• Case does not apply to information and communication technologies. Information and communication technologies

    Developed by: -Deputy Director for Water Resources Management,

    -history teacher at Municipal Educational Institution “Gorodishchenskaya Secondary School No. 3”

    Information and communication technologies

    Under information technology is understood as a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

    In recent years the term "information Technology" often acts as a synonym for the term "computer technology" since all information technologies are now in one way or another connected with the use of a computer. However, the term “information technology” is much broader and includes “computer technology” as a component. At the same time, information technologies based on the use of modern computer and network tools form the term "modern information and communication technologies."

    The means of modern information and communication technologies include:

    Computers, personal computers, sets of terminal equipment for computers of all classes, local computer networks, information input/output devices, means for entering and manipulating text and graphic information, means for archival storage of large volumes of information, and more peripheral equipment modern computers;

    Devices for converting data from a graphic or audio form of data representation into digital and vice versa;

    Means and devices for manipulating audiovisual information (based on Multimedia and Virtual Reality technologies);

    Artificial intelligence systems;

    Computer graphics systems, software systems (programming languages, translators, compilers, operating systems, packages application programs etc.) etc.;

    Modern means of communication that provide information interaction between users both at the local level (for example, within one organization or several organizations) and globally (within the global information environment).

    Until now, the discussion was mainly about computer technology and gradually personal computers began to be used in the educational process of schools. Therefore, let's talk about information technology related to the use of a personal computer.

    Modern pedagogical technology implies the presence of means and methods of informatization, such as:

    collection system,

    Processing, storage,

    Searching for information using a certain type of technology;

    Kit software;

    Accordingly, instructions and evaluation of the effectiveness of their use.

    How can a teacher use a personal computer in his work?

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/244/images/image009_44.gif" width="194" height="65">

    Visual demonstration Simulator Knowledge control

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/244/images/image016_31.gif" width="249" height="64">

    Search for information Messages in the form of a presentation Electronic textbook

    ProgramPowerPoint allows any teacher who has the skills to work in one of the Microsoft programs Office to become a developer of your own software product in your subject. You can find ready-made presentations on various courses and topics on the Internet. The authors of these works are practicing teachers. Naturally, each teacher sees the lesson in his own way, so he wants to change something in the finished versions. This is easy to do with this program. The finished development can be easily modified for specific lesson options. The teacher can add or skip slides, fill them with other content (replace text, drawings, diagrams), and use traditional working techniques.

    Unlike traditional types of visualization, a lesson presentation allows you to focus the teacher’s attention as much as possible on the course of the lesson, since controlling the program is reduced to a simple click on the left mouse button.

    The presentation consists of illustrative material, factual information, presented in the form plain text, tables, reference diagrams and graphs (which in itself teaches schoolchildren to competently process information), practical tasks, tests, problem questions, etc. The presence of these tasks shows that such presentations are by no means reduced to passive “looking at pictures.” But, prepared in advance, they, first of all, free up the teacher’s time and, secondly, make the task easier for children, since most of them, as we know, are visual in their perception of information.

    Modern schoolchildren have the opportunity to use the Internet information field to acquire additional knowledge and independent work to develop your knowledge, skills and abilities. Information and methodological complexes have been created where you can get any scientific information that interests students, use electronic textbooks, an electronic library, reference books, lectures, abstracts, creative works of both teachers and students. Receive tests and texts upon request tests for self-test, get advice on any academic subject.

    A promising integrated model “Informatization and the School of the Future” as a system of socio-pedagogical models of school development within the framework of the concept “School and family: partnership in educating a citizen”

    Over the past 5 years of implementation of federal and regional programs for informatization of education, there has been a transition from school computerization to the formation of a unified information educational space for the school.
    Schools today show the need to equip teachers, librarians, methodologists, managers, and administrators with automated workstations.

    For each automated workstation it is necessary to provide additional equipment digital equipment in accordance with various subject areas of activity of the subject teacher and specialized software for their use.

    Of particular interest is the use of interactive whiteboards and document cameras in the learning process. Big screen allows you to demonstrate drawings, diagrams, graphs with multimedia capabilities, show video clips, popular science and feature films.

