numbers in the range 0 to 255, separated by dots (for example,) IP address in binary and decimal form Binary Decimal

    Domain name system For the convenience of Internet users, a domain name system was introduced, which matches the numerical IP address of a computer with a unique domain name. The domain name system has a hierarchical structure: top-level domains - second-level domains - third-level domains, etc. Top-level domains are of two types: Geographic (two-letter) Administrative (three-letter)

    Some top-level domain names Administrative Type of organization Geographical Country com Commercial ru Russia edu Educational ua Ukraine gov Government us USA net Communication ca Canada org Non-profit de Germany Administrative domains are often registered as second-level domains. For example, the domain name of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

    Routing Protocol (data routing) The Routing Protocol (IP) ensures the delivery of information from the sending computer to the receiving computer. Internet packets on the way to the recipient computer pass through numerous intermediate Internet servers on which the routing operation is performed. You can find out the route of information on the Internet using the Tracert.exe program, which is included in Windows.

    Transport protocol(data transport) To ensure reliability during transport large files are split into separate IP packets The Transport Protocol (TCP) ensures that files are split into IP packets on the sending computer and files are assembled from the received packets on the receiving computer. Package delivery routes may vary

    Information resources Internet World Wide Web(WWW) E-mail () File archives Communication on the Internet Reception of radio stations and television channels

    World Wide Web The World Wide Web uses hypertext technology in which documents are linked together using hyperlinks. Hyperlinks allow you to navigate from one document to another. Documents containing hyperlinks are called Web pages, and the Internet servers that store them are called Web servers.

    World Wide Web The World Wide Web is hundreds of millions of Internet Web servers containing hundreds of billions of Web pages that use hypertext technology. Topically related Web pages constitute a Web site. A website is an integral system of documents interconnected into a single whole using hyperlinks.

    World Wide Web You can find a Web page on the Internet using the universal resource locator (Web page address). The universal resource locator (URL) includes the document access protocol, the domain name or IP address of the server on which the document is located, as well as the path to the file and the file name itself: Protocol:// domain name / file path / file name

    World Wide Web The hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) is used to access Web pages. When writing a protocol, its name is followed by a colon and two forward slashes: Example of the address of one of the pages of a website on computer science Access protocol Server domain name Path to the file and file name of the Web page

    World Wide Web Viewing Web pages is carried out using special programs - browsers. The most common browser is Internet Explorer. Other browsers: Opera, Mozilla. To view a Web page, you need to enter its URL into the address bar of your browser.

    Electronic mail () Electronic mail is historically the first computer networking service. Advantages over regular mail: Speed ​​of message forwarding. The letter may contain attached files (documents, graphics, sound, etc.). Allows you to send messages to several subscribers at once.

    Email address The email address consists of two parts, separated by Name _ server name _ The user name is set by the user himself when registering a mailbox. Server name – domain name mail server, which is registered mailbox. Email address of the newspaper "Svetly Put" File archives File archive servers: freeware.ru Access to files on file archive servers is possible either by HTTP protocol, and via a special file transfer protocol FTP. The FTP protocol allows you not only to download files to your computer, but also to transfer files from your computer to the server.

    Chatting on the Internet Exchange messages typed on the keyboard. Real-time communication servers (chat). Chat is a virtual room where people gather and chat in real time. Communication using the ICQ system. ICQ is a program that allows you to exchange instant messages Internet telephony – voice messages via the Internet. Skype is a program that provides voice communication via the Internet.

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    Information and communication technologies in education

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    “It is well known that you cannot move forward with your head turned backward, and therefore it is unacceptable in a 21st century school to use ineffective, outdated teaching technologies that exhaust both the student and the teacher, require a lot of time and do not guarantee the quality of education...” (M. Potashnik, full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor).

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    Issues covered
    Problems of the development of education in Russia On reforming the existing education system The main elements of the education system model New educational technologies Communications in education Open and distance education The system of training diplomatic staff in the Russian Foreign Ministry

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    Factors determining the need to introduce ICT in education
    The transfer of knowledge and accumulated technological and social experience of mankind, not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another, is significantly accelerating. A person adapts more successfully and quickly to the environment and ongoing social changes, receiving better quality training and education. An education system is being created that meets the process of reforming the traditional education system in light of the requirements information society. According to the lowest estimates, students' learning with the help of ICT is 40-60% faster than with conventional technologies.

