• Features of the provision of telephone services. Features of the provision of local telephone services. II. Long-distance and international communication services provided to clients


    Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan / Information. Informatization. Connection / Expired acts/ Connection /

    Rules for the use of local telephone communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Approved by the Ministry of Communications on April 25, 1997 N 154, by the Ministry of Finance on March 26, 1997, registered by the Ministry of Justice on May 15, 1997 N 339)





    N 339





    N 154











    use of local telephone service

    Republic of Uzbekistan

    3.4. The procedure for removing, rearranging a telephone, opening and renaming a subscription to use it when citizens move to a new place of residence is as follows:

    3.4.1. When a subscriber leaves, the telephone installed in the apartment can be renamed to one of his family members remaining in the apartment; payment for renaming is made according to current tariffs.

    3.4.2. When exchanging apartments, when both have telephones belonging to the same telecommunications company, the subscription is renamed with payment according to current tariffs.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2014 N 1342
    "On the procedure for providing telephone services"

    In pursuance of the Federal Law "On Communications" and the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

    for subscribers - legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) who use payment for mobile radiotelephone services through an advance payment, the presence or absence of debt is determined by the status of payment for services provided by the donor operator in accordance with the agreement associated with the transferred subscriber number;

    for subscribers - legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) who use payment for mobile radiotelephone services through deferred payment, the presence or absence of debt is determined by the fact of payment of invoices issued before the determination of the debt in relation to the services provided by the donor operator in accordance with the agreement associated with a portable subscriber number, and upon payment of an extraordinary invoice issued on the personal account associated with the portable subscriber number, for the period between the date of issuance of the last regular invoice and the moment the debt is determined.

    4. This resolution comes into force 30 days after the date of its official publication, with the exception of the norms provided for in subparagraphs “c” and “d” of paragraph 122 of the Rules for the provision of telephone services, which come into force on April 1, 2015.

    provision of telephone services
    (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2014 N 1342)

    With changes and additions from:

    I. General provisions

    1. These Rules regulate the relationship between the subscriber and (or) user of telephone communication services and the telecom operator in the provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone communication services in the public communications network, as well as in the provision of mobile radio communication services, mobile radiotelephone communication services and mobile satellite radio services (hereinafter referred to as mobile communications) in the public communications network (hereinafter referred to as telephone services).

    2. These Rules use the following concepts:

    “subscriber” - a user of telephone communication services with whom an agreement has been concluded for the provision of telephone communication services with the allocation of a subscriber number or a unique identification code for these purposes;

    "subscriber line"- a communication line connecting the user (terminal) equipment with the terminal element of the communication network;

    "subscriber number"- a telephone number that uniquely identifies (identifies) the terminal element of the communication network or the subscriber station (subscriber device) connected to the mobile communication network with an identification module installed in it (in it);

    "subscriber station (subscriber device)"- user (terminal) equipment connected to the mobile network;

    "intrazone telephone connection"- telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment connected to the local telephone network and located within the territory of the same subject of the Russian Federation, or telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment connected to the local telephone network and user (terminal) equipment ) equipment connected to a mobile communications network, when the corresponding subscriber of this mobile communications network is allocated a subscriber number that is part of a resource of a geographically undefined numbering zone assigned to the same subject of the Russian Federation;

    “call” - actions performed by a subscriber or user of telephone communication services in order to establish a connection between his user (terminal) equipment with the user (terminal) equipment of another subscriber or user of telephone communication services or with the terminal element of the telephone communication network, and the set of operations generated by these actions in the telecommunication network;

    "additional subscriber number"- a telephone number that uniquely determines (identifies) the hardware and software of the local telephone network communication node, allowing for the forwarding of incoming calls;

    "telephone connection tariff unit"- the duration of the telephone connection, for the provision of which the subscriber or user of telephone communication services is charged a fee equal to the tariff established for a connection of this type;

    "service area of ​​the local telephone network"- the territory within which the user (terminal) equipment is connected or can be connected by a subscriber line to a communication center that is part of the local telephone network of the telecom operator;

    "mobile telephone network service area"- the territory in which the telecom operator provides the ability to connect the subscriber station (subscriber device) to the mobile communications network;

    paragraph lost force on November 17, 2018 - Resolution

    "telephone service payment card"- an information carrier used to communicate to the telecom operator information about payment (prepayment) for telephone services or payphones;

    "telephone network operator selection code"- a number or combination of numbers dialed by a subscriber and (or) user of local telephone services to select an operator of a long-distance and international telephone network;

    "short text message"- a message consisting of letters and (or) symbols and intended for transmission over a telephone network;

    “personal account” - a record in the automated payment system of the telecom operator, which serves to record the volume of telephone services provided, the receipt and expenditure of funds contributed to pay for services;

    "local telephone connection"- telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment connected to the local telephone network and located within the territory of the same municipal district, urban settlement, rural settlement, federal city;

    "long distance telephone connection"- a telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment connected to a local telephone network and located within the territory of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation, or a telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment connected to a local telephone network within the territory of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and user (terminal) equipment connected to a mobile communications network, when the corresponding subscriber of this mobile communications network is allocated a subscriber number that is part of a resource of a geographically non-defined numbering zone assigned to another subject of the Russian Federation;

    "international telephone connection"- a telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment, when one user (terminal) equipment is connected to a local telephone network and is located within the territory of the Russian Federation, and another user (terminal) equipment is located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, or a telephone connection between user (terminal) equipment connected to the local telephone network within the territory of the Russian Federation, and user (terminal) equipment connected to the mobile network, when the corresponding subscriber of this mobile network is allocated a subscriber number that is not part of the numbering resource assigned to the Russian Federation;

    "telephone service user"- a person ordering and (or) using telephone services;

    “donor operator” - the mobile operator from whose communication network the subscriber number is transferred;

    "recipient operator"- mobile operator to whose communication network the subscriber number is being transferred;

    "subscriber number transfer"- a set of organizational and technical measures that allow a subscriber, who has been allocated a subscriber number on the basis of an agreement for the provision of mobile communication services, to retain and use this subscriber number when concluding a new contract with another telecom operator, subject to the conditions established by these Rules;

    "providing access to communication services provided by another telecom operator"- providing one telecom operator with the opportunity for its subscriber to receive communication services provided by another telecom operator;

    "providing access to the local telephone network"- a set of actions by the telecom operator of the local telephone network to form a subscriber line and connect user (terminal) equipment with its help to the communication node of the local telephone network in order to ensure the provision of telephone services to the subscriber;

    “roaming” - provision by a telecom operator of the opportunity for a subscriber, using an identification module, to use mobile communications services provided by another telecom operator with which the subscriber does not have an agreement for the provision of mobile communications services;

    “co-subscribers” - citizens living in a communal apartment who have authorized one of the residents of this apartment to enter into an agreement for the provision of telephone services, providing for the collective use of user (terminal) equipment;

    "mobile network connection"- telephone connection between a subscriber station (subscriber device) connected to the mobile network and user (terminal) equipment connected to the local telephone network, or a subscriber station (subscriber device) connected to the mobile network;

    “tariff plan” - a set of price conditions under which a telecom operator offers to use one or more telephone services;

    "telephone number"- a sequence of decimal digits that meets the requirements established in the Russian system and numbering plan or in the international public telecommunications numbering plan, containing the information necessary to make a call on the telephone network;

    "telephone connection"- interaction between communication means established as a result of a call, allowing the subscriber and (or) user of telephone services to transmit and (or) receive voice and (or) non-voice information;

    "technical ability to provide access to the local telephone network"- simultaneous presence of unused mounted capacity of the communication center, in the coverage area of ​​which the connection of user (terminal) equipment to the local telephone network is requested, and unused communication lines that allow the formation of a subscriber communication line between the communication center and this user (terminal) equipment;

    "technical ability to provide telephone services using an additional subscriber number"- the presence of unused communication means that allow the telecom operator of the local telephone network to forward incoming calls;

    "technical ability to provide mobile communication services"- the presence of functioning technical means and mobile communications facilities in the service area of ​​the mobile communications network of the telecom operator, necessary for the provision of mobile communications services to the subscriber;

    "telephone network communication node"- communication means performing the functions of switching systems.

    3. The relationship between the telecom operator and the subscriber and (or) user of telephone communication services (hereinafter referred to as the user), arising during the provision of telephone communication services on the territory of the Russian Federation, is carried out in Russian.

    4. The telecom operator is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of telephone conversations transmitted over communication networks.

    Restriction of the right to privacy of telephone conversations transmitted over communication networks is permitted only in cases provided for by federal laws.

    Information about telephone conversations transmitted over communication networks may be provided only to subscribers or their authorized representatives, unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

    Information about the citizen subscriber that became known to the telecom operator due to the execution of the contract for the provision of telephone services, including the provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone services in the public communications network, as well as the provision of mobile communications services in the public communications network ( hereinafter referred to as the agreement), may be used by the telecom operator to provide reference and other information services or transferred to third parties only with the written consent of this subscriber, except for cases provided for by federal laws.

    The consent of the citizen subscriber to the processing of his personal data in order for the telecom operator to make payments for the provided communication services, as well as to consider claims, is not required.

    5. For certain categories of officials of public authorities, diplomatic and consular representatives of foreign states, representatives of international organizations, as well as certain categories of citizens, advantages in priority and in the order of using telephone services may be established.

    The categories of officials and citizens who have the right to benefits in the provision of telephone services are determined by international treaties of the Russian Federation, legislative acts of the Russian Federation and legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    6. The telecom operator provides the subscriber and (or) user with the opportunity to use telephone services 24 hours a day, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    7. The provision of telephone services may be accompanied by the provision by the telecom operator of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with telephone services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, subject to the requirements stipulated by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    The list of other services technologically inextricably linked with communication services, aimed at increasing the consumer value of communication services, which the telecom operator has the opportunity to provide to the subscriber and (or) user, is determined by the telecom operator independently.

    8. In emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature, the telecom operator, in the manner prescribed by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, is obliged to provide telephone services to the eligible subscriber and (or) user as a matter of priority, and also has the right to temporarily stop or limit provision of telephone services.

    9. The telecom operator, in the manner prescribed by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, must ensure, in the emergency warning zone of the population, the transmission of warning signals and emergency information about the dangers arising from the threat or occurrence of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, as well as when conducting military actions or as a result of these actions, about the rules of behavior of the population and the need to take protective measures (hereinafter referred to as notification, emergency notification message).

    Notification of users of the local communication network is carried out by the telecom operator through actions taken to establish a connection with the user (terminal) equipment (hereinafter referred to as the equipment), and an emergency sound message if such a connection is established.

    Notification of mobile network users is carried out by the telecom operator by sending short text messages to subscriber stations (subscriber devices). The telecom operator has the right to additionally use broadcast messages to transmit an emergency alert message.

    The notification is free of charge for users of communication services. A communications service user's refusal to receive an emergency notification message is not permitted.

    10. The telecom operator must provide a free call to emergency operational services to each user of communication services by dialing a single call number for emergency operational services, as well as call numbers for the corresponding emergency operational services established in accordance with the Russian system and numbering plan.

    11. Only equipment for which there is a document confirming the compliance of these communication means with the established requirements can be connected to the communication network.

    12. The telecom operator provides the following information and reference services free of charge and around the clock:

    a) provision of reference information on tariffs for telephone services, on the status of the subscriber’s personal account, including debt on payment for telephone services;

    b) providing information about the service area of ​​your communication network;

    c) receiving information about a technical malfunction that prevents the use of telephone services.

    II. Procedure and conditions for concluding an agreement

    13. Telephone services are provided on the basis of fee-based contracts.

    The telecom operator has the right to instruct a third party to enter into an agreement, including an agreement providing for the use of a transferred subscriber number, on behalf and at the expense of the telecom operator, as well as to carry out settlements with the subscriber and (or) user on its behalf and other actions for servicing subscribers and ( or) users on behalf of the telecom operator.

    In accordance with an agreement concluded by a third party on behalf of a telecom operator, rights and obligations arise directly from the telecom operator.

    14. The parties to the agreement are a citizen, legal entity or individual entrepreneur, on the one hand, and a telecom operator, on the other hand. An agreement concluded with a citizen is a public contract.

    15. The contract is concluded for an indefinite period. At the request of the subscriber, a fixed-term contract can be concluded.

    16. The telecom operator has the right to refuse to conclude an agreement if there is no technical possibility.

    In case of refusal or evasion of a telecom operator from concluding an agreement, a person who intends to enter into an agreement has the right to apply to the court with a demand for compulsion to conclude an agreement and for compensation for losses. The burden of proving the lack of appropriate technical capability lies with the telecom operator.

    17. The telecom operator is obliged to provide the person who intends to enter into an agreement with the following information:

    a) name (company name) of the telecom operator, location and operating hours of the telecom operator and its branches;

    b) details of the license(s) issued to the telecom operator to carry out activities in the field of providing telephone services (hereinafter referred to as the license);

    c) a list of telephone services, conditions and procedure for their provision;

    d) name and details of regulatory documents defining the requirements for the quality of telephone services provided;

    e) tariffs for telephone services;

    f) the procedure, forms and systems of payment for telephone services;

    g) the procedure for considering claims of the subscriber and (or) user;

    h) telephone numbers of information and reference services;

    i) indication of the places where the subscriber and (or) user can fully familiarize themselves with these Rules.

    18. When concluding an agreement, an individual presents a document proving his identity to the telecom operator or a third party authorized by the telecom operator, with the exception of cases of concluding an agreement providing for the provision of telephone services using public access means, or concluding an agreement using an information and telecommunications network " Internet".

    19. A person authorized to conclude an agreement in the interests of a legal entity presents to the telecom operator or a third party authorized by the telecom operator a document confirming his authority to represent the interests of the legal entity when concluding an agreement, and a document confirming the state registration of the legal entity, or a copy thereof, for with the exception of cases of concluding an agreement providing for the provision of telephone communication services using means of collective access, or concluding an agreement using the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

    20. When concluding an agreement, an individual entrepreneur presents to the telecom operator or a third party authorized by the telecom operator a document certifying his identity and a document confirming the state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, or a copy thereof, except for cases of concluding an agreement providing for the provision of telephone services using means of collective access, or concluding an agreement using the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

    21. The agreement is concluded in writing or by performing implicit actions that make it possible to reliably establish the will of the subscriber regarding the conclusion of the agreement.

    An agreement on the provision of local, intra-zonal, long-distance and international telephone communication services using collective access facilities, concluded through implementation of implied actions, is considered concluded from the moment the subscriber and (or) user makes a call, and if the user’s actions are aimed at concluding an agreement on the provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone communication services using collective access means, constitute an advance payment, such an agreement is considered concluded from the moment this advance payment is made.

    22. An agreement concluded in writing must indicate the following information and conditions:

    a) date and place of conclusion of the contract;

    b) name (company name) of the telecom operator;

    c) details of the current account of the telecom operator;

    d) reliable information about the subscriber:

    last name, first name, patronymic (if any), place of residence, date of birth, details of an identity document - for an individual;

    name (company name) of the organization, location, main state registration number, individual taxpayer number - for a legal entity;

    last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, details of an identity document, main state registration number - for an individual entrepreneur;

    e) address, procedure and method of providing an invoice for telephone services provided;

    f) the period for providing access to the local or mobile communication network.

    23. The contract must indicate the following essential conditions:

    a) subscriber number (subscriber numbers) or unique identification code (unique identification codes);

    b) telephone services provided;

    c) payment system for telephone services;

    d) procedure, terms and form of payments.

