• Basics of programming from scratch in c. Why and how to effectively learn the C programming language: a comprehensive selection of resources for mastering

    And website creation is becoming increasingly popular and attracting the attention of a huge number of people. Even a person without special education can start developing programs; the main thing is the desire and desire to learn new material and constant practice.

    Study Options

    Where to start learning programming from scratch? There are several ways to master new material in this area. Private teachers will show you how to start learning programming from scratch and teach you important aspects of building code. However this method quite expensive, so the following training methods are mainly used:

    1. Specialized courses. Their cost is much less than lessons from a personal tutor. It is worth noting that many employers respond positively to the availability of a variety of certificates of completion of training in computer academies. Pay attention to the courses of the world-famous companies Microsoft and Cisco.
    2. Deleted free courses. The Internet is very large number services through which you can view lecture courses from Oxford, Harvard and other famous educational institutions in the world. There are also special platforms for training practical programming skills. Read more about remote learning and useful Internet services further in the article.
    3. Self-learning. Where to start learning programming from scratch if you don't plan to enroll in courses and spend money? In this case, the easiest way is to educate yourself. You should start studying by reading the basics, do not delve into theory, immediately start practicing, because only in the process of creating a program will you acquire the necessary skills.

    After choosing the training option that suits you, you should decide on the subject area, because programming has a fairly wide range of different branches.

    How to choose the right direction?

    Directly depends on the type of software you will create in the future:

    If most important role The salary size matters to you, pay attention to the vacancy market. Nowadays, the most in demand are developers who specialize in the languages ​​Java, C#, ASP.NET, C++.

    Low and high level languages. Difference and Applications

    It is believed that all programming languages ​​are divided into high-level and low-level. Code low level easier for a computer to process, but writing it takes a long time and requires more knowledge in subject area. Such languages ​​(for example, assembler) are used to write software for digital chips and microcontrollers. They are not very convenient for learning programming from scratch. The following in the article will tell you where to start writing your first programs: useful services and literature from world famous authors.

    High-level languages ​​are much easier to use because they use built-in libraries to simplify and visualize code. Most modern software is written using high-level languages.

    Programming from scratch: where to start applications?

    Creation process mobile programs allows programmers to work with the latest tools and, as a result, earn a decent amount of money through monetization. First you need to choose the site where you will work:

    1. Google Play. Application store for users of the Android operating system. This OS has the largest share of users on the market. Java and C/C++ languages ​​are used to develop applications and games. The most popular are messenger applications and clients. social networks, cloud storage, games.
    2. Windows Mobile Store. This store is rapidly gaining popularity along with smartphones from Microsoft. In the CIS countries, most users prefer tablets on the platform Windows Phone. Programming applications for such a store helps you earn more money from monetization, because, unlike Android, almost all programs in Windows store are distributed for a fee.
    3. App Store. Another profitable platform for development (language - Objective-C). The process of creating programs for devices Apple Requires a pre-installed development environment called Xcode. The next step is to learn Objective-C programming from scratch. David Mark's book “Learning C for Mac” will tell you where to start writing code. Second edition."

    Java language

    Most professional developers recommend starting your programming knowledge with Java language. It is easy to learn and at the same time in demand in the market. Use the tips below if you decide to learn programming from scratch. Where to start with Java development?

    Java is a high-level object-oriented programming language that is needed to develop most modern web applications and games. During the compilation process (turning written code into a language understandable by the device), the code is converted into a sequence of bytes, so the program can be easily tested on any virtual machine Java.

    Programming from scratch. Where to start with Java and Web coding?

    The Java language is widely used in web development. Before you begin the full-fledged programming process, you should learn Java, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS. More detailed transcript These concepts are given below:

    1. Java - used in writing utilities for websites and writing the logic of web page functionality.
    2. PHP - the language for creating personal pages sites. It has a script structure. The leading language in creating dynamic websites that are popular today. PHP is needed to understand scripting and programming from scratch. Where to start? From reading Josh Lockhat's book "PHP: The Right Way".
    3. MySQL is a system for managing the basics of data. Widely used in creating websites that require storing large amounts of grouped data.
    4. HTML is not a programming language. This is a markup language used to write the base of a web page (building blocks, distributing text and paragraphs, and so on).
    5. CSS - Cascading Style Sheet. Used only in conjunction with HTML to give the markup language style and appearance.

