• You can edit the entered value. Entering and editing data in an Excel workbook. Need help studying a topic?

    Excel spreadsheet editor. Data entry and editing

    Task No. 1: Make a table of linear function values y=2.5x-5.5.

      Create a new Microsoft Excel document.

      Choose Sheet1.

      Rename Sheet1 by giving him a name Function. To do this:

      Right-click on the sheet shortcut and select the command from the context menu that appears Rename(or double-click the sheet shortcut).

      Enter a new sheet name from the keyboard Function.

      Press key Enter.

      Select 14 cells from A1 to N1 and merge them Home/Cells=>Format Cells=>Alignment and check the Merge Cells checkbox.

      In the merged cell, enter the table title " Table of function values ​​y=2.5x-5.5" Design the font in a bold style. To do this, use the command Format - Cells, select tab Font and on the list Typeface select an option bold.

      To cells A2 And A3 enter accordingly " X" And " at", align to the center.

      Select filled cells A2 And A3 and using the toolbar buttons:

      increase the font size to 12 pt;

      center align;

      use a bold font style.

    The header of your table is styled. Let's start filling out the table.

      You need to fill a number of cells with numbers from –6 to 6. To do this:

      To cell B2 enter the value of the left border of the selected interval " -6 ", to cell C 2 next number " -5 ».

      Select both cells. Selected cells are surrounded by a frame, in the lower right corner of which there is a small black square - fill marker.

      If you move the mouse pointer to the fill marker, and at the moment when the mouse pointer takes the form of a black cross, you drag the fill marker a few cells to the right, then the entire row of selected cells will be filled with data. By selecting 2 cells, you have indicated the principle by which the remaining cells should be filled. Drag the selection handle to the right border of the interval (to the cell N2)

      To cell B3 enter the formula =2.5*B2–5.5.

      Select a cell B3 and type in the formula =2.5*B2–5.5(don’t forget to switch to Latin, because column headings are determined by Latin letters, and Russian letters A, IN, WITH although they are similar to Latin ones, they are not an equivalent replacement).

      After entering the formula, fix it by pressing the key Enter, the cell will contain the result of the calculation using the formula, and the Formula Bar will contain the formula itself.

      The formula can be viewed in the Formula Bar by selecting the corresponding cell.

      If you typed a formula incorrectly, you can correct it in the formula bar by first selecting the cell.

      Select a cell IN3 and fill in the formula by dragging the fill marker to the right, a row of cells to the right IN3 to N 3 .

      Select a cell C3 and look in the Formula Bar to see what the formula looks like, it looks like =2.5*C2–5.5. It is noticeable that the links in the formula have changed relative to the offset of the formula itself.

      Now all the cells are filled with data, all that remains is to format them:

      Select the table and run the command CellsFormatAutomatic column width.

      Set the table title " Function value tabley=2.5x-5.5" To do this:

      Select header in cell A1 and apply bold characters to the cell contents.

      Select 14 cells from A1 to N3(Table) and execute the command FormatCells, select a bookmark Alignment and set the switches to " Centered» (horizontal and vertical alignment). This will center the title of the selected block of cells.

      Frame the table. To do this:

      Select the table (without header) and run the command Format - Cells, select tab Border, define a line style and activate the switches Top, Bottom, Left, Right (External, internal). This procedure applies to each of the cells.

      Select title: from A1 to N1 and after doing the same operations, set the switch External.

      Browse ( FileView).

    Task No. 2: Prepare a table to calculate your daily spending on public transport.

      Choose Sheet2.

      Rename Sheet2 , giving it the name Daily Spending.

      Create a table header: Headings by row - modes of transport, just for a week for all modes of transport; by columns - the cost of one trip, days of the week, total number of trips per week, total money spent per week for each type of transport.

      The heading for the columns (cells B1 to K1) should be formatted as follows:

      Change text direction Rotate text up

      Align Center

      Center the text between the top and bottom borders of the cell.

      Fill cells with green color

      Format the heading by lines (from A2 to A5):

      Select Automatic column width.

      Fill the cells with yellow.

      Merge cells B 5 through K 5.

      Table Border: Select the entire table and make all cell borders visible.

      Fill in the table with data as shown in the example:

    We carry out calculations

      We calculate how much money was spent per week on bus trips:

      Activate the desired cell ( K2)

      Enter in the formula bar= J 2* B 2 , this means that we multiply the total number of trips by the cost of one trip.

      After entering the formula, clickEnter. So, we calculated how much money was spent per week on the bus.

      Calculate for yourself how many trips you made per week by trolleybus or minibus; Calculate how much money was spent per week on trips by trolleybus or minibus; Calculate how much money was spent on all vehicles during the week, the answer should be in cell B 5 (merged cells).