    III. Procedure and conditions for execution of the contract

    Rights and obligations of the parties when executing the contract

    24. The telecom operator is obliged:

    a) provide the subscriber and (or) user with telephone communication services in accordance with legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, these Rules, license and agreement;

    b) eliminate, within the time limits established by the telecom operator, malfunctions that impede the use of telephone services. Information about the time frame for eliminating malfunctions that impede the use of communication services is posted on the telecom operator’s website on the Internet information and telecommunications network;

    c) resume the provision of telephone services to the subscriber within 3 days from the date of receipt of payment from the subscriber or the provision by the subscriber of documents confirming the liquidation of debt for payment for telephone services (in case of suspension of the provision of telephone services for violating the terms of payment for telephone services provided to him);

    d) at the request of the subscriber or user, provide additional information related to the provision of telephone services;

    e) return to the subscriber the unused balance of funds paid as an advance no later than 30 days from the date of termination of the contract;

    f) notify subscribers about this at least 10 days before changing the current tariffs for telephone services through the telecom operator’s website on the Internet information and telecommunications network. Mobile subscribers to whom a variable tariff is applied are additionally sent short text messages with information about changes in current tariffs for mobile communication services, unless otherwise provided by these Rules. An agreement with a subscriber who is a legal entity may specify a different method of informing about tariff changes. A subscriber - an individual has the right to refuse to receive information about changes in tariffs in the form of a short text message and, by taking actions that allow him to reliably establish his will, choose a different method of notification;

    Information about changes:

    Clause 24 was supplemented with subclause “g” from November 4, 2017 - Resolution

    g) upon receipt of a corresponding request from the body carrying out operational investigative activities, within 3 working days from the date of receipt of such a request, send a request to the subscriber with a requirement to confirm the compliance of the personal data of the actual user with the information stated in the contract, indicating the date of termination of the provision of communication services in in case of failure to confirm the compliance of personal data in one or more of the following ways:

    by sending a short text message (mandatory for notifying individual subscribers when providing them with mobile radiotelephone services);

    by sending a message using the reference and information service of a telecom operator, including an auto-informer;

    using the Internet information and telecommunications network, including by sending a message by e-mail (if an address is available) or by sending a notification using the telecom operator’s self-service system, through which the subscriber has access to information about the telephone services provided to him and about settlements with the telecom operator, as well as other information (personal account);

    Information about changes:

    Clause 24 was supplemented with subclause “h” from November 4, 2017 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2017 N 1295

    h) re-inform the subscriber in the manner prescribed by subparagraph "g" of this paragraph about the timing of termination of the provision of communication services in the event of failure to confirm the compliance of the personal data of the actual user with the information stated in the contract, no later than 3 days before termination of the provision of communication services;

    Information about changes:

    Clause 24 was supplemented with subclause “and” from November 4, 2017 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2017 N 1295

    i) provide the subscriber with the opportunity to confirm the compliance of the personal data of the actual user with the information stated in the contract by submitting an identification document to the telecom operator, as well as using one of the methods provided by the telecom operator (if any) specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 25 of these Rules, informing the subscriber about such methods when sending him a request in accordance with subparagraph "g" of this paragraph or indicating in the request the email address of the telecommunications operator's website page on the Internet, which contains information about such methods.

    25. The subscriber is obliged:

    a) pay payment for telephone services provided in full and within the terms specified in the contract;

    b) use equipment that meets the established requirements to connect to the communication network;

    c) provide the telecom operator with reliable information about changes in the surname (first name, patronymic) and place of residence for subscribers - individuals, name (company name) and location for subscribers - legal entities within a period not exceeding 60 days from the date of change in the specified information;

    e) inform the telecom operator about the loss of the identification module;

    Information about changes:

    Paragraph 25 was supplemented with subparagraph "e" from November 4, 2017 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2017 N 1295

    f) upon receipt of a request from a telecom operator with a requirement to confirm the compliance of the personal data of the actual user with the information stated in the contract, confirm the personal data by submitting an identification document to the telecom operator, or in one of the following ways provided by the telecom operator:

    by sending an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature to the telecom operator, or when accessing the telecom operator’s self-service system, through which the subscriber has access to information about the telephone services provided to him and about settlements with the telecom operator, as well as other information (personal office), using an enhanced qualified electronic signature;

    using the federal state information system "Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form" with a confirmed account in the system.

    26. The subscriber has the right:

    a) receive the necessary and reliable information about the telecom operator, its operating mode, and the telephone services provided;

    b) refuse to pay for telephone services provided to him without his consent;

    c) demand a recalculation of funds up to a full refund of amounts paid for telephone services due to the failure to provide telephone services through no fault of the subscriber or the provision of their inadequate quality;

    d) receive additional information about the telephone services provided (bill details), including indicating the date and time of connections, their duration and subscriber numbers;

    d) contact your telecom operator for a refund of the funds paid as an advance.

    27. The telecommunications operator has the right to provide a subscriber who has passed identification in the manner determined by the telecommunications operator, using telecommunication networks, including the Internet information and telecommunications network, or other means of remote interaction between the subscriber and the telecom operator, the opportunity to:

    a) receive information about telephone services provided by the telecom operator and the status of payments for them, as well as other information related to the provision of telephone services in accordance with the contract;

    b) order invoice details;

    c) change the composition of telephone services provided, tariff plans, and other terms of the contract;

    d) perform other actions related to the provision of telephone services.

    28. All actions performed after identification are considered completed by the subscriber. The telecom operator is obliged to record (electronically) and store information about the actions of subscribers specified in paragraph 27 of these Rules. The storage period for this information by the telecom operator is:

    a) at least 3 years from the date of termination of the contract - in relation to actions of subscribers aimed at changing the terms of the contract;

    b) at least 3 years from the date of the action - for other actions of subscribers.

    Form and procedure for payment for telephone services provided

    29. Payment for telephone services is carried out in the form of cash and non-cash payments.

    Payment for telephone services can be made through an advance payment, deferred payment for the duration of the billing period, or a combination of these types of payments.

    When paying for telephone services through an advance payment, services are provided in the amount of funds contributed by the subscriber. If the advance payment is exhausted, the provision of telephone services is suspended without prior notice to the subscriber, unless the contract provides for the use of a transition from an advance payment to a deferred payment.

    When paying for telephone services through deferred payment, the telephone services provided are paid at the end of the billing period.

    The type of payments for telephone services and the procedure for their implementation are determined by the agreement, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Tariffs for telephone services, including the tariff used to pay for an incomplete tariff unit, are established, including changed, by the telecom operator independently, unless a different procedure is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    30. Tariff plans for telephone services can be established separately for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens using telephone services for personal, family and household needs, as well as citizens using telephone services for other needs. The tariff plan may establish differentiated tariffs by time of day, days of the week, weekends and non-working holidays, as well as by the range and volume of telephone services provided. Tariff plans and tariffs for telephone services may be differentiated on other grounds established by the telecom operator.

    31. When forming tariff plans, the following types of tariffs can be applied:

    a) subscriber payment system, in which the amount of payment of the subscriber for a certain (billing) period is a constant value, independent of the volume of telephone services actually received;

    b) a time-based payment system that does not provide for a constant payment amount and depends on the number of telephone services provided in units determined by the telecom operator;

    c) a combined payment system, in which telephone services not exceeding a certain volume for a certain (billing) period are provided for a constant payment amount, and telephone services exceeding the specified volume are paid separately.

    32. When forming tariff plans, a combination of several types of tariffs specified in paragraph 31 of these Rules is allowed.

    When transferring a subscriber number, the subscriber pays mobile operators only the payments provided for in these Rules.

    33. The fee for changing the tariff plan is not charged to the subscriber if more than one month has passed since the previous change in the tariff plan.

    34. To pay for telephone services, the tariff that was in effect at the time the corresponding connection was established is used.

    35. The duration of a telephone connection is recorded in accordance with the tariff unit adopted by the telecom operator, which cannot be more than 1 minute.

    The fee for a telephone connection is determined based on its duration, expressed in the number of tariff units for the connection over the communication network.

    The telecom operator, if technically possible, is obliged to install at least one tariff plan with a tariff unit for telephone connections of no more than 1 second.

    36. The duration of the telephone connection used to determine the amount of the connection fee is counted from the 1st second after the called equipment answers until the calling or called equipment or equipment replacing the user in his absence hangs up. A telephone connection lasting less than 3 seconds is not taken into account in the scope of telephone services provided.

    37. Equipment, the response signal of which is equated to the response of the called person and serves as the beginning of the countdown of the duration of the connection during automatic telephone communication, includes:

    b) fax machine;

    c) equipment with an answering machine function;

    d) a telephone with an automatic caller ID function;

    e) private telephone exchange;

    f) other equipment that replaces the user in his absence and provides and (or) simulates the exchange of information.

    38. The basis for billing the subscriber and (or) user for the provided telephone connections is the data obtained using the telecom operator’s equipment used to record the volume of telephone services provided.

    39. The billing period for the provision of telephone services is established by the telecom operator.

    40. The term for payment of telephone services for deferred payment is set by the telecom operator independently, but this period should not be less than 20 days following the end of the billing period, unless otherwise established by these Rules. A longer payment period for telephone services may be stipulated in the contract.

    41. An invoice issued to a subscriber for telephone services is a document reflecting information about the subscriber’s monetary obligations and must contain the following information:

    a) details of the telecom operator;

    b) subscriber details;

    c) the billing period for which the invoice is issued;

    d) subscriber's personal account number;

    e) data on the total duration of connections for the billing period (with time-based accounting);

    f) the amount required for payment for each type of telephone service and each subscriber number;

    g) types of telephone services provided;

    h) the amount of the balance on the personal account (for an advance payment);

    i) date of invoice;

    j) due date for payment of the invoice (in case of deferred payment).

    Information about changes:

    By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2016 N 57, the Rules were supplemented with clause 41.1

    41.1. In an agreement with a subscriber who is a legal entity, the parties have the right to independently determine the requirements for information that should be reflected in the invoice.

    42. The telecom operator is obliged to ensure that the subscriber is provided with an invoice for payment for telephone services within 10 days from the date of issue of this invoice. The address, procedure and method of providing an invoice are established by the agreement.

    By agreement with the subscriber, as the address for providing the subscriber with an invoice, it is allowed to use an email address or an email address of the telecom operator’s self-service system, through which the subscriber has access to information about the telephone services provided to him, settlements with the telecom operator and other information (personal account).

    43. The payment card for telephone services contains information used to communicate information about payment for telephone services to the telecom operator. The payment card for telephone services must indicate:

    a) the name (company name) of the telecom operator that issued this payment card for telephone services;

    b) the name of the types of telephone services paid for using a telephone payment card;

    c) the amount of the advance payment to the telecom operator, the payment of which is confirmed by the payment card for telephone services;

    d) validity period of the payment card for telephone services;

    e) reference (contact) telephone numbers of the telecom operator;

    f) rules for using a payment card for telephone services;

    g) identification number of the telephone payment card.

    IV. Procedure and conditions for suspending the provision of telephone services, changing and terminating the contract

    44. The telecom operator has the right to suspend the provision to the subscriber only of those telephone services in respect of which this subscriber has violated the requirements established by the Federal Law "On Communications", these Rules and the agreement, including violations of the terms of payment for telephone services provided to the subscriber. In this case, the telecom operator has the right to suspend providing the subscriber with the opportunity to make a free round-the-clock call to emergency services only if the technical and technological features of the communications network of this telecom operator do not allow maintaining this opportunity simultaneously with the suspension of the provision of telephone services to the subscriber.

    45. At the initiative of the subscriber, the telecom operator is obliged, without terminating the contract, to suspend the provision of telephone services to the subscriber who submitted the application. In this case, the telecom operator, in accordance with the tariff established for such cases, charges the subscriber for the entire period of time specified in the application.

    46. ​​The telecom operator, on its own initiative, has the right to replace the subscriber number allocated to the subscriber only if it is impossible to continue providing telephone services using the specified number. In this case, the telecom operator is obliged to notify the subscriber about this in writing and inform him of his new subscriber number at least 60 days before the day of replacement, unless the need for replacement was caused by unforeseen or emergency circumstances.

    In the event of a mass replacement of subscriber numbers, subscribers are notified through the telecom operator’s website on the Internet information and telecommunications network and (or) using the telecom operator’s reference and information service, including an auto-informer.

    47. Amendments to the agreement are carried out in writing or by performing implied actions, the list and procedure for implementation of which are determined by the agreement.

    48. The subscriber has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract at any time, subject to payment for the telephone services provided.

    49. The telecom operator does not have the right to suspend the provision of telephone services to a subscriber in the event of non-payment by the subscriber for services provided using telephone services, but which are not telephone services.

    V. The procedure for submitting and considering complaints and claims

    50. The subscriber and (or) user has the right to appeal the decisions and actions (inaction) of the telecom operator regarding the provision of telephone services.

    51. Consideration of a claim or complaint of a subscriber and (or) user is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    52. If the telecom operator recognizes the demands of the subscriber and (or) user to reduce the amount of payment for telephone services provided, to reimburse expenses for eliminating deficiencies in the work performed on its own or by third parties, as well as to return the amount of money paid for telephone services and compensation for losses caused in connection with the refusal to provide telephone services, if justified, they are subject to satisfaction within 10 days from the date the telecom operator makes a decision to satisfy the claim.

    VI. Responsibility of the parties

    53. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract, the telecom operator is liable to the subscriber and (or) user in the amount established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the following cases:

    a) unjustified refusal to conclude a contract or evasion of its conclusion;

    b) violation of the deadlines for providing access to the local or mobile communication network;

    c) violation of the terms established in the contract for the provision of telephone services;

    d) provision of not all telephone services specified in the contract;

    e) poor quality of telephone services;

    f) violation of the confidentiality of telephone conversations and (or) messages;

    g) failure to provide, incomplete or untimely provision of information related to the provision of telephone services.

    54. The subscriber and (or) user are liable to the telecom operator in the following cases:

    a) non-payment, incomplete or untimely payment for telephone services;

    b) failure to comply with the rules for operating equipment;

    c) failure to comply with the ban on connecting to the communication network equipment that does not meet the established requirements.

    55. In case of non-payment, incomplete or untimely payment for telephone services, the individual subscriber shall pay a penalty to the telecom operator in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, unless a smaller amount is specified in the contract. In this case, the amount of the penalty cannot exceed the amount payable.

    In an agreement with a subscriber who is a legal entity, the parties have the right to independently determine the amount of the penalty for violation of obligations under the agreement.

    VII. Features of the provision of telephone services

    Features of the provision of local telephone services

    56. In addition to the information and reference services provided in accordance with paragraph 12 of these Rules, the telecom operator providing local telephone services provides the following information and reference services free of charge and around the clock:

    a) providing information about local time;

    b) providing the person who owns or uses the premises with information about the telephone number in the local telephone network of the telecom operator installed on the premises of the specified person.

    57. In addition to the information specified in paragraph 17 of these Rules, the telecom operator providing local telephone services provides a person who intends to enter into an agreement for the provision of local telephone services with a list of codes for selecting long-distance and international telephone networks, information on the procedure and deadlines consideration of an application for concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone services.

    58. To conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone communication services, with the exception of an agreement providing for the provision of local telephone communication services using public access means, an application is submitted to the telecom operator providing local telephone communication services, the form of which is established by this telecom operator.

    An application for concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone communication services is filled out in 2 copies and registered by the telecom operator providing local telephone communication services. One copy of the application remains with the telecom operator providing local telephone services, the other is given to the person who intends to enter into an agreement for the provision of local telephone services.

    The procedure for registering applications is established by the telecom operator providing local telephone services.

    The telecom operator has the right to provide a person who intends to enter into an agreement for the provision of local telephone communication services with the opportunity to submit an application for concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone communication services using telecommunication networks, including the Internet information and telecommunications network.

    59. An application for concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone services may be submitted to any telecom operator providing local telephone services in the territory of the municipality where the premises in which the equipment is installed are located. A telecom operator providing local telephone services does not have the right to refuse to accept and consider the said application to a person who intends to enter into an agreement for the provision of local telephone services.

    60. A telecom operator providing local telephone services, within a period not exceeding 1 month from the date of registration of the application for concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone services, shall, in accordance with the application, check the availability of the technical possibility of providing access to the local telephone network or technical feasibility of providing telephone services using an additional subscriber number. If appropriate technical capabilities are available, an agreement on the provision of local telephone services is concluded.

    61. In the absence of appropriate technical capabilities, an application for concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone communication services is accepted for registration in order to determine the priority of concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone communication services.

    The priority of concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone services is determined based on the date of registration of the application and taking into account the advantages established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties. The procedure for maintaining a queue for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services is determined by the telecom operator providing local telephone services.

    62. A telecom operator providing local telephone services, within a period not exceeding 2 months from the date of registration of the application for concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone services, notifies (in writing) the person who intends to conclude an agreement for the provision of local telephone services communications, about the expected period for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services, and in the absence of the appropriate technical capability - also about the serial number of his application in the queue.