    Only after finding out basic concepts With the milestones of these technologies, you can start creating professional dynamic websites that are in great demand today.

    Web programming. Relevance and features

    The topic of Web programming is especially relevant today. As mentioned above, to start developing web elements you need to have a fairly large amount of knowledge about markup languages, creating scripts, logic and styles.

    Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with sites that were created only with using HTML and CSS, so web developers who are able to make a website visually beautiful and also fill it with all the functionality necessary for users have become in demand.

    This type of development requires the creation of two types of the same program: server and client parts. The programmer must understand the principle of operation of so-called sockets - data packets that allow the necessary flows of information to be transmitted over the network between the server and the client.

    Creating applications for the Windows operating system

    To develop such programs, you will need knowledge of the C# language. Free service from Microsoft called Virtual Academy will allow you to learn all the features of this language and practice writing simple applications.

    According to Microsoft's new policy, all applications are uploaded to the software store, so you can gain access to monetize your project.

    The C family of languages ​​(C, C++, C#). Peculiarities

    Programming from scratch - where to start choosing a language? The answer to this question can be obtained by delving into more detail into the types of application creation technologies. The relevance of a particular language should also be taken into account.

    The languages ​​C, C++, C# have one thing in common - the presence of OOP (object-oriented programming) functions. This technology can significantly simplify the process of writing program code. Each software object is described in a specific class and has its own parameters, methods and properties. Thus, the programmer does not have to write huge pieces of code each time if the same object needs to be used several times.

    Useful Internet services for learning the basic principles of programming and the code structure of any application

    At the first stage of training, almost any web service will offer you to try its capabilities using Pascal, the simplest of the high-level languages. It is used for educational purposes and is taught in schools and technical colleges so that students can understand programming from scratch. Where to start with Pascal coding? First of all, you need to download the development environment to your PC. It's small executable file, in which you have to write program code. Use TurboPascal, because it is the most popular environment for learning this programming language.

    HourOfCode is a web service from Microsoft. It is intended to clearly show students what a cycle, variable, class, and conditions are. The learning process is like a game.

    CodeAcademy is a powerful resource for learning almost any coding technology. By devoting just an hour a day, you will not even notice how you will learn to program and create your own projects.

    Udacity is a service that provides its users free access to lectures by eminent professors and developers.

    Gaining initial experience. Freelancing

    After learning the basic principles of your chosen language, you can safely begin your first projects. Start freelancing, because this is how you will fill out your portfolio and gain experience communicating with customers. Such skills will be useful in the future if you want to get a job in a company as an official software developer.

    Bottom line

    Programming from scratch: where to start? For dummies, professors from world-famous universities advise practicing with basic structures, which form the basis of any programming language. Enroll in specialized courses or self-study by listening to lectures online.

    These tutorials are for everyone, whether you're new to programming or have extensive programming experience in other languages! This material is for those who want to learn the C/C++ languages ​​from its very basics to the most complex structures.

    C++ is a programming language, knowledge of this programming language will allow you to control your computer on top level. Ideally, you will be able to make the computer do whatever you want. Our site will help you master the C++ programming language.

    Installation /IDE

    The very first thing you should do before you start learning C++ is to make sure that you have an IDE - an integrated development environment (the program in which you will program). If you don't have an IDE, then here you go. Once you decide on the choice of IDE, install it and practice creating simple projects.

    Introduction to C++

    The C++ language is a set of commands that tell the computer what to do. This set of commands is usually called source code or just code. The commands are either "functions" or " keywords" Keywords (C/C++ reserved words) are the basic building blocks of the language. Functions are complex building blocks because they are written in terms of more simple functions- you will see this in our very first program, which is shown below. This structure of functions resembles the contents of a book. The content can show the chapters of the book, each chapter in the book can have its own content consisting of paragraphs, each paragraph can have its own subparagraphs. Although C++ provides a lot general functions and reserved words that you can use, there is still a need to write your own functions.

    What part of the program does it start at? Each program in C++ has one function, it is called the main or main function, program execution begins with this function. From the main function, you can also call any other functions, whether they are ones we wrote or, as mentioned earlier, provided by the compiler.