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    New technologies in education
    The main directions of new technologies in education: learning in collaboration; project method; individual and differentiated approach to learning; multi-level training; modular training. The traditional approach to education is based mainly on the assimilation of ready-made knowledge and its reproduction. Distinctive features of the new approach in education: special attention to the individuality of a person, his personality, a clear focus on the conscious development of independent critical thinking.

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    Communication in Education
    Communication in education is an emerging field of study that includes interpersonal, personal, group, and cultural modes of classroom communication. She studies both verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as communication difficulties between learners, such as communication comprehension, lack of listening skills and problems of self-expression. For the information society, communication systems become informational. Advanced communications assume that a teacher can be a person or a device that can be located anywhere and contact the student only in a virtual sense.

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    “It is well known that you cannot move forward with your head turned backward, and therefore it is unacceptable in a 21st century school to use ineffective, outdated teaching technologies that exhaust both the student and the teacher, require a lot of time and do not guarantee the quality of education...” (M. Potashnik, full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor).
    Today, several models of informatization of the educational process are known: Working with ready-made electronic publications. In the field of education, the following types of aids are most often used: electronic textbooks; electronic encyclopedias, dictionaries, guidebooks and reference books; atlases; problem books; collections, galleries, multimedia libraries; simulators; tests and more etc. Teachers creating their own presentations for lessons

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    A real creative incentive for a teacher is the creation of presentation lessons, which become an integral part of the educational process. There are lessons where you need to draw on the board large number circuits and reference signals, this requires a lot of time and space. This problem can be successfully solved using a computer and screen. Presentations help satisfy the creative ambitions of teachers and replenish the base methodological developments lessons. Working with presentations forces the teacher to specify voluminous material, formulate his thoughts as briefly and concisely as possible, and systematize the information received, presenting it in the form of a brief summary. Schoolchildren, under the guidance of a teacher, practice note-taking skills, which are necessary for studying at a university.

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    But there are also special difficulties. Organizational difficulties include the problem of concentrating students' attention. Some children (regardless of age) cannot, due to their temperament, perceive information from a computer screen for more than 10-15 minutes. No computer can replace live communication with a teacher.

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    Guidelines for using ICT in the classroom

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    The teaching, educational, and developmental function of a lesson is provided by various means. One such tool is a computer. In modern schools, computers are increasingly used not only in computer science lessons, but also in mathematics, chemistry, biology, Russian language, literature, fine arts, and foreign language lessons.

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    You can also increase your spelling vigilance by using interactive dictations that are posted on Internet sites. Here is one example of such a dictation, which itself corrects mistakes and gives grades.

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    This work is good because the student independently, using a computer, repeats almost all the material on the desired topic, and this repetition is not tedious, unobtrusive. A favorable psychological climate is created, since the student does not have complexes due to ignorance of the topic, but independently obtains knowledge using hypertext. Tests have been compiled for almost any section of the Russian language. There are disks with tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

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    Using ICT in primary school lessons
    Today, schools, teachers, and students have such powerful sources of information as a computer at their disposal. A computer is a tool with which learning can become more interesting, faster, simpler, and the knowledge gained can become deeper and more generalized.
    Therefore, the use of computer technology in lessons is important, if, of course, it is available. New information technologies make it possible to intensify the educational process. The computer significantly expands the possibilities of presenting educational information. Application of color, graphics, sound, modern means Video technology allows you to increase the child’s motivation.

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    One of the sources of motivation is entertainment. The possibilities of the computer here are inexhaustible and it is very important that this entertainment does not become a predominant factor, so that it does not overshadow educational goals. In addition, the computer allows you to completely eliminate one of the most important reasons for a negative attitude towards learning - failure due to misunderstanding, significant gaps in knowledge
    The inclusion of a new teaching tool in a lesson allows you to bring educational and cognitive interest to a new level and diversify the learning process. The student’s activity increases, learning motives become more stable, and interest in the subject appears. These lessons are rich in content. Using a computer allows you to organize students’ independent activities in a new way and obtain results of work for the class and for each student individually.

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    Proper use of modern information technologies can significantly increase children's motivation to learn. Allows you to recreate real objects or phenomena in color, movement and sound. What contributes to the widest disclosure of their abilities, the activation of mental activity

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    In conclusion, I would like to note that in a school environment it is possible, necessary and advisable to use ICT in various types educational activities. The joint organized activity of a teacher with children has its own specifics; it should be emotional, bright, involving a large amount of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. All this can provide us computer equipment with its multimedia capabilities. However, no matter how positive and enormous potential information and communication technologies have, they cannot and should not replace live communication between a teacher and a child.

