• We disable the provided personal limit on the megaphone in your personal account. A simplified version of the Kelly criterion in sports betting

    Mobile communications have become so familiar and indispensable that few subscribers think about additional services and functions. For example, all subscribers in the Moscow region and Moscow have the opportunity to use the “credit of trust”. The service is that you can call first, talk calmly, and pay for the conversation later. But the possibility of going into the red is not always acceptable for the subscriber, so you should know how to disable the limit on Megafon. Credit of trust is very convenient when you need to make a call immediately, but your account balance is negative. The service helps out in case of unforeseen difficulties or ordinary forgetfulness, when a bill remains unpaid by accident. Taking care of its subscribers, Megafon provides special loans for communication services.

    To take advantage of the loan, you only need to be a Megafon subscriber for three months and make minimal financial expenses. The service can be used for free, it does not require complex settings, and allows you to always stay in touch with family and friends, friends and business partners. However, the limit is not infinite, and when it is exhausted, it will be impossible to make outgoing calls, but only receive incoming ones. The range of possibilities becomes reduced.


    Activating the service is very simple and there are several ways to do this:

    1. You can visit the Megafon office - a consultant will help with activation;
    2. You can call the toll-free number 0500 or 8 800 550 05 00 and contact the operator to connect.
    3. You can activate the service in USSD command mode by dialing the request to *550*1#.

    To successfully connect, the account balance must be positive.


    If the service is no longer relevant, it can be disabled. Here are ways to disable the provided limit on your phone.

    1. While online, just dial *138 and the option will be automatically deactivated. You can disable and activate the Credit of Trust service an unlimited number of times.
    2. To disable the service, you can call the Megafon service center. You need to dial 0500 and contact the operator. A qualified employee will listen to the deactivation request, verify the data and resolve the issue manually.
    3. If you are used to solving all issues yourself, then by going to the Megafon website, you can use the “Service Guide”. This is a convenient self-service system where subscribers can manage active services, remove a limit, perform various operations, check account status, request additional data on tariffs, information on expenses and much more. All login information can be obtained through the customer service, and then log in to the site.
    4. Another popular way to remove Megafon’s credit limit is a personal visit to the office. After a short conversation with the consultant, the provided limit will be deactivated by employees. In the salon you can reconfigure the service, find out all the details, change the loan size. You can always check the address of the nearest salon on the official Megafon website. You can disable the service only after paying off all existing debts.

    It is known that today the selling price is determined by the market! The maximum permissible percentages of trade margins on goods are not established by law. The exception is for essential products; for them it is necessary to look for the maximum values ​​of trade margins in the Laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    There are two departments that monitor pricing in trade - the Federal Tax Service (IFTS) and the FAS (federal antimonopoly service). The Federal Tax Service makes sure that prices are not artificially lowered (price dumping), and the Federal Antimonopoly Service ensures that prices are not inflated when monopolizing a market segment (example: electricity). Tax officials check pricing in trade in interdependent transactions. The sign of interdependence is described in Article 20 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    If an organization works with a trade margin, then the sales price is calculated as follows:

    1. We determine the cost per unit of goods. The cost of goods may include the purchase price, delivery of goods to the first storage location, commissions and intermediary fees, etc. For example 50 rub/unit
    2. Find the amount of the trade margin. The amount is calculated by multiplying the unit cost of goods by the percentage of trade margin established in the organization. For example: 50 rubles * 50% = 25 rubles.
    3. It is necessary to take into account excise duty and VAT in the price (if the company operates on a general taxation system). Excise tax rates are set by the government of the Russian Federation, see Chapter 22 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for more details.
    4. VAT is calculated depending on the rate (10% or 18%) as follows: the sum of the cost price and the trade margin, which is multiplied by the tax rate. Example: (50 + 25)*18%= 13.50 rub/unit.
    5. So, the selling price is: cost, trade margin and taxes (excise tax, VAT). Example: 50+25+13.50=88.50 rub/unit/

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    Articles and Lifehacks

    In order to answer the question of how to go into the red on MTS, you must first figure out whether a given mobile operator provides such a service.

    Because the ability to use money from your account as a loan (that is, “go into the red”) is a service and not everyone has such a service.

    True, sometimes the operator sins by imposing paid services on the client, driving his balance into the minus (with an appropriate tariff plan).

    And if the subscriber does not figure it out in time, he has to pay the unexpected debt to the operator.

    In what cases is this possible?

    Basically, people who use mobile communications are subscribers of a prepaid service system (put money in - you can call), that is, with a negative balance you will not be able to use paid services; such people make up about 95-97%.

    But there are the remaining 3-5%, who, in fact, also talk on prepayment, but their tariff plan allows them to drive the account into the minus.

    True, after the account reaches a certain negative amount, the ability to make calls or send SMS is exhausted. In order to unblock a number, you just need to top up your account.

    In addition, you can go into the negative as a result of the following actions:

    • uncontrolled use of the mobile Internet;
    • downloading paid information (again from the Internet);
    • sending SMS or calls to short numbers;
    • payment for paid entertainment services (SMS quiz on TV, for example).

