• Upload the file for download. Dropmefiles - Instantly share large files without registration

    Once again, we welcome everyone to our site for beginners. On the Internet, one way or another, we exchange files, archives, photographs, music, videos, etc. with each other. The exchange can be carried out by mail, Skype, social networks and others possible ways. But this is convenient if the files are small and do not require much time to exchange: a photograph, not big file, program. What if this large archive, a fragment of video, then the transfer may take long time. In this case, services called file sharing services will help us. This is a portal where you first upload your data, a link will be generated that you send to your acquaintances and friends. By clicking on your link, they can safely download your files. There are many such services, the same one, OneDrive, Cloud Mail and others. But they have a condition: you must be authorized in it. Today we will look at a free file hosting service without registration. It's called DropMeFiles.

    Open our browser and enter the address - http://dropmefiles.com.

    The file hosting service supports Russian language. If when the page loads it appears on English, click at the top of the screen on “ rus».

    DropMeFiles Features

    It is also possible to download files from your phone to your computer.

    But, to be honest, for some reason it didn’t work out for me. Share in the comments about your experience in this situation.

    How to upload files to DroMeFiles

    You can download several files at once different formats. This is called multi-boot. You can download in two ways.

    The first is through Explorer. To do this, click on the circle, then in Explorer we find, select the necessary files and click “Open”

    The second method is a little faster. Simply select the necessary data and drag it into the browser window with the mouse

    In both cases, the download will begin, wait until it finishes.

    But first, we recommend that you check the list of downloaded files again. It will appear on the right after all data has been successfully downloaded. They will show us the total size and their number. If you find an extra one, you can delete it by clicking on the cross. Now let's move on to the link. As you can see, it consists of the service address and 5 characters of different case. The link can be shared via social media by clicking on the buttons on the right.

    Then there are settings for setting a password (1) and displaying a link in a numeric format (2). Such a link is very easy to convey verbally, for example, over the phone. The password is also created from 6 numbers for convenience. Let's enable these two options.

    Now we need to specify TO WHOM we want to send it. Either the recipient's email or his cell phone. You can also send him short message 450 characters long (including spaces) by clicking on the icon on the right (1).

    In the field " From whom“Write your name or the name of a company or organization. And click on the button “ Send"(2). After successful sending, we will see a message like this.

    How to download files from DropMeFiles

    The recipient opens his mailbox, a letter that came from this service and sees a letter with similar content

    It contains all the data: how many files, what size, message, the link itself, its expiration date and password.

    Your friend or acquaintance follows it.

    Enter the password that was in the letter. And presses the button " Download" He can also write a complaint if he suspects something is wrong or the letter arrived by mistake.

    On next stage you can view and download all files in one archive by clicking on “ Download all" But sometimes not all data is needed, but part. In this case, you need to select only those that you need. To do this, click " More details».

    A list will open. To select a specific file, simply click on it. Clicking again cancels the selection. Select the required data and click on “ Download" If more than 1 file is selected, they will be downloaded in an archive. Then open yours and find your file or archive.

    That's all for today. We got acquainted with a free file hosting service without registration. He will help you convey necessary information to your loved ones and friends up to 50 GB in size. Write in the comments what services you use to exchange data. Good mood and good luck to everyone. Until next time.

    There is no more charming furniture than books.

    Sydney Smith

    Today we bring to your attention a useful compilation cheat sheet that will always and everywhere help you find the best way hand over a large file to a person.


    Email is convenient, but many popular email services impose serious restrictions on the size of attachments. For example, in Gmail and Outlook each separate file cannot exceed 25 MB in size.

    You can refuse mail in favor of a more flexible solution, but if for one reason or another this cannot be done, then a simple freeware multi-platform utility will help you HJ-Split. With its help, the source file is divided into pieces the right size and is inserted/transferred in parts, after which it is just as easily glued together on the recipient’s side.

    Classic web storage

    If the file is generally large, then the best solution there may be cloud storage: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and their analogues. Preference for one service or another here, as a rule, is given depending on habit, but in extreme cases it is necessary to look at the maximum capabilities of each storage facility.

    OneDrive allows you to upload a file with a maximum size of up to 2 GB.

    "Yandex.Disk" has a limit of 10 GB, but if you need to download something heavier than 2 GB, you will need a desktop client.

    Google Drive in this regard, it is much more powerful and eats up a file up to 5 TB (5,000 GB). Naturally, large files here also need to be downloaded through the client.

    It is difficult to imagine a situation in which the user would not have enough Google features Drive, but, just in case, Dropbox There is no designated limit on the size of one file at all. Do you have a desktop client? Go ahead, upload all the Internets of the world to it! In the last two cases, the limitation is not the file size, but the size of the personal storage.