    63. If the place of residence (location) of a person who intends to enter into an agreement for the provision of local telephone communication services changes, within the service area of ​​the same communication center of the local telephone communication network, the application for concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone communication services may be reissued indicating the new equipment installation address. In this case, the serial number of the reissued application in the queue for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services remains the same as that of the reissued (initial) application.

    If the place of residence (location) of the applicant changes within the service area of ​​the local telephone network of the telecom operator providing local telephone services to which the application was submitted, but outside the service area of ​​the communication center, which included the equipment installation address specified in the application, the application is reissued indicating the new address for installation of the equipment. In this case, the priority of concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone communication services with a person who intends to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone communication services is established based on the date of registration of the reissued (initial) application.

    64. An application for concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone communication services is deregistered if the person who intends to enter into an agreement for the provision of local telephone communication services, without good reason, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the written notice specified in paragraph 62 of these Rules, did not apply to the telecom operator providing local telephone services to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services or with an application for a deferment from concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services.

    65. In the local telephone network, an additional subscriber number can be used to forward incoming calls, including to the subscriber station (subscriber device) of the subscriber in the mobile operator’s network.

    66. An individual, a representative of a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur, when concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone communication services, with the exception of an agreement providing for the provision of telephone communication services using public access means, in addition to the documents specified in paragraphs 18 - 20 of these Rules, also submits to the telecom operator a copy of the document confirming the right of ownership and (or) use of the premises in which the equipment is installed.

    67. In addition to the conditions specified in paragraphs 22 and these Rules, the contract for the provision of local telephone services must indicate the following data:

    a) address of equipment installation;

    b) type, type of equipment (telephones, fax machines) used by the subscriber;

    c) equipment connection diagram;

    d) the subscriber’s consent (refusal) to access intra-zonal, long-distance and international telephone services and to provide information about him to other telecom operators for the provision of such services.

    68. If the subscriber agrees to access intra-zonal, long-distance and international telephone communication services, by the subscriber’s decision, the contract for the provision of local telephone communication services shall indicate the names of telecom operators providing these telephone communication services, and codes for selecting the operator of the long-distance and international telephone communication network, which is determined by the subscriber to receive long-distance and international telephone services (pre-selection), or the subscriber's decision to select a long-distance and international telephone network operator for each call made to receive the corresponding services (selection for each call).

    The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to an agreement for the provision of local telephone services concluded with the allocation of an additional subscriber number.

    69. In addition to the subscriber’s obligations specified in clause 25

    a) inform the telecom operator about the termination of your right to own and (or) use the telephone premises;

    Information about changes:

    Paragraph 69 was supplemented with subparagraph "c" from November 17, 2018 - Decree of the Government of Russia of November 3, 2018 N 1310

    c) provide the telecom operator within 15 days from the date of conclusion of the contract with reliable information about persons using the equipment of the subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur), containing last names, first names, patronymics (if any), dates of birth, details of an identity document (name , series and number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, or department code), and in the event of a change in persons using the equipment of a legal entity - provide relevant reliable information about new users no later than 15 days from the day when he became aware of such a change.

    70. The subscriber is obligated to pay for telephone services provided before the telecom operator receives notification of termination of the right to own and (or) use the telephone premises.

    71. When determining the cost of a connection (with time-based accounting), an incomplete tariff unit, the size of which is half or more than half of the tariff unit, is taken into account as a full tariff unit, and an incomplete tariff unit, the size of which is less than half of the tariff unit, is taken into account as half of the tariff unit.

    72. The fee for providing access to a local telephone network by a telecom operator is charged once when installing equipment in a non-telephone premises. The tariff for the provision by a telecom operator of access to the local telephone network is established by the telecom operator, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    There is no charge for making changes to the contract for the provision of local telephone services related to changing the operator of the long-distance and international telephone network, as well as changing the procedure for selecting the operator of the long-distance and international telephone network.

    73. In the event of termination of the subscriber’s right to own and use a telephone premises, the contract for the provision of local telephone services with the subscriber is terminated from the moment the telecom operator receives the subscriber’s notification of termination of the right to own and (or) use the telephone premises or the application of the new owner of the specified premises to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services. In this case, the telecom operator with whom the contract for the provision of local telephone communication services is terminated, at the request of the new owner of the specified premises, is obliged to conclude an agreement for the provision of local telephone communication services with the new owner within 30 days.

    If the subscriber’s family members remain living in the telephone premises, the contract for the provision of local telephone services is renewed in the name of one of them with the written consent of other family members registered at the place of residence in this premises.

    An application for concluding an agreement for the provision of local telephone services may be submitted within 60 days from the date of termination of the previous agreement for the provision of local telephone services. If the application is not submitted within the prescribed period, the telecom operator has the right to dispose of the corresponding subscriber number.

    74. In an agreement for the provision of local telephone services, which provides for the collective use of equipment, the subscriber is a citizen, authorized in writing by a representative from each family living in this communal apartment and intending to use telephone services.

    75. Co-subscribers have equal rights and obligations to use telephone services. Capable co-subscribers bear joint and several liability with the subscriber for the obligations arising from the contract for the provision of local telephone services.

    76. In an agreement for the provision of local telephone services, which provides for the collective use of equipment, the payment system for local telephone connections is established on the basis of a common decision of all co-subscribers. If co-subscribers fail to reach agreement, a subscription payment system is established.

    77. An agreement on the provision of local telephone services with an applicant - a legal entity cannot be concluded on the terms of using a dual connection scheme for equipment.

    78. Switching a subscriber number to another subscriber line to a premises located at a different address and owned or used by this subscriber can only be done upon a written application from the subscriber and if the telecom operator has the technical ability to carry out such a switch.

    Features of providing local telephone services to a citizen subscriber

    79. An agreement (agreements) for the provision of local telephone services may be concluded with citizens living in a communal apartment, providing for the provision of telephone services with collective and (or) individual use of equipment.

    80. Changing the terms of use of equipment installed in a communal apartment on the basis of an agreement for the provision of local telephone services, providing for individual use of the equipment, can only be carried out with the consent of the citizen subscriber.

    81. If the contract for the provision of local telephone services provides for the collective use of equipment, a change in the installation address of the equipment is made with the written consent of all co-subscribers.

    82. It is not allowed to change the switching circuit of equipment operating on a separate subscriber line without the written consent of the subscriber.

    83. The use of a paired connection scheme for equipment is not allowed in the telephone room in which a disabled person registered at this place of residence lives, or in a communal apartment if the agreement on the provision of local telephone services provides for the collective use of equipment.

    84. It is not allowed to use a parallel connection scheme for equipment installed in residential premises located in different buildings (structures) or apartments.

    85. As equipment operating according to a paired connection scheme, only telephone sets are allowed.

    The use of a parallel connection circuit for telephone sets in a paired connection circuit is not allowed.

    Telephone sets operating according to a paired connection scheme are installed within one entrance of a residential building.

    86. Payment for intrazonal, intercity or international telephone connections provided under an agreement for the provision of local telephone services, providing for the collective use of equipment, is carried out by the person who received these services. If such a person is not identified, telephone services are paid for by the subscriber.

    87. An application to change the tariff plan for paying for local telephone services is submitted by a citizen subscriber no later than 10 days before the end of the calendar month. Subject to the specified deadline for submitting the application, the telecom operator transfers the citizen subscriber to the selected tariff plan from the 1st day of the month following the month of submission of the application. If the specified deadline for submitting the application is not met, the transfer to the selected tariff plan is carried out from the 1st day of the 2nd month following the month of submission of the application.

    The telecom operator has the right to transfer a citizen subscriber to the selected tariff plan earlier than the specified period.

    Features of the provision of intrazonal, intercity and international telephone services

    88. In addition to the information and reference services provided in accordance with paragraph 12 of these Rules, the telecom operator provides the following information and reference services free of charge and around the clock:

    a) providing information about the intercity code of the locality;

    b) provision of information on the procedure for using automatic telephone communication and on the service numbers of the telecom operator for ordering a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator.

    89. In addition to the information and reference services provided in accordance with paragraph 88 of these Rules, the telecom operator providing long-distance and international telephone services provides the following information and reference services free of charge and around the clock:

    a) providing information about the international code of the country and foreign locality;

    b) providing information about the time difference with the called settlement located on the territory of the Russian Federation or beyond its borders.

    90. A telecom operator that has received a license to provide long-distance and international telephone services, within a period not exceeding 1 month from the date the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation assigns selection codes for this telecom operator, is obliged to publish a message in the media about a single date for the start of provision by this telecom operator of the corresponding telephone services in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the codes assigned for the selection of this telecom operator. At the same time, the telecom operator ensures such publication in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    91. The following telephone connections, established with the help of a telephone operator, are provided in accordance with priorities (in descending order):

    b) government (state);

    c) official;

    d) privileged (password);

    e) private (ordinary).

    92. The procedure for providing telephone connections specified in paragraph 91 of these Rules is established by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

    93. Establishment of telephone connections with the help of a telephone operator is provided through an immediate or custom service system.

    94. The telephone operator begins to establish a telephone connection immediately after placing an order using the immediate service system.

    95. The time during which a telephone connection must be provided under a custom service system cannot exceed 1 hour from the moment the order is placed, unless a later date is specified by the subscriber and (or) user.

    The order execution time is communicated to the subscriber and (or) user by the telephone operator when placing the order.

    96. Informing the called person about the time of establishing a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator is carried out according to the local time of the subject of the Russian Federation where the called person is located.

    97. When providing telephone services using a telephone operator, a telecom operator has the right to introduce restrictions on the duration of connections and the number of orders.

    The subscriber and (or) user must be notified by the telephone operator when placing an order or providing the subscriber and (or) user with a telephone connection about the introduction of restrictions on telephone services.

    98. The validity period of an order for establishing an intrazonal or long-distance telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator ends at 24 hours local time on the day the order is placed, unless, by agreement with the subscriber and (or) user, the execution time of the order has not been postponed to the next day.

    The validity period of an order for establishing an international telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator expires at 8 o’clock local time on the day following the day the order is placed, and for a personal (with an invitation to a citizen specified by the subscriber and (or) user) conversation and conference call - at 8 o’clock local time on the 2nd day following the day the order is placed.

    The order can be canceled by the telephone operator at the request of the subscriber and (or) user.

    99. At a call center, an agreement for the provision of one-time services of intrazonal, intercity or international telephone communication is drawn up by the telephone operator filling out (according to the user and in his presence) an order form, the form of which is established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In this case, the user is given a tear-off order form filled out by the telephone operator, confirming the conclusion of the contract.

    100. Tariffs for long-distance and international telephone communication services may vary depending on the method chosen by the subscriber to access these services.

    101. The duration of the telephone connection used to determine the amount of payment for an intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone connection (when establishing a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator) is counted from the moment of the user’s response specified in the order form, or the equipment, the response signal of which is equivalent to the user’s response , until the calling or called user or the equipment replacing the user in his absence hangs up.

    102. The minimum duration of a telephone connection payable when establishing a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator cannot exceed 3 minutes. In this case, a telephone connection that lasted less than its prescribed minimum duration is paid for as a minimum duration connection.

    103. Depending on the urgency of providing intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone services with the help of a telephone operator, the following types of tariffs are applied:

    a) regular tariff;

    b) urgent tariff, determined by applying to the regular tariff an increasing factor established by the telecom operator, which cannot be more than 2.

    104. If the deadline for providing an urgent intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator is violated, payment is made at the regular rate with the difference in payment being returned to the subscriber and (or) user if the payment was made in advance at the urgent rate.

    105. Payment for an intrazonal, intercity or international telephone connection of the "distress" category, established with the help of a telephone operator, is made at the usual rate.

    106. International telephone connections provided to the subscriber and (or) user on the territory of the Russian Federation, except for those established with the help of a telephone operator, with payment at the expense of the called person, are paid in the Russian Federation.

    107. If, when establishing a telephone connection, the telephone operator determines that equipment is installed on the side of the called user that replaces the user in his absence, he is obliged to inform the calling subscriber and (or) user about this. Continued connection establishment is possible only after the consent of the subscriber or user. In this case, the service fee is calculated based on the actual duration of the telephone connection between the calling subscriber or user and the called user or the equipment that replaces the user in his absence.

    If the subscriber and (or) user refuses to establish a telephone connection with equipment that replaces the user in his absence, no fee will be charged for the telephone connection.

    108. An invoice issued to a subscriber for the provision of intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone services, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 41 of these Rules, must contain:

    a) codes of geographically defined numbering zones or codes of geographically not defined numbering zones, the numbering resource of which includes subscriber numbers with which telephone connections were made;

    b) the date of provision of each telephone service;

    c) the volume of provision of each telephone service.

    Features of the provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone services using public access facilities

    109. Using shared access facilities, users can make outgoing and receive incoming calls.

    110. A telecom operator providing communication services using public access means, in addition to the information provided for in subparagraphs “a” - “c”, “d” - “i” of paragraph 17 of these Rules, is obliged to bring to the attention of users information about the actions that are necessary to obtain telephone services, including to gain access to telephone services of other telecom operators.

    111. A telecom operator providing telephone services using public access facilities that accept tokens and payment cards for telephone services is obliged to inform users about the places of sale of tokens and payment cards for local, intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone services in the public communications network, as well as mobile communication services.

    Such information must be posted by the telecom operator in a convenient and accessible form on a public access device or brought to the attention of the user in another way.

    Features of the provision of mobile communication services in the public communication network

    112. In addition to the conditions that must be specified in the contract in accordance with paragraphs 22 and these Rules:

    a) the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services must indicate the method of providing the subscriber with information about all contracts for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services concluded by him with the telecom operator and (or) the person acting on his behalf, and the details of the identification module;

    b) the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services with a subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) must determine the procedure for the communication operator to send him information about the unreliability of information about the subscriber or about persons using subscriber numbers allocated to the subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) ( further - users of communication services of a subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur).

    113. In addition to the responsibilities of the telecom operator specified in paragraph 24 of these Rules, the telecom operator is obliged to:

    a) provide the subscriber with information about contracts concluded by the telecom operator and (or) a person acting on his behalf with the subscriber for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services. The specified information is provided directly to the subscriber using the Internet information and telecommunications network, including via the email address specified by the subscriber in the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone services, if the subscriber has chosen this method of providing information. The information provided to the subscriber must contain the contract number and the date of its conclusion in relation to each contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone services. The agreement on the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services determines the method of providing the subscriber with the specified information using the Internet information and telecommunications network. The telecom operator is obliged to provide the specified information to the subscriber when concluding with him each new contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services within 20 days from the date of conclusion by him or a person acting on his behalf with the subscriber of the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services;

    b) inform the subscriber about changes in the list of mobile communication services and other services that are technologically inextricably linked with mobile communication services and aimed at increasing their consumer value provided to the subscriber by sending a short text message to the subscriber;

    Information about changes:

    Paragraph 113 was supplemented with subparagraph "c" from November 17, 2018 - Decree of the Government of Russia of November 3, 2018 N 1310

    c) suspend the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services via the subscriber number allocated to the subscriber in the event of failure by the latter to fulfill the obligations provided for in paragraph three of subparagraph “a”, subparagraphs “b” and “c” of paragraph 116 of these Rules, as well as in the event of failure by an individual subscriber to fulfill the obligations provided for in subparagraph "c" of paragraph 25 of these Rules;

    Information about changes:

    Paragraph 113 was supplemented with subparagraph "d" from November 17, 2018 - Decree of the Government of Russia of November 3, 2018 N 1310

    d) resume the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services to the subscriber or user within 3 days from the date the subscriber (user) eliminates the violations that resulted in the suspension of the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services in accordance with subparagraph “c” of this paragraph.

    Information about changes:

    The rules were supplemented by clause 113.1 from November 17, 2018 - Decree of the Government of Russia of November 3, 2018 N 1310

    113.1. The telecom operator is obliged to verify the accuracy of information about the subscriber, as well as about users of communication services of the subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur), provided, among other things, by a person acting on behalf of the telecom operator.

