• Shows without internet access. Additional check of security settings. I can't connect to the Internet via broadband connection

    Losing Internet connection is actual problem for any PC user. There can be many reasons for this, both hardware, for example, a broken cable, and software type, For example, incorrect setting router.

    Most of the problems with connecting to the global network can be solved independently, but the other part needs to be able to be correctly diagnosed, so that when you contact technical support, you can give the specialists the maximum possible full information due to malfunction. This article will help you understand the intricacies of these processes.

    Signs of a Lost Connection

    You can determine that there is no Internet connection by the following signs:

    This is far from full list signs, but they are the most informative. The presence of any item means that there is a problem with the Internet connection.

    Determining the cause

    The first step in dealing with network access restrictions is to find the cause of the problem.

    First of all, if you access the Internet through a router, installed at home, you should check its performance, namely:

    When using Wi-Fi, you need to check the operation of your device's wireless network adapter by connecting to another computer's access point or mobile phone. If you use a special utility from your provider to connect to the Internet, you will need to reinstall it to check.

    In cases where there is a connection, but there is no Internet, you will most likely have to contact the service technical support service provider, since this situation often occurs due to cable breaks, malfunctions network equipment provider or blocking access to global network due to late payment.

    Using standard tools

    Windows 7 and other operating systems in the line have tools for automatically fixing network problems. To access them, right-click on the icon network connection(lower right corner of the display) and select “Connection diagnostics”. After this, the process of checking and correcting connection errors will begin, and then a report on the results will be displayed on the screen.

    If the previous procedure did not help and you still do not have Internet, then you should check the connections between the computer, router and provider cable, then reboot the router and PC. This sequence of actions is also relevant if the network is accessed via a Wi-Fi router.

    A more radical, but generally accessible method of restoring the router’s functionality is to reset its settings using a special pressed button on the case. It should be held for a few seconds, then the router will reboot to factory settings and will have to be reconfigured to work with your provider's network.

    If you do not have access to the information, how to this procedure, then if the router malfunctions, you should immediately contact the technical support of your Internet provider.

    Changing the network connection method

    If the modem does not work, you can try to connect your PC to the Internet directly. You need to connect the input cable directly to the computer’s network card and change the method of obtaining the IP address to automatic, to do this:

    Manual connection setup

    If the procedure described above helps and the Internet appears, then perhaps the DHCP server is not enabled on your router and because of this there is no connection on the PC. This problem especially often occurs with new routers. It is quite possible to bypass it without configuring the settings of the modem itself. To do this, you need to manually register the IP address for the computer’s network card.

    Registering the IP address - video instructions:

    This is done in the same “Properties” dialog of the network adapter parameters. Gaining access to this window is described in the previous section of the article. Only now you need to put markers next to the “Use the following IP address” and “Use the following DNS server addresses” fields. In the IP address field, enter the value, in the mask line -, and enter in the gateway. As DNS servers you can specify public Google addresses-, or Yandex -

    Changing the modem's IP address

    Internet identification will not occur due to the same intranet IP addresses of the computer and router, so you need to be able to change this parameter in the modem settings. On common routers of the TP-LINK line, this operation is performed according to the following algorithm:

    Changing the MAC address

    The MAC address is a unique identifier for any device on the Internet, and when two computers with the same MAC are connected to the network, one of them will lose the connection. Problems can arise both because of the network card of the PC and because of the router address.

    Change algorithm this parameter in the router depends on its brand. So for an ASUS modem you need to go into its settings through a browser, open the “IPConfig” tab and click on the “WAN&LAN” section. Then you should find the MAC entry at the bottom of the dialog that opens and correct it. Then click on the “Apply” button and reboot the device.

    Editing MAC on a computer under Windows control 8 and 7 are possible using the following algorithm:

    1. There should be no zeros in the first two positions of the address.
    2. At the end of the sequence you should set 2, 6, A, B, E.

    Video instructions for changing the Mac address on a PC:

    If these conditions are not met, changes may not apply.

    Contacting technical support

    If after all your attempts to solve the problem yourself there is still no connection to your Internet, then you should contact your provider’s technical support by phone.

    The required number is usually indicated in the contract for the provision of communication services and consultations are provided by all Internet traffic providers free of charge.

    The practice of personally contacting Beeline and Rostelecom technical support shows that the call is answered fairly quickly and by fairly competent specialists who will help you sort out cables, connections, settings of the router and computer, and will tell you whether there are problems with the network on the linear part.

    If, together with the operator, the problem cannot be solved, and you are still without access to the Internet, then the call will be directed to specialized engineers of the repair department.


    Despite the fact that most problems can be solved on your own, contacting technical support will resolve the issue of what to do in the absence of the Internet in the shortest possible time and will save a lot of nerve cells that are so slowly restored. But if you like to configure and repair network equipment yourself, then the recommendations from this article will help you in this matter.