    Paranoid's Corner

    Fans of increased privacy should pay attention to the freemium service WeTransfer. It does not require registration and allows you to transfer a file up to 2 GB in size almost anonymously directly from the browser, knowing only the recipient’s email. The file uploaded here will be stored for seven days.

    Superparanoid's Corner

    All the methods described above have one drawback: in order to transfer something, you need to upload this “something” somewhere. Simply put, your data will be temporarily (or forever) stored on remote servers. If this prospect does not suit you, then there remains an option called JustBeamIt, based on the peer-to-peer principle. Transferred file will not be uploaded anywhere, but will run directly from you to the recipient. The service's web shell supports Drag&Drop and is very easy to use. We drag the file, get a link (link lifespan is 10 minutes), transfer it to the recipient in any acceptable way.

    Another P2P transfer method is a service called Infinite. In addition to everything that the previous tool can do, Infinit supports stopping/resuming downloads, and in the case of transferring video files, it allows you to start watching immediately after the start of the transfer.

    Skype and other instant messengers

    Modern and not so modern messengers cope quite successfully with file transfer. IN in this case maximum size file depends on the specific service used. For example, the most popular Skype, although slow, works on the same P2P principle and, in fact, has no limit on the size of the transferred file.

    This material only covers methods associated with the use of truly popular products and services. There are many others cloud storage, FTP and more or less dozens more convenient ways transfer a large file. If you have your own elegant and simple transfer option large quantity data, share it in the comments.

    Each computer has a certain amount of hard drive space, which in turn can be filled with various files, movies, games, and so on. Today, these files can be stored on the Internet. These services are called file hosting services. Today we will look at the question of how to upload a file to a file hosting service. Before moving on to the process itself, we will talk about what it is and why, what file hosting services are available and which are better and more profitable to use.

    About file hosting services

    File hosting services are special services for storing and transmitting information. Using such services, you can easily exchange any files with colleagues and friends. Downloading files is relatively fast, it all depends on the speed of your Internet. Typically, you can upload 1 gigabyte of information or more to file hosting services, it all depends on what kind of account you have. There is a simple account, that is, free, and a premium account, that is, for money. Depending on how much your account is worth, you can upload so much information there. Also, almost everywhere there is a bonus system, that is, for example, if your file has been downloaded about a thousand times, then you receive a small amount of money in your account, this also gives an incentive to use this or that service.

    The best file hosting services

    Based on a social survey, our Internet resource made the following conclusions about the best file hosting services: a file hosting service called rghost.ru is considered the best, then letitbit.net and in third place is depositfiles.com. These conclusions were drawn based on the space provided in free account, download speed, traffic according to many other criteria.

    How to upload a file to a file hosting service?

    Let's look at how to upload a file to a file hosting service using the letitbit service as an example, since this service free. Before uploading files to use this file hosting service, you first need to familiarize yourself with the rules of this service. After that, you click on the checkbox next to the inscription “I Accept the Rules”. Next, you need to click on the “Select file” button, indicate which one and click on the “Upload” button. After uploading a file to this service, you will be provided with a link to it so that other users can download it. The main advantage of all file hosting services is that uploaded files can be downloaded even by an unregistered user.

    If you are used to using the Mail ru service, you have mail there, then it will be “more convenient” for you to upload files to Mail. Until 2015, the Mail ru file sharing service was intended for this purpose. Since October 2014, the rules of the game with files on Mail.ru have changed.

    Mail ru file sharing service is CLOSED. Instead, the Mail ru Cloud now works.

    To work with files, I suggest using any of three services:

    1. Cloud Mail ru,
    2. dropmefiles.com
    3. Yandex.Disk.

    Let's talk about each of them in order.

    1. Cloud Mail ru

    You can use the Mailru Cloud to, for example, exchange files with other users. You can also store your files (videos, photos, etc.) in the Cloud. For this you need Mail ru mail.

    I wrote in detail about how to use the Cloud Mailru service here:

    The Mail ru file hosting service was always located at the following link: files.mail.ru.

    Rice. 0 Mail files ru are moving to Cloud Mail ru

    If you previously had your own files in the Mail.ru File Sharing Service, then in Fig. 0 it is clear that they have not disappeared anywhere.

    number 1 in Fig. 0 – reports that previously downloaded files are still in the “My Files” folder.

    Number 2 in Fig. 0 – redirects Mail.ru to the Cloud, offering “Upload file to the Cloud”:

    2. Service dropmefiles.com

    Yandex also previously had its own File Sharing Service - it was convenient for those who have Yandex.Mail. was closed even earlier than the Mail ru file sharing service; more precisely, it has been closed since January 2013.

