• Search for the original photo. Which service to choose for image search? “Google Images” – with the ability to find a person by photo

    Sometimes the need arises. For example, you have a photo and you need to find it in high resolution to print or put as wallpaper on your desktop. Without using special search services similar images On the Internet the task is not at all easy. In this article we will look at several ways that will allow you to perform quick search similar photos on the Internet.

    Few people know, but search engine Google allows you to search for similar images on the Internet. To do this, go to google.ru and go to the “Pictures” section. You can also access this page via this link.

    Once you have visited the Google Images page, you can begin searching for similar images. In order to select an image to search, you need to click on the icon in the form of a camera.

    In the window that opens, you can specify a direct link to the desired image or upload an image from your computer.

    You can also simply drag the desired image into the browser from your desktop or any folder. When you start dragging the selected file, the browser will display a “Drag image here” message. File with the desired image you need to drag directly onto this text.

    After these manipulations, the search results will be loaded.

    In order to view similar images found, you need to click on the corresponding link in the search results.

    As a rule, there are a lot of similar images found. To find a suitable picture, use the sorting functions located on the left side of the page. You can sort pictures by publication date, size, color or type.

    Using the tineye.com service

    If searching for similar images in the Google search engine did not produce results, you can use other solutions. For example, online service tineye.com.

    As in the previous case, in order to find similar images you need to download the original image. To do this, you need to provide a direct link to the picture or upload a file from your computer. The simple drag and drop feature also works.

    After the search image is loaded, the service displays search results for similar images. There are three ways to sort the results: Best Match, Most Changed, Biggest Image.

    Thanks to the availability of special web services and applications, you can easily find a person by photo.

    Majority modern programs and websites use artificial intelligence technology.

    It allows you to increase the accuracy of facial recognition in a photo as the number of program users increases.


    It should be understood that no search engine can give a 100% guarantee of finding an image.

    Often errors occur when reading pixels or searching for photos that are similar in meaning and color palette.

    Below are some of the most effective ways. If one of them does not help you, feel free to move on to the other.

    Ultimately, one of the methods will turn out to be the most suitable for your picture and the person will be found.


    The first and easiest way to search by image is. Developers popular system introduced a function for working with user images.

    Now you can not only enter a query, but also insert individual images into the text field.

    The search engine carries out analysis for all sites and social networks that are indexed in the system.

    Let's look at simple example how to use the function:

    • Let's go to the website. This page differs from the standard one in the presence additional button to add;
    • To get started, click on the camera icon. A window for selecting the type of photo upload will appear. The user can provide a direct link to an image already posted on the Internet or upload;
    • Press the key "Search by image".

    The result of processing your request in Google will look like this:

    It will automatically indicate the person's name or subject. Also, the user will be able to view similar images.

    One more element search results– pages that have a mention of the person found.

    Often, the result only shows similar images without providing a name. This means that there are too many similar pictures on the Internet and the system cannot find a 100% exact match.

    Try scrolling down to the field "Pages with matching images". This way you can view a list of links that contain what you are looking for.

    With it you can search not only for people, but also for various objects.

    Find the text line and next to it click on the “Pictures” tab to go to the corresponding section:

    • In the tab that opens, click on the camera icon;

    • Now in the tab that opens, click on the button to load a photo from your PC memory or provide a direct link to the picture on the Internet. Click on “Find”;

    The result will be a set of the most similar images with which you can find a person.

    Although the program is designed to quickly identify fake accounts, it can also be used to find people.

    You will need to upload a photo to your album on VKontakte, since this can only be done using the one that is in the site’s database.

    • Open the photo in your album in VK. The album can be private, the main thing is that it is on the website;
    • After opening the image, press the key to launch the StopFake extension. It is located in the upper right corner on. To eliminate possible problems, we recommend restarting your browser immediately after installing the extension;
    • It will automatically identify them on the social network that contains the photo you are looking for. Thanks to the author's signature, you can easily find the person you need. Click on the author's name to go to it.

    An example of how the StopFake service works

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Until recently, search engines could only search by words. No, of course, there were such, but until a certain period they operated only with words that the user entered into search bar.

    How does searching by uploaded images differ from regular search?

    The search engine did not understand what exactly was shown in the photos that it returned in the results, but was only guided by the words that appeared in the text next to this image (on the pages of the sites where it found them) or that were written in its attributes. In fact, for the search engine, the picture was a “black box”, which he could judge only by indirect signs (its description).