      Browse ( FileView).

      Save the document in your group folder.

    Task No. 3: Create the same Pythagorean multiplication table. As shown in the example.

      Open a new Sheet3

      Rename it Pythagorean Table

      Numbers 1-9 are entered using autocomplete (1, 2 and dragging the black cross)

      All cells with white fill must be calculated using the formula absolute reference(the formula is written in one cell and copied to the remaining rows or columns; the corresponding cell address fixation is used - “$”)


    To calculate how much it will be3*4 done: Select the cell where the answer should be => enter the formula=$ A 5* E 2 => Enter .

      Browse ( FileView).

      Save the document in your group folder.

    To enter any data into a cell you must:

    1) Click on a cell to select it.

    2) Enter data into the selected cell from the keyboard.

    The text will appear both in the cell itself and in the formula bar.

    3) To complete the entry, you can press the key Enter on the keyboard or by left-clicking on the check mark icon in the formula bar. If you make a mistake or change your mind about entering data, you can press the button to cancel Esc or click the cross icon in the formula bar.

    Entering numbers

    It should be remembered that in the Russian version of Excel the separator of the integer and fractional parts is a comma, in the English version it is a dot.

    Numeric values ​​in a cell can contain both numbers and special characters: + - E e () . , % /

    There are some features of entering numbers using special characters:

    1) To enter a negative number, place a “-” (minus) sign in front of the number.

    2) The number that is enclosed in brackets is perceived by the program as negative. Those. (7) - for Excel means -7.

    3) To display a number in exponential form, use the symbol E or e. For example, 7e2 means 7*100, written in Excel as 7.00E+02 in exponential format, and in number format means 700.

    4) For the convenience of entering large numbers, you can put a space between the digits (987,654.00). After pressing the key Enter, the number in the cell will be displayed with spaces, but there will be no space in the formula bar.

    5) The percent sign is used to enter percentage format.

    6) To enter fractional values, you can use the sign Slash (/) . If the program can recognize the entered number as a date, for example 11/14, then the cell will display the date November 14. If you need to represent this number as a fraction, then you must enter a zero before the entered number - 0 14/11, and then the cell will display 1 and 3/11.

    A number that Excel cannot recognize as a date, such as 14/28, will be represented as a fraction.

    Entering time.

    In order to enter time into a cell in Excel, you must enter hours, minutes and seconds, using a colon as a separator. When entering data, you can use all three components, or two (when seconds are not needed). If the time was entered as hours and minutes, then the time will still be displayed with seconds in the formula bar.

    Entering the date.

    The date consists of three parts: day, month, year. Excel uses the following delimiters: hyphen(- ), slash (/ ), dot (. ). If you enter only the day and month, Excel will automatically enter the current year, and the full date will be displayed in the formula bar.

    In Excel, the earliest date is January 1, 1900, starting from it all dates are assigned a serial number from 1 onwards, so the date 01/01/2015 corresponds to the number 42005. Thanks to this, it is possible to perform calculations between dates, find out what date will be or was after a certain number of days. Dates before 1900 are treated as text.

    Entering text.

    In Excel, you can write text on multiple lines. To do this you need to press the keys Alt+Enter.

    If the text is too long and does not fit into the cell, you can use the command Move text. To do this you need:

    1) Select a cell with content that does not fit

    2) On the tab Home, in the group Alignment press the button Wrap text

    Please note that, unlike the previous case, the text in the formula bar remains written on one line.

    3) If necessary, you can change the row height or column width.

    To enter a character that is not on the keyboard, you must:

    1) On the tab Insert, in the group Symbols, select team Symbol.

    2) In the dialog box that opens, you can select the desired font. To make your search easier, select the required set of characters. Excel also shows the last characters you used to insert.

    To insert the selected symbol, double-click on it or press the button Insert.

    Editing data.

    There are several ways to edit data in a cell: editing directly in the cell or in the formula bar.

    To edit a cell you must:

    1) Double-click the left mouse button on the cell you are going to edit.

    2) Make the necessary changes in the cell.

    3) To save changes, press the key Enter, to cancel - key Esc

    To edit data in the formula bar:

    1) Select a cell by clicking on it once with the left mouse button.

    2) In the formula bar, left-click where you edit.

    3) Repeat steps 2 and 3 of the previous method.

    You can also use the key to save and cancel your changes. Enter and a key Cancel in the formula bar.


    For a Windows user, the most interesting ones are the “powerful” applications, which have become extremely popular recently. These include, first of all, the MS Word word processor, the MS Excel spreadsheet processor, and the MS Access DBMS. The popularity of these programs especially increased with the distribution of the Russified version of the MS Office package that began in 1994.

