• Service for sending anonymous messages. “Anonymous”: what you need to know about anonymous messages on VK

    Sometimes it happens that you need to send a message to a certain person, but at the same time you want to remain in the shadows so that the recipient does not recognize you. In such a situation, a relatively recently launched service for sending anonymous messages VKontakte – Anmail.

    About the site:
    The service has an intuitive interface, designed in Metro style, in which even a beginner will not get confused. Built into the site short instructions on working with it in case any difficulties arise while sending a message.

    Unlike some competitors, the Anmail service sends the text exactly as a personal message, and does not post it to a strange community with a link to the recipient. The result of the service will be a personal message from the “postman” Anmail service, which will deliver your message while hiding your identity from the recipient.

    Instructions for using the service:
    So, if, no matter what the reason, you decide to send an anonymous message to a user in social network VKontakte, just follow the instructions below.

    • go to the Anmail service website using this link;
    • go to the sending message section;
    • provide a link to personal page recipient. Both links with the page identifier (http://vk.com/id22615858) and links with short name pages (http://vk.com/garinovv);
    • enter the text of the message that will be sent to the recipient;
    • enter the text from the picture in the field next to it to prove that you are not a robot;
    • send it!
    That's it! The result on the recipient's side will appear within one minute and it will look like this:

    It is also worth understanding that if the user is not on your friends list and has limited the acceptance of messages from non-friends, sending a message to this user will be impossible. In all other cases, the service for sending anonymous messages Anmail.ru works flawlessly.

    You can go to the Anmail service website to view it or send an anonymous message using this link.

    We all have situations when there is a need to send a message to this or that person anonymously. That is, so that the recipient does not find out who wrote to him. Anonymous messages on VKontakte are a rather topical and at the same time already exhausted issue. People have long been looking for working ways to send messages in incognito mode. And today I will tell you about all the available options.

    What is meant by anonymous reporting?

    Anonymity means the sender is unknown. That is, the message is sent without indicating the full name of the author. Previously, it was possible to find on the Internet many truly working programs and services capable of sending anonymous messages on VKontakte. But today they have all lost their relevance because they have stopped working.

    The exact reasons why such software stopped working are unknown. What is known is that this happened at the moment when the VK website changed its design. And most likely, the site update was the reason.

    How to send a message anonymously on VKontakte?

    Having spent enough time searching for working methods, I came to the conclusion that there is only one way to send messages in incognito mode - registering a new account.

    Registering a new account is easy and standard procedure. The only difficulty you may have is the lack of a free phone number. create without it new page it won't work out.

    When registering, you can indicate any first and last name. This data is not verified. By sending a DM from such an account, the recipient will never be able to guess who the real owner of the page is.

    How to send an anonymous post to a public wall?

    In addition to simple DMs, you can anonymously send posts to the community wall on VK. For example, you want to offer news to a public site, but at the same time you want no one (even the public admin) to find out who proposed this news.

    To offer a post in incognito mode, two conditions must be met:

    1. The community installed the Vposter application.
    2. The user proposed the post through the application, and not in the standard way.

    How to install Vposter (for group leaders):

    Ready! Now everyone will be able to offer news anonymously (even the management of the public will not know the author’s full name).

    How to propose a post (for members):

    Entries left using Vposter will be included in the community’s “suggestions.” They will not have any information about the sender. Content only.

    The question is quite controversial, standard means, which the VKontakte website provides, it is impossible to send an anonymous message; the first and last name of the author of the message is always displayed. We will not describe why this is necessary; everyone is guided by their own conjectures. IN in this case only improvisation will help or third party services, which I will talk about later.

    P.S. On November 5, it became possible to add anonymous posts to the wall, read how to do this

    Creating a left account

    To write to any person without him recognizing you, you need to register a VKontakte page with an unreal first and last name and write with of this account. You can only send a message if the recipient has access to receive messages from third parties.
    You can write any message you want, and the user will not be able to understand who is writing to him, this way you ensure your anonymity.

    Anonymous message services VKontakte

    There are various services, allowing you to send a message to a user without specifying their first and last name. I will warn you right away that your message will most likely be automatically added to the wall of the service group and those who are members of this community will be able to read it. However, your identity will remain unknown to the recipient and the goal will actually be achieved.

    For you, I decided to explore several services to offer you best option to send anonymous messages. But the results were disastrous. None of those offered on at the moment solutions doesn't work. Let's look at everything in order.

    Anonymous reporting site MSGVK doesn't work:

    VkAnon Didn't send a message either. In addition, a banner with advertising constantly pops up on this site, which discourages users from using it.

    Using the service KIDRIS You can send messages anonymously, but through a group. Required condition is the presence public page, in which you are an administrator. I think it’s not exactly what you were looking for, but I’ll still attach a screenshot.

    I found another service, but, unfortunately, it did not send my message. I will present it for review so that you do not suffer in vain. ALLINTOP.

    Let's draw conclusions. Send an anonymous message using third party programs I didn't succeed. Perhaps this is due to the introduction and somehow affected the functionality of the presented programs. If you are aware of working services, please write in the comments. Thank you for your attention!

    Sometimes there is a need send an anonymous message to VKontakte. So that the user reads it, but does not know that it was you who sent it. How to do this? In this tutorial I will show you two ways.

    Sending a message from another account

    It's very simple. I suggest you buy a fake account (see), and send a message from it (see).

    Use any exchange. The price for the cheapest accounts does not exceed 10 rubles. Make a purchase and receive a login and password.

    After payment you will be prompted to download a data file. This is what he looks like.

    Login to the page using these details and send an anonymous message to the desired user.

    Sending a notification

    This is another way to contact the user. I already talked about notifications. Read the article -. The method is almost the same. We will only send the notification on the wall and on behalf of the group, so that the recipient does not know who exactly is contacting him.

    For these purposes, you need a group in which you are the creator or administrator (see). If you don't have a community, create one (see).

    Now go to the wall, and click the mouse cursor into the block "What's new with you", to create a new post (see).

    Now write the “@” symbol. After it, you need to insert the id of the user to whom you want to send the notification. Go to his page and copy the id from address bar(cm. ).

    After this construction write the right message. When everything is ready, click the "Submit" button.

    The specified user will receive an anonymous notification. It will appear in the lower left corner of the screen.

    Video tutorial: anonymous messages on VKontakte


    There is one nuance here. If the user has completely limited the ability to communicate with him, then your messages will not reach him. This can be done using privacy settings (see).


    As such, you cannot send an anonymous message to VK. Why? For the simple reason that when sending a message, the first and last name of the user who sent it is always indicated. But you can consider other options.

    First way

    In this case, we are talking about creating a new account. Yes, you can register new page under any name, since during registration the administration does not check first and last names. However, if you want to change them, you can't do it. Accordingly, you can send messages on behalf of an anonymous person, but only if the user has messages open for strangers, and today many people prefer to close them due to various types of spam.

    The person who receives the message is unlikely to be able to guess who it was received from, since the user can call himself whatever he wants. For example, who is this Oleg, only he knows:

    Just don’t be surprised if your account is frozen for any kind of messages.

    Second way

    Now they have appeared special services on sending messages. For example, go to a website or service in VK itself, write the desired message, add a user ID and send. He receives something like this as a notification:

    There are several similar services and you can easily find them on the Internet. The sender's name is truly unknown, but the recipient and your message may be shown on the wall of the service group. Otherwise, the services really work (at the time of writing).