    A modern schoolchild should be trained to acquire the following information and communication skills:

    1. present the same information about the object in a notebook and on a computer screen in various ways: in the form of text, picture, table, numbers;

    2. encode information in various ways and decode it using a code correspondence table;

    3. work with texts and images ( information objects) on a computer screen;

    4. search, perform simple transformations, storage, use and transmission of information and data, using tables of contents, indexes, reference books, notebooks, Internet.

    5. use information technology tools: radio, telephone, tape recorder, computer;

    6. name and describe various tools used by a person when counting and processing information (counting sticks, abacus, abacus, calculator and computer) and be able to describe them;

    7. use a computer to solve educational and practical problems. To do this, have basic computer skills, be able to carry out simple operations with files (creating, saving, searching, launching a program); run the simplest, widely used application programs: text and graphic editors, simulators and tests;

    8. create basic projects using a computer.

    Currently, there is a constant increase in the minimum amount of knowledge required by a student. Due to this actual problem is the replacement of the information-reproductive approach in the education system with new information technologies. In your work, along with traditional teaching methods, you can use the training system Moodle (Moodus) in computer network class, which allows students to organize independent work at a new level.

    To organize such support, a “Informatics” course was created in an Internet environment based on interactive textbooks, e-books, tests, surveys, forums, etc.

    The creation and maintenance of such a course is based on the freely distributed educational content creation system Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment).

    This software product is built in accordance with the standards of information training systems.

    Concept of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

    Word " technology"has Greek roots and translated means science, a set of methods and techniques for processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, products and converting them into consumer goods. The modern understanding of this word includes the application of scientific and engineering knowledge to solve practical problems. In this case Information and telecommunication technologies can be considered technologies that are aimed at processing and converting information.

    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a general concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, algorithms for information processing. The most important modern ICT devices are a computer equipped with appropriate software and telecommunications tools along with the information stored on them.

    ICT tools used in education.

    Let us define the concept of “ICT tools,” which is one of the central ones in this section of the encyclopedia.

    Information and communication technologies (ICT tools): software, hardware-software and technical means and devices operating on the basis of a microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern means and systems for broadcasting information, information exchange, providing operations for collecting, producing, accumulating, storing, processing, transmitting information and the ability to access information resources of local and global computer networks.

    ICT tools include:

    1. COMPUTER,
    2. PC;
    3. sets of terminal equipment for computers of all classes;
    4. information networks;
    5. information input/output devices;
    6. means and devices for manipulating text, graphic, audiovisual information;
    7. means of archival storage of large volumes of information;
    8. devices for converting data from text, graphic or audio forms of data representation into digital and vice versa;
    9. artificial intelligence systems;
    10. computer graphics systems;
    11. software systems (programming languages, translators, compilers, operating systems, application software packages, etc.);
    12. modern means communications that provide information interaction between users both at the local level (for example, within one organization or several organizations) and at the global level (within the World Wide Information Network Internet);
    13. electronic educational tools implemented on the basis of multimedia technologies, hypertext, hypermedia, telecommunications.

    In modern education systems, universal office applications and ICT tools have become widespread:

    1. word processors,
    2. spreadsheets,
    3. presentation preparation programs,
    4. database management systems,
    5. organizers,
    6. graphics packages etc.

    With the advent of computer networks and other similar ICT means, education acquired a new quality, associated primarily with the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere globe. Through the global computer network Internet, instant access to the world's information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file storages, etc.) is possible. About two billion multimedia documents have been published on the most popular Internet resource, the World Wide Web WWW.

    Other common ICT tools are available online, including e-mail, mailing lists, newsgroups, chat. Developed special programs for communication in real time, allowing, after establishing a connection, to transmit text entered from the keyboard, as well as sound, image and any files. These programs allow you to organize collaboration between remote users and a program running on the local computer.

    With the advent of new data compression algorithms, the sound quality available for transmission over a computer network has increased significantly and has begun to approach the sound quality of conventional telephone networks. As a result, a relatively new ICT tool, Internet telephony, began to develop very actively. Using special equipment and software, you can conduct audio and video conferences via the Internet.


    Information and communication technologies (ICT) are increasingly penetrating various areas every day educational activities. This is facilitated by both external factors associated with the widespread informatization of society and the need for appropriate training of specialists, and internal factors related to the dissemination of modern computer hardware and software in educational institutions, the adoption of state and interstate programs for informatization of education, the emergence of the necessary experience in informatization among all more teachers.