    One of the most original ideas in the field of computer information technology was the idea of ​​a spreadsheet. Many companies that develop software for personal computers have created their own versions of table processors. From The most famous among them are Lotus 1-2-3 from Lotus Development, SuperCalc from Computer Associates, and Multiplan from Microsoft. One of the leaders in the range of spreadsheets today is the spreadsheet processor MS Excel.

    1. Data entry and editing

    You can enter text, numbers, or formulas in any cell of the worksheet. To do this, select a cell and type what you need from the keyboard. For example, headers could be like this: « Compiled”, “Date” and so on. (See Figure 1)

    Rice. 1 (example headers)

    Headings on worksheets make the document's content clear and make it easier to use.

    Everything that is typed on the keyboard appears in the current cell and in the formula bar. (See Fig. 2) You can enter the typed text into the current cell by pressing the ENTER key or by clicking on another cell. You can cancel data entry using the ESC key.

    Rice. 2 (display data in cell and formula bar)

    .1 Editing data in a cell

    Data can be edited in several ways:

    I select a cell and, by clicking on the formula bar, I edit the data in the formula bar or edit the data directly in the cell.

    To edit data in a cell, double-click on it, and then place the text cursor at the place where I am making changes. You can add new information or make changes.

    You can also press F2 while selecting a cell. .

    1.2 Copying and pasting cell contents

    The Copy and Paste commands from the Edit menu can be used to copy the contents and formats of selected cells to another area of ​​the worksheet while preserving the contents of the original cells. The Copy command indicates the range to be copied with a moving frame. After you specify a paste area, the Paste command places copies of the cells into the area. (See Figure 3)

    Rice. 3 (data copy example)

    Instead of selecting the Paste command, you can use the Enter key, but in this case you can only paste one copy. Pressing Enter after selecting Copy pastes one copy and then deletes the copied cells from the clipboard. The Paste command pastes all values, formats, and notes from the copied cells.

    .3 Moving and copying with the mouse

    To quickly move a cell or range of cells to a new location, simply select it and drag it. For example:

    -I create a new document (“File” - “Create”);

    -I go to “Sheet 1”;

    -In cell “A1” I enter the month, and in cell “A2” the day of the week;

    -I select cells “A1”, “A2”;

    -I place the mouse pointer on the frame that surrounds cells “A1” and “A2”. When the arrow pointer appears, I click on the frame and drag it to column “C”. When the gray frame is above cells “C1”, “C2”, I release the mouse button.

    By dragging a cell's fill handle, you can copy it to other cells in the same row or the same column.

    Fill marker -This a small black square in the corner of the highlighted range. Once on the fill marker, the pointer takes the form of a black cross.

    To copy the contents of the selected range to adjacent cells, I press the left mouse button and move the mouse in the desired direction.

    -Place the mouse pointer in the lower right corner of the frame of cell “B1”;

    -I select cell “B1” containing the data that needs to be copied;

    I drag the fill marker through the cells to be filled to cell “B5”. (See Fig. 4)

    Rice. 4 (copy data using fill handle)

    1.4 Inserting and deleting cells, columns and rows. Delete cells, columns, and rows

    Delete cells, columns, and rows

    You can use the Delete command to remove cells from a worksheet. Unlike the Clear command, which clears the formats, content, or notes in a cell but leaves the cells in place, the Delete command removes the selected cell or range from the worksheet. The Clear command works like an eraser, and the Delete command works like scissors.

    -I highlight column “C” (by clicking on the column header) to be deleted;

    -In the "Edit" menu, select the "Delete" command.

    I delete the necessary data. (See Figure 5)

    Rice. 5 (Using the Delete Cells command)

    Inserting cells, columns, and rows

    Commands from the Insert menu can be used to add cells, columns, and rows to a worksheet.

    -I select column “B” (by clicking on the column header);

    -I select the “Columns” command from the “Insert” menu. The contents of column "B" will move to column "C" , leaving the inserted column "B" blank and ready for new information to be entered. (See Fig. 6 (a, b))

    Rice. 6(a) (Using the Insert Columns Command)

    Rice. 6 (b) (Using the Insert Columns command)

    -I select line “3” above which I want to insert a new one;

    -I select the “Strings” command from the “Insert” menu. (See Fig. 7 (a, b))

    Rice. 7(a) (Using the Insert Rows Command)

    Rice. 7 (b) (Using the Insert Rows command)

    -I select the range of cells “A2:B8”;

    -I select the “Cells” command from the “Insert” menu.