    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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    Questions What are databases? What types of databases are there? What is a record, field, field type, primary key? What is a DBMS? Give an example. What is sorting in databases? What is database searching? ?

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    For effective and collaboration several computers they need to exchange information. Computers can exchange information using channels of various natures: Cable Radio Fiber Optic Information exchange channel Information sender Information recipient

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    A computer network is a collection of computers and various devices, providing information exchange between computers on a network without the use of any intermediate storage media. Networks provide users with the opportunity not only quick exchange information, but also collaboration on printers and other peripheral devices, and even simultaneous processing of documents.

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    To connect computers to each other you need: network cards for each computer; connecting cables; network software. Purpose: transfer of information between computers; shared access to programs and data; sharing equipment. - this is the connection of 3 or more computers with each other over a short distance using cables.

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    Basic concepts: Server (service device) is a central computer on which network software is installed; this computer provides services to other computers on the network, which are called workstations or network subscribers. A peer-to-peer network is a network in which there is no specially dedicated server. An administrator is a person who is responsible for the operation of the network, its serviceability, and user access rights. The network operating system is the basis software local network. Its main task is to use shared resources networks.

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    Serial ring Each computer is connected to each other, the signal carrying information goes in a circle.

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    Star connection Uses a separate cable for each computer, routed from the central device

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    Tree connection There is one central server for the entire network and several file servers for different work groups

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    If a network exists within a certain region, then it is called regional. Networks serving some industry of the state (education, science, defense, etc.) are called industry (corporate) networks. Each regional or industry computer network usually has connections with other networks.

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    Questions What is a computer network? Types of computer networks. What networks are called local? What is a server and network operating system? Methods of connecting computers on a network (name and diagram). What networks are called regional?

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    A global computer network is an association of two or more networks. Currently, there are more than 200 global networks registered in the world, which are interconnected via the Internet. Internet is one information space, network of networks.

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    Global computer network Internet In 1969, the ARPAnet computer network was created in the USA, uniting computer centers of the Ministry of Defense and a number of academic organizations. This network was intended for a narrow purpose: mainly to study how to maintain communications in the event of a nuclear attack and to help researchers share information. As this network grew, many other networks were created and developed. Even before the advent of the personal computer era, the creators of ARPAnet began developing the Internetting Project program. The success of this project led to the following results. Firstly, the largest in the USA was created internet network(starting with a lowercase i). Secondly, various options for interaction of this network with a number of other US networks were tested. This created the preconditions for the successful integration of many networks into a single global network. This “network of networks” is now called the Internet everywhere (the Russian spelling Internet is also widely used in domestic publications).

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    Basic concepts The Internet is a collection of nodes connected by communication channels. Each node (host) contains one or more powerful computers - servers running an operating system. The node is managed by its owner – an organization (provider). The Internet unites networks that operate using different protocols. Network protocol is a program containing a set of rules that establish the type of data used, standard connections, and error handling rules. When networks operating under different protocols are combined, there is a need to transfer data from the format accepted in one network to the format accepted in another. Computers and programs that perform this function are called gateways. If two networks using the same protocols are connected, then the equipment standing between them is called bridges.

    “The use of ICT in primary school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education”