    Let's consider what the concept of information and communication technology includes, how it was formed, what opportunities the use of information and communication technologies in education provides, the main types of information and communication technologies and software for their implementation.

    Concept of information and communication technology (ICT)

    Before you begin to study information and communication technologies, you need to find out the essence of the key concept. To do this, we will consider the concepts of information, information technology, and communication technology, which are of decisive importance in the formation of the concept of information and communication technology.

    Currently, there is no single definition of information as a scientific term. From the point of view of various fields of knowledge this concept described by its specific set of characteristics. Let's look at some definitions of information that exist today.

    Information is information transmitted by one person to another person orally, in writing or in some other way [Kuznetsova];

    Information is information about objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and state, which reduce the degree of uncertainty and incomplete knowledge about them. [Astakhova, p. 4].

    In information theory, the concept of information is defined as communication, communication, in the process of which uncertainty is eliminated (Shannon).

    In the works of logicians (Carnap, Bar-Hillel) and mathematicians (A.N. Kolmogorov), the concept of information is not associated with either the form or the content of messages transmitted through communication channels, and is defined as an abstract quantity that does not exist in physical reality, also just as there is no such thing as an imaginary number or a point that has no linear dimensions. That is, these and a number of other experts expressed the opinion that “information” is an abstract concept and does not exist in nature.

    Information (from the Latin informatio, explanation, presentation, awareness) - information about something, regardless of the form of its presentation (Wikipedia).

    So, most often the concept of information is defined through information, knowledge, messages, signals that have novelty and value for the recipient.

    Information technology (IT, from the English information technology, IT) is a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for creating, storing, managing and processing data, including the use of computer technology. IN lately Information technology most often refers to computer technology. In particular, information technology deals with the use of computers and software to create, store, process, limit the transmission and receipt of information.

    According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information technology is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods effective organization labor of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this.

    I.G. Zakharova identifies two main approaches to considering the concept of information technology: in some cases they imply a certain scientific direction, in others - a specific way of working with information. That is, information technology is a body of knowledge about methods and means of working with information resources, as well as methods and means of collecting, processing and transmitting information to obtain new information about the object being studied.

    It should be noted that information technologies, unlike production technologies, have a number of functions that reflect their information essence. These properties are reflected in the interpretation given by I.V. Robert: “Information technology is a practical part of the scientific field of computer science, which is a set of means, methods, methods of automated collection, processing, storage, transmission, use, production of information to obtain certain, obviously expected, results” [Robert I.V., S .25]. As can be seen from the definition given by I.V. Robert, she refers to information technology as “the practical part of the scientific field of computer science.”

    Another component of our concept is the concept of communication. Communication refers to the exchange of information between living organisms (communication). In computer science, telecommunication technologies are considered. Telecommunications in international practice mean “transfer of arbitrary information over a distance using technical means(telephone, telegraph, radio, television, etc.)" Jerry Wellington. Education For Employment. The Place of Information Technology. -- London, 1989. -- P. 19.

    In education, when talking about telecommunications, they often mean the transmission, reception, processing and storage of information by computer means (using a modem), either through traditional telephone lines, or using satellite communications.

    Uniting key characteristics concepts of information, information technology, communication, we can define the concept of information and communication technology (ICT).

    Astakhova E.V. uses the term “infocommunication”, which is close in meaning to ICT. By infocommunications, she understands information, computer and telecommunication technologies designed to provide organizations and the public with information and communication products and services.

    Information and communication technologies (ICT) include three components (Fig. 1).

    Rice. 1 Components of ICT

    Klokov E.V. uses the term "information and communication technology (ICT)". By ICT he understands “a wide range of digital technologies used to create, transmit and distribute information and provide services ( computer equipment, software, telephone lines, cellular communication, e-mail, cellular and satellite technologies, wireless and cable communication networks, multimedia, as well as the Internet)” [Klokov, p. 100].

    Taking into account the concepts discussed, information and communication technology can be understood as a set of tools for ensuring information processes for receiving, processing and transmitting information that consistently lead to a given result.

    The modern guiding idea of ​​the educational process is a closer combination and interaction of technical and natural constituent elements. Informatization and computerization of the educational process in subjects of the natural cycle acts as an interacting integrating phenomenon. Such a connection, i.e. The use of computer technology, compared to traditional teaching, has a number of advantages:

    1. The computer is a connecting link that establishes the natural interaction of all forms of educational and cognitive activity of students.