    So how do you access these Standard Features? To access the standard functions that come with the compiler, you need to include the header file using the preprocessor directive - #include . Why is this effective? Let's look at an example work program:

    #include << "Моя первая программа на С++\n"; cin.get(); }

    Let us consider in detail the elements of the program. #include is a "preprocessor" directive that tells the compiler to put the code from the iostream header file into our program before creating the executable. By connecting a header file to your program, you get access to many different functions that you can use in your program. For example, the cout operator requires iostream . Line using namespace std; tells the compiler to use a group of functions that are part of the std standard library. This line also allows the program to use operators such as cout . The semicolon is part of C++ syntax. It tells the compiler that this is the end of the command. You'll see in a moment that semicolons are used to terminate most commands in C++.

    The next important line of the program is int main() . This line tells the compiler that there is a function called main and that the function returns an integer. Curly braces ( and ) signal the start (and end) of a function. Curly braces are also used in other blocks of code, but they always indicate one thing - the beginning and end of the block, respectively.

    In C++, the cout object is used to display text (pronounced "C out"). He uses symbols<< , известные как «оператор сдвига», чтобы указать, что отправляется к выводу на экран. Результатом вызова функции cout << является отображение текста на экране. Последовательность \n фактически рассматривается как единый символ, который обозначает новую строку (мы поговорим об этом позже более подробно). Символ \n перемещает курсор на экране на следующую строку. Опять же, обратите внимание на точку с запятой, её добавляют в конец, после каждого оператора С++.

    The next command is cin.get() . This is another function call that reads data from the input data stream and waits for the ENTER key to be pressed. This command keeps the console window from closing until the ENTER key is pressed. This gives you time to see the output of the program.

    Upon reaching the end of the main function (the closing curly brace), our program will return the value 0 to the operating system. This return value is important because by analyzing it, the OS can judge whether our program completed successfully or not. A return value of 0 means success and is returned automatically (but only for the int data type; other functions require you to manually return the value), but if we wanted to return something else, such as 1, we would have to do it manually.

    #include using namespace std; int main() ( cout<<"Моя первая программа на С++\n"; cin.get(); return 1; }

    To consolidate the material, type the program code in your IDE and run it. Once the program has run and you've seen the output, experiment a little with the cout statement. This will help you get used to the language.

    Be sure to comment on your programs!

    Add comments to your code to make it clearer not only for yourself but also for others. The compiler ignores comments when executing code, allowing you to use any number of comments to describe the actual code. To create a comment, use or // , which tells the compiler that the rest of the line is a comment, or /* and then */ . When you're learning to program, it's useful to be able to comment on parts of the code to see how the output of the program changes. You can read in detail about the commenting technique.

    What to do with all these types of variables?

    Sometimes it can be confusing to have multiple variable types when some variable types seem to be redundant. It is very important to use the correct variable type, as some variables require more memory than others. Additionally, due to the way they are stored in memory, floating point numbers, the float and double data types are "imprecise" and should not be used when a precise integer value needs to be stored.

    Declaring Variables in C++

    To declare a variable, use the syntax type<имя>; . Here are some examples of variable declarations:

    Int num; char character; float num_float;

    It is permissible to declare several variables of the same type in one line; for this, each of them must be separated by a comma.

    Int x, y, z, d;

    If you've looked closely, you may have seen that a variable declaration is always followed by a semicolon. You can learn more about the convention “on naming variables.”

    Common mistakes when declaring variables in C++

    If you try to use a variable that is not declared, your program will not compile and you will receive an error message. In C++, all language keywords, all functions, and all variables are case sensitive.

    Using Variables

    So now you know how to declare a variable. Here is an example program demonstrating the use of a variable:

    #include using namespace std; int main() ( int number; cout<< "Введите число: "; cin >>number; cin.ignore(); cout<< "Вы ввели: "<< number <<"\n"; cin.get(); }

    Let's take a look at this program and examine its code, line by line. The keyword int indicates that number is an integer. The cin >> function reads the value into number , the user must press enter after the entered number. cin.ignore() is a function that reads a character and ignores it. We have organized our input into the program; after entering a number, we press the ENTER key, a symbol that is also transmitted to the input stream. We don't need it, so we discard it. Keep in mind that since the variable was declared as an integer, if the user tries to enter a decimal number, it will be truncated (that is, the decimal part of the number will be ignored). Try entering a decimal number or a sequence of characters, when you run the example program, the answer will depend on the input value.