    “Tell me and I will forget. Show me so I can remember. Let me do it myself, and it will be mine forever.” An integral part of the core of the new standard are universal learning activities (ULAs). UUD is understood as “general educational skills”, “ general methods activities", "supra-subject actions", etc. An important element in the formation of universal educational actions of students at the level of primary general education, ensuring its effectiveness, is the orientation of younger schoolchildren in information and communication technologies(ICT) and developing the ability to use them competently (ICT competence). (SLIDE 3) In the new millennium we have entered the so-called “ information age" She puts before school education and new problem- prepare students for life in a rapidly changing information society, which places new demands on the education system, including the competence of the teacher. Now one of its goals is to form high level information culture. And the key role in solving this problem is played by the ability modern man master ICT technologies. The main goal of their implementation is the emergence of new types of educational activities. Usage personal computer, multimedia programs and devices allows you to change the teaching of school disciplines, optimize the processes of understanding, memorizing and assimilation of educational material by children, thereby increasing the motivation of learning and the effectiveness of the lesson, as well as ensuring the implementation of the ideas of developmental education, improving the forms and methods of organizing the educational process. (SLIDE 4-5) The use of ICT in lessons in primary school allows: . organize simultaneously children with different... new capabilities and abilities; . to intensify the cognitive activity of students; . approach the student individually, using multi-level tasks; . improve the quality of material absorption; . implement a differentiated approach to students with different levels of readiness for learning; . conduct lessons at a high aesthetic level (music, animation); . develop students’ ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them. master in practical ways working with information. move from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject of learning activities. Of course, using ICT in every lesson is quite complex and time-consuming, as the role and responsibility of the teacher increases. He always has to be in search of techniques and means of organizing the educational and cognitive activities of students so that the lesson is as informative, productive, and most importantly - unforgettable, therefore (SLIDE 6) a modern teacher must be “ICT” - competent: ? master basic computer user tools; ? multimedia information sources; ? communication tools; ? ICT - means. Information competence is reflected in the teaching and educational process of primary school, since learning at this level is the foundation on which all further human activity will be built. The use of ICT more fully develops students' creativity and skills research activities, teaches children to work with information, develops communication skills, and introduces students to the achievements of the information society. Lessons using ICT can become familiar to primary school students, and for teachers - the norm of work - this, in my opinion, is one of the most important results of innovative work in school. Options for using ICT (SLIDE 7) in the educational process of primary school can be very different (they are presented on the screen): ? the use of ICT as a didactic teaching tool (creation of teaching aids, development and use of ready-made computer programs in various subjects, etc.); ? introduction training course“Informatics” as an academic subject for primary schoolchildren; ? conducting a lesson using ICT (using ICT at certain stages of the lesson, using ICT to consolidate and control knowledge, organizing group and individual work, extracurricular work and work with parents). Computer technology can be used in almost any school subject. One thing is important - to find the line that will make the lesson truly developing and educational. The use of information technology allows me to implement my plans, make the lesson modern, which contributes to a significant improvement in the quality of education. In my lessons, I use ICT in the form of presentations, revised and adapted for my class (SLIDES 8-21), as well as those created by me, at any stage of the lesson: to determine the topic and set learning objectives, when working on new material, to consolidate, at the stage of reflection, etc. Presentations help to involve children in discussion, visit museums and exhibitions in absentia, and attend a meeting with writers; using presentations you can organize different types Activities: work in pairs, groups, individual work. Also in the lessons I use interactive multimedia components for textbooks (they are presented on disks): 1. V.G. Goretsky “ABC” 2. M.I. Moreau “Mathematics” 3. A.A. Pleshakov “The World Around us” 4.B .P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky “Russian language” These discs are interesting because the material can be used when working from textbooks by different authors. The tasks allow you to apply them at any stage of the lesson, diversify the forms and types of activities, etc. I would like to use the example of one topic in the Russian language to demonstrate various types of work. For example, vocabulary work: an explanation of the semantic meaning of a word is presented, observation of spelling and orthographic pronunciation, work to enrich vocabulary, etc. At the stage of familiarization with new material, its theoretical explanation is proposed. To consolidate and practice knowledge, tasks are presented in game form. There are also many different exercises aimed at developing children's speech. Exciting interactive games help develop a child's logic and imagination, memory and attention. There are tasks for practical work, training and testing exercises, which allows for individual and full analysis the level of knowledge of students, give them an objective assessment, and also identify weaknesses in mastering new material. One of the main goals of education is the development of a child’s creative abilities. It depends on many factors, including how visual and easy to understand the educational material is. A younger schoolchild has better developed involuntary attention, which becomes especially concentrated when he is interested, when tasks are clear, bright, and evoke positive emotions in the children. I believe that the use of presentations, multimedia, and testing programs in lessons helps solve the following (SLIDE 23) didactic tasks: . acquire basic knowledge of the subject; . systematize acquired knowledge; . develop self-control skills; . to form motivation for learning in general and for a certain subject in particular; . provide educational and methodological assistance to students in independent work on educational material. The computer brought together teachers, students, and parents. It's no secret that today many people, having a computer at home, use it as a toy. But adults can become active participants in the educational process, for example, helping the child find interesting material for the lesson, assist in completing projects, prepare presentations on various topics, and final material about the life of the class. Eight of my students participated in the All-Russian drawing competition “Man in the World of Artistic Culture” (SLIDE 24-25). Parents sent their work to a competition in electronic form, and actively voted for interesting children's drawings. I also use ICT in extracurricular activities, when conducting cool hours(SLIDE 26-31), holidays and parent-teacher meetings. The future is shaped at school. Our students today must be prepared to integrate successfully into society. And the introduction of ICT into the educational process helps solve this problem. Today, for teachers, a computer is no longer a luxury - it is a necessity.