    2. Computer technologies help to enhance the cognitive and mental activity of students.

    3. The introduction of computers into natural disciplines helps to deepen the democratization of teaching methods, since computer technologies are based on weakening the subjective factor in the control of knowledge and allows the removal of socio-psychological restrictions.

    4. Computer technology contains enormous motivational opportunities. An important motivational factor is the gaming nature of computer technology. The game elements of computer testing are competitiveness, extreme situations that require the user to make extraordinary decisions.

    The introduction of computer natural knowledge into the structure expands the possibilities self-study students. Usage computer programs significantly increases the proportion of independent work as a basic component of the entire cognitive process. As is known, during self-promotion from ignorance to knowledge, students are introduced to systematic and purposeful activities to assimilate and creatively apply the acquired knowledge.

    What are information and communication technologies?

    Information and communication technologies are technologies that use computer technologies (information processes) and means of communication (communications means - the Internet).

    Computer technologies include software, hardware and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor and computer technology, as well as modern means and information exchange systems that provide operations for collecting, accumulating, storing, processing, and transmitting information.

    Information computer technologies include: computers, personal computers; sets of terminal equipment for computers of all classes, local area networks, information input/output devices, means of input and manipulation of text and graphic information, means of archival storage of large volumes of information and other peripheral equipment of modern computers; devices for converting data from graphic or audio forms of data representation into digital and vice versa; means and devices for manipulating audiovisual information; modern means of communication; artificial intelligence systems; computer graphics systems, software systems (programming languages, translators, compilers, operating systems, application software packages, etc.).

    With the help of ICT, the basic principles of teaching are effectively implemented:

    · scientific principle;

    · the principle of systematicity and consistency;

    · principle of activity;

    · principle of accessibility;

    · connection between theory and practice;

    · accounting individual characteristics students;

    · visibility.

    The use of ICT allows us to optimize the work of the teacher and somewhat facilitate his functions:

    1. Control. The teacher is freed from the routine work of questioning students. In addition, the position of a teacher becomes more attractive because control functions are transferred to the machine, and this promotes conflict-free communication.

    2. Feedback. The use of a computer allows you to evaluate each stage of a student’s work: the computer corrects errors, comments if necessary, providing the necessary information. Thus, the student gets the opportunity to correct his mistakes in a timely manner.

    The use of information and computer technologies in geography lessons not only facilitates the learning of new educational material, but also provides opportunities for the development of students’ creative abilities:

    Increases students' motivation to learn;

    Activates cognitive activity;

    Develops the child’s thinking and creativity;

    Forms an active life position in modern society.

    ICT can be used at all stages of the educational process.

    Depending on the goals and objectives of the lesson, information technologies can be used in the lesson to study new material, to generalize and systematize knowledge, when performing practical work, creative tasks, and when monitoring knowledge and skills.

    When learning new material, a demonstration program is most often used - an electronic textbook or electronic presentation, which is presented to students in an accessible, bright, visual form. theoretical material.

    Educated programs, i.e. electronic textbooks contain video fragments that allow you to demonstrate in class a video clip representing the phenomenon being studied with commentary from a speaker.

    During the lesson of consolidating educational material, you can use a tester program or Activote testing devices, which allow you to monitor the assimilation of the studied material.

    There are various types computer programs that a teacher can use in his activities:

    1. training programs oriented primarily towards the acquisition of new knowledge. Many of them operate in a mode close to programmed learning with a branched program. This group can also include programs for problem-based learning that indirectly control students’ activities.

    2. training programs designed for the formation and consolidation of skills, as well as for self-training of students. The use of these programs assumes that the theoretical material has already been mastered by the students.

    3. monitoring programs designed to control a certain level of knowledge and skills. This type of program is represented by a variety of test tasks, including in test form.

    4. demonstration programs designed to visually demonstrate educational material of a descriptive nature, a variety of visual aids(paintings, photographs, video clips). One of their varieties can be considered geographic interactive atlases, maps of which can be used not only for clarity, but also “overlaid” on each other, arranged, and used interactive and interactive graphics. This type also includes presentation programs that have graphic editing capabilities and are used for students’ creative work.

