• "The specified account already exists" error: Step-by-step solution. "The specified account already exists" error: Step-by-step solution Error 1316 The specified account already exists

    . Yesterday, with the help of the installer, I finally updated my eight to the newfangled ten on all machines. However, I encountered one significant problem.

    The fact is that the Classic Shell program, which returns a more convenient view of the Start menu, suddenly refused to work; when I tried to reinstall it, the error “the specified account already exists” began to appear. The same message appeared when I tried to delete it.

    After a long dance with a tambourine, about the same as in the case of the error, I suddenly found a simple solution.

    Solving the problem

    So, if your channel allows you to watch videos, then you can follow my steps in eliminating the “the specified account already exists” problem.

    If your Internet is rather weak, then here’s what you need to do:

    1. We delete the folder with the installed program, to do this go to C:\Program Files if our ill-fated program is not there, then go to C:\Program Files (X86).
    2. Open it, go to the Important Registry Sections section, enter the name of the program in the search box at the top, then go through all the tabs, and if any entries appear, delete them.

    Attention!!! Do not delete anything unnecessary, only what is relevant to the program.

    1. We go to the “Cleaning the Registry” section and search for problems, which we then fix automatically.

    We are happy about the working installer or the remote program. The error “the specified account already exists” will no longer bother you.

    Subscribe to my channel on YouTube! There are many more useful videos waiting for you!

    To completely remove the 1C Enterprise program of any version from your computer, I advise you to first delete the information database. Although if you know exactly where the database is located, the order does not matter.

    Deleting the 1C Enterprise information database

    Let me make a reservation right away that this article discusses deleting only the file version of the database. If the database is server-based, you need to contact the server administrator.

    To determine where the database is located, you need to run the 1C program. After launch, the following window will appear with a list of your infobases:

    Below is the path to the database directory (I have highlighted the line with a red rectangle). This directory needs to be deleted from the hard drive (only the last directory in this path, in my example it is “Temp”, which is located in the “1C Base” directory).

    Get 267 video lessons on 1C for free:

    Open Explorer and look for the directory we need:

    Right-click on it and select “Delete”.

    We do the same with other information bases.

    If the database is located on another computer (the path will look something like this: “File=\\ALEXPC\1C Databases\Temp”), it is better to go to that computer and delete it there. If your knowledge allows, you can try to remove it from this computer as well.

    Removing the 1C Enterprise platform

    Platform 1C: “Enterprise” is removed in the same way as a regular program, through the “Control Panel”.

    Go to the “Control Panel”. Depending on the version of Windows, the panel can be found by clicking either the right or left mouse button on the “Start” button. On Windows 10 you need to right-click:

    . Yesterday, with the help of the installer, I finally updated my eight to the newfangled ten on all machines. However, I encountered one significant problem.

    The fact is that the Classic Shell program, which returns a more convenient view of the Start menu, suddenly refused to work; when I tried to reinstall it, the error “the specified account already exists” began to appear. The same message appeared when I tried to delete it.

    After a long dance with a tambourine, about the same as in the case of the error, I suddenly found a simple solution.

    Solving the problem

    So, if your channel allows you to watch videos, then you can follow my steps in eliminating the “the specified account already exists” problem.

    If your Internet is rather weak, then here’s what you need to do:

    1. We delete the folder with the installed program, to do this go to C:\Program Files if our ill-fated program is not there, then go to C:\Program Files (X86).
    2. Open it, go to the Important Registry Sections section, enter the name of the program in the search box at the top, then go through all the tabs, and if any entries appear, delete them.

    Attention!!! Do not delete anything unnecessary, only what is relevant to the program.

    1. We go to the “Cleaning the Registry” section and search for problems, which we then fix automatically.

    We are happy about the working installer or the remote program. The error “the specified account already exists” will no longer bother you.

    Subscribe to my channel on YouTube! There are many more useful videos waiting for you!

    Executing the wix package from the package throws "error 1316: The specified account already exists" during update. How will Windows Setup display this error code? I'm afraid there is no documentation about this.

    We previously released a product consisting of a single msi package and now we are preparing an update consisting of a wix package containing a new version of that msi package. The product code and file name have not changed between the original msi package and the update.

    Change: The msi package does not support updating yet. When the user needs to update (when it will be a major update, a minor update or a small update), he must first manually uninstall the previous package...