    Instead of the closed Yandex File Sharing Service, you are now welcome to cloud service Yandex, which is called . You will need mail in Yandex.

    Everything below is now HISTORY

    File sharing service Mile rukut into oblivion . I left the material about him (below) simply as a chronicle of IT history. Perhaps someone will be interested in finding out what happened before (there was the Mail ru File Sharing Service), and, if desired, compare it with what appeared in its place (now the Mail ru Cloud).

    Attention! Below are instructions on how to use the Mail ru File Sharing Service, which is now NOT relevant in connection with the move of the File Sharing Service to the Mail ru Cloud.

    Who am I: an authorized or unauthorized MailRu user?

    First, let's define who we are:

    • authorized (that is, registered on Mail.ru. Such “law-abiding” users are considered to be those who have their own mailbox on Mail.ru) or
    • unauthorized users (that is, unregistered ones, those about whom in Moscow they say “have come in large numbers”).

    What's better:

    • authorized user or
    • unauthorized?

    First of all, it depends on what tasks you set for yourself. If you need to “quickly” upload a file to Mail and urgently send a link to it, then the option of an unauthorized user is quite suitable.

    If you are serious, you are going to upload files to Mail, store them for more or less a long time, manage files, including deleting unnecessary files– such a serious approach requires, of course, the option of an authorized user with his own by mailbox on Mail ru.

    1 (KB)=1024 bytes,

    1 Megabyte (MB)=1024kb,

    100 MB=1024x100= 102400 KB,

    1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 MB,

    10 Gigabytes = 1024x10 MB = 10240 MB.

    Let's compare 100 MB and 10 GB, that is, in megabytes it is 100 MB and 10240 MB, the difference is almost 100 times.

    Now the facts on shelf life:

    • for an unauthorized user, files on the Mail ru file sharing service are stored for 5 days, and then “look for the wind in the field” - the files will be automatically deleted;
    • For an authorized user, files are stored for 30 days and you can then renew them every month if you don’t forget.

    How to access the Mail ru file sharing service?

    To access the Mail ru file hosting service, you can:

    • V search bar In your browser, type “file hosting email” and click on the first link;
    • either in address bar browser, type files.mail.ru.

    As a result, you are taken to the Mail ru file hosting service:

    Rice. 1 Go to the file sharing service Mail ru

    If you enter the login (red number 1 in Fig. 1) and password (red number 2 in Fig. 1) from your Mail ru mail, then you will become an authorized user on Mail ru, and the file hosting service will look like this for you:

    If you are an UNauthorized user on Mail.ru, then the file hosting service will look like this for you:

    There is a children's game: find as many differences as possible between two pictures. Let's play it. The fundamental difference in using the Mail ru file hosting service for an authorized and unauthorized user, as can be seen from the two screenshots above, is:

    • in the file size that can be downloaded,
    • V top menu, where it is possible to immediately send files by mail using the “Send/Receive Files” button,
    • as well as in those opportunities that are provided in the left column. The authorized user, judging by the left column, can manage his files, and the Unauthorized user is invited to register in the left column.

    How to upload files to Mail?

    • click on the “Upload file” button,
    • the “File Upload” window will open, in which you need to find the file to download on your PC,
    • click on it with the mouse, after which the name of the desired file will appear in the “File name” line,
    • Finally, click on the “Open” button:

    Then the file is uploaded to the Mail ru file sharing service and the “Get link” button becomes active, that is, clickable. By clicking on the “Get link” button, we will receive a link like: files.mail.ru/SS3TPO.

    • highlight the link (as they sometimes say, color it blue),
    • press CTRL+C, the link goes to the clipboard (outwardly this does not appear to the user in any way, he does not notice anything on his PC),
    • go to the letter or comment on the forum, click the mouse to place the cursor at the desired insertion point,
    • press hot keys CTRL+V. The link to download the file has been inserted.

    Everything that is described below is available only to registered (authorized, that is, having their own mail) Mail ru users.

    After you click on the “Get link” button, the link automatically goes to the “Sent” folder with the heading “Public sending”:

    How do I know that a file has been deleted from the Mail ru file sharing service?

    If you uploaded your file as a registered Mail.ru user, then at the end of 30 days you will receive a letter in your email with approximately the following content:
    “Hello, dear Nadezhda Shirobokova.
    Due to the expiration of the storage period, your files hosted on the [email protected] project:

    • At the start of computer literacy.pdf
      will be automatically deleted after 1 day.

    You can extend the storage of files for another 30 days by restoring them from the “Deleted Items” folder.
    Project administration [email protected]"

    What can you do with files on the Mail ru file sharing service?