    5. simulation and modeling programs designed to “simulate” objects and phenomena. These programs are especially important for geography, when the material being studied is difficult to demonstrate or is abstract.

    6. information and reference programs designed for output necessary information with a connection to educational Internet resources.

    7. multimedia textbooks - complex programs that combine most of the elements of the listed types of programs.

    Multimedia textbooks, or as they are also called - electronic textbooks, are carried out in a format that allows hyperlinks, graphics, animation, speaker speech, registration forms, interactive tasks, multimedia effects.

    Electronic textbooks have significant advantages over their paper predecessors. A teacher who has educational information in his subject, can quickly structure it in a new way or simply place the material on a website for simultaneous access by everyone: his students.

    Electronic textbooks are practically eternal, they are not afraid of wear and tear, take up little space and are very mobile. The electronic textbook is variable in design: it can be given any form convenient for reading (change the background color, text, font size); If necessary, you can use a printer to print part of the textbook, designing it at your discretion.

    The inclusion of animation and computer game elements into the textbook enhances its interactivity and appeal. The hypertext structure of the textbook allows for an individual learning path. However, a hypertext navigation system should be built in such a way that logic and systematicity in mastering the content are preserved, and gaps in mastering educational standards are not allowed.

    The electronic textbook provides great opportunities for creative work. The teacher and students can participate in the compilation of their own electronic textbook, add materials or tasks to it without significant costs for reprinting. “Paper” textbooks do not provide such an opportunity, and when using them, it is difficult for schoolchildren to construct the personal content of education. The most a student can do is make his own notes in the margins of a “paper” textbook.

    Interactive and audiovisual teaching aids in geography lessons can be used in lessons for learning new things and consolidating the material covered, requiring illustrations of the patterns of development of nature and society on specific material of regional content, and as independent work with a computer within the framework of integrated lessons in computer science and geography. In such lessons, students perform software programs directly on the computer. practical work. Let's take a closer look at the various aspects of using a computer in geography lessons.

    A computer lecture, developed using MS Power Point, is a thematically and logically related sequence of information objects shown on a screen or monitor. Main task computer lecture- explanation of new material. But unlike a traditional lecture, a computer lecture has great potential for using illustrative materials. Therefore, a computer lecture should be considered as a new tool in a teacher’s work, allowing him to create visual and information-rich lessons.

    Information objects demonstrated during a computer lecture are images (slides), sound and video fragments. Images (slides) are photographs, drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams. Video fragments are films included in the lecture in whole or in part, or animations that clearly show processes and phenomena that are often inaccessible to observation. Sound fragments - narration text, musical or other recordings (voices of birds, animals, etc.) accompanying the demonstration of images and video fragments.

    Many of the geographical features being studied, such as plains and mountain ranges, seas and oceans, giant industrial plants and vast agricultural lands, cannot be shown directly to students. Therefore, the use of demonstration tools (slides, pictures, animations, videos) in the lesson contributes to the formation of children's figurative ideas, and on their basis - concepts. Moreover, the efficiency of working with slides, pictures and other demonstration materials will be much higher if you supplement them with the display of diagrams, tables, etc.

    The Power Point presentation development program allows you to prepare materials for a lesson, combining different visual aids, making the most of the advantages of each and leveling out the disadvantages.

    Excel spreadsheets will help the teacher to use cartograms and cartograms in the lesson, built according to the latest statistical data, when explaining new material, to organize practical work in the class on analyzing statistical data with the construction of graphs and cartograms. In this case, graphs, cartograms and map diagrams function not only as a means of visualization, but also as a source of geographical knowledge.

    The Microsoft Word text editor is designed to prepare educational and methodological documentation (thematic and lesson plans) and handouts (task cards, quizzes, crosswords, etc.) quickly and efficiently, to create high-quality documents that satisfy high aesthetic standards. requirements.

    Slides with diagrams, diagrams, tables are especially important when studying economic geography, when considering the essence of geographical phenomena and processes, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

    Videos depicting geographic processes or phenomena and animations are considered as a form of modeling real events, facts, and scientific data. Individual frames collected into a video form a figurative model that gives a certain idea of ​​the original. Like any model, videos and animations do not reveal all the elements of the phenomenon or process being studied, but only the main, most significant ones, revealing the essence of the object to be studied. This simplification facilitates the search for essential features, highlighting its features, originality and originality of the object.