    How to avoid blocking a number for minus balance

    We can talk about how to make sure that this “minus” does not affect the ability to make calls or send SMS. There is such a possibility.

    For those who do not want to constantly worry that the operator can block the number at any time due to a negative balance, MTS has come up with a service that users call “limit”.

    It allows you to use a number with a negative balance (only a negative balance has its own limit), and pay for the connection later. You can activate this service in two ways, namely:

    • Sending a USSD request to number 111. The request should look like this:
      - *111*32# and the call button (you can disable it using the same request).
    • You can also go to the main website of MTS and activate this service using the Internet assistant.
    The service is activated free of charge for a period of thirty days. At first the limit will be 300 rubles, but over time the bar will increase.

    The system of settlements with a mobile operator for the provision of communication services usually occurs according to the “Pripaid” system - that is, first you pay, and then use the services.

    But sometimes some mobile operators allow you to use services on credit. For example, MTS has such a function, and it is called “On full trust”. It allows subscribers to go into the red by a small amount, without disconnecting the number or blocking it.

    Quite convenient for those who are not used to keeping track of every penny. You can repay the debt and continue to use communication services, if, of course, this debt is repaid on time.

    But not everyone likes this service. Few people like to “live on credit”. And it’s quite easy to activate the service, because when you run out of money in your account, MTS is so actively offering their care service at a disadvantage that it’s difficult to refuse. Especially when there is no opportunity to top up your account right here and now. And having activated the service once, the account will constantly go into the minus.

    This is why many are interested in how to disable minus on MTS. This is not difficult to do. Once you disable the service, you will no longer be able to borrow from MTS, and your account will be in danger of being blocked when the money runs out on it. So think twice. If you haven't changed your mind, here are the instructions for you.

    How not to go into the red on MTS?

    • In order to disable the “In Full Trust” service, you need to dial the same combination that you dialed when connecting - *111*32# + Call .
    • You can also use your Personal Account. Follow the link and log in by entering your mobile phone number and password, which will be sent via SMS. Find “In full trust” in the services and disable it.

    You can always reconnect the service by dialing the same combination from your phone as when disconnecting.

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    But don’t they go into negative territory?

    An ordinary woman remembers her mother’s advice: never run after a man, never agree to a relationship without serious investments and courtship on his part, and when entering into a relationship, strictly ensure that the man does not get the better of her. She will take her and leave her, and if she doesn’t leave, she will use and abuse her: offend her, take her for a walk, force herself to serve her.

    Many mothers of girls turn into feminists and begin to fight for women's rights. And this is very understandable, because you want to protect your daughter.

    I want to protect my daughter, but in the world of these gender models, where femininity is an adjustment from below, and masculinity is the top position, it is difficult to protect daughters. He’ll give in here, he’ll give in there, he won’t object here, he’ll agree there, and that’s it, remember what they called him, he’ll end up in the place of the doormat.

    No, mothers, of course, agree that there are good men too. But a good man can easily become spoiled if he is indulged too much. But if you maintain a proud, slightly arrogant and slightly unapproachable position, a good man will adjust himself. He will begin to look after you, surround you with care, and catch desires on the fly. You can marry such a man, but, of course, remembering that any man, even a good one, can get screwed if you let him.

    Unfortunately, relationships with women with such attitudes do not work out very well. For some reason, few men have the desire to adapt to them and surround them with proud and unapproachable care. Perhaps some married man will join in and surround him and sing, but this is not at all what mom would want, is it? A free man who has achieved a lot in life, for some reason does not want to become a knight for her daughter. Moreover, there are usually women circling around him, very feminine, that is, easily adjusting from below.

    How do they manage to adjust from below without going into the red? And even vice versa - sometimes it turns out to be a plus (although a big plus is also grief for a person).

    Let me remind you that a minus is a situation in a relationship when your own emotional dependence and attachment to your partner is much stronger than his. The minus is afraid of losing the plus, any distancing is painful, so he is ready to fulfill more and more conditions in order to maintain the necessary closeness. Due to this famous imbalance dynamic, the imbalance most often grows. That is, starting with a small minus, a person very often becomes a big minus. And his, the partner, grows in the plus, accordingly, that is, he needs intimacy less and less, wants more and more comfortable conditions in order to remain in a relationship with the minus.

    And now I will say a shocking thing. A person who knows how to adapt from below goes into the negative much less often.

    The fastest to go downhill are those who not only do not know how to adapt from below, but are also afraid of it like fire. The key words are “can” and “afraid”.

    Knows how to do it - this does not mean he always does it like hell. This means he owns the tools, is aware of what he is doing, and is able to control and direct the process. Whether he does this often or never, in what situation and how, for what purpose, it already depends on his life and value system.

    Afraid is something opposite, making the structure rigid, tough, and at the same time fragile and brittle. To constantly hold the defense, you need separation, a long distance, ditches and observation towers. In this mode, a person cannot build relationships, he often remains alone, and, having suffered in his fear and mistrust, he often surrenders his boundaries to anyone who has adjusted to him from below.