    As I already mentioned, a registered user can manage his files. By clicking on the “Downloaded” button in the left column (below), you can select the file with a checkmark in the right window, and then:

    • rename it (click on the pencil icon next to the file name),
    • download the file (click on the floppy disk next to the file name),
    • delete a file (click on the red cross next to the file name and the file will be moved to the “Deleted Items” folder):

    How to recover a file from the Deleted Items folder?

    To recover a file from the “Deleted Items” folder, click on the “Deleted Items” button, the deleted file and next to it click on the small blue arrow “Restore” to the left of the cross.

    Still have questions? He who seeks will find!

    Of course, I haven’t covered all the issues related to working with the Mail ru file sharing service. Registered user Mail, if necessary, can find answers to many questions in the left column of the file hosting service “Frequently Asked Questions” or ask me in the comments to this article.

    Computer Literacy Exercise:

    Theory without practice goes out of your head as quickly as the morning fog. I offer you, dear reader:

    • put theory into practice and
    • upload the file from your PC to the Mail ru file hosting service,
    • get a link to your file on a file hosting service and
    • .
      Already more 3,000 subscribers.

    There are many ways to send a file to someone over the Internet, and everyone who does this chooses the most obvious way- send by email. But there is a limit on the file size, usually 25 MB; some programs in .exe format are unlikely to be sent due to security restrictions. Unless by placing them in the archive. Many people use Skype for transfers; there are no restrictions on file size, but the transfer is not very fast, regardless of the network speed. I never waited for the end of the transfer of large files, but used other tools, which I will discuss below.

    Transfer using cloud services

    Clouds have been part of our lives for quite a long time and obviously this is the most understandable way to transfer any files. All popular postal services has its own cloud.

    Gmail has this Google Drive– initially 15 GB available for free, excellent integration with all Google services and excellent speed. Yandex mail has its own disk 10 GB expandable. Install the Yandex disk application on your smartphone and enable auto-upload of photos, you will get +32 GB. There is an interesting screenshot feature that saves them immediately to Yandex Disk. With the ability to edit and design captured screenshots. Mail from Mile boasts cloud for 50 GB for new users, previously it was possible to reserve 100 GB, this is, perhaps, all the advantages. The safest on at the moment cloud Mega with 50 GB free, file encryption, cool interface and decent speed.

    Didn't mention the most popular founder current Dropbox only because its meager 2GB is not initially suitable for transferring large files. Yes, and there are plenty various clouds With different conditions I told in my opinion about the most popular ones in RuNet.

    Transferring files this way has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

    Transfer in a browser window

    There are quite a few such methods, I’ll tell you about those that have been proven to work, there are no restrictions on the size of the transferred file, and they are also simple and understandable.


    Perhaps the most functional file transfer service large sizes. All functionality is in one window, with convenient tips and a clear layout of controls.

    • Drag required file or folder in the browser window, click to select on your computer or use ctrl+v to paste from the clipboard.
    • Copy the link to send in a way convenient for you. Or send directly by mail adding a message of up to 140 characters.
    • Store the file on the service for up to 14 days or send it directly without closing the browser window.
    • Ability to set a password, alphabetic or numeric.
    • The speed of the service is quite good, of course, depending on your provider.


    A very simple service for transferring any files directly from the browser; transfer is possible only when the window is open. And until the file is downloaded from the link received. If you need to send a file to multiple users, you will have to do it personally each time. This technology features you transfer the file directly without uploading to a third-party server.

    • The file is sent directly, excluding uploading to the server, p2p connection as a torrent.
    • Select or drag the desired file to transfer into the browser window.
    • Doesn't work in mobile safari.
    • Otherwise, charming and safe.

    BitTorrent sync

    Your personal torrent network, the operation of which requires a bittorent sync client, fortunately there is support for ALL platforms, including drives and other cloud devices. The program’s capabilities for exchanging and transferring files are impressive; you can read it in detail and very clearly. I will say that the speed is really good, encryption and file transfer directly make this method especially attractive. Such rosy praise is overshadowed by only two aspects: the indecent price of 2499 rubles / year for PRO version(although you can get by FREE version) and slightly confusing controls for an inexperienced user.

    Anonymous method

    Absolutely amazing free and anonymous service anonymousfiles.io transfer files up to 5 GB. Drag or select files from your computer. Get the link share the link.

    You cannot delete downloaded files, but you can determine their lifetime up to 6 months. No logs or restrictions for uploading and downloading. Amazing and free secure exchange method.


    Every day we are getting closer to the fact that we perform most of the tasks in the browser; transferring large files over the network also moved to the browser window, moved to the cloud, or, as in the case of bittorent sync, mastered p2p networks and key encryption. Streams move in the 21st century with incredible speed and scale, and humanity has come up with plenty of tools for this!

    If you know of others that are fundamentally different from those presented, write in the comments - it will be interesting!