    It is necessary to pay attention to a special category of media objects contained in the library - interactive maps and schematic maps. Interactive maps -- new type interactive tools for teaching geography. Interactive maps have the properties of a geographic map, i.e. are a reduced-scale image of the earth's surface using a special language - conventional signs, at the same time, they have a new property that brings them closer to geographic information systems-- ability to change the content of the map .

    In addition to all of the above, the specificity of geography as an academic subject is such that it contains a large amount of material. In order to prepare the most complete, interesting and modern lesson geography, the teacher needs to rework large number various sources, ranging from encyclopedias to newspapers and magazines.

    The use of a computer and the Internet allows you to reduce the amount of literature used for preparation and reduce search time necessary information. The more often you use a computer in the educational process, the more deeply you realize the almost limitless range of its applications.

    Thus, the use of information and communication technologies in lessons allows us to make each lesson unconventional and productive. And working with a computer arouses increased interest in students and increases motivation to learn. The use of computer technology and the Internet creates opportunities for access to large amounts of modern and up-to-date information. And the interconnection of animation, music, sound and interactive models expands the possibilities of presenting educational information.


    The article discusses the theoretical and practical basis for the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process. An analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the implementation of information and communication technologies was carried out, on the basis of which expert and constructive problems were solved. The expert task describes the initial prerequisites for the use of new information and communication technologies. Solving the design problem, a descriptive model was proposed. The descriptive model presents the learning process using technical means created on the basis of information and communication technologies, examines the principles of its functioning, trends in the development of the global educational process, and types of programs used in the educational process. The tasks arising from the requirements of information training are formulated. A model for the use of modern technical teaching aids is described, in which direct (teacher-student) and reverse (student-teacher) connections are established. The advantages and disadvantages of introducing information and communication technologies are shown.

    distance learning process

    teaching aids

    information and communication technologies

    1. Zenkina S.V. Pedagogical foundations of orienting the information and communication environment towards new educational results: abstract of thesis. dis. ... doc. ped. Sciences: 13.00.02 – Moscow. – 2007. - 48 p. [Electronic resource] - Access mode http://oldvak.ed.gov.ru/common/img/uploaded/files/vak/announcements/pedagogicheskie/Zenkina.doc (access date: 04/15/13).

    2. Parkhomenko E.I. Application of modern information technologies in teaching students technical disciplines: Ph.D. ped. Sciences // Problems and prospects for the development of education (II): materials of the International. in absentia scientific conf. (Perm, May 2012). – Perm: Mercury, 2012. – 190 p.

    3. Prikhodko V. Training of teachers of technical disciplines in accordance with international requirements / V. Prikhodko, A. Solovyov // Higher education in Russia. – 2008. - No. 10. – P. 43–49.

    5. Kholodkova I.V. Didactic conditions for the integration of full-time and distance learning: dis. ...cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01 / State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow. state region univ. – M., 2009. – 169 p.

    Today, the processes of change in the education system are associated with the introduction of new educational technologies. Along with traditional system education is developing successfully and new form training - distance learning. Distance learning, while preserving educational technologies, methods, forms and means of traditional teaching, makes extensive use of educational arrays on the Internet, information and communication technologies.

    Equipping the educational system with information and communication technologies is one of the tasks of modernizing the Russian education system. The education system is being integrated into the networked world and is approaching the growing needs of the country's economic development. The processes of creating a single economic space of European countries have strengthened the processes of globalization and modernization of the education system in Russia; Evidence of this is the Bologna process, the development of which has gained a certain strength in the Russian educational space.

    Variability of content, organizational forms, teaching methods depending on the cognitive needs, interests and abilities of students is important at all stages of education. Therefore, to achieve the quality of education, it is necessary to introduce new forms of education in primary, secondary and higher schools. In this regard, distance learning and its technologies are of particular relevance.

    Information and communication technologies are technologies designed for the joint implementation of information and communication processes.

    Information technology is a set of processes and methods for searching, collecting, storing, processing, presenting, distributing information and methods for implementing such processes and methods.

    Communication technologies are processes and methods of transmitting information and methods of their implementation.