    Information about changes:

    The rules were supplemented by clause 113.2 from November 17, 2018 - Decree of the Government of Russia of November 3, 2018 N 1310

    113.2. Verification of the accuracy of information about the subscriber, as well as about users of communication services of the subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) is carried out by establishing:

    a) in relation to an individual - last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, as well as details of the identity document (name, series and number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, or department code);

    b) in relation to an individual entrepreneur - last name, first name, patronymic (if any), details of the identity document (name, series and number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, or unit code), as well as the main state registration number;

    c) in relation to a legal entity - the name (company name) of the organization, location, main state registration number, as well as taxpayer identification number.

    Information about changes:

    The rules were supplemented by paragraph 113.3 from November 17, 2018 - Decree of the Government of Russia of November 3, 2018 N 1310

    113.3. Confirmation of the accuracy of information about a subscriber - an individual, information about users of communication services of a subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) is carried out in one of the following ways:

    a) presentation of an identity document;

    d) use of a single portal of state and municipal services;

    e) use of information systems of government bodies if a telecom operator is connected to these systems through a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

    Information about changes:

    The rules were supplemented by paragraph 113.4 from November 17, 2018 - Decree of the Government of Russia of November 3, 2018 N 1310

    113.4. Confirmation of the accuracy of information about a subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) is carried out in one of the following ways:

    a) submission of documents necessary for concluding an agreement in accordance with these Rules;

    b) use of the federal state information system “Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form”;

    d) use of information systems of government bodies if a telecom operator is connected to these systems through a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

    Information about changes:

    The rules were supplemented by paragraph 113.5 from November 17, 2018 - Decree of the Government of Russia of November 3, 2018 N 1310

    113.5. The telecom operator is obliged to perform the actions specified in paragraphs 113.1 - 113.2 of these Rules within 30 days from the date of conclusion of the contract or transfer by the subscriber - legal entity (individual entrepreneur) of information about users of communication services of the subscriber - legal entity (individual entrepreneur).

    Information about changes:

    The rules were supplemented by paragraph 113.6 from November 17, 2018 - Decree of the Government of Russia of November 3, 2018 N 1310

    113.6. If the reliability of information about a subscriber or a user of communication services of a subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) is not confirmed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Communications" and these Rules, the telecom operator within 3 days from the date of receipt of information about the unreliability of such information informs the subscriber or user of communication services of a subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) by sending a short text message about the need to provide reliable information about the subscriber and (or) user of communication services of a subscriber - legal entity (individual entrepreneur) within 15 days from the date of notification.

    114. The subscriber is obligated to pay for the mobile services provided by the telecom operator until the telecom operator receives notification of the loss of the identification module.

    115. In addition to the subscriber’s rights specified in paragraph 26 of these Rules, the subscriber has the right to:

    b) upon liquidation of a subscriber - a legal entity or termination by an individual of activities as an individual entrepreneur, the user of the communication services of such a subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) has the right to contact the telecom operator with an application to conclude an agreement while maintaining the subscriber number.

    116. In addition to the subscriber’s obligations specified in paragraph 25 of these Rules, the subscriber is obliged to:

    a) in case of transferring a subscriber number:

    repay the debt for mobile radiotelephone services under the agreement for the provision of mobile radiotelephone services concluded with the donor operator (hereinafter referred to as the debt);

    provide the new telecom operator (recipient operator) with reliable information about users of the communication services of the subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur), containing last names, first names, patronymics (if any), dates of birth, details of an identity document (name, series and number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, or department code), and in case of change of users of communication services of a subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) - relevant reliable information about new users of communication services of a subscriber - legal entity (individual entrepreneur) no later than 15 days from the date of transfer of the identification module to him, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    b) provide the telecom operator with reliable information about the subscriber and (or) user within 15 days from the date of receipt from the telecom operator of a notification about the need to provide information, the indication of which is provided for in the contract, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    c) provide the telecom operator within 15 days from the date of conclusion of the contract with reliable information about users of communication services of the subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur), containing last names, first names, patronymics (if any), dates of birth, details of an identity document (name, series and number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, or department code), and in the event of a change in users of communication services of the subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) - provide relevant reliable information about new users of communication services of the subscriber - legal entity (individual entrepreneur ) no later than 15 days from the date of transfer of the identification module to them, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    117. The amount of the subscriber's fee for using the saved subscriber number when concluding a new contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using the transferred subscriber number is established by the recipient operator and cannot exceed 100 rubles. Moreover, if the subscriber number was not transferred due to the subscriber’s refusal to transfer the subscriber number in accordance with paragraph 148 of these Rules or the subscriber’s failure to repay the subscriber’s debt to the donor operator in accordance with subparagraph “b” of paragraph 140 of these Rules, the fee paid by the subscriber to the recipient operator for the use of the saved subscriber number is not returned to the subscriber.

    118. An invoice issued to a subscriber for mobile communications services, in addition to the information specified in paragraph 41 of these Rules, must contain information about the types of mobile communications services provided, indicating their volume for each subscriber number.

    119. The subscriber pays for mobile communication services to the telecom operator with whom he has concluded an agreement for the provision of mobile communication services, including in cases where he used the services using the identification module specified in the agreement for the provision of mobile communication services mobile communications of another telecom operator (roaming), with which the subscriber does not have a contract for the provision of mobile communications services.

    Information about changes:

    The rules were supplemented by paragraph 119.1 from June 1, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of May 27, 2019 N 665

    119.1. On the territory of the Russian Federation, a mobile radiotelephone communications operator in its communication network establishes the same conditions for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communications services to each subscriber, regardless of whether the subscriber is located within the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation specified in the decision to allocate a numbering resource to such a communications operator, including subscriber number allocated to the subscriber, or outside the specified territory.

    120. A subscriber who intends to maintain a subscriber number when concluding a new contract with the recipient operator for the provision of mobile radiotelephone services, applies to the recipient operator or a third party provided for in paragraph 13 of these Rules with a written application for termination of the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone services connection concluded with the donor operator and transfer of the subscriber number (hereinafter referred to as the application for transfer of the subscriber number) and the submitted documents provided for in Section II of these Rules.

    121. To transfer a subscriber number, the subscriber is obliged to repay the debt in accordance with invoices issued in accordance with paragraphs 41 and these Rules.

    The point in time at which the subscriber’s debt is determined (hereinafter referred to as the moment of debt determination) is:

    24 hours 00 minutes of the 6th day before the start date of the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using a transferred subscriber number, determined in accordance with paragraphs 126 and these Rules, - for individual subscribers;

    24 hours 00 minutes of the 26th day before the start date of the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using a transferred subscriber number, determined in accordance with paragraphs 126 and these Rules, for subscribers - legal entities (individual entrepreneurs).

    122. Informing the subscriber about the need to repay the debt according to the invoice is carried out in accordance with paragraphs 138 and these Rules. In this case, the presence or absence of a subscriber’s debt at the time the debt is determined is determined by the donor operator:

    a) for subscribers - individuals who use payment for mobile radiotelephone communication services through an advance payment - according to the state of the personal account associated with the transferred subscriber number;

    b) for subscribers - individuals who use payment for mobile radiotelephone services through deferred payment - upon payment of invoices issued before the debt was determined, and upon payment of an extraordinary invoice issued for the period between the date of issuance of the last regular invoice and the moment the debt was determined in accordance with paragraph 121 of these Rules. These invoices are issued to the personal account associated with the transferred subscriber number;

    c) for subscribers - legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) who use payment for mobile radiotelephone communication services through an advance payment - according to the state of the personal account associated with the transferred subscriber number;

    d) for subscribers - legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) who use payment for mobile radiotelephone communication services through deferred payment - upon payment of invoices issued before the determination of the debt in relation to the transferred subscriber number, and upon payment of an extraordinary invoice issued in relation to the transferred subscriber number subscriber number, for the period between the date of the last regular invoice and the moment the debt was determined. These invoices are issued to the personal account associated with the transferred subscriber number.

    123. Repayment of debt is carried out by the subscriber no later than 24 hours 00 minutes (Moscow time) of the 4th day - for a subscriber - an individual and no later than 24 hours 00 minutes of the 11th day - for a subscriber - a legal entity before the start date of the provision of mobile radiotelephone services communication using a transferred subscriber number, determined in accordance with paragraphs 126 and 127 of these Rules.

    124. If, after determining the subscriber’s debt in accordance with the invoices issued in accordance with paragraphs 41 and these Rules, a debt has arisen before the start of the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services by the recipient operator, the donor operator after 30 days, but no later than 60 days from the date of commencement of the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using the transferred subscriber number by the recipient operator, the recipient operator has the right to send this telecom operator information about the presence of the subscriber's debt in relation to the transferred subscriber number, indicating the period and methods of its repayment. The debt repayment period should not exceed 10 days.

    The presence of debt is recorded by the donor operator on the personal account associated with the transferred subscriber number.

    No later than the day following the day of receiving information from the donor operator about the subscriber's debt, the recipient operator is obliged to send the subscriber information about the existence of the debt to the donor operator, about the methods of repaying it and that if the subscriber does not repay the debt in 10 day period, the provision of mobile communication services will be suspended.

    If the subscriber does not repay the debt within 10 days, the donor operator, no later than 60 days from the date of sending the recipient operator information about the subscriber’s debt, sends the recipient operator information that the subscriber has not repaid such a debt. No later than the day following the day of receipt of the specified information, the recipient operator is obliged to suspend the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using the transferred subscriber number. The recipient operator is obliged to send to the donor operator no later than 1 day from the date of suspension of the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using the transferred subscriber number information about such suspension.

    The donor operator, no later than 1 day from the date the subscriber repays the debt, is obliged to send information about the repayment of the subscriber's debt to the recipient operator. The recipient operator is obliged to resume the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services to the subscriber no later than 1 day from the date of receipt of information about the repayment of the subscriber's debt from the donor operator.

    125. The application to transfer a subscriber number shall indicate the following information:

    a) about the portable subscriber number;

    b) about the subscriber (last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, details of an identification document - for a citizen, surname, first name, patronymic, details of an identification document, main state registration number - for an individual entrepreneur, name (company name) organization, location, main state registration number - for a legal entity);

    c) the date of submission by the subscriber of the application to transfer the subscriber number;

    d) on the start date for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services by the recipient operator;

    e) on the subscriber’s decision to unilaterally refuse to fulfill the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services concluded with the donor operator;

    f) the subscriber’s consent to repay the debt;

    g) on ​​the subscriber’s consent to switch to the advance payment system for mobile radiotelephone communication services provided for in paragraph 137 of these Rules.

    126. In an application for the transfer of a subscriber number, the subscriber has the right to determine the date and time (hour) when the recipient operator should begin providing mobile radiotelephone services using the transferred subscriber number (hereinafter referred to as the date of commencement of the provision of services by the recipient operator). The recipient operator must begin providing mobile radiotelephone services using the transferred subscriber number within 1 hour from the time specified in the application for porting the subscriber number.

    In this case, the date of commencement of the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services by the recipient operator cannot be earlier than the 8th day for a subscriber - an individual and earlier than the 29th day - for a subscriber - a legal entity, but in any case cannot be later than 6 months from the day of concluding an agreement with the recipient operator for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services.

    127. If the subscriber in the application to transfer the subscriber number has not specified the start date for the provision of services by the recipient operator, the beginning of the provision of services by the recipient operator is the hour determined at the discretion of the recipient operator on the 8th day - for a subscriber - an individual and on 29 the th day - for a subscriber - a legal entity from the date of concluding an agreement on the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services with the recipient operator. The recipient operator must begin providing mobile radiotelephone services using the transferred subscriber number within 1 hour from the specified time.

    128. If it is not technically possible to begin the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using a transferred subscriber number at the time determined in accordance with paragraphs 126 and these Rules, the start of the provision of such services may be delayed, but not more than by one day. Information about this is communicated to the subscriber by the recipient operator within the 3rd day for a subscriber - an individual and during the 7th day for a subscriber - a legal entity before the start date of the provision of mobile radiotelephone services by the recipient operator.

    The burden of proving the lack of technical ability to begin providing mobile radiotelephone services using a transferred subscriber number from the time specified in the subscriber's application lies with the telecom operator.

    129. An agreement for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services is concluded between the recipient operator and the subscriber, drawn up in the form and containing the conditions in accordance with paragraphs 22 and these Rules.

    130. By virtue of the agreement concluded with the subscriber for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services, the recipient operator must take the actions provided for in these Rules to transfer the subscriber number.

    When concluding an agreement with the recipient operator for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services, the subscriber consents to the processing of the subscriber’s personal data when transferring the subscriber number, including by third parties, as well as consent that the recipient operator will suspend the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services with using a transferred subscriber number in case of non-payment of debt by the subscriber in accordance with paragraph 124 of these Rules.

    An application for the transfer of a subscriber number is attached to the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using the transferred subscriber number.

    131. Provided for by this paragraph and paragraphs 122, , , and these Rules, informing the subscriber by the recipient operator and the donor operator when transferring the subscriber number is carried out in the manner prescribed by the agreement on the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services concluded between the subscriber and the relevant telecom operator. If the procedure for informing the subscriber is not specified in the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services, then informing is carried out by sending a short text message to the subscriber during the period from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

    Subscribers are informed by the donor operator and recipient operator when transferring a subscriber number according to the time zone of the territory in accordance with the national time scale of the Russian Federation UTC (SU), within the boundaries of which the subscriber number is transferred. When such telecom operators interact with each other and with the operator of the database of transferred subscriber numbers, a single accounting and reporting time is used - Moscow.

    132. The recipient operator, no later than the day following the day of concluding an agreement on the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using a transferred subscriber number, sends a request for a transferred subscriber number to the operator of the database of transferred subscriber numbers.

    133. The operator of the database of transferred subscriber numbers sends, within 1 hour from the time of receipt of the request specified in paragraph 132 of these Rules, to the recipient operator information about the receipt of the request and the date of the last transfer of the subscriber number (if the subscriber number was previously transferred). If, before the end of the procedure for transferring a subscriber number, the operator of the database of transferred subscriber numbers receives new requests from several recipient operators, then for these requests, the operator of the database of transferred subscriber numbers sends information about the impossibility of transfer to the recipient operators within 1 hour from the time of receipt of the request subscriber number.

    134. Within 1 day from the date of receipt from the database operator of transferred subscriber numbers of the information specified in paragraph 133 of these Rules, the recipient operator informs the subscriber that the subscriber number is subject to transfer, or about the impossibility of transferring the subscriber number due to a violation of paragraph 152 of these Rules. If it is impossible to transfer the subscriber number, the rights and obligations under the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services between the subscriber and the recipient operator do not arise and such contract is subject to termination.

    135. The recipient operator is obliged no later than 24 hours 00 minutes of the 1st day following the day the request specified in paragraph 132 of these Rules is sent to the database operator, send to the donor operator the information provided for in paragraph 125 of these Rules, a copy of the application for transfer of the subscriber numbers, as well as information about the existence of an agreement for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using a transferred subscriber number, concluded between the subscriber and the recipient operator. Sending the specified information and a copy of the application to port a subscriber number is a proper notification to the donor operator of the subscriber’s decision to unilaterally refuse to perform and to terminate the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone services concluded with the donor operator in relation to the transferred number.

    The donor operator does not have the right to demand the submission of documents and information other than the application, and also to refuse to transfer the subscriber number due to the absence of other documents and information or the absence in the application of information not provided for in paragraph 125 of these Rules.

    The exchange of messages and documents between the recipient operator and the donor operator is carried out through the database of transferred subscriber numbers in accordance with the procedure for organizational and technical interaction of mobile radiotelephone operators when ensuring the transfer of subscriber numbers, approved by the federal executive body in the field of communications.

    136. The donor operator no later than 24 hours 00 minutes of the 2nd day - for a subscriber - an individual and no later than 24 hours 00 minutes of the 3rd day - for a subscriber - a legal entity from the date of receipt of the information specified in paragraph 125 of these Rules, is obliged to send the recipient operator information:

    a) on the existence, at the time the subscriber submits an application to port the subscriber number, of an agreement for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using a portable subscriber number, concluded between the donor operator and the subscriber;

    b) on the belonging of the subscriber number to a numbering resource assigned to the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which includes the portable subscriber number;

    c) on the absence of suspension of the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services to the subscriber due to the loss of the identification module, by a court decision or in connection with the subscriber’s violation of the terms of the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services, including in connection with non-payment of debt in accordance with paragraph 121 of these of the Rules for services provided using a portable subscriber number under an agreement for the provision of mobile radiotelephone services concluded with the donor operator, including transfers of this subscriber number that took place earlier.