    Edit 2: I just removed the references to using the extension to compile and the installer seems to work fine... I still need to test it fully.

    Updating an MSI requires the MSI to have a new ProductCode, a ProductVersion increment (in the first three fields), and the same UpgradeCode. So it's not clear to me that you actually get an upgrade based on what it thinks you're drinking. It can't update because you have the same ProductCode. (The MajorUpgrade item in the MSI is required to perform the appropriate upgrade.) So there's some doubt as to whether you're actually getting a full update. If you intend to replace your installed MSI with a full upgrade and a higher version of the product, use the MajorUpgrade function.

    So Burn may decide to do an in-place update by reinstalling the MSI file (and this is more like a patch than an update), and this is relevant because you don't say if you have any custom actions or WiX usage features (they still do). are user actions) that create a user account. If you do this, then the most likely reason for your error is that Burn reinstalled a new MSI as an update, reinstalling the MSI file, and some user actions just started again, and yes, that user still exists because there was no actual deletion which will remove it. Or the ProductVersion of your MSI is the same and you have a maintenance mode repair so the custom action will start again.

    I'd get a detailed update log to see exactly what's going on.

    There's a lot of guesswork there because you say you want an update, but your MSI isn't built to actually update, and you don't say if you have WiX, which uses a user to create a user account. You also don't say if you've increased the ProductVersion of your new MSI, so again this leads to more guesswork as to what Burn might do. The detailed log will indicate whether it is a custom action issue or something else, what update (if any) you are making.

    I had the same problem and since win10 does not allow me to run the fixit tool from the internet, I did the following hack to remove Asus Smart Gesture on my Windows 10 laptop.

    1. You need to spoof the MS site, thinking your computer is not Win10. I installed a Chrome add-on that allowed me to change the user agent of the chrome browser to think I was IE9 and previous version of Windows: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)

    2. This allows you to see the fixit button and download the portable version of the tool (in case you need to use it for non-network clients)

    3. Download and extract to my downloads library in a folder named fixitp.

    4.If I run the exe directly, I get some nasty script error. What I did to get around this was to go to the Resources folder and then to the Troubleshooting folder.

    5. I ran Program_Install_and_Uninstall.diagcab which launched and allowed me to successfully uninstall the Asus SmartGesture program.

    6. Then I installed the new version of ASUS Smart Gesture from their website.

    I suspect that any installed app that you can't remove may be resolved by the same process - just not running any other that is included.

    PowerShell must be installed for the script to work. This program comes bundled with all modern Windows systems, but in Windows XP you will have to install PowerShell separately.

    All parameters of the script can be set by editing the file, or they can be passed as the values ​​of the corresponding keys. Let's look at what keys are available and what values ​​need to be passed to them.

    The "dd" key (from Distribution Directory) accepts any windows format path, i.e. paths like “C:\Windows” or “\\Server\1CDistr”. Distributions of the 1C platform should be located along the specified path, and each of the distributions should be in its own folder with a version number or with the version number and bitness of the 1C Enterprise platform, for example “” or “” or “ -64". Bitness suffixes must be used if there are computers on the same network with operating systems of different bitness and you want to install a 64-bit platform on a 64-bit system. The specified folder, and all subfolders with platform distributions, must be readable by the user on whose behalf the script will run.

    The "dl" key (from Directory Logs), similar to the "dd" key, accepts any windows path format. Script execution logs will be recorded in this folder. The names of the log files correspond to the computer name and are added each time the script is launched. The specified folder must be writable by the user on whose behalf the script will run. If the specified path is not available or there is no recording capability, then all script actions will be written to the file “1C8InstallAndUninstall.log” located in the user’s local folder (approximate path “C:\Users\Vasa\AppData\Local\”).