    The use of modern information and communication technologies makes it possible to organize optimal interaction between the student and the teacher in order to achieve learning outcomes and involves the simultaneous use of:

    • means of visualizing problematic content,
    • means of programmed training and control.

    A means of visualizing problematic content is the establishment of a direct teaching connection between teacher and student (Fig. 1). Means of programmed training and control - establishing feedback control communication student-teacher (Fig. 2).

    Rice. 1. Means of visualization of problematic content.

    Rice. 2. Programmed training and control tools

    When introducing information and communication technologies, the following problems arise:

      Organization of the educational process using a computer;

      By what means and how to monitor knowledge, assess the level of consolidation of skills and abilities;

      What information and communication technologies should be used to implement the assigned pedagogical and didactic tasks.

    To transform a course into information and communication technology in a distance learning environment, the teacher must have an understanding of subject area, be able to systematize knowledge, competently use teaching methods, be well informed about the capabilities of information and communication technologies, know computer tools with the help of which this or that didactic technique can be achieved. In addition, the teacher must have an idea of ​​the technical and software tools that he will use to create an educational and methodological complex (EMC), and with the help of which technical and software tools he will support the educational process as a whole.

    The use of modern information and communication technologies meets the most important trends in the development of the global educational process. To meet educational needs, the teacher is required not only to have knowledge and ability to apply modern pedagogical technologies, but also to possess advanced methods and tools modern science. Therefore, to increase the efficiency of the learning process, it is necessary to master modern information and communication technologies not only for students, but also for teachers.

    The teacher carries out the educational process with the help of materials that are commonly called teaching aids. The means of training include technical, communication, information media training, didactic material, etc. Due to the widespread implementation broadband Internet the means of teaching have changed significantly. The modern learning process is unthinkable without such technical means as: educational electronic publications; computer training systems; educational audio, video materials, virtual laboratory and practical work and much more.

    In avalanche conditions information flow gushing over a person, it is necessary to make maximum use of all channels of perception of students. To do this, more attention should be paid to the visual component of the theoretical and practical course, and the auditory component (the lecturer's voice) is of secondary importance.

    Electronic textbooks help present the material being studied in the most detail and detail, dividing it into small blocks that have optimal information richness and clarity, and also combine this division into small blocks with structuring. In addition, electronic teaching aids allow you to use features that are not available to conventional posters - this is animation individual elements, use of audio and video elements.

    With the integrated application and use of information and communication technologies in the distance education environment, an important aspect is the use of information and communication tools for the development of educational materials and complexes on all course topics. Educational and methodological materials and complexes created in this way make it possible to help students correctly understand the essence of the problem and find ways to solve it, and not just be a means of transmitting educational information.

    The introduction of electronic educational and methodological and video materials into the educational process contributes to the emergence of new educational methods and forms of classes based on electronic means of processing and transmitting information. But, despite the variety of technical means and technologies used in the educational process, it should be noted that the quality of education depends, first of all, on the perfection of educational material, the form of its presentation and the organization of the educational process.

    For example, when developing a model of electronic educational materials, it is necessary to take into account:

    1) training manual must set the rhythm of the passage of the material and have special audiovisual means of controlling the perception of the material;

    2) the dynamics of text presentation are set by the teacher (this happens either in advance during the development of educational material, or during the demonstration);

    Currently, several types of computer programs are used in teaching:

      Test programs;

      Training programs;

      Testing and training programs;

      Multimedia textbooks;

      Multimedia encyclopedias.

    The use of computer programs allows for the creation of interactive teaching aids that are highly visual, such as the use of audible markers to indicate fundamental learning points. This helps to strengthen the emotional background of education, expand the potential for individualization of education, provide a wide area of ​​​​contacts with students, and provide a wide field for active independent activity of students. Practice shows that the use of such teaching aids helps to increase student motivation.

    We have formulated some tasks that follow from the requirement for informatization of education.

    1. The student must master a set of knowledge, skills and abilities, develop such personal qualities that will ensure the successful completion of professional tasks and comfortable functioning in conditions information society, in which information is a decisive factor in labor efficiency.

    2. Increasing the level of training of specialists by improving training technologies and widespread introduction of electronic learning tools and technologies into the educational process.

    Learning with the help of technical means created on the basis of information and communication technologies allows you to visualize educational material, increase the interactivity of learning, provide access to new sources of knowledge and conduct operational monitoring of the student’s mastery of the material.