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    "Presentation "Use of Information and Communication Technologies""

    The use of ICT in lessons in primary school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education

    Litvinova Larisa Vladimirovna, teacher primary classes MBOU "Lyceum No. 101"

    • "Tell me and I will forget. Show me so I can remember. Let me do it myself and it will be mine forever." Ancient wisdom

    The use of ICT in primary school lessons allows

    * organize simultaneously children with different capabilities and abilities;

    * intensify the cognitive activity of students;

    * approach the student individually, using multi-level tasks;

    * improve the quality of material absorption;

    * implement a differentiated approach to students with different levels of readiness for learning;

    * conduct lessons at a high aesthetic level (music, animation);

    * develop students’ ability to navigate the information flows of the surrounding world,

    * master practical ways of working with information,

    * move from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes active subject of educational activities.

    Modern the teacher must be “ICT” - competent:

    • master basic computer user tools;
    • multimedia information sources;
    • communication tools;
    • ICT - means.

    Options for using ICT in the educational process of primary school

    • use of ICT as a didactic teaching tool(creation of teaching aids, development and use of ready-made computer programs in various subjects, etc.);
    • introduction of the computer science course as an educational subject for younger schoolchildren;
    • conducting a lesson using ICT(use of ICT at certain stages of the lesson, use of ICT to consolidate and control knowledge, organization of group and individual work, extracurricular work and work with parents).

    In my lessons I most often use ICT in the form of presentations.

    • on the surrounding world;
    • in Russian;
    • in mathematics;
    • on literary reading;
    • in extracurricular and extracurricular activities

    1. Name the first winter month

    2. From what month does summer begin?

    3. Name the month that follows October

    5. What season follows autumn?

    6. Name the last month of summer

    7. What season will change to summer?

    8. What month comes after March? Name the third letter of this word.

    What I want to learn in class:

    • when did dinosaurs live?
    • what they looked like;
    • what did they eat;
    • why dinosaurs became extinct;
    • who helps us learn about dinosaurs;

    We visited both cold and hot regions of the Earth, met many different animals, but never saw dinosaurs. Why?

    Dinosaurs do not live on Earth now; they became extinct long ago.

    Paleontological Museum


    Do you agree with the names of the animals?

    K O ROVA (p, P) ushinka

    COSH KA (b,B)odun

    S O BAKA (k,K)rikun

    P E TUKH (z, z)orka

    K O ZOL (t, T)ishka

    Test yourself

    CAT P ears

    DOG T Ishka

    ROOSTER TO ricun

    GOAT B one

    COW Z orc

    Group work

    Come up with and write

    names of animals and give them nicknames:

    1 group - from one syllable;

    Group 2 – of two syllables;

    Group 3 – of three syllables.


    It's time to check if we have achieved the lesson objectives.

    Today in class:

    I found out...

    I learned.....

    I liked it...

    I will …

    He stood right next to the path: His legs won’t walk out of fear, And the poor fellow mooed, “Moo! I can’t take a step!”

    • He doesn't want to lie down at all. If you throw it, it will jump. Throw it again, rushes at a gallop, Well, of course - this is....

    The iron bird circles in the sky, and, at the pilot's signal, lands on the ground.

    The giant lifts a heavy load to the clouds. And if it gets stuffy, the shower will pour on itself.

    A handsome, lively guy carries a box on his back. And in that box a whole field of wheat will fit.

    Gray flannelette animal, Long-eared clubfoot. Well, guess who he is. And give him a carrot!

    He is slender and handsome, He has a thick mane. It's a pity you can't race on it. You can only swing.

    Holiday, holiday at the gates! Who will go to meet him? Me and my faithful friend - Little Red...

    This funny animal is made of plush and has paws and ears. Give the beast some honey. And make him a den.

    The giant city goes to work in the ocean.

    If someone is born with a beard, no one will be surprised.

    I also use interactive multimedia components for textbooks in my lessons.

    • V. G. Goretsky “ABC”
    • M.I.Moro “Mathematics 1st grade”
    • V. P. Kanakina, V. G. Goretsky “Russian language, 1st grade”
    • A.A. Pleshakov “The world around us”

    The use of presentations, multimedia, and testing programs in lessons helps solve the following: didactic tasks:

    • acquire basic knowledge of the subject;
    • systematize acquired knowledge;
    • develop self-control skills;
    • to form motivation for learning in general and for a certain subject in particular;
    • provide educational and methodological assistance to students in independent work on educational material.