    Therefore, the one who knows how is almost invulnerable, and the one who is afraid is very vulnerable. It’s best not to have to adjust from below, but also not to be afraid of it like fire.

    This applies not only to women, but also to men. Very often, men also adapt to women from below, especially at the beginning of a relationship. To get around all the obstacles that women have piled up in fear of a possible imbalance, many men have to care for women and even “run”. This tactic is perceived by some as a mandatory move into the red. Victimized men scare other men that giving up their positions from the very beginning, showing themselves in a lower position means never getting love, because women do not respect and value subordinate men.

    Despite the popularity of these horror stories, many men somehow manage to start with courtship and obvious adjustments from below, fulfill women’s whims at the beginning of a relationship, and then calmly take the reins and begin to manage. In this case, the adjustment from below at the very beginning even works to their advantage: the woman forever receives the confidence that she is loved, since she was sought after in this way, and cannot find another, because no one else wants to adapt to her in this way, and she does not know how to do otherwise.

    That is, on the one hand we see tough women who are convinced that every centimeter of their territory needs to be protected with weapons, next to them, behind the fence, tough men who will never yield to a woman in anything in their lives, in fear of immediately losing their masculinity, and on the other side of the river - flexible women who pick up any keys, and flexible men who beautifully adjust from below and gain access to any heart.

    But what's the secret? Why do some people give in a little, bend slightly and are already flying into the negative, giving in more and more until they find themselves under the plinth. And some, on the contrary, seem to give in a lot, but do not go into the red, remain in excellent shape, and all their concessions only tie the one to whom they give in, open him up, bring him closer, remove his protection and make him more dependent.

    The main mistake is to think that only scammers can do the second trick. Not at all! Any person who has stable self-esteem and an internal locus of control can do this. Fraudsters have it worse (if they were pumped up, they wouldn’t be jackals), but they have a consistent goal, a goal OUTSIDE of the relationship, a personal goal, and such a goal compensates for the shortcomings of the ego, because it gives clarity of understanding and helps them to very clearly separate boundaries, always feel where their interests end and where the interests of the victim end, and never merge with her.

    Why does a person go into the red? For one single reason. Because it merges with another and loses the sense of its boundaries, its sovereignty, and falls into dependence, often physical, that is, it experiences fear and pain from separation.

    If a person is a strong, established personality, he is not able to lose his boundaries. No matter how much he loves, no matter how he merges in moments of a surge of feelings, no matter what heights of euphoria he rises to, no matter how he melts with passion, he always returns to his own boundaries and finds himself there, sovereign and complete. It’s as if he has ropes that will always bring him home, no matter how much he breaks away from his feelings.

    A weak personality does not have this; she loses herself easily. And then it doesn’t matter at all whether she’s trying to adjust from below or holding the defense, she will still merge the boundaries, become dependent and go into the red.

    Sometimes holding the defense is even more dangerous. If such a person tries to consciously adjust from below, he begins to monitor himself a little more, acquires at least a hint of proactivity, and this gives him a chance to build himself. Unfortunately, half-conscious attempts at such adjustments often have the opposite effect. The woman flattered the man a little, but noticed that this did not arouse gratitude in him, and became furious at this and took her words back. The man stood with a bouquet of flowers, humiliated himself, asking for a date, but noticing that the woman was half an hour late, he told her to go to hell and threw the bouquet into the trash bin. That is, for would-be adjusters, all adjustments backfire on them. Therefore, the woman decides never to suck up, and the man decides not to persuade anyone.

    If you are a strong personality, you can allow yourself any behavioral trick, and you will not lose anything, you will only gain from mastering new patterns. If you cannot boast of the strength of your personality, but for some reason you need adjustment from below, that is, you want to charm and attract someone, to draw into a relationship someone who is not making active steps in your direction, it is important to remember two main rules . The first concerns the maintenance of self-esteem, and the second concerns locus of control.

    1. You must do it beautifully, because if you looked from the outside and you would fucking love this picture. It should be quite funny and not tragic. If you think that you look ugly and pathetic, under no circumstances do such adjustments. Only the aesthetics and sexuality of such behavior (even if subjective) provide protection from falling into the negative. Look at yourself from the outside and be sure that even if this person does not appreciate you, you still behaved beautifully (very feminine or very chivalrous) and looked objectively attractive.

    2. Don't expect that the person you match with will necessarily compensate you for everything. No, this is absolutely not his responsibility. If it seems to you that you have entered into some kind of agreement with a person: from you - worship, from him - gratitude and love for this - leave this idea. Remember very well that it is not he who initiates the adjustment from below, but you. You need this, not him. Maybe later he will need it too, but for now that’s it. He is the object of the action, and you are the subject, all responsibility is on you, therefore, no matter how events develop, no claims against him. This understanding will give you the opportunity to clearly separate boundaries and not confuse where your desires are and where his are, where he is and where you are.

    (C) Marina Komissarova