    In the “Add Cells” dialog box that appears, check the box for the “cells, shift right” command. . I click on the “OK” button .
    (See Fig. 8 (a, b))

    Rice. 8 (a)Fig. 8 (b)

    Rice. 8 (a, b) (Using the “Insert Cells” command)

    .5 Creating lists and series using AutoComplete. Filling and creating rows with the mouse

    By dragging the "fill handle" of a cell, you can copy it to other cells in the same row or the same column. If a cell contains a number, date, or time period that may be part of a series, its value is incremented when copied.

    Fill marker - This a small black square in the corner of the highlighted range. Once on the fill marker, the pointer takes the form of a black cross. (See Fig. 9)

    Rice. 9 (Fill marker)

    To copy the contents of the selected range into adjacent cells or fill them with similar data (for example, days of the week), I hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse in the desired direction.

    Here are some examples of series created using the fill handle based on various highlighted values. The values ​​in column "A" were entered, and the values ​​to the right of column "A" were obtained using autofill using the fill handle. Example 1:

    -I create a new file;

    -On “Sheet 1”, in cell “A1” I enter the data - “01.01.01”;

    -I select the cell containing the data that needs to be copied;

    -I drag the fill marker through the cells to be filled to cell “H 1”. (See Fig. 10)

    Rice. 10 (Copy data using fill handle)

    Columns "A" and "B" contain values ​​with different intervals, and columns from "C" to "H" show how AutoFill can extrapolate a series based on the selection, even when cells contain both text and numbers.

    -I create a new file;

    -To cell "A1" I enter “19:00”, and in cell “B1” I enter “19:30”;

    -I select cells “A1”, “B1” containing the data that needs to be copied;

    -I drag the fill marker through the cells to be filled to cell “H1”.

    Rice. 11 (Filling cells with a fill handle)

    When creating rows, I dragged the fill handle to the right and the values ​​increased. But you can drag the fill handle down and the values ​​will increase. You can also create a series with decreasing values ​​by dragging the fill handle up or to the left. Example 3:

    -I create a new file;

    -I enter any initial values ​​into the cell on the right at the end of the range that I want to fill;

    -I drag the fill handle back to the beginning of the range.

    Rice. 12 (Filling cells with fill handle)

    However, you can also specify your own data sequences.

    1.6 Entering a series of dates

    An ordered series of dates in a row or column can be specified in several ways, but the easiest way to do this is using the Progression command. Using this command, you can create date series in increments of a day, week, month or year.

    -To cell "C2" I enter the date “01.04.02” . I press “Enter”. I return to cell “C2”;

    -I execute the "Edit" command è "Fill" è "Progression". In the “Progression” dialog box that opens, in the “Location” field, specify “by columns”.

    In the “Type” field I indicate “Dates” . In the “Units” field I indicate “day”. In the “Step” field I indicate “1” . In the “Limit value” field I enter “04/07/02”; (See Fig. 13)

    Rice. 13 (Using the Progression Command)

    -I press the “OK” button . (See Fig. 14)

    Rice. 14 (Entering a series of dates using the Progression command)

    2. Setting formats for borders and lines

    Borders are used to highlight headings, totals, and parts of the table.

    -Select the range of cells “A1:G7”;

    -In the “Format” menu, select the “Cells” command, and then in the “Format Cells” dialog box that opens (See Fig. 15) go to the “Border” tab;

    -I select the desired boundaries and line type. I click "OK". (See Fig. 16)

    Rice. 15 (Format Cells Dialog Box)

    Rice. 16 (Result of applying boundaries)

    2.1 Using diagonal borders

    Sometimes you need to use the top left cell of a table more effectively, for example, to display a row and column header at the same time. In Excel, you can use the diagonal border available on the Border tab of the Format Cells dialog box to create a cell with two headings.

    To do this I perform the following steps:

    -Select cell “A3” and enter about 13 spaces;

    -I enter “Exam No.” in cell “A3”, caption for table column headings .

    -While holding down the Alt key, I press Enter twice to enter two line breaks in the cell;

    -I enter “Student” , caption for table row headings;

    -I press the “Enter” key;

    -I select this cell again, then in the “Format” menu I select the “Cells” command;

    -On the “Borders” tab, select the line type and click the button with the border diagonally down;

    -I go to the “Alignment” tab and check the “Word Wrap” checkbox;

    I press the OK button . (See Fig. 17)

    Rice. 17 (Use diagonal borders)

    3. Elementary functions. Creating formulas using the Function Wizard

    Functions perform common mathematical calculations; Perform standard calculations and other data manipulations by working with formulas and values. Function names always end with parentheses, for example SUM(), AVERAGE()... The number of arguments in a function can vary. Arguments, if any, are enclosed in parentheses. For example, the SUUM() function calculates the sum of any values ​​specified in the list of arguments to this function (SUM (A1, B3, H4:J6, K7)).