    As a result, the query “blue chicken” could show “pink elephants”. Of course, such errors in photo searches were corrected manually (so-called), but this was done only for the most frequently entered queries. And that's not the main thing.

    The important thing is that it was impossible show the search engine an image poor quality so that he can find you the original in high resolution or show him a photo of a person (read), and he would tell you that this is such and such an artist, poet, musician, or just a person described on at least one page on the Internet.

    Sometimes a photo may be one of many in a series (photo report, photo instruction, different angles) and you may want to find all the other images from the same series to understand the essence. How to do this? What words should you type into the search bar? Here's another example. You saw a sofa in a photo and wanted to know where exactly the same one was sold and at what price.

    A difficult task, or even unsolvable (to a first approximation), if the query is entered in words. Here you need to somehow upload the picture to the search engine and the latter must understand what exactly is depicted on it and try to give you answers to all the questions posed just above.

    Until recently, image search could not do this, but now it can. Search by sample image(photos or any other image) are now supported by both Google and Yandex. Moreover, the latter learned to do this only quite recently, but nevertheless learned.

    If you try to dive into the full depth of the principles of this action, then most of us are unlikely to find it interesting. In this regard, I really liked the explanation of the Yandex representative.

    The picture is divided into small fragments, which can be called virtual words. Well, then the process follows the same logic as a regular search. The same set of visual words is searched, and the closer it is to the user's uploaded image, the higher it will appear in the search results.

    How does Google photo search work?

    Let's look at all this using the examples of Yandex and Google. Let's start with the largest search engine in the world. In order to get into the holy of holies, you can click on the “Pictures” button on the regular search page, or you can immediately:

    Click on the camera icon located in the right area of ​​the Google search bar. You are given two options to upload to search the desired picture or photos- indicate its address (it can be copied by right-clicking on the photo and selecting the “copy image URL” option, or something similar in meaning) on ​​the Internet or upload it from your computer.

    In the example shown, I simply indicated the URL of the image that I found on the official Wikipedia website ().

    In the search results I got this picture:

    Google told me that the photo shows Albert Einstein in his youth, and also suggested that I look at the same image, but in a larger or smaller size. You can also see similar pictures, and under them you can see web pages where this graphic file takes place.

    In the search bar, you can enter clarifying words, for example, if you want to find out about all the vicissitudes of this person’s fate, then enter the word “biography”. As a result, pages will be found on which the search found the picture you uploaded and on which there is a biography of the person depicted in it.

    I mentioned two main ways to upload an image to Google search - provide a link to the graphic file or upload it from your computer. But there is also a third way to activate this action.

    If you are V Google Chrome , then simply move your mouse to the picture or photograph on the page that interests you for one reason or another (for example, you want to find out whether your virtual friend posted a true photo on VKontakte or whether it was captured by some famous person).

    As a result, a context menu will appear and you will need to select “Find this image in Google” from it. After this, you will find yourself in the already familiar Google image search window from all over the world. collected information about your friend's photo.

    Search by image files in Yandex

    Quite recently, the leader of the RuNet search market acquired a similar tool. New technology they called " Computer vision"and gave it the code name "Siberia". In this case, the picture is divided into visual words (areas of contrast changes, borders, etc.) and the entire database available in Yandex is searched for the presence this set visual words in other images.

    And only then those in which these visual words are in the same order as in the original uploaded picture are selected. In practice, this action looks very similar to Google - in the right search area for photos from Yandex the camera icon is located, which you will need to click to download the graphic file.

    Although, if you have the URL of the desired image, you can paste it directly into the graphical search bar and click on the “Find” button, as shown in the previous screenshot.

    You can find out the URL of an image on a web page by right-clicking on it and selecting context menu"Copy image address" or similar (in different browsers different names are used).

    If you need to upload a picture to the search from your computer, then click on the camera icon.

    The search results will look something like this:

    As you can see, from them you can also quite easily understand that the photo shows the great Einstein, but on Google I somehow liked the design of the results more. It is possible that Yandex will still need to work on this. Those found can also be sorted by size and type.

    In general, in most cases the services described should be enough for you, but it is possible that Tinay you will need it someday. Here, again, you are offered a choice of two ways to download a sample image - by entering the URL address or directly from your computer.