    Quite often, when connecting to the Internet, you can see the message “unidentified network without Internet access.”

    Obviously, it indicates that connecting to the World Wide Web on at the moment impossible.

    Moreover, such a message can be seen both when connecting directly, via cable, and when connecting via wifi. Its appearance does not depend on whether a laptop or a full-fledged PC is used.

    Moreover, it can also occur when connecting via a phone or tablet. Therefore, it would be useful to understand why this error occurs and what can be done about it.

    We will divide all the many tips into two categories - when the system writes such a message when connecting directly and when connecting via wifi.

    Solution. When connected directly

    In this case, the error will look like this.

    In general, if you use direct connection, then the most common cause of this problem is problems on the provider’s side.

    It's very easy to check - if you didn't change any settings and everything worked fine some time ago, then this is the reason.

    You can also check this by connecting the cable to another device or through a router - if the problem persists, this is not the cause.

    But if this is the case, there is only one way to solve it and it is to call your provider and have a specialist come to your home.

    Incorrect IPv4 settings

    Another very common cause of this problem is Windows systems is a failure of the IPv4 protocol parameters. To fix this problem, you need to do the following:

    • Go to "Network and Sharing Center" shared access" This is done very simply - you need to right-click on the network connection icon in the panel quick launch. After that, select the desired item.
      It all looks as shown in the figure.
    • Select the item “Change adapter settings” on the left side of the window that opens.

    • Right-click on your connection and select “Properties”.

    Note: It is quite possible that in your case the network will be called differently. You need to look at what it is called when you try to connect, that is, in the window shown in the figure. The same connection must be selected in the menu shown in the figure.

    • The window shown in Figure A opens. There you need to select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” (it is highlighted in red) and click the “Properties” button (highlighted in green). After this, a window similar to that shown in Figure B will open.
      You need to make sure that the automatic data acquisition items (they are highlighted in yellow frames) are checked. In most cases this should be the case. But at this stage it would be useful to take your contract with the provider in hand.
      It is quite possible that the provider requires that there be some special data there. In this case, you need to check the boxes highlighted in blue and enter the data from the contract in the fields with the same color. After all the manipulations, click the “OK” button.

    If nothing connects now, you can try restarting the computer. Doesn't help? Let's move on!

    Problems with TCP/IP

    Also, the cause of the error described above may be failures in the TCP/IP protocol settings.

    Most effective way To rule out this option is to simply reset all these settings.

    This is done as follows:

    • Launch the command line as administrator. The easiest way to do this is using the following sequence of actions:
    • Open the “Start” menu (highlighted in red in the figure);
    • Click “All Programs”, find the “Standard” folder there (shown with an orange frame);
    • On the “Command Line” item (highlighted green) right-click;
    • Select “Run as administrator” (highlighted in blue).

    • We write the following there: “netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt” as shown in the figure. Press Enter and restart the computer.

    Clue: the above inscription can be copied directly from here using a key combinationCTRL+C, and in the command line you need to right-click on free space and click "Insert".

    If this method fails for some reason, you can download special utility to reset TCP/IP settings at support.microsoft.com/kb/299357.

    After downloading it, you just need to launch it, the program will do everything itself.

    Problems with DHCP

    To check this option, you should run command line in the manner described above and write “ipconfig” there.

    If “169.254.[any number].[any number]” is written next to the “Main gateway” (it’s underlined in the figure),” most likely the problem is with DHCP.

    To fix this problem, do the following:

    • We go to the device manager. To do this, in the “Start” menu, launch “Control Panel” (shown in blue in the figure). After that, in the search bar (highlighted in red) we write “Device Manager”.
      We launch the one next to which it says “Update device drivers” (highlighted in green).

    • In the manager we find the item “ Network adapters"(it is underlined in the figure), on yours (there may be additional ones - virtual ones, but virtual ones usually say “Virtual”), right-click and select “Properties” (highlighted in red).
      In the menu that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab, find the item “ Network address" and in the "Value" field (highlighted in blue) write any 16-bit number with 12 characters. You can write one as shown in the figure. Click "OK".

    • Open the command line as described above and write “ipconfig /release” there, press Enter, then “ipconfig /renew” and Enter again.

    • Reboot the computer.

    If all this does not help, there is only one thing left to do - call the operator and ask for help.

    Important: For all the methods described above, the interface was usedWindows7, in other versions operating system The appearance of the windows may differ slightly, but the essence remains the same.

    Often the user encounters a yellow triangle on the “network” icon. This means that Internet does not connect, or there is no connection at all. An unexpected “surprise” occurs when a user surfs the Internet.