    An argument is the value that the function operates on. Function arguments are enclosed in parentheses.

    Functions can be entered manually, or you can use the Function Wizard.


    I believe that every personal computer user should be able to work in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. This program provides the ability to work with accounting data and allows you to quickly and correctly make calculations.

    When writing the work, I tried to reveal and describe the basic principles of working with a spreadsheet processor: entering and editing data, creating lists, setting formats, using functions and formulas.

    Literature used

    1.S.V. Glushakov; D.V. Lomotko; V.V. Melnikov. “Working in a spreadsheet processor” Training course. Kharkov “Folio”, Moscow “Ast” 2001

    2.A.Yu. Gaevsky “Informatics 7-11 grades. 2nd edition. Kyiv "ASK Publishing House" 2004

    V.V. Fedko; V.I. Plotkin “MS Office” Kharkov publishing house “Ranok”, “Vesta” 2003

    4.S.V. Glushakov; A.S. Serious "Personal Computer" 5th Edition. Kharkov "Folio"


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    Excel application

    2.2. Spreadsheet processors

    2.2.2. Editing and formatting Microsoft Excel worksheets

    Any processing of information begins with its input into a computer. You can enter text, numbers, dates, times, sequential data series and formulas into MS Excel spreadsheets.

    Data entry is carried out in three stages:

    • cell selection;
    • data entry;
    • confirmation of input (press Enter key).

    Once the data is entered, it must be presented on the screen in a specific format. There are different categories of format codes for presenting data in MS Excel.

    To edit data in a cell, you must double-click on the cell and edit or correct the data.

    Editing operations include:

    • deleting and inserting rows, columns, cells and sheets;
    • copying and moving cells and blocks of cells;
    • editing text and numbers in cells.

    Formatting operations include:

    • changing number formats or the way numbers are represented;
    • changing column widths;
    • alignment of text and numbers in cells;
    • changing font and color;
    • Selecting the type and color of the border;
    • Filling cells.

    Entering numbers and text

    Any information that is processed on a computer can be represented in the form of numbers or text. By default, Excel enters numbers and text in the General format.

    Entering text

    Text is any sequence of characters entered into a cell that cannot be interpreted by Excel as a number, formula, date, or time of day. The entered text is aligned left in the cell.

    To enter text, select the cell and type the text using the keyboard. A cell can hold up to 255 characters. If you need to enter some numbers as text, then select the cells, and then select the Format / Cells command. Next, select the “Number” tab and select Text from the list of formats that appears. Another way to enter a number as text is to precede the number with an apostrophe.

    If the text does not fit into the cell, then you need to increase the column width or allow word wrapping (Format / Cells, Alignment tab).

    Entering numbers

    Numeric data are numeric constants: 0 - 9, +, -, /, *, E, %, period and comma. When working with numbers, you must be able to change the type of entered numbers: the number of decimal places, the type of integer part, the order and sign of the number.

    Excel independently determines whether the information entered is a number. If the characters entered into the cell relate to text, then after confirming the entry into the cell, they are aligned to the left edge of the cell, and if the characters form a number, then to the right edge of the cell.

    Entering consecutive data series

    Data series are data that differ from each other by a fixed step. However, the data does not have to be numeric.

    To create data series you need to do the following:

    1. Enter the first term of the series into the cell.
    2. Select the area where the row will be located. To do this, you need to move the mouse pointer to the fill marker, and at this moment, when the white cross turns into black, press the left mouse button. Next, while holding down the mouse button, you need to select the desired part of the row or column. After you release the mouse button, the selected area will be filled with data.

    Data Format

    Data in MS Excel is displayed on the screen in a specific format. By default, information is displayed in the General format. You can change the format for presenting information in selected cells. To do this, run the Format / Cells command.

    The “Format Cells” dialog box will appear, in which you need to select the “Number” tab. On the left side of the “Format Cells” dialog box, in the “Number Formats” list, you can see the names of all formats used in Excel.

    Rice. 1.

    For each category format, a list of its codes is provided. In the right “Type” window, you can view all the format codes that are used to present information on the screen. To represent data, you can use MS Excel's built-in format codes or enter your own (custom) format code. To enter a format code, select the line (all formats) and enter the format code characters in the “Type” input field.

    Data presentation style

    One way to organize data in Excel is to introduce a style. To create a style, use the Format / Style command. Executing this command opens the “Style” dialog box.

    You can enter three types of data into Excel table cells: text, number, formula. Data is entered directly into the current cell or into the formula bar. In any case, the entered data is displayed both in the cell and in the formula bar.