    The "ip" key (from Install Parameters) is responsible for the installation parameters when running the script. The key can take one of the following values:

    • “no” - do not install
    • “last” - install the latest platform found in the distribution folder
    • “” - version number of the specific platform that needs to be installed

    The "dp" (from Delet Parameters) key is responsible for the deletion parameters when running the script. The key can take one of the following values:

    • “no” - do not delete
    • “ael” (from all except last) - remove all platforms found on the computer that match all platforms found in the distribution folder, except for the last platform. Important! This key will delete only those platforms whose versions are available in the folder with platform distribution kits; if some version is installed on the computer, but it is not in the folder with distribution kits, then it will not be deleted.
    • “” - version number of the specific platform that needs to be removed
    • “all” - delete all versions of the 1C platform on the computer. This meaning is overwhelming and extensive. Overwhelming, because for the script to work with this value, it is necessary to pass the path for recording logs, or you can not even pass it, all values ​​of the other keys will be ignored. Extensive, because all products on the computer that even vaguely resemble the 1C platform will be deleted.

    The "iod" key (from Installation Options Distribution) is responsible for the 1C platform components that will be installed. The key must be passed a value of the form “DESIGNERALLCLIENTS=1 THINCLIENT=1 THINCLIENTFILE=1”, in which you can change 1 to 0 or back, depending on which parts of the platform you want to install. If you pass any other value to this key that is not similar to the line above, then all components for the system to operate in client mode will be installed.

    • “DESIGNERALLCLIENTS” - main client and configurator
    • “THINCLIENT” - thin client for client-server operation
    • “THINCLIENTFILE” - thin client with the ability to work with file infobases

    How to install, update or remove the 1C Platform if you have many computers, are too lazy to run to each one, and don’t have a domain?

    The bad news: you'll have to run around and configure each computer to run the task scheduler

    The good news is that you only have to do this once.

    First, let's prepare:

    1. We create 2 public folders, one with read permissions for everyone, and the other with write permissions for everyone. Be sure to create 2 independent folders, otherwise everything can end very badly.
    2. In a folder with “read-only” rights for everyone, we put folders with distributions, each folder should be named by the version number of the distribution that is located in it. Here we also put the script and the bat file that runs the script.

    A little digression! Why do we need a bat file to run a PowerShell script? Because using the bat file we kill two birds with one stone:

    • By default, the Windows system prohibits the launch of any PowerShell script for security reasons, so the bat file will first allow the script to run, and then prohibit it again after it runs.
    • In the bat file, you can change the script launch parameters without editing the script file itself by changing the default values ​​​​set in it.

    Now let's start setting up users' local computers. In the absence of a domain, it is assumed that all users work under local accounts with “Users” rights, and for administrative actions there is an account with “Administrators” rights.

    How to install, update or remove the 1C Platform if you have a domain?

    Everything couldn't be simpler


    • The functionality of the script has been tested on the following systems: Windows 7 (x86, x64), Windows 8.1 (x86, x64), Windows 10 (x86, x64) with all mandatory and optional updates for 2016-11-10.
    • If you are not satisfied with the delay when the script is executed in the domain, then you need to set the “Configure Logon Script Delay” parameter to “0”. The setting can be found at: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Group Policy > Configure Logon Script Delay. Thank you very much for this information.


    1. The way to traverse directories with the platform has been completely rewritten. This part of the code had the most complaints; this part did not work for everyone, and for some it worked incorrectly. Now everything works correctly, because... Only the simplest constructions are used to traverse the distribution directory.
    2. Part of the search for the latest (oldest) distribution in folders with distributions has been completely rewritten. Now this is normal, understandable code, and not the horror that was before.
    3. Parts of the code have changed, now the script tries to install the platform first, and then everything else.
    4. Many different checks have been added to avoid strange behavior or unnecessary attempts to install the platform. The log file now contains more information about the script's operation.


    1. The logic of the script has been changed. Now the installation of the platform is checked and if there is no installed platform on the client computer, the script stops working.
    2. Added functionality that allows you to install a 64-bit platform on 64-bit systems on a network with computers of different bit rates. For this functionality to work, folders with platforms must be of the form “Х.Х.Х.Х-32” and “Х.Х.Х.Х-64”.

    When installing new and removing old 1C Platforms, a situation may arise that prevents these operations from being performed. After reading the article, you will learn how to fix the “The specified account already exists” error that occurs when deleting the 1C Platform.

    How to properly remove Platform 1C

    Correct removal of the old 1C Platform, recommended by the developers, is done through Applications

    OS settings: button START - Control settings (“gear”) - Applications

    Simply deleting the folder with 1C Platforms installed on your computer is incorrect. Links to uninstalled programs remain in the Windows Registry, which lead to errors in working with programs, including the one we are discussing in this article.