    This service is well suited for searching for similar photos or individual components from which it was assembled. As you can see from the screenshot below, Tinay found the sources of the original images that made up the sample.

    Chinese search engine Taobao has the ability to search for products based on the photo you uploaded. As a result, you will not only receive the addresses of those online stores where you can buy it, but you will also be able to choose the most advantageous offer for you.

    True, to work with it you need to know Chinese. However, there are several sites that allow you to search for products by photo through the Taobao database, but at the same time have Russian-language interface and the search results are also translated into Russian.

    The results of searching for a product by photo look like this:

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    A service was developed that, using artificial intelligence, instantly found a person on VKontakte using almost any photo, taking into account facial features. With its help, you can easily find out who is shown in the photo by finding their page.

    He also found similar people. For example, there was an opportunity to find a girl who looked like a famous actress or singer that you liked.

    Could be found on VKontakte stranger. To search, it was enough to have his photo in your possession - even if this photo was just taken. I was looking for a service for free, there were also paid services(unlimited number of requests per month, additional settings search). You could search for people by photo from a computer or tablet, or from your phone if you installed the application.

    This service (FindFace) has been closed since July 2018, as it operated with personal data without the consent of their owners. Hardly anyone wants to be able to find their page on the Internet based on their photo and find out the details of their personal life.

    There are other ways, which are discussed below:

    How to find a person by photo on a social network or the Internet. How to find out who is in the photo

    Searching for a person by photo in Yandex

    Yandex good search from photographs. He can find on the Internet how exact copies photos, and with slight differences - for example, different photographs of the same person.

    Photo search in Yandex

    You will see all the sites and pages on social networks where the same or similar photos. You can open any page to find out what kind of person he is, what his name is and where he is from. And if it is written "No similar pictures found" This means Yandex didn’t find anything.

    Search for a person by photo in Google

    If you have Chrome browser(Chrome), the easiest way to search for a photo on Google is to right-click on the photo and select “Find this image on Google.”

    There is a Google Images service where you can search for a person by photo. He will find all the sites where it is, and - if he's lucky - determine what kind of person is in the photo. This can be used to expose fakes - people who use other people's photos on their pages (profiles) in social networks.

    How to search by photo on Google? Very simple:

    If that doesn't work, do this:

    1. Just open Google on a computer, laptop or tablet (need full version, not mobile).
    2. At the top right click on "Pictures"— a camera icon should appear in the search bar.
    3. Next - from the 2nd point, as described above in our instructions.

    Why can’t I find a person by photo?

    Because this is not always possible. It all depends on where you got this photo from. Perhaps the person did not post it on his page on a social network, and in this case the search engine will not find it. Maybe he posts photos only for friends - and then they are also inaccessible to Google and Yandex. Or maybe the person is simply not on social networks (or he was, but disappeared).

    I took a photo of a person, how to find him?

    You liked the person, you were embarrassed to come up and meet him, but you took a photo of him on the sly. How can you now find a person from a photo you took yourself? For example, in VK?

    No way, because only you have this photo. It is not on the Internet on the page this person, and you can’t find it by searching the photo. You can only publish it in a VK group in your city like “Looking for you” or in a group at your educational institution and hope that someone recognizes this person (or he recognizes himself if he is subscribed to such a group). However, not everyone will like this: a person may demand that the photo be deleted.

    How to find out the link to a photo, picture, image on the Internet (address)?

    Usually you can right-click on a photo and select "Copy image address"(V different programs may be called slightly differently).

    If you need a link to a VKontakte photo, you can first click on this photo, select "More" and then "Open original"- the photo will open in full size. Now right click on it and select “Copy image address.”

    After this, you can paste the copied address wherever you need: or right-click there and select "Insert", or first left-click and then press the key combination on the keyboard Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert.

    How do you know if a photo is real or from the Internet (fake)? Where did the person get the photo?

    To find the original source of the photo, you can search for the photo in Google or Yandex using an image search, as we just described. If a photo is found, you will see all the sites where it is available. This way you can determine where it came from. For fakes, the photo can usually be found on many sites - they don’t worry about where to get it from. If there is a result “No similar photos were found,” then, most likely, the photo is original, that is, the person posted it himself, and did not copy it from somewhere. But of course, in this case it may not be him at all in the photo.