    General data entry rules

  • Select a cell.
  • Enter data directly from the keyboard into a cell or formula bar.
  • Confirm your entry. You can confirm your entry in one of three ways: press the key Enter or Tab; press the button Enter(check mark) in the formula bar; select any other cell on the worksheet (cannot be used when entering formulas).
  • If you enter an incorrect character, you can delete it. To delete a character to the left of the text cursor, press the key Back Space.When entering data, you cannot move the text cursor in a cell using the keyboard keys. This can only be done using the mouse. You must move the mouse pointer and left-click once. To stop entering data in a cell, you must press Esc or button Cancel(cross) in the formula bar. A cell can contain up to 32,767 characters. The exception is formulas. The length of the entry for the formula is 8192 characters. Text data represent a string of characters of arbitrary length. Anything that cannot be interpreted by Excel as a number or formula is interpreted by the program as text. Text data is automatically aligned to the left edge of the cell. When the length of the text exceeds the width of the cell, part of it is displayed in the adjacent cell if it is empty. Otherwise, the text is “cut off”; in this case, you can increase the column width. Arrange text on multiple lines in one cell in two ways: When entering text, you cannot hyphenate words using the hyphen (-) key. This may complicate subsequent work with the data (sorting, sampling, etc.). Numeric data – these are integers or real numbers. The fractional part must be separated from the whole part by a comma. The most convenient way to type numbers is on the small numeric keypad (with the Num Lock indicator on) - the point on this part of the keyboard corresponds to the decimal point. Numbers are automatically aligned to the right edge of the cell. When you initially enter a number (before changing the column widths), the cell may display an 11-digit number. In this case, the column width may automatically increase. If you enter a larger number, the number will be displayed in exponential format. If the column width has been reduced and the number does not fit in the cell, then the symbols #### are displayed in the cell instead of the number. In this case, the number can be seen in the formula bar or as a tooltip when you hover the mouse over the cell. A cell can display a number by increasing the column width or by decreasing the font size. The largest number that can be entered in a cell is 9.99999999999999*10,307 . The accuracy of number representation is 15 digits (significant digits). You can enter numbers with simple fractions. When entering from the keyboard, a simple fraction is separated from the integer part of the number by a space. The formula bar displays a simple fraction as a decimal .

    To make it easier to represent large numbers, groups of digits can be separated by spaces when entering. For example, the number 12345678 can be entered as 12 345 678. In the formula bar, the number will be displayed without spaces between the digits

    Groups of number digits (with the exception of the first group) must necessarily include three characters. Otherwise, the data in the cell will not be perceived as a number. The format with the thousand separator is stored in the cell. After clearing the contents of a cell and entering new numeric information (including dates and times), the specified number format will automatically be applied to the cell. To be able to enter other numeric information, you must clear the cell format. In most cases, you should enter numbers without specifying a dimension. Otherwise, such information is not perceived as a number. The exception is the designation of the ruble (you should enter a number, and then the letter p with a dot), as well as percent (you should enter a number, and then the percent symbol). The designation of the ruble and percentage is stored in the cell. After clearing the contents of the cell and entering a different number, the established designation will automatically be applied to it. To be able to enter other numeric information, it is necessary to clear the cell format. In some cases, it is necessary to enter numbers that, in fact, are text and should not be recognized as numbers. These could be, for example, bank account numbers, telephone numbers, codes and articles, postal codes, house and apartment numbers, etc. In order for Microsoft Excel to automatically assign a text format to such numbers, you must enter an apostrophe (") before the number. . This symbol is displayed only in the formula bar, but is not displayed in the cell. Such a cell will be marked in the upper left corner with a green triangle. When you select such a cell, a button may appear on the left. Source of error. If you entered an apostrophe before a number on purpose, you should click on the button and select the command Skip error. If the apostrophe before the number is entered incorrectly, you should click on the button and select the command Convert to number.

    Numeric data has several formats, including Date And Time.

    Microsoft Excel accepts dates starting from January 1, 1900. Dates before January 1, 1900 are treated as text. The largest possible date is December 31, 9999. An arbitrary date should be entered in the following order: day of the month, month, year. You can use a period (.), a hyphen (-), or a fraction (/) as delimiters. In this case, all data is entered in numerical form. There is no period at the end. For example, to enter the date August 12, 1918 from the keyboard into a cell, you would enter:

  • 12.8.1918 or
  • 12-8-1918 or
  • 12/8/1918.
  • When entering the year, you can limit yourself to two digits if we are talking about dates from January 1, 1930 to December 31, 2029. For example, to enter the date April 12, 1961 from the keyboard into a cell, just enter:
  • 12.4.61 or
  • 12-4-61 or
  • 12/4/61.
  • For dates current decade The year can be indicated in one digit. For example, to enter the date November 2, 2002 from the keyboard into a cell, just enter:
  • 2.11.2 or
  • 2-11-2 or
  • 2/11/2.
  • Regardless of the input method, the date in the cell is initially displayed as complete format. When entering the date current year you can limit yourself to entering only the day of the month and month using the same separators. For example, to enter the date November 2 of this year from the keyboard into a cell, just enter:
  • 2.11 or
  • 2-11 or
  • 2/11.
  • But then the date in the cell will initially be displayed in short format

    The current date can be entered using a key combination Ctrl + Shift + 4.