    A new situation arises when the student himself selects the most ergonomic characteristics of the material being studied for him personally. He has the ability to independently recreate any text obtained from the database of electronic educational video materials, illustrating it, selecting the necessary arguments, arranging them into a certain logic of evidence, reflecting his own point of view, his way of thinking.

    Today modern education It is no longer possible to imagine without such information technologies as electronic courses, digital libraries, the latest teaching tools and knowledge transfer technologies.

    Our empirical experience shows that the diversity of the educational environment helps to increase the efficiency of the learning process, taking into account the individual capabilities of each student, his interests, inclinations, subjective experience accumulated in the process of life and learning. Highlighting two main ideas: the need for diversity in the learning environment; the requirement to individualize learning, adapt it to the cognitive needs and interests of students - it becomes clear that both the first and second ideas can be effectively solved with the help of information and communication technologies (ICT).

    It should be remembered that the introduction of information and communication technologies in education has its drawbacks (Table 1), the solution of which requires a special approach to minimize psychological and physiological factors.

    Despite the shortcomings described in the table, I would still like to note that computer teaching tools create an environment that motivates students to more intensively analyze the subject being studied, putting forward their ideas and offering their vision of the problems under consideration. In addition, computer-based learning tools are tools that help students not only form their own ideas, but also transform them. Educational environments based on computer teaching aids, they initiate activities in which students themselves construct their knowledge, and do not perceive the world as the textbook and teacher interpret it for them.

    To develop these areas, modern information technologies are used, with the help of which information and educational environments are created, on the basis of which the distance learning process and education management in general are carried out. The information and educational environment created on the basis of information and communication technologies (ICT), including training systems, has a number of advantages over traditional means:

      The ability to organize the educational process based on an individually oriented approach;

      It is possible to implement both level (basic, professional, advanced levels of mastering educational programs) and profile differentiation;

    Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of introducing information and communication technologies



    1. Use of computers to intensify the educational process

    Deterioration in the health of students (impaired vision, cardiovascular diseases, scoliosis, etc.)

    2. Solving the problem of employment of children and youth (computer games, Internet)

    Internet addiction, which has consequences in the form of deteriorating health and mental disorders

    3. The opportunity to communicate with peers and with residents of the whole planet (websites “VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”, “My World”, etc.)

    The possibility of finding yourself in a dysfunctional Internet environment (dangerous blogs, dating sites, etc.)

    4. Unlimited communications over the Internet

    The problem of social infantilism in the native society, inadaptability to life, social immaturity

    5. More democratic, open, “clean” forms and technologies of training and knowledge control (testing, online training, etc.)

    Unilateral control and limited opportunities identifying personal qualities and level of knowledge in the learning process

    6. The need for widespread introduction of distance learning technologies

    Inadequacy of the regulatory framework for distance learning.

    Distance learning is based on the following regulations, many of which are now outdated.

    1. Order of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 1996 No. 1062 “On the creation of a center for information and analytical support of the distance education system.”

    2. Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 26, 2003 No. 985-24 “On calculating the maximum number of students using distance learning technologies” (outdated).

    3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 6, 2005 No. 137 “On the procedure for using distance educational technologies” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 2, 2005 No. 6862).

    The use of information and communication technologies in a distance learning environment for the professional training of future specialists allows us to improve the quality of education, develop the creative abilities of students, and also teach them to think independently and work with educational material, which contributes to their further continuous improvement throughout their lives.

    The student ceases to be a passive listener and becomes involved in active cognitive activity, and the teacher becomes the coordinator of the educational process.

    Thus, didactic assessments of these new and unusual means of teaching are contradictory - from enthusiastic statements about a revolution in education to sad statements of low effectiveness and uselessness. It can be expected that video textbooks will be useful where figurative, emotional presentation of factual material is required, but with their help it is difficult to develop skills and abilities, so it is advisable to use them in combination with traditional material.


    Pomelov V.B., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Vyatka State Humanitarian University, Kirov.

    Aleksandrova N.S., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Pedagogy, National Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Vyatka Socio-Economic Institute", Kirov.

    Bibliographic link

    Yamenko O.P. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN A DISTANCE EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2013. – No. 4.;
    URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=9791 (access date: 03/27/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"