    However, even if the 1C Platform is properly removed, errors can still occur, albeit infrequently. Let's consider how to act in such cases.

    When deleting Platform 1C through the section Applications

    message appears:

    • .

    This error is not directly related to 1C and occurs when uninstalling completely different programs, not just 1C Platforms.

    The largest spike in this error was recorded when users switched to Windows 10. It was after upgrading to Windows 10 that messages began to appear when installing and uninstalling some programs The specified account already exists
    . And if when installing a new program it was possible to delete the old one and still install it successfully, then when deleting the program the circle closed: the program could not be deleted due to the same error.

    Reasons for the error

    There is a huge amount of software available for use on your computer. Installed programs can work perfectly on older versions of Windows, but after switching to new versions of Windows, they sometimes require modification to comply with new rules. In addition, it is not uncommon for programs to conflict with each other when installed on the same system.

    Therefore, deleting old programs when switching to new versions is a common thing for users. You need to be able to cope with the problems that arise.

    recommends using the troubleshooter directly from the Windows developer, Microsoft, to fix errors when installing or uninstalling programs.

    Consider the following error resolution tools:

    • built-in OS component Troubleshooting Windows;
    • Microsoft Troubleshooting Wizard.

    Built-in OS component

    Step-by-step instructions for using the built-in OS component Troubleshooting Windows


    Step 1. In the menu Start

    select Options

    (gear icon).

    Step 2: Go to the tab Update and Security


    Step 3. On the tab Troubleshooting

    Review the list of errors that match the type of problem.

    You can start searching for solutions to a problem right from the page.

    Microsoft Troubleshooting Wizard

    If you cannot solve the problem using the built-in OS component, install on your computer Troubleshooting Wizard

    from Microsoft.

    Step-by-step launch instructions Troubleshooting Wizards

    and fixing the problem.

    Step 1: Go to Microsoft's Windows Support and Troubleshooting page using the link Troubleshoot problems that prevent you from installing or uninstalling programs.

    On this page you will find a program to automatically correct errors, including damaged sections of the Windows Registry that prevent the installation or removal of programs on your computer.

    Troubleshooting Wizard

    Suitable for operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

    Step 2. Download the program to troubleshoot problems that prevent you from installing or uninstalling programs using the button Download


    Step 3: Launch Troubleshooting Wizard

    and follow the verification steps.

    Step 4. Answer the question Troubleshooting Wizards

    about the location of the problem, select the item:

    • Removal

    Step 5. In the list of programs, select the one that causes an error when uninstalling it.

    Step 6. Run automatic removal of the program and clean up links to it in the Windows Registry.

    Wait for the job to complete Troubleshooting Wizards


    In most cases Troubleshooting Wizard

    copes well with this error.

    If the proposed tools do not help, it is better to transfer the situation to specialists for correction; they will find references in the Windows Registry to mentions of the program to be removed and manually clean them out. It is not recommended to carry out this work on your own; there is a risk of disrupting the operation of the OS if the data is not professionally corrected.

    See also:

    • Installation is prohibited based on system policy 1C 8.3
    • Illegal use of this software product in 1C has been detected: how to remove it
    • Error entering PIN code. Pincode is not included in 1C 8.3
    • The printing form is not available in 1C 8.3 when calling an external printing form
    • Information register entries became non-unique when updating 1C

    If you are not yet a subscriber to the BukhExpert8 system:

    After subscribing, you will have access to all materials on 1C Accounting, recordings of supporting broadcasts and you will be able to ask any questions about

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    sql-server - How to resolve "the specified account already exists" when installing SQL Server 2008 R2

    I recently had an issue installing Visual Studio 2012 and SQL Server 2008 R2 on a new development machine. My installation sequence was Visual Studio 2012, then install SQL Server 2008 R2.

    An error occurred in the middle of installing SQL Server:

    The specified account already exists.

    I spent my day trying to fix this problem.



    First, search the installation log. In my case it was along the following path:

    C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapLog*.*

    In this log I found the following entries:

    2015-08-07 11:16:50 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open registry subkey 2015-08-07 11:16:50 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open registry subkey SOFTWAREMicrosoftVisualStudio9.0 2015-08-07 11:16: 50 Slp: Sco: Attempting to get registry value InstallDir 2015-08-07 11:16:50 Slp: Target package: "D:shared~~~~~sqlncli.msi" 2015-08-07 11:16:51 Slp : MSI Error: 1316 The specified account already exists.