    Regardless of the input method and subsequent formatting, the date in the formula bar is always displayed in full format: DD.MM.YYYY.

    The time should be entered in this order: hour, minutes, seconds. However, it is not necessary to enter seconds. Colons (:) should be used as delimiters. There is no period at the end. For example, to enter the time 14 hours 12 minutes 00 seconds in a cell, just enter: 14:12.

    To display the time of day in 12-hour format, enter the letter a or p (required in the English keyboard layout), separated by a space from the time value, for example 9:00 p. Once entered, the time will be displayed with the designation PM

    To enter the current time, you can press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + 6.

    A cell can contain both a date and a time. To do this, you enter the date, enter a space, and then enter the time. You can also enter in the reverse order: first the time, and then the date, but there must be a space.

    The date (time) format is stored in the cell. After clearing the contents of the cell and entering other numeric information, it will automatically take on the form of a date (time). To be able to enter other numeric information, you must clear the cell format.

    Numeric data format you can install: Formulas. Entering a formula must always begin with the symbol " = "(equal sign). The formula may contain numeric constants, cell references And functions Excel connected by symbols of mathematical operations. Parentheses allow you to change the standard order of actions.

    Replacing content

    To replace the contents of a cell, just select it, enter new data and confirm the entry.

    Please note that when you enter certain types of numeric data (dates, times, numbers with thousands separators, percentages, etc.), the data format in the cell is automatically set. Entering new numeric data instead of existing ones may cause them to be displayed incorrectly. So, if a date was previously entered in a cell, then after entering a regular number, Microsoft Excel converts it to a date. For example, the number 178 would be displayed as the date 06/26/1900. In this case, you should clear the cell format.

    Editing Content

    You can edit the contents of a cell directly in the cell or in the formula bar.

    When editing content directly in a cell, you must double-click on it with the left mouse button so that the text cursor begins to blink in the cell, or select the cell and press the key F2. After this, make the necessary editing and confirm the data entry.

    When editing the contents of a cell in the formula bar, you must click the left mouse button in the formula bar so that the text cursor begins to blink in it. After this, make the necessary editing and confirm the data entry.

    To delete the character to the right of the text cursor, press the key Delete, to delete the character to the left of the text cursor, use the key BackSpace. To make it easier to work in cell editing mode, you can select text fragments. To select one word, just double-click on it with the left mouse button. To select an arbitrary fragment, move the mouse pointer over it while holding down the left mouse button. In addition, fragments of cell text can be selected by moving the cursor using the keyboard keys while pressing the key Shift.

    2.2. Input automation tools

    Because tables often contain repetitive or similar data, Excel provides input automation tools. Such funds include auto-completion And autocomplete


    When you enter text data into a continuous row of cells in the same column, you can use autocompletion. As you enter text data into the next cell, Excel checks that the entered characters correspond to the values ​​​​available in this column above. If a match is found between the first characters, the entered text is automatically completed with the existing value. Keystroke Confirms the auto-completion operation. If the text should be different, you should continue entering without paying attention to the proposed option.

    Automatic entry occurs only for entries that contain text or text combined with numbers. Entries consisting entirely of numbers, dates or times must be entered yourself.


    There is a black square in the lower right corner of the current cell - fill marker.When you hover the mouse pointer over this marker, it takes the form of a thin black cross. Dragging the fill marker is considered an operation of “multiplying” the contents of the cell in the horizontal or vertical direction. In this case, you must first enter a value in the cell, then make the cell active again and drag the marker.

    Autocomplete with numbers

    Reaching out left mouse button marker of a cell containing a number will copy that number to subsequent cells. If you hold down the key while dragging the marker , then the cells will be filled with consecutive numbers (Figure 2.1).

    Dragging to the right or down increases the number; dragging to the left or up decreases the value. A tooltip appears as you drag.As you drag the fill handle right click A context menu will appear in which you can select the desired command: · Copy - all cells will contain the same number; · Fill - cells will contain sequential values ​​(with an arithmetic progression step of 1).

    Filling with numbers in increments different from 1

    1 way:
    1. fill two adjacent cells with the required values;
    2. select these cells;
    3. stretch the fill marker (Figure 2.2).