    137. From the time of receipt of the information specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules, the donor operator has the right to transfer the subscriber to an advance payment system for mobile radiotelephone services.

    138. The donor operator informs the recipient operator about the debt of the subscriber who initiated the transfer of the subscriber number in the following order:

    a) in relation to subscribers - individuals, information about the presence of debt is reported by the donor operator to the recipient operator before 9:00 a.m. on the 5th and 3rd days before the start date of the provision of services by the recipient operator;

    b) in relation to subscribers - legal entities (individual entrepreneurs), information about the presence of debt established in accordance with paragraph 121 of these Rules is reported by the donor operator to the recipient operator before 9:00 a.m. on the 24th and 7th days before the date the beginning of the provision of services by the recipient operator. In this case, the donor operator ensures that the subscriber can receive the extraordinary invoice specified in subparagraph “d” of paragraph 122 of these Rules no later than the 24th day before the date of commencement of the provision of mobile radiotelephone services by the recipient operator.

    Information about changes:

    By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2016 N 57, the Rules were supplemented with clause 138.1

    138.1. The debt is determined as of 00 hours 00 minutes of the day specified in paragraph 138 of these Rules as the deadline for reporting the status of the debt.

    139. The recipient operator informs the subscriber about the need to repay the debt specified in paragraph 138 of these Rules, and that the transfer of the subscriber number will not be carried out if the subscriber does not repay this debt before 24 hours 00 minutes (Moscow time) 4 day - for a subscriber - an individual and until 24 hours 00 minutes (Moscow time) of the 11th day - for a subscriber - a legal entity before the date of commencement of the provision of mobile radiotelephone services by the recipient operator. The specified information is sent to the subscriber on the 5th and 4th days - for a subscriber - an individual and on the 24th and 11th days - for a subscriber - a legal entity before the date of commencement of the provision of mobile radiotelephone services by the recipient operator.

    D) receipt by the recipient operator of information confirming that the subscriber number belongs to a numbering resource assigned to the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which includes the portable subscriber number;

    e) receipt by the recipient operator of information from the donor operator that the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services to the subscriber has not been suspended due to the loss of the identification module, by a court decision or due to the subscriber’s violation of the terms of the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services, including including in connection with non-payment of debt in accordance with paragraph 123 of these Rules for services provided using a portable subscriber number, under an agreement for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services concluded with the donor operator, including under agreements for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services with using a transferred subscriber number.

    141. Failure to comply with the conditions specified in paragraph 140 of these Rules, as well as the impossibility of transferring a subscriber number in the cases specified in paragraphs 133 and these Rules, is grounds for refusal to transfer the subscriber number.

    In other cases, refusal to transfer a subscriber number is not permitted.

    142. The recipient operator on the 3rd day - for a subscriber - an individual and on the 7th day - for a subscriber - a legal entity, before the start date of the provision of services, the recipient operator is obliged to notify the subscriber about the upcoming transfer of the subscriber number in accordance with the contract for the provision mobile radiotelephone services using a transferred subscriber number or the impossibility of transferring a subscriber number indicating the violated conditions provided for in paragraph 140 of these Rules. If it is impossible to transfer the subscriber number, the rights and obligations under the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services concluded between the subscriber and the recipient operator do not arise and the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services terminates in terms of obligations related to the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using a portable subscriber number.

    143. The recipient operator, on the day preceding the date of commencement of the provision of services by the recipient operator, informs the subscriber that on the date of commencement of the provision of services by the recipient operator, in order to receive mobile radiotelephone communication services, it is necessary to insert into the subscriber device a new identification module received by the subscriber upon conclusion agreement for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services with the recipient operator, and that from the date of commencement of the provision of services by the recipient operator, technological interruptions in the provision of services specified in paragraph 144 of these Rules may occur.

    144. A technological break in the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services to a subscriber using a transferred subscriber number from the date of commencement of the provision of services by the recipient operator may be no more than:

    a) 30 minutes - to provide outgoing connections via the mobile network and send short text messages;

    b) 6 hours - to provide incoming connections via the mobile network from all subscribers of the public communications network and to receive short text messages.

    145. If the subscriber number was not transferred within the established period, the recipient operator is obliged to immediately notify the subscriber of the reasons for the violation of the deadlines and the new start date for the provision of mobile radiotelephone services by the recipient operator.

    146. The agreement for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services, concluded between the subscriber and the donor operator, terminates from the moment the recipient operator begins to provide services.

    If, under an agreement for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services concluded with a donor operator, several subscriber numbers are allocated, such an agreement terminates only in relation to the transferred subscriber number.

    147. In case of violation of the deadline for the start of the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services using a transferred subscriber number for more than 24 hours, information about such a violation no later than 1 day from the date of the actual start of the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services is sent by the recipient operator to the federal executive body , carrying out functions of control and supervision in the field of communications.

    148. The transfer of a subscriber number is canceled when the subscriber submits an application to refuse to transfer the subscriber number to the recipient operator or donor operator.

    149. If the subscriber receives information about the transfer of a subscriber number in the absence of an application for the transfer of this subscriber number, the subscriber has the right to cancel the transfer of the subscriber number by remotely contacting the service center of the donor operator or recipient operator, provided that the subscriber goes through the authorization procedure established by the telecom operator for making actions related to changing the terms of the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services, or by submitting an application to the donor operator or recipient operator.

    150. The transfer of a subscriber number can be canceled no later than 2 days before the start date of the provision of services by the recipient operator. When canceling the transfer of a subscriber number:

    a) the donor operator continues to provide mobile radiotelephone communication services to the subscriber using the subscriber number, the transfer of which has been cancelled;

    b) the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services concluded between the subscriber and the recipient operator in relation to the unported subscriber number ceases to be valid.

    151. The recipient operator or donor operator, within 1 day from the date of receipt of the application for refusal to transfer the subscriber number, informs the donor operator or recipient operator, as well as the operator of the database of transferred subscriber numbers about the termination of the procedure for transferring the subscriber number.

    152. The subscriber has the right to submit a new application to transfer the subscriber number to another recipient operator no earlier than the day of filing an application to refuse to transfer the subscriber number provided for in paragraph 148 of these Rules, or after the start of the provision of services by the recipient operator, subject to the expiration of the period specified in paragraph 124 of these Rules, during which the donor operator has the right to send information about the presence of a subscriber’s debt for services provided under an agreement for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services concluded with the donor operator in relation to the transferred subscriber number, and repayment of the debt by the subscriber.

    153. If the transfer of a subscriber number is carried out by a subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur), who, under contracts for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services concluded with the donor operator, has been allocated no more than 50 subscriber numbers related to the numbering resource allocated for use in in the same subject of the Russian Federation, the subscriber has the right to demand that the transfer of the subscriber number be carried out within the time limits provided for by these Rules for the transfer of the subscriber number of a subscriber - an individual.

    154. The transfer of subscriber numbers for the purpose of their preservation and use by customer subscribers purchasing goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs, as well as certain types of legal entities in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is carried out taking into account the following features:

    a) the basis for transferring a subscriber number is an agreement for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services, concluded by the customer subscriber with the recipient operator - the winner of the procedure for determining the supplier (contractor, performer) during the validity period of the agreement with the donor operator, indicating the transferable terms under the agreement with the operator - recipient of subscriber numbers. If the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services with the recipient operator was concluded after the expiration of the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services concluded by the customer subscriber with the donor operator, the transfer of the subscriber number is not carried out;

    b) the date of commencement of the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services by the recipient operator using the transferred subscriber number is determined in accordance with the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services concluded by the customer subscriber with the recipient operator, but not earlier than 9 days from the date of notification by the recipient operator to the operator database of transferred subscriber numbers, information on the concluded agreement for the provision of mobile radiotelephone services. If it is not technically possible to transfer the subscriber number, the specified date may be postponed, but not more than by one day. The burden of proving the lack of technical ability to provide services using the transferred subscriber number lies with the telecom operator;

    c) if the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services between the customer subscriber and the recipient operator is concluded less than 9 days before the expiration date of the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services between the customer subscriber and the donor operator, the recipient operator has the right to assign to the customer subscriber a different subscriber number(s) for use for the provision of mobile radiotelephone communication services until the date of completion of the subscriber number transfer procedure;

    155. If there is a debt of the customer subscriber to the donor operator, it is repaid by the customer subscriber in accordance with the terms of the contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone services concluded between him and the donor operator.

    156. Claims related to the transfer of a subscriber number are sent to the recipient operator. If the subscriber number is transferred without an application for the transfer of the subscriber number, claims are sent to the donor operator.

    What are the rules for the provision of telephone services in 2019? What services are considered basic and additional? Who can I complain to if local communication services are not provided in accordance with the established procedure? What government regulations exist, besides No. 1342 No. 310? In what order should telephone communications be provided to citizens (local and long-distance)? You can find answers to many of these questions on the Internet. In order not to search and re-read all the legislative acts on the procedure for providing local and long-distance telephone communications, as well as on the procedure for providing communication services that are considered additional, in 2019 you can simply read this article. The resolutions on the approval of the rules for the provision of telephone services and on the approval of the rules for the provision of such services (1342 and 310) are quite voluminous and are not always understandable to people without special education. In this article we will try to explain the main aspects of the topic under discussion.

    If you have additional questions, you can ask the site consultants at any time.

    Receiving answers from experienced lawyers with high qualifications and extensive experience online is completely free for site users.

    Just write about any problems you have in the field of consumer protection in the feedback form.

    Resolution No. 1342, which establishes and regulates the procedure for providing communications (including local ones), was adopted by the Russian government on 12/09/2014 and is still in effect. In 2019, however, as before, the official language in which the relationship between the consumer and the telephone service provider should be carried out is Russian. The operator must guarantee the user the confidentiality of all user communications. All information about completed negotiations can only be provided to the subscriber himself or at the request of law enforcement agencies. In 2019, subscriber data can be provided to third parties only with the consent of the subscriber.

    Based on the rules for the provision of telephone services, the operator is obliged to provide the subscriber with the opportunity to use the telephone around the clock. In situations where this is necessary, the service provider must provide technical support to the user. In some situations, phone use may be limited or disabled. Including if the subscriber does not pay the amount established by the contract on time. Among other things, in 2019, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, an agreement must be concluded between the customer, which specifies all the nuances of using intrazonal, local, long-distance and international communications. You can download a sample agreement on our website. Also, I would like to note that the government decree of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2005 N 310 has lost its legal force. Since the subscriber is a consumer, the provision of communication services is also regulated by law protecting consumer rights. Which means you need to know him too.

    What should the supplier do?

    The service provider, in accordance with the concluded contract, undertakes the following obligations in relation to the consumer of these services:

    • in the course of its activities do not violate the laws of the Russian Federation and consumer rights;
    • eliminate all interference that prevents the consumer from using telephone communications, without violating the time frame;
    • post the procedure and deadline for troubleshooting on your website on the Internet or in your office in a place accessible to the consumer;
    • limit the service consumer’s ability to use the telephone, provided that he does not pay for this service on time;
    • connect the subscriber to the telephone network within three days after payment for the debt is credited to the supplier’s account;
    • provide information necessary for users;
    • return unused money in case of termination of the contractual relationship, no later than in a month;
    • within ten days, by all means available to the operator, notify the subscriber (consumer of services) about changes in tariff rates.

    All of the above obligations must be fulfilled without any exceptions, otherwise the supplier can be held liable in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the provision of communication services.

    What should the consumer do?

    The consumer in the communications sector, in accordance with the concluded agreement, undertakes the following obligations in relation to the provider of these services:

    • timely pay funds for using the telephone network in accordance with the date and amount specified in the contract;
    • use telephone equipment specified by the supplier;
    • notify the supplier if personal data has been changed in order to promptly make changes to the telephone contract;
    • notify the supplier if the identification module has been lost;
    • notify the supplier about the change of users of the telephone network.

    In case of violation of one of the above points, the telephone provider has the right to terminate the contract with the consumer unilaterally.

    However, he must notify the consumer/user of these actions without violating Russian legislation. If you have any questions regarding the responsibilities of telephone network users, you can seek advice from our website consultants completely free of charge. You will receive an answer to your question online.

    What can the consumer do?

    The consumer can at any time:

    • terminate the contract with the supplier;
    • request information regarding the operator on all issues of interest to him;
    • write a statement in order to return your money, which the operator counted towards payment, but the service was not provided at all or was provided in a limited manner. The refund must be made for the entire time the consumer was unable to use communication services, and everything happened due to circumstances beyond the user’s control;
    • use technical support from the supplier’s technical services, if such a need arises;
    • contact support;
    • receive information about all services provided by the supplier;
    • receive details or an extract about calls made and other actions provided for by his tariff plan;
    • change tariffs, etc.

    All data on the actions of the consumer must be stored in the manner prescribed by law for three years after the termination of the contractual relationship between the supplier and the consumer, if the contract has been amended.

    If the consumer’s actions are not related to changes in the contract, then information about these actions must be stored for three years from the date of their commission.

    How is the phone paid?

    You can pay for telephone calls in cash at payment acceptance points or directly at the supplier’s office. Or you can make a non-cash transfer to the subscriber’s personal account. Depending on the tariff, you can pay for:

    • actual services provided;
    • in advance, forward - the most common payment option;
    • deferred payment option.

    As soon as the advance payment has been exhausted, the supplier has the right to suspend the subscriber’s ability to use the phone. With a deferred form of payment, money must be deposited into the account by the subscriber upon expiration of the telephone use period. How the phone will be paid for should be discussed in the contract. Otherwise, the subscriber will not be able to use the phone. The subscriber can change the tariff plan at any time. If more than thirty days have passed since the last tariff change, payment for this action should not be charged. Telephone charges must be paid in accordance with the telephone connection. It should not exceed sixty seconds. These seconds will be considered the unit of measurement for payment. If the connection took less than three seconds, then it should not be charged. The volume of minutes used is determined by the operator himself, using equipment specially designed for this. The time for payment, or rather the period, is determined by the supplier. But it cannot be less than twenty days.

    Suspension of the operator’s work and termination/change of the contract

    Providing a consumer with the opportunity to use a telephone may be in the following cases:

    • if payment for the provided communication services is not received on time;
    • if payment for the provided communication services has been received, but not in full;
    • if the subscriber independently decided to suspend communication services temporarily, but at the same time maintain a contractual relationship with the operator.

    The phone can be turned off:

    • at the initiative of the consumer (the contract is terminated);
    • at the initiative of the supplier, if payment has not been received in accordance with the contract for a long time.

    If it is necessary to change the clauses of the contract, an additional agreement is drawn up between the subscriber and the operator. In addition to the basic services - direct telephone communication - the operator can provide the user with additional services. For example, Internet access, interactive or satellite television, etc. These services may be included in the selected tariff plan, or may be paid for separately.

    If you have any problems with the operator, you can contact our consultants.

    All advice is given completely free online.

    Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 No. 934 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services"

    In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, No. 15, Art. 766), the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation decides: To approve the attached Rules for the provision of intercity and international services telephone connection. Content

    provision of long-distance and international telephone services
    (approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated September 22, 1993 No. 934)

    I. General provisions

    1. The rules for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and determine the procedure and conditions for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services by business entities of any form of ownership and departmental subordination and are binding on these entities. . These Rules do not apply to the provision of services in dedicated communication networks of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, as well as on communication networks for intra-industrial and technological purposes. 2. The provision of long-distance and international telephone services to clients * is carried out by an economic entity in the field of provision of long-distance and international telephone services ** (hereinafter referred to as the economic entity) exclusively under a special permit (license) issued by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. 3. Long-distance and international telephone communications are provided for the use of legal entities and individuals with the same conditions of service established for them, taking into account the priorities determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4. Absolute priority is given to messages relating to the safety of human life at sea, land, in the air, outer space, defense and law enforcement activities, as well as messages about major accidents, catastrophes, epidemics, epizootics and natural disasters. Priority in service is given to: heads of state authorities and management of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Federation; diplomatic and consular representatives of foreign states; representatives of international organizations; certain categories of citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The priority provision of communication services is ensured in the interests of government communications, defense, security and law enforcement of the country and is determined by separate documents. 5. The provision of communication services to customers on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out in Russian, and in the republics that are part of the Russian Federation - both in Russian and in the state languages ​​of the republics. Official relationships between economic entities of the Russian Federation and official paperwork are carried out in Russian. Service relationships between business entities when providing international telephone services are carried out in the language specified by international agreements. 6. Conversations between clients when using long-distance and international telephone communications can take place in any language. 7. In technological processes of long-distance telephone communication, a single accounting and reporting time is used - Moscow. In international communications, accounting and reporting time is determined by international treaties of the Russian Federation. Clients are informed about the time of provision of long-distance and international telephone services according to local time. 8. Business entities are required to maintain the secrecy of telephone conversations and messages, as well as all information related to them. Listening to telephone conversations, obtaining information about them, as well as other restrictions on the secrecy of communications are permitted only on the basis and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 9. Long-distance and international communication services provided to clients must comply in quality with the requirements of standards, technical norms, contract terms, as well as information about services.