    No internet, yellow signal

    Why can't I connect to the Internet via cable?? Let's figure out what to do in this situation: Now the Internet should work.
    But there are providers that use static network settings and dedicated IP addresses. In this situation, the World Wide Web Setup Wizard notifies the user about this.
    If this is your case, and The Internet does not connect to the computer via cable, go to the Internet IPv4 protocol, and manually write the required IP addresses. You should find out the gateway and mask from your provider by calling.
    Well, the most common problem: The problem may be with the network provider itself. Call the technical support operator and ask whether the equipment works in your home and whether there is access to the global web.

    There is a cable, no internet, red cross

    What if Does your computer not connect to the Internet via cable? Let's look at the case when the network icon with a red cross through it is visible on the screen, and a message pops up stating that network cable not connected, which means Internet does not connect via cable.

    Other actions

    What else needs to be done:

    Resetting the router

    Rebooting the router does not always help. If you are sure that this is the problem, reset the settings. Manipulation is performed in two ways:


    Using these tips, you can easily diagnose your PC yourself when internet doesn't connect, and identify network problems.
    Correct them in time and continue using the Internet. Many users immediately call a technician, spending a lot of money to fix a simple problem. But you just need to experiment with the cable and settings for half an hour, and only if the problem persists, trust a professional.

    We always write about solving some problems that arise when connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi. But, when connecting via a regular network cable, everything is not always smooth either. Yes, there are fewer problems with this connection, but I have already seen questions in the comments more than once about problems when connecting via a LAN cable.

    In this article, we will try to figure out what problems may arise when connecting a regular desktop computer, or laptop (netbook) to the Internet via a network cable, through a router.

    Precisely when connecting through a router. If you directly connect a network cable from your provider, then this will be a slightly different case, and different solutions.

    When I wrote an article on how to connect a computer to a router via a network cable (LAN), I talked about solving some problems. In this article, I want to dwell on this in more detail.

    As a rule, they are connected via cable desktop computers, since they do not have built-in Wi-Fi receivers. But this problem can be very easily solved by purchasing external Wi-Fi receiver Very good way will get rid of unnecessary wires, which, in the case of connecting via a network cable, will have to be laid from the router to the computer.

    So, the situation is this: you take a network cable (which, for example, was included with the router), and use it to connect your computer (laptop) to the router. Everything is connected, but the Internet on the computer does not work.

    What you need to pay attention to:

    • Does another computer work through the same cable and from this router?
    • Does the Internet work on a problem computer if you connect it directly, without a router.
    • Is the LAN indicator on the router lit?
    • What is the connection status on the computer. It may not change at all (for example, “Network cable is not connected”) and may not respond in any way to the connection of the network cable. Or there may be permanent identification.

    These are the most popular problems and nuances that you need to pay attention to. We will now look at how to solve them in more detail.

    We connect the cable to the router and computer, into the network connector, but there is no response. Connection status (in the notification panel), computer with a red cross "No available connections, which is displayed when the network cable is not connected, does not change in any way after the cable is connected.

    There may be a problem with the router, the cable, or the computer. More precisely, in network card, which is usually integrated into motherboard. This is very easy to figure out: just connect a cable from your Internet provider to your computer, not through a router. If there is a reaction to the connection, then most likely everything is fine with the network card. Or connect another computer to the router using the same cable. In this way, we will find out what the problem is.

    If the computer does not respond to any cable connections (from different sources), then it is possible that the problem is with the network card. You can buy and install a new one, they are not expensive. Also, go to device manager and see if the network card is there.

    Your name may be different. If there is one near her exclamation mark, it means it is not working correctly. Try reinstalling the driver. You just need to download from the manufacturer’s website and run the installation manually, and not through the task manager.

    It may also be that the LAN connector on the router does not work. It can also burn out. Try connecting the cable to all 4 LAN connectors (usually there are 4 LANs on the router).

    If you have connected several devices to the router via a network cable, and the Internet does not work on any of them, then it is obvious that the problem is with the router. Provided that the cable is working and tested. Perhaps it's something in the settings. Try resetting the settings and setting up the router again.

    The main thing is to find out what the reason is.

    There may also be something that is disabled Connection via local network. Need to check.

    Go to , right-click on and select Turn on(if it is disabled).

    After these steps, the Internet should work.

    Status “Identification...”, or “Unidentified network” (without Internet access)

    Another very popular problem, or even the most popular. We connect the network cable to the computer, and the notification panel displays a constant status "Identification…"(without network access).

    Or, the connection status becomes Unidentified network(without internet access).

    As a rule, similar errors arise due to problems with IP addresses. Or, the IP is already registered on the computer (for example, from an old connection), and there is no connection to the router with this IP. Or, the DHCP server is disabled on the router, and it cannot give you an IP. In this case, you need to try setting automatic IP and DNS acquisition, or setting these parameters manually.

    First, try setting automatic IP and DNS acquisition. Let's go to Control PanelNetwork and InternetNetwork Connections, or like this:

    Right-click on Local network connection and choose Properties. And then we do this:

    Pull out and plug back in the network cable. The Internet should work immediately.