    Method 2:
    1. enter the initial value in the first cell;
    2. stretch fill marker right mouse button;
    3. select the command in the context menu Progression;
    4. in the dialog box, select the type of progression - arithmetic and set the desired step size (in our example it is 3).

    3 way:

    Autocomplete text

    If the cell contains text and number (For example, Product 1), then when dragging the marker left button mouse will change the numerical value ( Product 2, Product 3,…), and when the key is pressed , the content will be copied.Pull right click will call a context menu in which the desired command is selected. If the cell contains only text data , then dragging the marker copies the text except for special values ​​that are designated list items. Such values ​​are, for example, the names of days of the week and months. You can view sets of lists and define new lists in the dialog box Microsoft Office ButtonExcel Options button select section Basic and then in the group Basic parameters for working with Excel click the button Change lists..When autofilling list items, the same rule applies as with numbers: when dragging to the right or down, it increases (forward in the list), when dragging to the left or up, it decreases (back through the list). To fill a cell with a text value already in the list given column, you can use the cell context menu command Select from drop-down list.

    2.3. Data editing

    Changing the contents of a cell(methods):
    • activate the cell, enter a new value;
    • activate the cell, click in the cell contents field of the formula bar, make changes;
    • Double-click in the cell (a text cursor will appear in it) and make changes.
    Deleting the contents of a cell (range):

    2.4. Selecting table fragments

    When selected, the mouse pointer should look like a white cross. Selected cells are shaded except for the one that started the selection. The entire group of selected cells is surrounded by a frame (Figure 2.3). Two or more adjacent cells are called a range and are designated by indicating the addresses of the outermost cells separated by a colon, for example, B2:D5.

    Select a range of cells:
    Select non-adjacent ranges cells – add further cells (ranges) to the selection by holding down the key .Select entire column – click on its title, i.e. on the letter. This selects all 1,048,576 cells of the current column. Select entire line – click on its title, i.e. on digital. This selects all 16,384 cells of the current row. Select multiple columns (lines) – drag the mouse over their headings while holding down the left button. Select entire worksheet – click in the upper left corner of the workspace (at the intersection of the row and column headings) or press the key combination +A.Deselect – click on any cell of the worksheet.

    2.5. Moving, copying data

    You can copy or move the contents of a single cell or range. These operations are performed in two main ways:
    1. drag and drop
    2. using the clipboard.
    The first method is convenient when moving over a short distance over a small range. Mouse drag

    To move the contents, move the mouse pointer over the cell (range) frame and when it looks like arrows, drag while holding down the left button.

    As you drag, a tooltip appears indicating the insertion point. To copy while dragging, you must hold down the key .Drag and drop right click mouse will call up a context menu in which the desired option for completing the operation is selected. Using the clipboard .In Excel, as in any Windows program, placing to the clipboard is done with the commands Copy / Cut, and insertion with the command Insert. These commands select:

    • in the context menu of the current cell (range),
    • on the tab Home in the group Clipboard,
    The insertion location is determined by specifying the cell corresponding to the upper left corner of the range placed on the clipboard. When selecting the paste range, you must ensure that its size exactly matches the copied range. Transferring information via the clipboard has special features in Excel. Pasting data is only possible immediately after it is placed on the clipboard. Performing any other operation cancels the copying or moving process that has started. However, no data loss occurs because the “cut” data is removed from its original location only when it is inserted into a new position. In order for the copied data to be saved to the clipboard for further work, it is necessary before starting the copy operation on the tab Home in the group Clipboard click on the button. Panel Clipboards will appear in task areas Excel window (on the left side of the screen). In this case, you can add new data to the buffer (up to 24 items), perform other operations, and paste data from the buffer at any time and into any Microsoft Office application. Accumulated items remain on the clipboard until you close all applications. By clicking the button Options at the bottom of the clipboard panel, you can set the option Collect data without displaying the clipboard. Excel allows you to paste not only copied values ​​from the clipboard, but also formats, formulas, etc. Button Insert in the toolbar is equipped with an arrow that reveals a list of insertion options:

    Formulas– used when copying formulas;
    Paste values– only values ​​are inserted, even if the cell contained a formula;
    no frames– inserting values ​​without bordering cells;
    Transpose– when inserting, change the orientation of the cells on the worksheet (from vertical to horizontal and vice versa);
    Insert Link– the copied value will contain a link to the original cell.
    Special insert opens a dialog box for setting additional paste options. If the command Insert call not from the toolbar button, but from the context menu of the insertion cell (or HomeClipboard Paste), then a button will appear next to the value inserted into the cell Paste Options(Figure 2.4), clicking on which will open a list of parameters (Figure 2.5)

    Note. Button Paste Options appears only when pasting copied data, but not cut data.