    In addition, there is a service TinEye (“Tin Eye”), which searches by pictures and shows the source of this picture. You can upload a photo from your computer or provide a link to it, and TinEye will search for where the photo came from. Just like Google Images, it shows all the sites where this photo was found.

    Please note that sometimes TinEye does not find all photos, especially those that have been posted recently.

    What other search methods are there?

    Instructions for searching for a person on the Internet by first name, last name, city, date of birth and other data are here:

    There are several services on the Internet that allow you to find similar pictures based on your photo. This is not just a search by a description of an image or a synonym for its name. Developers create amazing technology, which scan the arrangement of colors, style, objects in the image and search for suitable copies on the Internet. Each service approaches search differently. In this article I will describe the most popular services and ways to search by photo.

    TinEye is a convenient search engine for finding similar images from photographs

    TinEye is a Canadian similar image search service that provides additional features by search. The site is considered one of the first search engines to provide such an opportunity. The service was created in 2008. To search for pictures, he needs to provide any image, even a thumbnail of a photo with low quality. The developers promise in the future to provide the ability to subscribe to pictures, copies of which will appear online.

    The system allows you to find pictures from all resources on the Internet. For everyone popular browsers There is a special plugin that will allow you to search for images directly from the browser toolbar. The TinEye service made it possible to identify an unknown soldier from an image that was taken in Normandy. After this, a list of people depicted in the photo was found on one of the American websites.

    The TinEye service is quite easy to use, despite the fact that it is in English.

    To search similar picture according to the photo you need:

    Just below your image there is a “Best match” option. Here you can select which images will be shown in the results - the largest/smallest, the oldest by date added, etc.

    Find a similar image from a picture in Yandex Pictures

    The most popular search engine in Russia is Yandex, which also offers everyone the opportunity to find any image from a photograph. To search for any picture, visit the “Pictures” section at - https://yandex.ua/images/?rdrnd=753106&redircnt=1518009530.1 and then follow the instructions:

    Google Image Search

    Search engine Google system also has special service, which will allow you to find the photo you need on the Internet based on the photo you have. You can use any browser to search. The developers of the search engine itself advise us to look for popular objects and people. This is the only way we have enough chances for success, even if we have very bad quality images to search for. To do this first:

    Google Goggles is a powerful tool for mobile phones that can recognize pictures

    Mobile Google app Goggles was created in 2009 for mobile devices under management operating system Android. This application has been specially designed for visual search of pictures, images and some other features. The application only works with servers Google, on which it does not take text information, and images to display search results.

    The working principle of this application is very simple. The search is carried out using the existing photo/video camera on the device. Previously, searching required taking a photo of the object you wanted to find on the Internet. Later versions of Goggles allow you to identify objects by simply pointing the camera. After this, your device will receive results that match your requests.

    If you need to find similar images with famous objects, for example, with the Leaning Tower of Pisa, then all you need to do is point the camera lens and you will get photos of different sizes and types of the tower. To use this program, go from your device to Play Market find it in the search.

    Application Features:

    • Google Goggles can detect various objects even when moving. You can turn on not a photo camera, but a video. But there is a small limitation. Your device must support electronic compass, autofocus, satellite system navigation.
    • Some celebrities are included in a special database. Their faces are inviolable for the application, so you will not receive results for them.
    • In 2010, developers added a search function for images stored in the device’s memory.

    FindFace – search for faces by photo

    FindFace is a special service that specializes in finding people's faces on social networks. You can probably remember cases when you liked a girl/guy in a cafe, but you don’t know anything about them. With the FindFace app, you can find a person using a photo, even if you took it yourself a few minutes ago. The search is based on a special development in which neural networks were used. Thus, the search can be performed even on a photo in which a person is captured with a 3/4 face, i.e. sitting in a half-turn.

    Artificial intelligence develops independently over time thanks to neural networks. Every time the search results become more accurate. To search various databases FindFace app spends less than a second, sorting through up to 310 million images during this time. This amount of work is done thanks to special algorithms that convert photos into a special code that greatly facilitates the search.

    You can try to find any person on VKontakte as follows:

    1. Open the page https://findface.ru/.
    2. Click the "Find identical" button.
    3. In the middle of the window, click the “Upload Photo” button.
    4. After your image appears, indicate the person you want to search for on the social network.
    5. In the next window, you will be presented with search results, which you can adjust to narrow the circle and more suitable people.