    Note that when printing from a variable, quotes are not used. The absence of quotes tells the compiler that there is a variable, and therefore that the program should check the value of the variable in order to replace the variable name with its value at execution. Multiple shift statements on the same line are perfectly acceptable and the output will be done in the same order. You should separate string literals (strings enclosed in quotes) and variables, giving each its own shift operator<< . Попытка поставить две переменные вместе с одним оператором сдвига << выдаст сообщение об ошибке . Не забудьте поставить точку с запятой. Если вы забыли про точку с запятой, компилятор выдаст вам сообщение об ошибке при попытке скомпилировать программу.

    Changing and comparing values

    Of course, no matter what type of data you're using, variables aren't very interesting without the ability to change their value. The following shows some operators used in conjunction with variables:

    • * multiplication,
    • - subtraction,
    • + addition,
    • / division,
    • = assignment,
    • == equality,
    • >more
    • < меньше.
    • != unequal
    • >= greater than or equal to
    • <= меньше или равно

    Operators that perform mathematical functions must be used to the right of the assignment sign in order to assign the result to the variable on the left.

    Here are some examples:

    A = 4 * 6; // use line comment and semicolon, a is equal to 24 a = a + 5; // equal to the sum of the original value and five a == 5 // does not assign five, checks whether it is equal to 5 or not

    You'll often use == in constructs such as conditionals and loops.

    A< 5 // Проверка, a менее пяти? a >5 // Check, is a more than five? a == 5 // Checking, is a equal to five? a != 5 // Check, is it not equal to five? a >= 5 // Check if a is greater than or equal to five? a<= 5 // Проверка, a меньше или равно пяти?

    These examples don't show the use of comparison signs very clearly, but when we start studying selection operators, you'll understand why this is necessary.

    The course covers basic programming concepts and the basics of C++ in a detailed and accessible manner. An excellent choice for beginner developers.

    C++ is one of the most popular and multifunctional programming languages. At the same time, it is one of the most difficult to study. If you're lucky enough to have C++ as your first language, learn responsibly.

    It is extremely important to immediately build a strong foundation of basic knowledge, otherwise your entire building will collapse sooner or later.

    This course will help you smoothly integrate into programming and explain the difficult basics of C++ in simple words.

    A little about the language

    The course begins with a short introductory video, from which you will learn that C++ has been around for a long time and can do a lot. In addition, you will select a tool suitable for further work and create a project template.

    Framework of the first program

    Traditionally, the basics of C++ begin with the classic HelloWorld application, which demonstrates how a programmer can instruct the language compiler. You'll learn about header files and namespaces, and learn how to use two useful standard library methods for working with input and output streams.

    Data Types

    The next few lessons cover the basic data types of the language.

    You will create your first variable, master arithmetic operations in full and short form, write a simple calculator and learn generate random numbers using the rand function.

    You will find an expanded set of mathematical operations in this video.

    Another way to collect data into a single set is through enumerations. They are discussed in the course using the example of an elevator in a shopping center.

    Structures in C++ are like simplified classes. Once you understand them, you will have taken the first step towards object-oriented programming.


    The rest of the course covers the basics of C++ functions. You will learn why function prototypes are needed and what they are overload and how it helps organize work with different types of data and number of parameters.


    Lesson 18 begins an introduction to object-oriented programming. Unlike the C language, C++ supports this paradigm. You'll create your first class, become familiar with access modifiers, and learn how to make variables private.

    Helps make it easier to create and destroy class instances constructors and destructors, which are discussed in a separate lesson.

    Then you will know what it is friendly functions and how they allow interaction between classes. And after that you will meet friendly classes using the example of the completely unfriendly Volodya object.

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    Every time, with difficulty overcoming life’s obstacles, I want to take and reshape this world for myself. Unfortunately, we were not born the creators of this universe. For those who want to satisfy their creator's ambitions, only the virtual world remains.

    Although to create here you will need not so much magic and knowledge of runes as knowledge of the basics of programming. Therefore, for all aspiring virtual reality creators, we will tell you how to learn to program.

    What a teapot needs to know

    As much as I would like to admit it, in reality programming is not such a magical thing. Creating code can sometimes be compared to walking barefoot on a seabed covered with sharp rock fragments.

    To become a programmer, you need to be not only smart, but also patient and persistent. Learning to program is always accompanied by headaches, red eyes from lack of sleep, and a distant look. This is how you can easily recognize a programmer.

    Many beginners consider writing code to be almost the most romantic profession. The number of people wanting to learn programming has especially increased after watching the movie “The Matrix”. It was the main character of this picture, Neo, who pushed many to take the path of comprehending software sciences:

    But most of those who start studying give up after a few weeks. And the main reason for this is the wrong direction of study, methodology, or even a programming textbook.