    Then I found the sqlncli.msi file
    and opened the command prompt to run this command:

    Msiexec /i "d:

    I then uninstalled SQL Server Native Client and did the installation for SQL Server again.

    Regarding where it is stated that the cause is SQL Native Client - the error actually occurs when trying to install a newer SQL client. The solution is similar: go to Add or Remove Programs, and then uninstall the old SQL client and try again. There is no need to interrupt the installation.

    After the old Native Client was removed, the installation seemed to proceed without any problems.

    For completeness: This also happens when the original msi package has a different name.

    If you installed myproductV1.msi and then tried to update it using

    Msiexec /fvomus myproductV1.msi

    works as expected. But when using

    Msiexec /fvomus myproductV3.msi

    it fails to handle the specified error. Assuming that only the file name changes. Content (especially all GUIDS) remains the same

    Correct removal of the old 1C Platform, recommended by the developers, is done through Applications OS settings: button START - Control settings (“gear”) - Applications.

    Simply deleting the folder with 1C Platforms installed on your computer is incorrect. Links to uninstalled programs remain in the Windows Registry, which lead to errors in working with programs, including the one we are discussing in this article.

    However, even if the 1C Platform is properly removed, errors can still occur, albeit infrequently. Let's consider how to act in such cases.

    When deleting Platform 1C through the section Applications message appears:

    This error is not directly related to 1C and occurs when uninstalling completely different programs, not just 1C Platforms.

    The largest spike in this error was recorded when users switched to Windows 10. It was after upgrading to Windows 10 that messages began to appear when installing and uninstalling some programs The specified account already exists. And if when installing a new program it was possible to delete the old one and still install it successfully, then when deleting the program the circle closed: the program could not be deleted due to the same error.

    Reasons for the error

    There is a huge amount of software available for use on your computer. Installed programs can work perfectly on older versions of Windows, but after switching to new versions of Windows, they sometimes require modification to comply with new rules. In addition, it is not uncommon for programs to conflict with each other when installed on the same system.

    Therefore, deleting old programs when switching to new versions is a common thing for users. You need to be able to cope with the problems that arise.

    BukhExpert8 recommends using the troubleshooter directly from the Windows developer, Microsoft, to fix errors when installing or uninstalling programs.

    Consider the following error resolution tools:

    Built-in OS component

    Step-by-step instructions for using the built-in OS component Troubleshooting Windows .

    Step 1. In the menu Start select Options(gear icon).

    Step 2: Go to the tab Update and Security .

    Step 3. On the tab Troubleshooting Review the list of errors that match the type of problem.

    You can start searching for solutions to a problem right from the page.

    Microsoft Troubleshooting Wizard

    If you cannot solve the problem using the built-in OS component, install on your computer Troubleshooting Wizard from Microsoft.

    Step-by-step launch instructions Troubleshooting Wizards and fixing the problem.

    Step 1: Go to Microsoft's Windows Support and Troubleshooting page using the link Troubleshoot problems that prevent you from installing or uninstalling programs.

    On this page you will find a program to automatically correct errors, including damaged sections of the Windows Registry that prevent the installation or removal of programs on your computer.

    Troubleshooting Wizard Suitable for operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

    Step 2. Download the program to troubleshoot problems that prevent you from installing or uninstalling programs using the button Download .

    Step 3: Launch Troubleshooting Wizard and follow the verification steps.

    Step 4. Answer the question Troubleshooting Wizards about the location of the problem, select the item:

    • Removal.

    Step 5. In the list of programs, select the one that causes an error when uninstalling it.

    Step 6. Run automatic removal of the program and clean up links to it in the Windows Registry.

    Wait for the job to complete Troubleshooting Wizards .

    In most cases Troubleshooting Wizard copes well with this error.

    If the proposed tools do not help, it is better to transfer the situation to specialists for correction; they will find references in the Windows Registry to mentions of the program to be removed and manually clean them out. It is not recommended to carry out this work on your own; there is a risk of disrupting the operation of the OS if the data is not professionally corrected.

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