    II. Long-distance and international communication services provided to clients

    10. The list of provided long-distance and international telephone services is determined by the business entity itself in accordance with the license issued to it for the provision of communication services and the needs of clients.11. An economic entity providing long-distance and international telephone communication services is obliged to inform clients free of charge about the services provided to them, the rules for their provision and use of long-distance and international communication services, as well as about the tariffs for these services. 12. The client has the right to use the long-distance or international connection and communication channel provided to him to transmit information in any way permitted by current standards, and to use for this purpose any type of subscriber device (terminal) that has a certificate of conformity *** for use on communication networks of the Russian Federation. 13. In the event of damage and overload of communications, a business entity has the right to regulate the order of service, setting restrictions on the acceptance of orders for calls, and on the duration of the conversation for an accepted order. The client has the right to appeal the actions of the business entity. The responsibility to prove the validity of introducing restrictions rests with the business entity. The client must be notified of the introduction of restrictions at the time of accepting an order or providing a conversation. 14. An economic entity that occupies a dominant position in the market for long-distance and international telephone communication services is obliged to provide all long-distance and international communication services required by customers, except in cases where the economic entity proves that the provision of the required services is beyond the scope of its production capabilities or network capabilities communications or beyond the scope of his license to provide communications services. Typical services include: a) long-distance and international telephone calls via automatic communication or with the help of an operator (telephonist); b) long-distance and international conference calls; c) comprehensive provision of communication services to clients during socio-political, cultural, entertainment and sporting events; d) a set of additional services accompanying the provision of long-distance and international telephone calls upon a pre-made order with the help of an operator (telephonist). 15. The provision of international telephone calls by a business entity must be in accordance with the International Telephone Service Regulations introduced by the International Telephone and Telegraph Advisory Committee on October 1, 1985. 16. An economic entity must bring to the attention of clients its obligations regarding the timing and quality of service delivery. 17. The term for the performance of services is indicated as the length of time (hour, day) from the appointed day and hour of the beginning of the performance of the service, during which the business entity undertakes to provide the service. 18. The client is obliged to comply with the terms of contracts for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services, and to pay for the services provided on time and in full.

    III. Features of using international telephone communications

    19. The following categories of conversations are established on the international telephone network: a) conversations about distress, which include conversations relating to the safety of human life at sea, land, in the air or outer space, as well as conversations caused by the need for the participation of the rescue service in case of serious accidents cases, earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, fires, floods, shipwrecks and other disasters. Disaster talk is considered to be talk of special urgency by the World Health Organization related to epidemics; b) state conversations, which include conversations of the following officials: head of state; heads of government and members of government; the head of a territory under the trusteeship or mandate of the United Nations; commanders-in-chief of military land, sea and air forces; heads of diplomatic or consular missions and their deputies. Conversations in the state category are provided from certain phones; c) official conversations - these include conversations related to the operation of the international telephone service, including the organization and maintenance of channels for other types of telecommunications carried out through the international telephone service; d) password conversations; e) private conversations, which include all conversations other than those specified in subparagraphs “a”, “b”, “c” and “d” of this paragraph. 20. International telephone calls are provided in the following order: a) distress calls; b) official conversations about restoring completely interrupted international ties; c) government conversations; d) official conversations on issues of organizing and maintaining communications; d) private conversations. 21. For international telephone communications, subscribers are provided with the following services: a) conversation from device to device - a conversation between the calling subscriber and any subscriber answering the called phone; b) personal conversation - a conversation between the caller and a specific called person. The person being called can be indicated by last name, position, extension telephone number, address (order with notification), knowledge of a particular language, or other characteristics. If the order contains an extension telephone number and last name, then the fee is charged as for one service; c) conversation at the expense of the person being called. Such conversations are allowed only with subscribers in a number of countries under special agreements with the relevant communications administrations. An order for a conversation at the expense of the called person is accepted regardless of whether the called telephone is a residential one or not. The service fee is charged only to the person being called. d) conversation by credit card - a conversation when ordering which the caller must indicate the credit card number and his last name. Credit card calls are provided at no charge to the caller. Conversations on credit cards are allowed only if there is an agreement between the communications administrations concerned; e) conversation with information about the phone number. 22. The validity period of a call order expires at 8 o'clock local time the next day for a call from device to device, unless the subscriber cancels his order before this time, and for an order for a personal conversation - at 8 o'clock in the morning of the second day, not counting the day receipt of the order. 23. For international telephone calls, two types of tariffs are established - ordinary and urgent. Calls at the urgent rate are paid at twice the usual rate. 24. Distress calls will be charged at the normal rate. Conversation using a password is provided at an urgent rate. 25. For a conversation in the state category, a fee is charged at a regular or urgent rate, depending on the rate at which the conversation is ordered. 26. International telephone calls are provided on credit, in advance and in cash. 27. No fee will be charged if the conversation did not take place due to the fault of the telephone service or if changes are made to the order before the long-distance connection is established. 28. If a personal conversation does not take place through no fault of the telephone service (in the absence of the person being called, etc.), the subscriber is charged a fee equal to the cost of one minute of conversation at the rate at which the conversation was ordered.

    IV. Tariffs for communication services

    29. Tariffs for communication services are established by the business entity independently or on a contractual basis. In cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for certain types of communication services provided by economic entities of state ownership, tariffs are regulated by the state. When establishing benefits for payment for communication services, compensation for lost amounts of income is made by the bodies or legal entities that establish the benefits. 30. Tariffs for communication services established by an economic entity independently are approved by its head. 31. The establishment of tariffs for services by a business entity must be accompanied by the entity’s obligations regarding the timing and quality of service provision. 32. When the client uses automatic long-distance and international telephone communication, the call time (transfer of information) subject to payment is determined minutely from the moment the subscriber of the called telephone number answers or the technical device connected to the called telephone number (answering machine, fax machine, etc.) until the hang-up calling or called subscriber.33. When the client uses long-distance or international telephone communication provided with the help of an operator (telephonist), the conversation time (transfer of information) is determined in the manner specified in paragraph 32 of these Rules, with the exception of cases of establishing connections with the “call a specific person” service (“personal conversation "). In this case, the start of the conversation is determined from the moment the called person answers. Billable calls lasting less than three minutes are rounded up to three minutes. Longer calls are counted on a per-minute basis. 34. If the calling person refuses to conduct a previously ordered long-distance or international conversation (connection for transmitting information), at the time of connection, the client is charged a fee in the amount of the full cost of services performed by the business entity at the time of connection, and the cost of one minute of conversation using the tariff, on which the order for connection and services was made. 35. No fee is charged for the execution of the service if the ordered conversation did not take place due to the fault of the business entity. 36. The basis for issuing an invoice to a subscriber for automatic communication is the data of the cost accounting equipment recorded on a magnetic medium (magnetic tape or disk) and entered by the operator on the order form when providing communication with the help of an operator (telephonist). 37. The design and arrangement of equipment used by an economic entity to provide communication services with immediate payment must provide for the possibility of providing and paying for the services provided with an accuracy of one unit (minute of conversation, kilobyte of transmitted information, standard A4 sheet of graphic information, etc. .).

    V. Payments to clients for communication services provided

    38. An economic entity that has provided long-distance and international telephone services shall conduct settlements with legal entities and individuals to whom these services have been provided. 39. The form and procedure for payment for long-distance and international telephone services provided are determined by the business entity, taking into account the opinions of clients and the capabilities of local banks.40. The business entity that provided the services conducts all settlements with clients in the currency of the Russian Federation. Payment for services in foreign currency is allowed in the manner established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. 41. The business entity conducts settlements with clients - subscribers of local telephone networks on the basis of information about the assignment of subscriber numbers of local telephone networks to legal entities and individuals. 42. Information on payment for long-distance and international telephone services provided to the client must contain: billing period; the number of telephone calls provided to each customer telephone and the amount of fees due for them; total amount to be paid; invoice date(requirements); due date. 43. At the request of the client or his authorized legal representative, the amount presented for payment for the services provided must be explained in detail, indicating the city code, date, time, duration and cost of the call. 44. The business entity is obliged to decipher the amount presented for payment for services provided within three days if the request was received before the expiration of 30 days from the date of invoice. 45. The business entity sets the payment period for the provided communication services independently, but not less than 10 days from the date of invoice.

    VI. Procedure for consideration of claims

    46. ​​The period for filing claims for services provided by a business entity to clients is 6 months from the date of the conversation or issuance of an invoice for the services provided. Claims made after this period will not be considered by the business entity. 47. A claim can be made in any form. If it is impossible to resolve the claim immediately, it must be submitted in writing, signed by the claimant and providing them with the address for response. 48. An economic entity has the right to file claims against the client for his actions that impede the entity’s work due to the client’s violation of these Rules, or his failure to pay for the communication services provided on time. 49. Claims should, whenever possible, be satisfied voluntarily by mutual agreement of the parties. If it is impossible to reach an agreement, the parties have the right to appeal to higher authorities or judicial authorities. 50. The business entity must consider the claim within no more than a month from the date of filing the claim. The results of the consideration of the claim are communicated to the client in writing signed by the head of the business entity. Customer claims sent for consideration to a business entity by the media are considered on a general basis. 51. Correspondence related to the consideration of the claim must be kept for three years.

    VII. Mutual responsibility of business entity and clients

    52. The liability of business entities to clients in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations occurs in the manner and amount provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 53. The business entity is responsible to the client for the declared quality and timing of the provision of services and the elimination of deficiencies complained by the client, as well as for proper information about the services. 54. If a business entity fails to comply with its obligations regarding the deadlines for the performance of services, the client has the right, at his own discretion: to assign a new deadline for the performance of the service; demand a reduction in payment for the cost of the service; terminate the contract and demand compensation for losses. Violation of the deadlines for the execution of services must be accompanied by payment to the client of a penalty in the amount of three percent of the cost of the service for each full or partial hour (day) of delay in the execution of the ordered service (waiting for its provision). By agreement (agreement) of the parties, the specified penalty can be paid at the client’s choice: by reducing the paid cost of services; providing the client with additional services without payment; refund of part of the previously paid advance. 55. An economic entity is responsible for poor quality service and violation of deadlines for eliminating deficiencies in communication services. A client who has been provided with communication services with deficiencies, if they were not specified by the business entity, has the right, at his own discretion, to demand: re-provision of the service with normal quality without payment; reducing the cost of services by one percent; termination of the contract and compensation for losses in accordance with current legislation. Poor quality service and violation of deadlines for eliminating deficiencies must be accompanied by payment to the client of a penalty in the amount of one percent of the cost of the service. Received claims are satisfied by mutual agreement of the parties. 56. A business entity does not bear financial liability to the client if quality service turns out to be impossible due to the fault of the client. 57. Failure by a business entity to comply with its obligations due to insurmountable obstacles, which were notified to the client before the expiration of the appointed period for the performance of services, gives the client the right to appoint, by agreement with the entity, a new period for the performance of the service. 58. For systematic failure to comply with these Rules, a business entity may be deprived of permission (license) to provide long-distance or international telephone services. 59. An economic entity has the right to refuse to provide a client with long-distance and international telephone services if: fulfillment of the client’s requirements goes beyond the production capabilities of the entity or the conditions contained in the license; the client violates these Rules. 60. The refusal of an economic entity to provide long-distance or international communication services may be appealed by the client in court. ___________ * Institutions, organizations, enterprises of any organizational and legal form and their associations, as well as individuals using, ordering and receiving or intending to use, order and receive long-distance or international telephone communication services.** Enterprises of any form of ownership, their associations and citizen-entrepreneurs providing various types of long-distance and international telephone services in accordance with their statutory requirements and on the basis of a special permit (license). *** A document issued in accordance with certification rules indicating that the necessary assurance is provided that a properly identified product, service or process conforms to a specific standard or other normative document.