    After the collapse of the USSR, all domestic universities for a long time did not even try to reshape their education system to the needs of the modern market. Technical universities were no exception to this rule.

    Programming as a separate branch and specialization did not exist as such. Its fundamentals were taught only as a link to other engineering disciplines. And even those crumbs of knowledge that were given to students in this area did not meet modern standards and lost their relevance 20-30 years ago.

    In the countries of the former USSR, the main programming language taught in technical universities was BASIC.

    The situation has not changed radically even 10 years later. Only a few educational institutions, sensing the trends of the new time, began to reshape their education to world standards at the beginning of the 2000s. And only from that moment on, programming began to be perceived as a separate profession and specialization of training:

    At the same time, various specialized commercial courses and educational institutions began to appear. But the quality of teaching and the knowledge provided was at an extremely low level. There was a shortage of competent professionals capable of teaching newcomers not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical programming skills.

    And this is the most important aspect in the profession of a programmer. Therefore, most of today's gurus of the Russian IT industry began their programming training from scratch on their own.

    To some extent, this trend continues to this day. Although in our time the number of professionals involved in teaching has increased significantly.

    Which language should I start learning programming from?

    Comprehension of software sciences is characterized not only by hard training, but also by its beginning. It is sometimes difficult for a beginner not only to begin self-learning, but also to determine the coordinates of the starting point of the process. Therefore, we will try to help you get around all these difficulties:

    Before you break your teeth on the granite of science, you should decide where to start learning programming. At the first stages it is very difficult to decide on a specialization. Therefore, let's start with selecting the first language.

    Most often the choice falls on the C programming language. This is where most beginners around the world begin their training. The majority of programming languages ​​have been created based on C, and in many ways they inherit its structure and syntax.

    By learning C, you learn the basics of not just one programming language, but several.

    Let's look at the features of this language that make it optimal for learning:

    • An easy-to-understand basis - some of the built-in capabilities of the language are included in separately plug-in libraries for simplicity. These elements include most of the mathematical functions and methods for working with the file system;
    • Optimally tailored type system - thanks to a simple set of data types and strict typing, the risk of making errors in the process of writing program code is reduced;
    • The focus of C on the procedural type of programming, in which a clear hierarchy of all code elements is observed;
    • Access to machine memory using pointers;
    • Minimum number of supported keywords;
    • Name scope support;
    • Support for custom data types ( associations and structures).

    Simply put, C is where a beginner should start before learning to program in other languages.

    Programs (compilers) for programming

    To learn programming, it is not enough just to have a desire and a computer with Internet access. To write programs in C, you will need specialized software - a compiler.

    A compiler is a special program that translates program code into a form understandable by a computer.

    Here are some specialized compilers that support the C language:

    • Microsoft Visual Studio is a professional tool that supports many languages, including several server languages. Suitable for beginners, if you take it “for growth”:

    • Borland C++ is a free compiler ideal for beginners. Unlike the previous tool, it has a clear and understandable interface. Therefore, mastering it will not cause any particular difficulties even if you independently master the basics of programming:

    • Code::Blocks is a free development environment that supports writing code in multiple languages. Medium difficulty option:

    As for specialized literature, we will not recommend books by certain authors. Here, as they say, choose what you want. Because in most cases, choosing a programming tutorial is an individual process. Use the source that is most suitable for you.

    Basics and subtleties of the C++ programming language. Practical tasks and tests. Do you want to learn to program? Then you are at the right place. Whether you have programming experience or not, these lessons will help you get started creating, compiling, and debugging C++ programs in a variety of development environments: Visual Studio, Code::Blocks, Xcode, Eclipse, and other IDEs. Lots of examples and detailed explanations. Perfect for both beginners (dummies) and more advanced ones. Everything is explained from scratch to the very details. These lessons (200+) will give you a good base/foundation in understanding programming not only in C++, but also in other languages. And it's absolutely free!

    All you need is desire, a desire to learn. You can find everything else here.

    For reposting +20 to karma and my gratitude!

    Chapter No. 0. Introduction. Getting started

    Chapter No. 1. C++ Basics

    Chapter No. 2. Variables and basic data types in C++

    Chapter No. 3. Operators in C++

    Chapter No. 4. Scope and other types of variables in C++