• Basics of programming in Pascal ABC examples. Pascal ABC programming environment. Program structure. Integer data type

    PascalABC.NET - Pascal ABC training system and programming language

    Pascal ABC (Pascal ABS) is a free and powerful program development environment with a Pascal language training system, detailed reference information, code hints, auto-formatting, a built-in debugger and form designer.

    Main features of PascalABC.NET (Pascal ABS)

    PascalABC.NET is a powerful and modern programming language that surpasses the Delphi programming language in capabilities and contains almost all the features of the C# language.

    The PascalABC.NET language contains all the basic elements of modern programming languages: modules, classes, operator overloading, interfaces, exceptions, generic classes, garbage collection, lambda expressions, as well as some concurrency tools, including OpenMP directives. The Pascal ABC NET system also includes a simple, integrated environment designed to effectively teach modern programming.

    Pascal ABC - lessons on the Pascal ABC programming language

    The development environment is based on the Microsoft .NET platform - its language capabilities and libraries, making it flexible, efficient and constantly evolving. In addition, you can easily combine libraries developed in Pascal ABC NET and other .NET languages.

    The Pascal ABC compiler produces code that runs as fast as C# code, but slightly slower than C++ and Delphi code.

    The Pascal programming language was developed by Swiss scientist Niklaus Wirth in 1970 as a strongly typed language with an intuitive syntax. In the 80s, the most famous implementation was the Borland Turbo Pascal compiler; in the 90s, it was replaced by the Delphi programming environment, which became one of the best environments for quickly creating applications for .

    The Delphi programming environment introduced a number of successful object-oriented extensions to Pascal; the updated language was called Object Pascal. Since version Delphi 7, the Delphi Object Pascal language began to be called simply Delphi. Among the alternative implementations of Object Pascal, the multi-platform open source project should be noted.

    Please note that Pascal ABC includes lessons, sample programs, and a problem book to help you learn this great programming language.

    A pre-installed package is required for the environment to work

    The PascalABC.NET system was developed to teach programming in Pascal to schoolchildren and students.

    The Pascal language is the golden mean between the outdated “Borland Pascal”, oriented towards MS DOS, on the one hand, and the “Borland Delphi” development environment, difficult for beginners, on the other. It is precisely for the ease of learning and the wide range of possibilities that the Pascal programming language is considered one of the best for initial learning.

    The Pascal ABC system is based on the Delphi Pascal language, but unlike the latter, it was originally created as a learning tool, not a professional development tool, and therefore has significant differences.

    The main differences between the Pascal ABC system and Borland Delphi
    - The Events module allows you to create simple event programs without using objects (events are ordinary procedural variables).
    - Timers and Sounds modules allow you to create timers and sounds, which are also implemented in a procedural style. These modules can even be used in console programs.
    - The VCL visual components module allows you to create event-driven applications with a Delphi-style main form. VCL classes are a bit simplified compared to similar Delphi classes. There is a form editor and an object inspector. The technology for restoring a form using program code makes it possible to use just one file for an application with the main form (!).
    - The GraphABC raster graphics module does not require objects, although its capabilities are not inferior to the graphics capabilities of Borland Delphi. It is available in non-event programs and allows you to easily create flicker-free animations.
    - The ABCObjects vector graphics module is designed for quickly learning the basics of object-oriented programming, and also allows you to create quite complex game and educational programs.
    - The module of container classes Containers allows you to work with basic data structures (dynamic arrays, stacks, queues, sets), implemented as classes.

    The program includes a mini-version of the electronic problem book for 200 problems and a set of tasks for the “Robot” and “Draftsman” performers.
    Currently, the Pascal ABC system is used to teach first-year students at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the State University in Rostov-on-Don.
    Also integrated into the system is the electronic problem book “Programming Taskbook” (M.E. Abrahamyan), which contains more than 1000 tasks of varying levels of complexity and covers all the main sections of the basic programming course in Pascal.

    Familiarization with the operation of the system will be useful for anyone who wants to master the basics of object programming in Windows.

    “Pascal ABC” is a training system that allows schoolchildren and students to become familiar with the programming language of the same name. It was developed in 2002 by Russian scientists. The developers' task was to create a programming environment that would meet modern standards and could easily teach students.

    The interpreter is designed for 32-bit systems and contains ways to implement some features. Despite the fact that the original ones were considered unnecessary for training.

    The compiler allows you to use simplified types of language constructs, which facilitates the transition from basic programs to modular and object-oriented ones.

    The Pascal ABC program has become free software since version 3.0.


    The program has hints that are provided when writing code, auto-formatting, a debugger and a form designer. designed for tasks of easy and medium complexity and for language learning.

    The compiler is capable of executing code as fast as C#, and a little slower than C++, Delphi.

    Thanks to the .NET platform, the software supports all the features of Microsoft.NET and its libraries. You can safely use the latter in your programs, even relying on those created in another programming language.

    “Pascal ABC” also has an online version, which has become widespread. It works without failures, the I/O process occurs over the network; programs are saved on the server.

    Among many programmers there is an opinion that Pascal is a dead language, and the cessation of its use is a matter of time. This statement is based on the fact that schools use an old programming environment with reduced capabilities. This prevents students from appreciating all the functions of language.

    Training modules

    Thanks to Microsoft.NET, Pascal ABC received a standard library that has many classes that allow you to solve problems of varying complexity. That is why there is simply no need to develop your own modules, but there is certainly an opportunity to do this. As a rule, those that already exist thanks to programmers are aimed at better language acquisition.

    In order to teach schoolchildren, the “Robot” and “Draftsman” modules are used. They have more than 200 examples that are subject to auto-checking. By solving these problems, a person will easily master the basic constructions of the Pascal language.

    The list of modules does not end there. There is a built-in electronic problem book, which is useful for those who study on their own or want to repeat the material and consolidate knowledge.

    In order to create graphic elements in the Pascal ABC program, vector and raster graphics modules are used.


    The programming environment has a form designer, thanks to which you can create a windowed application. Unlike other compilers, this one does not have a very voluminous and sophisticated interface, and does not create many additional files. By interacting with one small program, Pascal ABC forms only one element on the disk.

    The programming environment has a special shell that works for console tasks. Input and output of information is carried out exactly in it, designed in the form of a window. Among the “native” languages ​​used by the program are Russian and English, which makes it easy to use.


    Tasks are written using the Pascal programming language. It is easy to learn, so your first program may well be very easy to use. All over the world the following lines are considered as opening lines:

    • Begin.
    • Writeln(‘Hello World!’).

    The first and last lines are operator brackets, which should contain the very essence of the task. The second one declares the output of text enclosed in quotes. Here are some easy examples. “Pascal ABC” has many similar programs in its problem book, which are easy and interesting to learn.