    Ministry of Communications of the USSR
    June 19, 1981
    1. Long-distance telephone communications in the USSR are state property.
    2. The organization and operation of long-distance telephone communications in the USSR are regulated by:
    a) the Communications Charter of the USSR;
    b) rules for operating long-distance telephone communications;
    c) orders and instructions of the USSR Ministry of Communications.
    3. Long-distance telephone communications of the USSR are provided for the use of state and cooperative institutions and enterprises, party and public organizations and all citizens located on the territory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
    4. Long-distance telephone communication is provided for use for a fee. Payment is collected according to tariffs approved in the manner established by the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The procedure and form of payments for the use of long-distance telephone communications are established by the USSR Ministry of Communications.
    5. When using long-distance telephone communication, conversation in any language is allowed.
    6. Communications workers who provide calls do not have the right to disclose the content of long-distance telephone conversations, as well as information about who spoke to whom and when, or called whom.
    Any kind of certificates about telephone messages can be issued by communications companies only to the person who participated in the telephone conversation, to the telephone network subscriber or their legal representatives.
    7. Based on the Communications Charter of the USSR, the Ministry of Communications of the USSR and its enterprises do not bear financial responsibility for losses incurred by subscribers as a result of untimely provision of calls by long-distance telephone exchanges or termination of communication.
    8. If it is not technically possible to provide a conversation with any point, it is permitted to refuse to accept orders or not to provide a conversation regarding an accepted order with this point.
    9. These Rules are mandatory for enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens using long-distance telephone services, as well as for all communications companies providing these services.
    Changes and additions to these Rules can only be made by the Minister of Communications of the USSR.
    10. These Rules must be available at all long-distance telephone exchanges, telephone exchanges and other communications enterprises providing long-distance telephone communications for conversations, and presented to citizens upon their first request.
    In addition, the main provisions of these Rules must be placed in the lists of subscribers of local telephone networks, as well as posted at call centers and communication offices.
    11. Finding out the facts set out in subscribers’ complaints about unsatisfactory long-distance telephone service and the reasons that caused them is limited by the established retention periods for documentation related to the execution of the call order.
    12. These Rules also apply to the use of international telephone communications, taking into account some of the features set out in Chapter XII.
    13. Long-distance telephone communication is provided for conversations:
    a) from the telephones of enterprises, institutions and organizations on account of an advance payment made to a communications company or on credit;
    b) from residential telephones - on credit, with subsequent payment according to the presented invoice;
    c) from the telephones of hotels, sanatoriums, holiday homes established for citizens living in them - on credit if there is an agreement between the relevant enterprises, institutions, organizations and communications enterprises;
    d) from call centers, from long-distance pay phones - in cash;
    e) from the telephones of hotels, hospitals, sanatoriums, holiday homes that do not have telephones installed for residents, from any telephone in rural areas, as well as from telephones of unattended telephone calls - using a pre-purchased coupon, temporarily, only for the period until the introduction of automatic connections on the direction.
    The use of automatic long-distance telephone communication using pre-purchased coupons is not permitted.
    14. Orders for long-distance telephone calls are accepted for the current and next day.
    On Fridays we also accept orders for Sunday and the coming Monday.
    15. If there is an automatic connection with the ordered city, restrictions on accepting orders for conversations with subscribers of the telephone network of this city are allowed.
    16. Communications companies charge fees for long-distance telephone calls at rates approved in accordance with the established procedure by the USSR State Committee for Prices and the USSR Ministry of Communications.
    17. The cost of the call is calculated depending on the distance to the called point, determined in accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for applying tariffs for communication services, and the duration of the call. For calls provided on pre-order basis, the minimum fee is charged for a three-minute call. For calls lasting more than 3 minutes. The fee is calculated per minute; for part of a minute of conversation, the fee is charged as per minute.
    When using automatic long-distance telephone communication, the fee is calculated per minute, i.e. for each full or partial minute of the duration of a conversation with any person who answered the telephone.
    18. Each long-distance telephone exchange must have a table of the cost of calls with all points that have a direct connection with the station, approved by the regional, territorial, republican (ASSR) production and technical communications department or the Ministry of Communications of the Union Republic, without regional division. A table of the cost of calls must be available in each call center of a long-distance telephone exchange, in each communication office, and also be placed in the list of subscribers of the local telephone network and be available to subscribers.
    19. There are two types of tariffs for long-distance telephone calls: regular and urgent. Calls at the urgent rate are paid at three times the usual rate.
    20. Long-distance telephone calls on weekdays, during periods (local time) from 0 to 7 o’clock. and from 18 to 24 hours. are paid at a reduced rate, i.e. in the amount of 75% of the cost of a long-distance telephone call at a regular or urgent rate.
    The preferential tariff for calls on weekends and holidays, as well as for calls from long-distance pay phones, does not apply.
    21. In the case where a conversation is provided before the start of the discounted tariff period, and is completed during the discounted tariff period and vice versa, the entire conversation is charged at the rate in force at the time the call begins.
    22. Orders for calls accepted at the full rate and delayed in execution until the discounted rate comes into effect are paid at the discounted rate. Orders accepted at a reduced rate, but executed with the consent of the subscriber while the full rate is valid, are paid at the full rate.
    23. The call time subject to payment is calculated from the moment the caller begins the conversation with the person who answers the called phone.
    24. Until the connection is established, the subscriber can transfer the call order free of charge from a regular tariff to an urgent one and, conversely, from an urgent to an ordinary one. When transferring an order to another tariff, the queue is counted from the moment the original order is received.
    25. If the calling or called subscriber refuses to speak on an order without additional paid services before the connection is made, the order is canceled and no fee is charged.
    If the calling or called subscriber refuses to talk at the time of connection, a fee equal to the cost of 1 minute will be charged. conversation at the rate at which the conversation was ordered.
    26. If the calling or called subscriber refuses at the time of connection from a conversation ordered with additional paid services, a fee in the amount of 1 minute will be charged in addition to the fee for the service. conversation at the rate at which the conversation was ordered.
    27. No payment is charged from the subscriber if the conversation did not take place due to:
    a) failure to answer the telephone number of the calling or called subscriber, if the order does not contain additional paid services;
    b) termination of communication;
    c) telephone malfunction of the called or calling subscriber;
    d) limited duration of communication with the called point;
    e) passing calls of higher categories, at an urgent tariff, or calls at the same category and the same tariff, but received earlier.
    28. The order in which calls are provided depends on the category of the call, the tariff at which the call was ordered, and the time the order was received.
    29. The following categories are established for long-distance telephone calls:
    a) “Out of turn”;
    b) "First Government";
    c) "Second Government";
    d) "Ordinary".
    Along with orders for conversations in the category “Out of turn,” orders for conversations of enterprises, institutions, organizations and individual citizens are executed if it is necessary to immediately report a natural disaster (flood, forest fire, earthquake, etc.), sea, river and aircraft in distress. Orders using passwords are provided ahead of orders under the regular category. The procedure for their provision and payment is determined by separate documents of the USSR Ministry of Communications.
    30. In the “Out of turn” category, conversations are provided to officials who have the right to conduct such conversations on any telephone number specified by the subscriber at a regular rate. At the request of the subscriber, conversations in this category are provided with a violation of the communication schedule and disconnection of an ongoing conversation of the lowest category.
    There is no charge for long-distance telephone calls to transmit messages from sea, river and aircraft in distress.
    31. Long-distance telephone calls in the “First Government” and “Second Government” categories are provided at the usual rate, without disrupting communications or disconnecting ongoing conversations. Conversations are provided only to officials who are authorized to conduct such conversations, and only from registered telephones.
    32. Orders for calls of a certain duration specified by the subscriber are accepted only in cash or using coupons.
    33. No conversation started can be interrupted by the telephone operator, except in cases where it is necessary to provide a conversation under the “Out of turn” category. At the end of this conversation, the subscriber is given the opportunity to end the interrupted conversation. If the subscriber refuses to continue the conversation, he will be charged for the actual duration; if the conversation lasted less than 3 minutes before disconnection, then the subscriber is not charged.
    34. The duration of long-distance telephone calls is not limited. In the event of damage and temporary overload of communications, with the permission of the shift supervisor or senior telephone operator, a temporary limitation of the duration of a conversation of an ordinary category is allowed.
    The telephone operator is obliged to warn subscribers about the limitation of the duration of calls at the time of establishing connections.
    35. Providing a conversation using a pre-purchased coupon for a duration exceeding that specified in the coupon, as well as extending the conversation on orders from call centers beyond the paid duration is prohibited. At the end of the paid call duration, the call is disconnected without prior warning.
    36. When using long-distance telephone communications, the following paid services can be provided:
    a) notification at the address of the called person that he is invited for a long-distance telephone conversation at a telephone exchange or to a telephone number whose number is indicated by the calling subscriber;
    b) notification to the called subscriber (at the request of the calling subscriber) about who is calling him according to the order for a conversation with notification;
    c) certificate of telephone number in another city.
    37. For all additional services, a fee equal to the cost of 1 minute is charged (in addition to the call fee). conversation at the rate at which the conversation was ordered.
    38. Notification to the address of the called person with an invitation to him at a certain time for a conversation can be of the following types:
    a) notification inviting the called person to the telephone call point;
    b) a notification inviting the called person to the telephone number, the number of which is indicated by the subscriber when ordering a conversation;
    c) notice with the address to the PO box. The address, in addition to the post office box number, must indicate the number of the city post office;
    d) notice with the address to the mailbox. The address, in addition to the mailbox number, must indicate the number of the city post office;
    e) notice with the address “Post restante”. The address must indicate the number of the city post office;
    f) notification to the address “Military unit” indicating the number of the post office;
    g) notification by name or address of the sanatorium, rest home, boarding house.
    The called subscriber must appear for a conversation only at the call center or at the telephone number indicated by the communications department in the telegram delivered to the subscriber.
    39. When ordering a conversation with notification, you can specify only one address and no more than two persons. The address must indicate the post office code, street name, house number, apartment number or name of the institution, last name, first name and patronymic of the person being called.
    40. Orders for calls with notification are accepted for the current day, but no less than 8 hours before the hour appointed for the conversation, as well as the next day, taking into account the current communication schedule. Orders for conversations with notification to the address "Mailbox", "PO Box", "Military Unit" and "Poste restante" are accepted at least 2 days before the conversation.
    Orders for conversations at the "Field Mail" address are not accepted. Orders for conversations with a notification containing an invitation to the called person to the telephone of the village council, collective farm, state farm are accepted at least 24 hours before the conversation.
    Orders for conversations with vacationers in sanatoriums, holiday homes, boarding houses without specifying a telephone number are accepted only with notification. These orders are accepted at least 24 hours before the scheduled time for conversation.
    41. A notification inviting the called person to a specific time appointed for a conversation is considered completed if it is delivered against signature to the addressee in person, to adult members of his family or to the responsible tenant of the apartment no later than 3 hours before the start of the conversation. A notification addressed to a person living in a hotel, hostel, sanatorium or holiday home is considered completed if delivered no later than 3 hours before the start of the conversation to the addressee or the administration of the hotel, hostel, sanatorium or holiday home. If the notification was delivered to the called subscriber later than 3 hours before the scheduled time of conversation, but the called subscriber showed up at the call center or telephone number specified in the order, and the conversation took place, then the notification is also considered completed.
    42. An order for a conversation with notification has an advantage in connection over other orders of this category, regardless of their tariff.
    A conversation with a notification is paid at a regular or urgent rate, depending on the traffic load.
    43. At the request of the calling subscriber, the called subscriber, together with a notification of his invitation to the telephone point or to the telephone number specified in the order for the conversation, is notified of who is calling him. In these cases, in addition to the notification fee, an additional fee is charged for the service “notifying the called subscriber of who is calling him on a conversation request, with notification.”
    44. If the conversation with the notification did not take place due to failure to deliver the notification due to the closure of the institution (organization), absence of anyone in the apartment, departure of the addressee, non-residence of the called subscriber at the given address, absence of the street specified in the order, the number of the house where the conversation was ordered, the person who ordered the conversation will be charged fee only for notification.
    45. If the calling or called subscriber refuses to talk before connecting, the fee is charged only for notification.
    If the calling or called subscriber refuses to talk at the time of connection, in addition to the notification fee, a fee for making a long-distance connection will be charged in the amount of the cost of 1 minute. conversation at the rate at which the order was made.
    46. ​​In cases where the notification of the conversation was delivered in a timely manner, but the called or calling subscriber did not appear at the appointed time or no one answered the caller’s phone, the order is stored for one hour. If a conversation takes place during this period of time, the caller will be charged for the conversation and for notification.
    47. If the called or calling subscriber does not show up at the call center (or if no one answers the calling subscriber’s phone) within an hour after the appointed time for the conversation, then the order is canceled and the calling subscriber is charged only for notification.
    48. In the event that a notification about a conversation could not be transmitted to the called point or was not delivered in a timely manner (3 hours before the start of the conversation) or was transmitted and delivered, but the conversation did not take place due to damage to the connection or the called subscriber leaving the call point during Waiting for a call for more than an hour, the notification fee is returned to the subscriber or the order is transferred to another time.
    49. Certificates can be of the following types:
    a) information about the telephone number of the called subscriber at another point when ordering a conversation;
    b) a certificate of a telephone number at another point, not accompanied by an order for a conversation.
    Orders with a telephone number reference indicating a mailbox number will not be accepted.
    50. For information about a telephone number at another location, accompanied by a call order, a fee equal to the cost of 1 minute is charged. conversation at the rate at which the conversation was ordered.
    For information about a telephone number at another location that is not accompanied by an order for a conversation, a fee will be charged at the rate at which the order for information was accepted.
    51. If a subscriber has placed an order for a conversation by the name of an institution (organization, enterprise) or indicated his telephone number, and this institution (organization, enterprise) does not have a telephone or in the called city there is no telephone number specified by the subscriber in the order, the subscriber pays a certificate in the amount cost 1 min. conversation at the rate at which the conversation was ordered.
    52. Information about a telephone number in another location is considered completed if the calling subscriber is informed of the telephone number of the subscriber in another location or if it is reported that he does not have a telephone.
    53. If the calling subscriber, before connecting, refused to speak on an order with a certificate of a telephone number in another locality, then when the service is performed, the fee is charged only for the certificate.
    If the calling or called subscriber refuses such a conversation at the time of connection, then in addition to the fee for the certificate, a fee for making a long-distance connection will be charged in the amount of the cost of 1 minute. conversation at the rate at which the conversation was ordered.
    54. Information regarding the use of long-distance telephone communications is provided free of charge.
    55. For an order received from a subscriber, information about the queue is provided no earlier than 30 minutes later. after accepting the order or the appointed time for conversation.
    56. Payments for long-distance telephone calls provided from residential telephones for individual and collective use, as well as from telephones of enterprises, institutions, organizations (including hotels, hostels, sanatoriums, holiday homes, foreign missions and international organizations), communication enterprises make with owners of telephones in whose name telephone communications companies have opened a subscription for the right to use telephone communications.
    57. Payments for calls provided to subscribers from apartment telephones included in telephone exchanges for intradepartmental use, as well as from hotel telephones, are made respectively with the owners of communication means for intradepartmental use and hotel administrations. Owners of communications equipment for intradepartmental use and hotel administrations, based on the data provided to them by communications companies, collect fees from their subscribers or persons staying in the hotel.
    58. When providing calls on credit from a residential telephone for individual or collective use, as well as from hotel telephones installed for resident citizens, an additional 5 kopecks will be charged. for every conversation.
    59. A subscriber who has a telephone for individual use, as well as owners of telephones of enterprises, institutions, organizations (including hotels, hostels, sanatoriums, holiday homes, foreign missions and international organizations) bear full financial responsibility for long-distance telephone conversations made from their telephones .
    The person responsible for a public telephone bears financial responsibility for the fact that this telephone was used by an unauthorized person to order a long-distance telephone call on credit.
    60. Communications companies that conduct settlements with subscribers must notify the subscriber at least once a month, but no later than 40 days from the date of the conversation, of the due amount of payment for long-distance telephone calls provided on credit from an apartment telephone.
    The procedure for notifying a subscriber of the amount due from him for calls provided is established by the communications company in agreement with the superior communications organization.
    61. Payment for long-distance telephone calls provided on credit from residential telephones must be made within 15 days from the date of invoice.
    The bill payment document must be kept by the subscriber in accordance with the statute of limitations of 3 years.
    62. In case of non-payment of the bill within the established period, the communication company warns the subscriber by telephone about the possibility of turning off the telephone. If the subscriber does not answer the phone, he is sent a written warning, which is handed to the addressee against signature.
    63. The subscriber must inform the communications company that handles payments for the provided long-distance telephone services about the repayment of the debt after warning.
    If the subscriber fails to repay the debt within 5 days after the warning, the phone must be turned off.
    64. The document for turning off telephones is a list sent by the communications company that handles payments to subscribers to the city telephone company. The list must indicate the telephone numbers of subscribers, the amount of debt for each telephone, the date of warning about turning off the telephones and the form of warning (by telephone, in writing). The list is signed by the head of the enterprise.
    65. After the subscriber presents documents confirming the repayment of the debt on the account and pays 2 rubles. In order to turn the phone back on, the telecommunications company that submitted the list to turn off the phones must, within two days (excluding Sundays and holidays), give the city telephone company a list of subscribers whose phones are to be turned back on. The reconnection is carried out by the city telephone company within 24 hours from the date of receipt of the list.
    66. If the debt is not repaid within a month from the moment the telephone is turned off, the debt for long-distance telephone calls is collected in accordance with the established procedure.
    67. Settlements with enterprises, institutions, organizations for the use of long-distance telephone communications are made using a non-advance payment system (on credit) - when automatic long-distance telephone communications are introduced in cities and using an advance system - in the absence of automatic long-distance telephone communications in cities.
    The transfer of telephone network subscribers to a non-advance payment system is carried out on the basis of an order of the USSR Ministry of Communications when introducing automatic long-distance telephone communications.
    68. Enterprises, institutions, organizations using long-distance telephone communications must report the following data to the communications company conducting payments:
    name of the enterprise, institution, organization;
    bank account number;
    name of the bank branch in which the account is opened;
    postal address to which payment documents should be sent;
    telephone number of the chief accountant or person responsible for conversations.
    All changes in the specified details must be promptly reported to the communications company that handles payments for long-distance communication services.
    69. Each enterprise, institution, organization is opened only one personal account (one index is assigned), according to which payments are made for calls made by the subscriber from any of the telephones he has.
    70. In cities where automatic long-distance telephone communication has been introduced and a non-advance payment system (on credit) has been introduced, invoices to enterprises, institutions, organizations (with the exception of rural and town Councils of People's Deputies, foreign missions, international organizations) for payment of long-distance telephone calls are issued in State Bank for collection for direct debiting from payers' current accounts in an indisputable manner. Bank invoices are issued at least 2 times a month during the billing period.
    71. In cities where subscribers of the city telephone network have not been transferred to a non-advance payment system, enterprises, institutions, organizations using long-distance telephone communications must draw up an agreement with the communications company that conducts settlements with subscribers on the procedure for settlements on account of the advance payment.
    The agreement may stipulate the right for the communications company to present an invoice for collection for direct debit.
    72. If an enterprise, institution, or organization refuses to draw up an agreement with a communications company on the procedure for settlements on account of the advance payment made and the use of installed telephones for long-distance telephone conversations, the communications company has the right to suspend the use of these phones, and when making payments to the owners of communications equipment for intradepartmental use, to disconnect communication means for intradepartmental use from public communication networks.
    73. With an advance payment system for long-distance telephone calls, enterprises, institutions, and organizations must initially transfer a guarantee advance in the amount stipulated by the contract to the settlement account of the communications company. The advance amount must not be less than the average monthly requirement for long-distance telephone calls and must be replenished by paying the submitted bills.
    Invoices for provided long-distance telephone calls are issued at least once a month for the billing period.
    74. Settlements with foreign missions (embassies, trade missions, firms, etc.) and international organizations for long-distance (international) telephone calls are carried out by subsequently presenting an invoice directly to the foreign mission or international organization. The invoice for long-distance (international) calls provided to these organizations must be paid within 15 days from the date of its issuance by transferring the due amounts from the payers' settlement accounts in the State Bank to the account of the communications company.
    If there are current accounts of foreign representative offices or international organizations in Vneshtorgbank or its branches, bills for provided long-distance (international) telephone calls must be paid by transferring amounts from these accounts to the account of the communications company in Vneshtorgbank or its branches.
    75. Settlements with rural and town Councils of People's Deputies for the provided long-distance telephone services are carried out by subsequent presentation of an invoice directly to the village or town Council of People's Deputies. The submitted invoice must be paid by payment order through the bank within 15 days from the date of issue.
    76. An invoice is issued to the bank for collection for an amount of at least 10 rubles.
    If during the billing period the amount to be issued for collection is less than 10 rubles, it is allowed to present an invoice for payment by collection as amounts accumulate up to 10 rubles, but not more than 3 months from the date of the previous presentation.
    77. In cases where, within 3 months, the amount for presenting an invoice for collection, as well as for paying the invoice by payment order through a bank, is less than 10 rubles, then enterprises, institutions, organizations (including rural and town Councils of People's Deputies) One-time invoices are issued, which must be paid at post offices or savings banks within 15 days from the date of invoice.
    78. The invoice issued directly to the subscriber for calls provided on credit or as an advance must indicate:
    billing period;
    the number of telephone calls provided to each subscriber's telephone and the amount of fees due for them;
    total amount to be paid;
    invoice date;
    payment deadline (when issuing one-time invoices to enterprises, institutions, organizations and residential telephone subscribers).
    79. When making payments by collection, in confirmation of the payment request submitted to the bank, the subscriber is sent information about the number of calls provided and the amount of fees due for them separately for each phone.
    80. At the request of the subscriber, the amount presented for payment for the provided calls can be deciphered indicating the name (code) of the city, date, time, duration and cost of the call. In some cases, at the request of the subscriber, information about the telephone number of the called subscriber is provided. Information on the invoice is provided no later than 1 month from the date of invoice.
    81. In case of failure to pay in due time the bills presented to enterprises, institutions, organizations, including rural and town Councils of People's Deputies, foreign missions, international organizations and foreign citizens for the provided long-distance (international) calls, the debt is collected in the manner established for residential subscribers phones, using and turning off the phone if there is debt.
    With an advance payment system, phones are turned off after the advance payment has been completely used up and the subscriber refuses to replenish it.
    82. In case of non-payment of bills on time by foreign missions, international organizations and foreign citizens, a warning to turn off telephones is given in writing. The telephone numbers of heads of diplomatic missions and trade missions (office and home) cannot be switched off.
    83. Settlements with hotel administrations for long-distance telephone calls provided from telephones installed for official use are carried out similarly to settlements with enterprises, institutions, and organizations.
    84. Payments for long-distance telephone calls provided from hotel telephones installed for resident citizens are carried out on credit with subsequent collection of fees from the hotel administration.
    85. The procedure for providing conversations from hotel telephones installed for resident citizens is determined by an agreement between the hotel administration and the communications company. The agreement stipulates the right for the communications company to present invoices for collection for direct debit.
    86. When using telephones installed by citizens living in a hotel for long-distance telephone conversations and the hotel administration refuses to conclude an agreement, the communications company has the right to suspend the use of telephones, and if there are intradepartmental communication means, disconnect them from public communication networks.
    87. The hotel administration must inform residents about the procedure for ordering long-distance telephone calls and ensure 24-hour reception from communications companies of information about provided long-distance telephone calls.
    88. Information about provided long-distance telephone conversations from telephones installed for citizens living in the hotel must be transferred by the communications company to the hotel administration no later than 1 hour from the end of the conversation (except for Moscow).
    89. An invoice presented to a subscriber for long-distance telephone calls may be disputed by the subscriber within a month from the date of invoice.
    90. Conversations for cash are provided from long-distance telephone call centers and from long-distance pay phones.
    91. When ordering a call in cash, the subscriber must pay in full for the duration of the ordered call and additional paid services specified in the order.
    To confirm receipt of money, the subscriber is given a tear-off coupon from the order form.
    92. The tear-off coupon from the order form is a reporting document for the subscriber. It must bear an imprint of the calendar stamp or cash register of the telecommunications company that issued the coupon.
    93. Reception of orders at telephone booths, as well as the provision of calls from long-distance pay phones to war invalids, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, holders of three Orders of Glory and war veterans who have the appropriate certificates, are carried out out of turn.
    94. For orders accepted at a call point, calls are provided only from this call point. The duration of the conversation should not exceed that specified in the order.
    95. If the conversation lasted less than the time specified in the order or did not take place, the subscriber is accordingly returned the rest of the money or the entire amount paid. To pay, the subscriber must return the tear-off coupon.
    96. When issuing the balance of money, the subscriber’s tear-off coupon is taken away and instead of the coupon, at the subscriber’s request, a receipt is issued for the amount collected from him, which in this case is a reporting document for the subscriber.
    The receipt is issued free of charge and only for one conversation. It is not allowed to process multiple conversations using one receipt.
    97. If the subscriber, at the end of a conversation that lasted less than the time specified in the order, did not claim the difference due to him, it can be paid within a month from the date of the conversation. To receive money (the difference) at the cash desk of the call center from which the subscriber conducted a long-distance call, he must return the tear-off coupon of the order form.
    98. The procedure for using a long-distance pay phone, determined by the long-distance telephone company depending on the type of device and its connection circuit, must be posted at each pay phone.
    99. To provide citizens with the opportunity to conduct long-distance telephone conversations from the telephones of hotels, hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes, in which telephones for resident citizens are not installed, from unattended telephone exchange points and from any telephone in rural areas, they sell 24-hour communication offices and telephone exchange points coupons for long-distance telephone calls. By purchasing a ticket, the subscriber pays for the call in advance. Tickets are sold in cash only.
    The coupon must have a calendar stamp or an imprint of the cash register of the communications company that sold the coupon.
    100. Coupons are sold for calls of any duration and at any tariff, taking into account additional paid services if the subscriber wishes to use them.
    101. The coupon is valid for one month from the date of its purchase. During this period, the subscriber can use the coupon for a conversation or receive money back where the coupon was purchased.
    Upon receipt of money, the coupon will be returned.
    102. The coupon can be used to talk only with the point indicated in the coupon. Combining coupons is not permitted.
    103. Conversation using a coupon is provided only in the locality where the coupon was purchased.
    104. When ordering a conversation using a coupon, the subscriber must, in addition to the data necessary to establish a long-distance connection, indicate the number and date of purchase of the coupon.
    105. If the coupon is partially used, the remaining money is not returned, but during the validity period of the coupon it can be used to pay for another call, provided that the remaining amount of money is not less than the cost of a 3-minute call with the same point and the required additional paid services. In case of partial use of the coupon due to damage to the connection during the conversation, the coupon is considered unused.
    106. If the conversation regarding the order without additional paid services did not take place, the subscriber can make a repeat order during the validity period of the coupon or receive a full refund within the same period.
    If the conversation regarding the order with an additional paid service did not take place, the subscriber using this coupon during its validity period can make a second order if the number of paid minutes provides the opportunity to pay for the additional service a second time. Otherwise, the subscriber will receive a full refund with a deduction for the service.
    107. A communications company may limit the sale of coupons for calls to subscribers of the telephone network of a city with which there is an automatic long-distance telephone connection. Restrictions on the sale of coupons for calls with additional services are not allowed.
    108. Conversation under the contract is provided at the time stipulated by the contract, without prior ordering. The right to conclude an agreement to talk at a certain time is granted only to enterprises, institutions, organizations and correspondents of newspapers and magazines.
    109. To receive a conversation at a certain time, an enterprise, institution, organization or correspondent of a newspaper or magazine enters into an agreement with a long-distance telephone exchange. The contract is concluded for a period of at least 30 days. In exceptional cases, managers of long-distance telephone exchanges are given the right to conclude contracts for a period of less than 30 days.
    110. An agreement concluded with a long-distance telephone exchange for calls at a certain time shall indicate:
    a) called point;
    b) telephone numbers of the calling and called subscribers;
    c) personal account (subscription) number;
    d) time of the conversation and its duration;
    e) on what days the conversations will be held and, in particular, whether the conversations will be held on general weekends and holidays;
    f) duration of the contract;
    g) tariff.
    111. The agreement also determines the form of payment for these conversations. The duration of the conversation under the contract is determined upon its conclusion at the discretion of the head of the long-distance telephone exchange, depending on the degree of communication congestion.
    112. A conversation under a contract is provided exactly at the time stipulated by the contract and can only be delayed:
    a) on connections with Moscow - execution of orders in the category “Out of turn”;
    b) on other connections - by executing orders in the “Out of turn” category and government categories.
    113. Calls provided under a contract on weekdays are paid at an urgent rate; On weekends and holidays, the fee is charged at the normal rate.
    During the period of validity of the reduced tariff, calls at the time stipulated by the contract are paid at the reduced tariff.
    114. If there are other orders in line, the conversation under the contract is provided only for the duration established by the contract.
    If there are no orders in line, it is allowed to extend the conversation beyond the duration established by the contract by paying for additional minutes at the rate specified in the contract.
    115. If the connection for a conversation under a contract is delayed for more than 1 hour (due to damage to the connection or the passage of conversations of higher categories), the station provides a conversation on connections with Moscow after other calls scheduled for this time, and on other connections after conversations of government categories . For delayed calls, you will be charged according to the actual duration of the call at the normal rate. Less than 3 minutes per conversation. You will be charged for a 3-minute call.
    116. If the conversation under the contract did not take place due to lack of communication, damage to the phone or the subscriber’s refusal to talk, delayed for more than 1 hour, no fee is charged to the subscriber.
    117. For a call the duration of which was less than stipulated in the contract due to the fault of the station (due to damage to the connection or the passage of calls of higher categories), payment is charged at the rate specified in the contract only for the actual number of minutes of conversation. If the interrupted call lasted less than three minutes, no charge will be made for it.
    118. If the subscriber does not use the time stipulated by the contract in full or refuses to talk, as well as in the event of no answer on the calling or called telephone, the unused time is paid in full at the rate specified in the contract.
    119. The contract for calls remains in force until a statement of refusal is made by the subscriber or station or until the end of the contract in the absence of a statement.
    The application for refusal must be made at least one day before the cancellation of the contract.
    120. The long-distance telephone exchange has the right, if necessary, in agreement with the other party, to change the days and times of providing calls under the contract and, in cases of disagreement of the other party, to raise the issue with the arbitration bodies about making changes to the contract or about its termination.
    121. Long-distance telephone conversations for data transmission are provided by long-distance telephone exchanges only to enterprises, institutions and organizations.
    In this case, communications enterprises must be guided by the “Regulations on the conditions for using the switched telephone network for data transmission,” approved by the USSR Ministry of Communications.
    122. To obtain the opportunity to order conversations for data transmission, enterprises, institutions, organizations must send an application to the appropriate regional, regional or republican (ASSR) production and technical communications department or the Ministry of Communications of a union republic without regional division and obtain permission to use long-distance telephone communications for data transfer.
    123. Upon receipt of permission to order long-distance telephone calls for data transmission, enterprises, institutions, and organizations must draw up an agreement with the communications company for the provision of such calls. When drawing up an agreement, the subscriber must be familiar with the Regulations on the conditions for using the switched telephone network for data transmission.
    124. When ordering a conversation for data transfer, the subscriber must indicate that the conversation is required for data transfer.
    125. The fee for a call for data transmission is charged based on the actual time of use of the channel at the current tariffs (regular or urgent) for long-distance telephone calls in double size.
    126. The use of automatic communication by a subscriber for data transmission is permitted only from a specific telephone registered at a long-distance telephone exchange. All automatic calls from this phone are charged at double rate.
    127. Automatic long-distance telephone communication, which allows the subscriber to directly, without the participation of a telephone operator, establish contact with a subscriber in another city, can be used from apartment telephones for individual and collective use, as well as from telephones of enterprises, institutions, organizations and hotels.
    128. Automatic calls are provided on credit with subsequent payment of the invoice presented by the long-distance telephone exchange.
    129. With automatic communication, the duration of the conversation may be limited depending on the type of equipment. After the set time limit has expired, the conversation is automatically disconnected without warning.
    130. Communications companies are obliged to widely inform subscribers (via radio, print, at call points) about the availability of automatic communication directions, city codes and the procedure for using automatic long-distance telephone communication.
    131. In telephone exchanges between the USSR and foreign countries, the following categories of conversations are established:
    a) conversations about distress - these include conversations relating to the safety of human life at sea, on land, in the air or in outer space, as well as conversations caused by the need for the participation of the rescue service in case of serious accidents, earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, fires, floods, shipwrecks and other disasters.
    Disaster talk is considered to be talk of special urgency by the World Health Organization related to epidemics;
    b) government conversations - these include conversations of the following officials:
    head of state;
    heads of government and members of government, heads of territories under the trusteeship or mandate of the United Nations;
    commanders-in-chief of military land, sea and air forces;
    heads of diplomatic or consular missions and persons replacing them.
    Conversations in the state category are provided from certain phones;
    c) official conversations - these include conversations related to the operation of the international telephone service, including the organization and maintenance of channels for other types of telecommunications carried out through the International telephone service;
    d) private conversations - these include all conversations except those listed in paragraphs. "a", "b" and "c" of this article.
    132. International telephone calls are provided in the following order:
    a) talking about disaster;
    b) official conversations about restoring completely interrupted international ties;
    c) government conversations;
    d) official conversations on issues of organizing and maintaining communications;
    d) private conversations.
    133. For international telephone communications, subscribers are provided with the following services:
    a) conversation from device to device - a conversation between the calling subscriber and any subscriber who answered the called phone;
    b) personal conversation - a conversation between the caller and a specific called person. The person being called can be indicated by last name, position, extension telephone number, address (order with notification), knowledge of a particular language or other characteristics.
    If the order contains an extension telephone number and last name, the fee is charged for one service;
    c) conversation at the expense of the called person - such conversations are allowed only from the USSR with a number of countries under special agreements with the relevant Communications Administrations. An order for a conversation at the expense of the called person is accepted regardless of whether the called telephone is a residential one or not.
    The service fee is charged only to the person being called;
    d) conversation by credit card - a conversation when ordering which the caller must indicate the credit card number and his last name. Credit card calls are provided at no charge to the caller.
    Conversations on credit cards are allowed only if there is an agreement between the interested Communications Administrations;
    e) conversation with information about the phone number.
    134. The call order expires at 8 o'clock. local time the next day for a conversation from device to device, if the subscriber does not cancel his order before this time, and for an order for a personal conversation - at 8 o'clock. in the morning of the second day, not counting the day the order was received.
    135. For international telephone calls, two types of tariffs are established - ordinary and urgent.
    Calls at the urgent rate are paid at twice the usual rate.
    136. The preferential tariff in the amount specified in the “Tariffs for International Telephone Services” is valid only for calls to NRB and SRR in the period from 19.00 to 08.00 local time.
    137. For a conversation about a disaster, a fee will be charged at the usual rate.
    138. For a conversation in the state category, a fee is charged at a regular or urgent rate, depending on the rate at which the conversation is ordered. For government calls with countries specified in the “Tariffs for International Telephone Services”, a discount of 50% of the cost of a call at a regular (or urgent) rate is established.
    139. International telephone calls are provided on credit, in advance and in cash and are not provided using pre-purchased coupons.
    140. No fee will be charged if the call does not take place due to the fault of the telephone service or if changes are made to the order before the international connection is established.
    141. If a personal conversation does not take place through no fault of the telephone service, the subscriber is charged a fee equal to the cost of 1 minute. conversation at the rate at which the conversation was ordered.
    142. Conversations during the time stipulated by the contract on international telephone connections are not provided.
    143. Otherwise, all provisions of the Rules for the use of long-distance telephone communications apply to the use of international telephone communications.